public static function cancelquo($params) { $quoid = $params['quoid']; if ($params['inqid']) { //查询询价单状态 $sta = 'select Status from pap_inquiry where InquiryID=' . $params['inqid']; $r = Yii::app()->papdb->createCommand($sta)->queryRow(); if ($r['Status'] > 1) { echo json_encode(array('count' => -1, 'msg' => '只能取消待报价或待确认的询价单')); die; } } else { //查询报价单状态 $sta = 'select Status from pap_quotation where QuoID=' . $quoid; $r = Yii::app()->papdb->createCommand($sta)->queryRow(); if ($r['Status'] != '1') { echo json_encode(array('count' => -1, 'msg' => '只能取消待确认的报价单')); die; } } $sql = 'select SchID from pap_quotation_scheme where QuoID=' . $quoid; $result = Yii::app()->papdb->createCommand($sql)->queryAll(); $schids = array(); foreach ($result as $r) { $schids[] = $r['SchID']; } $schstr = implode(',', $schids); if ($schids) { $goods = PapQuotationGoods::model()->deleteAll('SchID in (' . $schstr . ')'); } $sch = PapQuotationScheme::model()->deleteAll('QuoID=' . $quoid); $quo = PapQuotation::model()->deleteByPk($quoid); if ($params['inqid']) { //查询询价单是否报价 $quosql = 'select QuoID from pap_quotation where IfSend="2" and InquiryID=' . $params['inqid']; $quos = Yii::app()->papdb->createCommand($quosql)->queryRow(); if (!$quos) { $update = 'update pap_inquiry set Status=0 where InquiryID=' . $params['inqid']; Yii::app()->papdb->createCommand($update)->execute(); } } echo json_encode(array('count' => $quo + $sch + $goods)); }
public static function editscheme($params) { $organID = Yii::app()->user->getOrganID(); $time = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']; //更新报价单 $quoID = self::ifsendquo(array('inqid' => $params['inqid'])); $quodatas['UpdateTime'] = $time; $quodatas['Title'] = $params['quoname']; $result = Yii::app()->papdb->createCommand()->update('pap_quotation', $quodatas, 'QuoID=' . $quoID); $SchID = $params['schid']; $datas['TotalFee'] = $params['quoprices']; $datas['GoodFee'] = $params['totalprices']; $datas['ShipFee'] = $params['shipprices']; $datas['ShipFee'] = $params['shipprices']; $datas['UpdateTime'] = $time; //保存附件 if ($params['fileurl']) { $datas['FileName'] = $params['filename']; $datas['FileUrl'] = $params['fileurl']; //删除之前附件 $quo_data = PapQuotationScheme::model()->findByPk($SchID); if (!empty($quo_data['FileName'])) { $ftp = new Ftp(); $res = $ftp->delete_file($quo_data->FileUrl); $ftp->close(); } } $result = Yii::app()->papdb->createCommand()->update('pap_quotation_scheme', $datas, 'SchID=:SchID', array(':SchID' => $SchID)); //获取商品信息 $goodsinfo = array(); $goodsids = explode(',', $params['quoids']); $goodsnum = explode(',', $params['quonum']); $goodsprice = explode(',', $params['quoprice']); //获取以前的商品信息 $oldgoodsinfo = PapQuotationGoods::model()->findAll('SchID=' . $SchID); $newgoodsinfo = array(); foreach ($goodsids as $key => $v) { if ($v) { $newgoodsinfo[$key]['GoodsID'] = $goodsids[$key]; $newgoodsinfo[$key]['Num'] = $goodsnum[$key]; $newgoodsinfo[$key]['Price'] = $goodsprice[$key]; $version = QuotationService::getgoodsversion($goodsids[$key]); $newgoodsinfo[$key]['Version'] = $version ? $version : 0; } } $insertid = array(); //将报价单商品插入报价单商品表中 if ($SchID) { foreach ($newgoodsinfo as $nkey => $new) { $newids[] = $new['GoodsID']; } if ($oldgoodsinfo) { foreach ($oldgoodsinfo as $okey => $old) { $oldids[] = $old['GoodsID']; } } else { $oldids = array(); } foreach ($oldids as $id) { if (!in_array($id, $newids)) { //删除商品 $delcount = Yii::app()->papdb->createCommand()->delete('pap_quotation_goods', 'SchID=:SchID and GoodsID=:goodsid', array(':SchID' => $SchID, ':goodsid' => $id)); } } foreach ($newids as $key => $id) { if (in_array($id, $oldids)) { //更新商品 $update['Num'] = $newgoodsinfo[$key]['Num']; $update['Price'] = $newgoodsinfo[$key]['Price']; $update['Version'] = $newgoodsinfo[$key]['Version']; $result = Yii::app()->papdb->createCommand()->update('pap_quotation_goods', $update, 'SchID=:SchID and GoodsID=:goodsid', array(':SchID' => $SchID, ':goodsid' => $id)); if ($result == 1) { $res = 1; } } else { //插入商品 $goodsdatas['SchID'] = $SchID; $goodsdatas['GoodsID'] = $newgoodsinfo[$key]['GoodsID']; $goodsdatas['Num'] = $newgoodsinfo[$key]['Num']; $goodsdatas['Price'] = $newgoodsinfo[$key]['Price']; $goodsdatas['Version'] = $newgoodsinfo[$key]['Version']; $result = Yii::app()->papdb->createCommand()->insert('pap_quotation_goods', $goodsdatas); $insertid[] = Yii::app()->papdb->getLastInsertID(); } } } if ($res = 1 || count($insertid) > 0 || $delcount > 0) { echo json_encode(array('count' => 1, 'schid' => $SchID, 'success' => true)); } else { echo json_encode(array('count' => 0)); } }
public function actionOrderGoods() { $this->layout = '//layouts/base'; $goodsid = Yii::app()->request->getParam('goods'); $version = Yii::app()->request->getParam('Version'); $order = Yii::app()->request->getParam('Order'); $return = Yii::app()->request->getParam('return'); $quo = Yii::app()->request->getParam('quo'); //版本信息 $good = DealergoodsService::getmongoversion($goodsid, $version); $result = $good['GoodsInfo']; $result['SellerID'] = $result['OrganID']; if ($order) { $model = PapOrderGoods::model()->find(array('select' => 'ProPrice as Price,Quantity,MakeID,CarID,Year,ModelID', 'condition' => "OrderID={$order} and GoodsID={$goodsid}"))->attributes; $result['Quantity'] = $model['Quantity']; $result['Price'] = $model['Price']; $car = array('make' => $model['MakeID'], 'series' => $model['CarID'], 'year' => $model['Year'], 'model' => $model['ModelID']); } else { if ($return) { $model = PapReturnGoods::model()->find(array('select' => 'Price,OrderID', 'condition' => "ReturnID='{$return}' and GoodsID='{$goodsid}'"))->attributes; $result['Quantity'] = $model['Quantity']; $result['Price'] = $model['Price']; $ordermodel = PapOrderGoods::model()->find(array('select' => 'MakeID,CarID,Year,ModelID', 'condition' => "OrderID={$model['OrderID']} and GoodsID={$goodsid}"))->attributes; $car = array('make' => $ordermodel['MakeID'], 'series' => $ordermodel['CarID'], 'year' => $ordermodel['Year'], 'model' => $ordermodel['ModelID']); } else { if ($quo) { $model = PapQuotationGoods::model()->findByPk($quo, array('select' => 'Price,Num', 'condition' => "GoodsID='{$goodsid}'"))->attributes; $result['Quantity'] = $model['Num']; $result['Price'] = $model['Price']; } else { $this->redirect(array('index')); } } } //发货公告 $model = new PapGoodsSendnotice(); $notice = $model->find("OrganID = {$result['SellerID']}"); //商品基本信息 $result['GoodsID'] = $goodsid; $result['BrandName'] = $result['Brand']; $goods = PapGoods::model()->findByPk($goodsid, array('select' => 'IsSale,CommentNo')); $result['IsSale'] = $goods->attributes['IsSale']; $result['CommentNo'] = $goods->attributes['CommentNo']; if ($result['oeno']) { $oe = ''; foreach ($result['oeno'] as $v) { $oe .= $v . ','; } $result['OENO'] = substr($oe, 0, -1); } else { $result['OENO'] = ''; } //最小交易金额 $result['MinTurnover'] = PapOrderMinTurnover::model()->find("OrganID=:ID", array(":ID" => $result['SellerID']))->attributes['MinTurnover']; //店家积分 $result['TotalScore'] = DefaultService::getrecord($result['SellerID']); //店家信息 $organInfo = Organ::model()->findByPk($result['SellerID'])->attributes; $result['OrganName'] = $organInfo['OrganName']; $result['QQ'] = $organInfo['QQ']; $result['Phone'] = $organInfo['Phone']; $result['Address'] = array(Area::getCity($organInfo['Province']), Area::getCity($organInfo['City']), Area::getCity($organInfo['Area'])); //大类子类标准名称 $result['StandCodeName'] = Gcategory::model()->find(array('select' => 'Name', 'condition' => "Code='{$result['StandCode']}'"))->attributes['Name']; $cpArr = MallService::getCategory($result['StandCode']); $result['BigName'] = $cpArr['BigParts']; $result['SubName'] = $cpArr['SubParts']; $result['sub'] = $cpArr['sub']; $result['ValidityType'] = $result['spec']['ValidityType']; $result['ValidityDate'] = $result['spec']['ValidityDate']; $result['BganCompany'] = $result['spec']['BganCompany'] ? $result['spec']['BganCompany'] : ''; //标品 $result['BganGoodsNO'] = $result['spec']['BganGoodsNO'] ? $result['spec']['BganGoodsNO'] : ''; //标商 $result['Unit'] = $result['spec']['Unit'] ? $result['spec']['Unit'] : ''; //单位ID $result['UnitName'] = GoodsUnit::model()->findByPk($result['Unit'])->attributes['UnitName']; //单位 $result['MinQuantity'] = $result['pack']['MinQuantity'] ? $result['pack']['MinQuantity'] : ''; //最小包装 // 图片 if (!$result['img']) { $result['Images'][0]['ImageUrl'] = 'dealer/goods-img-big.jpg'; $result['Images'][0]['BigImage'] = 'dealer/goods-img-big.jpg'; } else { foreach ($result['img'] as $k => $v) { $result['Images'][$k]['MallImage'] = $v['MallImage']; $result['Images'][$k]['ImageUrl'] = $v['ImageUrl']; if (!$v['BigImage']) { $result['Images'][$k]['BigImage'] = $v['ImageUrl']; } else { $result['Images'][$k]['BigImage'] = $v['BigImage']; } } } if (!$result) { $this->redirect(array('index')); } $carmodeltext = MallService::getCarmodeltxt($car); $carfit = $car; $carfit['goodsid'] = $goodsid; $fitres = MallService::checkCarfit($carfit); $rows = $this->Getmaincate($result['SellerID']); $cate = $this->findsub($rows); $this->pageTitle = Yii::app()->name . '-' . "订单商品详情"; //获取经销商客服列表 $csparams['organID'] = $result['SellerID']; $csparams['type'] = 1; $csinfo = CsService::getcslists($csparams); $this->render('ordergoods', array('r' => $result, 'cate' => $cate, 'carmodeltext' => $carmodeltext, 'fitres' => $fitres['success'] == 1 ? 1 : 0, 'csinfo' => $csinfo, 'car' => $car, 'data' => $notice, 'goodsid' => $goodsid)); }