Exemple #1
  * Constructor will serve any JSON-RPC request received and terminate processing, or return
  * control to the page to continue.
  * @param Object $object The object whose methods will be made available for JSON RPC calls.
  * @param Array $methodMap An optional associative array that can be used to map RPC method
  *                         names to object methods, permitting renaming of methods. This is
  *                         useful for providing PHP reserved words as methods, such as 'echo',
  *                         and can be used for restricting access to methods. If this parameter
  *                         is provided, but a method is not listed in the array, access to the method
  *                         is denied.
  * @param Array $config Optional configuration array. Two associative values are supported:
  *   'jsonlib' The location of the JSON-PHP library file.
  *   'jsolaitlib' The directory off which jsolait has been installed.
  * @return None If a valid JSON RPC Request has been received, JSONRpcServer will return a response and terminate
  *  the page. If no such request has been received, JSON RPC will pass control back to the web page, and
  *  a call to JSONRpcServer::javascript( proxyName ) will insert the appropriate JavaScript proxy code into your
  *  web page source.
 function JSONRpcServer($object, $methodMap = null, $config = null)
      * NOTE: The request object ($request) is parsed into an object, but the response object
      * is an associative array. Writing this code, this distinction caused me headaches. Just a
      * warning :-)
     $this->jsonlib = JSON_PHP_FILE;
     $this->jsolaitlib = JSOLAIT_ROOT;
     if ($config != null) {
         if (array_key_exists("jsonlib", $config)) {
             $this->jsonlib = $config["jsonlib"];
         if (array_key_exists("jsolait", $config)) {
             $this->jsolaitlib = $config["jsolait"];
     $json = new PHPJsonWrapper($this->jsonlib);
     $additionalMethods = array();
     $input = file_get_contents("php://input");
     $request = $json->decode($input);
      * If we have no request object, we are processing our page, so prepare the js Wrappers
     if ($request == null) {
         $this->object = $object;
         $this->methodMap = $methodMap;
     $return = array("id" => $request->id, "result" => null, "error" => null);
     /* We've got the incoming JSON request object in request - we need to identify the method and the parameters */
     $method = $request->method;
     /* The methodMap parameter can convert a named method as follows:
      *     string => string - simply rename the method
      *     string => anything else - permit access to the method (the actual boolean value does not matter)
     if ($methodMap != null) {
         if (array_key_exists($method, $methodMap)) {
             if (is_string($methodMap[$method])) {
                 $method = $methodMap[$method];
         } else {
             $return['error'] = "No such method (" . $method . ") permitted on this server.";
             return $json->encode($return);
     if (is_object($object)) {
         if (!method_exists($object, $method)) {
             $return['error'] = "No such method (" . $method . ") exists on this server.";
         } else {
              * TODO: Try to catch an error in the call: use set_error_handler and restore_error_handler...?
             $return['result'] = call_user_func_array(array(&$object, $method), $request->params);
     } else {
         decho("/* object = {$object} */");
         if (!function_exists($method)) {
             $return['error'] = "No such function (" . $method . ") exists on this server.";
         } else {
             $return['result'] = call_user_func_array($method, $request->params);
     print $json->encode($return);

 * Internal code for the JSONRpcProxy::__call function
 * This _extremely_ annoying approach is necessitated to have PHP 4 and PHP 5 compatibility with the same code-base.
 * I SINCERELY hope it works!
$json = new PHPJsonWrapper($this->jsonlib);
$postData = array("id" => "remoteRequest", "method" => $method, "params" => $args);
$postData = $json->encode($postData);
/* Make a HTTP Post Request */
$jsonresult = $this->httpWrap->post($this->url, $postData);
/* Some debugging code
		echo "<b>JSONRpcProxy::$method received:</b><br/><pre>";
		echo str_replace(array("<",">"),array("&lt;&gt;"), $jsonresult);
		echo "</pre><hr>";
$result = $json->decode($jsonresult);
if (is_object($result) && $result->id == "remoteRequest") {
    $return = array($result->result, $result->error);
} else {
    $return = array(null, "JSON-RPC call failed.", $jsonresult);