public function mbox()
     $mbox = parent::mbox();
     $mbox["type"] = "Slider";
     $mbox["content"] = array("delay" => array("label" => __("Delay", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Time in seconds before the slider rotates to next slide.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => PeGlobal::$const->data->delay, "default" => 0), "autopause" => array("label" => __("Autopause", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "description" => __("Pause timer when mouse is over the slider.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "RadioUI", "options" => array(__("Enabled", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "enabled", __("Disabled", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => ""), "default" => ""), "layout" => array("label" => __("Layout", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "description" => __("A boxed slider (default) behaves like a responsive image. A full width slider will always fill all the available width and upscale the image if smaller than slider area.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "RadioUI", "options" => array(__("Boxed", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "boxed", __("Full Width", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "fullwidth"), "default" => "boxed"), "max" => array("label" => __("Max height", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Number", "description" => __("Maximum slider height.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "default" => 600), "min" => array("label" => __("Min height", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Number", "description" => __("Minimum slider height.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "default" => 0));
     return $mbox;
Exemple #2
 public function mbox()
     $mbox = parent::mbox();
     $mbox["type"] = "GalleryPost";
     $mbox["content"] = array("max" => array("label" => __("Thumbnails", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Text", "description" => __("Maximum number of thumbnails to show in the main page. Regardless this setting, all gallery images would still be shown inside the lightbox window.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "default" => "1000"), "type" => array("label" => __("Lightbox Gallery Transition", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Choose image transition when viewed inside the lightbox: <strong>Slide</strong> Slides left/right. <strong>Shutter</strong> Black and white zoom effect.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => array(__("Slide", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "default", __("Shutter", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "shutter"), "default" => "default"), "bw" => array("label" => __("Black & White", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "RadioUI", "description" => __("Enable Black & White effect.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => array(__("yes", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "yes", __("no", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "no"), "default" => "no"), "scale" => array("label" => __("Scale Mode", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "section" => __("General", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "description" => __("This setting determins how the images are scaled / cropped when displayed in the browser window.\"<strong>Fit</strong>\" fits the whole image into the browser ignoring surrounding space.\"<strong>Fill</strong>\" fills the whole browser area by cropping the image if necessary. The Max version will also upscale the image.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => array(__("Fit", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "fit", __("Fit (Max)", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "fitmax", __("Fill", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "fill", __("Fill (Max)", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin') => "fillmax"), "default" => "fit"));
     return $mbox;
Exemple #3
 public function mbox()
     $mbox = parent::mbox();
     $mbox["content"] = array("delay" => array("label" => __("Delay", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Time in seconds before the slider rotates to next slide", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => PeGlobal::$const->data->delay, "default" => 0));
     return $mbox;
 public function mbox()
     $mbox = parent::mbox();
     $mbox["content"] = array("layout" => array("label" => __("Layout", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "RadioUI", "description" => __("Select the required post layout.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => PeGlobal::$config["blog"], "default" => ""), "media" => array("label" => __("Show Media", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "RadioUI", "description" => __("Specify if the post's image/video/gallery media is displayed.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => PeGlobal::$const->data->yesno, "default" => "yes"), "pager" => array("label" => __("Paged Result", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "RadioUI", "description" => __("Display a pager when more posts are found than specified in the 'Maximum' field. ", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => PeGlobal::$const->data->yesno, "default" => "yes"), "loadMore" => array("label" => __("Load More", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "RadioUI", "description" => __("When 'Paged Result' is active (and a value is set in the 'Maximum' field), enabling this option will replace the pager element with a single 'Load More' button. Once clicked, it will load new items in the background and add them to the current page.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => PeGlobal::$const->data->yesno, "default" => "no"));
     return $mbox;
Exemple #5
 public function mbox()
     $mbox = parent::mbox();
     $mbox["content"] = array("layout" => array("label" => __("Layout", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "RadioUI", "description" => __("Select the required post layout.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => PeGlobal::$config["blog"], "default" => ""), "media" => array("label" => __("Show Media", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "RadioUI", "description" => __("Specify if the post's image/video/gallery media is displayed.", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => PeGlobal::$const->data->yesno, "default" => "yes"), "pager" => array("label" => __("Paged Result", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "RadioUI", "description" => __("Display a pager when more posts are found than specified in the 'Maximum' field. ", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => PeGlobal::$const->data->yesno, "default" => "yes"));
     return $mbox;