function triveneto_response_interface($template)
     global $wp_query;
     // If the 'triveneto_response_interface' query var isn't appended to the URL,
     // don't do anything and return default
     if (!isset($wp_query->query['triveneto_response_interface'])) {
         return $template;
     // .. otherwise,
     if ($wp_query->query['triveneto_response_interface'] == '1') {
         // Load basics
         require_once 'wp/wp-load.php';
         require_once plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . '/classes/PgConsTriv.php';
         // Check if we have the $_POST vars
         if (!isset($_POST) || empty($_POST)) {
             // if not ... nothing to see here
             header('Location:' . get_home_url());
         // Log the $_POST vars received
         $postvars = print_r($_POST, true);
         PgConsTriv::triveneto_log('[PostVars] ' . $postvars);
         // Log Errors if any
         if (isset($_POST['Error']) && isset($_POST['ErrorText'])) {
             // Get vars
             $Error = $_POST['Error'];
             $ErrorText = $_POST['ErrorText'];
             // record to log
             PgConsTriv::triveneto_log('Detected error: ' . $Error . ' => ' . $ErrorText);
         // Process the order
         if (isset($_POST['trackid'])) {
             // Get vars
             $trackid = intval($_POST['trackid']);
             // Create the Order object
             $order = new WC_Order($trackid);
             // Mark as 'Processing'
             $order->update_status('processing', __('Received successful TrivenetoBassilichi payment', 'woocommerce_gateway_tvb'));
             // log
             PgConsTriv::triveneto_log('Received successful TrivenetoBassilichi payment');
             // Order successful URL
             $url = $order->get_checkout_order_received_url();
             // Command the redirection to the ThankYou page
             echo "REDIRECT=" . $url;
     return $template;