Exemple #1
 public function run()
     // Determine the Correct Route
     $router = RouteController::getController();
     $route = $router->findRouteForURL($this->request->url());
     // Found Route? (default if not)
     if ($route) {
         // CSRF Protection (allow Stripe to avoid) -- if route name changes, it needs to change here!
         if ($route->action() != 'stripeNotification') {
             (new CSRFProtection())->enable();
         // Determine the Target Details...
         $target = array("controller" => $route->controller(), "method" => $route->method(), "args" => $route->extractArgs($this->request->url()));
         // Check Class & Method Exists...
         if (@method_exists($target['controller'], $target['method'])) {
             // Object Instantiation
             $instance = is_a($this, $target['controller']) ? $this : new $target['controller']();
             // don't re-instantiate the AppController (self) if we're the target
             $instance->route_args = $target['args'];
             // provide target controller access to arguments in the route URL
             // Handover Control
             // args are optional, can be null
             // Log the Performance Data...
             if (isTrue(AppConfig::getValue('log_performance'))) {
             // We need to return at this point, or we'll drop into the 404 code...
             return true;
     // Show a Friendly Error Page (fallback)
     $this->view = new HTMLView(true);
     $this->view->includeTemplate('error.not-found', ['app_name' => AppConfig::getValue('app_name')]);
Exemple #2
 public function query($sql, $data = null, array $allowed_errors = array())
      * Should an array containing allowed error codes be supplied, it instructs this function to ignore terminating for errors contained within the array.
      * Codes should be supplied as strings, or it is open to accidental conversion of octal numbers, e.g. 00100 would be seen as 64 (octal) not 100 (decimal)!
      * Common Codes:
      * 	23505 : duplicate key
      * Search 'SQL-92 SQLSTATE Codes' for more information...
      * Good Page: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2e/v9r1f1/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.db2e.doc/adg/sql11.htm
     if (!strlen($sql)) {
         if ($this->inTransaction) {
         exit('Zero length query string (SQL statement) passed to query().');
         // ignore whether to terminate or not, no SQL is just plain wrong!
     // register query
     $dbh = $this->handle;
     // handle to db
     // SET Schema
     $dbh->exec("SET search_path TO {$this->schema}");
     if ($data) {
         // Prepared Query
         $query = $dbh->prepare($sql);
         if (!$query || $dbh->errorCode() != '00000') {
             if (!in_array($dbh->errorCode(), $allowed_errors)) {
                 if ($this->inTransaction) {
                 exit('Error preparing query "' . $sql . '", Data: ' . print_r($data, TRUE) . $this->pdoError($dbh));
         } else {
             // Bind Values (PDO defaults to STR)
             foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
                 switch (true) {
                     case is_int($value):
                         $type = PDO::PARAM_INT;
                     case is_bool($value):
                         $type = PDO::PARAM_BOOL;
                     case is_null($value):
                         $type = PDO::PARAM_NULL;
                         $type = PDO::PARAM_STR;
                 $query->bindValue($key, $value, $type);
             // Execute Query
             if ($query->errorCode() != '00000') {
                 if (!in_array($query->errorCode(), $allowed_errors)) {
                     if ($this->inTransaction) {
                     exit('Error executing prepared query "' . $sql . '", Data: ' . print_r($data, TRUE) . $this->pdoError($query));
             } else {
                 return $query;
                 // worked
     } else {
         // Literal Query
         $query = $dbh->query($sql);
         if (!$query || $dbh->errorCode() != '00000') {
             if (!in_array($dbh->errorCode(), $allowed_errors)) {
                 if ($this->inTransaction) {
                 exit('Error executing literal query "' . $sql . '".' . $this->pdoError($dbh));
         } else {
             if ($query->errorCode() != '00000') {
                 if (!in_array($query->errorCode(), $allowed_errors)) {
                     if ($this->inTransaction) {
                     exit('Error executing literal query "' . $sql . '".' . $this->pdoError($query));
             } else {
                 return $query;
                 // worked
     // The query failed and the caller wants to handle the error itself, if we can return a query handle then do so, otherwise return false (last resort).
     return $query ? $query : false;
Exemple #3
define('LIB_EXT_ROOT', APP_ROOT . 'lib-ext/');
define('TEMPLATE_ROOT', APP_ROOT . 'templates/');
// Assign File Locations
define('ROUTES_FILE', ETC_ROOT . 'routes.json');
define('CONFIG_FILE', ETC_ROOT . 'application.conf.ini');
// Assign Log File DEFINEs
define('ERROR_LOG', LOG_ROOT . 'error.log');
define('WARNING_LOG', LOG_ROOT . 'warning.log');
define('INFO_LOG', LOG_ROOT . 'info.log');
define('PERFORMANCE_LOG', LOG_ROOT . 'performance.log');
define('SECURITY_LOG', LOG_ROOT . 'security.log');
define('STRIPE_LOG', LOG_ROOT . 'stripe.log');
// Load Custom Function Library
require_once LIB_ROOT . 'functions.php';
// Class Auto-Loading
spl_autoload_register(function ($class) {
    @(include LIB_ROOT . strtolower($class) . '.php');
    // @ to allow passthru on fail (observe hierarchy)
// Composer (vendor) Auto-Loading
require_once LIB_EXT_ROOT . 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Domain/Cookie Setup (using config file, so load after autoloader)
$appDomain = AppConfig::getValue('cookie_domain');
define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', is_string($appDomain) && !empty($appDomain) ? $appDomain : $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
// default to current server name
// this is the hostname we use in URLs
// Update (start) the Performance Monitor
// Launch the AppController
(new AppController())->run();