  * @dataProvider provideTestPrettyPrint
  * @covers PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Zend<extended>
 public function testPrettyPrint($name, $code, $dump)
     $parser = new PHPParser_Parser(new PHPParser_Lexer_Emulative());
     $prettyPrinter = new PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Default();
     $stmts = $parser->parse($code);
     $this->assertEquals($this->canonicalize($dump), $this->canonicalize($prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($stmts)), $name);
  * @dataProvider provideTestPlaceholderReplacement
  * @covers PHPParser_Template
 public function testPlaceholderReplacement($templateCode, $placeholders, $expectedPrettyPrint)
     $parser = new PHPParser_Parser(new PHPParser_Lexer());
     $prettyPrinter = new PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Default();
     $template = new PHPParser_Template($parser, $templateCode);
     $this->assertEquals($expectedPrettyPrint, $prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($template->getStmts($placeholders)));
  * The main filter method.
  * Implemented according to \php_user_filter class. Will loop over all stream buckets, buffer them and perform
  * the needed actions.
  * @param resource $in       Incoming bucket brigade we need to filter
  * @param resource $out      Outgoing bucket brigade with already filtered content
  * @param integer  $consumed The count of altered characters as buckets pass the filter
  * @param boolean  $closing  Is the stream about to close?
  * @throws \Exception
  * @throws \PHPParser_Error
  * @return integer
  * @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/php-user-filter.filter.php
  * TODO The buffering does not work that well, maybe we should implement universal buffering within parent class!
 public function filter($in, $out, &$consumed, $closing)
     // Get our buckets from the stream
     $buffer = '';
     while ($bucket = stream_bucket_make_writeable($in)) {
         $buffer .= $bucket->data;
         // Tell them how much we already processed, and stuff it back into the output
         $consumed += $bucket->datalen;
         // Save a bucket for later reuse
         $bigBucket = $bucket;
     // Beautify all the buckets!
     $parser = new \PHPParser_Parser(new \PHPParser_Lexer());
     $prettyPrinter = new \PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Default();
     try {
         // parse
         $stmts = $parser->parse($buffer);
         $data = '<?php ' . $prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($stmts);
     } catch (PHPParser_Error $e) {
         throw $e;
     // Refill the bucket with the beautified data
     // Do not forget to set the length!
     $bigBucket->data = $data;
     $bigBucket->datalen = strlen($data);
     // Only append our big bucket
     stream_bucket_append($out, $bigBucket);
     return PSFS_PASS_ON;
 public function leaveNode(\PHPParser_Node $node)
     if ($node instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Const) {
         $prettyPrinter = new \PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Default();
         static::$constants[$node->name] = $prettyPrinter->prettyPrintExpr($node->value);
  * Stub for writes
  * @param \Trismegiste\Mondrian\Parser\PhpFile $file
 public function write(PhpFile $file)
     $fch = $file->getRealPath();
     $stmts = iterator_to_array($file->getIterator());
     $prettyPrinter = new \PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Default();
     $this->storage[basename($fch)] = $this->getMockFile($fch, "<?php\n\n" . $prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($stmts));
     $this->invocationMocker->invoke(new \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Invocation_Object('VirtualPhpDumper', 'write', array(basename($fch)), $this));
Exemple #6
function transform_code($code, callable $transform)
    $parser = new \PHPParser_Parser(new \PHPParser_Lexer());
    $prettyPrinter = new \PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Default();
    $ast = $parser->parse($code);
    $ast = $transform($ast);
    return '<?php' . "\n\n" . $prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($ast);
  * As we depend on a fully buffered bucket brigade we will do all the work here.
  * We will pretty-print the buffer and write the result as one big bucket into the stream
  * @return void
  * @throws \AppserverIo\Doppelgaenger\Exceptions\GeneratorException
 public function finish()
     // Beautify all the buckets!
     $parser = new \PHPParser_Parser(new \PHPParser_Lexer());
     $prettyPrinter = new \PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Default();
     try {
         // parse
         $stmts = $parser->parse($this->bucketBuffer);
         $this->bucketBuffer = '<?php ' . $prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($stmts);
     } catch (\PHPParser_Error $e) {
         throw new GeneratorException($e->getMessage());
 public function testWithTraverser()
     $classNode = new \PHPParser_Node_Stmt_Class('Victory', array('stmts' => array(new \PHPParser_Node_Stmt_ClassMethod('holy', array('stmts' => array(new \PHPParser_Node_Expr_New(new \PHPParser_Node_Name('Holy\\War')), new \PHPParser_Node_Expr_New(new \PHPParser_Node_Name('\\Hangar18'))))))));
     $file = new \Trismegiste\Mondrian\Parser\PhpFile('/I/Am/Victory.php', array($classNode));
     $traverser = new \PHPParser_NodeTraverser();
     $this->assertCount(3, $classNode->stmts);
     $pp = new \PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Default();
     $flat = $pp->prettyPrint(iterator_to_array($file->getIterator()));
Exemple #9
 public function cache()
     $parser = new \PHPParser_Parser(new \PHPParser_Lexer());
     $prettyPrinter = new \PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Default();
     try {
         $searched_function[] = "validate_username";
         $traverser_safety = new \PHPParser_NodeTraverser();
         $traverser_safety->addVisitor(new SafeFunction($searched_function));
         // parse
         $raw = file_get_contents($this->path_to_wp . '/wp-includes/user.' . $this->phpEx);
         $stmts = $parser->parse($raw);
         // traverse
         $stmts = $traverser_safety->traverse($stmts);
         // pretty print
         $code = $prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($stmts);
         file_put_contents($this->phpbb_root_path . 'cache/phpbbwpunicorn_user.' . $this->phpEx, '<?php ' . $code . ' ?>');
     } catch (PHPParser\Error $e) {
         echo 'Parse Error: ', $e->getMessage();
     $parser = new \PHPParser_Parser(new \PHPParser_Lexer());
     $prettyPrinter = new \PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Default();
     try {
         $searched_function[] = "make_clickable";
         $traverser_safety = new \PHPParser_NodeTraverser();
         $traverser_safety->addVisitor(new SafeFunction($searched_function));
         // parse
         $raw = file_get_contents($this->path_to_wp . '/wp-includes/formatting.' . $this->phpEx);
         $stmts = $parser->parse($raw);
         // traverse
         $stmts = $traverser_safety->traverse($stmts);
         // pretty print
         $code = $prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($stmts);
         file_put_contents($this->phpbb_root_path . 'cache/phpbbwpunicorn_formatting.' . $this->phpEx, '<?php ' . $code . ' ?>');
     } catch (PHPParser\Error $e) {
         echo 'Parse Error: ', $e->getMessage();
Exemple #10
 /** Validate passed callable for execution
  * @example $sandbox->validate('<?php echo "Hello World!"; ?>');
  * @param   callable|string $code      The callable or string of code to validate
  * @return  PHPSandbox      Returns the PHPSandbox instance for chainability
 public function validate($code)
     $this->preparsed_code = $this->disassemble($code);
     $parser = new \PHPParser_Parser(new \PHPParser_Lexer_Emulative());
     try {
         $this->parsed_ast = $parser->parse($this->preparsed_code);
     } catch (\PHPParser_Error $error) {
         $this->validation_error("Could not parse sandboxed code!", Error::PARSER_ERROR, null, $this->preparsed_code, $error);
     $prettyPrinter = new \PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Default();
     if ($this->allow_functions && $this->auto_whitelist_functions || $this->allow_constants && $this->auto_whitelist_constants || $this->allow_classes && $this->auto_whitelist_classes || $this->allow_interfaces && $this->auto_whitelist_interfaces || $this->allow_traits && $this->auto_whitelist_traits || $this->allow_globals && $this->auto_whitelist_globals) {
         $traverser = new \PHPParser_NodeTraverser();
         $whitelister = new SandboxWhitelistVisitor($this);
     $traverser = new \PHPParser_NodeTraverser();
     $validator = new ValidatorVisitor($this);
     $this->prepared_ast = $traverser->traverse($this->parsed_ast);
     $this->prepared_code = $prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($this->prepared_ast);
     return $this;
    function filter_func($path)
        return preg_match('~\\.php(?:\\.cache)?$~', $path) && false === strpos($path, 'skeleton');
} elseif ('PHP' === $TEST_TYPE) {
    function filter_func($path)
        return preg_match('~\\.phpt$~', $path);
} else {
    showHelp('Test type must be either "Symfony" or "PHP"!');
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/PHPParser/Autoloader.php';
$parser = new PHPParser_Parser(new PHPParser_Lexer_Emulative());
$prettyPrinter = new PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Default();
$nodeDumper = new PHPParser_NodeDumper();
$parseFail = $ppFail = $compareFail = $count = 0;
$readTime = $parseTime = $ppTime = $reparseTime = $compareTime = 0;
$totalStartTime = microtime(true);
foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($DIR), RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY) as $file) {
    if (!filter_func($file)) {
    $startTime = microtime(true);
    $code = file_get_contents($file);
    $readTime += microtime(true) - $startTime;
    if ('PHP' === $TEST_TYPE) {
        if (preg_match('~(?:
# skeleton files
 private function dump($node)
     $pp = new PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Default();
     return $pp->prettyPrint(array($node));
  * Returns the formatted code of the closure
  * @return string
 public function getCode()
     if (!$this->code) {
         // Use the pretty printer to print the closure code from the AST
         $printer = new \PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Default();
         $this->code = $printer->prettyPrint(array($this->getClosureAbstractSyntaxTree()));
     return $this->code;
Exemple #14
 protected function dump($f)
     $stmt = iterator_to_array($f->getIterator());
     $pp = new \PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Default();
     echo $pp->prettyPrint($stmt);
 public function getArg(\PHPParser_Node_Arg $arg)
     if ($arg->value instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Expr_ClassConstFetch) {
         $constant = $arg->value;
         $rightPart = $constant->name;
         if (array_key_exists($rightPart, MyConstantVisitor::$constants)) {
             return MyConstantVisitor::$constants[$rightPart];
     $prettyPrinter = new \PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Default();
     return $prettyPrinter->prettyPrintExpr($arg->value);
  * print an associative array
 public function pExpr_Array(\PHPParser_Node_Expr_Array $node)
     $multiLine = FALSE;
     $startLine = $node->getAttribute('startLine');
     $endLine = $node->getAttribute('endLine');
     if ($startLine != $endLine) {
         $multiLine = TRUE;
     $printedNodes = '';
     foreach ($node->items as $itemNode) {
         $glueToken = ", ";
         if ($itemNode->getAttribute('startLine') != $startLine) {
             $glueToken = ',' . LF;
             $startLine = $itemNode->getAttribute('startLine');
         if (!empty($printedNodes)) {
             $printedNodes .= $glueToken . $this->p($itemNode);
         } else {
             $printedNodes .= $this->p($itemNode);
     if ($multiLine) {
         $multiLinedItems = $this->indentToken . preg_replace('~\\n(?!$|' . $this->noIndentToken . ')~', LF . $this->indentToken, $printedNodes);
         return 'array(' . LF . $multiLinedItems . LF . ')';
     } else {
         return parent::pExpr_Array($node);
     * @covers PHPParser_NodeVisitor_NameResolver
    public function testResolveLocations()
        $code = <<<EOC
namespace NS;

class A extends B implements C {
    use A;

interface A extends C {
    public function a(A \$a);

new A;
\$a instanceof A;


try {
} catch (A \$a) {
        $expectedCode = <<<EOC
namespace NS;

class A extends \\NS\\B implements \\NS\\C
    use \\NS\\A;
interface A extends \\NS\\C
    public function a(\\NS\\A \$a);
new \\NS\\A();
\$a instanceof \\NS\\A;
try {
} catch (\\NS\\A \$a) {
        $parser = new PHPParser_Parser(new PHPParser_Lexer_Emulative());
        $prettyPrinter = new PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Default();
        $traverser = new PHPParser_NodeTraverser();
        $traverser->addVisitor(new PHPParser_NodeVisitor_NameResolver());
        $stmts = $parser->parse($code);
        $stmts = $traverser->traverse($stmts);
        $this->assertEquals($expectedCode, $prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($stmts));
Exemple #18
 public function __toString()
     $prettyPrinter = new \PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Default();
     return $prettyPrinter->prettyPrint($this->statement);