Exemple #1
  * Outputs and filters the widget.
  * The widget connects to the plugin using the framework plugin api class. 
  * If the class returns false, this means that either the plugin is 
  * missing, either the it has no API key set.
  * @since 0.0.1
 public function widget($args, $instance)
     list($args, $instance) = self::process_defaults($args, $instance);
     /** Extract the arguments into separate variables. */
     extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
     /* Output the theme's $before_widget wrapper. */
     echo $before_widget;
     /* If a title was input by the user, display it. */
     $widget_title = '';
     if (!empty($instance['title']) && !pls_has_plugin_error()) {
         $widget_title = $before_title . apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base) . $after_title;
     /** Get the list of listings using the partial. */
     $listings_args = array('limit' => $instance['number'], 'width' => $instance['width'], 'height' => $instance['height'], 'placeholder_img' => $instance['placeholder'], 'crop_description' => 1, 'context' => 'widget', 'context_var' => $widget_id, 'featured_option_id' => $featured_option_id);
     /** If field is empty, remove it so that the function's defaults can be used. */
     if (empty($instance['placeholder'])) {
     // set context so filter can customize the layout
     $listings_args['context'] = 'get_listings_widget';
     // pls_dump($listings_args);
     $widget_body = PLS_Partials::get_listings($listings_args);
     /** Apply a filter on the whole widget */
     echo apply_filters('pls_widget_listings', $widget_title . $widget_body, $widget_title, $before_title, $after_title, $widget_body, $instance, $widget_id, $listings_args);
     /* Close the theme's widget wrapper. */
     echo $after_widget;
Exemple #2

<section id="slideshow" class="slider-wrapper theme-default">
echo PLS_Slideshow::slideshow(array('animation' => 'fade', 'animationSpeed' => 1000, 'pauseOnHover' => true, 'advanceSpeed' => 4000, 'startClockOnMouseOut' => true, 'startClockOnMouseOutAfter' => 1000, 'directionalNav' => true, 'captions' => true, 'captionAnimation' => 'fade', 'captionAnimationSpeed' => 800, 'afterSlideChange' => 'function(){}', 'width' => 623, 'height' => 300, 'context' => 'home', 'featured_option_id' => 'slideshow-featured-listings', 'listings' => 'limit=5&is_featured=true&sort_by=price'));

	<script type="text/javascript">
		// Hack to alter bullets styling for formerly BP 1.0 themes -- need to do this more intelligently...
		jQuery(window).load(function () {
			jQuery('.orbit-bullets').css('margin-top', '-90px');

	<div class="clr"></div>

<section id="listing">
_e('New Listings', 'tampa');
echo PLS_Partials::get_listings("limit=5&featured_option_id=custom-featured-listings&context=home");
PLS_Listing_Helper::get_compliance(array('context' => 'search', 'agent_name' => false, 'office_name' => false));
Exemple #3
 public static function get($args = array())
     $cache = new PLS_Cache('nbh');
     if ($result = $cache->get($args)) {
         return $result;
     extract(self::process_args($args), EXTR_SKIP);
     $subject = array();
     if ($street) {
         $subject += array('taxonomy' => 'street', 'term' => $street, 'api_field' => 'address');
     } elseif ($neighborhood) {
         $subject += array('taxonomy' => 'neighborhood', 'term' => $neighborhood, 'api_field' => 'neighborhood');
     } elseif ($zip) {
         $subject += array('taxonomy' => 'zip', 'term' => $zip, 'api_field' => 'postal');
     } elseif ($city) {
         $subject += array('taxonomy' => 'city', 'term' => $city, 'api_field' => 'locality');
     } elseif ($state) {
         $subject += array('taxonomy' => 'state', 'term' => $state, 'api_field' => 'region');
     $term = get_term_by('slug', $subject['term'], $subject['taxonomy'], ARRAY_A);
     $custom_data = array();
     foreach (self::$custom_meta as $meta) {
         $custom_data[$meta['id']] = get_tax_meta($term['term_id'], $meta['id']);
     $term = wp_parse_args($term, $custom_data);
     $term['api_field'] = $subject['api_field'];
     //if there's a polygon, use that to get listings. Otherwise, use the name of the neighborhood
     $polygon = PLS_Plugin_API::get_taxonomies_by_slug($subject['term']);
     if (is_array($polygon) && !empty($polygon[0])) {
         $polygon[0]['neighborhood_polygons'] = $polygon[0]['name'];
         $listings_raw = PLS_Plugin_API::get_polygon_listings($polygon[0]);
         $term['listings'] = PLS_Partials::get_listings("limit=5&context=home&neighborhood_polygons=" . $polygon[0]['name']);
     } else {
         $listings_raw = PLS_Plugin_API::get_listings("location[" . $term['api_field'] . "]=" . $term['name']);
         $term['listings'] = PLS_Partials::get_listings("limit=5&context=home&request_params=location[" . $term['api_field'] . "]=" . $term['name']);
     $term['areas'] = array('locality' => array(), 'postal' => array(), 'neighborhood' => array(), 'address' => array());
     $locality_tree = array('city' => array('postal', 'neighborhood', 'address'), 'zip' => array('neighborhood', 'address'), 'neighborhood' => array('address'), 'street' => array());
     $term['listings_raw'] = $listings_raw['listings'];
     //assemble all the photos
     $api_translations = array('locality' => 'city', 'neighborhood' => 'neighborhood', 'postal' => 'zip', 'address' => 'street');
     $term['listing_photos'] = array();
     $count = 0;
     if (isset($listings_raw['listings'])) {
         foreach ($listings_raw['listings'] as $key => $listing) {
             if (!empty($listing['images'])) {
                 foreach ($listing['images'] as $image) {
                     if ($count > $image_limit) {
                     $term['listing_photos'][] = array('full_address' => $listing['location']['full_address'], 'image_url' => $image['url'], 'listing_url' => $listing['cur_data']['url']);
             if (isset($locality_tree[$subject['taxonomy']])) {
                 foreach ($locality_tree[$subject['taxonomy']] as $locality) {
                     $link = array('name' => $listing['location'][$locality], 'permalink' => get_term_link($listing['location'][$locality], $api_translations[$locality]));
                     if (is_string($link['permalink'])) {
                         $term['areas'][$locality][] = $link;
     $term['polygon'] = PLS_Plugin_API::get_polygon_detail(array('tax' => $term['api_field'], 'slug' => $subject['term']));
     return $term;