  * 控制器执行主逻辑函数
 public function invoke($uri = null)
     // 调用父类初始化函数,注册自定义的异常和错误处理逻辑
     $path = explode('?', $uri);
     $parts = array_slice(explode('/', $path[0]), 2);
     if ($parts[0] === "authorize") {
         $oauth = new PDOOAuth2();
         if ($_POST) {
             $oauth->finishClientAuthorization($_POST["accept"] == "Yep", $_POST);
         $auth_params = $oauth->getAuthorizeParams();
         $inputs = "";
         foreach ($auth_params as $k => $v) {
             $inputs = $inputs . '<input type="hidden" name="' . $k . '" value="' . $v . '" />';
         $content = '<html>' . '<head>Authorize</head>' . '<body>' . '<form method="post" action="http://web.miniyun.cn/miniyun_oauth2/api.php/1/oauth2/authorize">' . $inputs . 'Do you authorize the app to do its thing?' . '<p>' . ' <input type="submit" name="accept" value="Yep" />' . '<input type="submit" name="accept" value="Nope" />' . ' </p>' . '</form>' . '</body>' . ' </html>';
         echo $content;
     } elseif ($parts[0] === "token") {
         $oauth = new PDOOAuth2();
         $token = $oauth->grantAccessToken();
         $deviceId = $oauth->getVariable("device_id");
         $token["site_id"] = MiniSiteUtils::getSiteID();
         echo json_encode($token);
Exemple #2
  * oauth2.0的验证
 public function oauth2Judge()
     $oauth = new PDOOAuth2();
     $token = $oauth->verifyAccessToken();
     if ($token) {
         $user = MUserManager::getInstance()->getUserOauth2($token["device_id"]);
         if ($user === NULL) {
             $oauth->errorWWWAuthenticateResponseHeader(OAUTH2_HTTP_DISABLED, NULL, OAUTH2_HTTP_DISABLED, 'This user has been disabled.', NULL, NULL);
             return false;
         $user["appId"] = $token["appId"];
         if (!$user["user_status"]) {
             $oauth->errorWWWAuthenticateResponseHeader(OAUTH2_HTTP_DISABLED, NULL, SYSTEM_ERROR_USER_DISABLED, 'This user has been disabled.', NULL, NULL);
Exemple #3
  * oauth2.0的验证
 private function oauth2()
     $oauth = new PDOOAuth2();
     $token = $oauth->verifyAccessToken();
     if ($token) {
         $user = MUserManager::getInstance()->getUserOauth2($token["device_id"]);
         // 获取用户的信息
         if ($user === NULL) {
             $oauth->errorWWWAuthenticateResponseHeader(OAUTH2_HTTP_FORBIDDEN, NULL, SYSTEM_ERROR_USER_DISABLED, 'This user has been disabled.', NULL, NULL);
             return false;
         $user["appId"] = $token["appId"];
         if (!$user["user_status"]) {
             $oauth->errorWWWAuthenticateResponseHeader(OAUTH2_HTTP_FORBIDDEN, NULL, SYSTEM_ERROR_USER_DISABLED, 'This user has been disabled.', NULL, NULL);
     } else {
         throw new CException("Unauthorized", 401);
     return true;
Exemple #4
 * This is a callback for authorized token
 * @method requesting authorize_token
 * If the device has been approved, we can read the authorize_token necessarily
 * Callback:
 * [offiria]/index.php/component/oauth/?view=oauth&task=authenticate&response_type=code&client_id=[clientId]&client_secret=[clientSecret]
 * @method requesting access_token with authorize token
 * If the device have the authorize_token, exchange for access_token to use access
 * Callback:
 * [offiria]/index.php/component/oauth/?view=oauth&task=authenticate&grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=[clientId]&client_secret=[clientSecret]&code=[code]
 * @method requesting access_token with password (skipping authorization)
 * Callback:
 * [offiria]/index.php/component/oauth/?view=oauth&task=authenticate&grant_type=password
 public function authenticate()
     $oauth = new PDOOAuth2();
     $responseType = JRequest::getVar('response_type');
     $clientId = JRequest::getVar('client_id');
     $clientSecret = JRequest::getVar('client_secret');
     $table = JTable::getInstance('Token', 'OAuthTable');
     if ($responseType == 'code') {
         header("Content-Type: application/json");
         header("Cache-Control: no-store");
         $code = $table->getParam('code', array('client_id' => $clientId, 'client_secret' => $clientSecret));
         echo json_encode(array('code' => $code));
     } else {
         switch (JRequest::getVar('grant_type')) {
             case 'password':
                 $app = JFactory::getApplication();
                 // Get the log in credentials.
                 $credentials = array();
                 $credentials['username'] = JRequest::getVar('username');
                 $credentials['password'] = JRequest::getVar('pass');
                 // Get the log in options.
                 $options = array();
                 $options['remember'] = false;
                 $options['return'] = '';
                 header("Content-Type: application/json");
                 header("Cache-Control: no-store");
                 // error handler
                 if (!JRequest::getVar('redirect_uri')) {
                     echo json_encode(array('error' => 'invalid_redirect_uri'));
                 // Perform the log in.
                 if (true === $app->login($credentials, $options)) {
                     // Success
                     $url = JRoute::_('/index.php/component/profile/?view=edit&task=applications&client_id=' . JRequest::getVar('client_id') . '&client_secret=' . JRequest::getVar('client_secret') . '&redirect_uri=' . JRequest::getVar('redirect_uri') . '&silent=true');
                     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
Exemple #5

 * @file
 * Sample token endpoint.
 * Obviously not production-ready code, just simple and to the point.
 * In reality, you'd probably use a nifty framework to handle most of the crud for you.

require "lib/PDOOAuth2.php";

$oauth = new PDOOAuth2();

 * @file
 * Sample client add script.
 * Obviously not production-ready code, just simple and to the point.
include "lib/PDOOAuth2.inc";
if ($_POST && isset($_POST["client_id"]) && isset($_POST["client_secret"]) && isset($_POST["redirect_uri"])) {
    $oauth = new PDOOAuth2();
    $oauth->addClient($_POST["client_id"], $_POST["client_secret"], $_POST["redirect_uri"]);

<!DOCTYPE html>
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<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
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<meta name="Description" content="QQ互联是腾讯旗下的开放平台,通过QQ互联,网站主或开发者可以申请接入QQ登录,获取登录用户基本资料,用户使用QQ账号登录接入的站点或应用app,通过分享功能,将站点内容分享到QQ、手机QQ、QQ空间、微博等平台,也可获取QQ会员信息、相册、日志、财付通等API授权"><meta name="Keywords" content="QQ互联、管理中心、腾讯互联、QQ登录、QQ登陆、QQ分享、开放平台、appid、API管理、信息编辑、数据统计"><title>管理中心--QQ互联</title>
<link media="all" rel="stylesheet" href="addclient/common.css" type="text/css">
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 * @file
 * Sample protected resource.
 * Obviously not production-ready code, just simple and to the point.
 * In reality, you'd probably use a nifty framework to handle most of the crud for you.

require "lib/PDOOAuth2.php";

$oauth = new PDOOAuth2();

// With a particular scope, you'd do:


    <p>This is a secret.</p>
Exemple #8

 * @file
 * Sample authorize endpoint.
 * Obviously not production-ready code, just simple and to the point.
 * In reality, you'd probably use a nifty framework to handle most of the crud for you.

require "lib/PDOOAuth2.php";

$oauth = new PDOOAuth2();

if ($_POST) {
  $oauth->finishClientAuthorization($_POST["accept"] == "Yep", $_POST);

$auth_params = $oauth->getAuthorizeParams();

    <form method="post" action="authorize.php">
      <?php foreach ($auth_params as $k => $v) { ?>
      <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $k ?>" value="<?php echo $v ?>" />
      <?php } ?>
      Do you authorize the app to do its thing?

 * @file
 * Sample protected resource.
 * Obviously not production-ready code, just simple and to the point.
 * In reality, you'd probably use a nifty framework to handle most of the crud for you.
require "lib/PDOOAuth2.inc";
$oauth = new PDOOAuth2();
// With a particular scope, you'd do:
// $oauth->verifyAccessToken("scope_name");

    <p>This is a secret.</p>
Exemple #10
  * 用户登录
  * @return array|bool
  * @throws
 public function oauth2()
     $isExtend = apply_filters("license_expired");
     if ($isExtend === 1) {
         $userName = MiniHttp::getParam("username", "");
         if ($userName !== "admin") {
             throw new MiniException(440);
     $oauth = new PDOOAuth2();
     $token = $oauth->grantAccessToken();
     $deviceId = $oauth->getVariable("device_id");
     $token["site_id"] = MiniSiteUtils::getSiteID();
     return $token;
Exemple #11

 * @file
 * Sample token endpoint.
 * Obviously not production-ready code, just simple and to the point.
 * In reality, you'd probably use a nifty framework to handle most of the crud for you.
require "lib/PDOOAuth2.inc";
$oauth = new PDOOAuth2();
$actoken = $oauth->grantAccessToken();
$host = 'localhost';
$username = '******';
$password = '******';
$database = 'mydb';
$dbc = mysqli_connect($host, $username, $password, $database);
if (!$dbc) {
    die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
$token = $actoken['access_token'];
$uid = $_POST['uid'];
$query = "INSERT INTO tokenuid VALUES ('{$token}','{$uid}')";
mysqli_query($dbc, $query) or die("Error!!");
Exemple #12
 public function applications()
     JRequest::setVar('view', 'applications');
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $apps = new Applications();
     // this is for auto installation method
     $redirectUri = JRequest::getVar('redirect_uri');
     $clientId = JRequest::getVar('client_id');
     $clientSecret = JRequest::getVar('client_secret');
     $deviceId = JRequest::getVar('deviceId');
     // if this is a request for grant/revoke
     if ($_POST && $deviceId) {
         switch (JRequest::getVar('deviceAction')) {
             case 'grant':
             case 'revoke':
     } else {
         if ($clientId && $clientSecret && $redirectUri) {
             header("Content-Type: application/json");
             header("Cache-Control: no-store");
             JRequest::setVar('installing', true);
             if ($_POST || JRequest::getVar('silent')) {
                 $model = OauthFactory::getModel('Application');
                 // use library for the OAuth to standardize
                 require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_oauth' . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'PDOOAuth2.inc';
                 $oauth = new PDOOAuth2();
                 if ($oauth->addClient($clientId, $clientSecret, $redirectUri)) {
                     $authData = array('client_id' => $clientId, 'response_type' => 'code', 'redirect_uri' => $redirectUri);
                     $oauth->finishClientAuthorization(true, $authData);
                     /* if this is a silent request, give a silent feedback */
                     if (JRequest::getVar('silent')) {
                         echo json_encode(array('success' => 'true'));
                     JRequest::setVar('authorize', true);
                     JRequest::setVar('appName', $clientId);
                 } else {
                     if (JRequest::getVar('silent')) {
                         echo json_encode(array('success' => false, 'error' => JText::_('COM_OAUTH_LABEL_FAILED_TO_REGISTER')));
                     $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_OAUTH_LABEL_FAILED_TO_REGISTER'), 'Error');