  * supplies an image/file upload location
  * relative to WP root
  * @return string relative path to the plugin files location
 public static function files_location()
      * @version 1.6.0
      * filter: pdb-files_location
      * allows access to the "image_upload_location" plugin setting value
     return Participants_Db::set_filter('files_location', Participants_Db::plugin_setting('image_upload_location'));
  * supplies an image/file upload location
  * relative to WP root
  * @return string realtive path to the plugin files location
 public static function files_location()
     return Participants_Db::set_filter('files_location', Participants_Db::plugin_setting('image_upload_location'));
 public static function get_types()
     $types = array('text-line' => __('Text-line', 'participants-database'), 'text-area' => __('Text Area', 'participants-database'), 'rich-text' => __('Rich Text', 'participants-database'), 'checkbox' => __('Checkbox', 'participants-database'), 'radio' => __('Radio Buttons', 'participants-database'), 'dropdown' => __('Dropdown List', 'participants-database'), 'date' => __('Date Field', 'participants-database'), 'dropdown-other' => __('Dropdown/Other', 'participants-database'), 'multi-checkbox' => __('Multiselect Checkbox', 'participants-database'), 'select-other' => __('Radio Buttons/Other', 'participants-database'), 'multi-select-other' => __('Multiselect/Other', 'participants-database'), 'link' => __('Link Field', 'participants-database'), 'image-upload' => __('Image Upload Field', 'participants-database'), 'file-upload' => __('File Upload Field', 'participants-database'), 'hidden' => __('Hidden Field', 'participants-database'), 'password' => __('Password Field', 'participants-database'), 'captcha' => __('CAPTCHA', 'participants-database'));
      * this gives access to the list of form element types for alteration before
      * it is set
     return Participants_Db::set_filter('set_form_element_types', $types);
  * sets the default path to the image directory
 public function set_image_directory()
     $this->image_directory = Participants_Db::set_filter('image_base_path', PDb_Path::files_path(), $this);
     $this->image_directory_uri = Participants_Db::set_filter('image_base_uri', PDb_Path::files_uri(), $this);
  * parses a date string into UNIX timestamp
  * if "strict dates" is set, this function uses the DateTime or IntlDateFormatter 
  * class to parse the string according to a specific format. If it is not, we 
  * use the conventional strtotime() function, with the enhancement that if the 
  * non-American style format is used with slashes "d/m/Y" the string is prepared 
  * so strtotime can parse it correctly  
  * @param string $string      the string to parse; if not given, defaults to now
  * @param object $column_atts the column object; used to identify the field for
  *                            user feedback
  * @param bool   $zero_time   if set, zero the time portion of the date so it 
  *                            won't interfere with date comparisons
  * @return int|bool UNIX timestamp or false if parse fails
 public static function parse_date($string = false, $column = '', $zero_time = false)
     if (false === $string) {
         return false;
     $string = Participants_Db::set_filter('parse_date', $string, $column);
     // it's already a timestamp
     if (self::is_valid_timestamp($string)) {
         //if (WP_DEBUG and is_object($column)) error_log(__METHOD__.' tried to parse timestamp from '. $column->name);
         return $string;
     $date = false;
     // if it is a default zero timestamp or other empty value, treat it as "no date"
     if ($string == '0000-00-00 00:00:00' || empty($string)) {
         return false;
      * we have two options to parse a date string into a timestamp: the 
      * IntlDateFormatter class or the DateTime class. The IntlDateFormatter 
      * class can parse localized text dates, but it seems commonly unavailable, 
      * at least on English-speaking servers. The DateTime class is widely 
      * available, but can't parse non-English text dates. It can parse numeric 
      * date representations, so if the intl module is not available, we try to 
      * use DateTime. If that is not available, we use strtotime with the added trick 
      * of swapping out the separators if they are slashes so slashed European 
      * notation can be correctly parsed
     $mode = 'none';
     $timestamp = is_object($column) && $column->form_element == 'timestamp' || preg_match('#^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}$#', $string) == 1 ? true : false;
     if (self::$plugin_options['strict_dates'] == 1 and is_object($column) and !$timestamp) {
         if (class_exists('IntlDateFormatter')) {
             $mode = 'Intl';
             $DateFormat = new IntlDateFormatter(WPLANG, IntlDateFormatter::LONG, IntlDateFormatter::NONE, NULL, NULL, Participants_Db::get_ICU_date_format(self::$date_format));
             //error_log(__METHOD__.' format object:'.print_r($DateFormat,1));
             $timestamp = $DateFormat->parse($string);
             $the_Date = new DateTime();
         } else {
             if (class_exists('DateTime')) {
                 $mode = 'DateTime';
                 $the_Date = DateTime::createFromFormat(self::$date_format, $string);
         //error_log(__METHOD__.' date:'.print_r($the_Date,1));
         if (is_array(date_get_last_errors()) && !empty($string)) {
             $errors = date_get_last_errors();
             if ($errors['warning_count'] > 0 || $errors['error_count'] > 0) {
                 $the_Date = false;
                 if (is_object(self::$validation_errors) and is_object($column)) {
                     self::$validation_errors->add_error($column->name, sprintf(__('The date for "%s" was invalid. Please input the date with the exact format shown', 'participants-database'), $column->title));
          * if we have a valid date, convert to timestamp
         if ($the_Date) {
              * zero the time so date equality comparisons can be made
             if ($zero_time) {
                 $the_Date->setTime(0, 0);
             $date = $the_Date->format('U');
     //      ob_start();
     //      var_dump($date);
     //      error_log(__METHOD__.' date value:'.ob_get_clean().' mode:'.$mode);
      * if we haven't got a timestamp, parse the date the regular way
     if ($date === false or !self::is_valid_timestamp($date)) {
         $mode = 'strtotime';
         if (is_object($column) && $column->form_element == 'date') {
              * deal with the common special case of non-American-style numeric date with slashes
             if (false !== strpos($string, '/')) {
                 $date_parts = explode('/', self::$date_format);
                 $day_index = array_search('d', $date_parts) !== false ? array_search('d', $date_parts) : array_search('j', $date_parts);
                 $month_index = array_search('m', $date_parts) !== false ? array_search('m', $date_parts) : array_search('n', $date_parts);
                 if ($day_index !== false && $month_index !== false && $day_index < $month_index) {
                     $string = str_replace('/', '-', $string);
         } elseif (is_object($column) && $column->form_element == 'timestamp') {
             if ($zero_time) {
                  * we need to zero the time, we first try to do it using the DateTime class
                 $the_Date = new DateTime($string);
                 if (is_object($the_Date)) {
                     $the_Date->setTime(0, 0);
                     $string = $the_Date->format(self::$date_format);
                 } else {
                      * remove the time portion of the timestamp
                     $string = preg_replace('# [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$#', '', $string);
                     $string .= ' 00:00 -0';
          * Most of the time, the default PHP timezone is the current setting, but 
          * experience has shown it's necessary to reset it for the conversion to make 
          * sure. We also must assume that the database server and PHP server are on 
          * the same TZ.
         // ini_get('date.timezone')
         $date = strtotime($string);
     //if (WP_DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__.' mode: ' . $mode . ' timestamp:' . $date);
     return $date;
    * validates a single field submitted to the main database
    * receives a validation pair and processes it, adding any error to the
    * validation status array
    * @param string $value        the submitted value of the field
    * @param string $name         the name of the field
    * @param string $validation   validation method to use: can be NULL (or absent),
    *                             'no', 'yes', 'email', 'other' (for regex or match
    *                             another field value)
    * @param string $form_element the form element type of the field
    * @return NULL
   protected function _validate_field($value, $name, $validation = NULL, $form_element = false)
       $error_type = false;
       $field = (object) compact('value', 'name', 'validation', 'form_element', 'error_type');
        * this filter sends the $field object through a filter to allow a custom 
        * validation to be inserted
        * if a custom validation is implemented, the $field->error_type must be set 
        * to a validation method key string. If the key string is a defined validation 
        * method, that method will be applied. If $field->validation is set to false 
        * by the filter callback, no further processing will be applied.
       Participants_Db::set_filter('before_validate_field', $field);
        * if there is no validation method defined, exit here
       if (empty($field->validation) || $field->validation === NULL || $field->validation == 'no' || $field->validation === FALSE) {
        * if the validation method is set and the field has not already been
        * validated (error_type == false) we test the submitted field for empty using
        * a defined method that allows 0, but no whitespace characters.
        * a field that has any validation method and is empty will validate as empty first
       if ($field->error_type === false) {
           // we can validate each form element differently here if needed
           switch ($field->form_element) {
               case 'file-upload':
               case 'image-upload':
                    * only "required" validation is allowed on this. Restricting file types 
                    * is done in the "values" field or in the settings
                   $field->validation = 'yes';
                   if ($this->is_empty($field->value)) {
                       $field->error_type = 'empty';
               case 'link':
                   // a "link" field only needs the first element to be filled in
                   if ($this->is_empty($field->value[0])) {
                       $field->error_type = 'empty';
                   if ($this->is_empty($field->value)) {
                       $field->error_type = 'empty';
           // if the field validation is 'yes' we're done
           if ($field->error_type === false && $field->validation == 'yes') {
               $field->error_type = 'valid';
        * if the field has still not been validated, we process it with the remaining validation methods
       if ($field->error_type === false) {
           $regex = '';
           $test_value = false;
           switch (true) {
                * the validation method key for an email address was formerly 'email' This 
                * has been changed to 'email-regex' but will still come in as 'email' from 
                * legacy databases. We test for that by looking for a field named 'email' 
                * in the incoming values.
               case $field->validation == 'email-regex' || $field->validation == 'email' && $field->name == 'email':
                   $regex = '#^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Z]{2,4}$#i';
               case 'captcha' == strtolower($field->validation):
                   $field->value = isset($field->value[1]) ? $field->value[1] : '';
                   // grab the value and the validation key
                   list($info, $value) = isset($this->post_array[$field->name][1]) ? $this->post_array[$field->name] : array($this->post_array[$field->name][0], $field->value);
                   $info = json_decode(urldecode($info));
                    * if we don't have a regex, assume it's a plugin CAPTCHA and decode it's validation regex
                   if (empty($regex)) {
                       $regex = $this->xcrypt($info->nonce, PDb_CAPTCHA::get_key());
                   //error_log(__METHOD__.' $info:'.print_r($info,1).' $field->value:'.$field->value.' regex:'.$regex);
               case $this->_is_regex($field->validation):
                   $regex = $field->validation;
                    * if it's not a regex, test to see if it's a valid field name for a match test
                * if it's not a regex, test to see if it's a valid field name for a match test
               case isset($this->post_array[strtolower($field->validation)]):
                   $test_value = $this->post_array[strtolower($field->validation)];
           if ($test_value !== false) {
               if ($field->value != $test_value) {
                   $field->error_type = 'nonmatching';
           } elseif ($regex !== false) {
               $test_result = preg_match($regex, $field->value);
               if ($test_result === 0) {
                   $field->error_type = $field->validation == 'captcha' ? 'captcha' : 'invalid';
               } elseif ($test_result === false) {
                   error_log(__METHOD__ . ' captcha regex error with regex: "' . $regex . '"');
       if ($field->error_type) {
           if ($field->error_type != 'valid') {
               $this->_add_error($name, $field->error_type, false);
           $valid = $field->error_type;
       } else {
           $valid = 'valid';
        * the result of a captcha validation are stored in a session variable
       if (strtolower($validation) === 'captcha' || $field->form_element == 'captcha') {
           Participants_Db::$session->set('captcha_result', $valid);
       if (false) {
           error_log(__METHOD__ . '
 field: ' . $name . '
 element: ' . $field->form_element . '
 value: ' . (is_array($field->value) ? print_r($field->value, 1) : $field->value) . '
 validation: ' . (is_bool($field->validation) ? $field->validation ? 'true' : 'false' : $field->validation) . '
 submitted? ' . ($this->not_submitted($name) ? 'no' : 'yes') . '
 empty? ' . ($this->is_empty($field->value) ? 'yes' : 'no') . '
 error type: ' . $field->error_type);
  * sets up the captcha
  * this uses the type to set up the captcha parameters. Externally-defined captcha 
  * types will be processed here. External definitions will be expected to set the 
  * 'validation and 'HTML' properties, and optionally, the 'info' array. The 
  * math_captcha method should be studied for an example of a captcha definition.
  * the captcha setup sets three object properties:
  *    validation     this is a regex to validate the user input with
  *    HTML           the is the HTML needed to present the captcha challenge to the user
  *    captcha_params this is an array of values used to reconstruct the captcha in order 
  *                   to provide user feedback (optional)
  * @return null
 private function captcha_setup()
      * the pdb-capcha_setup filter expects the PDb_CAPTCHA::HTML property to be 
      * filled with the HTML of the custom captcha element. The validation of the 
      * response should be included as a regex string in PDb_CAPTCHA::validation
     Participants_Db::set_filter('captcha_setup', $this);
     if (empty($this->HTML)) {
         switch ($this->captcha_type) {
             case 'math':
      * the $info array will be used to pass values to the validation object; What 
      * we are calling 'nonce' is actually the XOR-encrypted regex. If we need to 
      * expand the types of CAPTCHAS in the future, we can use this to tell the 
      * validation object how to validate the field
     $this->info = array('type' => $this->captcha_type, 'nonce' => PDb_FormValidation::xcrypt($this->validation, $this->key), 'info' => $this->captcha_params);
        _e('<strong>Submit:</strong> save record and return to list<br><strong>Apply:</strong> save record and continue with same record<br><strong>Next:</strong> save record and then start a new one', 'participants-database');
              <br />
        if (!empty($input_id)) {
            _e('<strong>Previous:</strong> save and move to previous record', 'participants-database');
    } else {
        echo Participants_Db::set_filter('translate_string', $options['save_changes_label']);
          <td class="submit-buttons">
            <input class="button button-primary pdb-submit" type="submit" value="<?php 
" name="save">
            <input name="submit_button" type="hidden" value="<?php 
        echo self::$i18n['apply'];
  * processes the shortcode filter string
  * @return array of where clauses
 private function _process_shortcode_filter()
     $clauses = array();
     $this->shortcode_atts['filter'] = Participants_Db::set_filter('list_filter', $this->shortcode_atts['filter']);
     if (isset($this->shortcode_atts['filter'])) {
         $statements = explode('&', html_entity_decode($this->shortcode_atts['filter']));
         foreach ($statements as $statement) {
             if (false !== strpos($statement, '|')) {
                 // check for OR clause
                 $or_statements = explode('|', $statement);
                 $or_clause = array();
                 foreach ($or_statements as $or_statement) {
                     $or_clause[] = $this->_make_single_statement($or_statement);
                     if (end($or_clause) === false) {
                         // parse failed, abort
                         $clause = false;
                         continue 2;
                 $clause = '(' . implode(' OR ', $or_clause) . ')';
             } else {
                 $clause = $this->_make_single_statement($statement);
             if ($clause === false) {
             // add the clause
             $clauses[] = $clause;
         // each $statement
     // done processing shortcode filter statements
     return $clauses;
  * prepare a field for display
  * primarily to deal with encoded characters, quotes and slashes
  * @param string $string the value to be prepared
 protected function prepare_display_value($string)
     return Participants_Db::set_filter('translate_string', $string);
     //str_replace(array('"',"'"), array('&quot;','&#39;'), stripslashes($string));
     //htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( $string ), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", false );
  * sends a user receipt email
 private function _do_receipt()
     if (filter_var($this->recipient, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false) {
         error_log(Participants_Db::$plugin_title . ': no valid email address was found for the user receipt email, mail could not be sent.');
         return NULL;
      * filter
      * pdb-receipt_email_template 
      * pdb-receipt_email_subject
      * @param string email template
      * @param array of current record values
      * @return string template
     $this->_mail($this->recipient, $this->_proc_tags(Participants_Db::set_filter('receipt_email_subject', $this->receipt_subject, $this->participant_values)), Participants_Db::process_rich_text($this->_proc_tags(Participants_Db::set_filter('receipt_email_template', $this->receipt_body, $this->participant_values))));
  * provides the name of the plugin options
  * this is to allow a filter to modify the name
  * @param string $settings_name the base setting name for the plugin
  * @return string
 public function settings_name($settings_name = '')
     $settings_name = empty($settings_name) ? $this->aux_plugin_settings : $settings_name;
     if (is_admin()) {
         return Participants_Db::set_filter('aux_plugin_admin_settings_name', $settings_name);
     return Participants_Db::set_filter('aux_plugin_settings_name', $settings_name);
  * applies conditioning and escaping to the incoming value, also allows for a filter callback
  * @global object $wpdb
  * @param type $value
  * @return string
 function process_value($value)
     global $wpdb;
     return Participants_Db::set_filter('csv_import_value', $wpdb->escape($this->_enclosure_trim($value, '', $this->CSV->enclosure)));
  * creates a translated key string of the format title (name) where "name" is untranslated
  * @param string $title the title string
  * @param string $name the name string
  * @return string the translated title with the untranslated name added (if supplied)
 public static function title_key($title, $name = '')
     if (empty($name)) {
         return Participants_Db::set_filter('translate_string', $title);
     return sprintf('%s (%s)', Participants_Db::set_filter('translate_string', $title), $name);
  * sets up the template iteration object
  * this takes all the fields that are going to be displayed and organizes them
  * under their group so we can easily run through them in the template
 public function _setup_iteration()
     // the list query object can be modified at this point to add a custom search
     do_action(Participants_Db::$prefix . 'list_query_object', $this->list_query);
     // allow the query to be altered before the records are retrieved
     $list_query = Participants_Db::set_filter('list_query', $this->list_query->get_list_query());
     if (WP_DEBUG) {
         error_log(__METHOD__ . ' list query: ' . $this->list_query->get_list_query());
     // get the $wpdb object
     global $wpdb;
     // get the number of records returned
     $this->num_records = $wpdb->get_var(preg_replace('#^SELECT.+FROM #', 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ', $list_query));
     // set up the pagination object
     $pagination_defaults = array('link' => $this->prepare_page_link($this->shortcode_atts['filtering'] ? filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'pagelink') : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), 'page' => $this->current_page, 'size' => $this->page_list_limit, 'total_records' => $this->num_records, 'filtering' => $this->shortcode_atts['filtering'], 'add_variables' => 'instance=' . $this->instance_index . '#' . $this->list_anchor);
     // instantiate the pagination object
     $this->pagination = new PDb_Pagination($pagination_defaults);
      * get the records for this page, adding the pagination limit clause
      * this gives us an array of objects, each one a set of field->value pairs
     $records = $wpdb->get_results($list_query . ' ' . $this->pagination->getLimitSql(), OBJECT);
      * build an array of record objects, indexed by ID
     $this->records = array();
     foreach ($records as $record) {
         $id = $record->id;
         if (!in_array('id', $this->display_columns)) {
         $this->records[$id] = $record;
     if (!empty($this->records)) {
         foreach ($this->records as $record_id => $record_fields) {
              * @version 1.6 
              * this array now contains all values for the record
             // set the values for the current record
             $this->participant_values = Participants_Db::get_participant($record_id);
             foreach ($record_fields as $field => $value) {
                  * as of 1.5.5, we don't fill up the records property with all the field properties, 
                  * just the current props, like value and link. The field properties are added when 
                  * the list is displayed to use less memory
                 $field_object = new stdClass();
                 $field_object->name = $field;
                 // set the current value of the field
                 // add the field to the record object
                 $this->records[$record_id]->{$field_object->name} = $field_object;
      * at this point, $this->records has been defined as an array of records,
      * each of which is an object that is a collection of objects: each one of
      * which is the data for a field
     // error_log( __METHOD__.' all records:'.print_r( $this->records,1));
  * determines if a field type is "linkable"
  * meaning it is displayed as a string that can be wrapped in an anchor tag
  * @param object $field the field object
  * @return bool true if the type is linkable
 public static function field_is_linkable($field)
     $linkable = in_array($field->form_element, array('text-line', 'image-upload', 'file-upload', 'dropdown', 'checkbox', 'radio'));
     return Participants_Db::set_filter('field_is_linkable', $linkable, $field->form_element);
     * prints a table header row
    private static function _print_header_row()
        $head_pattern = '
<th class="%2$s" scope="col">
        $sortable_head_pattern = '
<th class="%2$s" scope="col">
  <span><a href="' . self::sort_link_base_URI() . '&amp;column_sort=%2$s">%1$s%3$s</a></span>
        $sorticon_class = strtolower(self::$filter['ascdesc']) === 'asc' ? 'dashicons-arrow-up' : 'dashicons-arrow-down';
        // template for printing the registration page link in the admin
        $sorticon = '<span class="dashicons ' . $sorticon_class . ' sort-icon"></span>';
        // print the "select all" header
    <th scope="col" style="width:3em">
        if (current_user_can(Participants_Db::plugin_capability('plugin_admin_capability', 'delete participants'))) {
            /* translators: uses the check symbol in a phrase that means "check all"  printf('<span class="checkmark" >&#10004;</span>%s', __('all', 'participants-database'))s */
        <input type="checkbox" name="checkall" id="checkall" ><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit" style="opacity: 0"></span>
        // print the top header row
        foreach (self::$display_columns as $column) {
            $title = Participants_Db::set_filter('translate_string', strip_tags(stripslashes($column->title)));
            $field = Participants_Db::$fields[$column->name];
            printf($field->sortable ? $sortable_head_pattern : $head_pattern, str_replace(array('"', "'"), array('&quot;', '&#39;'), $title), $column->name, $column->name === self::$filter['sortBy'] ? $sorticon : '');
Exemple #18
  * parses a date string into UNIX timestamp
  * if "strict dates" is set, this function uses the DateTime or IntlDateFormatter 
  * class to parse the string according to a specific format. If it is not, we 
  * use the conventional strtotime() function, with the enhancement that if the 
  * non-American style format is used with slashes "d/m/Y" the string is prepared 
  * so strtotime can parse it correctly  
  * @param string $string      the string to parse; if not given, defaults to now
  * @param object $column_atts the column object; used to identify the field for
  *                            user feedback
  * @param bool   $zero_time   if set, zero the time portion of the date so it 
  *                            won't interfere with date comparisons
  * @return int|bool UNIX timestamp or false if parse fails
 public static function parse_date($string = false, $column = '', $zero_time = false)
     if (false === $string) {
         return false;
     $string = Participants_Db::set_filter('parse_date', $string, $column);
     // is it already a timestamp?
     if (self::is_valid_timestamp($string)) {
         //if (WP_DEBUG and is_object($column)) error_log(__METHOD__.' tried to parse timestamp from '. $column->name);
         return $string;
     $date = false;
     // if it is a default zero timestamp, treat it as "no date"
     if ($string === '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
         return false;
      * we have two options to parse a date string into a timestamp: the 
      * IntlDateFormatter class or the DateTime class. The IntlDateFormatter 
      * class can parse localized text dates, but it seems commonly unavailable, 
      * at least on English-speaking servers. The DateTime class is widely 
      * available, but can't parse non-English text dates. It can parse numeric 
      * date representations, so if the intl module is not available, we try to 
      * use DateTime. If that is not available, we use strtotime with the added trick 
      * of swapping the date/month if they are slashes so slashed European notation 
      * can be correctly parsed
     self::$date_mode = 'none';
     $errors = false;
     $the_Date = false;
     // test for MySQL-format timestamp
     $is_MySQL_timestamp = preg_match('#^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}$#', $string) === 1 ? true : false;
     //error_log(__METHOD__.' object? '.(is_object($column)?'yes':'no').' strict dates? '.(self::plugin_setting_is_true('strict_dates', false)?'yes':'no').' timestamp? '.($is_MySQL_timestamp?'yes':'no'));
     if (self::plugin_setting_is_true('strict_dates', false) and is_object($column) and !$is_MySQL_timestamp) {
         //error_log(__METHOD__.' intl? '.(class_exists('IntlDateFormatter')?'yes':'no').' datetime? '.(class_exists('DateTime')?'yes':'no'));
         if (class_exists('IntlDateFormatter')) {
             self::$date_mode = 'Intl';
             $DateFormat = new IntlDateFormatter(get_locale(), IntlDateFormatter::LONG, IntlDateFormatter::NONE, NULL, NULL, Participants_Db::get_ICU_date_format(self::$plugin_options['input_date_format']));
             // we want it strict
             $timestamp = $DateFormat->parse($string);
             if ($DateFormat->getErrorCode() !== 0) {
                 $errors = array('code' => $DateFormat->getErrorCode(), 'error' => $DateFormat->getErrorMessage());
             if (!$errors) {
                 $the_Date = new DateTime();
             } elseif (WP_DEBUG) {
                 error_log(__METHOD__ . ' IntlDateFormatter error: format string: ' . Participants_Db::get_ICU_date_format(self::$plugin_options['input_date_format']) . ' timestamp: ' . $timestamp . ' formatter error: ' . $DateFormat->getErrorMessage());
         if (!$the_Date && class_exists('DateTime')) {
             self::$date_mode = 'DateTime';
             $the_Date = DateTime::createFromFormat(self::$plugin_options['input_date_format'], $string);
         if (is_object($the_Date)) {
             $errors = $the_Date->getLastErrors();
             if ($errors['warning_count'] === 0 && $errors['error_count'] === 0) {
                 $errors = false;
         if (is_array($errors) && !empty($string)) {
             $the_Date = false;
             if (is_object(self::$validation_errors) and is_object($column)) {
                 self::$validation_errors->add_error($column->name, sprintf(__('The date for "%s" was invalid. Please input the date with the exact format shown', 'participants-database'), $column->title));
             if (WP_DEBUG) {
                 error_log(__METHOD__ . ' DateTime parse error: ' . implode(', ', $errors));
          * if we have a valid date, convert to timestamp
         if ($the_Date) {
              * zero the time so date equality comparisons can be made
             if ($zero_time) {
                 $the_Date->setTime(0, 0);
             $date = $the_Date->format('U');
      * if we haven't got a timestamp, parse the date the regular way
     if ($date === false or !self::is_valid_timestamp($date)) {
         $date = false;
         // no valid date yet
         if (is_object($column) && $column->form_element == 'timestamp') {
             if ($zero_time) {
                  * we need to zero the time, we first try to do it using the DateTime class
                 $the_Date = new DateTime($string);
                 if (is_object($the_Date)) {
                     $the_Date->setTime(0, 0);
                     $string = $the_Date->format(self::$date_format);
                 } else {
                      * remove the time portion of the timestamp
                     $string = preg_replace('# [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$#', '', $string);
                     $string .= ' 00:00 -0';
          * @version 1.6
          * Most of the time, the default PHP timezone is the current setting, but 
          * experience has shown it's necessary to reset it for the conversion to make 
          * sure. We also must assume that the database server and PHP server are on 
          * the same TZ.
         setlocale(LC_ALL, get_locale());
          * @version 1.6
          * added strptime method for locaized dates
          * this only works for known formats...so timestamps and when "strict dates" is enabled
         if (function_exists('strptime') && (self::plugin_setting_is_true('strict_dates', false) || $is_MySQL_timestamp)) {
             self::$date_mode = 'strptime';
             if ($is_MySQL_timestamp) {
                 $format = '%Y-%m-%d';
             } else {
                 $format_setting = Participants_Db::plugin_setting_is_set('input_date_format') ? Participants_Db::plugin_setting('input_date_format') : get_bloginfo('date_format');
                 $format = Participants_Db::translate_date_format($format_setting, 'strftime');
             $date_array = strptime($string, $format);
             $date = mktime($date_array['tm_hour'], $date_array['tm_min'], $date_array['tm_sec'], $date_array['tm_mon'] + 1, $date_array['tm_mday'], $date_array['tm_year'] + 1900);
         if ($date === false) {
             self::$date_mode = 'strtotime';
             $date = strtotime(self::date_order_fix($string));
     return $date;
  * applies conditioning and escaping to the incoming value, also allows for a filter callback
  * @param type $value
  * @return string
 function process_value($value)
     return Participants_Db::set_filter('csv_import_value', esc_sql($this->_enclosure_trim($value, '', $this->CSV->enclosure)));
  * sets up the template iteration object
  * this takes all the fields that are going to be displayed and organizes them
  * under their group so we can easily run through them in the template
 protected function _setup_iteration()
     $this->record = new stdClass();
     $groups = Participants_Db::get_groups();
     foreach ($this->display_groups as $group_name) {
         $group_fields = $this->_get_group_fields($group_name);
         $this->record->{$group_name} = (object) $groups[$group_name];
         $this->record->{$group_name}->fields = new stdClass();
         $field_count = 0;
         $all_empty_fields = true;
         foreach ($group_fields as $field) {
             // set the current value of the field
              * hidden fields are stored separately for modules that use them as
              * hidden input fields
             if ($field->form_element !== 'hidden') {
                  * add the field object to the record object
                 if (in_array($field->name, $this->display_columns)) {
                     if (!$this->_empty($field->value)) {
                         $all_empty_fields = false;
                      * @version 1.6 'pdb-before_field_added_to_iterator' filter
                      * @param $field object
                     $this->record->{$group_name}->fields->{$field->name} = Participants_Db::set_filter('before_field_added_to_iterator', $field);
     if ($field_count === 0) {
         // remove the empty group from the iterator
     } elseif ($all_empty_fields) {
         $this->record->{$group_name}->class[] = 'empty-field-group';
     // save the number of groups
     $this->group_count = count((array) $this->record);
  * selects the template to use
 private function _find_template()
     $template = false;
     $template = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/templates/pdb-' . $this->module . '-' . $this->template_name . '.php';
     if (!file_exists($template)) {
          * we do this here so that the callback can choose to provide a default template 
          * or override the custom template.
         $template = Participants_Db::set_filter('template_select', $template);
     if (!file_exists($template)) {
         $template = Participants_Db::$plugin_path . '/templates/pdb-' . $this->module . '-' . $this->template_name . '.php';
     if (!file_exists($template)) {
         $template = Participants_Db::$plugin_path . '/templates/pdb-' . $this->module . '-default.php';
     if (!file_exists($template)) {
         error_log(__METHOD__ . ' template not found: ' . $template);
     // pass the found template value through a filter so it can be changed by a plugin
     $this->template = $template;
 private function _get_pagelist($with_none = false, $with_blank = false)
     $pagelist = array();
     if ($with_blank) {
         $pagelist['null_select'] = '';
     if ($with_none) {
         $pagelist[__('Same Page', 'participants-database')] = 'none';
     $pages = get_posts(array('post_type' => 'page', 'posts_per_page' => -1));
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         $pagelist[Participants_Db::set_filter('translate_string', $page->post_title)] = $page->ID;
      * if you wish to include posts in the list of pages where the shortcode can be found, uncomment this block of code
      $posts = get_posts( array( 'numberposts' => -1 ) );
      foreach( $posts as $post ) {
      $pagelist[ $post->post_title ] = $post->ID;
     return $pagelist;
  * builds an option series
  * if an element in the options array has a value of bool false, it will open an 
  * optgroup using the key as the group 
  * @var string|bool label of the "other" option if any
 protected function _add_option_series($otherlabel = false)
     if (empty($this->options)) {
     foreach ($this->_make_assoc($this->options) as $title => $value) {
         if (($value === false or $value === 'false' or $value === 'optgroup') and !empty($title)) {
         } elseif ($value === 'other') {
             $otherlabel = $title;
         } elseif (!empty($value) or $value === 0) {
             $this->_addline('<option value="' . $value . '" ' . $this->_set_selected($value, $this->value, 'selected') . ' >' . Participants_Db::set_filter('translate_string', stripslashes($title)) . '</option>', -1);
     // add the "other" option
     if ($otherlabel !== false) {
         $this->_addline('<option ' . ($this->value !== '' ? $this->_set_selected($this->options, $this->value, 'selected', false) : '') . ' value="other" >' . $otherlabel . '</option>');
     if ($this->inside) {
         $this->inside = false;