iterativeExplode() static public méthode

Iterate over an array of delimiters and see whether it exists in the given input string. If so, then use it to explode the string into an array.
static public iterativeExplode ( $delimiters, $input ) : array
$delimiters array
$input string
Résultat array
  * Converts a string with multiple persons
  * to an array of NLM name descriptions.
  * @param $personsString string
  * @param $title boolean true to parse for title
  * @param $degrees boolean true to parse for degrees
  * @return array an array of NLM name descriptions or null
  *  if the string could not be converted plus optionally a
  *  single 'et-al' string.
 function &_parsePersonsString($personsString, $title, $degrees)
     // Check for 'et al'.
     $personsStringBeforeEtal = PKPString::strlen($personsString);
     $personsString = PKPString::regexp_replace('/et ?al$/', '', $personsString);
     $etAl = $personsStringBeforeEtal == PKPString::strlen($personsString) ? false : true;
     // Remove punctuation.
     $personsString = trim($personsString, ':;, ');
     // Cut the authors string into pieces.
     $personStrings = PKPString::iterativeExplode(array(':', ';'), $personsString);
     // If we did not have success with simple patterns then try more complex
     // patterns to tokenize multiple-person strings.
     if (count($personStrings) == 1) {
         // The first pattern must match the whole string, the second is used
         // to extract names.
         $complexPersonsPatterns = array(array('/^((([^ \\t\\n\\r\\f\\v,.&]{2,}\\s*)+,\\s*([A-Z]\\.\\s*)+),\\s*)+(\\&|\\.\\s\\.\\s\\.)\\s*([^ \\t\\n\\r\\f\\v,.&]{2,}\\s*,\\s*([A-Z]\\.\\s*)+)$/i', '/(?:[^ \\t\\n\\r\\f\\v,.&]{2,}\\s*)+,\\s*(?:[A-Z]\\.\\s*)+/i'), array('/^((([^ \\t\\n\\r\\f\\v,&]+\\s+)+[^ \\t\\n\\r\\f\\v,&]+\\s*)[,&]\\s*)+(([^ \\t\\n\\r\\f\\v,&]+\\s+)+[^ \\t\\n\\r\\f\\v,&]+)/i', '/(?:(?:[^ \\t\\n\\r\\f\\v,&.]+|[^ \\t\\n\\r\\f\\v,&]{2,})\\s+)+(?:[^ \\t\\n\\r\\f\\v,&.]+|[^ \\t\\n\\r\\f\\v,&]{2,})/i'));
         $matched = false;
         foreach ($complexPersonsPatterns as $complexPersonsPattern) {
             // Break at the first pattern that matches.
             if ($matched = PKPString::regexp_match($complexPersonsPattern[0], $personsString)) {
                 // Retrieve names.
                 $success = PKPString::regexp_match_all($complexPersonsPattern[1], $personsString, $personStrings);
                 assert($success && count($personStrings) == 1);
                 $personStrings = $personStrings[0];
         if (!$matched) {
             // If nothing matches then try to parse as a single person.
             $personStrings = array($personsString);
     // Parse persons.
     $persons = array();
     foreach ($personStrings as $personString) {
         $persons[] =& $this->_parsePersonString($personString, $title, $degrees);
     // Add et-al string.
     if ($etAl) {
         $persons[] = PERSON_STRING_FILTER_ETAL;
     return $persons;
  * @copydoc Filter::process()
  * @param $input string
  * @return MetadataDescription
 function &process(&$input)
     $citationString =& $input;
     $nullVar = null;
     // Check the availability of perl
     $perlCommand = Config::getVar('cli', 'perl');
     if (empty($perlCommand) || !file_exists($perlCommand)) {
         return $nullVar;
     // Convert to ASCII - Paracite doesn't handle UTF-8 well
     $citationString = PKPString::utf8_to_ascii($citationString);
     // Call the paracite parser
     $wrapperScript = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '';
     $paraciteCommand = $perlCommand . ' ' . escapeshellarg($wrapperScript) . ' ' . $this->getCitationModule() . ' ' . escapeshellarg($citationString);
     $xmlResult = shell_exec($paraciteCommand);
     if (empty($xmlResult)) {
         return $nullVar;
     if (Config::getVar('i18n', 'charset_normalization') == 'On' && !PKPString::utf8_compliant($xmlResult)) {
         $xmlResult = PKPString::utf8_normalize($xmlResult);
     // Create a temporary DOM document
     $resultDOM = new DOMDocument();
     $resultDOM->recover = true;
     // Extract the parser results as an array
     $xmlHelper = new XMLHelper();
     $metadata = $xmlHelper->xmlToArray($resultDOM->documentElement);
     // We have to merge subtitle and title as neither OpenURL
     // nor NLM can handle subtitles.
     if (isset($metadata['subtitle'])) {
         $metadata['title'] .= '. ' . $metadata['subtitle'];
     // Break up the authors field
     if (isset($metadata['authors'])) {
         $metadata['authors'] = PKPString::trimPunctuation($metadata['authors']);
         $metadata['authors'] = PKPString::iterativeExplode(array(':', ';'), $metadata['authors']);
     // Convert pages to integers
     foreach (array('spage', 'epage') as $pageProperty) {
         if (isset($metadata[$pageProperty])) {
             $metadata[$pageProperty] = (int) $metadata[$pageProperty];
     // Convert titles to title case
     foreach (array('title', 'chapter', 'publication') as $titleProperty) {
         if (isset($metadata[$titleProperty])) {
             $metadata[$titleProperty] = PKPString::titleCase($metadata[$titleProperty]);
     // Map ParaCite results to OpenURL - null means
     // throw the value away.
     $metadataMapping = array('genre' => 'genre', '_class' => null, 'any' => null, 'authors' => 'au', 'aufirst' => 'aufirst', 'aufull' => null, 'auinit' => 'auinit', 'aulast' => 'aulast', 'atitle' => 'atitle', 'cappublication' => null, 'captitle' => null, 'date' => 'date', 'epage' => 'epage', 'featureID' => null, 'id' => null, 'issue' => 'issue', 'jnl_epos' => null, 'jnl_spos' => null, 'match' => null, 'marked' => null, 'num_of_fig' => null, 'pages' => 'pages', 'publisher' => 'pub', 'publoc' => 'place', 'ref' => null, 'rest_text' => null, 'spage' => 'spage', 'targetURL' => 'url', 'text' => null, 'ucpublication' => null, 'uctitle' => null, 'volume' => 'volume', 'year' => 'date');
     // Ignore 'year' if 'date' is set
     if (isset($metadata['date'])) {
         $metadataMapping['year'] = null;
     // Set default genre
     if (empty($metadata['genre'])) {
         $metadata['genre'] = OPENURL10_GENRE_ARTICLE;
     // Handle title, chapter and publication depending on
     // the (inferred) genre. Also instantiate the target schema.
     switch ($metadata['genre']) {
         case OPENURL10_GENRE_BOOK:
         case OPENURL10_GENRE_REPORT:
             $metadataMapping += array('publication' => 'btitle', 'chapter' => 'atitle');
             if (isset($metadata['title'])) {
                 if (!isset($metadata['publication'])) {
                     $metadata['publication'] = $metadata['title'];
                 } elseif (!isset($metadata['chapter'])) {
                     $metadata['chapter'] = $metadata['title'];
             $openurl10SchemaName = 'lib.pkp.plugins.metadata.openurl10.schema.Openurl10BookSchema';
             $openurl10SchemaClass = 'Openurl10BookSchema';
         case OPENURL10_GENRE_ARTICLE:
         case OPENURL10_GENRE_JOURNAL:
         case OPENURL10_GENRE_ISSUE:
             $metadataMapping += array('publication' => 'jtitle');
             if (isset($metadata['title'])) {
                 if (!isset($metadata['publication'])) {
                     $metadata['publication'] = $metadata['title'];
                 } elseif (!isset($metadata['atitle'])) {
                     $metadata['atitle'] = $metadata['title'];
             $openurl10SchemaName = 'lib.pkp.plugins.metadata.openurl10.schema.Openurl10JournalSchema';
             $openurl10SchemaClass = 'Openurl10JournalSchema';
     // Instantiate an OpenURL description
     $openurl10Description = new MetadataDescription($openurl10SchemaName, ASSOC_TYPE_CITATION);
     $openurl10Schema = new $openurl10SchemaClass();
     // Map the ParaCite result to OpenURL
     foreach ($metadata as $paraciteElementName => $paraciteValue) {
         if (!empty($paraciteValue)) {
             // Trim punctuation
             if (is_string($paraciteValue)) {
                 $paraciteValue = PKPString::trimPunctuation($paraciteValue);
             // Transfer the value to the OpenURL result array
             assert(array_key_exists($paraciteElementName, $metadataMapping));
             $openurl10PropertyName = $metadataMapping[$paraciteElementName];
             if (!is_null($openurl10PropertyName) && $openurl10Schema->hasProperty($openurl10PropertyName)) {
                 if (is_array($paraciteValue)) {
                     foreach ($paraciteValue as $singleValue) {
                         $success = $openurl10Description->addStatement($openurl10PropertyName, $singleValue);
                 } else {
                     $success = $openurl10Description->addStatement($openurl10PropertyName, $paraciteValue);
     // Crosswalk to NLM
     $crosswalkFilter = new Openurl10Nlm30CitationSchemaCrosswalkFilter();
     $nlm30Description =& $crosswalkFilter->execute($openurl10Description);
     assert(is_a($nlm30Description, 'MetadataDescription'));
     // Add 'rest_text' as NLM comment (if given)
     if (isset($metadata['rest_text'])) {
         $nlm30Description->addStatement('comment', PKPString::trimPunctuation($metadata['rest_text']));
     // Set display name and sequence id in the meta-data description
     // to the corresponding values from the filter. This is important
     // so that we later know which result came from which filter.
     return $nlm30Description;