Exemple #1
# Get all the active firms info
$address =& $address_obj->getLimitActiveCityTown($GLOBAL_CONFIG['pagin_address_list_max_block_rows'], $pgx, $oitem, $odir);
# Get the resulting record count
//echo $address_obj->getLastQuery();
$linecount = $address_obj->LastRecordCount();
# Count total available data
if (isset($totalcount) && $totalcount) {
} else {
    $totalcount = $address_obj->countAllActiveCityTown();
# Start Smarty templating here
 * LOAD Smarty
# Note: it is advisable to load this after the inc_front_chain_lang.php so
# that the smarty script can use the user configured template theme
require_once $root_path . 'gui/smarty_template/smarty_care.class.php';
$smarty = new smarty_care('system_admin');
# Title in toolbar
$smarty->assign('sToolbarTitle', "{$LDAddress} :: {$LDListAll}");
# href for help button
$smarty->assign('pbHelp', "javascript:gethelp('address_list.php')");
# href for close button
$smarty->assign('breakfile', $breakfile);
# Window bar title
     * Displaying the GUI
    function display($skey = '')
        global $db, $searchkey, $root_path, $firstname_too, $HTTP_POST_VARS, $HTTP_GET_VARS, $sid, $lang, $mode, $totalcount, $pgx, $odir, $oitem, $HTTP_SESSION_VARS, $dbf_nodate, $user_origin, $parent_admit, $status, $target, $origin;
        $this->thisfile = $filename;
        $this->searchkey = $skey;
        $this->mode = $mode;
        if (empty($this->targetfile)) {
            $withtarget = FALSE;
            $navcolspan = 5;
        } else {
            $withtarget = TRUE;
            $navcolspan = 6;
        if (!empty($skey)) {
            $searchkey = $skey;
        # Load the language tables
        $lang_tables = $this->langfile;
        include $root_path . 'include/inc_load_lang_tables.php';
        # Initialize pages control variables
        if ($mode == 'paginate') {
            $searchkey = $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['sess_searchkey'];
        } else {
            # Reset paginator variables
            $pgx = 0;
            $totalcount = 0;
            $odir = '';
            $oitem = '';
        # Create an array to hold the config values
        $GLOBAL_CONFIG = array();
        #Load and create paginator object
        include_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_paginator.php';
        $pagen = new Paginator($pgx, $this->thisfile, $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['sess_searchkey'], $root_path);
        include_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_globalconfig.php';
        $glob_obj = new GlobalConfig($GLOBAL_CONFIG);
        # Get the max nr of rows from global config
        if (empty($GLOBAL_CONFIG['pagin_person_search_max_block_rows'])) {
            # Last resort, use the default defined at the start of this page
        } else {
        if (!defined('SHOW_FIRSTNAME_CONTROLLER')) {
            define('SHOW_FIRSTNAME_CONTROLLER', $this->show_firstname_controller);
            if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['firstname_too'])) {
                if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['firstname_too']) {
                    $firstname_too = 1;
                } elseif ($mode == 'paginate' && isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['firstname_too']) && $HTTP_GET_VARS['firstname_too']) {
                    $firstname_too = 1;
            } elseif ($mode != 'search') {
                $firstname_too = TRUE;
        if (($this->mode == 'search' || $this->mode == 'paginate') && !empty($searchkey)) {
            # Translate *? wildcards
            $searchkey = strtr($searchkey, '*?', '%_');
            include_once $root_path . 'include/inc_date_format_functions.php';
            include_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_person.php';
            $person =& new Person();
            # Set the sorting directive
            if (isset($oitem) && !empty($oitem)) {
                $sql3 = " ORDER BY {$oitem} {$odir}";
            //$sql='SELECT * FROM '.$dbtable.$sql2;
            if ($mode == 'paginate') {
                $fromwhere = $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['sess_searchkey'];
                $sql = 'SELECT pid, name_last, name_first, date_birth, addr_zip, sex, death_date, status FROM ' . $fromwhere . $sql3;
                $ergebnis = $db->SelectLimit($sql, $pagen->MaxCount(), $pagen->BlockStartIndex());
                $linecount = $ergebnis->RecordCount();
            } else {
                $ergebnis = $person->SearchSelect($searchkey, $pagen->MaxCount(), $pagen->BlockStartIndex(), $oitem, $odir, $firstname_too);
                #Retrieve the sql fromwhere portion
                $fromwhere = $person->buffer;
                $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['sess_searchkey'] = $fromwhere;
                $sql = $person->getLastQuery();
                $linecount = $person->LastRecordCount();
            if ($ergebnis) {
                if ($linecount == 1) {
                    if ($this->auto_show_bynumeric && $person->is_nr || $this->auto_show_byalphanumeric) {
                        $zeile = $ergebnis->FetchRow();
                        header("location:" . $this->targetfile . "?sid=" . $sid . "&lang=" . $lang . "&pid=" . $zeile['pid'] . "&edit=1&status=" . $status . "&user_origin=" . $user_origin . "&noresize=1&mode=");
                # If more than one count all available
                if (isset($totalcount) && $totalcount) {
                } else {
                    # Count total available data
                    $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(pid) AS maxnr FROM ' . $fromwhere;
                    if ($result = $db->Execute($sql)) {
                        if ($result->RecordCount()) {
                            $rescount = $result->FetchRow();
                            $totalcount = $rescount['maxnr'];
                # Set the sort parameters
            } else {
                if ($show_sqlquery) {
                    echo $sql;
        } else {
            $mode = '';
        $entry_block_bgcolor = $this->entry_block_bgcolor;
        $entry_border_bgcolor = $this->entry_border_bgcolor;
        $entry_body_bgcolor = $this->entry_body_bgcolor;
        $searchmask_bgcolor = $this->searchmask_bgcolor;
        ##############  Here starts the html output
        # Start Smarty templating here
        # Create smarty object without initiliazing the GUI (2nd param = FALSE)
        include_once $root_path . 'gui/smarty_template/smarty_care.class.php';
        $this->smarty = new smarty_care('common', FALSE);
        # Output any existing text before the search block
        if (!empty($this->pretext)) {
            $this->smarty->assign('sPretext', $this->pretext);
        # Show tips and tricks link and the javascript
        if ($this->showtips) {
            include_once $root_path . 'include/inc_js_gethelp.php';
            $sTemp = ob_get_contents();
            $this->smarty->assign('sJSGetHelp', $sTemp);
            $this->smarty->assign('LDTipsTricks', '<a href="javascript:gethelp(\'person_search_tips.php\')">' . $LDTipsTricks . '</a>');
        # Prepare the javascript validator
        if (!isset($searchform_count) || !$searchform_count) {
            $this->smarty->assign('sJSFormCheck', '<script language="javascript">
				function chkSearch(d){
					if((d.searchkey.value=="") || (d.searchkey.value==" ")){
						return false;
					}else	{
						return true;
			// -->
        # Prepare the search file
        if (empty($this->searchfile)) {
            $search_script = $this->thisfile;
        } else {
            $search_script = $this->searchfile;
        # Prepare the form params
        $sTemp = 'method="post" name="searchform';
        if ($searchform_count) {
            $sTemp = $sTemp . "_" . $searchform_count;
        $sTemp = $sTemp . '" onSubmit="return chkSearch(this)"';
        if (isset($search_script) && $search_script != '') {
            $sTemp = $sTemp . ' action="' . $search_script . '"';
        $this->smarty->assign('sFormParams', $sTemp);
        if (empty($this->prompt)) {
            $searchprompt = $LDEntryPrompt;
        } else {
            $searchprompt = $this->prompt;
        $this->smarty->assign('searchprompt', $searchprompt);
        # Prepare the checkbox input
            if (isset($firstname_too) && $firstname_too) {
                $sTemp = 'checked';
            $this->smarty->assign('sCheckBoxFirstName', '<input type="checkbox" name="firstname_too" ' . $sTemp . '>');
            $this->smarty->assign('LDIncludeFirstName', $LDIncludeFirstName);
        # Prepare the hidden inputs
        $this->smarty->assign('sHiddenInputs', '<input type="image" ' . createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'searchlamp.gif', '0', 'absmiddle') . '>
				<input type="hidden" name="sid" value="' . $sid . '">
				<input type="hidden" name="lang" value="' . $lang . '">
				<input type="hidden" name="noresize" value="' . $noresize . '">
				<input type="hidden" name="target" value="' . $target . '">
				<input type="hidden" name="user_origin" value="' . $user_origin . '">
				<input type="hidden" name="origin" value="' . $origin . '">
				<input type="hidden" name="retpath" value="' . $retpath . '">
				<input type="hidden" name="aux1" value="' . $aux1 . '">
				<input type="hidden" name="ipath" value="' . $ipath . '">
				<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="search">');
        $this->smarty->assign('sCancelButton', '<a href="' . $this->cancelfile . URL_APPEND . '"><img ' . createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'cancel.gif', '0') . '></a>');
        # Create append data for previous and next page links
        $this->targetappend .= "&firstname_too={$firstname_too}&origin={$origin}";
        //echo $mode;
        if ($parent_admit) {
            $bgimg = 'tableHeaderbg3.gif';
        } else {
            $bgimg = 'tableHeader_gr.gif';
        $tbg = 'background="' . $root_path . 'gui/img/common/' . $theme_com_icon . '/' . $bgimg . '"';
        if ($mode == 'search' || $mode == 'paginate') {
            if ($linecount) {
                $this->smarty->assign('LDSearchFound', str_replace("~nr~", $totalcount, $LDSearchFound) . ' ' . $LDShowing . ' ' . $pagen->BlockStartNr() . ' ' . $LDTo . ' ' . $pagen->BlockEndNr() . '.');
            } else {
                $this->smarty->assign('LDSearchFound', str_replace('~nr~', '0', $LDSearchFound));
        if ($linecount) {
            $this->smarty->assign('bShowResult', TRUE);
            $img_male = createComIcon($root_path, 'spm.gif', '0');
            $img_female = createComIcon($root_path, 'spf.gif', '0');
            $this->smarty->assign('LDRegistryNr', $pagen->makeSortLink($LDRegistryNr, 'pid', $oitem, $odir, $this->targetappend));
            $this->smarty->assign('LDSex', $pagen->makeSortLink($LDSex, 'sex', $oitem, $odir, $this->targetappend));
            $this->smarty->assign('LDLastName', $pagen->makeSortLink($LDLastName, 'name_last', $oitem, $odir, $this->targetappend));
            $this->smarty->assign('LDFirstName', $pagen->makeSortLink($LDFirstName, 'name_first', $oitem, $odir, $this->targetappend));
            $this->smarty->assign('LDBday', $pagen->makeSortLink($LDBday, 'date_birth', $oitem, $odir, $this->targetappend));
            $this->smarty->assign('LDZipCode', $pagen->makeSortLink($LDZipCode, 'addr_zip', $oitem, $odir, $this->targetappend));
            if (!empty($this->targetfile)) {
                $this->smarty->assign('LDOptions', $LDOptions);
            # Generate the resulting list rows using the reg_search_list_row.tpl template
            $sTemp = '';
            $toggle = 0;
            while ($zeile = $ergebnis->FetchRow()) {
                if ($zeile['status'] == '' || $zeile['status'] == 'normal') {
                    $this->smarty->assign('toggle', $toggle);
                    $toggle = !$toggle;
                    $this->smarty->assign('sRegistryNr', $zeile['pid']);
                    switch (strtolower($zeile['sex'])) {
                        case 'f':
                            $this->smarty->assign('sSex', '<img ' . $img_female . '>');
                        case 'm':
                            $this->smarty->assign('sSex', '<img ' . $img_male . '>');
                            $this->smarty->assign('sSex', '&nbsp;');
                    $this->smarty->assign('sLastName', ucfirst($zeile['name_last']));
                    $this->smarty->assign('sFirstName', ucfirst($zeile['name_first']));
                    # If person is dead show a black cross
                    if ($zeile['death_date'] && $zeile['death_date'] != $dbf_nodate) {
                        $this->smarty->assign('sCrossIcon', '<img ' . createComIcon($root_path, 'blackcross_sm.gif', '0', 'absmiddle') . '>');
                    } else {
                        $this->smarty->assign('sCrossIcon', '');
                    $this->smarty->assign('sBday', formatDate2Local($zeile['date_birth'], $date_format));
                    $this->smarty->assign('sZipCode', $zeile['addr_zip']);
                    if ($withtarget) {
                        $sTarget = "<a href=\"{$this->targetfile}" . URL_APPEND . "&pid=" . $zeile['pid'] . "&edit=1&status=" . $status . "&target=" . $target . "&user_origin=" . $user_origin . "&noresize=1&mode=\">";
                        $sTarget = $sTarget . '<img ' . createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'ok_small.gif', '0') . ' title="' . $LDShowDetails . '"></a>';
                        $this->smarty->assign('sOptions', $sTarget);
                    if (!file_exists($root_path . 'cache/barcodes/pn_' . $zeile['pid'] . '.png')) {
                        $this->smarty->assign('sHiddenBarcode', "<img src='" . $root_path . "classes/barcode/image.php?code=" . $zeile['pid'] . "&style=68&type=I25&width=180&height=50&xres=2&font=5&label=2' border=0 width=0 height=0>");
                    # Generate the row in buffer and append as string
                    $sTemp = $sTemp . ob_get_contents();
            # Assign the rows string to template
            $this->smarty->assign('sResultListRows', $sTemp);
            $this->smarty->assign('sPreviousPage', $pagen->makePrevLink($LDPrevious, $this->targetappend));
            $this->smarty->assign('sNextPage', $pagen->makeNextLink($LDNext, $this->targetappend));
        # Add eventual appending text block
        if (!empty($this->posttext)) {
            $this->smarty->assign('sPostText', $this->posttext);
        # Displays the search page
        if ($this->bReturnOnly) {
            $sTemp = ob_get_contents();
            return $sTemp;
        } else {
            # show Template