function deleteAction() { $this->view->title = "Delete Pages"; $pages = new Pages(); if ($this->_request->isPost()) { Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Filter_Alpha'); $filter = new Zend_Filter_Alpha(); $id = (int) $this->_request->getPost('id'); $del = $filter->filter($this->_request->getPost('del')); if ($del == 'Yes' && $id > 0) { $where = 'id = ' . $id; $rows_affected = $pages->delete($where); } } else { $id = (int) $this->_request->getParam('id'); if ($id > 0) { // only render if we have an id and can find the pages. $this->view->pages = $pages->fetchRow('id=' . $id); if ($this->view->pages->id > 0) { // render template automatically return; } } } // redirect back to the pages list unless we have rendered the view $this->_redirect('/admin'); }
function deleteAction() { $this->view->title = "Supprimer une page"; // retrieve the ID of the parent page $PageID = $this->_getParam('ID'); if (Cible_ACL::hasAccess($PageID)) { // generates tree by Language and send the result to the view Zend_Registry::set('baseUrl', $this->view->baseUrl()); $this->view->TreeView = $this->view->getTreeView(); if ($this->_request->isPost()) { //$PageID = (int)$this->_request->getPost('PageID'); // if is set delete, then delete $delete = isset($_POST['delete']); if ($delete && $PageID > 0) { Cible_FunctionsPages::deleteAllChildPage($PageID); Cible_FunctionsPages::deleteAllBlock($PageID); $pageSelect = new PagesIndex(); $select = $pageSelect->select()->where('PI_PageID = ?', $PageID); $pageData = $pageSelect->fetchAll($select)->toArray(); foreach ($pageData as $page) { $indexData['moduleID'] = 0; $indexData['contentID'] = $PageID; $indexData['languageID'] = $page['PI_LanguageID']; $indexData['action'] = 'delete'; Cible_FunctionsIndexation::indexation($indexData); } $Page = new Pages(); $Where = 'P_ID = ' . $PageID; $Page->delete($Where); $PageIndex = new PagesIndex(); $Where = 'PI_PageID = ' . $PageID; $PageIndex->delete($Where); if (!$this->_request->isXmlHttpRequest()) { $this->_redirect('/'); } } else { if (!$this->_isXmlHttpRequest) { $this->_redirect('/page/edit/ID/' . $PageID); } } } else { if ($PageID > 0) { $Page = new Pages(); $this->view->page = $Page->fetchRow('P_ID=' . $PageID); $PageIndex = new PagesIndex(); $Select = $PageIndex->select()->where("PI_PageID = ?", $PageID)->where("PI_LanguageID = ?", $this->_defaultEditLanguage); $this->view->pageindex = $PageIndex->fetchRow($Select); } } } }
public static function deleteAllChildPage($ParentID) { if ($ParentID != 0) { $Pages = new Pages(); $Select = $Pages->select()->where("P_ParentID = ?", $ParentID); $PageArray = $Pages->fetchAll($Select); foreach ($PageArray as $Page) { $PageID = $Page["P_ID"]; Cible_FunctionsPages::deleteAllChildPage($PageID); Cible_FunctionsPages::deleteAllBlock($PageID); $pageSelect = new PagesIndex(); $select = $pageSelect->select()->where('PI_PageID = ?', $PageID); $pageData = $pageSelect->fetchAll($select)->toArray(); foreach ($pageData as $page) { $indexData['moduleID'] = 0; $indexData['contentID'] = $PageID; $indexData['languageID'] = $page['PI_LanguageID']; $indexData['action'] = 'delete'; Cible_FunctionsIndexation::indexation($indexData); } $PageObj = new Pages(); $Where = 'P_ID = ' . $PageID; $PageObj->delete($Where); $PageIndex = new PagesIndex(); $Where = 'PI_PageID = ' . $PageID; $PageIndex->delete($Where); //echo("DELETE PAGE : ".$Page["P_ID"]."<br/>"); //echo("DELETE PAGEINDEX : ".$Page["P_ID"]."<br/>"); } } }