Exemple #1
function graficoBarra($data, $archivo = "", $meta_data = array('titulo' => 'Sin Título', 'tituloX' => 'Eje X', 'tituloY' => 'Eje Y', 'color' => 'SkyBlue', 'width' => 800, 'height' => 600, 'angle' => 45), $legend = array("Datos"))
    # Objeto que crea el gráfico y su tama?o
    $plot = new PHPlot($meta_data['width'], $meta_data['height']);
    # Setea el archivo donde se guarda la imagen generada y no permite la visualización inmediata
    # Envio de datos
    # Tipo de gráfico y datos
    # Setiando el True type font
    $plot->SetDataColors(array($meta_data['color'], 'red', 'white'));
    $plot->SetLegendPixels(1, 1);
    # Etiquetas del eje Y:
    # Título principal del gráfico:
    # Etiquetas eje X:
    if (isset($meta_data['angle'])) {
    } else {
    # Método que dibuja el gráfico
Exemple #2
function testBars()
    # PHPlot Example: Bar chart, 3 data sets, unshaded
    $data = array(array('Jan', 40, 2, 4), array('Feb', 30, 3, 4), array('Mar', 20, 4, 4), array('Apr', 10, 5, 4), array('May', 3, 6, 4), array('Jun', 7, 7, 4), array('Jul', 10, 8, 4), array('Aug', 15, 9, 4), array('Sep', 20, 5, 4), array('Oct', 18, 4, 4), array('Nov', 16, 7, 4), array('Dec', 14, 3, 4));
    $plot = new PHPlot(800, 600);
    # Main plot title:
    $plot->SetTitle('Unshaded Bar Chart with 3 Data Sets');
    # No 3-D shading of the bars:
    # Make a legend for the 3 data sets plotted:
    $plot->SetLegend(array('Engineering', 'Manufacturing', 'Administration'));
    # Turn off X tick labels and ticks because they don't apply here:
Exemple #3
# PHPlot Example - Horizontal Error Plot
require_once 'phplot.php';
# The experimental results as a series of temperature measurements:
$results = array(98, 102, 100, 103, 101, 105, 110, 108, 109);
# The accuracy of our measuring equipment is +/- 5%
$error_factor = 0.05;
# Convert the experimental results to a PHPlot data array for error plots.
function reduce_data($results, $error_factor)
    # Use the average of measurements to approximate the error amount:
    $err = $error_factor * array_sum($results) / count($results);
    # Build the 'data-data-yx-error' data array:
    $data = array();
    $i = 1;
    foreach ($results as $value) {
        $data[] = array("Sample {$i}", $i++, $value, $err, $err);
    return $data;
$plot = new PHPlot(800, 600);
$plot->SetTitle('Experiment Results');
$plot->SetXTitle('Melting Temperature (degrees C)');
$plot->SetDataValues(reduce_data($results, $error_factor));
// Improves presentation in the manual
 function plotfile_me($pdf, $mv_id, $w = 800, $h = 600)
     $mvs = new mietvertraege();
     $mk = new mietkonto();
     $datum_mietdefinition = $mk->datum_1_mietdefinition($mv_id);
     // echo "<h1>$datum_mietdefinition</h1>";
     $a_dat = explode('-', $datum_mietdefinition);
     $jahr_a = date("Y") - 2;
     $jahr_e = date("Y") + 3;
     $jahre = $jahr_e - $jahr_a;
     $z = 0;
     for ($jahr = $jahr_a; $jahr <= $jahr_e; $jahr++) {
         $monat = date("m");
         $mk->kaltmiete_monatlich($mv_id, $monat, $jahr);
         if ($jahr > $jahr_a) {
             $miete_vorjahr = $arr_stat[$z - 1][1];
             $prozent = ($mk->ausgangs_kaltmiete - $miete_vorjahr) / ($miete_vorjahr / 100);
         } else {
             $prozent = 0;
         $prozent = nummer_punkt2komma($prozent);
         $arr_stat[$z][0] = "{$jahr}\n{$mk->ausgangs_kaltmiete}\nEUR\n{$prozent} %";
         $arr_stat[$z][1] = $mk->ausgangs_kaltmiete;
     // print_r($arr_stat);
     require_once 'phplot.php';
     $plot = new PHPlot($w, $h);
     // Main plot title:
     $plot->SetTitle('MIETENTWICKLUNG' . " {$mvs->einheit_kurzname} \n {$mvs->personen_name_string}");
     // No 3-D shading of the bars:
     // Make a legend for the 3 data sets plotted:
     // $plot->SetLegend(array('Mieteinnahmen', 'Leerstand'));
     // Turn off X tick labels and ticks because they don't apply here:
     // Draw it
     $img = $plot->DrawGraph();
     $px = 'px';
     // echo "<hr>$plot->img ";
     // $plot->PrintImageFrame();
     // $hhh = $plot->PrintImage();
     $ima = $plot->EncodeImage();
     // echo "<a style=\"width:$w$px;heigth:$h$px;\" href=\"?option=stat_mv_big&mv_id=$mv_id\"><img style=\"width:$w$px;heigth:$h$px;\" src=\"$plot->img\"></img></a>";
     // die();
     // echo "<img src=\"$ima\">";
     // die();
     if ($mvs->mietvertrag_aktuell == 1) {
         $druckdatum = date("d.m.Y");
         $pdf->addText(464, 730, 7, "<b>Druckdatum: {$druckdatum}</b>");
         $pdf->addPngFromFile($ima, $pdf->x + 10, $pdf->y - $h, $w, $h);
Exemple #5
# Testing phplot - "Typical" plot with lots of elements, for manual
require_once 'phplot.php';
$data = array(array('', -4, -64, 16, 40), array('', -3, -27, 9, 30), array('', -2, -8, 4, 20), array('', -1, -1, 1, 10), array('', 0, 0, 0, 0), array('', 1, 1, 1, -10), array('', 2, 8, 4, -20), array('', 3, 27, 9, -30), array('', 4, 64, 16, -40));
# Size of plot is set by PDF 72dpi resolution:
$p = new PHPlot(400, 300);
# Titles:
$p->SetTitle('A Plot Containing Some Lines');
$p->SetXTitle('Independent Variable');
$p->SetYTitle('Dependent Variable');
# We don't use the data labels (all set to '') so might as well turn them off:
# Need to set area and ticks to get reasonable choices.
$p->SetPlotAreaWorld(-4, -70, 4, 80);
# Don't use dashes for 3rd line:
$p->SetLineStyles(array('solid', 'dashed', 'solid'));
# Make the lines thicker:
# Image border:
# Draw both grids:
# And a legend:
$p->SetLegend(array('x^3', 'x^2', '-10x'));
Exemple #6
$title = "Test Attribute Resets:\n";
if (empty($test_resets)) {
    $title .= 'Baseline - red border, formatted labels';
} else {
    $title .= 'Reset to no border, no label formatting';
$plot = new PHPlot(400, 400);
$plot->SetPlotAreaWorld(-1000, 0);
$plot->SetXLabelType('data', 0, '', 'M');
$plot->SetYLabelType('data', 2);
# Set $test_resets=True and include this file to test resets:
if (!empty($test_resets)) {
    # Reset to no border:
    # Reset X to no formatting using empty string:
    # Reset Y to no formatting using no argument:
function guifi_stats_chart06()
    include drupal_get_path('module', 'guifi') . '/contrib/phplot/phplot.php';
    $gDirTTFfonts = drupal_get_path('module', 'guifi') . '/contrib/fonts/';
    if (isset($_GET['width'])) {
        $gwidth = $_GET['width'];
    } else {
        $gwidth = 500;
    if (isset($_GET['height'])) {
        $gheight = $_GET['height'];
    } else {
        $gheight = 450;
    $today = getdate();
    $year = $today[year];
    $month = $today[mon];
    $month = $month - 12;
    $n = 0;
    $tot = 0;
    if ($month < 1) {
        $year = $year - 1;
        $month = 12 + $month;
    $datemin = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year);
    if (isset($_GET['zone'])) {
        $zone_id = $_GET['zone'];
        if ($zone_id == "0") {
            $zone_id = "3671";
    } else {
        $zone_id = "3671";
    $azone = array();
    $avalue = array();
    $azone[$zone_id] = array($zone_id);
    $achilds = array_keys(guifi_zone_childs_tree($zone_id, 1));
    foreach ($achilds as $key => $child) {
        if ($child != $zone_id) {
            $azone[$child] = array();
            $avalue[$child] = 0;
            $aschilds = guifi_zone_childs($child);
            foreach ($aschilds as $skey => $schild) {
                array_push($azone[$child], $schild);
    $vsql = "select COUNT(*) as num, zone_id\n      from {guifi_location}\n      where timestamp_created >= " . $datemin . " and status_flag='Working' ";
    if ($zone_id != "0") {
        $achilds = guifi_zone_childs($zone_id);
        $v = "";
        foreach ($achilds as $key => $child) {
            if ($v == "") {
                $v .= "zone_id=" . $child;
            } else {
                $v .= " or zone_id=" . $child;
        $vsql .= "AND (" . $v . ") ";
    $vsql .= "GROUP BY zone_id ";
    $result = db_query($vsql);
    while ($record = db_fetch_object($result)) {
        foreach ($azone as $key => $grupzone) {
            if (in_array($record->zone_id, $grupzone)) {
                $avalue[$key] = $avalue[$key] + $record->num;
    foreach ($avalue as $key => $value) {
        if ($value != 0) {
            $data[] = array(guifi_get_zone_name($key), $value);
            $tot = $tot + $value;
    $shapes = array('none');
    $plot = new PHPlot($gwidth, $gheight);
    $plot->SetPlotAreaWorld(0, 0, NULL, NULL);
    $plot->SetDataColors(array('red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'brown', 'lavender', 'pink', 'gray', 'orange'));
    $plot->SetFontTTF('title', 'Vera.ttf', 12);
    $plot->SetFontTTF('legend', 'Vera.ttf', 7);
    if (isset($_GET['title'])) {
        $plot->SetTitle("guifi.net      \n" . t($_GET['title']));
    } else {
        if ($zone_id == "0") {
            $plot->SetTitle("guifi.net      \n" . t('Last year'));
        } else {
            $plot->SetTitle("guifi.net    \n" . t('zone') . ": " . guifi_get_zone_name($zone_id) . "\n" . t('Last year'));
    $plot->SetLegendStyle("left", "left");
    $plot->SetLegendPixels(0, 0);
    foreach ($data as $row) {
        $plot->SetLegend(implode(': ', $row));
$bardata = array();
$cumulateddata = array();
$max = 1;
foreach ($stats->getTimestats($term, $REX['ADDON']['rexsearch_plugins'][$parent][$mypage]['settings']['searchtermselectmonthcount']) as $month) {
    $bardata[] = array(date('M', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month['m'], 1, 2010)) . "\n" . $month['count'], $month['count']);
    if ($month['count'] > $max) {
        $max = $month['count'];
$title = $I18N->Msg('a587_stats_searchterm_timestats_title', empty($term) ? $I18N->Msg('a587_stats_searchterm_timestats_title0_all') : $I18N->Msg('a587_stats_searchterm_timestats_title0_single', $term), intval($_GET['monthcount']));
if (rex_lang_is_utf8()) {
    $title = utf8_decode($title);
// draw bars
$plot = new PHPlot(700, 240);
$plot->SetMarginsPixels(NULL, NULL, 26, NULL);
# Make sure Y axis starts at 0:
$plot->SetPlotAreaWorld(NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
$len = strlen('' . $max);
$plot->SetYTickIncrement(max(1, ceil($max / pow(10, $len - 1)) * pow(10, $len - 2)));
# Main plot title:
$plot->SetFont('title', 3);
// draw bars
$plot->SetDataColors(array('#14568a', '#2c8ce0', '#dfe9e9'));
$plot->SetShading(ceil(48 / $REX['ADDON']['rexsearch_plugins'][$parent][$mypage]['settings']['searchtermselectmonthcount']));
Exemple #9
    // Avoid cumulative round-off error
    $data[] = array('', $i - 1, $y);
    $y += $dy;
# Base setup for all 4 sub-plots:
$plot = new PHPlot(800, 400);
$plot->SetTitle("PHPlot Auto-range Illustration\n" . "Case ({$case}) Y data range {$ymin} to {$ymax}");
# Sub-plot area limits for Y (in pixels):
$py1 = 55;
$py2 = 355;
# Pixel limits for X:
$pdx = 195;
// Approx plot_width / 4 sub-plots
$px_l = 40;
// Left offset
$px_r = 5;
// Right inset
# Sub-plot (1) shows the initial plot range = date range.
$plot->SetPlotAreaPixels($px_l, $py1, $pdx - $px_r, $py2);
$plot->SetXTitle('(1) Initial Range');
# Disable zero magnet and range adjustment:
$plot->TuneYAutoRange(0, 'R', 0);
Exemple #10
} else {
    $title .= $tp['ibwidth'];
if (!empty($tp['plotborder'])) {
if (!empty($tp['pbcolor'])) {
if (!empty($tp['imageborder'])) {
if (!empty($tp['ibcolor'])) {
if (!empty($tp['ibwidth'])) {
# Move Y axis in so affect of plot area borders is more visible:
# Turn on all side labels, ticks, titles:
Exemple #11
# Testing PHPlot: Bar charts
# This is a parameterized test. Other scripts can set $tp and then include
# this script. The parameters are shown in the defaults array below:
if (!isset($tp)) {
    $tp = array();
$tp = array_merge(array('title' => 'Bar Chart with 3 Data Sets', 'suffix' => "", 'IBType' => NULL, 'Shade' => NULL, 'DBColors' => NULL), $tp);
require_once 'phplot.php';
$data = array(array('Jan', 40, 2, 4), array('Feb', 30, 3, 4), array('Mar', 20, 4, 4), array('Apr', 10, 5, 4), array('May', 3, 6, 4), array('Jun', 7, 7, 4), array('Jul', 10, 8, 4), array('Aug', 15, 9, 4), array('Sep', 20, 5, 4), array('Oct', 18, 4, 4), array('Nov', 16, 7, 4), array('Dec', 14, 3, 4));
$plot = new PHPlot(800, 600);
# Main plot title:
$plot->SetTitle($tp['title'] . $tp['suffix']);
# Make a legend for the 3 data sets plotted:
$plot->SetLegend(array('Engineering', 'Manufacturing', 'Administration'));
# Turn off X tick labels and ticks because they don't apply here:
# Options:
if (isset($tp['IBType'])) {
if (isset($tp['Shade'])) {
if (isset($tp['DBColors'])) {
 function get_png($objekt_id, $monat, $jahr, $w = 300, $h = 200)
     $monat = sprintf('%02d', $monat);
     include_once BERLUS_PATH . "/classes/phplot.php";
     $plot = new PHPlot($w, $h, "/tmp/plot_sanierung.png");
     // $column_names = array('LEER VM', 'LEER NEU', 'IST WM','DIFF');
     // $plot->SetLegend($column_names);
     $oo = new objekt();
     $anz_einheiten_alle = $oo->anzahl_einheiten_objekt($objekt_id);
     $datum_heute = "{$jahr}-{$monat}-01";
     $mi = new miete();
     $datum_vormonat = $mi->tage_minus($datum_heute, 30);
     $arr = $this->leerstand_finden_monat($objekt_id, $datum_vormonat);
     $anz_leer_vormonat = count($arr);
     // unset($arr);
     $arr_leer = $this->leerstand_finden_monat($objekt_id, $datum_heute);
     $anz_leer_akt = count($arr_leer);
     $anz_vermietet = $anz_einheiten_alle - $anz_leer_akt;
     $leere = $this->array_intersect_recursive($arr_leer, $arr, 'EINHEIT_KURZNAME');
     $vermietete = $this->array_intersect_recursive($arr, $arr_leer, 'EINHEIT_KURZNAME');
     $leer_akt_string = '';
     $anz__L = count($leere);
     if ($anz__L > 0) {
         for ($ee = 0; $ee < $anz__L; $ee++) {
             $leer_akt_string .= $leere[$ee] . "\n";
     $vermietet_akt_string = '';
     $anz__V = count($vermietete);
     // print_r($vermietete);
     if ($anz__V > 0) {
         for ($ee = 0; $ee < $anz__V; $ee++) {
             $vermietet_akt_string .= $vermietete[$ee] . "\n";
     // unset($arr);
      * $mvs = new mietvertraege;
      * $anz_ausgezogene = $mvs->anzahl_ausgezogene_mieter($objekt_id, $jahr, $monat);
      * $anz_eingezogene = $mvs->anzahl_eingezogene_mieter($objekt_id, $jahr, $monat);
     $bilanz_akt = $anz__V - $anz__L;
     // 0-1 = -1;
     $z = 0;
      * $data[$z][] = "ALLE\nAKTUELL";
      * $data[$z][] = $anz_einheiten_alle;
      * $data[$z][] = 0;
      * $data[$z][] = 0;
     // $z++;
      * $data[$z][] = "LEER\nVERM.";
      * $data[$z][] = 0;
      * $data[$z][] = $anz_vermietet;
      * $data[$z][] = $anz_leer_akt;
     $data[$z][] = "VOR-\nMONAT";
     $data[$z][] = 0;
     $data[$z][] = $anz_leer_vormonat;
     $data[$z][] = "LEER-\nAKTUELL";
     $data[$z][] = 0;
     $data[$z][] = 0;
     $data[$z][] = $anz_leer_akt;
     $data[$z][] = "LEER\n\n{$leer_akt_string}";
     $data[$z][] = '0';
     $data[$z][] = '0';
     $data[$z][] = $anz__L;
     $data[$z][] = "VERM.\n\n{$vermietet_akt_string}";
     $data[$z][] = '0';
     $data[$z][] = $anz__V;
     $data[$z][] = "BILANZ\nEIN/AUS";
     if ($bilanz_akt < 0) {
         $data[$z][] = 0;
         $data[$z][] = 0;
         $data[$z][] = 0;
         $data[$z][] = 0;
         $data[$z][] = $bilanz_akt;
     } else {
         $data[$z][] = 0;
         $data[$z][] = $bilanz_akt;
     // $z++;
     // Main plot title:
     $plot->SetTitle("{$oo->objekt_kurzname} {$monat}/{$jahr}");
     // No 3-D shading of the bars:
     // Make a legend for the 3 data sets plotted:
     // $plot->SetLegend(array('Mieteinnahmen', 'Leerstand'));
     // $plot->SetLegend(array('MIETE'));
     // Turn off X tick labels and ticks because they don't apply here:
     // Draw it
     // echo "<hr>$plot->img ";
     // $plot->PrintImageFrame();
     // $ima = $plot->PrintImage();
     $ima = $plot->EncodeImage();
     // ob_clean();
     return $ima;
     // echo "<img src=\"$ima\"></img>";