if (empty($stripped['handle']) || !preg_match('/^[0-9a-z_]{2,20}\\z/', $stripped['handle'])) {
     $errors[] = 'Username is invalid.';
     $display_form = true;
 if (empty($_POST['read_everything']['comments_read'])) {
     $errors[] = 'Obviously you did not read all the comments' . ' concerning the need for an account. Please read ' . 'them again.';
     $display_form = true;
 if (!isset($stripped['captcha']) || !isset($_SESSION['answer']) || $stripped['captcha'] != $_SESSION['answer']) {
     $errors[] = 'Incorrect CAPTCHA';
     $display_form = true;
 if ($errors) {
 $request = new PEAR_Election_Accountrequest();
 $salt = $request->addRequest($stripped['handle'], $stripped['email'], $stripped['firstname'], $stripped['lastname'], $stripped['password'], $stripped['password2']);
 if (PEAR::isError($salt)) {
     $errors[] = 'This email address has already been registered by another user';
     $display_form = true;
 if (isset($stripped['display_form'])) {
     $display_form = $stripped['display_form'];
 if (is_array($salt)) {
     $errors = $salt;
 } elseif (strlen($salt) == 32) {
     report_success('Your account request confirmation has been submitted. ' . ' You must follow the link provided in the email ' . ' in order to activate your account.' . ' Until this is done you cannot vote in any election.');
     $mailData = array('username' => $stripped['handle'], 'salt' => $salt);
        if ($request->find($salt) && $request->pending()) {
            $email = $request->email;
            $user = $name = '';
            $errors = array();
            include PEARWEB_TEMPLATEDIR . '/bugs/registernewaccount.php';
        } else {
            report_error('Unknown salt');
    } else {
        report_error('Unknown salt');
} else {
    echo '<h1>Confirm Account</h1>';
    if (empty($stripped['salt']) || strlen($salt = htmlspecialchars($stripped['salt'])) != 32) {
        report_error('Unknown salt');
    } else {
        $request = new PEAR_Election_Accountrequest();
        $result = $request->confirmRequest($salt);
        if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
        } elseif ($result) {
            report_success('Your account has been activated, you can now vote in
        PEAR elections that are for the general PHP public as well as open bugs in the bug tracker');
        } else {
            report_error('There was a problem activating your account, please contact ' . PEAR_WEBMASTER_EMAIL);