  * displays the page content in edition mode
 public function editAction()
     // [AS] add CKEditor (moved from the global as it was using a lot of ressource)
     $this->view->headScript()->appendFile(Sydney_Tools::getRootUrlCdn() . '/sydneyassets/jslibs/ckeditor/ckeditor.js', 'text/javascript');
     $this->view->headScript()->appendFile(Sydney_Tools::getRootUrlCdn() . '/sydneyassets/jslibs/ckeditor/adapters/jquery.js', 'text/javascript');
     $r = $this->getRequest();
     $elid = isset($r->id) && preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,50}$/', $r->id) ? $r->id : 0;
     $emodule = isset($r->emodule) ? $r->emodule : 'pages';
     $this->view->emodule = $emodule;
     $this->view->pagstructure_id = $elid;
     $this->view->customHelpers = $this->_registry->get('customhelpers');
     switch ($emodule) {
         case 'pages':
             $nodes = new Pagstructure();
             $where = 'id = ' . $elid . ' AND safinstances_id = ' . $this->safinstancesId;
             $this->view->node = $nodes->fetchRow($where);
             $this->view->pagid = $elid;
             $this->view->moduleName = 'adminpages';
             // set layout and titles properties
             $this->setSubtitle('Edit page');
             $this->setSideBar('edit', 'pages');
             $this->layout->langswitch = true;
             $this->layout->search = true;
             // get the div content
             $cnt = new Pagdivspage();
             $this->view->contentDivs = $cnt->getDivs($this->view->node->id, false);
             // Affichage d'un design spécifique
             $layout = new Sydney_Layout_Layout();
             /* If layout if empty we will take the one in the config */
             if (!$this->view->node->layout) {
                 $this->view->node->layout = $this->_config->general->layout;
             if ($layout->loadZones()->hasZones()) {
                 $this->view->layout = $layout;
                 $this->view->preview = $layout->calculatePreview()->getPreview();
                 $this->view->zones = $layout->getZones();
Exemple #2
 public function getLatestPoitionInNode($nodeId)
     $tempObject = new Pagstructure();
     $selector = $tempObject->select(true)->where('parent_id = ?', $nodeId)->where('safinstances_id = ?', Sydney_Tools::getSafinstancesId())->order('pagorder DESC');
     $rowObject = $tempObject->fetchRow($selector);
     return ++$rowObject->pagorder;
 public function editadvancedprocessAction()
     $r = $this->getRequest();
     $eid = 0;
     if ($r->id > 0) {
         $nodeDB = new Pagstructure();
         $node = $nodeDB->fetchRow('id = ' . $r->id . ' AND safinstances_id = ' . $this->safinstancesId);
         $node->metakeywords = $r->metakeywords;
         $node->metadesc = $r->metadesc;
         $node->iscachable = $r->iscachable;
         $node->cachetime = $r->cachetime;
         $node->redirecttoid = $r->redirecttoid;
         $node->shortdesc = $r->shortdesc;
         $node->colorcode = $r->colorcode;
         $node->layout = $r->layout;
         $eid = $r->id;
         // GDE : 27/08/2010 - Add trace of current action
         Sydney_Db_Trace::add('trace.event.update_advanced_properties' . ' [' . $node->label . ']', 'adminpages', Sydney_Tools::getTableName($nodeDB), 'editadvancedproperties', $eid);
     // update the linked menu
     $mns = new PagstructurePagmenus();
     $mns->delete('pagstructure_id = ' . $eid);
     if (is_array($r->menus)) {
         foreach ($r->menus as $mid) {
             $crow = $mns->createRow();
             $crow->pagstructure_id = $eid;
             $crow->pagmenus_id = $mid;
     $this->redirect('/adminpages/pages/edit/id/' . $eid);