Exemple #1
  *	@param	mixed	$value	Value to check
  *	@return	boolean
 public static function TEXTFORMAT($value, $format)
     $value = self::flattenSingleValue($value);
     $format = self::flattenSingleValue($format);
     if (is_string($value) && !is_numeric($value) && PHPExcel_Shared_Date::isDateTimeFormatCode($format)) {
         $value = self::DATEVALUE($value);
     return (string) PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::toFormattedString($value, $format);
Exemple #2
  * Loads PHPExcel from file into PHPExcel instance
  * @param 	string 		$pFilename
  * @param	PHPExcel	$objPHPExcel
  * @return 	PHPExcel
  * @throws 	PHPExcel_Reader_Exception
 public function loadIntoExisting($pFilename, PHPExcel $objPHPExcel)
     // Check if file exists
     if (!file_exists($pFilename)) {
         throw new PHPExcel_Reader_Exception("Could not open " . $pFilename . " for reading! File does not exist.");
     $timezoneObj = new DateTimeZone('Europe/London');
     $GMT = new DateTimeZone('UTC');
     $gFileData = $this->_gzfileGetContents($pFilename);
     //		echo '<pre>';
     //		echo htmlentities($gFileData,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8');
     //		echo '</pre><hr />';
     $xml = simplexml_load_string($gFileData);
     $namespacesMeta = $xml->getNamespaces(true);
     //		var_dump($namespacesMeta);
     $gnmXML = $xml->children($namespacesMeta['gnm']);
     $docProps = $objPHPExcel->getProperties();
     //	Document Properties are held differently, depending on the version of Gnumeric
     if (isset($namespacesMeta['office'])) {
         $officeXML = $xml->children($namespacesMeta['office']);
         $officeDocXML = $officeXML->{'document-meta'};
         $officeDocMetaXML = $officeDocXML->meta;
         foreach ($officeDocMetaXML as $officePropertyData) {
             $officePropertyDC = array();
             if (isset($namespacesMeta['dc'])) {
                 $officePropertyDC = $officePropertyData->children($namespacesMeta['dc']);
             foreach ($officePropertyDC as $propertyName => $propertyValue) {
                 $propertyValue = (string) $propertyValue;
                 switch ($propertyName) {
                     case 'title':
                     case 'subject':
                     case 'creator':
                     case 'date':
                         $creationDate = strtotime(trim($propertyValue));
                     case 'description':
             $officePropertyMeta = array();
             if (isset($namespacesMeta['meta'])) {
                 $officePropertyMeta = $officePropertyData->children($namespacesMeta['meta']);
             foreach ($officePropertyMeta as $propertyName => $propertyValue) {
                 $attributes = $propertyValue->attributes($namespacesMeta['meta']);
                 $propertyValue = (string) $propertyValue;
                 switch ($propertyName) {
                     case 'keyword':
                     case 'initial-creator':
                     case 'creation-date':
                         $creationDate = strtotime(trim($propertyValue));
                     case 'user-defined':
                         list(, $attrName) = explode(':', $attributes['name']);
                         switch ($attrName) {
                             case 'publisher':
                             case 'category':
                             case 'manager':
     } elseif (isset($gnmXML->Summary)) {
         foreach ($gnmXML->Summary->Item as $summaryItem) {
             $propertyName = $summaryItem->name;
             $propertyValue = $summaryItem->{'val-string'};
             switch ($propertyName) {
                 case 'title':
                 case 'comments':
                 case 'keywords':
                 case 'category':
                 case 'manager':
                 case 'author':
                 case 'company':
     $worksheetID = 0;
     foreach ($gnmXML->Sheets->Sheet as $sheet) {
         $worksheetName = (string) $sheet->Name;
         //			echo '<b>Worksheet: ',$worksheetName,'</b><br />';
         if (isset($this->_loadSheetsOnly) && !in_array($worksheetName, $this->_loadSheetsOnly)) {
         $maxRow = $maxCol = 0;
         // Create new Worksheet
         //	Use false for $updateFormulaCellReferences to prevent adjustment of worksheet references in formula
         //		cells... during the load, all formulae should be correct, and we're simply bringing the worksheet
         //		name in line with the formula, not the reverse
         $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setTitle($worksheetName, false);
         if (!$this->_readDataOnly && isset($sheet->PrintInformation)) {
             if (isset($sheet->PrintInformation->Margins)) {
                 foreach ($sheet->PrintInformation->Margins->children('gnm', TRUE) as $key => $margin) {
                     $marginAttributes = $margin->attributes();
                     $marginSize = 72 / 100;
                     //	Default
                     switch ($marginAttributes['PrefUnit']) {
                         case 'mm':
                             $marginSize = intval($marginAttributes['Points']) / 100;
                     switch ($key) {
                         case 'top':
                         case 'bottom':
                         case 'left':
                         case 'right':
                         case 'header':
                         case 'footer':
         foreach ($sheet->Cells->Cell as $cell) {
             $cellAttributes = $cell->attributes();
             $row = (int) $cellAttributes->Row + 1;
             $column = (int) $cellAttributes->Col;
             if ($row > $maxRow) {
                 $maxRow = $row;
             if ($column > $maxCol) {
                 $maxCol = $column;
             $column = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($column);
             // Read cell?
             if ($this->getReadFilter() !== NULL) {
                 if (!$this->getReadFilter()->readCell($column, $row, $worksheetName)) {
             $ValueType = $cellAttributes->ValueType;
             $ExprID = (string) $cellAttributes->ExprID;
             //				echo 'Cell ',$column,$row,'<br />';
             //				echo 'Type is ',$ValueType,'<br />';
             //				echo 'Value is ',$cell,'<br />';
             $type = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_FORMULA;
             if ($ExprID > '') {
                 if ((string) $cell > '') {
                     $this->_expressions[$ExprID] = array('column' => $cellAttributes->Col, 'row' => $cellAttributes->Row, 'formula' => (string) $cell);
                     //						echo 'NEW EXPRESSION ',$ExprID,'<br />';
                 } else {
                     $expression = $this->_expressions[$ExprID];
                     $cell = $this->_referenceHelper->updateFormulaReferences($expression['formula'], 'A1', $cellAttributes->Col - $expression['column'], $cellAttributes->Row - $expression['row'], $worksheetName);
                     //						echo 'SHARED EXPRESSION ',$ExprID,'<br />';
                     //						echo 'New Value is ',$cell,'<br />';
                 $type = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_FORMULA;
             } else {
                 switch ($ValueType) {
                     case '10':
                         //	NULL
                         $type = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_NULL;
                     case '20':
                         //	Boolean
                         $type = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_BOOL;
                         $cell = $cell == 'TRUE' ? True : False;
                     case '30':
                         //	Integer
                         $cell = intval($cell);
                     case '40':
                         //	Float
                         $type = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_NUMERIC;
                     case '50':
                         //	Error
                         $type = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_ERROR;
                     case '60':
                         //	String
                         $type = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING;
                     case '70':
                         //	Cell Range
                     //	Cell Range
                     case '80':
                         //	Array
             $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell($column . $row)->setValueExplicit($cell, $type);
         if (!$this->_readDataOnly && isset($sheet->Objects)) {
             foreach ($sheet->Objects->children('gnm', TRUE) as $key => $comment) {
                 $commentAttributes = $comment->attributes();
                 //	Only comment objects are handled at the moment
                 if ($commentAttributes->Text) {
                     $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getComment((string) $commentAttributes->ObjectBound)->setAuthor((string) $commentAttributes->Author)->setText($this->_parseRichText((string) $commentAttributes->Text));
         //			echo '$maxCol=',$maxCol,'; $maxRow=',$maxRow,'<br />';
         foreach ($sheet->Styles->StyleRegion as $styleRegion) {
             $styleAttributes = $styleRegion->attributes();
             if ($styleAttributes['startRow'] <= $maxRow && $styleAttributes['startCol'] <= $maxCol) {
                 $startColumn = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex((int) $styleAttributes['startCol']);
                 $startRow = $styleAttributes['startRow'] + 1;
                 $endColumn = $styleAttributes['endCol'] > $maxCol ? $maxCol : (int) $styleAttributes['endCol'];
                 $endColumn = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($endColumn);
                 $endRow = $styleAttributes['endRow'] > $maxRow ? $maxRow : $styleAttributes['endRow'];
                 $endRow += 1;
                 $cellRange = $startColumn . $startRow . ':' . $endColumn . $endRow;
                 //					echo $cellRange,'<br />';
                 $styleAttributes = $styleRegion->Style->attributes();
                 //					var_dump($styleAttributes);
                 //					echo '<br />';
                 //	We still set the number format mask for date/time values, even if _readDataOnly is true
                 if (!$this->_readDataOnly || PHPExcel_Shared_Date::isDateTimeFormatCode((string) $styleAttributes['Format'])) {
                     $styleArray = array();
                     $styleArray['numberformat']['code'] = (string) $styleAttributes['Format'];
                     //	If _readDataOnly is false, we set all formatting information
                     if (!$this->_readDataOnly) {
                         switch ($styleAttributes['HAlign']) {
                             case '1':
                                 $styleArray['alignment']['horizontal'] = PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_GENERAL;
                             case '2':
                                 $styleArray['alignment']['horizontal'] = PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_LEFT;
                             case '4':
                                 $styleArray['alignment']['horizontal'] = PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_RIGHT;
                             case '8':
                                 $styleArray['alignment']['horizontal'] = PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER;
                             case '16':
                             case '64':
                                 $styleArray['alignment']['horizontal'] = PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER_CONTINUOUS;
                             case '32':
                                 $styleArray['alignment']['horizontal'] = PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_JUSTIFY;
                         switch ($styleAttributes['VAlign']) {
                             case '1':
                                 $styleArray['alignment']['vertical'] = PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_TOP;
                             case '2':
                                 $styleArray['alignment']['vertical'] = PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_BOTTOM;
                             case '4':
                                 $styleArray['alignment']['vertical'] = PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_CENTER;
                             case '8':
                                 $styleArray['alignment']['vertical'] = PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_JUSTIFY;
                         $styleArray['alignment']['wrap'] = $styleAttributes['WrapText'] == '1' ? True : False;
                         $styleArray['alignment']['shrinkToFit'] = $styleAttributes['ShrinkToFit'] == '1' ? True : False;
                         $styleArray['alignment']['indent'] = intval($styleAttributes["Indent"]) > 0 ? $styleAttributes["indent"] : 0;
                         $RGB = self::_parseGnumericColour($styleAttributes["Fore"]);
                         $styleArray['font']['color']['rgb'] = $RGB;
                         $RGB = self::_parseGnumericColour($styleAttributes["Back"]);
                         $shade = $styleAttributes["Shade"];
                         if ($RGB != '000000' || $shade != '0') {
                             $styleArray['fill']['color']['rgb'] = $styleArray['fill']['startcolor']['rgb'] = $RGB;
                             $RGB2 = self::_parseGnumericColour($styleAttributes["PatternColor"]);
                             $styleArray['fill']['endcolor']['rgb'] = $RGB2;
                             switch ($shade) {
                                 case '1':
                                     $styleArray['fill']['type'] = PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_SOLID;
                                 case '2':
                                     $styleArray['fill']['type'] = PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_GRADIENT_LINEAR;
                                 case '3':
                                     $styleArray['fill']['type'] = PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_GRADIENT_PATH;
                                 case '4':
                                     $styleArray['fill']['type'] = PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_DARKDOWN;
                                 case '5':
                                     $styleArray['fill']['type'] = PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_DARKGRAY;
                                 case '6':
                                     $styleArray['fill']['type'] = PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_DARKGRID;
                                 case '7':
                                     $styleArray['fill']['type'] = PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_DARKHORIZONTAL;
                                 case '8':
                                     $styleArray['fill']['type'] = PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_DARKTRELLIS;
                                 case '9':
                                     $styleArray['fill']['type'] = PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_DARKUP;
                                 case '10':
                                     $styleArray['fill']['type'] = PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_DARKVERTICAL;
                                 case '11':
                                     $styleArray['fill']['type'] = PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_GRAY0625;
                                 case '12':
                                     $styleArray['fill']['type'] = PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_GRAY125;
                                 case '13':
                                     $styleArray['fill']['type'] = PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTDOWN;
                                 case '14':
                                     $styleArray['fill']['type'] = PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTGRAY;
                                 case '15':
                                     $styleArray['fill']['type'] = PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTGRID;
                                 case '16':
                                     $styleArray['fill']['type'] = PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTHORIZONTAL;
                                 case '17':
                                     $styleArray['fill']['type'] = PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTTRELLIS;
                                 case '18':
                                     $styleArray['fill']['type'] = PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTUP;
                                 case '19':
                                     $styleArray['fill']['type'] = PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_LIGHTVERTICAL;
                                 case '20':
                                     $styleArray['fill']['type'] = PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_PATTERN_MEDIUMGRAY;
                         $fontAttributes = $styleRegion->Style->Font->attributes();
                         //							var_dump($fontAttributes);
                         //							echo '<br />';
                         $styleArray['font']['name'] = (string) $styleRegion->Style->Font;
                         $styleArray['font']['size'] = intval($fontAttributes['Unit']);
                         $styleArray['font']['bold'] = $fontAttributes['Bold'] == '1' ? True : False;
                         $styleArray['font']['italic'] = $fontAttributes['Italic'] == '1' ? True : False;
                         $styleArray['font']['strike'] = $fontAttributes['StrikeThrough'] == '1' ? True : False;
                         switch ($fontAttributes['Underline']) {
                             case '1':
                                 $styleArray['font']['underline'] = PHPExcel_Style_Font::UNDERLINE_SINGLE;
                             case '2':
                                 $styleArray['font']['underline'] = PHPExcel_Style_Font::UNDERLINE_DOUBLE;
                             case '3':
                                 $styleArray['font']['underline'] = PHPExcel_Style_Font::UNDERLINE_SINGLEACCOUNTING;
                             case '4':
                                 $styleArray['font']['underline'] = PHPExcel_Style_Font::UNDERLINE_DOUBLEACCOUNTING;
                                 $styleArray['font']['underline'] = PHPExcel_Style_Font::UNDERLINE_NONE;
                         switch ($fontAttributes['Script']) {
                             case '1':
                                 $styleArray['font']['superScript'] = True;
                             case '-1':
                                 $styleArray['font']['subScript'] = True;
                         if (isset($styleRegion->Style->StyleBorder)) {
                             if (isset($styleRegion->Style->StyleBorder->Top)) {
                                 $styleArray['borders']['top'] = self::_parseBorderAttributes($styleRegion->Style->StyleBorder->Top->attributes());
                             if (isset($styleRegion->Style->StyleBorder->Bottom)) {
                                 $styleArray['borders']['bottom'] = self::_parseBorderAttributes($styleRegion->Style->StyleBorder->Bottom->attributes());
                             if (isset($styleRegion->Style->StyleBorder->Left)) {
                                 $styleArray['borders']['left'] = self::_parseBorderAttributes($styleRegion->Style->StyleBorder->Left->attributes());
                             if (isset($styleRegion->Style->StyleBorder->Right)) {
                                 $styleArray['borders']['right'] = self::_parseBorderAttributes($styleRegion->Style->StyleBorder->Right->attributes());
                             if (isset($styleRegion->Style->StyleBorder->Diagonal) && isset($styleRegion->Style->StyleBorder->{'Rev-Diagonal'})) {
                                 $styleArray['borders']['diagonal'] = self::_parseBorderAttributes($styleRegion->Style->StyleBorder->Diagonal->attributes());
                                 $styleArray['borders']['diagonaldirection'] = PHPExcel_Style_Borders::DIAGONAL_BOTH;
                             } elseif (isset($styleRegion->Style->StyleBorder->Diagonal)) {
                                 $styleArray['borders']['diagonal'] = self::_parseBorderAttributes($styleRegion->Style->StyleBorder->Diagonal->attributes());
                                 $styleArray['borders']['diagonaldirection'] = PHPExcel_Style_Borders::DIAGONAL_UP;
                             } elseif (isset($styleRegion->Style->StyleBorder->{'Rev-Diagonal'})) {
                                 $styleArray['borders']['diagonal'] = self::_parseBorderAttributes($styleRegion->Style->StyleBorder->{'Rev-Diagonal'}->attributes());
                                 $styleArray['borders']['diagonaldirection'] = PHPExcel_Style_Borders::DIAGONAL_DOWN;
                         if (isset($styleRegion->Style->HyperLink)) {
                             //	TO DO
                             $hyperlink = $styleRegion->Style->HyperLink->attributes();
                     //						var_dump($styleArray);
                     //						echo '<br />';
         if (!$this->_readDataOnly && isset($sheet->Cols)) {
             //	Column Widths
             $columnAttributes = $sheet->Cols->attributes();
             $defaultWidth = $columnAttributes['DefaultSizePts'] / 5.4;
             $c = 0;
             foreach ($sheet->Cols->ColInfo as $columnOverride) {
                 $columnAttributes = $columnOverride->attributes();
                 $column = $columnAttributes['No'];
                 $columnWidth = $columnAttributes['Unit'] / 5.4;
                 $hidden = isset($columnAttributes['Hidden']) && $columnAttributes['Hidden'] == '1' ? true : false;
                 $columnCount = isset($columnAttributes['Count']) ? $columnAttributes['Count'] : 1;
                 while ($c < $column) {
                 while ($c < $column + $columnCount && $c <= $maxCol) {
                     if ($hidden) {
             while ($c <= $maxCol) {
         if (!$this->_readDataOnly && isset($sheet->Rows)) {
             //	Row Heights
             $rowAttributes = $sheet->Rows->attributes();
             $defaultHeight = $rowAttributes['DefaultSizePts'];
             $r = 0;
             foreach ($sheet->Rows->RowInfo as $rowOverride) {
                 $rowAttributes = $rowOverride->attributes();
                 $row = $rowAttributes['No'];
                 $rowHeight = $rowAttributes['Unit'];
                 $hidden = isset($rowAttributes['Hidden']) && $rowAttributes['Hidden'] == '1' ? true : false;
                 $rowCount = isset($rowAttributes['Count']) ? $rowAttributes['Count'] : 1;
                 while ($r < $row) {
                 while ($r < $row + $rowCount && $r < $maxRow) {
                     if ($hidden) {
             while ($r < $maxRow) {
         //	Handle Merged Cells in this worksheet
         if (isset($sheet->MergedRegions)) {
             foreach ($sheet->MergedRegions->Merge as $mergeCells) {
                 if (strpos($mergeCells, ':') !== FALSE) {
     //	Loop through definedNames (global named ranges)
     if (isset($gnmXML->Names)) {
         foreach ($gnmXML->Names->Name as $namedRange) {
             $name = (string) $namedRange->name;
             $range = (string) $namedRange->value;
             if (stripos($range, '#REF!') !== false) {
             $range = explode('!', $range);
             $range[0] = trim($range[0], "'");
             if ($worksheet = $objPHPExcel->getSheetByName($range[0])) {
                 $extractedRange = str_replace('$', '', $range[1]);
                 $objPHPExcel->addNamedRange(new PHPExcel_NamedRange($name, $worksheet, $extractedRange));
     // Return
     return $objPHPExcel;
Exemple #3
  * Map to the appropriate write method acording to the token recieved.
  * @access public
  * @param integer $row	The row of the cell we are writing to
  * @param integer $col	The column of the cell we are writing to
  * @param mixed   $token  What we are writing
  * @param mixed   $format The optional format to apply to the cell
 function write($row, $col, $token, $format = null, $numberFormat = null)
     if ($numberFormat != 'General' && PHPExcel_Shared_Date::isDateTimeFormatCode($numberFormat)) {
         if (is_string($token)) {
             //	Error string
             return $this->writeString($row, $col, $token, $format);
         } elseif (!is_float($token)) {
             //	PHP serialized date/time or date/time object
             return $this->writeNumber($row, $col, PHPExcel_Shared_Date::PHPToExcel($token), $format);
         } else {
             //	Excel serialized date/time
             return $this->writeNumber($row, $col, $token, $format);
     } elseif (preg_match("/^([+-]?)(?=\\d|\\.\\d)\\d*(\\.\\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\\d+))?\$/", $token)) {
         // Match number
         return $this->writeNumber($row, $col, $token, $format);
     } elseif ($token == '') {
         // Match blank
         return $this->writeBlank($row, $col, $format);
     } else {
         // Default: match string
         return $this->writeString($row, $col, $token, $format);
Exemple #4
  * Loads PHPExcel from file
  * @param 	string 		$pFilename
  * @throws 	Exception
 public function load($pFilename)
     // Check if file exists
     if (!file_exists($pFilename)) {
         throw new Exception("Could not open " . $pFilename . " for reading! File does not exist.");
     // Initialisations
     $excel = new PHPExcel();
     // Use ParseXL for the hard work.
     $this->_ole = new PHPExcel_Shared_OLERead();
     $this->_rowoffset = $this->_coloffset = 0;
     $this->_defaultEncoding = 'ISO-8859-1';
     $this->_encoderFunction = function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') ? 'mb_convert_encoding' : 'iconv';
     // get excel data
     $res = $this->_ole->read($pFilename);
     // oops, something goes wrong (Darko Miljanovic)
     if ($res === false) {
         // check error code
         if ($this->_ole->error == 1) {
             // bad file
             throw new Exception('The filename ' . $pFilename . ' is not readable');
         } elseif ($this->_ole->error == 2) {
             throw new Exception('The filename ' . $pFilename . ' is not recognised as an Excel file');
         // check other error codes here (eg bad fileformat, etc...)
     $this->_data = $this->_ole->getWorkBook();
     $this->_pos = 0;
     $pos = 0;
     $code = ord($this->_data[$pos]) | ord($this->_data[$pos + 1]) << 8;
     $length = ord($this->_data[$pos + 2]) | ord($this->_data[$pos + 3]) << 8;
     $version = ord($this->_data[$pos + 4]) | ord($this->_data[$pos + 5]) << 8;
     $substreamType = ord($this->_data[$pos + 6]) | ord($this->_data[$pos + 7]) << 8;
     if ($version != self::XLS_BIFF8 && $version != self::XLS_BIFF7) {
         return false;
     if ($substreamType != self::XLS_WorkbookGlobals) {
         return false;
     $pos += $length + 4;
     $code = ord($this->_data[$pos]) | ord($this->_data[$pos + 1]) << 8;
     $length = ord($this->_data[$pos + 2]) | ord($this->_data[$pos + 3]) << 8;
     $recordData = substr($this->_data, $pos + 4, $length);
     while ($code != self::XLS_Type_EOF) {
         switch ($code) {
             case self::XLS_Type_SST:
                  * SST - Shared String Table
                  * This record contains a list of all strings used anywhere
                  * in the workbook. Each string occurs only once. The
                  * workbook uses indexes into the list to reference the
                  * strings.
                  * --	"OpenOffice.org's Documentation of the Microsoft
                  * 		Excel File Format"
                 // offset: 0; size: 4; total number of strings
                 // offset: 4; size: 4; number of unique strings
                 $spos = $pos + 4;
                 $limitpos = $spos + $length;
                 $uniqueStrings = $this->_GetInt4d($this->_data, $spos + 4);
                 $spos += 8;
                 // loop through the Unicode strings (16-bit length)
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $uniqueStrings; $i++) {
                     if ($spos == $limitpos) {
                         // then we have reached end of SST record data
                         $opcode = ord($this->_data[$spos]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 1]) << 8;
                         $conlength = ord($this->_data[$spos + 2]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 3]) << 8;
                         if ($opcode != self::XLS_Type_CONTINUE) {
                             // broken file, something is wrong
                             return -1;
                         $spos += 4;
                         $limitpos = $spos + $conlength;
                     // Read in the number of characters in the Unicode string
                     $numChars = ord($this->_data[$spos]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 1]) << 8;
                     $spos += 2;
                     // option flags
                     $optionFlags = ord($this->_data[$spos]);
                     // bit: 0; mask: 0x01; 0 = compressed; 1 = uncompressed
                     $asciiEncoding = ($optionFlags & 0x1) == 0;
                     // bit: 2; mask: 0x02; 0 = ordinary; 1 = Asian phonetic
                     $extendedString = ($optionFlags & 0x4) != 0;
                     // Asian phonetic
                     // bit: 3; mask: 0x03; 0 = ordinary; 1 = Rich-Text
                     $richString = ($optionFlags & 0x8) != 0;
                     if ($richString) {
                         // Read in the crun
                         // number of Rich-Text formatting runs
                         $formattingRuns = ord($this->_data[$spos]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 1]) << 8;
                         $spos += 2;
                     if ($extendedString) {
                         // size of Asian phonetic setting
                         $extendedRunLength = $this->_GetInt4d($this->_data, $spos);
                         $spos += 4;
                     // read in the characters
                     $len = $asciiEncoding ? $numChars : $numChars * 2;
                     if ($spos + $len < $limitpos) {
                         $retstr = substr($this->_data, $spos, $len);
                         $spos += $len;
                     } else {
                         // found countinue record
                         $retstr = substr($this->_data, $spos, $limitpos - $spos);
                         $bytesRead = $limitpos - $spos;
                         // remaining characters in Unicode string
                         $charsLeft = $numChars - ($asciiEncoding ? $bytesRead : $bytesRead / 2);
                         $spos = $limitpos;
                         // keep reading the characters
                         while ($charsLeft > 0) {
                             // record data
                             $opcode = ord($this->_data[$spos]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 1]) << 8;
                             // length of continue record data
                             $conlength = ord($this->_data[$spos + 2]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 3]) << 8;
                             if ($opcode != self::XLS_Type_CONTINUE) {
                                 // broken file, something is wrong
                                 return -1;
                             $spos += 4;
                             $limitpos = $spos + $conlength;
                             // option flags are repeated when Unicode string is split by a continue record
                             // OpenOffice.org documentation 5.21
                             $option = ord($this->_data[$spos]);
                             $spos += 1;
                             if ($asciiEncoding && $option == 0) {
                                 // 1st fragment compressed
                                 // this fragment compressed
                                 $len = min($charsLeft, $limitpos - $spos);
                                 $retstr .= substr($this->_data, $spos, $len);
                                 $charsLeft -= $len;
                                 $asciiEncoding = true;
                             } elseif (!$asciiEncoding && $option != 0) {
                                 // 1st fragment uncompressed
                                 // this fragment uncompressed
                                 $len = min($charsLeft * 2, $limitpos - $spos);
                                 $retstr .= substr($this->_data, $spos, $len);
                                 $charsLeft -= $len / 2;
                                 $asciiEncoding = false;
                             } elseif (!$asciiEncoding && $option == 0) {
                                 // 1st fragment uncompressed
                                 // this fragment compressed
                                 $len = min($charsLeft, $limitpos - $spos);
                                 for ($j = 0; $j < $len; $j++) {
                                     $retstr .= $this->_data[$spos + $j] . chr(0);
                                 $charsLeft -= $len;
                                 $asciiEncoding = false;
                             } else {
                                 // 1st fragment compressed
                                 // this fragment uncompressed
                                 $newstr = '';
                                 for ($j = 0; $j < strlen($retstr); $j++) {
                                     $newstr = $retstr[$j] . chr(0);
                                 $retstr = $newstr;
                                 $len = min($charsLeft * 2, $limitpos - $spos);
                                 $retstr .= substr($this->_data, $spos, $len);
                                 $charsLeft -= $len / 2;
                                 $asciiEncoding = false;
                             $spos += $len;
                     //$retstr = ($asciiEncoding) ?
                     //	$retstr : $this->_encodeUTF16($retstr);
                     // convert string according codepage and BIFF version
                     if ($version == self::XLS_BIFF8) {
                         $retstr = $this->_encodeUTF16($retstr, $asciiEncoding);
                     } else {
                         // SST only occurs in BIFF8, so why this part?
                         $retstr = $this->_decodeCodepage($retstr);
                     $fmtRuns = array();
                     if ($richString) {
                         // list of formatting runs
                         for ($j = 0; $j < $formattingRuns; $j++) {
                             // first formatted character; zero-based
                             $charPos = $this->_getInt2d($this->_data, $spos + $j * 4);
                             // index to font record
                             $fontIndex = $this->_getInt2d($this->_data, $spos + 2 + $j * 4);
                             $fmtRuns[] = array('charPos' => $charPos, 'fontIndex' => $fontIndex);
                         $spos += 4 * $formattingRuns;
                     if ($extendedString) {
                         // For Asian phonetic settings, we skip the extended string data
                         $spos += $extendedRunLength;
                     $this->_sst[] = array('value' => $retstr, 'fmtRuns' => $fmtRuns);
             case self::XLS_Type_FILEPASS:
                  * SHEETPROTECTION
                  * This record is part of the File Protection Block. It
                  * contains information about the read/write password of the
                  * file. All record contents following this record will be
                  * encrypted.
                  * --	"OpenOffice.org's Documentation of the Microsoft
                  * 		Excel File Format"
                 return false;
             case self::XLS_Type_EXTERNALBOOK:
             case self::XLS_Type_EXTSHEET:
                 // external sheet references provided for named cells
                 if ($version == self::XLS_BIFF8) {
                     $xpos = $pos + 4;
                     $xcnt = ord($this->_data[$xpos]) | ord($this->_data[$xpos + 1]) << 8;
                     for ($x = 0; $x < $xcnt; $x++) {
                         $this->_extshref[$x] = ord($this->_data[$xpos + 4 + 6 * $x]) | ord($this->_data[$xpos + 5 + 6 * $x]) << 8;
                 // this if statement is going to replace the above one later
                 if ($version == self::XLS_BIFF8) {
                     // offset: 0; size: 2; number of following ref structures
                     $nm = $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 0);
                     for ($i = 0; $i < $nm; $i++) {
                         $this->_ref[] = array('externalBookIndex' => $this->_getInt2d($recordData, 2 + 6 * $i), 'firstSheetIndex' => $this->_getInt2d($recordData, 4 + 6 * $i), 'lastSheetIndex' => $this->_getInt2d($recordData, 6 + 6 * $i));
             case self::XLS_Type_NAME:
                  * DEFINEDNAME
                  * This record is part of a Link Table. It contains the name
                  * and the token array of an internal defined name. Token
                  * arrays of defined names contain tokens with aberrant
                  * token classes.
                  * --	"OpenOffice.org's Documentation of the Microsoft
                  * 		Excel File Format"
                 // retrieves named cells
                 $npos = $pos + 4;
                 $opts = ord($this->_data[$npos]) | ord($this->_data[$npos + 1]) << 8;
                 $nlen = ord($this->_data[$npos + 3]);
                 $flen = ord($this->_data[$npos + 4]) | ord($this->_data[$npos + 5]) << 8;
                 $fpos = $npos + 14 + 1 + $nlen;
                 $nstr = substr($this->_data, $npos + 15, $nlen);
                 $ftoken = ord($this->_data[$fpos]);
                 if ($ftoken == 58 && $opts == 0 && $flen == 7) {
                     $xref = ord($this->_data[$fpos + 1]) | ord($this->_data[$fpos + 2]) << 8;
                     $frow = ord($this->_data[$fpos + 3]) | ord($this->_data[$fpos + 4]) << 8;
                     $fcol = ord($this->_data[$fpos + 5]);
                     if (array_key_exists($xref, $this->_extshref)) {
                         $fsheet = $this->_extshref[$xref];
                     } else {
                         $fsheet = '';
                     $this->_namedcells[$nstr] = array('sheet' => $fsheet, 'row' => $frow, 'column' => $fcol);
             case self::XLS_Type_FORMAT:
                  * FORMAT
                  * This record contains information about a number format.
                  * All FORMAT records occur together in a sequential list.
                  * In BIFF2-BIFF4 other records referencing a FORMAT record
                  * contain a zero-based index into this list. From BIFF5 on
                  * the FORMAT record contains the index itself that will be
                  * used by other records.
                  * --	"OpenOffice.org's Documentation of the Microsoft
                  * 		Excel File Format"
                 //$indexCode = ord($this->_data[$pos + 4]) | ord($this->_data[$pos + 5]) << 8;
                 $indexCode = $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 0);
                 if ($version == self::XLS_BIFF8) {
                 $formatString = $this->_readUnicodeStringLong(substr($recordData, 2));
                 } else {
                 	$numchars = ord($this->_data[$pos + 6]);
                 	$formatString = substr($this->_data, $pos + 7, $numchars*2);
                 $this->_formatRecords[$indexCode] = $formatString;
                 // now also stored in array _format[]
                 // _formatRecords[] will be removed from code later
                 $this->_numberFormat[$indexCode] = $formatString;
             case self::XLS_Type_FONT:
                  * FONT
                 $this->_font[] = $this->_readFont($recordData);
             case self::XLS_Type_XF:
                  * XF - Extended Format
                  * This record contains formatting information for cells,
                  * rows, columns or styles.
                  * --	"OpenOffice.org's Documentation of the Microsoft
                  * 		Excel File Format"
                 $indexCode = ord($this->_data[$pos + 6]) | ord($this->_data[$pos + 7]) << 8;
                 if (array_key_exists($indexCode, $this->_dateFormats)) {
                     $this->_formatRecords['xfrecords'][] = array('type' => 'date', 'format' => $this->_dateFormats[$indexCode], 'code' => $indexCode);
                 } elseif (array_key_exists($indexCode, $this->_percentFormats)) {
                     $this->_formatRecords['xfrecords'][] = array('type' => 'percent', 'format' => $this->_percentFormats[$indexCode], 'code' => $indexCode);
                 } elseif (array_key_exists($indexCode, $this->_numberFormats)) {
                     $this->_formatRecords['xfrecords'][] = array('type' => 'number', 'format' => $this->_numberFormats[$indexCode], 'code' => $indexCode);
                 } else {
                     if ($indexCode > 0 && isset($this->_formatRecords[$indexCode])) {
                         // custom formats...
                         $formatstr = $this->_formatRecords[$indexCode];
                         if ($formatstr) {
                             // dvc: reg exp changed to custom date/time format chars
                             if (preg_match("/^[hmsdy]/i", $formatstr)) {
                                 // custom datetime format
                                 // dvc: convert Excel formats to PHP date formats
                                 // first remove escapes related to non-format characters
                                 $formatstr = str_replace('\\', '', $formatstr);
                                 // 4-digit year
                                 $formatstr = str_replace('yyyy', 'Y', $formatstr);
                                 // 2-digit year
                                 $formatstr = str_replace('yy', 'y', $formatstr);
                                 // first letter of month - no php equivalent
                                 $formatstr = str_replace('mmmmm', 'M', $formatstr);
                                 // full month name
                                 $formatstr = str_replace('mmmm', 'F', $formatstr);
                                 // short month name
                                 $formatstr = str_replace('mmm', 'M', $formatstr);
                                 // mm is minutes if time or month w/leading zero
                                 $formatstr = str_replace(':mm', ':i', $formatstr);
                                 // tmp place holder
                                 $formatstr = str_replace('mm', 'x', $formatstr);
                                 // month no leading zero
                                 $formatstr = str_replace('m', 'n', $formatstr);
                                 // month leading zero
                                 $formatstr = str_replace('x', 'm', $formatstr);
                                 // 12-hour suffix
                                 $formatstr = str_replace('AM/PM', 'A', $formatstr);
                                 // tmp place holder
                                 $formatstr = str_replace('dd', 'x', $formatstr);
                                 // days no leading zero
                                 $formatstr = str_replace('d', 'j', $formatstr);
                                 // days leading zero
                                 $formatstr = str_replace('x', 'd', $formatstr);
                                 // seconds
                                 $formatstr = str_replace('ss', 's', $formatstr);
                                 // fractional seconds - no php equivalent
                                 $formatstr = str_replace('.S', '', $formatstr);
                                 if (!strpos($formatstr, 'A')) {
                                     // 24-hour format
                                     $formatstr = str_replace('h', 'H', $formatstr);
                                 // user defined flag symbol????
                                 $formatstr = str_replace(';@', '', $formatstr);
                                 $this->_formatRecords['xfrecords'][] = array('type' => 'date', 'format' => $formatstr, 'code' => $indexCode);
                             } else {
                                 if (preg_match('/%$/', $formatstr)) {
                                     // % number format
                                     if (preg_match('/\\.[#0]+/i', $formatstr, $m)) {
                                         $s = substr($m[0], 0, 1) . (strlen($m[0]) - 1);
                                         $formatstr = str_replace($m[0], $s, $formatstr);
                                     if (preg_match('/^[#0]+/', $formatstr, $m)) {
                                         $formatstr = str_replace($m[0], strlen($m[0]), $formatstr);
                                     $formatstr = '%' . str_replace('%', "f%%", $formatstr);
                                     $this->_formatRecords['xfrecords'][] = array('type' => 'percent', 'format' => $formatstr, 'code' => $indexCode);
                                 } else {
                                     // dvc: changed to add format to unknown for debug
                                     $this->_formatRecords['xfrecords'][] = array('type' => 'other', 'format' => $this->_defaultFormat, 'code' => $indexCode);
                     } else {
                         // dvc: changed to add format to unknown for debug
                         if (isset($this->_formatRecords[$indexCode])) {
                             $formatstr = $this->_formatRecords[$indexCode];
                             $type = 'undefined';
                         } else {
                             $formatstr = $this->_defaultFormat;
                             $type = 'default';
                         $this->_formatRecords['xfrecords'][] = array('type' => $type, 'format' => $formatstr, 'code' => $indexCode);
                 // store styles in xf array
                 $this->_xf[] = $this->_readBIFF8Style($recordData);
             case self::XLS_Type_NINETEENFOUR:
                  * DATEMODE
                  * This record specifies the base date for displaying date
                  * values. All dates are stored as count of days past this
                  * base date. In BIFF2-BIFF4 this record is part of the
                  * Calculation Settings Block. In BIFF5-BIFF8 it is
                  * stored in the Workbook Globals Substream.
                  * --	"OpenOffice.org's Documentation of the Microsoft
                  * 		Excel File Format"
                 $this->_nineteenFour = ord($this->_data[$pos + 4]) == 1;
                 if (ord($this->_data[$pos + 4]) == 1) {
                 } else {
             case self::XLS_Type_BOUNDSHEET:
                  * SHEET
                  * This record is  located in the  Workbook Globals
                  * Substream  and represents a sheet inside the workbook.
                  * One SHEET record is written for each sheet. It stores the
                  * sheet name and a stream offset to the BOF record of the
                  * respective Sheet Substream within the Workbook Stream.
                  * --	"OpenOffice.org's Documentation of the Microsoft
                  * 		Excel File Format"
                 $rec_offset = $this->_GetInt4d($this->_data, $pos + 4);
                 $rec_typeFlag = ord($this->_data[$pos + 8]);
                 $rec_visibilityFlag = ord($this->_data[$pos + 9]);
                 $rec_length = ord($this->_data[$pos + 10]);
                 if ($version == self::XLS_BIFF8) {
                     $compressedUTF16 = (ord($this->_data[$pos + 11]) & 0x1) == 0;
                     $rec_length = $compressedUTF16 ? $rec_length : $rec_length * 2;
                     $rec_name = $this->_encodeUTF16(substr($this->_data, $pos + 12, $rec_length), $compressedUTF16);
                 } elseif ($version == self::XLS_BIFF7) {
                     $rec_name = substr($this->_data, $pos + 11, $rec_length);
                 $this->_boundsheets[] = array('name' => $rec_name, 'offset' => $rec_offset);
             case self::XLS_Type_CODEPAGE:
                  * CODEPAGE
                  * This record stores the text encoding used to write byte
                  * strings, stored as MS Windows code page identifier.
                  * --	"OpenOffice.org's Documentation of the Microsoft
                  * 		Excel File Format"
                 $codepage = $this->_GetInt2d($this->_data, $pos + 4);
                 switch ($codepage) {
                     case 367:
                         // ASCII
                         $this->_codepage = "ASCII";
                     case 437:
                         //OEM US
                         $this->_codepage = "CP437";
                     case 720:
                         //OEM Arabic
                         // currently not supported by libiconv
                         $this->_codepage = "";
                     case 737:
                         //OEM Greek
                         $this->_codepage = "CP737";
                     case 775:
                         //OEM Baltic
                         $this->_codepage = "CP775";
                     case 850:
                         //OEM Latin I
                         $this->_codepage = "CP850";
                     case 852:
                         //OEM Latin II (Central European)
                         $this->_codepage = "CP852";
                     case 855:
                         //OEM Cyrillic
                         $this->_codepage = "CP855";
                     case 857:
                         //OEM Turkish
                         $this->_codepage = "CP857";
                     case 858:
                         //OEM Multilingual Latin I with Euro
                         $this->_codepage = "CP858";
                     case 860:
                         //OEM Portugese
                         $this->_codepage = "CP860";
                     case 861:
                         //OEM Icelandic
                         $this->_codepage = "CP861";
                     case 862:
                         //OEM Hebrew
                         $this->_codepage = "CP862";
                     case 863:
                         //OEM Canadian (French)
                         $this->_codepage = "CP863";
                     case 864:
                         //OEM Arabic
                         $this->_codepage = "CP864";
                     case 865:
                         //OEM Nordic
                         $this->_codepage = "CP865";
                     case 866:
                         //OEM Cyrillic (Russian)
                         $this->_codepage = "CP866";
                     case 869:
                         //OEM Greek (Modern)
                         $this->_codepage = "CP869";
                     case 874:
                         //ANSI Thai
                         $this->_codepage = "CP874";
                     case 932:
                         //ANSI Japanese Shift-JIS
                         $this->_codepage = "CP932";
                     case 936:
                         //ANSI Chinese Simplified GBK
                         $this->_codepage = "CP936";
                     case 949:
                         //ANSI Korean (Wansung)
                         $this->_codepage = "CP949";
                     case 950:
                         //ANSI Chinese Traditional BIG5
                         $this->_codepage = "CP950";
                     case 1200:
                         //UTF-16 (BIFF8)
                         $this->_codepage = "UTF-16LE";
                     case 1250:
                         // ANSI Latin II (Central European)
                         $this->_codepage = "CP1250";
                     case 1251:
                         //ANSI Cyrillic
                         $this->_codepage = "CP1251";
                     case 1252:
                         //ANSI Latin I (BIFF4-BIFF7)
                         $this->_codepage = "CP1252";
                     case 1253:
                         //ANSI Greek
                         $this->_codepage = "CP1253";
                     case 1254:
                         //ANSI Turkish
                         $this->_codepage = "CP1254";
                     case 1255:
                         //ANSI Hebrew
                         $this->_codepage = "CP1255";
                     case 1256:
                         //ANSI Arabic
                         $this->_codepage = "CP1256";
                     case 1257:
                         //ANSI Baltic
                         $this->_codepage = "CP1257";
                     case 1258:
                         //ANSI Vietnamese
                         $this->_codepage = "CP1258";
                     case 1361:
                         //ANSI Korean (Johab)
                         $this->_codepage = "CP1361";
                     case 10000:
                         //Apple Roman
                         // currently not supported by libiconv
                         $this->_codepage = "";
                     case 32768:
                         //Apple Roman
                         // currently not supported by libiconv
                         $this->_codepage = "";
                     case 32769:
                         //ANSI Latin I (BIFF2-BIFF3)
                         // currently not supported by libiconv
                         $this->_codepage = "";
         $pos += $length + 4;
         $code = ord($this->_data[$pos]) | ord($this->_data[$pos + 1]) << 8;
         $length = ord($this->_data[$pos + 2]) | ord($this->_data[$pos + 3]) << 8;
         $recordData = substr($this->_data, $pos + 4, $length);
     foreach ($this->_boundsheets as $key => $val) {
         // add sheet to PHPExcel object
         $sheet = $excel->createSheet();
         $sheet->setTitle((string) $val['name']);
         $this->_sn = $key;
         $spos = $val['offset'];
         $cont = true;
         // read BOF
         $code = ord($this->_data[$spos]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 1]) << 8;
         $length = ord($this->_data[$spos + 2]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 3]) << 8;
         $version = ord($this->_data[$spos + 4]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 5]) << 8;
         $substreamType = ord($this->_data[$spos + 6]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 7]) << 8;
         if ($version != self::XLS_BIFF8 && $version != self::XLS_BIFF7) {
             return -1;
         if ($substreamType != self::XLS_Worksheet) {
             return -2;
         $spos += $length + 4;
         while ($cont) {
             $lowcode = ord($this->_data[$spos]);
             if ($lowcode == self::XLS_Type_EOF) {
             $code = $lowcode | ord($this->_data[$spos + 1]) << 8;
             $length = ord($this->_data[$spos + 2]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 3]) << 8;
             $recordData = substr($this->_data, $spos + 4, $length);
             $spos += 4;
             $this->_sheets[$this->_sn]['maxrow'] = $this->_rowoffset - 1;
             $this->_sheets[$this->_sn]['maxcol'] = $this->_coloffset - 1;
             $this->_multiplier = 1;
             // need for format with %
             switch ($code) {
                 case self::XLS_Type_DIMENSION:
                      * DIMENSION
                      * This record contains the range address of the used area
                      * in the current sheet.
                      * --	"OpenOffice.org's Documentation of the Microsoft
                      * 		Excel File Format"
                     if (!isset($this->_numRows)) {
                         if ($length == 10 || $version == self::XLS_BIFF7) {
                             $this->_sheets[$this->_sn]['numRows'] = ord($this->_data[$spos + 2]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 3]) << 8;
                             $this->_sheets[$this->_sn]['numCols'] = ord($this->_data[$spos + 6]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 7]) << 8;
                         } else {
                             $this->_sheets[$this->_sn]['numRows'] = ord($this->_data[$spos + 4]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 5]) << 8;
                             $this->_sheets[$this->_sn]['numCols'] = ord($this->_data[$spos + 10]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 11]) << 8;
                 case self::XLS_Type_MERGEDCELLS:
                      * MERGEDCELLS
                      * This record contains the addresses of merged cell ranges
                      * in the current sheet.
                      * --	"OpenOffice.org's Documentation of the Microsoft
                      * 		Excel File Format"
                     if ($version == self::XLS_BIFF8 && !$this->_readDataOnly) {
                         $cellRanges = $this->_GetInt2d($this->_data, $spos);
                         for ($i = 0; $i < $cellRanges; $i++) {
                             $fr = $this->_GetInt2d($this->_data, $spos + 8 * $i + 2);
                             // first row
                             $lr = $this->_GetInt2d($this->_data, $spos + 8 * $i + 4);
                             // last row
                             $fc = $this->_GetInt2d($this->_data, $spos + 8 * $i + 6);
                             // first column
                             $lc = $this->_GetInt2d($this->_data, $spos + 8 * $i + 8);
                             // last column
                             // this part no longer needed, instead apply cell merge on PHPExcel worksheet object
                             if ($lr - $fr > 0) {
                             	$this->_sheets[$this->_sn]['cellsInfo'][$fr + 1][$fc + 1]['rowspan'] = $lr - $fr + 1;
                             if ($lc - $fc > 0) {
                             	$this->_sheets[$this->_sn]['cellsInfo'][$fr + 1][$fc + 1]['colspan'] = $lc - $fc + 1;
                             $sheet->mergeCellsByColumnAndRow($fc, $fr + 1, $lc, $lr + 1);
                 case self::XLS_Type_RK:
                 case self::XLS_Type_RK2:
                      * RK
                      * This record represents a cell that contains an RK value
                      * (encoded integer or floating-point value). If a
                      * floating-point value cannot be encoded to an RK value,
                      * a NUMBER record will be written. This record replaces the
                      * record INTEGER written in BIFF2.
                      * --	"OpenOffice.org's Documentation of the Microsoft
                      * 		Excel File Format"
                     $row = ord($this->_data[$spos]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 1]) << 8;
                     $column = ord($this->_data[$spos + 2]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 3]) << 8;
                     $rknum = $this->_GetInt4d($this->_data, $spos + 6);
                     $numValue = $this->_GetIEEE754($rknum);
                     if ($this->_isDate($spos)) {
                     	list($string, $raw) = $this->_createDate($numValue);
                     } else {
                     	$raw = $numValue;
                     	if (isset($this->_columnsFormat[$column + 1])){
                     		$this->_curformat = $this->_columnsFormat[$column + 1];
                     	$string = sprintf($this->_curformat,$numValue*$this->_multiplier);
                     // offset 4; size: 2; index to XF record
                     $xfindex = $this->_getInt2d($recordData, 4);
                     // add BIFF8 style information
                     if ($version == self::XLS_BIFF8 && !$this->_readDataOnly) {
                         $sheet->getStyleByColumnAndRow($column, $row + 1)->applyFromArray($this->_xf[$xfindex]);
                         if (PHPExcel_Shared_Date::isDateTimeFormatCode($this->_xf[$xfindex]['numberformat']['code'])) {
                             $numValue = (int) PHPExcel_Shared_Date::ExcelToPHP($numValue);
                     //$this->_addcell($row, $column, $string, $raw);
                     //$sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($column, $row + 1, $string);
                     $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($column, $row + 1, $numValue);
                 case self::XLS_Type_LABELSST:
                      * LABELSST
                      * This record represents a cell that contains a string. It
                      * replaces the LABEL record and RSTRING record used in
                      * BIFF2-BIFF5.
                      * --	"OpenOffice.org's Documentation of the Microsoft
                      * 		Excel File Format"
                     $row = ord($this->_data[$spos]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 1]) << 8;
                     $column = ord($this->_data[$spos + 2]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 3]) << 8;
                     $xfindex = ord($this->_data[$spos + 4]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 5]) << 8;
                     $index = $this->_GetInt4d($this->_data, $spos + 6);
                     //$this->_addcell($row, $column, $this->_sst[$index]);
                     if ($fmtRuns = $this->_sst[$index]['fmtRuns']) {
                         // then we have rich text
                         $richText = new PHPExcel_RichText($sheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($column, $row + 1));
                         $charPos = 0;
                         for ($i = 0; $i <= count($this->_sst[$index]['fmtRuns']); $i++) {
                             if (isset($fmtRuns[$i])) {
                                 $text = mb_substr($this->_sst[$index]['value'], $charPos, $fmtRuns[$i]['charPos'] - $charPos, 'UTF-8');
                                 $charPos = $fmtRuns[$i]['charPos'];
                             } else {
                                 $text = mb_substr($this->_sst[$index]['value'], $charPos, mb_strlen($this->_sst[$index]['value']), 'UTF-8');
                             if (mb_strlen($text) > 0) {
                                 $textRun = $richText->createTextRun($text);
                                 if (isset($fmtRuns[$i - 1])) {
                                     if ($fmtRuns[$i - 1]['fontIndex'] < 4) {
                                         $fontIndex = $fmtRuns[$i - 1]['fontIndex'];
                                     } else {
                                         // this has to do with that index 4 is omitted in all BIFF versions for some strange reason
                                         // check the OpenOffice documentation of the FONT record
                                         $fontIndex = $fmtRuns[$i - 1]['fontIndex'] - 1;
                     } else {
                         $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($column, $row + 1, $this->_sst[$index]['value']);
                     // add BIFF8 style information
                     if ($version == self::XLS_BIFF8 && !$this->_readDataOnly) {
                         $sheet->getStyleByColumnAndRow($column, $row + 1)->applyFromArray($this->_xf[$xfindex]);
                 case self::XLS_Type_MULRK:
                      * MULRK - Multiple RK
                      * This record represents a cell range containing RK value
                      * cells. All cells are located in the same row.
                      * --	"OpenOffice.org's Documentation of the Microsoft
                      * 		Excel File Format"
                     $row = ord($this->_data[$spos]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 1]) << 8;
                     $colFirst = ord($this->_data[$spos + 2]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 3]) << 8;
                     $colLast = ord($this->_data[$spos + $length - 2]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + $length - 1]) << 8;
                     $columns = $colLast - $colFirst + 1;
                     $tmppos = $spos + 4;
                     for ($i = 0; $i < $columns; $i++) {
                         // offset: 0; size: 2; index to XF record
                         $xfindex = $this->_getInt2d($recordData, 4 + 6 * $i);
                         // offset: 2; size: 4; RK value
                         $numValue = $this->_GetIEEE754($this->_GetInt4d($this->_data, $tmppos + 2));
                         if ($this->_isDate($tmppos-4)) {
                         	list($string, $raw) = $this->_createDate($numValue);
                         } else {
                         	$raw = $numValue;
                         	if (isset($this->_columnsFormat[$colFirst + $i + 1])){
                         		$this->_curformat = $this->_columnsFormat[$colFirst+ $i + 1];
                         	$string = sprintf($this->_curformat, $numValue *
                         //$this->_addcell($row, $colFirst + $i, $string, $raw);
                         if ($version == self::XLS_BIFF8 && !$this->_readDataOnly) {
                             $sheet->getStyleByColumnAndRow($colFirst + $i, $row + 1)->applyFromArray($this->_xf[$xfindex]);
                             if (PHPExcel_Shared_Date::isDateTimeFormatCode($this->_xf[$xfindex]['numberformat']['code'])) {
                                 $numValue = (int) PHPExcel_Shared_Date::ExcelToPHP($numValue);
                         //$sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($colFirst + $i, $row + 1, $string);
                         $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($colFirst + $i, $row + 1, $numValue);
                         $tmppos += 6;
                 case self::XLS_Type_NUMBER:
                      * NUMBER
                      * This record represents a cell that contains a
                      * floating-point value.
                      * --	"OpenOffice.org's Documentation of the Microsoft
                      * 		Excel File Format"
                     $row = ord($this->_data[$spos]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 1]) << 8;
                     $column = ord($this->_data[$spos + 2]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 3]) << 8;
                     // offset 4; size: 2; index to XF record
                     $xfindex = $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 4);
                     $numValue = $this->_createNumber($spos);
                     if ($this->_isDate($spos)) {
                     	$numValue = $this->_createNumber($spos);
                     	list($string, $raw) = $this->_createDate($numValue);
                     } else {
                     	if (isset($this->_columnsFormat[$column + 1])) {
                     		$this->_curformat = $this->_columnsFormat[$column + 1];
                     	$raw = $this->_createNumber($spos);
                     	$string = sprintf($this->_curformat, $raw * $this->_multiplier);
                     // add BIFF8 style information
                     if ($version == self::XLS_BIFF8 && !$this->_readDataOnly) {
                         $sheet->getStyleByColumnAndRow($column, $row + 1)->applyFromArray($this->_xf[$xfindex]);
                         if (PHPExcel_Shared_Date::isDateTimeFormatCode($this->_xf[$xfindex]['numberformat']['code'])) {
                             $numValue = (int) PHPExcel_Shared_Date::ExcelToPHP($numValue);
                     //$this->_addcell($row, $column, $string, $raw);
                     //$sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($column, $row + 1, $string);
                     $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($column, $row + 1, $numValue);
                 case self::XLS_Type_FORMULA:
                 case self::XLS_Type_FORMULA2:
                      * FORMULA
                      * This record contains the token array and the result of a
                      * formula cell.
                      * --	"OpenOffice.org's Documentation of the Microsoft
                      * 		Excel File Format"
                     // offset: 0; size: 2; row index
                     $row = ord($this->_data[$spos]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 1]) << 8;
                     // offset: 2; size: 2; col index
                     $column = ord($this->_data[$spos + 2]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 3]) << 8;
                     // offset: 4; size: 2; XF index
                     $xfindex = ord($this->_data[$spos + 4]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 5]) << 8;
                     // offset: 6; size: 8; result of the formula
                     if (ord($this->_data[$spos + 6]) == 0 && ord($this->_data[$spos + 12]) == 255 && ord($this->_data[$spos + 13]) == 255) {
                         //String formula. Result follows in appended STRING record
                         $this->_formula_result = 'string';
                         $soff = $spos + $length;
                         $scode = ord($this->_data[$soff]) | ord($this->_data[$soff + 1]) << 8;
                         $sopt = ord($this->_data[$soff + 6]);
                         // only reads byte strings...
                         if ($scode == self::XLS_Type_STRING && $sopt == '0') {
                             $slen = ord($this->_data[$soff + 4]) | ord($this->_data[$soff + 5]) << 8;
                             $string = substr($this->_data, $soff + 7, ord($this->_data[$soff + 4]) | ord($this->_data[$soff + 5]) << 8);
                         } else {
                             $string = 'NOT FOUND';
                         $raw = $string;
                     } elseif (ord($this->_data[$spos + 6]) == 1 && ord($this->_data[$spos + 12]) == 255 && ord($this->_data[$spos + 13]) == 255) {
                         //Boolean formula. Result is in +2; 0=false,1=true
                         $this->_formula_result = 'boolean';
                         $raw = ord($this->_data[$spos + 8]);
                         if ($raw) {
                             $string = "TRUE";
                         } else {
                             $string = "FALSE";
                     } elseif (ord($this->_data[$spos + 6]) == 2 && ord($this->_data[$spos + 12]) == 255 && ord($this->_data[$spos + 13]) == 255) {
                         //Error formula. Error code is in +2
                         $this->_formula_result = 'error';
                         $raw = ord($this->_data[$spos + 8]);
                         $string = 'ERROR:' . $raw;
                     } elseif (ord($this->_data[$spos + 6]) == 3 && ord($this->_data[$spos + 12]) == 255 && ord($this->_data[$spos + 13]) == 255) {
                         //Formula result is a null string
                         $this->_formula_result = 'null';
                         $raw = '';
                         $string = '';
                     } else {
                         // forumla result is a number, first 14 bytes like _NUMBER record
                         $string = $this->_createNumber($spos);
                         $this->_formula_result = 'number';
                         if ($this->_isDate($spos)) {
                         	$numValue = $this->_createNumber($spos);
                         	list($string, $raw) = $this->_createDate($numValue);
                         } else {
                         	if (isset($this->_columnsFormat[$column + 1])){
                         		$this->_curformat = $this->_columnsFormat[$column + 1];
                         	$raw = $this->_createNumber($spos);
                         	$string = sprintf($this->_curformat, $raw * $this->_multiplier);
                     // save the raw formula tokens for end user interpretation
                     // Excel stores as a token record
                     $this->_rectype = 'formula';
                     // read formula record tokens ...
                     $tokenlength = ord($this->_data[$spos + 20]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 21]) << 8;
                     for ($i = 0; $i < $tokenlength; $i++) {
                         $this->_formula[$i] = ord($this->_data[$spos + 22 + $i]);
                     // add BIFF8 style information
                     if ($version == self::XLS_BIFF8 && !$this->_readDataOnly) {
                         $sheet->getStyleByColumnAndRow($column, $row + 1)->applyFromArray($this->_xf[$xfindex]);
                         if (PHPExcel_Shared_Date::isDateTimeFormatCode($this->_xf[$xfindex]['numberformat']['code'])) {
                             $string = (int) PHPExcel_Shared_Date::ExcelToPHP($string);
                     //$this->_addcell($row, $column, $string, $raw);
                     $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($column, $row + 1, $string);
                     // offset: 14: size: 2; option flags, recalculate always, recalculate on open etc.
                     // offset: 16: size: 4; not used
                     // offset: 20: size: variable; formula structure
                     //   resolve BIFF8 formula tokens into human readable formula
                     //   so it can be added as formula
                     // $formulaStructure = substr($recordData, 20);
                     // $formulaString = $this->_getFormulaStringFromStructure($formulaStructure); // get human language
                 case self::XLS_Type_BOOLERR:
                      * BOOLERR
                      * This record represents a Boolean value or error value
                      * cell.
                      * --	"OpenOffice.org's Documentation of the Microsoft
                      * 		Excel File Format"
                     // offset: 0; size: 2; row index
                     $row = ord($this->_data[$spos]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 1]) << 8;
                     // offset: 2; size: 2; column index
                     $column = ord($this->_data[$spos + 2]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 3]) << 8;
                     // offset: 4; size: 2; index to XF record
                     $xfindex = $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 4);
                     // offset: 6; size: 1; the boolean value or error value
                     $value = ord($recordData[6]);
                     // offset: 7; size: 1; 0=boolean; 1=error
                     $isError = ord($recordData[7]);
                     if (!$isError) {
                         $sheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($column, $row + 1)->setValueExplicit((bool) $value, PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_BOOL);
                     // add BIFF8 style information
                     if ($version == self::XLS_BIFF8 && !$this->_readDataOnly) {
                         $sheet->getStyleByColumnAndRow($column, $row + 1)->applyFromArray($this->_xf[$xfindex]);
                 case self::XLS_Type_ROW:
                      * ROW
                      * This record contains the properties of a single row in a
                      * sheet. Rows and cells in a sheet are divided into blocks
                      * of 32 rows.
                      * --	"OpenOffice.org's Documentation of the Microsoft
                      * 		Excel File Format"
                     if (!$this->_readDataOnly) {
                         // offset: 0; size: 2; index of this row
                         $r = $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 0);
                         // offset: 2; size: 2; index to column of the first cell which is described by a cell record
                         // offset: 4; size: 2; index to column of the last cell which is described by a cell record, increased by 1
                         // offset: 6; size: 2;
                         // bit: 14-0; mask: 0x7FF; height of the row, in twips = 1/20 of a point
                         $height = (0x7ff & $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 6)) >> 0;
                         // bit: 15: mask: 0x8000; 0 = row has custom height; 1= row has default height
                         $useDefaultHeight = (0x8000 & $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 6)) >> 15;
                         if (!$useDefaultHeight) {
                             $sheet->getRowDimension($r + 1)->setRowHeight($height / 20);
                         // offset: 8; size: 2; not used
                         // offset: 10; size: 2; not used in BIFF5-BIFF8
                         // offset: 12; size: 4; option flags and default row formatting
                         // bit: 2-0: mask: 0x00000007; outline level of the row
                         $level = (0x7 & $this->_GetInt4d($recordData, 12)) >> 0;
                         $sheet->getRowDimension($r + 1)->setOutlineLevel($level);
                         // bit: 4; mask: 0x00000010; 1 = outline group start or ends here... and is collapsed
                         $isCollapsed = (0x10 & $this->_GetInt4d($recordData, 12)) >> 4;
                         $sheet->getRowDimension($r + 1)->setCollapsed($isCollapsed);
                         // bit: 5; mask: 0x00000020; 1 = row is hidden
                         $isHidden = (0x20 & $this->_GetInt4d($recordData, 12)) >> 5;
                         $sheet->getRowDimension($r + 1)->setVisible(!$isHidden);
                 case self::XLS_Type_DBCELL:
                      * DBCELL
                      * This record is written once in a Row Block. It contains
                      * relative offsets to calculate the stream position of the
                      * first cell record for each row. The offset list in this
                      * record contains as many offsets as ROW records are
                      * present in the Row Block.
                      * --	"OpenOffice.org's Documentation of the Microsoft
                      * 		Excel File Format"
                 case self::XLS_Type_MULBLANK:
                      * MULBLANK - Multiple BLANK
                      * This record represents a cell range of empty cells. All
                      * cells are located in the same row
                      * --	"OpenOffice.org's Documentation of the Microsoft
                      * 		Excel File Format"
                     // offset: 0; size: 2; index to row
                     $row = $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 0);
                     // offset: 2; size: 2; index to first column
                     $fc = $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 2);
                     // offset: 4; size: 2 x nc; list of indexes to XF records
                     // add BIFF8 style information
                     if ($version == self::XLS_BIFF8 && !$this->_readDataOnly) {
                         for ($i = 0; $i < $length / 2 - 4; $i++) {
                             $xfindex = $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 4 + 2 * $i);
                             $sheet->getStyleByColumnAndRow($fc + $i, $row + 1)->applyFromArray($this->_xf[$xfindex]);
                     // offset: 6; size 2; index to last column (not needed)
                 case self::XLS_Type_LABEL:
                      * LABEL
                      * This record represents a cell that contains a string. In
                      * BIFF8 it is usually replaced by the LABELSST record.
                      * Excel still uses this record, if it copies unformatted
                      * text cells to the clipboard.
                      * --	"OpenOffice.org's Documentation of the Microsoft
                      * 		Excel File Format"
                     $row = ord($this->_data[$spos]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 1]) << 8;
                     $column = ord($this->_data[$spos + 2]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 3]) << 8;
                     $this->_addcell($row, $column, substr($this->_data, $spos + 8,
                     	ord($this->_data[$spos + 6]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 7]) << 8));
                     $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($column, $row + 1, substr($this->_data, $spos + 8, ord($this->_data[$spos + 6]) | ord($this->_data[$spos + 7]) << 8));
                 case self::XLS_Type_PROTECT:
                      * PROTECT - Sheet protection (BIFF2 through BIFF8)
                      *   if this record is omitted, then it also means no sheet protection
                     if (!$this->_readDataOnly) {
                         // offset: 0; size: 2;
                         // bit 0, mask 0x01; sheet protection
                         $isSheetProtected = (0x1 & $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 0)) >> 0;
                         switch ($isSheetProtected) {
                             case 0:
                             case 1:
                 case self::XLS_Type_PASSWORD:
                      * PASSWORD - Sheet protection (hashed) password (BIFF2 through BIFF8)
                     if (!$this->_readDataOnly) {
                         // offset: 0; size: 2; 16-bit hash value of password
                         $password = strtoupper(dechex($this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 0)));
                         // the hashed password
                         $sheet->getProtection()->setPassword($password, true);
                 case self::XLS_Type_COLINFO:
                      * COLINFO - Column information
                     if (!$this->_readDataOnly) {
                         // offset: 0; size: 2; index to first column in range
                         $fc = $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 0);
                         // first column index
                         // offset: 2; size: 2; index to last column in range
                         $lc = $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 2);
                         // first column index
                         // offset: 4; size: 2; width of the column in 1/256 of the width of the zero character
                         $width = $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 4);
                         // offset: 6; size: 2; index to XF record for default column formatting
                         // offset: 8; size: 2; option flags
                         // bit: 0; mask: 0x0001; 1= columns are hidden
                         $isHidden = (0x1 & $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 8)) >> 0;
                         // bit: 10-8; mask: 0x0700; outline level of the columns (0 = no outline)
                         $level = (0x700 & $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 8)) >> 8;
                         // bit: 12; mask: 0x1000; 1 = collapsed
                         $isCollapsed = (0x1000 & $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 8)) >> 12;
                         // offset: 10; size: 2; not used
                         for ($i = $fc; $i <= $lc; $i++) {
                             $sheet->getColumnDimensionByColumn($i)->setWidth($width / 256);
                 case self::XLS_Type_DEFCOLWIDTH:
                     // offset: 0; size: 2; row index
                     $width = $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 0);
                 case self::XLS_Type_DEFAULTROWHEIGHT:
                     // offset: 0; size: 2; option flags
                     // offset: 2; size: 2; default height for unused rows, (twips 1/20 point)
                     $height = $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 2);
                     $sheet->getDefaultRowDimension()->setRowHeight($height / 20);
                 case self::XLS_Type_BLANK:
                     // offset: 0; size: 2; row index
                     $row = $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 0);
                     // offset: 2; size: 2; col index
                     $col = $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 2);
                     // offset: 4; size: 2; XF index
                     $xfindex = $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 4);
                     // add BIFF8 style information
                     if ($version == self::XLS_BIFF8 && !$this->_readDataOnly) {
                         $sheet->getStyleByColumnAndRow($col, $row + 1)->applyFromArray($this->_xf[$xfindex]);
                 case self::XLS_Type_SHEETPR:
                     // offset: 0; size: 2
                     // bit: 6; mask: 0x0040; 0 = outline buttons above outline group
                     $isSummaryBelow = (0x40 & $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 0)) >> 6;
                     // bit: 7; mask: 0x0080; 0 = outline buttons left of outline group
                     $isSummaryRight = (0x80 & $this->_GetInt2d($recordData, 0)) >> 7;
                 case self::XLS_Type_EOF:
                     $cont = false;
             $spos += $length;
         if (!isset($this->_sheets[$this->_sn]['numRows'])) {
             $this->_sheets[$this->_sn]['numRows'] = $this->_sheets[$this->_sn]['maxrow'];
         if (!isset($this->_sheets[$this->_sn]['numCols'])) {
             $this->_sheets[$this->_sn]['numCols'] = $this->_sheets[$this->_sn]['maxcol'];
     foreach($this->_boundsheets as $index => $details) {
     	$sheet = $excel->getSheet($index);
     	// read all the columns of all the rows !
     	$numrows = $this->_sheets[$index]['numRows'];
     	$numcols = $this->_sheets[$index]['numCols'];
     	for ($row = 0; $row < $numrows; $row++) {
     		for ($col = 0; $col < $numcols; $col++) {
     			$cellcontent = $cellinfo = null;
     			if (isset($this->_sheets[$index]['cells'][$row][$col])===true) {
     				$cellcontent = $this->_sheets[$index]['cells'][$row][$col];
     			} else {
     			if (isset($this->_sheets[$index]['cellsInfo'][$row][$col])===true) {
     				$cellinfo = $this->_sheets[$index]['cellsInfo'][$row][$col];
     			$sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($col, $row + 1,
     return $excel;
Exemple #5
  * Read FORMULA record
  * This record contains the token array and the result of a
  * formula cell.
  * --	"OpenOffice.org's Documentation of the Microsoft
  * 		Excel File Format"
 private function _readFormula()
     $pos = $this->_pos;
     $length = $this->_GetInt2d($this->_data, $pos + 2);
     $recordData = substr($this->_data, $pos + 4, $length);
     $pos += 4;
     // offset: 0; size: 2; row index
     $row = $this->_GetInt2d($this->_data, $pos);
     // offset: 2; size: 2; col index
     $column = $this->_GetInt2d($this->_data, $pos + 2);
     $columnString = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($column);
     // Read cell?
     if (!is_null($this->getReadFilter()) && $this->getReadFilter()->readCell($columnString, $row + 1, $this->_phpSheet->getTitle())) {
         // offset: 4; size: 2; XF index
         $xfindex = $this->_GetInt2d($this->_data, $pos + 4);
         // offset: 6; size: 8; result of the formula
         if (ord($this->_data[$pos + 6]) == 0 && ord($this->_data[$pos + 12]) == 255 && ord($this->_data[$pos + 13]) == 255) {
             //String formula. Result follows in appended STRING record
             $dataType = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING;
             $soff = $pos + $length;
             $scode = $this->_GetInt2d($this->_data, $soff);
             $slength = $this->_GetInt2d($this->_data, $soff + 2);
             $sdata = substr($this->_data, $soff + 4, $slength);
             if ($this->_version == self::XLS_BIFF8) {
                 $string = $this->_readUnicodeStringLong($sdata);
                 $value = $string['value'];
             } else {
                 $string = $this->_readByteStringLong($sdata);
                 $value = $string['value'];
         } elseif (ord($this->_data[$pos + 6]) == 1 && ord($this->_data[$pos + 12]) == 255 && ord($this->_data[$pos + 13]) == 255) {
             //Boolean formula. Result is in +2; 0=false,1=true
             $dataType = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_BOOL;
             $value = (bool) ord($this->_data[$pos + 8]);
         } elseif (ord($this->_data[$pos + 6]) == 2 && ord($this->_data[$pos + 12]) == 255 && ord($this->_data[$pos + 13]) == 255) {
             //Error formula. Error code is in +2
             $dataType = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_ERROR;
             $value = $this->_mapErrorCode(ord($this->_data[$pos + 8]));
         } elseif (ord($this->_data[$pos + 6]) == 3 && ord($this->_data[$pos + 12]) == 255 && ord($this->_data[$pos + 13]) == 255) {
             //Formula result is a null string
             $dataType = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_NULL;
             $value = '';
         } else {
             // forumla result is a number, first 14 bytes like _NUMBER record
             $dataType = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_NUMERIC;
             $value = $this->_createNumber($pos);
         // add cell style
         if (!$this->_readDataOnly) {
             $this->_phpSheet->getStyle($columnString . ($row + 1))->applyFromArray($this->_xf[$xfindex]);
             if (PHPExcel_Shared_Date::isDateTimeFormatCode($this->_xf[$xfindex]['numberformat']['code'])) {
                 $value = PHPExcel_Shared_Date::ExcelToPHP($value);
         // offset: 14: size: 2; option flags, recalculate always, recalculate on open etc.
         // offset: 16: size: 4; not used
         // offset: 20: size: variable; formula structure
         $formulaStructure = substr($recordData, 20);
         // add cell value
         try {
             if ($this->_version != self::XLS_BIFF8) {
                 throw new Exception('Not BIFF8. Can only read BIFF8 formulas');
             $formula = $this->_getFormulaFromStructure($formulaStructure);
             // get human language
             $this->_phpSheet->getCell($columnString . ($row + 1))->setValueExplicit('=' . $formula, PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_FORMULA);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->_phpSheet->setCellValueExplicit($columnString . ($row + 1), $value, $dataType);
     // move stream pointer to next record
     $this->_pos += 4 + $length;
Exemple #6
	* Map to the appropriate write method acording to the token recieved.
	* @access public
	* @param integer $row	The row of the cell we are writing to
	* @param integer $col	The column of the cell we are writing to
	* @param mixed   $token  What we are writing
	* @param mixed   $format The optional format to apply to the cell
	function write($row, $col, $token, $format = null, $numberFormat = null)
		// Check for a cell reference in A1 notation and substitute row and column
		/*if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/) {
			@_ = $this->_substituteCellref(@_);

		if (($numberFormat != 'General') && (PHPExcel_Shared_Date::isDateTimeFormatCode($numberFormat))) {
			if (is_string($token)) {
				//	Error string
				return $this->writeString($row, $col, $token, $format);
			} elseif (!is_float($token)) {
				//	PHP serialized date/time or date/time object
				return $this->writeNumber($row, $col, PHPExcel_Shared_Date::PHPToExcel($token), $format);
			} else {
				//	Excel serialized date/time
				return $this->writeNumber($row, $col, $token, $format);
		} elseif (preg_match("/^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/", $token)) {
			// Match number
			return $this->writeNumber($row, $col, $token, $format);
		} elseif (preg_match("/^[fh]tt?p:\/\//", $token)) {
			// Match http or ftp URL
			return $this->writeUrl($row, $col, $token, '', $format);
		} elseif (preg_match("/^mailto:/", $token)) {
			// Match mailto:
			return $this->writeUrl($row, $col, $token, '', $format);
		} elseif (preg_match("/^(?:in|ex)ternal:/", $token)) {
			// Match internal or external sheet link
			return $this->writeUrl($row, $col, $token, '', $format);
		} elseif (preg_match("/^=/", $token)) {
			// Match formula
			return $this->writeFormula($row, $col, $token, $format);
		} elseif (preg_match("/^@/", $token)) {
			// Match formula
			return $this->writeFormula($row, $col, $token, $format);
		} elseif ($token == '') {
			// Match blank
			return $this->writeBlank($row, $col, $format);
		} else {
			// Default: match string
			return $this->writeString($row, $col, $token, $format);