Exemple #1
 function xls_write_graph($graphfile = null)
     //init all
     $CI =& get_instance();
     $graph = new PHPGraphLib(495, 280, $graphfile);
     $data1 = array('alpha' => intval(rand(20) + 1), 'beta' => intval(rand(15) + 1), 'cappa' => intval(rand(10) + 1), 'delta' => intval(rand(20) + 1), 'echo' => intval(rand(10) + 1));
     $data2 = array('alpha' => intval(rand(8) + 1), 'beta' => intval(rand(20) + 1), 'cappa' => intval(rand(20) + 1), 'delta' => intval(rand(20) + 1), 'echo' => intval(rand(50) + 1));
     $data3 = array('alpha' => intval(rand(25) + 1), 'beta' => intval(rand(8) + 1), 'cappa' => intval(rand(10) + 1), 'delta' => intval(rand(50) + 1), 'echo' => intval(rand(50) + 1));
     $data4 = array('alpha' => intval(rand(7) + 1), 'beta' => intval(rand(50) + 1), 'cappa' => intval(rand(5) + 1), 'delta' => intval(rand(50) + 1), 'echo' => intval(rand(50) + 1));
     $data = array(rand(20, 30), rand(40, 50), 20, 44, 41, 18, rand(40, 50), 19, rand(40, 50));
     $data2 = array(15, rand(20, 30), rand(20, 30), 11, rand(40, 60), 21, rand(40, 60), 34, rand(20, 30));
     $data3 = array(rand(40, 50), rand(20, 30), 34, 23, rand(45, 60), 32, 43, 41);
     $graph->addData($data, $data2, $data3);
     $graph->setTitle('CPU Cycles x1000');
     $graph->setLegendTitle('Module-1', 'Module-2', 'Module-3');
     $xcolor1 = sprintf("%02X%02X%02X", rand(20, 255), rand(20, 250), rand(20, 250));
     $xcolor2 = sprintf("%02X%02X%02X", rand(20, 250), rand(20, 255), rand(20, 250));
     $graph->setGradient("#{$xcolor1}", "#{$xcolor2}");
     //give the format
     return 1;
\t\t\t\t\tFROM (
\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT m.id, count(*) as cnt
\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM medlemmer as m, fremmoede as f 
\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE m.id = f.mid AND dag >= '{$start_date}' AND dag < '{$end_date}'
\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY m.id
\t\t\t\t\t\t) as t1
\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY cnt
\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY cnt
$query = query($sql);
//default data
$data = array(1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0, 5 => 0);
//actual data
$cnt = 0;
while ($row = $query->tryGet()) {
    while ($row[0] !== "{$cnt}") {
        $data[$cnt] = 0;
    $data[$cnt] = $row[1];
$graph = new PHPGraphLib(400, 350);
$graph->setGradient('red', 'maroon');
Exemple #3

require '../functions.php';
require 'phpgraphlib.php';
$display = strtotime("30 days ago");
$query = mysql_query("Select `EditTime` from `Wiki_Edits` where `EditTime` > {$display} order by `EditTime` asc");
while (list($time) = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
    $when = date('d M', $time);
$graph = new PHPGraphLib(800, 400);
$graph->setTitle("Edits This Month");
Exemple #4
function create_graph($graph_type = '')
    $graph = new PHPGraphLib(1400, 600);
    $model = new TwextraModel();
    //$data = array("Alex"=>99, "Mary"=>98, "Joan"=>70, "Ed"=>90);
    if ($graph_type == 'daily_stats') {
        $data = $model->get_stats_daily();
        $graph->setTitle("Daily Unique Traffic");
    } else {
        if ($graph_type == 'message_history') {
            //this graph is currently not plotted!
            $screen_name = 'rajen4126';
            $message_from = 0;
            $next = 20;
            $order = 'created';
            $asc_desc = 'desc';
            $length = 20;
            $data = $model->get_message_history($screen_name, $message_from, $next, $order, $asc_desc, $length);
            foreach ($data as $entry) {
                $data[$entry[message_id]] = $entry[view_count];
            $graph->setTitle("Message History");
        } else {
            if ($graph_type == 'monthly_stats') {
                $data = $model->get_monthly_uniques();
                $graph->setTitle("Monthly Unique Traffic");
            } else {
                if ($graph_type == 'messages_stats') {
                    $data = $model->get_messages_stats();
                    $graph->setTitle("Daily Messages Created");
                } else {
                    $data = array();
    //additions for a line graph..........
    return $graph->createGraph();
 public function getGraphData()
     $company = Input::get('company');
     $interval = Input::get('interval');
     $precision = Input::get('prc');
     $company_symbol = isset($company) && !empty($company) ? $company : 'goog';
     $interval = isset($interval) && !empty($interval) ? $interval : 'd';
     $precision = isset($precision) && !empty($precision) && is_numeric($precision) ? $precision : 1;
     $stock_market = new StockMarket($company_symbol, $interval, $precision);
     //<---class declared here and passed the datas
     /* // <--utilizing the function for finding the Company name from Symbol
     			//<-- to check the given company symbol is correct or not */
     $company_name = $stock_market->find_company_name_from_symbol();
     if ($company_name) {
         //<-- if company name given is not false go further
         $stock_records = $stock_market->get_the_market_data();
         //<--function to collect Historical data for given company symbol
         if ($stock_records) {
             //<----if it retuns a record then proceed
             $range_from = $stock_market->get_graph_range_start();
             //<--this function helps to calculate historical Graph area minmum range
             $range_to = $stock_market->get_graph_range_ends();
             //<--this function helps to calculate historical Graph area maximum range
             $lower_range_coords = $stock_market->get_lower_price_data();
             //<--this function helps to return the lower price data for graph
             $higher_range_coords = $stock_market->get_higher_price_data();
             //<--this function helps  to return the higher price data for graph
             $graph = new PHPGraphLib(470, 270);
             $graph->setRange($range_from, $range_to);
             $graph->setTitle($company_name . '  Graph');
             //<--this draw the graph
             $contents = View::make('graph')->with('graph', $graph);
             // Create a response and modify a header value
             $response = Response::make($contents, 200);
             $response->header('Content-Type', 'image/png');
             return $response;
         //<-- stock data checks ends
     //<--company name check ends
function make_graph_multi_line($title, $data_min, $data_avg, $data_max, $is_bar_graph)
    include 'phpgraphlib.php';
    $graph = new PHPGraphLib(780, 300);
    if ($is_bar_graph == 'true') {
    } else {
    if (!isset($data_min)) {
        if ($is_bar_graph == 'true') {
            $graph->setBarColor('purple', 'red');
        } else {
            $graph->setLineColor('purple', 'red');
        $graph->setLegendTitle('avg', 'max');
    } else {
        if ($is_bar_graph == 'true') {
            $graph->setBarColor('blue', 'purple', 'red');
        } else {
            $graph->setLineColor('blue', 'purple', 'red');
        $graph->setLegendTitle('min', 'avg', 'max');
 public function gbarra_getImagen($titulo = " ", $width = "500", $height = "350")
     $config = XTConfig::singleton();
     $data = $this->barra_data;
     $nombreimagen = uniqid() . "barraimagen.png";
     $file = $config->get("XTSITE_PATH_ABSOLUTE") . "tmp/pie/" . $nombreimagen;
     $file_url = $config->get("XTSITE_PATH") . "tmp/pie/" . $nombreimagen;
     $graph = new PHPGraphLib($width, $height, $file);
     $graph->setGradient('255,255,204', '254,254,154');
     if ($titulo != "") {
     print "<img src=\"{$file_url}\">";
$link = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db('buttonnb') or die('Could not select database');
$dataArray = array();
//get data from database
$sql = "SELECT temperature, id, currtime FROM biltong LIMIT 150";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
if ($result) {
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $temperature = $row["temperature"];
        $count = $row["currtime"];
        //add to data areray
        $dataArray[$count] = $temperature;
        print '<p>';
        print 'id=' . $row['id'];
        print ',temperature=' . $row['temperature'];
        print 'currtime=' . $row['currtime'];
        print '</p>';
//configure graph
$graph->setGradient("lime", "green");
//echo $sql;

Exemple #9

include '../phpgraphlib.php';
$graph = new PHPGraphLib(500, 280);
$data = array(23, 45, 20, 44, 41, 18, 49, 19, 42);
$data2 = array(15, 23, 23, 11, 54, 21, 56, 34, 23);
$data3 = array(43, 23, 34, 23, 53, 32, 43, 41);
$graph->addData($data, $data2, $data3);
$graph->setTitle('CPU Cycles x1000');
$graph->setLegendTitle('Module-1', 'Module-2', 'Module-3');
$graph->setGradient('green', 'olive');
include '../phpgraphlib.php';
$graph = new PHPGraphLib(500, 450);
$data = array("Jan" => -1324, "Feb" => -1200, "Mar" => -100, "Apr" => -1925, "May" => -1444, "Jun" => -957, "Jul" => -364, "Aug" => -221, "Sep" => -1300, "Oct" => -848, "Nov" => -719, "Dec" => -114);
$graph->setTitle('Money Made at XYZ Corp');
Exemple #11

include '../phpgraphlib.php';
$set1 = array(1917 => 4011, 1918 => 4886, 1919 => 5411, 1920 => 5831, 1921 => 5865, 1922 => 5704, 1923 => 5337, 1924 => 5144, 1925 => 5018, 1926 => 4971, 1927 => 4630, 1928 => 4411, 1929 => 4287, 1930 => 4116, 1931 => 3940, 1932 => 3764, 1933 => 3592, 1934 => 3447, 1935 => 3280, 1936 => 3215, 1937 => 3366, 1938 => 3569, 1939 => 3598, 1940 => 4436, 1941 => 5939, 1942 => 7397, 1943 => 8855, 1944 => 9835, 1945 => 9998, 1946 => 10631, 1947 => 11340, 1948 => 11549, 1949 => 11642);
$set2 = array(1910 => 2059, 1911 => 2135, 1912 => 2209, 1913 => 2332, 1914 => 2437, 1915 => 2786, 1916 => 3747, 1917 => 5011, 1918 => 5886, 1919 => 6411, 1920 => 6831, 1921 => 6865, 1922 => 6704, 1923 => 6337, 1924 => 6144, 1925 => 6018, 1926 => 5971, 1927 => 5630, 1928 => 5411, 1929 => 5287, 1930 => 5116, 1931 => 4940, 1932 => 4764, 1933 => 4592, 1934 => 4447, 1935 => 4280, 1936 => 4215, 1937 => 4366, 1938 => 4569, 1939 => 4598, 1940 => 5436, 1941 => 5939, 1942 => 8397, 1943 => 9855, 1944 => 10835);
$graph = new PHPGraphLib(600, 400);
$graph->addData($set1, $set2);
$graph->setTitle("Two sets with different start points");
$graph->setLineColor('blue', 'red');
$graph->setDataValueColor('blue', 'red');
$graph->setLegendTitle("set1", "set2");

include 'phpgraphlib.php';
$graph = new PHPGraphLib(350, 280);
$data = array("Day1" => 0.5, "Day2" => 0, "Day3" => 0.5, "Day4" => 0, "Day5" => 0.5, "Day6" => 0, "Day7" => 1, "Day8" => 0, "Day9" => 2.5);
$graph->setTitle('Workout Summary');
$graph->setupYAxis(15, 'black');
$graph->setupXAxis(20, 'black');
$graph->setGradient('blue', 'white');


    Configuring and creating report chart. Use the PHPGraphLib library.

    Copyright (c)  2012-2014 Katak Support
    Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
    See LICENSE.TXT for details.

    $Id: $
include "../include/lib/phpgraphlib.php";
// receive data
$data = unserialize(urldecode(stripslashes($_GET['mydata'])));
// instantiate the graph
$graph = new PHPGraphLib(570, 380);
//configure graph
$graph->setTitle("Tickets per month");
$graph->setGradient("black", "lime");
Exemple #14

include 'graph/phpgraphlib.php';
$graph = new PHPGraphLib(650, 200);
$data = array(1.02, 0.667, 0.367, 0.278, 0.237, 0.187, 0.155, 0.156, 0.142, 0.111, 0.12, 0.097, 0.099, 0.089, 0.079);
$graph->setTitle('Banyak Obat Terlarut');
Exemple #15
require KU_ROOTDIR . 'inc/functions.php';
require KU_ROOTDIR . 'inc/classes/manage.class.php';
require KU_ROOTDIR . 'inc/classes/board-post.class.php';
require KU_ROOTDIR . 'inc/classes/bans.class.php';
$dwoo_data->assign('styles', explode(':', KU_MENUSTYLES));
$manage_class = new Manage();
$bans_class = new Bans();
if (isset($_GET['graph'])) {
    require KU_ROOTDIR . 'lib/graph/phpgraphlib.php';
    if (isset($_GET['type'])) {
        if ($_GET['type'] == 'day' || $_GET['type'] == 'week' || $_GET['type'] == 'postnum' || $_GET['type'] == 'unique' || $_GET['type'] == 'posttime') {
            $graph = new PHPGraphLib(600, 600);
            if ($_GET['type'] == 'day') {
                $setTitle = 'Posts per board in past 24hrs';
                $results = $tc_db->GetAll("SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY * FROM `" . KU_DBPREFIX . "boards` ORDER BY `name` ASC");
                if (count($results) > 0) {
                    $data = array();
                    foreach ($results as $line) {
                        $posts = $tc_db->GetOne("SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY COUNT(*) FROM `" . KU_DBPREFIX . "posts` WHERE `boardid` = " . $line['id'] . " AND `timestamp` > " . (time() - 86400) . "");
                        $data = array_merge($data, array($line['name'] => $posts));
            } elseif ($_GET['type'] == 'week') {
                $setTitle = 'Posts per board in past week';
                $results = $tc_db->GetAll("SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY * FROM `" . KU_DBPREFIX . "boards` ORDER BY `name` ASC");
                if (count($results) > 0) {
                    $data = array();
                    foreach ($results as $line) {
$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'Cookiemonster1!') or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db('healthbuddies') or die('Could not select database');
$dataArray = array();
//get data from database
$sql = "SELECT date, steps  FROM steps";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
if ($result) {
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $salesgroup = $row["date"];
        $count = $row["steps"];
        //add to data areray
        $dataArray[$salesgroup] = $count;
//configure graph
//$graph->setGradient("lime", "green");
Exemple #17

include 'phpgraphlib.php';
$graph = new PHPGraphLib(480, 300);
$data = array("Sunday" => 145, "Monday" => 102, "Tuesday" => 123, "Wednesday" => 137, "Thursday" => 149, "Friday" => 99, "Saturday" => 88);
$graph->setTitle('This Week Sell of $Item');
$graph->setupYAxis(12, 'yellow');
$graph->setupXAxis(20, 'yellow');
$graph->setGradient('silver', 'gray');
//	"5" => .0034, "6" => .0031, "7" => .0036, "8" => .0027, "9" => .0024,
//	"10" => .0021, "11" => .0026, "12" => .0024, "13" => .0036,
//	"14" => .0028, "15" => .0025);
$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbuser = '******';
$dbpass = '******';
$link = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db('buttonnb') or die('Could not select database');
$data = array();
//get data from database
$sql = "SELECT return_value, currtime FROM balr2_tbl LIMIT 150";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
if ($result) {
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $return_value = $row["return_value"];
        $count = $row["currtime"];
        //add to data areray
        $data[$count] = $return_value;

include "phpgraphlib.php";
$graph = new PHPGraphLib(550, 350);
$link = @mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'root') or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db('mas') or die('Could not select database');
$dataArray = array();
$name = $_POST['name'];
$gen = $_POST['gen'];
$year = $_POST['yr'];
$sql = "select amount, year from master where name='{$name}' and year >= {$year} and gen_code={$gen}";
$qry = mysql_query($sql);
if ($qry) {
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry)) {
        $year = $row["year"];
        $amount = $row["amount"];
        //add to data areray
        $dataArray[$year] = $amount;
//configure graph
$graph->setTitle("Sales by Group");
$graph->setGradient("lime", "green");
Exemple #20
$hl = $XAxisLength * 6;
$h = $hl + 200;
//entered as % of graph width/height
$YAxisLength = 100 * $wl / $w;
$XAxisLength = 100 * $hl / $h;
echo '<pre>';
	'GET' => $_GET,
	'from' => $from,
	'num' => $num,
	'totalNum' => $totalNum,
	'labels' => $labels,
	'values' => $values,
	'data' => $data,
	'w' => $w,
	'h' => $h,
	'YAxisLength' => $YAxisLength,
	'XAxisLength' => $XAxisLength,	
echo '</pre>';
include "phpgraphlib.php";
$graph = new PHPGraphLib($w, $h);
$graph->setupXAxis($XAxisLength, "black");
$graph->setupYAxis($YAxisLength, "black");
$graph->setGradient("156,189,225", "19,92,184");
Exemple #21

require_once "../Includes.php";
//print("<img src=\"../Utilities/Charts.php?chart=padaliniu_paraiskos&menuo=2008-01-01\">");
$graph = new PHPGraphLib(650, 200);
$data1 = array(0);
$data2 = array(8, 15, 4, 12);
$data3 = array(1, 2, 3, 4);
$graph->setTitle('PPM Per Container');
$graph->setLineColor('#FF0000', 'green', 'red');
$graph->setLegendTitle("PA1", "PA2", "PA3");
Exemple #22

include '../phpgraphlib.php';
$graph = new PHPGraphLib(450, 300);
$data = array("Jan" => -10.1, "Feb" => -3.6, "Mar" => 11.0, "Apr" => 30.7, "May" => 48.6, "Jun" => 59.8, "Jul" => 62.5, "Aug" => 56.8, "Sep" => 45.5, "Oct" => 25.1, "Nov" => 2.7, "Dec" => -6.5);
$graph->setupXAxis(20, 'blue');
$graph->setTitle('Average Temperature by Month, in Fairbanks Alaska');
Exemple #23

include '../phpgraphlib.php';
$graph = new PHPGraphLib(350, 280);
$data = array("Roger" => 145, "Ralph" => 102, "Rhonda" => 123, "Ronaldo" => 137, "Rosario" => 149, "Robin" => 99, "Robert" => 88, "Rustof" => 111);
$graph->setBarColor('255, 255, 204');
$graph->setTitle('IQ Scores');
$graph->setupYAxis(12, 'yellow');
$graph->setupXAxis(20, 'yellow');
$graph->setGradient('silver', 'gray');

include "phpgraphlib.php";
$graph = new PHPGraphLib(400, 300);
$data = array("Alex" => 99, "Mary" => 98, "Joan" => 70, "Ed" => 90);
$graph->setTitle("Test Scores");

Exemple #25

include '../phpgraphlib.php';
$graph = new PHPGraphLib(500, 350);
$data = array(12124, 5535, 43373, 22223, 90432, 23332, 15544, 24523, 32778, 38878, 28787, 33243, 34832, 32302);
$graph->setTitle('Widgets Produced');
$graph->setGradient('red', 'maroon');
Exemple #26

include "phpgraphlib.php";
$datavalues = $_GET['datavalues'];
$showsmall = $_GET['showsmall'];
$header = unserialize(urldecode(stripslashes($_GET['header'])));
$data = unserialize(urldecode(stripslashes($_GET['mydata'])));
$data2 = unserialize(urldecode(stripslashes($_GET['mywebdata'])));
if ($showsmall) {
    $graph = new PHPGraphLib(300, 300);
} else {
    $graph = new PHPGraphLib(500, 300);
//$graph->setLegendTitle('Your data','MyWebToNet');
$graph->setBarColor('blue', 'green');
Exemple #27

require '../functions.php';
require 'phpgraphlib.php';
// Use date to generate the current day.
// Omitting the specific time passed makes strtotime() return today's first second.
$Today = strtotime(date("d F Y"));
$Day = 86400;
// Seconds
$LastWeek = $Today - $Day * 30;
$Query = mysql_query("Select `Time` from `Wiki Searches` where `Time` > {$LastWeek}");
while (list($Time) = mysql_fetch_array($Query)) {
    $When = date('d M', $Time);
$Graph = new PHPGraphLib(800, 400);
$Graph->setTitle("Searches This Month");
//mysqli_select_db($link,'gfb11176') or die('Could not select database');
//mysql_select_db("mydatabase") or die("MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());
$dataArray = array();
// Get the values from the COReadings table for the currently logged in user.
$sql = "SELECT COValue, AddedOn FROM COReadings \n\t\tJOIN COUsers ON COUsers.id = COReadings.UserID\n\t\tWHERE COUsers.Email = '{$email}'";
$result = mysqli_query($link, $sql) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
if ($result) {
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $dateAdded = $row["AddedOn"];
        $count = $row["COValue"];
        // Add to data array
        $dataArray[$dateAdded] = $count;
// Configure graph
$graph->setTitle("Carbon Monoxide Readings");
$graph->setGradient("lime", "green");

include 'class/DBConn.php';
include "class/phpgraphlib.php";
$POTotal['1'] = 0;
$POTotal['3'] = 0;
$POTotal['4'] = 0;
$POTotal['5'] = 0;
$POTotal['6'] = 0;
$sql = "SELECT doc_type, total, B.exchange FROM purchases A, currencies B\r\n          where doc_tag='po'\r\n          AND A.currency = B.id\r\n          AND YEAR( A.po_date ) = {$year}\r\n          AND MONTH( A.po_date ) = {$month}\r\n          ORDER BY doc_type";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die("error");
//doc_type, total, currency, exchange
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $doc = $row['doc_type'];
    $inRinggit = $row['total'] * $row['exchange'];
    $POTotal[$doc] = $POTotal[$doc] + $inRinggit;
//header('Content-Type: image/png');
$graph = new PHPGraphLib(400, 300);
$data = array("PO1" => $POTotal['1'], "PO2" => $POTotal['2'], "PO3" => $POTotal['3'], "PO4" => $POTotal['4'], "PO5" => $POTotal['5'], "PO6" => $POTotal['6']);
$graph->setTitle("Purchase Order Report ");
$graph->setGradient("red", "maroon");
Exemple #30
$chart = repairSqlInjection($_GET["chart"]);
//$chartType = repairSqlInjection($_GET["type"]);
$graph = new PHPGraphLib($chartWidth, $chartHeight);
switch ($chart) {
    case "padaliniu_paraiskos":
        if (!isset($_GET["menuo"])) {
            ImageText::createTextImage($chartWidth, $chartHeight, "Bloga nuoroda");
        $data = $_GET["menuo"] . "-01";
        if (ObjectValidation::validateDate($data) == false) {
            ImageText::createTextImage($chartWidth, $chartHeight, "Blogas datos formatas");
        $dbQuery = "SELECT * FROM PadaliniuParaiskuKiekis WHERE Nuo = '" . $data . "'";
        $dbResult = db::select($dbQuery);
        if (empty($dbResult["data"])) {
            ImageText::createTextImage($chartWidth, $chartHeight, "Neturima duomenų apie pasirinktą mėnesį");
        $chartData = array();
        foreach ($dbResult["data"] as $i) {
            $chartData[$i["Kodas"]] = $i["Paraiskos"];
    case "is_paraiskos":
        if (!isset($_GET["menuo"])) {