public static function insert_role_assignments($role_name, $agent_type, $agents, $args = array())
     //$defaults = array( );  // auto_insertion arg set for role propagation from parent objects
     //$args = array_merge( $defaults, (array) $args );
     //extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
     if (!$agents) {
     global $wpdb, $current_user;
     $assigner_id = $current_user->ID;
     $insert_data = compact('role_name', 'agent_type', 'assigner_id');
     // Before inserting a role, delete any overlooked old assignment.
     foreach (array_keys($agents) as $agent_id) {
         if (!$agent_id) {
         if ($ass_ids = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("SELECT assignment_id FROM {$wpdb->ppc_roles} WHERE role_name = %s AND agent_id = %d", $role_name, $agent_id))) {
         // insert role for specified object and group(s)
         $insert_data['agent_id'] = $agent_id;
         $wpdb->insert($wpdb->ppc_roles, $insert_data);
         $assignment_id = $wpdb->insert_id;
         do_action('pp_assigned_sitewide_role', $assignment_id, compact('role_name', 'agent_type', 'agent_id', 'assigner_id'));
function _pp_item_deletion_aftermath($item_source, $item_id)
    global $wpdb;
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/role_assigner_pp.php';
    // delete role assignments for deleted term
    if ($eitem_ids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT eitem_id FROM {$wpdb->ppc_exception_items} AS i INNER JOIN {$wpdb->ppc_exceptions} AS e ON e.exception_id = i.exception_id WHERE e.via_item_source = '{$item_source}' AND i.item_id = '{$item_id}'")) {
        // Propagated roles will be converted to direct-assigned roles if the original progenetor goes away.  Removal of a "link" in the parent/child propagation chain has no effect.
        $id_in = "'" . implode("', '", $eitem_ids) . "'";
        $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->ppc_exception_items} SET inherited_from = '0' WHERE inherited_from IN ({$id_in})");
Exemple #3
 * Assign exceptions for a user or group
 * @param array agents : agents['item'|'children'][agent_id] = true|false
 * @param string agent_type
 * @param array args :
 *  - operation          ('read'|'edit'|'associate'|'assign'...)
 *  - mod_type           ('additional'|'exclude'|'include')
 *  - for_item_source    ('post' or 'term' - data source to which the role applies)
 *  - for_item_type      (post_type or taxonomy to which the role applies)
 *  - for_item_status    (status which the role applies to; default '' means all stati)
 *  - via_item_source    ('post' or 'term' - data source which the role is tied to)
 *  - item_id            (post ID or term_taxonomy_id)
 *  - via_item_type      (post_type or taxonomy of item which the role is tied to; default '' means unspecified when via_item_source is 'post')
 *  - remove_assignments (default false)
function ppc_assign_exceptions($agents, $agent_type = 'pp_group', $args = array())
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/admin/role_assigner_pp.php';
    return PP_RoleAssigner::assign_exceptions($agents, $agent_type, $args);
     $deleted_eitem_ids = array();
     $input_vals = explode('|', pp_sanitize_csv($_GET['pp_eitem_ids']));
     foreach ($input_vals as $id_csv) {
         $eitem_ids = _pp_editable_eitem_ids(explode(',', $id_csv));
         $deleted_eitem_ids = array_merge($deleted_eitem_ids, $eitem_ids);
         // possible TODO: remove elem from $input_vals if content-specific assign_roles authentication fails
     if ($deleted_eitem_ids) {
         require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/role_assigner_pp.php';
         $exc_clause = $agent_clause ? "exception_id IN ( SELECT exception_id FROM {$wpdb->ppc_exceptions} WHERE {$agent_clause} 1=1 ) AND" : '';
         $results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT exception_id, item_id FROM {$wpdb->ppc_exception_items} WHERE {$exc_clause} eitem_id IN ('" . implode("','", $deleted_eitem_ids) . "')");
         // safeguard against accidental deletion of a different agent's exceptions
         foreach ($results as $row) {
             // also delete any redundant item exceptions for this agent
             if ($_eitem_ids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT eitem_id FROM {$wpdb->ppc_exception_items} WHERE exception_id='{$row->exception_id}' AND item_id='{$row->item_id}'")) {
     echo '<!--ppResponse-->' . implode('|', $input_vals) . '<--ppResponse-->';
 case 'exceptions_propagate':
 case 'exceptions_unpropagate':
 case 'exceptions_children_only':
     if (empty($_GET['pp_eitem_ids'])) {
     if (!current_user_can('pp_assign_roles')) {
     $edited_input_ids = array();
Exemple #5
function _pp_inherit_parent_exceptions($via_item_source, $item_id, $parent_id, $args = array())
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/role_assigner_pp.php';
    $defaults = array('parent_exceptions' => array(), 'retain_exceptions' => array(), 'force_for_item_type' => '');
    $args = array_merge($defaults, $args);
    extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
    if (!$parent_exceptions) {
        $parent_exceptions = _pp_get_parent_exceptions($via_item_source, $item_id, $parent_id);
    foreach ($retain_exceptions as $r) {
        // can't just compare exception_id because want to avoid inheriting an include exception if an exclude is manually stored, etc.
        foreach ($parent_exceptions as $ekey => $e) {
            if ($r->item_id == $item_id && $r->via_item_source == $e->via_item_source && $r->agent_type == $e->agent_type && $r->agent_id == $e->agent_id && $r->for_item_source == $e->for_item_source && $r->for_item_type == $e->for_item_type && $r->operation == $e->operation && $r->for_item_status == $e->for_item_status) {
    if ($parent_exceptions) {
        if ('post' == $via_item_source) {
            $item_type = get_post_field('post_type', $item_id);
        foreach ($parent_exceptions as $exc) {
            $insert_agents = array($exc->agent_id => true);
            $args = array('for_item_status' => $exc->for_item_status, 'inherited_from' => array($exc->agent_id => $exc->eitem_id));
            //$for_item_type = ( $force_for_item_type ) ? $force_for_item_type : $exc->for_item_type;
            if ($force_for_item_type) {
                $for_item_type = $force_for_item_type;
            } elseif ('post' != $via_item_source) {
                $for_item_type = $exc->for_item_type;
            } else {
                $for_item_type = 'revision' == $item_type ? $exc->for_item_type : $item_type;
            foreach (array('item', 'children') as $assign_for) {
                $args['assign_for'] = $assign_for;
                if (PP_RoleAssigner::insert_exceptions($exc->mod_type, $exc->operation, $exc->via_item_source, $exc->via_item_type, $exc->for_item_source, $for_item_type, $item_id, $exc->agent_type, $insert_agents, $args)) {
                    $any_inserts = true;
    return !empty($any_inserts);