static function AJAXPollRender($input, $args = array(), Parser $parser) { global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgTitle, $wgScriptPath, $wgUseAjax; $parser->disableCache(); $parser->addTrackingCategory('ajaxpoll-tracking-category'); if ($wgUser->getName() == '') { $userName = wfGetIP(); } else { $userName = $wgUser->getName(); } // ID of the poll $id = strtoupper(md5($input)); $par = new Parser(); $input = $par->parse($input, $wgTitle, $wgOut->parserOptions()); $input = trim(strip_tags($input->getText())); $lines = explode("\n", trim($input)); // compatibility for non-ajax requests - just in case if (!$wgUseAjax) { $responseId = "ajaxpoll-post-id"; $responseAnswer = "ajaxpoll-post-answer-{$id}"; $responseToken = "ajaxPollToken"; if (isset($_POST[$responseId]) && isset($_POST[$responseAnswer]) && $_POST[$responseId] == $id && isset($_POST[$responseToken])) { self::submitVote($id, intval($_POST[$responseAnswer]), $_POST[$responseToken]); } } $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); $dbw->begin(__METHOD__); /** * Register poll in the database */ $row = $dbw->selectRow(array('ajaxpoll_info'), array('COUNT(poll_id) AS count'), array('poll_id' => $id), __METHOD__); $showResultsBeforeVoting = null; if (array_key_exists('show-results-before-voting', $args)) { if (strval($args['show-results-before-voting']) !== '0') { $showResultsBeforeVoting = '1'; } else { $showResultsBeforeVoting = '0'; } } if (empty($row->count)) { $dbw->insert('ajaxpoll_info', array('poll_id' => $id, 'poll_show_results_before_voting' => $showResultsBeforeVoting, 'poll_txt' => $input, 'poll_date' => wfTimestampNow()), __METHOD__); } else { $dbw->update('ajaxpoll_info', array('poll_show_results_before_voting' => $showResultsBeforeVoting), array('poll_id' => $id), __METHOD__); } $dbw->commit(__METHOD__); switch ($lines[0]) { case 'STATS': $ret = self::buildStats($id, $userName); break; default: $ret = Html::rawElement('div', array('id' => 'ajaxpoll-container-' . $id), self::buildHTML($id, $userName, $lines)); break; } return $ret; }
/** * Set elements that should be hidden * * @param $parser Parser current parser * @return string */ static function setHiddenElements(Parser $parser) { global $wgTweekiSkinHideAll, $wgTweekiSkinHideable; $parser->disableCache(); // Argument 0 is $parser, so begin iterating at 1 for ($i = 1; $i < func_num_args(); $i++) { if (in_array(func_get_arg($i), $wgTweekiSkinHideable)) { $wgTweekiSkinHideAll[] = func_get_arg($i); } } return ''; }
/** * Embeds video of the chosen service * @param Parser $parser Instance of running Parser. * @param String $service Which online service has the video. * @param String $id Identifier of the chosen service * @param String $width Width of video (optional) * @param String $desc description to show (optional, unused) * @param String $align alignment of the video (optional, unused) * @return String Encoded representation of input params (to be processed later) */ public static function parserFunction_ev($parser, $service = null, $id = null, $width = null, $align = null, $desc = null) { global $wgScriptPath; # Initialize things once if (!EmbedVideo::$initialized) { EmbedVideo::VerifyWidthMinAndMax(); # Add system messages wfLoadExtensionMessages('embedvideo'); $parser->disableCache(); EmbedVideo::$initialized = true; } # Get the name of the host if ($service === null || $id === null) { return EmbedVideo::errMissingParams($service, $id); } $service = trim($service); $id = trim($id); $desc = $parser->recursiveTagParse($desc); $entry = EmbedVideo::getServiceEntry($service); if (!$entry) { return EmbedVideo::errBadService($service); } if (!EmbedVideo::sanitizeWidth($entry, $width)) { return EmbedVideo::errBadWidth($width); } $height = EmbedVideo::getHeight($entry, $width); $hasalign = $align !== null; if ($hasalign) { $desc = EmbedVideo::getDescriptionMarkup($desc); } # If the service has an ID pattern specified, verify the id number if (!EmbedVideo::verifyID($entry, $id)) { return EmbedVideo::errBadID($service, $id); } # if the service has it's own custom extern declaration, use that instead if (array_key_exists('extern', $entry) && ($clause = $entry['extern']) != null) { $clause = wfMsgReplaceArgs($clause, array($wgScriptPath, $id, $width, $height)); if ($hasalign) { $clause = EmbedVideo::generateAlignExternClause($clause, $align, $desc, $width, $height); } return array($clause, 'noparse' => true, 'isHTML' => true); } # Build URL and output embedded flash object $url = wfMsgReplaceArgs($entry['url'], array($id, $width, $height)); $clause = ""; if ($hasalign) { $clause = EmbedVideo::generateAlignClause($url, $width, $height, $align, $desc); } else { $clause = EmbedVideo::generateNormalClause($url, $width, $height); } return array($clause, 'noparse' => true, 'isHTML' => true); }
/** * Renders a table of all the individual month tables * * @param Parser $parser * @return string */ function wfRenderCalendar(&$parser) { $parser->disableCache(); $argv = array(); foreach (func_get_args() as $arg) { if (!is_object($arg)) { if (preg_match('/^(.+?)\\s*=\\s*(.+)$/', $arg, $match)) { $argv[$match[1]] = $match[2]; } } } if (isset($argv['format'])) { $f = $argv['format']; } else { $f = '%e %B %Y'; } if (isset($argv['dayformat'])) { $df = $argv['dayformat']; } else { $df = false; } if (isset($argv['title'])) { $p = $argv['title'] . '/'; } else { $p = ''; } if (isset($argv['query'])) { $q = $argv['query'] . '&action=edit'; } else { $q = 'action=edit'; } if (isset($argv['year'])) { $y = $argv['year']; } else { $y = date('Y'); } if (isset($argv['month'])) { $m = $argv['month']; return wfRenderMonth(strftime('%m', strtotime("{$y}-{$m}-01")), $y, $p, $q, $f, $df); } else { $m = 1; } $table = "{| class=\"calendar\"\n"; for ($rows = 3; $rows--; $table .= "|-\n") { for ($cols = 0; $cols < 4; $cols++) { $table .= '|' . wfRenderMonth($m++, $y, $p, $q, $f, $df) . "\n"; } } return "{$table}\n|}\n"; }
/** * Callback function for registerParserHook. * * @param string $input User-supplied input, unused * @param array $args User-supplied arguments * @param Parser $parser Instance of Parser, unused * @return string HTML */ public static function renderVote($input, $args, $parser) { global $wgOut, $wgUser; wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); // Disable parser cache (sadly we have to do this, because the caching is // messing stuff up; we want to show an up-to-date rating instead of old // or totally wrong rating, i.e. another page's rating...) $parser->disableCache(); // Add CSS & JS // In order for us to do this *here* instead of having to do this in // registerParserHook(), we must've disabled parser cache $parser->getOutput()->addModuleStyles('ext.voteNY.styles'); if ($wgUser->isAllowed('voteny')) { $parser->getOutput()->addModules('ext.voteNY.scripts'); } // Define variable - 0 means that we'll get that green voting box by default $type = 0; // Determine what kind of a voting gadget the user wants: a box or pretty stars? if (preg_match("/^\\s*type\\s*=\\s*(.*)/mi", $input, $matches)) { $type = htmlspecialchars($matches[1]); } elseif (!empty($args['type'])) { $type = intval($args['type']); } $output = null; $title = $wgOut->getTitle(); if ($title) { $articleID = $title->getArticleID(); switch ($type) { case 0: $vote = new Vote($articleID); break; case 1: $vote = new VoteStars($articleID); break; default: $vote = new Vote($articleID); } $output = $vote->display(); } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $output; }
static function renderToolProperty($input, array $args, Parser $parser, PPFrame $frame) { $parser->disableCache(); $id = $args['id']; $property = $args['property']; $format = array_key_exists('format', $args) ? $args['format'] : null; $function = array_key_exists('function', $args) ? $args['function'] : null; $parsedId = $parser->recursiveTagParse($id, $frame); if (is_numeric($parsedId) && !array_key_exists($parsedId, self::$resources)) { $lnf = new LNF(); self::$resources[$parsedId] = $lnf->getResource($parsedId); } if (array_key_exists($parsedId, self::$resources)) { $res = self::$resources[$parsedId]; } if ($res == null) { return $property; } if ($property == "ToolEngineers") { if (is_array($res->ToolEngineers)) { $html = "<ul>"; foreach ($res->ToolEngineers as $item) { $html .= '<li><a href="mailto:' . $item->Email[0] . '">' . $item->DisplayName . '</li>'; } $html .= "</ul>"; return $html; } else { $result = self::getPropertyValue($res, "ToolEngineers"); } } else { $result = self::getPropertyValue($res, $property); } if ($function != null) { $result = self::$function($result); } if ($format == null) { return $result; } else { return sprintf($format, $result); } }
/** * fixTemplate * * This code ensures that the version of the Template that was in existence * at the same time as the Memento gets loaded and displayed with the * Memento. * * @fixme make this compatible with parser cache * @param Title $title * @param Parser $parser * @param integer $id * * @return array containing the text, finalTitle, and deps */ public function fixTemplate(Title $title, Parser $parser, &$id) { // stopgap measure until we can find a better way // to work with parser cache $parser->disableCache(); $request = $parser->getUser()->getRequest(); if ($request->getHeader('ACCEPT-DATETIME')) { $requestDatetime = $request->getHeader('ACCEPT-DATETIME'); $mwMementoTimestamp = $this->parseRequestDateTime($requestDatetime); $firstRev = $title->getFirstRevision(); // if the template no longer exists, return gracefully if ($firstRev != null) { if ($firstRev->getTimestamp() < $mwMementoTimestamp) { $pgID = $title->getArticleID(); $this->db->begin(); $res = $this->db->selectRow('revision', array('rev_id'), array('rev_page' => $pgID, 'rev_timestamp <=' . $this->db->addQuotes($mwMementoTimestamp)), __METHOD__, array('ORDER BY' => 'rev_id DESC', 'LIMIT' => '1')); $id = $res->rev_id; } else { // if we get something prior to the first memento, just // go with the first one $id = $firstRev->getId(); } } } }
/** * @param Parser $parser * @return bool */ function skin(&$parser) { global $wgUser, $wgRequest; $parser->disableCache(); return $wgRequest->getVal('useskin', $wgUser->getGlobalPreference('skin')); }
/** * Renders the blog. Called by parser function for bs:blog tag and also from Blog::onUnknownAction. * @param string $input Inner HTML of bs:blog tag. Not used. * @param array $args List of tag attributes. * @param Parser $parser MediaWiki parser object * @return string HTML output that is to be displayed. */ public function onBlog($input, $args, $parser) { $oTitle = null; if ($parser instanceof Parser) { $oTitle = $parser->getTitle(); $parser->disableCache(); } else { $oTitle = $this->getTitle(); } $sKey = BsCacheHelper::getCacheKey('BlueSpice', 'Blog', $oTitle->getArticleID()); $aData = BsCacheHelper::get($sKey); if ($aData !== false) { return $aData; } // initialize local variables $oErrorListView = new ViewTagErrorList($this); BsExtensionManager::setContext('MW::Blog::ShowBlog'); // get all config options $iShowLimit = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::ShowLimit'); //$blogShowTrackback = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::ShowTrackback'); // see comment below $bShowPermalink = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::ShowPermalink'); $bShowInfo = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::ShowInfo'); $sSortBy = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::SortBy'); $bMoreInNewWindow = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::MoreInNewWindow'); $bShowAll = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::ShowAll'); $bMoreAtEndOfEntry = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::MoreAtEndOfEntry'); $bShowNewEntryField = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::ShowNewEntryField'); $bNewEntryFieldPosition = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::NewEntryFieldPosition'); $sImageRenderMode = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::ImageRenderMode'); $sImageFloatDirection = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::ThumbFloatDirection'); $iMaxEntryCharacters = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::MaxEntryCharacters'); // Trackbacks are not supported the way we intend it to be. From$wgUseTrackbacks // When MediaWiki receives a trackback ping, a box will show up at the bottom of the article containing a link to the originating page //if (!$wgUseTrackbacks) $bShowTrackback = false; // get tag attributes $argsIShowLimit = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'count', $iShowLimit, BsPARAMTYPE::NUMERIC | BsPARAMOPTION::DEFAULT_ON_ERROR); $argsSCategory = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'cat', false, BsPARAMTYPE::STRING); $argsINamespace = BsNamespaceHelper::getNamespaceIndex(BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'ns', NS_BLOG, BsPARAMTYPE::STRING)); $argsBNewEntryField = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'newentryfield', $bShowNewEntryField, BsPARAMTYPE::BOOL); $argsSNewEntryFieldPosition = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'newentryfieldposition', $bNewEntryFieldPosition, BsPARAMTYPE::STRING); $argsSImageRenderMode = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'imagerendermode', $sImageRenderMode, BsPARAMTYPE::STRING); $argsSImageFloatDirection = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'imagefloatdirection', $sImageFloatDirection, BsPARAMTYPE::STRING); $argsIMaxEntryCharacters = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'maxchars', $iMaxEntryCharacters, BsPARAMTYPE::INT); $argsSSortBy = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'sort', $sSortBy, BsPARAMTYPE::STRING); $argsBShowInfo = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'showinfo', $bShowInfo, BsPARAMTYPE::BOOL); $argsBMoreInNewWindow = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'moreinnewwindow', $bMoreInNewWindow, BsPARAMTYPE::BOOL); $argsBShowPermalink = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'showpermalink', $bShowPermalink, BsPARAMTYPE::BOOL); $argsModeNamespace = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'mode', null, BsPARAMTYPE::STRING); if ($argsModeNamespace === 'ns' && is_object($oTitle)) { $argsINamespace = $oTitle->getNamespace(); } // validate tag attributes $validateIShowLimit = BsValidator::isValid('ArgCount', $argsIShowLimit, array('fullResponse' => true)); if ($validateIShowLimit->getErrorCode()) { $oErrorListView->addItem(new ViewTagError($validateIShowLimit->getI18N())); } if ($argsSCategory) { $validateSCategory = BsValidator::isValid('Category', $argsSCategory, array('fullResponse' => true)); if ($validateSCategory->getErrorCode()) { $oErrorListView->addItem(new ViewTagError($validateSCategory->getI18N())); } } $oValidationResult = BsValidator::isValid('SetItem', $argsSImageRenderMode, array('fullResponse' => true, 'setname' => 'imagerendermode', 'set' => array('full', 'thumb', 'none'))); if ($oValidationResult->getErrorCode()) { $oErrorListView->addItem(new ViewTagError($oValidationResult->getI18N())); } $oValidationResult = BsValidator::isValid('SetItem', $argsSImageFloatDirection, array('fullResponse' => true, 'setname' => 'imagefloatdirection', 'set' => array('left', 'right', 'none'))); if ($oValidationResult->getErrorCode()) { $oErrorListView->addItem(new ViewTagError($oValidationResult->getI18N())); } $oValidationResult = BsValidator::isValid('SetItem', $argsSSortBy, array('fullResponse' => true, 'setname' => 'sort', 'set' => array('title', 'creation'))); if ($oValidationResult->getErrorCode()) { $oErrorListView->addItem(new ViewTagError($oValidationResult->getI18N())); } // if there are errors, abort with a message if ($oErrorListView->hasEntries()) { return $oErrorListView->execute(); } if (BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::ShowTagFormWhenNotLoggedIn') != true) { $oPermissionTest = Title::newFromText('PermissionTest', $argsINamespace); if (!$oPermissionTest->userCan('edit')) { $argsBNewEntryField = false; } } // get array of article ids from Blog/subpages $oBlogTitle = Title::makeTitleSafe($oTitle->getNamespace(), 'Blog'); $aSubpages = $oBlogTitle->getSubpages(); $iLimit = 0; // for later use $aArticleIds = array(); foreach ($aSubpages as $oSubpage) { $aArticleIds[] = $oSubpage->getArticleID(); $iLimit++; // for later use } if (count($aArticleIds) < 1) { $aArticleIds = 0; } $aTables = array('page'); $aFields = array('entry_page_id' => 'page_id'); $aConditions = array(); $aOptions = array(); $aJoins = array(); $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); // get blog entries if ($argsSSortBy == 'title') { $aOptions['ORDER BY'] = 'page_title ASC'; } else { //Creation: Also fetch possible custom timestamps from page_props table $aOptions['ORDER BY'] = 'entry_timestamp DESC'; $aOptions['GROUP BY'] = 'page_id'; global $wgDBtype; switch ($wgDBtype) { case 'oracle': $aFields['entry_timestamp'] = "NVL( pp_value, rev_timestamp )"; $aConditions[] = "NVL( pp_value, rev_timestamp ) < " . wfTimestampNow(); break; case 'mssql': $aFields['entry_timestamp'] = "ISNULL( pp_value, rev_timestamp )"; $aConditions[] = "ISNULL( pp_value, rev_timestamp ) < " . wfTimestampNow(); break; case 'postgres': $aFields['entry_timestamp'] = "NULLIF( pp_value, rev_timestamp )"; $aConditions[] = "NULLIF( pp_value, rev_timestamp ) < " . wfTimestampNow(); break; default: //MySQL, SQLite //use pp_value if exists $aFields['entry_timestamp'] = "IFNULL( pp_value, rev_timestamp )"; //also do not list future entries $aConditions[] = "IFNULL( pp_value, rev_timestamp ) < " . wfTimestampNow(); } $aTables[] = 'revision'; $aTables[] = 'page_props'; $aConditions[] = 'rev_page = page_id'; $aJoins['page_props'] = array('LEFT JOIN', "pp_page = rev_page AND pp_propname = 'blogtime'"); } if ($argsSCategory) { $aTables[] = 'categorylinks'; $aConditions['cl_to'] = $argsSCategory; $aConditions[] = 'cl_from = page_id'; } else { if ($argsModeNamespace === 'ns') { $aConditions['page_id'] = $aArticleIds; } $aConditions['page_namespace'] = $argsINamespace; } $res = $dbr->select($aTables, $aFields, $aConditions, __METHOD__, $aOptions, $aJoins); $iNumberOfEntries = $dbr->numRows($res); $iLimit = $iNumberOfEntries; //All // Sole importance is the existence of param 'showall' $paramBShowAll = $this->getRequest()->getFuzzyBool('showall', false); if ($paramBShowAll == false) { $iLimit = $argsIShowLimit; } // abort if there are no entries if ($iNumberOfEntries < 1) { $oBlogView = new ViewBlog(); $oBlogView->setOption('shownewentryfield', $argsBNewEntryField); $oBlogView->setOption('newentryfieldposition', $argsSNewEntryFieldPosition); $oBlogView->setOption('namespace', BsNamespaceHelper::getNamespaceName($argsINamespace)); if ($argsSCategory) { $oBlogView->setOption('blogcat', $argsSCategory); } // actually create blog output $sOut = $oBlogView->execute(); $sOut .= wfMessage('bs-blog-no-entries')->plain(); return $sOut; } $oBlogView = new ViewBlog(); // prepare views per blog item $iLoop = 0; foreach ($res as $row) { // prepare data for view class $oEntryTitle = Title::newFromID($row->entry_page_id); if (!$oEntryTitle->userCan('read')) { $iNumberOfEntries--; continue; } $bMore = false; $aContent = preg_split('#<(bs:blog:)?more */>#', BsPageContentProvider::getInstance()->getContentFromTitle($oEntryTitle)); if (sizeof($aContent) > 1) { $bMore = true; } $aContent = trim($aContent[0]); // Prevent recursive rendering of blog tag $aContent = preg_replace('/<(bs:)blog[^>]*?>/', '', $aContent); // Thumbnail images $sNamespaceRegEx = implode('|', BsNamespaceHelper::getNamespaceNamesAndAliases(NS_IMAGE)); switch ($argsSImageRenderMode) { case 'none': $aContent = preg_replace('/(\\[\\[(' . $sNamespaceRegEx . '):[^\\|\\]]*)(\\|)?(.*?)(\\]\\])/', '', $aContent); break; case 'full': // do nothing break; case 'thumb': default: $aContent = preg_replace('/(\\[\\[(' . $sNamespaceRegEx . '):[^\\|\\]]*)(\\|)?(.*?)(\\]\\])/', "\$1|thumb|{$argsSImageFloatDirection}\$3\$4|150px\$5", $aContent); break; } if (strlen($aContent) > $argsIMaxEntryCharacters) { $bMore = true; } $aContent = BsStringHelper::shorten($aContent, array('max-length' => $argsIMaxEntryCharacters, 'ignore-word-borders' => false, 'position' => 'end')); $resComment = $dbr->selectRow('revision', 'COUNT( rev_id ) AS cnt', array('rev_page' => $oEntryTitle->getTalkPage()->getArticleID())); $iCount = $resComment->cnt; // set data for view class $oBlogItemView = new ViewBlogItem(); // use magic set $oBlogItemView->setOption('showInfo', $argsBShowInfo); $oBlogItemView->setOption('showLimit', $argsIShowLimit); $oBlogItemView->setOption('showTrackback', $bShowTrackback); $oBlogItemView->setOption('showPermalink', $argsBShowPermalink); $oBlogItemView->setOption('moreInNewWindow', $argsBMoreInNewWindow); $oBlogItemView->setOption('showAll', $bShowAll); $oBlogItemView->setOption('moreAtEndOfEntry', $bMoreAtEndOfEntry); $oBlogItemView->setOption('more', $bMore); //TODO: magic_call? if ($argsModeNamespace === 'ns') { $sTitle = substr($oEntryTitle->getText(), 5); } else { $sTitle = $oEntryTitle->getText(); } $aTalkParams = array(); if (!$oEntryTitle->getTalkPage()->exists()) { $aTalkParams = array('action' => 'edit'); } $oRevision = Revision::newFromTitle($oEntryTitle); $oBlogItemView->setTitle($sTitle); $oBlogItemView->setRevId($oRevision->getId()); $oBlogItemView->setURL($oEntryTitle->getLocalURL()); $oBlogItemView->setTalkURL($oEntryTitle->getTalkPage()->getLocalURL($aTalkParams)); $oBlogItemView->setTalkCount($iCount); $oBlogItemView->setTrackbackUrl($oEntryTitle->getLocalURL()); if ($bShowInfo) { $oFirstRevision = $oEntryTitle->getFirstRevision(); $sTimestamp = $oFirstRevision->getTimestamp(); $sLocalDateTimeString = BsFormatConverter::timestampToAgeString(wfTimestamp(TS_UNIX, $sTimestamp)); $oBlogItemView->setEntryDate($sLocalDateTimeString); $iUserId = $oFirstRevision->getUser(); if ($iUserId != 0) { $oAuthorUser = User::newFromId($iUserId); $oBlogItemView->setAuthorPage($oAuthorUser->getUserPage()->getPrefixedText()); $oBlogItemView->setAuthorName($this->mCore->getUserDisplayName($oAuthorUser)); } else { $oBlogItemView->setAuthorName($oFirstRevision->getUserText()); } } $oBlogItemView->setContent($aContent); $oBlogView->addItem($oBlogItemView); $iLoop++; if ($iLoop >= $iLimit) { break; } } $dbr->freeResult($res); // prepare complete blog output if ($bShowAll && !$paramBShowAll && $iNumberOfEntries > $argsIShowLimit) { $oBlogView->setOption('showall', true); } $oBlogView->setOption('shownewentryfield', $argsBNewEntryField); $oBlogView->setOption('newentryfieldposition', $argsSNewEntryFieldPosition); $oBlogView->setOption('namespace', BsNamespaceHelper::getNamespaceName($argsINamespace, false)); $oBlogView->setOption('blogcat', $argsSCategory); if ($argsModeNamespace === 'ns') { $oBlogView->setOption('parentpage', 'Blog/'); } // actually create blog output $sOut = $oBlogView->execute(); //Use cache only in NS_BLOG - there is curently no functionality to //figure out in what type of blog tag a entry is showen and why //(coditions). Possible blog by categories or subpages... //Needs rework. if (in_array($oTitle->getNamespace(), array(NS_BLOG, NS_BLOG_TALK))) { $aKey = array($sKey); $sTagsKey = BsCacheHelper::getCacheKey('BlueSpice', 'Blog', 'Tags'); $aTagsData = BsCacheHelper::get($sTagsKey); if ($aTagsData !== false) { if (!in_array($sKey, $aTagsData)) { $aTagsData = array_merge($aTagsData, $aKey); } } else { $aTagsData = $aKey; } BsCacheHelper::set($sTagsKey, $aTagsData, 60 * 1440); // one day BsCacheHelper::set($sKey, $sOut, 60 * 1440); // one day } return $sOut; }
/** * Parser hook callback * * @param string $input Tag input * @param array $args Tag attributes * @param Parser $parser Parent parser * @return string */ public static function renderHook($input, $args, $parser) { global $wgRandomImageNoCache; if ($wgRandomImageNoCache) { $parser->disableCache(); } $random = new RandomImage($parser, $args, $input); return $random->render(); }
/** * This is called when {{#manual:short|long}} is found in an article content. It should produce an output * set of HTML which provides the name (long) as a link to the most recent (based on version tags) TOC * management page for that manual. * * @param Parser $parser * @param string $shortName Short name of the Manual used in links. * @param string $longName Long/display name of Manual. * @param string $categories The categories for the Manual, in a comma-separated list * @return array */ function efManualParserFunction_Render(&$parser, $shortName = '', $longName = '', $categories = '') { global $wgArticlePath; $valid = TRUE; if (!preg_match(PONYDOCS_PRODUCTMANUAL_REGEX, $shortName) || !strlen($shortName) || !strlen($longName)) { return $parser->insertStripItem('', $parser->mStripState); } $manualName = preg_replace('/([^' . PONYDOCS_PRODUCTMANUAL_LEGALCHARS . ']+)/', '', $shortName); // TODO: It's silly to do this twice (the other is in LoadManualsForProduct(). // We should get the manual object from PonyDocsProductManual $static = FALSE; if (strpos($shortName, PONYDOCS_PRODUCT_STATIC_PREFIX) === 0) { $static = TRUE; $manualName = substr($manualName, strlen(PONYDOCS_PRODUCT_STATIC_PREFIX)); } $productName = PonyDocsProduct::GetSelectedProduct(); $version = PonyDocsProductVersion::GetSelectedVersion($productName); // Don't cache Documentation:[product]:Manuals pages because when we switch selected version the content will come from cache $parser->disableCache(); // If static, link to Special:StaticDocImport if ($static) { $output = "<p><a href=\"" . str_replace('$1', "Special:StaticDocImport/{$productName}/{$manualName}", $wgArticlePath) . "\" style=\"font-size: 1.3em;\">{$longName}</a></p>\n" . "<span style=\"padding-left: 20px;\">Click manual to manage static documentation.</span>\n"; // Otherwise, link to TOC for current Version OR add a link to create a new TOC if none exists } else { // TODO: We should call PonyDocsTOC.php or maybe PonyDocsProductManual to see if there's a TOC in this manual // or maybe actually get the manual object and query it $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); $res = $dbr->select(array('categorylinks', 'page'), 'page_title', array('cl_from = page_id', 'page_namespace = "' . NS_PONYDOCS . '"', "cl_to = 'V:{$productName}:{$version}'", 'cl_type = "page"', "cl_sortkey LIKE '" . $dbr->strencode(strtoupper($productName)) . ':' . $dbr->strencode(strtoupper($manualName)) . "TOC%'"), __METHOD__); if (!$res->numRows()) { /** * Link to create new TOC page -- should link to current version TOC and then add message to explain. */ $output = '<p><a href="' . str_replace('$1', PONYDOCS_DOCUMENTATION_NAMESPACE_NAME . ':' . $productName . ':' . $manualName . 'TOC' . $version, $wgArticlePath) . '" style="font-size: 1.3em;">' . $longName . "</a></p>\n <span style=\"padding-left: 20px;\">Click manual to create TOC for current version (" . $version . ").</span>\n"; } else { $row = $dbr->fetchObject($res); $output = '<p><a href="' . str_replace('$1', PONYDOCS_DOCUMENTATION_NAMESPACE_NAME . ":{$row->page_title}", $wgArticlePath) . '" style="font-size: 1.3em;">' . $longName . "</a></p>\n"; } } if ($categories != '') { $output .= "<br>Categories: {$categories}"; } return $parser->insertStripItem($output, $parser->mStripState); }
function BugzillaRender($input, array $args, Parser $parser, $frame = null) { global $wgBugzillaRESTURL; // We don't want the page to be cached // TODO: Not sure if we need this $parser->disableCache(); // TODO: Figure out to have the parser not do anything to our output // mediawiki docs are wrong :-( // error_log(print_r($parser->mStripState, true)); // $parser->mStripState->addItem( 'nowiki', 'NOWIKI', true); // 'noparse' => true, 'isHTML' => true, 'markerType' => 'nowiki' ); $input = $parser->recursiveTagParse($input, $frame); // Create a new bugzilla object $bz = Bugzilla::create($args, $input, $parser->getTitle()); // Show the desired output (or an error if there was one) return $bz->render(); }
/** * Renders bs:whoisonline:popup output. * @param Parser $oParser MediaWiki parser object. * @param string $sLinkTitle Label of the link that is the anchor of the flyout * @return array Rendered HTML and flags. Used by magic word function hook as well as by onUsersLinkTag. */ public function onUsersLink($oParser, $sLinkTitle = '') { $oParser->disableCache(); wfProfileIn('BS::' . __METHOD__); $sLinkTitle = BsCore::sanitize($sLinkTitle, '', BsPARAMTYPE::STRING); if (empty($sLinkTitle)) { $sLinkTitle = wfMessage('bs-whoisonline-widget-title')->plain(); } $oWhoIsOnlineTagView = new ViewWhoIsOnlineTag(); $oWhoIsOnlineTagView->setOption('title', $sLinkTitle); $oWhoIsOnlineTagView->setPortlet($this->getPortlet()); $sOut = $oWhoIsOnlineTagView->execute(); wfProfileOut('BS::' . __METHOD__); return $oParser->insertStripItem($sOut, $oParser->mStripState); }
/** * Callback for MediaWiki Parser. Renders the list of wanted articles * @param string $sInput The content of the tag. Usually empty string. * @param array $aAttributes An Array of given attributes * @param Parser $oParser The MediaWiki parser object * @return string The rendered <bs:wantedarticles /> tag */ public function onWantedArticlesTag($sInput, $aAttributes, $oParser) { $oParser->disableCache(); $oErrorListView = new ViewTagErrorList($this); $sDefaultTitle = wfMessage('bs-wantedarticle-tag-default-title')->plain(); $iCount = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($aAttributes, 'count', 5, BsPARAMTYPE::INT); $sSort = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($aAttributes, 'sort', 'time', BsPARAMTYPE::STRING); $sOrder = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($aAttributes, 'order', 'DESC', BsPARAMTYPE::STRING); $sTitle = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($aAttributes, 'title', $sDefaultTitle, BsPARAMTYPE::STRING); $sType = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($aAttributes, 'type', 'list', BsPARAMTYPE::STRING); //Validation $oValidationICount = BsValidator::isValid('IntegerRange', $iCount, array('fullResponse' => true, 'lowerBoundary' => 1, 'upperBoundary' => 30)); if ($oValidationICount->getErrorCode()) { $oErrorListView->addItem(new ViewTagError('count: ' . $oValidationICount->getI18N())); } if (!in_array($sSort, array('', 'time', 'title'))) { $oErrorListView->addItem(new ViewTagError('sort: ' . wfMessage('bs-wantedarticle-sort-value-unknown')->plain())); } if (!in_array($sOrder, array('', 'ASC', 'DESC'))) { $oErrorListView->addItem(new ViewTagError('order: ' . wfMessage('bs-wantedarticle-order-value-unknown')->plain())); } if ($oErrorListView->hasItems()) { return $oErrorListView->execute(); } //Create list $aWishList = $this->getTitleListFromTitle($this->getDataSourceTemplateArticle()->getTitle()); switch ($sSort) { case 'title': $aTitleList = $this->sortWishListByTitle($aWishList); break; case 'time': default: $aTitleList = $this->getDefaultTitleList($aWishList); } if ($sOrder == 'ASC') { $aTitleList = array_reverse($aTitleList); } $oWishListView = new ViewWantedArticleTag(); $oWishListView->setTitle($sTitle)->setType($sType)->setOrder($sOrder)->setSort($sSort)->setCount($iCount)->setList($aTitleList); return $oWishListView->execute(); }
/** * Handles the Parser Hook for TagExtensions * @param string $sInput Content of $lt;pagesvisited /> from MediaWiki Framework * @param array $aAttributes Attributes of <pagesvisited /> from MediaWiki Framework * @param Parser $oParser Parser object from MediaWiki Framework * @return string HTML list of recently visited pages */ public function onPagesVisitedTag($sInput, $aAttributes, $oParser) { $oParser->disableCache(); $oErrorListView = new ViewTagErrorList($this); $iCount = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($aAttributes, 'count', 5, BsPARAMTYPE::INT); $iMaxTitleLength = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($aAttributes, 'maxtitlelength', 20, BsPARAMTYPE::INT); $sNamespaces = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($aAttributes, 'namespaces', 'all', BsPARAMTYPE::STRING | BsPARAMOPTION::CLEANUP_STRING); $sSortOrder = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($aAttributes, 'order', 'time', BsPARAMTYPE::STRING | BsPARAMOPTION::CLEANUP_STRING); //Validation $oValidationICount = BsValidator::isValid('IntegerRange', $iCount, array('fullResponse' => true, 'lowerBoundary' => 1, 'upperBoundary' => 30)); if ($oValidationICount->getErrorCode()) { $oErrorListView->addItem(new ViewTagError('count: ' . $oValidationICount->getI18N())); } $oValidationIMaxTitleLength = BsValidator::isValid('IntegerRange', $iMaxTitleLength, array('fullResponse' => true, 'lowerBoundary' => 5, 'upperBoundary' => 50)); if ($oValidationIMaxTitleLength->getErrorCode()) { $oErrorListView->addItem(new ViewTagError('maxtitlelength: ' . $oValidationIMaxTitleLength->getI18N())); } if ($oErrorListView->hasItems()) { return $oErrorListView->execute(); } $iCurrentNamespaceId = $oParser->getTitle()->getNamespace(); $oListView = $this->makePagesVisitedWikiList($iCount, $sNamespaces, $iCurrentNamespaceId, $iMaxTitleLength, $sSortOrder); $sOut = $oListView->execute(); if ($oListView instanceof ViewTagErrorList) { return $sOut; } else { return $this->mCore->parseWikiText($sOut, $this->getTitle()); } }
/** * * @param type $input * @param type $args * @param Parser $parser * @return type */ public function onMagicWordBsCountCharacters($input, $args, $parser) { $parser->disableCache(); if (empty($input)) { $oErrorView = new ViewTagError(wfMessage('bs-countthings-error-no-input')->plain()); return $oErrorView->execute(); } $sMode = isset($args['mode']) ? str_replace(' ', '', $args['mode']) : 'all'; $aModes = explode(',', $sMode); $aAvailableModes = array('chars', 'words', 'pages', 'all'); $sOut = ''; $bValidModeProvided = false; foreach ($aModes as $sMode) { if (!in_array($sMode, $aAvailableModes)) { $oErrorView = new ViewTagError(wfMessage('bs-countthings-error-invalid-mode', $sMode)->plain()); $sOut .= $oErrorView->execute(); continue; } $bValidModeProvided = true; } if ($bValidModeProvided == false) { $aModes = array('all'); } $aTitleTexts = explode(',', $input); foreach ($aTitleTexts as $sTitleText) { $oTitle = Title::newFromText(trim($sTitleText)); if ($oTitle == null || $oTitle->exists() == false) { $oErrorView = new ViewTagError(wfMessage('bs-countthings-error-not-exist', $sTitleText)->plain()); $sOut .= $oErrorView->execute(); continue; } $sContent = BsPageContentProvider::getInstance()->getContentFromTitle($oTitle); //Old: last revision $oCountView = new ViewCountCharacters(); $oCountView->setTitle($oTitle); if (in_array('all', $aModes)) { $iChars = strlen(preg_replace("/\\s+/", " ", $sContent)); $iWords = sizeof(explode(' ', $sContent)); $iPages = ceil($iChars / 2000); $oCountView->setChars($iChars); $oCountView->setWords($iWords); $oCountView->setPages($iPages); $sOut .= $oCountView->execute(); continue; } // TODO RBV (17.02.12 15:34): Find better logic for this... if (in_array('chars', $aModes)) { $iChars = strlen(preg_replace("/\\s+/", " ", $sContent)); $oCountView->setChars($iChars); } if (in_array('words', $aModes)) { $iChars = strlen(preg_replace("/\\s+/", " ", $sContent)); $iWords = sizeof(explode(' ', $sContent)); $oCountView->setWords($iWords); } if (in_array('pages', $aModes)) { $iChars = strlen(preg_replace("/\\s+/", " ", $sContent)); $iWords = sizeof(explode(' ', $sContent)); $iPages = ceil($iChars / 2000); $oCountView->setPages($iPages); } $sOut .= $oCountView->execute(); } return $sOut; }
/** * * @param type $input * @param string $args * @param Parser $parser * @return string */ public function onTagBsPageAccess($input, $args, $parser) { //ignore access tag on mainpage or it will break all ajax calls without title param if ($parser->getTitle()->equals(Title::newMainPage()) === true) { return ''; } $parser->disableCache(); if (!isset($args['groups'])) { $oErrorView = new ViewTagError(wfMessage('bs-pageaccess-error-no-groups-given')->escaped()); return $oErrorView->execute(); } $sOldAccessGroups = $parser->getOutput()->getProperty('bs-page-access'); if ($sOldAccessGroups) { $args['groups'] = $sOldAccessGroups . "," . $args['groups']; } $parser->getOutput()->setProperty('bs-page-access', $args['groups']); return ''; }
/** * Renrder the spark div. * * @since 0.1 * * @param Parser $parser * * @return string */ public function render(Parser $parser, $frame) { global $wgVersion; global $wgOut; global $egSparkScriptPath; global $wgResourceModules; // What is loaded already? static $loadedJsses = array(); wfDebugLog('myextension', 'Parameters alright? ' . print_r($this->parameters, true)); if (array_key_exists(egSparkQuery, $this->parameters)) { $query = htmlspecialchars($this->parameters[egSparkQuery]); // Before that, shall we allow internal parse, at least for the query? // We replace variables, templates etc. $query = $parser->replaceVariables($query, $frame); //$query = $parser->recursiveTagParse( $query ); // Replace special characters $query = str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('<', '>'), $query); unset($this->parameters[egSparkQuery]); // Depending on the format, we possibly need to add modules if (array_key_exists(egSparkFormat, $this->parameters)) { $format = htmlspecialchars($this->parameters[egSparkFormat]); // Remove everything before "spark.XXX" $format = substr($format, strpos($format, "spark.")); // Remove .js at the end $format = str_replace(array('.js'), array(''), $format); $module = 'ext.' . $format; // for older versions of MW, different if (version_compare($wgVersion, '1.17', '<')) { if (isset($wgResourceModules) && array_key_exists($module, $wgResourceModules)) { // only if not already loaded if (!isset($loadedJsses[$module])) { // scripts foreach ($wgResourceModules[$module]['scripts'] as $script) { $wgOut->addScript('<script src="' . $egSparkScriptPath . "/" . $script . '" type="text/javascript"></script>'); wfDebugLog('spark', "AddScript:" . ' <script src="' . $egSparkScriptPath . "/" . $script . '" type="text/javascript"></script>'); } // css foreach ($wgResourceModules[$module]['styles'] as $style) { $wgOut->addScript('<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $egSparkScriptPath . "/" . $style . '" type="text/css" />'); wfDebugLog('spark', "AddLink:" . ' <link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $egSparkScriptPath . "/" . $style . '" type="text/css" />'); } $loadedJsses[$module] = true; } } } else { // $wgResourceModules might not exist if (isset($wgResourceModules) && array_key_exists($module, $wgResourceModules)) { // TODO: Do we need to check, whether module has been added already? $parser->getOutput()->addModules($module); } } } $html = '<div class="spark" data-spark-query="' . $query . '" ' . Html::expandAttributes($this->parameters) . ' >' . (is_null($this->contents) ? '' : htmlspecialchars($this->contents)) . '</div>'; // In MW 1.17 there seems to be the problem that ? after an empty space is replaced by a non-breaking space ( ) Therefore we remove all spaces before ? which should still make the SPARQL query work $html = preg_replace('/[ \\t]+(\\?)/', '$1', $html); // for older versions of MW, different if (version_compare($wgVersion, '1.17', '<')) { $parser->disableCache(); return $html; } else { return array($parser->insertStripItem($html, $parser->mStripState), 'noparse' => true, 'isHTML' => true); } } else { return Html::element('i', array(), wfMsg('spark-missing-query')); } }
/** * Renders the BsTagToplist tag. Called by parser function. * @param string $sInput Inner HTML of BsTagMToplist tag. Not used. * @param array $aArgs List of tag attributes. * @param Parser $oParser MediaWiki parser object * @return string HTML output that is to be displayed. */ public function onTagToplist($sInput, $aArgs, $oParser) { $oParser->disableCache(); $oParser->getOutput()->setProperty('bs-toplist', FormatJson::encode($aArgs)); return $this->getToplist($sInput, $aArgs, $oParser); }
function drawDiagram(Parser $parser, PPFrame $frame) { global $wgTitle; $sumEditing = 0; $pagesList = CDParameters::getInstance()->getPagesList(); $pageWithChanges = array(); foreach ($pagesList as $thisPageTitle) { $names = getPageEditorsFromDb($thisPageTitle); $changesForUsersForPage = getCountsOfEditing($names); $thisPageTitleKey = $thisPageTitle->getText(); if ($thisPageTitle->getNsText() != "") { $thisPageTitleKey = $thisPageTitle->getNsText() . ":" . $thisPageTitleKey; // we can't use Title object this is a key with an array so we generate the Ns:Name key } $pageWithChanges[$thisPageTitleKey] = $changesForUsersForPage; $sumEditing += evaluateCountOfAllEdits($changesForUsersForPage); } $text = drawPreamble(); foreach ($pageWithChanges as $thisPageTitleKey => $changesForUsersForPage) { $drawer = CDDrawerFactory::getDrawer($changesForUsersForPage, $sumEditing, $thisPageTitleKey); $text .= $drawer->draw(); } $text .= "}</graphviz>"; // $text = getPie($changesForUsers, $sumEditing, $thisPageTitle); $parser->disableCache(); $parser->setTitle(Title::newFromText("Main_page")); $frame->getTitle(Title::newFromText("Main_page")); $text = $parser->recursiveTagParse($text, $frame); //this stuff just render my page return $text; }