public function __construct($prefix)
     $this->prefix = $prefix;
     $file = 'other/psumc' . (PSU::isdev() ? '_dev' : '');
     $mc = PSUDatabase::connect($file, 'return');
     $this->connect($mc['hostname'], $mc['port']);
  * url
  * Override the base ETrans url function to specifically work for OL 
  * applicants. Build up the gateway with OL App specific variables, 
  * and then return the formatted URL as provided by the _url ETrans 
  * function  with the specified params.
  * @param int $aidm The aidm of the applicant in question.
  * @param string $app_id The specific application id for the fee
  * @param string $program (Optional) Program of study
  * @return string The formatted URL of the payment gateway
 public function url($aidm, $app_id, $program = 'Online')
      * Create a new applicant with the provided aidm. The applicant 
      * class checks if the user already has a pidm before hand, and will 
      * return a PSU Person object if that is the case. From there, we 
      * set the applicant identifier that we are using to be that pidm if 
      * they already exist, otherwise we use the aidm as confirmed to 
      * exist by the successful creation of an applicant object.
     $applicant = new PSU\Applicant($aidm);
     $applicant_id = $applicant instanceof PSU\Person ? $applicant->pidm : $applicant->aidm;
     if (!$applicant_id) {
         throw new Exception('Could not find any information attached to AIDM "' . $aidm . '"');
      * Online application fee specific URL parameters. These match up 
      * with columns in the ecommerce_transaction table.
     $params = array('orderNumber' => $applicant_id, 'amount' => 5000, 'amountDue' => 5000, 'orderType' => 'Admission UG OL App', 'orderDescription' => 'Undergraduate Online Admission App Fee', 'name' => trim($applicant->last_name . ', ' . $applicant->first_name . ' ' . $applicant->middle_name), 'userChoice2' => $program, 'userChoice3' => $app_id);
      * Rely on the ETrans object to build up a redirect URL to relocate 
      * the user after they have passed through the payment gateway.
     $this->setURLParam('redirectUrl', $this->base_url . '/receipt.html');
     $this->setURLParam('retriesAllowed', 5);
     $this->setURLParam('redirectUrlParameters', implode(',', $this->_redirect_params));
      * Return the specific URL based on execution location
     return $this->_url(PSU::isdev() ? 'test' : 'prod', $params);
  * Translate the incoming hostname to go.ply if we are on the dev box so that
  * database lookups on the hostname will catch all the normal go keywords.
 public static function dev_hostname($host)
     if ($host == '' && PSU::isdev()) {
         return '';
     return $host;
 public function process_auto()
     $url = PSU::isdev() ? '' : '';
     $ch = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url . "/webapp/courses/enrol/lmb/psu_importnow.php");
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Host: www." . (PSU::isdev() ? "dev." : "") . "\r\n"));
     $head = curl_exec($ch);
     return $head;
 public static function mail($id)
     $tpl = new PSU\Template();
     $f = PSU::db('myplymouth')->GetRow("SELECT * FROM anejf WHERE id_ = ?", array($id));
     $form = new AnejfApply($f, true);
     $tpl->assign('form', $form);
     $message = $tpl->fetch('email.tpl');
     $to = '*****@*****.**';
     if (PSU::isdev()) {
         $to = '*****@*****.**';
     $subject = sprintf("[ANEJF %d] Application for %s %s", $GLOBALS['ANEJF']['YEAR'], $form->first_name->value(), $form->last_name->value());
     PSU::mail($to, $subject, $message, 'Content-Type: text/html');
// force ssl + start a session
// Let's send UTF-8 (thanks abackstrom)
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
$GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] = '/webapp/psu-mobile';
$GLOBALS['TITLE'] = 'PSU Mobile';
$GLOBALS['TEMPLATES'] = $GLOBALS['BASE_DIR'] . '/templates/';
$GLOBALS['APP_VERSION'] = '0.8.0';
$GLOBALS['APP_BUILD_NAME'] = 'jqm-html5';
// Set some globals about our server for easy use later
$GLOBALS['APP_PROTOCOL'] = $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 'https://' : 'http://';
// If the app is currently running on the development server
if (PSU::isdev()) {
    // Have the APP_BUILD_TYPE global reflect the current server/code status
    $GLOBALS['APP_BUILD_TYPE'] .= '-dev';
    // Set a global for easier access from templates
    $GLOBALS['IS_DEV'] = true;
    // Turn off the CDN
    define('PSU_CDN', false);
} else {
    // Have the APP_BUILD_TYPE global reflect the current server/code status
    $GLOBALS['APP_BUILD_TYPE'] .= '-prod';
    // Set a global for easier access from templates
    $GLOBALS['IS_DEV'] = false;
// Include my custom mobile smarty class
require_once $GLOBALS['BASE_DIR'] . '/includes/MobileTemplate.class.php';
// Include my custom mobile smarty class
  * Connect to a database, or return connection parameters.
  * @since     version 1.0.0
  * @param     string $connect_data Connection identifier(s).
  * @param     string $return Return type. One of: adodb (ADOdb object), mysql (raw mysql_connect() resource), return (connection parameters as an array).
  * @return    mixed See the $return parameter.
 public function connect($connect_data, $return = 'adodb', $memcache = true)
     //if the connect_data is not an array, lets make it one so life is easier
     if (!is_array($connect_data)) {
         $connect_data = array($connect_data);
     //end if
     $dbs = array();
     //loop over connection array and connect to the databases!
     foreach ($connect_data as $key => $connect) {
         $connect = explode('/', $connect);
         //include the db connection info
         include $connect[0] . '/' . $connect[1] . '.php';
         $options = array_slice($connect, 2);
         //decide which object to create
         switch ($return) {
             case 'adodb':
                 require_once 'adodb5/';
                 switch ($connect[0]) {
                     case 'oracle':
                         $driver = in_array('fixcase', $options) ? 'oci8po' : 'oci8';
                     case 'mssql':
                         $driver = 'mssqlpo';
                         // disabled by defautl because ADO_RecordSet::RecordCount() does not work on
                         // PDO connections. PDO supports rowCount(), but ADOdb will not use it unless
                         // $ADODB_COUNTRECS is true. -- ambackstrom, 4 sept 2009
                     // disabled by defautl because ADO_RecordSet::RecordCount() does not work on
                     // PDO connections. PDO supports rowCount(), but ADOdb will not use it unless
                     // $ADODB_COUNTRECS is true. -- ambackstrom, 4 sept 2009
                     case 'mysql':
                         $driver = 'mysql';
                         // DEBUG: disabling pdo support for now, it's not enabled on perseus
                         if (!in_array('pdo', $options)) {
                             $driver = 'mysql';
                         $driver = 'pdo';
                         $port = null;
                         $host = $_DB[$connect[0]][$connect[1]]['hostname'];
                         if (strpos($host, ':') !== false) {
                             list($host, $port) = explode(':', $host);
                         $_DB[$connect[0]][$connect[1]]['hostname'] = 'mysql:host=' . $host . ($port ? ';port=' . $port : '');
                         unset($host, $port);
                         $driver = $connect[0];
                 //end switch
                 global $ADODB_COUNTRECS;
                 global $ADODB_CACHE_DIR;
                 global $ADODB_FORCE_TYPE;
                 global $ADODB_GETONE_EOF;
                 global $ADODB_QUOTE_FIELDNAMES;
                 $user = posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid());
                 $ADODB_COUNTRECS = false;
                 $ADODB_CACHE_DIR = '/web/temp/ADOdbCache_' . md5($user['name']);
                 $ADODB_GETONE_EOF = false;
                 $ADODB_QUOTE_FIELDNAMES = true;
                 if (!file_exists($ADODB_CACHE_DIR)) {
                     mkdir($ADODB_CACHE_DIR, 0700);
                 //end if
                 if (!ADODB_PREFETCH_ROWS) {
                     define('ADODB_PREFETCH_ROWS', 50);
                 $db = ADONewConnection($driver);
                 if (substr($driver, 0, 4) == 'oci8') {
                     $db->_initdate = false;
                     // persistent oracle connections
                     $db->autoRollback = true;
                     // must rollback; don't use existing transaction
                     $connect_method = 'PConnect';
                 } else {
                     $connect_method = 'NConnect';
                 if (in_array('debug', $options)) {
                     $db->debug = true;
                 if (in_array('nocache', $options)) {
                     $db->cacheSecs = 0;
                 } else {
                     $db->cacheSecs = 600;
                 if ($memcache) {
                     $db->memCache = true;
                     $db->memCacheHost = '';
                     // $db->memCacheHost = $ip1; will work too
                     $db->memCachePort = PSU::isdev() ? 21217 : 11217;
                     // this is default memCache port
                     $db->memCacheCompress = MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED;
                     // Use 'true' to store the item compressed (uses zlib)
                 // modify some fields so date inserts get hour/minute/second as
                 // well as the date. affects SYSDATE
                 $db->dateformat = $db->NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'RRRR-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS';
                 $db->fmtDate = "'Y-m-d H:i:s'";
                 $db->fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d H:i:s'";
                 //$db->sysDate = 'TRUNC(SYSDATE)'; // function that returns today's date. this is adodb-oci8's default
                 $connected = $db->{$connect_method}($_DB[$connect[0]][$connect[1]]['hostname'], $_DB[$connect[0]][$connect[1]]['username'], PSUSecurity::password_decode($_DB[$connect[0]][$connect[1]]['password']), $_DB[$connect[0]][$connect[1]]['database']);
                 // need the default PDO MySQL behavior to be non-fixcase, for legacy code
                 if ($connected && $driver === 'pdo' && $connect[0] === 'mysql') {
                     if (in_array('fixcase', $options)) {
                         $db->_connectionID->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CASE, PDO::CASE_LOWER);
                     } else {
                         $db->_connectionID->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CASE, PDO::CASE_NATURAL);
                 if (!$connected) {
                 if ($connect[0] == 'oracle') {
                     $sql = "ALTER SESSION SET nls_date_format = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'";
             case 'mysql':
                 $db = mysql_connect($_DB[$connect[0]][$connect[1]]['hostname'], $_DB[$connect[0]][$connect[1]]['username'], PSUSecurity::password_decode($_DB[$connect[0]][$connect[1]]['password']));
                 mysql_select_db($_DB[$connect[0]][$connect[1]]['database'], $db);
             case 'return':
                 $db = $_DB[$connect[0]][$connect[1]];
         //end switch
         //unset the password so it doesn't appear in debug
         $dbs[$key] = $db;
     //end foreach
     return count($dbs) == 1 ? $dbs[0] : $dbs;
Exemple #8
  * Modify a URL to point at the CDN.
  * @todo implement memcache and version numbers
  * @todo web ui to easily bump version numbers (ie. path LIKE); clears cache
 public static function cdn($url = '', $autoversion = self::AUTOVERSION)
     // currently disabled unless explictly enabled
     if (defined('PSU_CDN') && PSU_CDN == false) {
         return $url;
     if (false !== strpos($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'], '/webapp/banner/')) {
         return $url;
     if (false !== strpos($url, ".php")) {
         return $url;
     $mc = self::get('mc/cdn');
     $orig_url = $url;
     // first massage the url
     static $searches = array('', '');
     static $replaces = array('', '');
     // full url with protocol + domain
     if ('http://' === substr($url, 0, 7) || 'https://' === substr($url, 0, 8)) {
         $url = str_replace($searches, $replaces, $url);
     } elseif ('/' === substr($url, 0, 1)) {
         $host = PSU::isdev() ? '' : '';
         $proto = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] === 'on' ? 'https://' : 'http://';
         $new = $proto . $host;
         $url = $new . $url;
     } else {
         return $url;
     // nothing else to do for non-cdn urls
     if (preg_match('!https?://s\\d+\\.(dev\\.)?plymouth\\.edu/!', $url) == 0) {
         return $url;
     // if requested, stop here without changing version number embedded in url
     if ($autoversion == self::NO_AUTOVERSION) {
         return $url;
     // trim off query string from this resource
     if (false !== ($pos = strpos($url, "?"))) {
         $url = substr($url, 0, $pos);
     // Let's serve JavaScript files from a seperate subdomain, so we can utilize multiple parallel HTTP connections
     // Parse the url
     $url_fragments = parse_url($url);
     // Check the path and host for safety
     if ('.js' === substr($url_fragments['path'], -3) && 's0.' === substr($url_fragments['host'], 0, 3)) {
         // Replace s0. with s1.
         $url = str_replace('://s0.', '://s1.', $url);
     // then consult memcache to find out if we have a version number
     $slash = 0;
     $path = null;
     for ($i = 0, $len = strlen($url); $i < $len; $i++) {
         if ('/' === $url[$i]) {
             $slash += 1;
         if ($slash == 3) {
             $path = substr($url, $i);
     if (!isset($path)) {
         return $orig_url;
     // try to get version out of memcached
     $version = $mc->get($path);
     // not in memcached; first attempt, so try to get value from db
     if ($version === false) {
         $version = (int) PSU::db('myplymouth')->GetOne("SELECT version FROM http_resources WHERE path = ?", array($path));
         if ($version) {
             $mc->add($path, $version, false, 120);
             //self::cdn_parent( $path, $parent );
         } else {
             $version = false;
     // wasn't in memcached or db; add to memcached to reduce db hits, but mark as non-versioned
     if ($version === false) {
         $version = -1;
         $mc->add($path, $version, false, 120);
         //self::cdn_parent( $path, $parent );
     if ($version > 0) {
         $url .= '?v=' . $version;
     return $url;
 * Old /me/ path redirects to /student/
respond('/me/?[*]?', function ($request, $response, $app) {
    $base_url = $app->config->get('teacher-cert', 'base_url');
    $response->redirect($base_url . '/student/');
respond('/student/?[*]?', function ($request, $response, $app) {
    PSU::add_filter('student_view', 'PSU\\TeacherCert::__return_true');
respond(function ($request, $response, $app) {
    $GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] = $app->config->get('teacher-cert', 'base_url');
    $GLOBALS['TITLE'] = 'Teacher Certification';
    $GLOBALS['TEMPLATES'] = PSU_BASE_DIR . '/app/teacher-cert/templates';
    $domain = PSU::isdev() ? '' : '';
    $GLOBALS['PSUAPI'] = "https://api.{$domain}/0.1/?appid={{appid}}&appkey={{appkey}}";
    if (file_exists(PSU_BASE_DIR . '/debug/teacher-cert-debug.php')) {
        include PSU_BASE_DIR . '/debug/teacher-cert-debug.php';
    $app->client = new Client($GLOBALS['PSUAPI']);
    $app->client->setConfig(array('appid' => $app->config->get('teacher-cert', 'api_appid'), 'appkey' => $app->config->get('teacher-cert', 'api_key')));
    $app->readonly = false;
    $app->student_view = false;
    $app->parse_model_results = function ($results) use($app) {
        foreach ((array) $results->messages as $category => $messages) {
            foreach ($messages as $message) {
                $_SESSION[$category][] = $message;
Exemple #10

require dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/legacy/git-bootstrap.php';
require_once 'autoload.php';
/*******************[Site Constants]*****************/
// Base directory of application
$GLOBALS['BASE_DIR'] = dirname(__FILE__);
// Base URL
$GLOBALS['WEBAPP_URL'] = 'https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/webapp';
// Base URL
$GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] = 'https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/webapp/my';
$GLOBALS['WEBAPP_URL'] = 'https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/webapp';
$GLOBALS['OLD_WEBAPP_URL'] = 'https://www' . (PSU::isdev() ? '.dev' : '') . '';
$GLOBALS['HOST_URL'] = 'https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
// Local Includes
// Templates
$GLOBALS['TEMPLATES'] = $GLOBALS['BASE_DIR'] . '/templates';
// Application Title
$GLOBALS['TITLE'] = 'myPlymouth';
/*******************[End Site Constants]*****************/
if (is_file($GLOBALS['BASE_DIR'] . '/debug.php')) {
    include $GLOBALS['BASE_DIR'] . '/debug.php';
/*******************[Common Includes]**********************/
require_once $GLOBALS['BASE_DIR'] . '/includes/MyController.class.php';
require_once $GLOBALS['BASE_DIR'] . '/includes/MyController_tab.class.php';
require_once $GLOBALS['BASE_DIR'] . '/includes/MyController_channel.class.php';
require_once $GLOBALS['BASE_DIR'] . '/includes/MyController_admin.class.php';
require_once 'autoload.php';
$GLOBALS['TITLE'] = 'Call Log';
$config = \PSU\Config\Factory::get_config();
define('PSU_API_APPID', $config->get('calllog', 'api_appid'));
define('PSU_API_APPKEY', $config->get('calllog', 'api_key'));
require_once 'PSUWordPress.php';
ini_set('memory_limit', -1);
$start_time = time();
// Call Log Web Home
$HOST = 'https://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] = $HOST . '/webapp/calllog';
$GLOBALS['uploads'] = '/web/uploads/webapp/calllog/attachments';
// Call Log Administrative Web Home
define('TEMPLATE_DIR', __DIR__ . '/templates');
define('TEMPLATE_ADMIN_DIR', TEMPLATE_DIR . '/admin');
// Absolute Path To Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) Files
define('CSS_DIR', __DIR__ . '/css');
// Web Path To CSS Files
define('CSS_WEB_DIR', PSU::cdn($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/css'));
// Web Path To JS Files
define('JS_WEB_DIR', $GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/js');
$GLOBALS['HELPDESK_EMAIL'] = '*****@*****.**';
define('INCLUDES_DIR', __DIR__ . '/includes');
if (isset($GLOBALS['wpdb'])) {
    // wordpress was included some other way, accept it as it is.
    return true;
if (defined('WP_INSTALLING') && WP_INSTALLING !== true) {
    // we're about to include wordpress for the first time, but wp_installing is set to an incompatible value
    throw new Exception('WordPress has not been included, but WP_INSTALLING is not true: cannot proceed');
define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true);
define('WP_INSTALLING', true);
define('IS_PSUWORDPRESS', true);
define('WP_CACHE', false);
define('WP_DEBUG', false);
define('SAVEQUERIES', false);
if (!defined('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT')) {
    define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', ini_get('memory_limit'));
define('DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE', PSU::isdev() ? '' : '');
define('PATH_CURRENT_SITE', '/connect/');
define('SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1);
require_once 'autoload.php';
require_once '/web/';
// ask php to set the correct time zone (by default, wp changes the tz to utc)
// in PHP 5, WordPress core is explicitly setting the timezone to UTC. (wp-settings.php line 37)
if (!isset($GLOBALS['wpdb'])) {
    throw new Exception('Cannot find $wpdb after including WordPress. Please include from the global scope.');
  * Generate the URL for linking off to our ecommerce processor.
 public function url($appid, $name, $amount, $program = '')
     $psp_user_id = PSU::db('psp')->GetOne('SELECT psp_user_id FROM app_2008_app WHERE app_id = :appid', array('appid' => $appid));
     if (!$psp_user_id) {
         throw new Exception('Could not find the psp_user_id for that appid');
     $params = array('orderNumber' => $psp_user_id, 'amount' => $amount, 'amountDue' => $amount, 'orderType' => 'Admission GR App', 'orderDescription' => 'Graduate Admission App Fee', 'name' => $name, 'userChoice2' => $program, 'userChoice3' => $appid);
     $this->setURLParam('redirectUrl', str_replace('igrad', 'www', $this->base_url) . '/receipt.html');
     $this->setURLParam('retriesAllowed', 5);
     $this->setURLParam('redirectUrlParameters', implode(',', $this->_redirect_params));
     return $this->_url(PSU::isdev() ? 'test' : 'prod', $params);
  * __construct
  * Initial object setup.
  * @param	string|boolean $uid_or_auto indicates how cache and template directories should be set. uid specifies a unique id to build names, true generates paths automatically. leave blank or false to specify these paths yourself.
 function __construct($uid_or_auto = true)
     self::$GLOBAL_TEMPLATES = PSU_LEGACY_DIR . '/templates';
     self::$STYLE_TEMPLATES = PSU_BASE_DIR . '/app/core/templates';
     static::$js_registry = array('jquery' => 'http' . ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? 's' : '') . '://', 'jquery-ui' => 'http' . ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? 's' : '') . '://', 'ddm' => '/includes/js/jquery-plugins/jquery.multi-ddm.min.js', 'my-combined' => '/webapp/my/js/combined.js', 'my-behavior' => '/webapp/my/js/behavior.js', 'myjs' => '/webapp/portal/myjs/index.php', 'style-behavior' => '/webapp/style-bootstrap/js/behavior.js', 'bootstrap' => '/webapp/style-bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js');
     $this->psu_server = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 'https' : 'http') . '://';
     if (PSU::isdev()) {
         $this->psu_server .= self::psu_dev_server;
     } else {
         $this->psu_server .= self::psu_prod_server;
     // does user want us to set up smarty dirs?
     if ($uid_or_auto) {
         // what's our temp directory?
         $tmp = null;
         if (isset($GLOBALS['TEMPORARY_FILES'])) {
             $tmp = $GLOBALS['TEMPORARY_FILES'];
         } else {
             foreach (self::$DEFAULT_TMP as $this_tmp) {
                 if (is_dir($this_tmp) && is_writable($this_tmp)) {
                     $tmp = $this_tmp;
         if ($uid_or_auto === true) {
             // true means full automatic. use BASE_URL as the unique seed
             if (!isset($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'])) {
                 // can't be full auto without a base url.
                 throw new PSUSmartyException(PSUSmartyException::NO_BASE_URL);
             $md5 = md5($GLOBALS['BASE_URL']);
             $this->compile_dir = $tmp . '/smarty_tc_' . $md5;
         } else {
             // uid was set, and it wasn't true, so use the string
             $this->compile_dir = $tmp . '/smarty_tc_' . $uid_or_auto;
     } elseif (isset($GLOBALS['SMARTY_COMPILE'])) {
         // user did not want an auto dir, but specified a dir elsewhere
         $this->compile_dir = $GLOBALS['SMARTY_COMPILE'];
     // create compile directory if it's not there yet
     if (!is_dir($this->compile_dir)) {
         $old_umask = umask(07);
     $this->plugins_dir[] = PSU_EXTERNAL_DIR . '/smarty/psu_plugins';
     $this->head = array('js' => array(), 'google_lazy_js' => array(), 'css' => array());
     // register any custom functions
     $this->register_function('PSU_JS', array($this, 'psu_js'));
     $this->register_function('psu_js', array($this, 'psu_js'));
     $this->register_function('PSU_GOOGLE_LAZY_JS', array($this, 'psu_google_lazy_js'));
     $this->register_function('PSU_CSS', array($this, 'psu_css'));
     $this->register_function('psu_dbug', array($this, 'psu_dbug'));
     $this->register_function('icon', array($this, 'icon'));
     $this->register_function('iconbox', array($this, 'iconbox'));
     $this->register_function('psu_puke', array($this, 'psu_puke'));
     $this->register_function('psu_progress', array($this, 'psu_progress'));
     $this->register_function('psu_authz_js', array($this, 'psu_authz_js'));
     $this->register_outputfilter(array($this, 'psu_head_includes'));
     $this->register_modifier('cdn', array($this, 'cdn'));
     $this->register_modifier('cssslug', array($this, 'cssslug'));
     $this->register_function('paging_querystring', array($this, 'paging_querystring'));
     $this->register_modifier('paging_order', array($this, 'paging_order'));
     $this->register_function('psu_messages', array($this, 'psu_messages'));
     $this->register_function('psu_errors', array($this, 'psu_errors'));
     $this->register_function('psu_successes', array($this, 'psu_successes'));
     $this->register_function('psu_warnings', array($this, 'psu_warnings'));
     $https = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on';
     // add in the registry
     $this->assign('psureg', PSU::get());
  * setupCAS
 static function setupCAS($host = null, $dir = false)
     if (!isset($host)) {
         $host = PSU::isdev() ? '' : 'connect';
     $dir = $dir ? $dir : 'cas/';
     if (!$GLOBALS['CAS_SETUP']) {
         $GLOBALS['CAS_SETUP'] = true;
         // import phpCAS lib
         require_once 'cas/CAS.php';
         // initialize phpCAS
         phpCAS::client(CAS_VERSION_2_0, $host . '', 443, $dir, false);
         // logout if desired
         if (isset($_REQUEST['logout'])) {
     // logout if desired
     if (isset($_REQUEST['logout'])) {