Exemple #1
 public function caseList()
     if ($this->isLogin()) {
         $Page = new Page($count, 5);
         if (!$this->isPost()) {
             $count = $this->model->where()->count();
             $show = $Page->show();
             $data = $this->model->where()->order('createtime desc')->limit($Page->firstRow . ',' . $Page->listRows)->select();
             $this->assign('page', $show);
             $this->assign('data', $data);
         } else {
             $decoration = getRequest("decoration");
             $style = getRequest("style");
             $where = array('decoration_style' => $decoration, 'style' => $style);
             if (!$where) {
             } else {
                 $count = $this->model->where($where)->count();
                 $show = $Page->show();
                 $data = $this->model->where($where)->order('createtime desc')->limit($Page->firstRow . ',' . $Page->listRows)->select();
                 if ($data) {
                     $this->assign('page', $show);
                     $this->assign('data', $data);
                 } else {
                     $this->error('没有查到符合内容!', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
 function index()
     $classify = $this->_get('classify');
     //$classid = $this->_get('classid');
     $db = D('Img');
     $where['classname'] = $classify;
     $where['classid'] = $classid;
     $_SESSION['classname'] = $classify;
     $_SESSION['classid'] = $classid;
     $count = $db->where($where)->count();
     $page = new Page($count, 25);
     $info = $db->where($where)->order('statdate DESC,id DESC')->limit($page->firstRow . ',' . $page->listRows)->select();
     $this->assign('page', $page->show());
     $this->assign('info', $info);
     $info2 = M('Function')->where(array('name' => $classify))->find();
     $this->assign('classify', $info2['funtype']);
     $this->assign('classify2', $classify);
     $this->assign('token', session('token'));
     //	$this->error('没有找到该分类!');
 public function index()
     if ($this->open_sign == 0) {
     $set_id = M('sign_set')->where(array('token' => session('token')))->getField('id');
     // $where 		= array('set_id'=>$set_id);
     $where = array();
     $user_name = $this->_post('user_name', 'htmlspecialchars,trim');
     $sort = $this->_post('sort', 'trim');
     $startdate = strtotime($this->_post('startdate', 'trim'));
     $enddate = strtotime($this->_post('enddate', 'trim'));
     if ($startdate && $enddate) {
         $where['time'] = array(array('gt', $startdate), array('lt', $enddate), 'and');
     if ($user_name) {
         $where['user_name'] = array('like', '%' . $user_name . '%');
     if (empty($sort)) {
         $order = 'time desc';
     } else {
         $order = 'time ' . $sort;
     $count = $this->sign_db->where($where)->count();
     $Page = new Page($count, 12);
     $list = $this->sign_db->where($where)->order($order)->limit($Page->firstRow . ',' . $Page->listRows)->select();
     $this->assign('search', array('startdate' => $startdate, 'enddate' => $enddate, 'sort' => $sort));
     $this->assign('page', $Page->show());
     $this->assign('list', $list);
     $this->assign('listinfo', 1);
 private function cate()
     require APP_ROOT_PATH . 'app/Lib/page.php';
     $cate_id = 6;
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->caching = true;
     $cache_id = md5(MODULE_NAME . ACTION_NAME . "cate" . $cate_id . intval($_REQUEST['p']));
     if (!$GLOBALS['tmpl']->is_cached('page/usagetip_index.html', $cache_id)) {
         $cate_item = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "article_cate where id = {$cate_id} and is_effect = 1 and is_delete = 0");
         if ($cate_id > 0 && !$cate_item) {
             app_redirect(APP_ROOT . "/");
         $cate_tree = get_acate_tree();
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("acate_tree", $cate_tree);
         $page = intval($_REQUEST['p']);
         if ($page == 0) {
             $page = 1;
         $limit = ($page - 1) * app_conf("PAGE_SIZE") . "," . app_conf("PAGE_SIZE");
         $result = get_article_list($limit, $cate_id, '', '');
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("list", $result['list']);
         $page = new Page($result['count'], app_conf("PAGE_SIZE"));
         $p = $page->show();
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('pages', $p);
         $use_tech_list = get_article_list(6, 6);
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("use_tech_list", $use_tech_list);
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("page_title", $cate_item['title']);
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("page_keyword", $cate_item['title'] . ",");
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("page_description", $cate_item['title'] . ",");
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->display("page/usagetip_index.html", $cache_id);
 public function index()
     if (!$GLOBALS['user_info']) {
     $all = intval($_REQUEST['all']);
     $page_size = 20;
     $page = intval($_REQUEST['p']);
     if ($page == 0) {
         $page = 1;
     $limit = ($page - 1) * $page_size . "," . $page_size;
     if ($all == 0) {
         $cond = " and is_read = 0 ";
     } else {
         $cond = " and 1=1 ";
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("all", $all);
     $sql = "select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "user_notify  where user_id = " . intval($GLOBALS['user_info']['id']) . " {$cond}  order by log_time desc limit " . $limit;
     $sql_count = "select count(*) from " . DB_PREFIX . "user_notify  where user_id = " . intval($GLOBALS['user_info']['id']) . " {$cond}  ";
     $notify_list = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql);
     $notify_count = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql_count);
     foreach ($notify_list as $k => $v) {
         $notify_list[$k]['url'] = parse_url_tag("u:" . $v['url_route'] . "|" . $v['url_param']);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("notify_list", $notify_list);
     require APP_ROOT_PATH . 'app/Lib/page.php';
     $page = new Page($notify_count, $page_size);
     $p = $page->show();
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('pages', $p);
 public function index()
     if (IS_POST) {
     } else {
         $db = D('Recognition');
         $where = array('token' => session('token'));
         $count = $db->where($where)->count();
         $page = new Page($count, 25);
         $wechat_group_db = M('Wechat_group');
         $list = $db->where($where)->limit($page->firstRow . ',' . $page->listRows)->order('id desc')->select();
         foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
             $list[$key]['group'] = $wechat_group_db->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wechatgroupid' => $value['groupid']))->getField('name');
         $groups = $wechat_group_db->where(array('token' => $this->token))->order('id ASC')->select();
         $this->assign('groups', $groups);
         $this->assign('page', $page->show());
         $this->assign('list', $list);
         if (ALI_FUWU_GROUP) {
             $fuwu = 'yes';
         } else {
             $fuwu = 'no';
         $this->assign('fuwu', $fuwu);
Exemple #7
 public function index()
     $sid = I('get.sid', '');
     $menu = D('Dmenu');
     // 导入分页类
     if ($sid != '') {
         $where['Sid'] = $sid;
     } else {
         $where['Sid'] = 0;
     $count = $menu->where($where)->count();
     $Page = new Page($count, 15);
     //实例化分页类 传入总记录数和每页显示的记录数
     $Page->setConfig('header', '条记录');
     $Page->setConfig('prev', '<img src="__IMAGE__/prev.gif" border="0" title="上一页" />');
     $Page->setConfig('next', '<img src="__IMAGE__/next.gif" border="0" title="下一页" />');
     $Page->setConfig('first', '<img src="__IMAGE__/first.gif" border="0" title="第一页" />');
     $Page->setConfig('last', '<img src="__IMAGE__/last.gif" border="0" title="最后一页" />');
     $show = $Page->show();
     $volist = $menu->relation(true)->where($where)->order('Sortid asc')->limit($Page->firstRow . ',' . $Page->listRows)->select();
     $list = $menu->where('Sid = 0')->order('Sortid asc')->select();
     $this->assign('volist', $volist);
     $this->assign('list', $list);
     $this->assign('sid', $sid);
     $this->assign('page', $show);
     $this->co = $count;
 public function index()
     global $tmpl;
     $rel_table = addslashes(trim($_REQUEST['act']));
     $message_type = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "message_type where type_name='" . $rel_table . "' and type_name <> 'supplier'");
     if (!$message_type || $message_type['is_fix'] == 0) {
         app_redirect(APP_ROOT . "/");
     $rel_table = $message_type['type_name'];
     $condition = '';
     $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']);
     if ($rel_table == 'deal') {
         $deal = get_deal($id);
         if ($deal['buy_type'] != 1) {
             $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("deal", $deal);
         $id = $deal['id'];
     require APP_ROOT_PATH . 'app/Lib/side.php';
     if ($id > 0) {
         $condition = "rel_table = '" . $rel_table . "' and rel_id = " . $id;
     } else {
         $condition = "rel_table = '" . $rel_table . "'";
     if (app_conf("USER_MESSAGE_AUTO_EFFECT") == 0) {
         $condition .= " and user_id = " . intval($GLOBALS['user_info']['id']);
     } else {
         if ($message_type['is_effect'] == 0) {
             $condition .= " and user_id = " . intval($GLOBALS['user_info']['id']);
     $condition .= " and is_buy = " . intval($_REQUEST['is_buy']);
     //message_form 变量输出
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("post_title", $message_type['show_name']);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("page_title", $message_type['show_name']);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('rel_id', $id);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('rel_table', $rel_table);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('is_buy', intval($_REQUEST['is_buy']));
     if (intval($_REQUEST['is_buy']) == 1) {
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("post_title", $GLOBALS['lang']['AFTER_BUY']);
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("page_title", $GLOBALS['lang']['AFTER_BUY']);
     if (!$GLOBALS['user_info']) {
         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("message_login_tip", sprintf($GLOBALS['lang']['MESSAGE_LOGIN_TIP'], url("shop", "user#login"), url("shop", "user#register")));
     $page = intval($_REQUEST['p']);
     if ($page == 0) {
         $page = 1;
     $limit = ($page - 1) * app_conf("PAGE_SIZE") . "," . app_conf("PAGE_SIZE");
     $message = get_message_list($limit, $condition);
     $page = new Page($message['count'], app_conf("PAGE_SIZE"));
     $p = $page->show();
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('pages', $p);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("message_list", $message['list']);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("user_auth", get_user_auth());
 public function index()
     $form_id = intval(I('get.form_id'));
     $map = array('id' => $form_id, 'is_del' => 0);
     $form_one = D('form')->where($map)->find();
     if (!$form_one) {
     $list = array();
     $map = array('form_id' => $form_id, 'is_del' => 0);
     $count = D('foreign_test')->where($map)->count('id');
     if ($count > 0) {
         $p = new \Page($count, 5);
         foreach ($_GET as $key => $val) {
             if (!is_array($val)) {
                 $p->parameter .= $key . '=' . urlencode($val) . '&';
         $page = $p->show();
         $list = D('foreign_test')->field('id,name,updatetime,dateline')->where($map)->order('id desc')->limit($p->firstRow . ',' . $p->listRows)->select();
     $this->assign('form_one', $form_one);
     $this->assign('page', $page);
     $this->assign('list', $list);
 function index2()
     $items_mod = M('items');
     $items_comments_mod = M('items_comments');
     $prex = C('DB_PREFIX');
     $where = '1=1';
     if (isset($_GET['keyword']) && trim($_GET['keyword'])) {
         $where .= " AND (" . $prex . "info.name LIKE '%" . $_GET['keyword'] . "%' or title LIKE '%" . $_GET['keyword'] . "%')";
         $this->assign('keyword', $_GET['keyword']);
     $count = $mod->where($where)->count();
     $p = new Page($count, 20);
     $list = $mod->where($where)->field($prex . 'user_comments.*,' . $prex . 'items.title as title')->join('LEFT JOIN ' . $prex . 'items ON ' . $prex . 'user_comments.items_id = ' . $prex . 'items.id ')->limit($p->firstRow . ',' . $p->listRows)->order($prex . 'user_comments.add_time DESC')->select();
     echo $mod->getlastSQL();
     $key = 1;
     foreach ($list as $k => $val) {
         $list[$k]['key'] = ++$p->firstRow;
     $big_menu = array('javascript:window.top.art.dialog({id:\'add\',iframe:\'?m=items_comments&a=add\', title:\'' . L('add_flink') . '\', width:\'450\', height:\'250\', lock:true}, function(){var d = window.top.art.dialog({id:\'add\'}).data.iframe;var form = d.document.getElementById(\'dosubmit\');form.click();return false;}, function(){window.top.art.dialog({id:\'add\'}).close()});void(0);', L('add_flink'));
     $page = $p->show();
     $this->assign('page', $page);
     $this->assign('big_menu', $big_menu);
     $this->assign('list', $list);
 function notice_management($flag = null)
     $a = M('notice');
     // 导入日期类
     // 导入分页类
     $count = $a->where($where)->count();
     $page = new Page($count, 15);
     $page->setConfig('header', '条信息');
     $show = $page->show();
     $arr = $a->where($where)->order('istop desc,createtime desc')->limit($page->firstRow . ',' . $page->listRows)->select();
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($arr); $i++) {
         $arr[$i]['createtime'] = $arr[$i]['createtime'];
         $Date = new Date($arr[$i]['createtime']);
         $time = $Date->dateDiff(time(), 'd');
         // 比较日期差
         $arr[$i]['lefttop'] = round($arr[$i]['topday'] - $time);
     $this->assign('show', $show);
     $this->assign("notice", $arr);
     if (!$flag) {
 public function index()
     $user_id = $GLOBALS['user_info']['id'];
     $page = intval($_REQUEST['p']);
     if ($page == 0) {
         $page = 1;
     $limit = ($page - 1) * app_conf("PAGE_SIZE") . "," . app_conf("PAGE_SIZE");
     $status = $_REQUEST['status'];
     if (!$status) {
         $condition = "";
     } elseif ($status == 3) {
         $condition = " and status = 0";
     } elseif ($status == 1) {
         $condition = " and status = 1";
     } elseif ($status == 2) {
         $condition = " and status = 2";
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('status', $status);
     $result = get_deal_quota_list($limit, $user_id, $condition);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("list", $result['list']);
     $page = new Page($result['count'], app_conf("PAGE_SIZE"));
     $p = $page->show();
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('pages', $p);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("page_title", "授信额度申请");
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("inc_file", "inc/uc/uc_deal_quota.html");
 public function get_user($url, $name = '', $schoolName = '')
     $page = new Page();
     $listRows = 1;
     $field = 'name, addr, phone, s_name, point';
     // $url=__URL__.'?p={page}';//分页基准网址
     $cur_page = $page->getCurPage($url);
     $limit_start = ($cur_page - 1) * $listRows;
     $limit = $limit_start . ',' . $listRows;
     $con = '';
     if (!empty($schoolName)) {
         $con = 's_id=\'' . $schoolName . '\'';
     if (!empty($name)) {
         if (empty($con)) {
             $con = 'name like \'%' . $name . '%\'';
         } else {
             $con .= ' and name like \'%' . $name . '%\'';
     if (empty($con)) {
         $count = $this->model->table($this->config['info_person'])->count();
         $sql = $this->model->table($this->config['info_person'])->field($field)->limit($limit)->select();
     } else {
         $count = $this->model->table($this->config['info_person'])->where($con)->count();
         $sql = $this->model->table($this->config['info_person'])->field($field)->where($con)->limit($limit)->select();
     return array('data' => $sql, 'page' => $page->show($url, $count, $listRows));
 public function searchuser()
     $searchcondition = I('searchcondition', '');
     $searchcontent = I('searchcontent', '');
     if ($searchcondition == 'sclass') {
         switch ($searchcontent) {
             case '店铺':
                 $searchcontent = 1;
             case '管理':
                 $searchcontent = 2;
             case '供应商':
                 $searchcontent = 3;
     if (!empty($searchcondition) && !empty($searchcontent)) {
         $condition[$searchcondition] = array('like', '%' . $searchcontent . '%');
         $count = M('shop')->where($condition)->count();
         $page = new Page($count, 10);
         $limit = $page->firstRow . ',' . $page->listRows;
         $shop = M('shop')->where($condition)->order('sclass')->limit($limit)->select();
         $this->page = $page->show();
         $this->shop = $shop;
Exemple #15
function sp_sql_qiushis_paged($tag = "", $pagesize = 20, $pagetpl = '{first}{prev}{liststart}{list}{listend}{next}{last}')
    $tag = sp_param_lable($tag);
    $field = !empty($tag['field']) ? $tag['field'] : 'b.*';
    $limit = !empty($tag['limit']) ? $tag['limit'] : '';
    $order = !empty($tag['order']) ? $tag['order'] : 'createtime desc';
    $field = "a.cat_name,c.user_login,c.user_nicename," . $field;
    $qiushi_cat_model = M("QiushiCat");
    $join = C('DB_PREFIX') . 'qiushi as b on a.id =b.cid';
    $join2 = C('DB_PREFIX') . 'users as c on c.id =b.uid';
    $where = array("b.status" => 1, "a.status" => 1);
    if (isset($tag['cid'])) {
        $where['cid'] = array('in', $tag['cid']);
    $totalsize = $qiushi_cat_model->alias("a")->join($join)->where($where)->count();
    $PageParam = C("VAR_PAGE");
    $page = new \Page($totalsize, $pagesize);
    $page->__set("PageParam", $PageParam);
    $pagetpl = '{first}{prev}{liststart}{list}{listend}{next}{last}';
    $page->SetPager('default', $pagetpl, array("listlong" => "6", "first" => "首页", "last" => "尾页", "prev" => "上一页", "next" => "下一页", "list" => "*", "disabledclass" => ""));
    $qiushis = $qiushi_cat_model->field($field)->alias("a")->join($join)->join($join2)->where($where)->order($order)->limit($page->firstRow . ',' . $page->listRows)->select();
    $return['count'] = $totalsize;
    $return['items'] = $qiushis;
    $return['page'] = $page->show('default');
    return $return;
Exemple #16
 function index()
     $group_id = isset($_GET['group_id']) && intval($_GET['group_id']) ? intval($_GET['group_id']) : '';
     $keyword = isset($_GET['keyword']) && trim($_GET['keyword']) ? trim($_GET['keyword']) : '';
     $where = '1=1';
     if ($group_id != '') {
         $where .= " AND group_id={$group_id}";
     if ($keyword != '') {
         $where .= " AND module like '%{$keyword}%' or module_name like '%{$keyword}%' or action_name like '%{$keyword}%'";
     $node_mod = D('node');
     $count = $node_mod->where($where)->count();
     $p = new Page($count, 15);
     $node_list = $node_mod->where($where)->limit($p->firstRow . ',' . $p->listRows)->order('module asc,sort ASC')->select();
     $big_menu = array('javascript:window.top.art.dialog({id:\'add\',iframe:\'?m=Node&a=add\', title:\'添加菜单\', width:\'500\', height:\'490\', lock:true}, function(){var d = window.top.art.dialog({id:\'add\'}).data.iframe;var form = d.document.getElementById(\'dosubmit\');form.click();return false;}, function(){window.top.art.dialog({id:\'add\'}).close()});void(0);', '添加菜单');
     $page = $p->show();
     $group_mod = D('group');
     $group_list = $group_mod->select();
     $this->assign('group_list', $group_list);
     $this->assign('group_id', $group_id);
     $this->assign('keyword', $keyword);
     $this->assign('page', $page);
     $this->assign('big_menu', $big_menu);
     $this->assign('node_list', $node_list);
Exemple #17
 public function publist()
     $Pub = D('pub');
     if (isset($_GET['pid'])) {
         $_GET['pid'] = intval($_GET['pid']);
         $Pub->where('id=' . $_GET['pid'])->delete();
         header('Location: ' . __ADMIN__ . '/Pub/publist');
     // 导入分页类
     $count = $Pub->count();
     // 查询满足要求的总记录数
     $Page = new Page($count, 25);
     // 实例化分页类 传入总记录数和每页显示的记录数
     $show = $Page->show();
     // 分页显示输出
     // 进行分页数据查询 注意limit方法的参数要使用Page类的属性
     $list = $Pub->order('pubtime desc')->limit($Page->firstRow . ',' . $Page->listRows)->select();
     $this->assign('list', $list);
     // 赋值数据集
     $this->assign('page', $show);
     // 赋值分页输出
     // 输出模板
 public function sn()
     $lid = $this->_get('id', 'intval');
     $id = M('Lottery')->where(array('zjpic' => $lid, 'token' => $this->token))->getField('id');
     $type = $this->_get('type', 'intval');
     $lottery = M('Activity')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'id' => $lid, 'type' => $type))->find();
     $this->assign('Activity', $lottery);
     $recordcount = $lottery['fistlucknums'] + $lottery['secondlucknums'] + $lottery['thirdlucknums'] + $lottery['fourlucknums'] + $lottery['fivelucknums'] + $lottery['sixlucknums'];
     $datacount = $lottery['fistnums'] + $lottery['secondnums'] + $lottery['thirdnums'] + $lottery['fournums'] + $lottery['fivenums'] + $lottery['sixnums'];
     $this->assign('datacount', $datacount);
     $this->assign('recordcount', $recordcount);
     $box = M('Autumns_box');
     $lcount = $box->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'bid' => $id, 'isprize' => 1))->count();
     $page = new Page($lcount, 20);
     $this->assign('page', $page->show());
     $list = $box->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'bid' => $id, 'isprize' => 1))->order('id desc')->limit($page->firstRow . ',' . $page->listRows)->select();
     foreach ($list as $key => $val) {
         $user = M('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $val['wecha_id']))->field('wechaname,tel')->find();
         $list[$key]['tel'] = $user['tel'];
         $list[$key]['name'] = $user['wechaname'];
     $this->assign('list', $list);
     $send = $box->where(array('bid' => $id, 'isprize' => 1, 'sendstutas' => 1))->count();
     $this->assign('send', $send);
     $count = $box->where(array('bid' => $id, 'isprize' => 1, 'isprizes' => 1))->count();
     $this->assign('count', $count);
     $lottery = M('Activity')->where(array('id' => $lid, 'token' => $this->token))->find();
     $this->assign('id', $id);
 public function index()
     $frontuser = M('Users')->where($this->belong_where)->select();
     foreach ($frontuser as $val) {
         $belong_where_wx .= $val['id'] . ',';
     $map = array();
     $map['uid'] = array('in', $belong_where_wx);
     $UserDB = D('Wxuser');
     $count = $UserDB->where($map)->count();
     $Page = new Page($count, 10);
     // 实例化分页类 传入总记录数
     // 进行分页数据查询 注意page方法的参数的前面部分是当前的页数使用 $_GET[p]获取
     $nowPage = isset($_GET['p']) ? $_GET['p'] : 1;
     $show = $Page->show();
     // 分页显示输出
     $list = $UserDB->where($map)->order('id ASC')->limit($Page->firstRow . ',' . $Page->listRows)->order('id desc')->select();
     foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
         $user = M('Users')->field('id,gid,username,belonguser')->where(array('id' => $value['uid']))->find();
         if ($user) {
             $list[$key]['user']['username'] = $user['username'];
             $list[$key]['user']['gid'] = $user['gid'] - 1;
             $back_user = M('user')->where(array('id' => $user['belonguser']))->find();
             $list[$key]['user']['backusername'] = $back_user['username'];
     $this->assign('list', $list);
     $this->assign('page', $show);
     // 赋值分页输出
Exemple #20
    public function index($id){
        $mod = M("Libcom");

        $where['lid'] = array("eq",$id);
        $total = $mod->where($where)->count();//获取总数据条数
        $page = new Page($total,5);//实例化一个分页对象
        $list = $mod->where($where)->order("addtime desc")->limit($page->firstRow.",".$page->listRows)->select();
        //$cid = array();//定义该资源所有评论的id
        foreach ($list as &$v) {
            $ob = D("Users")->field("username,picture")->find($v['uid']);
            $v['username'] = $ob['username'];
            $v['picture'] = $ob['picture'];
            //$cid[] = $v['id'];//把遍历出的id存进数组
 public function index(){
     $data = M('Wehcat_member_enddate');
     $count = $data -> where(array('token' => $_SESSION['token'])) -> count();
     $Page = new Page($count, 50);
     $show = $Page -> show();
     $list = $data -> where(array('token' => $_SESSION['token'], 'uid' => session('userId'))) -> order('enddate  desc') -> limit($Page -> firstRow . ',' . $Page -> listRows) -> select();
     foreach($list as $key => $limen){
         $dataUp['joinUpDate'] = time();
         $dataUp['uid'] = session('userId');
         $dataUp['id'] = $limen['id'];
         M('wehcat_member_enddate') -> data($dataUp) -> save();
         $userInfo = M('wechat_group_list') -> order('id desc') -> where(array('openid' => $limen['openid'])) -> find();
         $list1[$key]['endtime'] = $this -> getTime($limen['enddate'], 'mohu');
         $list1[$key]['nickname'] = $userInfo['nickname'];
         $list1[$key]['headimgurl'] = $userInfo['headimgurl'];
         $list1[$key]['id'] = $userInfo['id'];
         $list1[$key]['city'] = $userInfo['city'];
         $list1[$key]['openid'] = $limen['openid'];
         $list1[$key]['subscribe_time'] = $this -> getTime($userInfo['subscribe_time'], 'normal');
     $where['token'] = session('token');
     $where['id'] = session('userId');
     $where['endJoinDate'] = time();
     M('Service_user') -> data($where) -> save();
     $this -> assign('page', $show);
     $this -> assign('list', $list1);
     $this -> display();
 public function financeDetail()
     $map['is_stock'] = array("in", "1,2");
     $count = M("ausers")->where($map)->count();
     $p = new Page($count, C('ADMIN_PAGE_SIZE'));
     $page = $p->show();
     $Lsql = "{$p->firstRow},{$p->listRows}";
     $list = M("ausers")->where($map)->limit($Lsql)->select();
     foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
         if ($v['is_stock'] == 2) {
             $com = getComsById($v['id']);
             $com = $com * $this->glo['commision_ratio'] / 100;
             $com = $com * $this->glo['commision_ratio'] / 100;
             $list[$k]['all_commission'] = $com;
         } else {
             $com = getComById($v['id']);
             $com = $com * $this->glo['commision_ratio'] / 100;
             $list[$k]['all_commission'] = $com;
     $this->assign("list", $list);
     $this->assign("pagebar", $page);
Exemple #23
 public function getList($where = array(), $order = false, $limit = false, $page = false, $group = false)
     $data = array();
     if ($page) {
         $count = $this->where($where)->count();
         $limit = $limit ? $limit : 10;
         $Page = new Page($count, $limit);
         $data['page'] = $Page->show();
         if ($group) {
         if ($order) {
         $this->limit($Page->firstRow . ',' . $Page->listRows);
         $data['list'] = $this->where($where)->select();
     } else {
         if ($limit) {
         if ($group) {
         if ($order) {
         $data = $this->where($where)->select();
     return $data;
 public function index()
     $map = array();
     if (C('agent_version')) {
         $map['agentid'] = array('lt', 1);
     $UserDB = D('User_group');
     $count = $UserDB->where($map)->count();
     $Page = new Page($count, 15);
     // 实例化分页类 传入总记录数
     // 进行分页数据查询 注意page方法的参数的前面部分是当前的页数使用 $_GET[p]获取
     $nowPage = isset($_GET['p']) ? $_GET['p'] : 1;
     $show = $Page->show();
     // 分页显示输出
     $list = $UserDB->where($map)->order('id ASC')->page($nowPage . ',' . C('PAGE_NUM'))->select();
     if ($list) {
         $i = 1;
         foreach ($list as $item) {
             $UserDB->where(array('id' => $item['id']))->save(array('taxisid' => $i));
     $this->assign('list', $list);
     $this->assign('page', $show);
     // 赋值分页输出
 public function sysmsg($re = false)
     $map['uid'] = $this->uid;
     $count = M('inner_msg')->where($map)->count('id');
     $p = new Page($count, 15);
     $page = $p->show();
     $Lsql = "{$p->firstRow},{$p->listRows}";
     $list = M('inner_msg')->where($map)->order('id DESC')->limit($Lsql)->select();
     $read = M("inner_msg")->where("uid={$this->uid} AND status=1")->count('id');
     $this->assign("list", $list);
     $this->assign("pagebar", $page);
     $this->assign("read", $read);
     $this->assign("unread", $count - $read);
     $this->assign("count", $count);
     if (true === $re) {
         $dpage = array();
         $dpage['numpage'] = $count ? ceil($count / 15) : 1;
         $dpage['curpage'] = (int) $_GET['p'] ? (int) $_GET['p'] : 1;
         $this->assign("dpage", $dpage);
         return $list;
     $data['html'] = $this->fetch();
Exemple #26
	public function index(){
		$map = array();
		$UserDB = D('Wxuser');
		if (isset($_GET['agentid'])){
		$count = $UserDB->where($map)->count();
		$Page       = new Page($count,5);// 实例化分页类 传入总记录数
		// 进行分页数据查询 注意page方法的参数的前面部分是当前的页数使用 $_GET[p]获取
		$nowPage = isset($_GET['p'])?$_GET['p']:1;
		$show       = $Page->show();// 分页显示输出
		$list = $UserDB->where($map)->order('id ASC')->limit($Page->firstRow.','.$Page->listRows)->order('id desc')->select();
		foreach($list as $key=>$value){
		$this->assign('page',$show);// 赋值分页输出
 public function history()
     if (!$GLOBALS['user_info']) {
     $dest_user_id = intval($_REQUEST['id']);
     $dest_user_info = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "user where id = " . $dest_user_id . " and is_effect = 1");
     if (!$dest_user_info) {
     $GLOBALS['db']->query("update " . DB_PREFIX . "user_message set is_read = 1 where user_id = " . intval($GLOBALS['user_info']['id']) . " and dest_user_id = " . $dest_user_id);
     $page_size = 20;
     $page = intval($_REQUEST['p']);
     if ($page == 0) {
         $page = 1;
     $limit = ($page - 1) * $page_size . "," . $page_size;
     $sql = "select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "user_message  where user_id = " . intval($GLOBALS['user_info']['id']) . " and dest_user_id = " . $dest_user_id . " order by create_time desc limit " . $limit;
     $sql_count = "select count(*) from " . DB_PREFIX . "user_message where user_id = " . intval($GLOBALS['user_info']['id']) . " and dest_user_id = " . $dest_user_id;
     $message_list = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql);
     $message_count = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql_count);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("dest_user_info", $dest_user_info);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("message_list", $message_list);
     require APP_ROOT_PATH . 'app/Lib/page.php';
     $page = new Page($message_count, $page_size);
     $p = $page->show();
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('pages', $p);
 public function records(){
     $db = D('Share');
     $where['token'] = $this -> token;
     $count = $db -> where($where) -> count();
     $page = new Page($count, 25);
     $info = $db -> where($where) -> order('id DESC') -> limit($page -> firstRow . ',' . $page -> listRows) -> select();
     $wecha_ids = array();
     if ($info){
         foreach ($info as $item){
             if (!in_array($item['wecha_id'], $wecha_ids)){
                 array_push($wecha_ids, $item['wecha_id']);
         $users = M('Userinfo') -> where(array('wecha_id' => array('in', $wecha_ids))) -> select();
         if ($users){
             foreach ($users as $useritem){
                 $users[$useritem['wecha_id']] = $useritem;
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($info as $item){
             $info[$i]['user'] = $users[$item['wecha_id']];
             $info[$i]['moduleName'] = funcDict :: moduleName($item['module']);
     $this -> assign('page', $page -> show());
     $this -> assign('info', $info);
     $this -> assign('tab', 'records');
     $this -> display();
 public function index()
     if (!USER_LOGINED) {
     global $member;
     $status = $this->_get('status', false);
     $status = empty($status) ? 0 : $status;
     if ($status == 0) {
         $map['arcrank'] = array('in', '1,2,3');
     } elseif ($status == 1) {
         $map['arcrank'] = array('in', '4');
     $map['mid'] = $member['id'];
     $model = D('ArchiveView');
     $count = $model->where($map)->count();
     $fenye = 20;
     $p = new Page($count, $fenye);
     $list = $model->field('litpic,id,typeid,modelid,arcrank,title,flag,color,click,pubdate,mid,username,description')->where($map)->limit($p->firstRow . ',' . $p->listRows)->order('pubdate desc')->select();
     $p->setConfig('prev', '上一页');
     $p->setConfig('header', '条记录');
     $p->setConfig('first', '首 页');
     $p->setConfig('last', '末 页');
     $p->setConfig('next', '下一页');
     $p->setConfig('theme', "%first%%upPage%%linkPage%%downPage%%end%<li><span>共<font color='#009900'><b>%totalRow%</b></font>条记录 " . $fenye . "条/每页</span></li>\n");
     $this->assign('page', $p->show());
     $this->assign('list', $list);
 public function index()
     $page = intval($_REQUEST['p']);
     if ($page == 0) {
         $page = 1;
     $limit = ($page - 1) * app_conf("PAGE_SIZE") . "," . app_conf("PAGE_SIZE");
     $result = get_invite_list($limit, $GLOBALS['user_info']['id']);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("list", $result['list']);
     $page = new Page($result['count'], app_conf("PAGE_SIZE"));
     $p = $page->show();
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign('pages', $p);
     $total_referral_money = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select sum(money) from " . DB_PREFIX . "referrals where user_id = " . $GLOBALS['user_info']['id'] . " and pay_time > 0");
     $total_referral_score = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select sum(score) from " . DB_PREFIX . "referrals where user_id = " . $GLOBALS['user_info']['id'] . " and pay_time > 0");
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("total_referral_money", $total_referral_money);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("total_referral_score", $total_referral_score);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("page_title", $GLOBALS['lang']['UC_INVITE']);
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("inc_file", "inc/uc/uc_invite_index.html");
     $share_url = get_domain() . APP_ROOT . "/";
     if ($GLOBALS['user_info']) {
         $share_url .= "?r=" . base64_encode(intval($GLOBALS['user_info']['id']));
     $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("share_url", $share_url);