public function actionIndex($current = 1) { $pb = new PageBar(); $pb->current = $current; $pb->total = $this->connection->createCommand("select count(user_id) from xm_user where isadmin = 1 and loginname !='administrator'")->queryScalar(); $admins = $this->connection->createCommand("select * from xm_user where isadmin = 1 and loginname !='administrator' order by createtime desc limit " . $pb->getStart() . "," . $pb->rows)->queryAll(); $this->render('index', array('pagebar' => $pb, 'admins' => $admins)); }
public function actionIndex($current = 1) { $pb = new PageBar(); $pb->current = $current; $pb->total = $this->connection->createCommand("select count(employ_id) from xm_employee where lang = '" . $this->mgrlang . "' " . $this->self . " " . $this->inmodule_1 . " ")->queryScalar(); $employees = $this->connection->createCommand("select e.*,m.category from xm_employee e left join xm_module m on e.module_id = m.module_id where e.lang = '" . $this->mgrlang . "' " . $this->self . " " . $this->inmodule_2 . " order by e.orderby asc limit " . $pb->getStart() . "," . $pb->rows)->queryAll(); $this->render('index', array('pagebar' => $pb, 'employees' => $employees)); }