Exemple #1
 public function open()
     if (empty($this->file)) {
         $path = \Painless::app()->env(\Painless::APP_PATH) . 'log.txt';
         $this->file = fopen($path, 'a');
Exemple #2
 public function get()
     // See what help is being requested
     $topic = $this->request->getParam(0);
     if (empty($topic)) {
         $topic = 'help';
     // Check if the topic is supported
     $model = \Painless::app()->load('model/help/topic');
     $response = $model->getTopic($topic);
     // Do nothing because there's no logic to handle. Let view handle it.
Exemple #3
  * Retrieves a topic from the help topic template directory
  *  - 200 -> topic found
  *  - 404 -> topic not found
  * @param string $topic     the name of the topic to search for
  * @return PainlessResponse a response object detailing the status of the operation
 public function getTopic($topic)
     // Try to get the topic
     try {
         \Painless::app()->load("tpl/help/{$topic}", LP_DEF_ONLY);
         $topic = ob_get_flush();
     } catch (\ErrorException $e) {
         // Return a topic not found
         return $this->response(404, $topic . ' not found');
     return $this->response(200, 'Found', array('help' => $topic));
Exemple #4
  * Adds a new config key into morphine
  * @return void
 public function addConfig($key, $value)
     // Get the config DAO
     $dao = \Painless::app()->load('dao/config/config/sqlite');
     // Set the values
     $dao->key = $key;
     $dao->value = $value;
     $id = $dao->new();
     if (empty($id)) {
         return $this->response(400, "Unable to create new config key-value item for `{$key}` (value = {$value})");
     return $this->response(200, 'OK', array('id' => $id));
Exemple #5
  * Redirects either to an external resource or to an internal workflow
  * @param string $path  the path to redirect to
 protected function redirect($path)
     $path = strtolower($path);
     // check if this is an external path
     if (stripos($path, 'http://') === FALSE && stripos($path, 'https://') === FALSE) {
         $path = \Painless::app()->env(\Painless::APP_URL) . $path;
     // rebuild the response
     $response =& $this->response;
     $response->status = 302;
     $response->message = "Redirect";
     $response->set(self::PATH, $path);
Exemple #6
 protected function init()
     // Localize all external variables
     $core = \Painless::app();
     $appPath = $core->env(\Painless::APP_PATH);
     $appName = $core->env(\Painless::APP_NAME);
     $configPath = '';
     $profile = '';
     $aclPath = '';
     // first, check if a deployment profile is issued
     $profile = $core->env(\Painless::PROFILE);
     // get the engine's implementor path if possible
     if (!empty($appPath)) {
         $configPath = $appPath . 'config/' . $appName;
         $aclPath = $appPath . 'config/' . $appName;
         $routesPath = $appPath . 'config/' . $appName;
         if ($profile) {
             $configPath .= '.' . $profile;
         $configPath .= '.php';
         $aclPath .= '.acl.php';
         $routesPath .= '.route.php';
     // check if the config path is correct
     if (file_exists($configPath)) {
         require_once $configPath;
         if (!isset($config)) {
             throw new \ErrorException('Unable to find the config array in [' . $configPath . ']');
         $this->config = $config;
         // clean up because $config is going to be recycled after this
     } else {
         throw new \ErrorException('Invalid config file [' . $configPath . ']');
     // load the acl array too
     if (file_exists($aclPath)) {
         require_once $aclPath;
         if (isset($config)) {
             $this->config = array_merge($this->config, $config);
     // load the routes array too
     if (file_exists($routesPath)) {
         require_once $routesPath;
         if (isset($config)) {
             $this->config = array_merge($this->config, $config);
Exemple #7
 public function get()
     # GET execute/model/[module name]/[model name]/[params ...]
     // Get the model's module and name
     $module = $this->request->getParam('name');
     $model = $this->request->getParam('name');
     $params = $this->request->getParam('params');
     // Get the model
     $model = \Painless::app()->load("model/{$module}/{$model}");
     if (empty($model)) {
         return $this->response(404, 'Model not found');
     // Get the parameters
Exemple #8
 public function open($options = array())
     // do not proceed if memcached is not available
     if (!extension_loaded('memcached')) {
         throw new \ErrorException('Memcached is not installed in your system.');
     $this->params = $options;
     // as usual, get the options from the config if not specified
     if (empty($this->params)) {
         $config = \Painless::app()->load('system/common/config');
         $this->params = $config->get('memcached.*');
     // open a connection
     $host = array_get($this->params, 'memcached.host', FALSE);
     $port = (int) array_get($this->params, 'memcached.port', FALSE);
     $timeout = (int) array_get($this->params, 'memcached.timeout', FALSE);
     $this->conn = new Memcache();
     return $this->conn->connect($host, $port, $timeout);
Exemple #9
  * Edits a config key in morphine
  * @return void
 public function post()
     // Get the config model
     $model = \Painless::app()->load('model/config/manager');
     // Get the key to update and the value
     $key = $this->request->getParam('key');
     $value = $this->request->getParam('value');
     // Try to update the config key
     $response = $model->updateConfig($key, $value);
     // Handle the return status
     if ($response->status === 200) {
         $this->response(200, 'OK');
     } else {
Exemple #10
 public function __construct()
     // Initialize the namespace
     $this->namespace = \Painless::app()->env(\Painless::APP_NAME);
Exemple #11
 public function dispatch()
     // Check and load the router
     $router = \Painless::app()->load('system/common/router');
     // Process the command line arguments into a proper URI
     $uri = $this->processArgs();
     try {
         // Let the router process the business logic
         $response = $router->process($uri);
     } catch (PainlessWorkflowNotFoundException $e) {
         // Construct a 404 response
         $response = \Painless::app()->load('system/workflow/response', LP_LOAD_NEW);
         $response->status = 404;
         $response->message = 'Unable to locate workflow';
     } catch (\ErrorException $e) {
         $response = \Painless::app()->load('system/workflow/response', LP_LOAD_NEW);
         $response->status = 500;
         $response->message = $e->getMessage();
     // Pass the control to the renderer
     $render = \Painless::app()->load('system/common/render');
     $output = $render->process($response);
     return $output;
Exemple #12
 protected function processCli($method, &$uri, $data = array(), $roles = array())
     // Localize the variables
     $module = '';
     $controller = '';
     $param = array();
     // If it's an APP call, a URI must be given
     if (empty($uri)) {
         return FALSE;
     // Check if argv is set in the Core (which should be the case in the
     // bootstrap process if writing for a CLI app)
     $argv = \Painless::app()->env(\Painless::CLI_ARGV);
     if (!empty($arv)) {
         // TODO: Finish this
     // Dispense the request object
     $request = \Painless::manufacture('request', $method, $module, $controller, $param, '', PHP_SAPI);
     // If the method is GET or POST, merge the arrays into params
     if ($method === \Painless\System\Workflow\Request::GET) {
         $request->params($_GET, TRUE, Request::SRC_ALL, Request::PS_ASSOC);
     } elseif ($method === \Painless\System\Workflow\Request::POST || $method === \Painless\System\Workflow\Request::PUT) {
         $request->params($_POST, TRUE, Request::SRC_ALL, Request::PS_ASSOC);
     return $request;
Exemple #13
 protected function handle500($request, $response)
     $response->set(self::TPL_PATH, \Painless::app()->env(\Painless::APP_PATH) . 'view/error-500.tpl');
     return $response;
Exemple #14
  * Loads a component
  * @param string $ns    the component's namespace
  * @param int $opt      loading parameters
  * @return mixed        returned value depends on the loading parameters
 public function load($ns, $opt = \Painless::LP_ALL)
     // Localize the Core instance for multiple access
     $app = \Painless::app();
     if (!empty($app)) {
         // If LP_LOAD_NEW is not defined, try to see if the component has already
         // been cached and return that instead if so
         $com = $app->com($ns);
         if (!empty($ns) && !empty($com) && !($opt & \Painless::LP_SKIP_CACHE)) {
             return $com;
     // Explode the namespace string into an array to make it easier to work
     // with
     $nsa = explode('/', $ns);
     if (empty($nsa) || count($nsa) <= 1) {
         throw new \ErrorException('Namespace cannot be NULL or a malformed format [' . $ns . ']');
     // The component type uses a dash convention, thus the need for this conversion
     $comType = dash_to_camel($nsa[0]);
     // Grab the load information from the respective component type handler
     $meta = $this->{$comType}($nsa, $ns);
     // Declare the variables and constants to use as a good engineering
     // practice :)
     $comBase = NULL;
     $comExt = NULL;
     $isDefCore = (bool) ($opt & \Painless::LP_DEF_BASE);
     $isDefExt = (bool) ($opt & \Painless::LP_DEF_APP);
     $isCacheCore = (bool) ($opt & \Painless::LP_CACHE_BASE);
     $isCacheExt = (bool) ($opt & \Painless::LP_CACHE_APP);
     $isRetCore = (bool) ($opt & \Painless::LP_RET_BASE);
     $isRetExt = (bool) ($opt & \Painless::LP_RET_APP);
     // Load the definition of the base class, if possible
     if (FALSE !== $meta['basepath'] && file_exists($meta['basepath']) && $isDefCore && !class_exists($meta['basename'], FALSE)) {
         require_once $meta['basepath'];
     // Instantiate the core class
     if (class_exists($meta['basename'], FALSE) && ($isRetCore || $isCacheCore)) {
         $comBase = new $meta['basename']();
         // If caching is required (by enabling the LP_CACHE_CORE flag), save
         // the instantiated object into Painless's central cache
         if ($isCacheCore && !empty($app)) {
             $app->com($ns, $comBase);
     // Load the definition of the ext class, if possible
     if (file_exists($meta['extpath']) && $isDefExt && !class_exists($meta['extname'], FALSE)) {
         require_once $meta['extpath'];
     // Instantiate the ext class
     if (class_exists($meta['extname'], FALSE) && ($isRetExt || $isCacheExt)) {
         $comExt = new $meta['extname']();
         // If caching is required (by enabling the LP_CACHE_EXT flag), save
         // the instantiated object into Painless's central cache (overwrite
         // LP_CACHE_CORE if possible
         if ($isCacheExt && !empty($app)) {
             $app->com($ns, $comExt);
     // Now that we have done all the loading bit, figure out what to return.
     // If both LP_RET_CORE and LP_RET_EXT are not set, then no values are
     // expected to be returned at all
     if (!($isRetCore && $isRetExt)) {
         return NULL;
     } elseif ($comExt && $isRetExt) {
         return $comExt;
     } elseif (empty($comExt) && $comBase && $isRetCore) {
         return $comBase;
     // Don't know what to return, so we'll be nice and return an exception
     // instead. :)
     //throw new LoaderException( 'Unable to load the component [' . $ns . ']' );
     return NULL;
Exemple #15
  * Initializes an application
  * @param string $appName       the name of the application (dash-delimited)
  * @param string $appPath       the path of the application (dash-delimited)
  * @param boolean $useExtLoader set to TRUE to have the loader check for the
  *                              existence of an extended loader inside the
  *                              app's extensions, or FALSE to save time and
  *                              cycles
 public static function initApp($appName, $appPath, $useExtLoader = TRUE)
     // Append a backslash to $implPath if none is provided
     $appPath[strlen($appPath) - 1] !== '/' and $appPath .= '/';
     // Instantiate the Core. Here's the thing - both Core (which contains
     // instances of components, environment variables, etc) and Loader (which
     // handles loading of components) can be extended by the App, and thus
     // we will need to do some creative loading here.
     // First, check if there's an extended version of a loader inside the
     // app's extensions. If there is (and $useExtLoader is set to TRUE),
     // instantiate that and use it to load the Core. Then save the loader
     // into Core.
     $loaderPath = __DIR__ . '/system/common/loader' . EXT;
     require_once $loaderPath;
     $core = \Painless\System\Common\Loader::init($appName, $appPath, __DIR__ . '/', $useExtLoader);
     // Register the app
     \Painless::app($appName, $core);
     // Set the registered app as the active one
     static::$curr = $appName;
     // Register an autoloader
     return $core;