  * folder_slug_exists
  * Checks to see if a given folder $slug exists within any of the given $folders
  * @param array  $folders  List of folders to look through
  * @param string  $slug  Slug to check for
  * @return boolean
 public static function folder_slug_exists($folders, $slug)
     foreach ($folders as $key => $entry) {
         $nslug = substr(Path::clean($entry['slug']), 2);
         if ($nslug == $slug) {
             return true;
     return false;
 public static function get_content_tree($directory = '/', $depth = 1, $max_depth = 5, $folders_only = false, $include_entries = false, $hide_hidden = true, $include_content = false, $site_root = false)
     // $folders_only = true only page.md
     // folders_only = false includes any numbered or non-numbered page (excluding anything with a fields.yaml file)
     // if include_entries is true then any numbered files are included
     $content_root = Config::getContentRoot();
     $content_type = Config::getContentType();
     $site_root = $site_root ? $site_root : Config::getSiteRoot();
     $current_url = Path::tidy($site_root . '/' . Request::getResourceURI());
     $taxonomy_url = false;
     if (Taxonomy::isTaxonomyURL($current_url)) {
         list($taxonomy_type, $taxonomy_name) = Taxonomy::getCriteria($current_url);
         $taxonomy_url = self::remove_taxonomy_from_path($current_url, $taxonomy_type, $taxonomy_name);
     $directory = '/' . $directory . '/';
     #ensure proper slashing
     if ($directory != '/') {
         $base = Path::tidy("{$content_root}/{$directory}");
     } elseif ($directory == '/') {
         $base = "{$content_root}";
     } else {
         $base = "{$content_root}";
     $files = glob("{$base}/*");
     $data = array();
     if ($files) {
         foreach ($files as $path) {
             $current_name = basename($path);
             if (!Pattern::endsWith($current_name, '.yaml')) {
                 // Hidden page that should be removed
                 if ($hide_hidden && Pattern::startsWith($current_name, '_')) {
                 $node = array();
                 $file = substr($path, strlen($base) + 1, strlen($path) - strlen($base) - strlen($content_type) - 2);
                 if (is_dir($path)) {
                     $folder = substr($path, strlen($base) + 1);
                     $node['type'] = 'folder';
                     $node['slug'] = basename($folder);
                     $node['title'] = ucwords(basename($folder));
                     $node['numeric'] = Slug::getOrderNumber($folder);
                     $node['file_path'] = Path::tidy($site_root . '/' . $directory . '/' . $folder . '/page');
                     if (Slug::isNumeric($folder)) {
                         $pos = strpos($folder, ".");
                         if ($pos !== false) {
                             $node['raw_url'] = Path::tidy(Path::clean($site_root . '/' . $directory . '/' . $folder));
                             $node['url'] = Path::clean($node['raw_url']);
                             $node['title'] = ucwords(basename(substr($folder, $pos + 1)));
                         } else {
                             $node['title'] = ucwords(basename($folder));
                             $node['raw_url'] = Path::tidy($site_root . '/' . $directory . '/' . $folder);
                             $node['url'] = Path::clean($node['raw_url']);
                     } else {
                         $node['title'] = ucwords(basename($folder));
                         $node['raw_url'] = Path::tidy($site_root . '/' . $directory . '/' . $folder);
                         $node['url'] = Path::clean($node['raw_url']);
                     $node['depth'] = $depth;
                     $node['children'] = $depth < $max_depth ? self::get_content_tree($directory . $folder . '/', $depth + 1, $max_depth, $folders_only, $include_entries, $hide_hidden, $include_content, $site_root) : null;
                     $node['is_current'] = $node['raw_url'] == $current_url || $node['url'] == $current_url ? true : false;
                     $node['is_parent'] = false;
                     if ($node['url'] == URL::popLastSegment($current_url) || $taxonomy_url && $node['url'] == $taxonomy_url) {
                         $node['is_parent'] = true;
                     $node['has_children'] = $node['children'] ? true : false;
                     // has entries?
                     if (File::exists(Path::tidy($path . "/fields.yaml"))) {
                         $node['has_entries'] = true;
                     } else {
                         $node['has_entries'] = false;
                     $meta = self::get_content_meta("page", Path::tidy($directory . "/" . $folder), false, true);
                     //$meta = self::get_content_meta("page", Statamic_Helper::reduce_double_slashes($directory."/".$folder));
                     if (isset($meta['title'])) {
                         $node['title'] = $meta['title'];
                     if (isset($meta['last_modified'])) {
                         $node['last_modified'] = $meta['last_modified'];
                     if ($hide_hidden === true && (isset($meta['status']) && ($meta['status'] == 'hidden' || $meta['status'] == 'draft'))) {
                         // placeholder condition
                     } else {
                         $data[] = $include_content ? array_merge($meta, $node) : $node;
                         // print_r($data);
                 } else {
                     if (Pattern::endsWith($path, $content_type)) {
                         if ($folders_only == false) {
                             if ($file == 'page' || $file == 'feed' || $file == '404') {
                                 // $node['url'] = $directory;
                                 // $node['title'] = basename($directory);
                                 // $meta = self::get_content_meta('page', substr($directory, 1));
                                 // $node['depth'] = $depth;
                             } else {
                                 $include = true;
                                 // date based is never included
                                 if (Config::getEntryTimestamps() && Slug::isDateTime(basename($path))) {
                                     $include = false;
                                 } elseif (Slug::isDate(basename($path))) {
                                     $include = false;
                                 } elseif (Slug::isNumeric(basename($path))) {
                                     if ($include_entries == false) {
                                         if (File::exists(Path::tidy(dirname($path) . "/fields.yaml"))) {
                                             $include = false;
                                 if ($include) {
                                     $node['type'] = 'file';
                                     $node['raw_url'] = Path::tidy($directory) . basename($path);
                                     $pretty_url = Path::clean($node['raw_url']);
                                     $node['url'] = substr($pretty_url, 0, -1 * (strlen($content_type) + 1));
                                     $node['is_current'] = $node['url'] == $current_url || $node['url'] == $current_url ? true : false;
                                     $node['slug'] = substr(basename($path), 0, -1 * (strlen($content_type) + 1));
                                     $meta = self::get_content_meta(substr(basename($path), 0, -1 * (strlen($content_type) + 1)), substr($directory, 1), false, true);
                                     //$node['meta'] = $meta;
                                     if (isset($meta['title'])) {
                                         $node['title'] = $meta['title'];
                                     $node['depth'] = $depth;
                                     if ($hide_hidden === true && (isset($meta['status']) && ($meta['status'] == 'hidden' || $meta['status'] == 'draft'))) {
                                     } else {
                                         $data[] = $include_content ? array_merge($meta, $node) : $node;
     return $data;
Exemple #3
  * Updates the internal content cache
  * @return boolean
 public static function update()
     // track if any files have changed
     $files_changed = false;
     // grab length of content type extension
     $content_type = Config::getContentType();
     $full_content_root = rtrim(Path::tidy(BASE_PATH . "/" . Config::getContentRoot()), "/");
     $content_type_length = strlen($content_type) + 1;
     // the cache file we'll use
     $cache_file = BASE_PATH . "/_cache/_app/content/content.php";
     $time_file = BASE_PATH . "/_cache/_app/content/last.php";
     $now = time();
     // grab the existing cache
     $cache = unserialize(File::get($cache_file));
     if (!is_array($cache)) {
         $cache = array("urls" => array(), "content" => array(), "taxonomies" => array());
     $last = File::get($time_file);
     // grab a list of all files
     $finder = new Finder();
     $files = $finder->files()->name("*." . Config::getContentType())->in(Config::getContentRoot());
     // grab a separate list of files that have changed since last check
     $updated_files = clone $files;
     $updated = array();
     if ($last) {
         $updated_files->date(">= " . Date::format("Y-m-d H:i:s", $last));
         foreach ($updated_files as $file) {
             // we don't want directories, they may show up as being modified
             // if a file inside them has changed or been renamed
             if (is_dir($file)) {
             // this isn't a directory, add it to the list
             $updated[] = Path::trimFilesystem(Path::standardize($file->getRealPath()));
     // loop over current files
     $current_files = array();
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $current_files[] = Path::trimFilesystem(Path::standardize($file->getRealPath()));
     // get a diff of files we know about and files currently existing
     $new_files = array_diff($current_files, $cache['urls']);
     // create a master list of files that need updating
     $changed_files = array_unique(array_merge($new_files, $updated));
     // add to the cache if files have been updated
     if (count($changed_files)) {
         $files_changed = true;
         // build content cache
         foreach ($changed_files as $file) {
             $file = $full_content_root . $file;
             $local_path = Path::trimFilesystem($file);
             $local_filename = Path::clean($local_path);
             // file parsing
             $content = substr(File::get($file), 3);
             $divide = strpos($content, "\n---");
             $front_matter = trim(substr($content, 0, $divide));
             // parse data
             $data = YAML::parse($front_matter);
             // set additional information
             $data['_file'] = $file;
             $data['_local_path'] = $local_path;
             $data['_order_key'] = null;
             $data['datetimestamp'] = null;
             // legacy
             $data['datestamp'] = null;
             $data['date'] = null;
             $data['time'] = null;
             $data['numeric'] = null;
             $data['last_modified'] = filemtime($file);
             $data['_is_hidden'] = false;
             $data['_is_draft'] = false;
             // folder
             $data['_folder'] = preg_replace(Pattern::ORDER_KEY, "", str_replace($full_content_root, "", $data['_file']));
             $slash = strrpos($data['_folder'], "/");
             $data['_folder'] = $slash === 0 ? "" : substr($data['_folder'], 1, $slash - 1);
             // fix hidden/draft files
             $slug = basename($file, "." . $content_type);
             if (substr($slug, 0, 2) === "__") {
                 $data['_is_hidden'] = true;
                 $data['slug'] = substr($slug, 2);
             } elseif (substr($slug, 0, 1) === "_") {
                 $data['_is_draft'] = true;
                 $data['slug'] = substr($slug, 1);
             } else {
                 $data['slug'] = $slug;
             $data['_basename'] = $data['slug'] . "." . $content_type;
             $data['_filename'] = $data['slug'];
             $data['_is_entry'] = preg_match(Pattern::ENTRY_FILEPATH, $data['_basename']);
             $data['_is_page'] = preg_match(Pattern::PAGE_FILEPATH, $data['_basename']);
             // 404 is special
             if ($data['_local_path'] === "/404.{$content_type}") {
                 $local_filename = $local_path;
                 // order key
             } elseif (preg_match(Pattern::DATE_OR_DATETIME, $data['_basename'], $matches)) {
                 $date = $matches[1] . '-' . $matches[2] . '-' . $matches[3];
                 $time = NULL;
                 if (isset($matches[4])) {
                     $time = substr($matches[4], 0, 2) . ":" . substr($matches[4], 2);
                     $date = $date . " " . $time;
                     $data['slug'] = substr($data['slug'], 16);
                     $data['datetimestamp'] = $data['_order_key'];
                 } else {
                     $data['slug'] = substr($data['slug'], 11);
                 $data['_order_key'] = strtotime($date);
                 $data['datestamp'] = $data['_order_key'];
                 $data['date'] = Date::format(Config::getDateFormat(), $data['_order_key']);
                 $data['time'] = $time ? Date::format(Config::getTimeFormat(), $data['_order_key']) : NULL;
             } elseif (preg_match(Pattern::NUMERIC, $data['_basename'], $matches)) {
                 $data['_order_key'] = $matches[1];
                 $data['numeric'] = $data['_order_key'];
                 $data['slug'] = substr($data['slug'], strlen($matches[1]) + 1);
             } else {
                 $data['_order_key'] = $data['_basename'];
             // determine url
             $data['url'] = preg_replace("/\\/__?/", "/", $local_filename);
             // remove any content type extensions from the end of filename
             if (substr($data['url'], -$content_type_length) === "." . $content_type) {
                 $data['url'] = substr($data['url'], 0, strlen($data['url']) - $content_type_length);
             // remove any base pages from filename
             if (substr($data['url'], -5) == "/page") {
                 $data['url'] = substr($data['url'], 0, strlen($data['url']) - 5);
             // add the site root
             $data['url'] = Path::tidy(Config::getSiteRoot() . $data['url']);
             // add the site URL to get the permalink
             $data['permalink'] = Path::tidy(Config::getSiteURL() . $data['url']);
             // add to cache file
             $cache['content'][$local_path] = $data;
             $cache['urls'][$data['url']] = $local_path;
     // loop through all cached content for deleted files
     // this isn't as expensive as you'd think in real-world situations
     foreach ($cache['content'] as $local_path => $data) {
         if (File::exists($full_content_root . $local_path)) {
         $files_changed = TRUE;
         // remove from content cache
         // remove from url cache
         $url = array_search($local_path, $cache['urls']);
         if ($url !== FALSE) {
     // build taxonomy cache
     // only happens if files were added, updated, or deleted above
     if ($files_changed) {
         $taxonomies = Config::getTaxonomies();
         $force_lowercase = Config::getTaxonomyForceLowercase();
         $case_sensitive = Config::getTaxonomyCaseSensitive();
         $cache['taxonomies'] = array();
         if (count($taxonomies)) {
             // set up taxonomy array
             foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
                 $cache['taxonomies'][$taxonomy] = array();
             // loop through content to build cached array
             foreach ($cache['content'] as $file => $data) {
                 // do not grab anything not public
                 if (array_get($data, '_is_hidden', FALSE) || array_get($data, '_is_draft', FALSE)) {
                 // loop through the types of taxonomies
                 foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
                     // if this file contains this type of taxonomy
                     if (isset($data[$taxonomy])) {
                         $values = Helper::ensureArray($data[$taxonomy]);
                         // add the file name to the list of found files for a given taxonomy value
                         foreach ($values as $value) {
                             if (!$value) {
                             $key = !$case_sensitive ? strtolower($value) : $value;
                             if (!isset($cache['taxonomies'][$taxonomy][$key])) {
                                 $cache['taxonomies'][$taxonomy][$key] = array("name" => $force_lowercase ? strtolower($value) : $value, "files" => array());
                             array_push($cache['taxonomies'][$taxonomy][$key]['files'], $data['url']);
         if (File::put($cache_file, serialize($cache)) === false) {
             if (!File::isWritable($cache_file)) {
                 Log::fatal("Cache folder is not writable.", "core", "content-cache");
             Log::fatal("Could not write to the cache.", "core", "content-cache");
             return false;
     File::put($time_file, $now);
     return true;
Exemple #4
  * Adds or deletes path aliases
  * @uses  Module::action
  * @uses  Path::load
  * @uses  Path::save
 protected function aliases()
     // Create and save alias for the post
     $values = array();
     $path = Path::load($this->rawurl);
     if ($path) {
         $values['id'] = (int) $path['id'];
     $alias = empty($this->path) ? $this->_object_plural . '/' . $this->title : $this->path;
     $values['source'] = $this->rawurl;
     $values['alias'] = Path::clean($alias);
     $values['type'] = NULL;
     $values['action'] = empty($this->action) ? $this->type : $this->action;
     $values = Module::action('post_aliases', $values, $this);
$output->nav['copyright'] = $root . 'COPYING';
// title and headline
$output->title[0] = 'infoschool';
$output->headline[0] = 'infoschool';
// navigation menu
$output->menu['./'] = 'start';
$output->menu['calendar/'] = 'calendar';
$output->menu['supply/'] = 'supply schedule';
$output->menu['forum/'] = 'Forum';
$output->menu['files/'] = 'file exchange';
$output->menu['messages/'] = 'Messages';
// $output->menu['zensuren/'] = 'grades';
$output->menu['news/'] = 'News';
// $output->menu['benutzer/'] = 'users';
$output->menu['users/'] = 'Users';
if (isset($_SESSION['admin']) && $_SESSION['admin']) {
    $output->menu['statistics/'] = 'statistics';
$output->menu['dokumentation/'] = 'help';
$output->menu['dokumentation/faq.php'] = 'faq';
$output->menu['about/'] = 'About';
// subdir of the software
$webdir = Path::clean(Path::rm_last($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . $root);
// system-root for the user: http://server.domain.tld/foo/
$http_root = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $webdir;
// starts outstanding jobs
$cron = new cron();
// $output->out_of_service = true;
if (isset($_GET['oos'])) {
    $output->out_of_service = $_GET['oos'];
Exemple #6
  * Extract a ZIP compressed file to a given path using a php based algorithm that only requires zlib support
  * @param   string  $archive      Path to ZIP archive to extract.
  * @param   string  $destination  Path to extract archive into.
  * @return  mixed   True if successful
  * @since   1.0
  * @throws  \RuntimeException
 protected function extractCustom($archive, $destination)
     $this->data = null;
     $this->metadata = null;
     $this->data = file_get_contents($archive);
     if (!$this->data) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to read archive (zip)');
     if (!$this->readZipInfo($this->data)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Get ZIP Information failed');
     for ($i = 0, $n = count($this->metadata); $i < $n; $i++) {
         $lastPathCharacter = substr($this->metadata[$i]['name'], -1, 1);
         if ($lastPathCharacter !== '/' && $lastPathCharacter !== '\\') {
             $buffer = $this->getFileData($i);
             $path = Path::clean($destination . '/' . $this->metadata[$i]['name']);
             // Make sure the destination folder exists
             if (!Folder::create(dirname($path))) {
                 throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to create destination');
             if (File::write($path, $buffer) === false) {
                 throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to write entry');
     return true;
Exemple #7
  * Adds or deletes path aliases
  * @uses  Path::load
  * @uses  Path::clean
  * @uses  Module::action
 private function _aliases()
     // Create and save alias for the post
     $values = array();
     $path = Path::load($this->rawurl);
     if ($path) {
         $values['id'] = (int) $path['id'];
     $alias = empty($this->path) ? 'category/' . $this->name : $this->path;
     $values['source'] = $this->rawurl;
     $values['alias'] = Path::clean($alias);
     $values['type'] = $this->type;
     $values['action'] = empty($this->action) ? 'category' : $this->action;
     $values = Module::action('term_aliases', $values, $this);
 * Wandelt eine relative URL in eine absolute um und modifiziert den
 * HTTP-Header(Location). Kehrt nicht zurück.
 * @param $path Pfad zur aufzurufenden Webseite
 * @param $arg GET-Argumente (?x=23&y=42)
 * @param $ilink HTML-interner Link (#foo)
 * @return never, Funktion terminiert die Ausführung und kehrt nicht zurück.
function redirect($path = '', $arg = array(), $ilink = '')
    $protocol = 'http://';
    $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    $file = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    $pos = strpos($path, '://');
    if ($pos) {
        $pos += 3;
        $protocol = substr($path, 0, $pos);
        $path = substr($path, $pos);
        $pos = strpos($path, '/');
        $host = substr($path, 0, $pos);
        $path = substr($path, $pos);
    if (!$path) {
        $path = $file;
    if (substr($path, 0, 1) != '/') {
        $path = Path::rm_last($file) . $path;
    $path = Path::clean($path);
    if (strstr($path, '#')) {
        list($path, $internal_link) = explode('#', $path);
        if ($ilink == false) {
            $ilink = $internal_link;
    if (is_array($arg) && sizeof($arg) > 0) {
        if (strstr($path, '?')) {
            $z = '&';
        } else {
            $z = '?';
        foreach ($arg as $n => $v) {
            $path .= $z . $n . '=' . $v;
            $z = '&';
    $path = sessionurl($path);
    if ($ilink && substr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 0, 5) != 'Opera') {
        $path .= '#' . $ilink;
    if (substr($path, 0, 7) != $protocol) {
        $path = $protocol . $host . $path;
    header('Location:' . $path);
 function test_clean_not_to_upper_dir()
     $path = '../bla.php';
     $this->assertEquals('bla.php', Path::clean($path));
Exemple #10
  * Lists folder in format suitable for tree display.
  * @param   string   $path      The path of the folder to read.
  * @param   string   $filter    A filter for folder names.
  * @param   integer  $maxLevel  The maximum number of levels to recursively read, defaults to three.
  * @param   integer  $level     The current level, optional.
  * @param   integer  $parent    Unique identifier of the parent folder, if any.
  * @return  array  Folders in the given folder.
  * @since   1.0
 public static function listFolderTree($path, $filter, $maxLevel = 3, $level = 0, $parent = 0)
     $dirs = array();
     if ($level == 0) {
         $GLOBALS['_JFolder_folder_tree_index'] = 0;
     if ($level < $maxLevel) {
         $folders = self::folders($path, $filter);
         // First path, index foldernames
         foreach ($folders as $name) {
             $id = ++$GLOBALS['_JFolder_folder_tree_index'];
             $fullName = Path::clean($path . '/' . $name);
             $dirs[] = array('id' => $id, 'parent' => $parent, 'name' => $name, 'fullname' => $fullName, 'relname' => str_replace(JPATH_ROOT, '', $fullName));
             $dirs2 = self::listFolderTree($fullName, $filter, $maxLevel, $level + 1, $id);
             $dirs = array_merge($dirs, $dirs2);
     return $dirs;
Exemple #11
  * remove_numerics_from_path
  * Strips out any instances of a numeric ordering from a given $path
  * @deprecated  Use Path::clean() instead
  * @param string  $path  String to strip out numerics from
  * @return string
 public static function remove_numerics_from_path($path)
     Log::warn("Use of Statamic_Helper::remove_numerics_from_path() is deprecated. Use Path::clean() instead.", "core", "Statamic_Helper");
     return Path::clean($path);
  * Updates the internal content cache
  * @return boolean
 public static function update()
     // start measuring
     $content_hash = Debug::markStart('caching', 'content');
     // track if any files have changed
     $files_changed = false;
     $settings_changed = false;
     $members_changed = false;
     // grab length of content type extension
     $content_type = Config::getContentType();
     $full_content_root = rtrim(Path::tidy(BASE_PATH . "/" . Config::getContentRoot()), "/");
     $content_type_length = strlen($content_type) + 1;
     // the cache files we'll use
     $cache_file = BASE_PATH . '/_cache/_app/content/content.php';
     $settings_file = BASE_PATH . '/_cache/_app/content/settings.php';
     $structure_file = BASE_PATH . '/_cache/_app/content/structure.php';
     $time_file = BASE_PATH . '/_cache/_app/content/last.php';
     $members_file = BASE_PATH . '/_cache/_app/members/members.php';
     $now = time();
     // start measuring settings hash
     $settings_hash = Debug::markStart('caching', 'settings');
     // check for current and new settings
     $settings = unserialize(File::get($settings_file));
     if (!is_array($settings)) {
         $settings = array('site_root' => '', 'site_url' => '', 'timezone' => '', 'date_format' => '', 'time_format' => '', 'content_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'taxonomy_case_sensitive' => '', 'taxonomy_force_lowercase' => '', 'entry_timestamps' => '', 'base_path' => '', 'app_version' => '');
     // look up current settings
     $current_settings = array('site_root' => Config::getSiteRoot(), 'site_url' => Config::getSiteURL(), 'timezone' => Config::get('timezone'), 'date_format' => Config::get('date_format'), 'time_format' => Config::get('time_format'), 'content_type' => Config::get('content_type'), 'taxonomy' => Config::getTaxonomies(), 'taxonomy_case_sensitive' => Config::getTaxonomyCaseSensitive(), 'taxonomy_force_lowercase' => Config::getTaxonomyForceLowercase(), 'entry_timestamps' => Config::getEntryTimestamps(), 'base_path' => BASE_PATH, 'app_version' => STATAMIC_VERSION);
     // have cache-altering settings changed?
     if ($settings !== $current_settings) {
         // settings have changed
         $settings_changed = true;
         // clear the cache and set current settings
         $cache = self::getCleanCacheArray();
         $settings = $current_settings;
         $last = null;
     } else {
         // grab the existing cache
         $cache = unserialize(File::get($cache_file));
         if (!is_array($cache)) {
             $cache = self::getCleanCacheArray();
         $last = File::get($time_file);
     // mark end of settings hash measuring
     // grab a list of all content files
     $files = File::globRecursively(Path::tidy(BASE_PATH . '/' . Config::getContentRoot() . '/*'), Config::getContentType());
     // grab a separate list of files that have changed since last check
     $updated = array();
     $current_files = array();
     // loop through files, getting local paths and checking for updated files
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $local_file = Path::trimFilesystemFromContent(Path::standardize($file));
         // add to current files
         $current_files[] = $local_file;
         // is this updated?
         if ($last && File::getLastModified($file) >= $last) {
             $updated[] = $local_file;
     // get a diff of files we know about and files currently existing
     $known_files = array();
     foreach ($cache['urls'] as $url_data) {
         array_push($known_files, $url_data['path']);
     $new_files = array_diff($current_files, $known_files);
     // create a master list of files that need updating
     $changed_files = array_unique(array_merge($new_files, $updated));
     // store a list of changed URLs
     $changed_urls = array();
     // add to the cache if files have been updated
     if (count($changed_files)) {
         $files_changed = true;
         // build content cache
         foreach ($changed_files as $file) {
             $file = $full_content_root . $file;
             $local_path = Path::trimFilesystemFromContent($file);
             // before cleaning anything, check for hidden or draft content
             $is_hidden = Path::isHidden($local_path);
             $is_draft = Path::isDraft($local_path);
             // now clean up the path
             $local_filename = Path::clean($local_path);
             // file parsing
             $content = substr(File::get($file), 3);
             $divide = strpos($content, "\n---");
             $front_matter = trim(substr($content, 0, $divide));
             $content_raw = trim(substr($content, $divide + 4));
             // parse data
             $data = YAML::parse($front_matter);
             if ($content_raw) {
                 $data['content'] = 'true';
                 $data['content_raw'] = 'true';
             // set additional information
             $data['_file'] = $file;
             $data['_local_path'] = $local_path;
             $data['_order_key'] = null;
             $data['datetimestamp'] = null;
             // legacy
             $data['datestamp'] = null;
             $data['date'] = null;
             $data['time'] = null;
             $data['numeric'] = null;
             $data['last_modified'] = filemtime($file);
             $data['_is_hidden'] = $is_hidden;
             $data['_is_draft'] = $is_draft;
             // get initial slug (may be changed below)
             $data['slug'] = ltrim(basename($file, "." . $content_type), "_");
             // folder
             $instance = $data['slug'] == 'page' ? 1 : 0;
             $data['_folder'] = Path::clean($data['_local_path']);
             $slash = Helper::strrpos_count($data['_folder'], '/', $instance);
             $data['_folder'] = !$slash ? '' : substr($data['_folder'], 1, $slash - 1);
             $data['_folder'] = !strlen($data['_folder']) ? "/" : $data['_folder'];
             $data['_basename'] = $data['slug'] . '.' . $content_type;
             $data['_filename'] = $data['slug'];
             $data['_is_entry'] = preg_match(Pattern::ENTRY_FILEPATH, $data['_basename']);
             $data['_is_page'] = preg_match(Pattern::PAGE_FILEPATH, $data['_basename']);
             // 404 is special
             if ($data['_local_path'] === "/404.{$content_type}") {
                 $local_filename = $local_path;
                 // order key: date or datetime
             } elseif (preg_match(Pattern::DATE_OR_DATETIME, $data['_basename'], $matches)) {
                 // order key: date or datetime
                 $date = $matches[1] . '-' . $matches[2] . '-' . $matches[3];
                 $time = null;
                 if (Config::getEntryTimestamps() && isset($matches[4])) {
                     $time = substr($matches[4], 0, 2) . ":" . substr($matches[4], 2);
                     $date = $date . " " . $time;
                     $data['slug'] = substr($data['slug'], 16);
                     $data['datetimestamp'] = $data['_order_key'];
                 } else {
                     $data['slug'] = substr($data['slug'], 11);
                 $data['_order_key'] = strtotime($date);
                 $data['datestamp'] = $data['_order_key'];
                 $data['date'] = Date::format(Config::getDateFormat(), $data['_order_key']);
                 $data['time'] = $time ? Date::format(Config::getTimeFormat(), $data['_order_key']) : null;
                 // order key: slug is page, back up a level
             } elseif ($data['slug'] == 'page' && preg_match(Pattern::NUMERIC, substr($data['_local_path'], Helper::strrpos_count($data['_local_path'], '/', 1)), $matches)) {
                 // order key: slug is page, back up a level
                 $data['_order_key'] = $matches[1];
                 $data['numeric'] = $data['_order_key'];
                 // order key: numeric
             } elseif (preg_match(Pattern::NUMERIC, $data['_basename'], $matches)) {
                 // order key: numeric
                 $data['_order_key'] = $matches[1];
                 $data['numeric'] = $data['_order_key'];
                 $data['slug'] = substr($data['slug'], strlen($matches[1]) + 1);
                 // order key: other
             } else {
                 // order key: other
                 $data['_order_key'] = $data['_basename'];
             // determine url
             $data['url'] = preg_replace('#/__?#', '/', $local_filename);
             // remove any content type extensions from the end of filename
             if (substr($data['url'], -$content_type_length) === '.' . $content_type) {
                 $data['url'] = substr($data['url'], 0, strlen($data['url']) - $content_type_length);
             // remove any base pages from filename
             if (substr($data['url'], -5) == '/page') {
                 $data['url'] = substr($data['url'], 0, strlen($data['url']) - 5);
             // add the site root
             $data['url'] = Path::tidy(Config::getSiteRoot() . $data['url']);
             // add the site URL to get the permalink
             $data['permalink'] = Path::tidy(Config::getSiteURL() . $data['url']);
             // new content
             if (!isset($cache['content'][$data['_folder']]) || !is_array($cache['content'][$data['_folder']])) {
                 $cache['content'][$data['_folder']] = array();
             $slug_with_extension = $data['_filename'] == 'page' ? substr($data['url'], strrpos($data['url'], '/') + 1) . '/' . $data['_filename'] . "." . $content_type : $data['_filename'] . "." . $content_type;
             $cache['content'][$data['_folder']][$slug_with_extension] = array('folder' => $data['_folder'], 'path' => $local_path, 'file' => $slug_with_extension, 'url' => $data['url'], 'data' => $data);
             $cache['urls'][$data['url']] = array('folder' => $data['_folder'], 'path' => $local_path, 'file' => $slug_with_extension);
             $changed_urls[$data['url']] = true;
     // loop through all cached content for deleted files
     // this isn't as expensive as you'd think in real-world situations
     foreach ($cache['content'] as $folder => $folder_contents) {
         foreach ($folder_contents as $path => $data) {
             if (File::exists($full_content_root . $data['path'])) {
                 // still here, keep it
             $files_changed = true;
             // get URL
             $url = isset($cache['content'][$folder][$path]['url']) ? $cache['content'][$folder][$path]['url'] : null;
             // only remove from URLs list if not in changed URLs list
             if (!isset($changed_urls[$url]) && !is_null($url)) {
                 // remove from url cache
             // remove from content cache
     // build taxonomy cache
     // only happens if files were added, updated, or deleted above
     if ($files_changed) {
         $taxonomies = Config::getTaxonomies();
         $force_lowercase = Config::getTaxonomyForceLowercase();
         $case_sensitive = Config::getTaxonomyCaseSensitive();
         $cache['taxonomies'] = array();
         // rebuild taxonomies
         if (count($taxonomies)) {
             // set up taxonomy array
             foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
                 $cache['taxonomies'][$taxonomy] = array();
             // loop through content to build cached array
             foreach ($cache['content'] as $pages) {
                 foreach ($pages as $item) {
                     $data = $item['data'];
                     // loop through the types of taxonomies
                     foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
                         // if this file contains this type of taxonomy
                         if (isset($data[$taxonomy])) {
                             $values = Helper::ensureArray($data[$taxonomy]);
                             // add the file name to the list of found files for a given taxonomy value
                             foreach ($values as $value) {
                                 if (!$value) {
                                 $key = !$case_sensitive ? strtolower($value) : $value;
                                 if (!isset($cache['taxonomies'][$taxonomy][$key])) {
                                     $cache['taxonomies'][$taxonomy][$key] = array('name' => $force_lowercase ? strtolower($value) : $value, 'files' => array());
                                 array_push($cache['taxonomies'][$taxonomy][$key]['files'], $data['url']);
         // build structure cache
         $structure = array();
         $home = Path::tidy('/' . Config::getSiteRoot() . '/');
         foreach ($cache['content'] as $pages) {
             foreach ($pages as $item) {
                 // set up base variables
                 $parent = null;
                 // Trim off home and any /page.md ending so that all URLs are treated
                 // equally regardless of page type.
                 $order_key = str_replace('/page.md', '', str_replace($home, '', $item['path']));
                 $sub_order_key = $item['data']['_order_key'];
                 // does this have a parent (and if so, what is it?)
                 if ($item['url'] !== $home) {
                     $parent = $home;
                     $depth = substr_count(str_replace($home, '/', $item['url']), '/');
                     $last_slash = strrpos($item['url'], '/', 1);
                     $last_order_slash = strrpos($order_key, '/', 0);
                     if ($last_slash !== false) {
                         $parent = substr($item['url'], 0, $last_slash);
                     if ($last_order_slash !== false) {
                         $order_key = substr($order_key, 0, $last_order_slash);
                     if ($item['data']['_is_page']) {
                         $type = $item['data']['slug'] == 'page' ? 'folder' : 'page';
                     } else {
                         $type = 'entry';
                 } else {
                     $depth = 0;
                     $type = 'folder';
                     $order_key = $home;
                 $structure[$item['url']] = array('parent' => $parent, 'is_entry' => $item['data']['_is_entry'], 'is_page' => $item['data']['_is_page'], 'is_hidden' => $item['data']['_is_hidden'], 'is_draft' => $item['data']['_is_draft'], 'depth' => $depth, 'order_key' => $order_key ? $order_key : $sub_order_key, 'sub_order_key' => $sub_order_key, 'type' => $type);
     // mark ending of content cache measuring
     if (!Config::get('disable_member_cache')) {
         // build member cache
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------
         // start measuring
         $member_hash = Debug::markStart('caching', 'member');
         // grab a list of existing members
         $users = File::globRecursively(Path::tidy(Config::getConfigPath() . '/users/*'), 'yaml');
         // clone for reuse, set up our list of updated users
         $updated = array();
         $current_users = array();
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             $local_file = Path::trimFilesystemFromContent(Path::standardize($user));
             // add to current users
             $current_users[] = $local_file;
             // is this updated?
             if ($last && File::getLastModified($user) >= $last) {
                 $updated[] = $local_file;
         // get users from the file
         $members = unserialize(File::get($members_file));
         // get a diff of users we know about and files currently existing
         $known_users = array();
         if (!empty($members)) {
             foreach ($members as $username => $member_data) {
                 $known_users[$username] = $member_data['_path'];
         // create a master list of users that need updating
         $changed_users = array_unique(array_merge(array_diff($current_users, $known_users), $updated));
         $removed_users = array_diff($known_users, $current_users);
         if (count($changed_users)) {
             $members_changed = true;
             foreach ($changed_users as $user_file) {
                 // file parsing
                 $last_slash = strrpos($user_file, '/') + 1;
                 $last_dot = strrpos($user_file, '.');
                 $username = substr($user_file, $last_slash, $last_dot - $last_slash);
                 $content = substr(File::get($user_file), 3);
                 $divide = strpos($content, "\n---");
                 $data = YAML::parse(trim(substr($content, 0, $divide)));
                 $bio_raw = trim(substr($content, $divide + 4));
                 $data['_path'] = $user_file;
                 if ($bio_raw) {
                     $data['biography'] = 'true';
                     $data['biography_raw'] = 'true';
                 $members[$username] = $data;
         // loop through all cached content for deleted files
         // this isn't as expensive as you'd think in real-world situations
         if (!empty($removed_users)) {
             $members_changed = true;
             $members = array_diff_key($members, $removed_users);
         // mark ending of member cache measuring
     // write to caches
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // add file-writing to content-cache actions
     $content_hash = Debug::markStart('caching', 'content');
     if ($files_changed) {
         // store the content cache
         if (File::put($cache_file, serialize($cache)) === false) {
             if (!File::isWritable($cache_file)) {
                 Log::fatal('Cache folder is not writable.', 'core', 'content-cache');
             Log::fatal('Could not write to the cache.', 'core', 'content-cache');
             return false;
         // store the structure cache
         if (File::put($structure_file, serialize($structure)) === false) {
             if (!File::isWritable($structure_file)) {
                 Log::fatal('Structure cache file is not writable.', 'core', 'structure-cache');
             Log::fatal('Could not write to the structure cache.', 'core', 'structure-cache');
             return false;
     // mark ending of content cache file write measuring
     // add file-writing to settings-cache actions
     $settings_hash = Debug::markStart('caching', 'settings');
     // store the settings cache
     if ($settings_changed) {
         if (File::put($settings_file, serialize($settings)) === false) {
             if (!File::isWritable($settings_file)) {
                 Log::fatal('Settings cache file is not writable.', 'core', 'settings-cache');
             Log::fatal('Could not write to the settings cache file.', 'core', 'settings-cache');
             return false;
     // mark ending of settings cache file write measuring
     if (!Config::get('disable_member_cache')) {
         // add file-writing to settings-cache actions
         $member_hash = Debug::markStart('caching', 'member');
         // store the members cache
         if ($members_changed) {
             if (File::put($members_file, serialize($members)) === false) {
                 if (!File::isWritable($members_file)) {
                     Log::fatal('Member cache file is not writable.', 'core', 'member-cache');
                 Log::fatal('Could not write to the member cache file.', 'core', 'member-cache');
                 return false;
         // mark ending of member cache file write measuring
     File::put($time_file, $now - 1);
     return true;
Exemple #13
  * Moves an uploaded file to a destination folder
  * @param   string   $src          The name of the php (temporary) uploaded file
  * @param   string   $dest         The path (including filename) to move the uploaded file to
  * @param   boolean  $use_streams  True to use streams
  * @return  boolean  True on success
  * @since   1.0
  * @throws  FilesystemException
 public static function upload($src, $dest, $use_streams = false)
     // Ensure that the path is valid and clean
     $dest = Path::clean($dest);
     // Create the destination directory if it does not exist
     $baseDir = dirname($dest);
     if (!file_exists($baseDir)) {
     if ($use_streams) {
         $stream = Stream::getStream();
         if (!$stream->upload($src, $dest)) {
             throw new FilesystemException(__METHOD__ . ': ' . $stream->getError());
         return true;
     } else {
         if (is_writeable($baseDir) && move_uploaded_file($src, $dest)) {
             // Short circuit to prevent file permission errors
             if (Path::setPermissions($dest)) {
                 return true;
             } else {
                 throw new FilesystemException(__METHOD__ . ': Failed to change file permissions.');
         } else {
             throw new FilesystemException(__METHOD__ . ': Failed to move file.');
         return false;
 public static function fromPath($path)
     $url = Path::clean(Url::assemble($path));
     return preg_replace('/\\/page$/', '', $url);
Exemple #15
  * Get collections
  * This will look for any folders with fields.yaml
  * @return array
 private function getCollections()
     $collections = array();
     $paths = File::globRecursively(BASE_PATH . '/' . Config::get('content_root'), 'yaml');
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         if (!$this->endsWith($path, 'fields.yaml')) {
         $collection = substr(Path::clean(Path::trimFileSystemFromContent($path)), 1, -12);
         $contents = YAML::parseFile($path);
         $collections[$collection] = array_get($contents, 'type', 'alphabetical');
     return $collections;