  * @see parent
  * @since 0.1
 public function begin_form($atts = array())
     $atts['class'] = 'pw-mm-form pw-form';
     $output = parent::begin_form($atts);
     $output .= PW_HTML::tag('input', null, array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => '_instance', 'value' => $this->_model->instance));
     // Loop through the multi model to create the form tabs
     $tabs = array();
     $instances = $this->_model->get_option();
     foreach ($instances as $id => $instance) {
         if (0 === (int) $id || (string) $id === 'auto_id') {
         $atts = $this->_model->instance == $id ? array('class' => 'selected') : array();
         $atts['href'] = $this->_model->admin_page . '?page=' . $this->model->name . '&_instance=' . $id;
         $content = $instance['name'];
         $tabs[] = PW_HTML::tag('a', $content, $atts);
     // create the [+] tab
     $atts = 0 == $this->_model->instance ? array('class' => 'selected') : array();
     $atts['href'] = $this->_model->admin_page . '?page=' . $this->model->name;
     $tabs[] = PW_HTML::tag('a', '+', $atts);
     $output .= ZC::r('ul.tabs>li*' . count($tabs), $tabs);
     // create the header
     if ($this->_model->instance) {
         $title = ZC::r('.model-title', $instances[$this->_model->instance]['name']);
         $subtitle = ZC::r('.model-subtext', 'Use the above name to reference this ' . $this->_model->singular_title . ' instance in widgets, shortcode, or function calls.');
         $output .= ZC::r('.header', $title . $subtitle);
     } else {
         $title = ZC::r('.model-title', 'Create New Instance');
         $subtitle = ZC::r('.model-subtext', 'Click "HELP" in the upper right corner of your screen for instructions.');
         $output .= ZC::r('.header', $title . $subtitle);
     // open the body tag
     $output .= '<div class="body">';
  * Expand a css-style selector according to the 'Zen Coding' specifications
  * @link http://code.google.com/p/zen-coding/
  * @uses PW_HTML::tag()
  * @param string $selector a css-style selector based on the Zen Coding' specifications
  * @param string|array $innerHTML the contents for the last element in the selector string,
  * if this is an array and it's part of an iteration loop, the innerHTML is assigned by index
  * @return string the entire HTML element
 public function r($selector = '', $text = null)
     // retrieve the passed arguments
     $args = func_get_args();
     // if the selector is null, return the content (the last $arg) and don't call recursively
     if ($selector === null) {
         return end($args) ? end($args) : null;
     // break the selector into its root element and its children
     if (strpos($selector, '>') !== false) {
         $root = substr($selector, 0, strpos($selector, '>'));
         $children = substr($selector, strpos($selector, '>') + 1);
     } else {
         $root = $selector;
         $children = null;
     // set the $children selector as the first argument (in order to call recursively)
     $args[0] = $children;
     // if there is a root selector to search through, check it classes, id, atts, etc.
     if ($root) {
         // set the defaults
         $atts = array();
         $arg_index = null;
         $HTML = '';
         // a list of characters to not match (because they identify classes, ids, atts, etc.)
         $i = '{#\\*\\.\\[';
         // if there is an attribute specified, capture it and remove it from the slector
         // (because attributes can contain the dot and hash characters, which will mess up later matches)
         if (preg_match("/\\[.*\\]/", $root, $att)) {
             $root = preg_replace('/\\[.*\\]/', '', $root);
             // separate the $att variable into its property and value
             if (preg_match('/([\\w-]+)=[\'\\"]?([^\'\\"\\]]*)[\'\\"]?/', $att[0], $att_selector)) {
                 $atts[$att_selector[1]] = $att_selector[2];
         // get the tag name, default to 'div'
         $name = preg_match("/^[^{$i}]+/", $root, $tag) ? $tag[0] : 'div';
         // if there is an ID specified
         if (preg_match("/#[^{$i}]+/", $root, $id)) {
             $atts['id'] = substr($id[0], 1);
         // if there is a class specified
         if (preg_match("/\\.[^\\[{#\\*]+/", $root, $class)) {
             $atts['class'] = str_replace('.', ' ', substr($class[0], 1));
         // if there is an iteration number specified
         if (preg_match("/\\*\\d+/", $root, $count)) {
             $iterations = (int) substr($count[0], 1);
         // if there is a passed value, get its index in the argument list
         if (preg_match("/{%\\d+}/", $root, $index)) {
             $arg_index = (int) preg_replace('/\\D/', '', $index[0]);
             // make sure the are the appropriate number of arguments, otherwise return an error
             if (count($args) - 1 <= $arg_index) {
                 return "Syntax Error: Incorrect number of arguments";
         // if there are iterations for this element, go through each of them, otherwise just create the element
         if (isset($iterations)) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++) {
                 // flatten the arguments for this iteration
                 $iteration_args = self::flatten_args($args, $i);
                 // get the attributes for this iteration (merging with existing atts if needed)
                 $iteration_atts = $arg_index ? array_merge($atts, $iteration_args[$arg_index]) : $atts;
                 // check the attributes for the '$' character and replace accordingly
                 foreach ($iteration_atts as $key => $value) {
                     if (preg_match('/\\$+/', $value, $dollars)) {
                         $index_formatted = str_pad($i + 1, strlen($dollars[0]), '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                         $iteration_atts[$key] = str_replace($dollars[0], $index_formatted, $value);
                 // create the element for this iteration, nest it with any children elements
                 $HTML .= PW_HTML::tag($name, call_user_func_array(array('ZC', 'r'), $iteration_args), $iteration_atts);
         } else {
             $HTML .= PW_HTML::tag($name, call_user_func_array(array('ZC', 'r'), $args), $arg_index ? array_merge($atts, $args[$arg_index]) : $atts);
         return $HTML;
Exemple #3
  * Renders the opening form markup, including the nonce and hidden fields
  * @param array $atts Option additional HTML attributes to apply to the form element
  * @return string Returns or echos the generated markup
  * @since 0.1
 public function begin_form($atts = array())
     $output = '';
     // Add only the opening form tag
     $atts = wp_parse_args($atts, array('id' => $this->_model->name, 'class' => 'pw-form', 'method' => 'post'));
     $output .= str_replace('</form>', '', PW_HTML::tag('form', '', $atts));
     // Add the hidden fields for _nonce and _wp_http_referrer
     wp_nonce_field($this->_model->name . '-options');
     $output .= ob_get_clean();