Exemple #1

define('FPDF_FONTPATH', 'fpdf/font/');
require 'mc_table.php';
$pdf = new PDF_MC_Table('P', 'cm', "Legal");
$pdf->SetMargins(1, 1, 1);
$pdf->SetFont('times', 'B', 12);
$pdf->Cell(0, 0.9, 'Laporan Barang', 0, 0, 'C');
$tgl = date('Y-m-d');
$pdf->SetFont('times', 'B', 8);
$pdf->SetFont('times', 'B', 10);
$pdf->SetWidths(array(1, 8, 1.8, 2.1));
$pdf->Row(array("NO", "NAMA", "SATUAN", "STOK"));
$pdf->SetFont('times', '', 10);
$pdf->Row(array("1", "Buku Tulis Matematika Kualitas ABCD Kiki 80 gram 1 Lusin ", "Lusin", "100"));

 public function generar_pdf($archivo = FALSE)
     ///// INICIO - Factura Detallada
     /// Creamos el PDF y escribimos sus metadatos
     $pdf_doc = new PDF_MC_Table('P', 'mm', 'A4');
     define('EEURO', chr(128));
     $lineas = $this->factura->get_lineas();
     if ($this->impresion['print_dto']) {
         $this->impresion['print_dto'] = FALSE;
         /// leemos las líneas para ver si de verdad mostramos los descuentos
         foreach ($lineas as $lin) {
             if ($lin->dtopor != 0) {
                 $this->impresion['print_dto'] = TRUE;
     $pdf_doc->SetTitle('Factura: ' . $this->factura->codigo . " " . $this->factura->numero2);
     $pdf_doc->SetSubject('Factura del cliente: ' . $this->factura->nombrecliente);
     $pdf_doc->SetCreator('FacturaSctipts V_' . $this->version());
     $pdf_doc->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 40);
     // Definimos el color de relleno (gris, rojo, verde, azul)
     /// Definimos todos los datos de la cabecera de la factura
     /// Datos de la empresa
     $pdf_doc->fde_nombre = $this->empresa->nombre;
     $pdf_doc->fde_FS_CIFNIF = FS_CIFNIF;
     $pdf_doc->fde_cifnif = $this->empresa->cifnif;
     $pdf_doc->fde_direccion = $this->empresa->direccion;
     $pdf_doc->fde_codpostal = $this->empresa->codpostal;
     $pdf_doc->fde_ciudad = $this->empresa->ciudad;
     $pdf_doc->fde_provincia = $this->empresa->provincia;
     $pdf_doc->fde_telefono = 'Teléfono: ' . $this->empresa->telefono;
     $pdf_doc->fde_fax = 'Fax: ' . $this->empresa->fax;
     $pdf_doc->fde_email = $this->empresa->email;
     $pdf_doc->fde_web = $this->empresa->web;
     $pdf_doc->fde_piefactura = $this->empresa->pie_factura;
     /// Insertamos el Logo y Marca de Agua
     if (file_exists('tmp/' . FS_TMP_NAME . 'logo.png') or file_exists('tmp/' . FS_TMP_NAME . 'logo.jpg')) {
         $pdf_doc->fdf_verlogotipo = '1';
         // 1/0 --> Mostrar Logotipo
         $pdf_doc->fdf_Xlogotipo = '15';
         // Valor X para Logotipo
         $pdf_doc->fdf_Ylogotipo = '35';
         // Valor Y para Logotipo
         $pdf_doc->fdf_vermarcaagua = '1';
         // 1/0 --> Mostrar Marca de Agua
         $pdf_doc->fdf_Xmarcaagua = '25';
         // Valor X para Marca de Agua
         $pdf_doc->fdf_Ymarcaagua = '110';
         // Valor Y para Marca de Agua
     } else {
         $pdf_doc->fdf_verlogotipo = '0';
         $pdf_doc->fdf_Xlogotipo = '0';
         $pdf_doc->fdf_Ylogotipo = '0';
         $pdf_doc->fdf_vermarcaagua = '0';
         $pdf_doc->fdf_Xmarcaagua = '0';
         $pdf_doc->fdf_Ymarcaagua = '0';
     // Tipo de Documento
     $pdf_doc->fdf_tipodocumento = 'FACTURA';
     $pdf_doc->fdf_codigo = $this->factura->codigo . " " . $this->factura->numero2;
     // Fecha, Codigo Cliente y observaciones de la factura
     $pdf_doc->fdf_fecha = $this->factura->fecha;
     $pdf_doc->fdf_codcliente = $this->factura->codcliente;
     $pdf_doc->fdf_observaciones = iconv("UTF-8", "CP1252", $this->fix_html($this->factura->observaciones));
     // Datos del Cliente
     $pdf_doc->fdf_nombrecliente = $this->fix_html($this->factura->nombrecliente);
     $pdf_doc->fdf_FS_CIFNIF = FS_CIFNIF;
     $pdf_doc->fdf_cifnif = $this->factura->cifnif;
     $pdf_doc->fdf_direccion = $this->fix_html($this->factura->direccion);
     $pdf_doc->fdf_codpostal = $this->factura->codpostal;
     $pdf_doc->fdf_ciudad = $this->factura->ciudad;
     $pdf_doc->fdf_provincia = $this->factura->provincia;
     $pdf_doc->fdc_telefono1 = $this->cliente->telefono1;
     $pdf_doc->fdc_telefono2 = $this->cliente->telefono2;
     $pdf_doc->fdc_fax = $this->cliente->fax;
     $pdf_doc->fdc_email = $this->cliente->email;
     $pdf_doc->fdf_epago = $pdf_doc->fdf_divisa = $pdf_doc->fdf_pais = '';
     // Forma de Pago de la Factura
     $pago = new forma_pago();
     $epago = $pago->get($this->factura->codpago);
     if ($epago) {
         $pdf_doc->fdf_epago = $epago->descripcion;
     // Divisa de la Factura
     $divisa = new divisa();
     $edivisa = $divisa->get($this->factura->coddivisa);
     if ($edivisa) {
         $pdf_doc->fdf_divisa = $edivisa->descripcion;
     // Pais de la Factura
     $pais = new pais();
     $epais = $pais->get($this->factura->codpais);
     if ($epais) {
         $pdf_doc->fdf_pais = $epais->nombre;
     // Cabecera Titulos Columnas
     if ($this->impresion['print_dto']) {
         $pdf_doc->Setdatoscab(array('ALB', 'DESCRIPCION', 'CANT', 'PRECIO', 'DTO', FS_IVA, 'IMPORTE'));
         $pdf_doc->SetWidths(array(16, 102, 10, 20, 10, 10, 22));
         $pdf_doc->SetAligns(array('C', 'L', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R'));
         $pdf_doc->SetColors(array('6|47|109', '6|47|109', '6|47|109', '6|47|109', '6|47|109', '6|47|109', '6|47|109'));
     } else {
         $pdf_doc->Setdatoscab(array('ALB', 'DESCRIPCION', 'CANT', 'PRECIO', FS_IVA, 'IMPORTE'));
         $pdf_doc->SetWidths(array(16, 107, 10, 20, 15, 22));
         $pdf_doc->SetAligns(array('C', 'L', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R'));
         $pdf_doc->SetColors(array('6|47|109', '6|47|109', '6|47|109', '6|47|109', '6|47|109', '6|47|109'));
     /// Definimos todos los datos del PIE de la factura
     /// Lineas de IVA
     $lineas_iva = $this->factura->get_lineas_iva();
     if (count($lineas_iva) > 3) {
         $pdf_doc->fdf_lineasiva = $lineas_iva;
     } else {
         $filaiva = array();
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($lineas_iva as $li) {
             $filaiva[$i][0] = $li->iva ? FS_IVA . $li->iva : '';
             $filaiva[$i][1] = $li->neto ? $this->ckeckEuro($li->neto) : '';
             $filaiva[$i][2] = $li->iva ? $li->iva . "%" : '';
             $filaiva[$i][3] = $li->totaliva ? $this->ckeckEuro($li->totaliva) : '';
             $filaiva[$i][4] = $li->recargo ? $li->recargo . "%" : '';
             $filaiva[$i][5] = $li->totalrecargo ? $this->ckeckEuro($li->totalrecargo) : '';
             $filaiva[$i][6] = '';
             //// POR CREARRRRRR
             $filaiva[$i][7] = '';
             //// POR CREARRRRRR
             $filaiva[$i][8] = $li->totallinea ? $this->ckeckEuro($li->totallinea) : '';
         if ($filaiva) {
             $filaiva[1][6] = $this->factura->irpf . ' %';
             $filaiva[1][7] = $this->ckeckEuro(0 - $this->factura->totalirpf);
         $pdf_doc->fdf_lineasiva = $filaiva;
     // Total factura numerico
     $pdf_doc->fdf_numtotal = $this->ckeckEuro($this->factura->total);
     // Total factura numeros a texto
     $pdf_doc->fdf_textotal = $this->factura->total;
     /// Agregamos la pagina inicial de la factura
     // Lineas de la Factura
     //$lineas = $this->factura->get_lineas();
     if ($lineas) {
         $neto = 0;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($lineas); $i++) {
             $neto += $lineas[$i]->pvptotal;
             $pdf_doc->neto = $this->ckeckEuro($neto);
             $articulo = new articulo();
             $art = $articulo->get($lineas[$i]->referencia);
             if ($art) {
                 $observa = "\n" . utf8_decode($this->fix_html($art->observaciones));
             } else {
                 // $observa = null; // No mostrar mensaje de error
                 $observa = "\n";
             if ($this->impresion['print_dto']) {
                 $lafila = array('0' => utf8_decode($lineas[$i]->albaran_numero()), '1' => utf8_decode(strtoupper($lineas[$i]->descripcion)) . $observa, '2' => utf8_decode($lineas[$i]->cantidad), '3' => $this->ckeckEuro($lineas[$i]->pvpunitario), '4' => utf8_decode($this->show_numero($lineas[$i]->dtopor, 0) . " %"), '5' => utf8_decode($this->show_numero($lineas[$i]->iva, 0) . " %"), '6' => $this->ckeckEuro($lineas[$i]->total_iva()));
             } else {
                 $lafila = array('0' => utf8_decode($lineas[$i]->albaran_numero()), '1' => utf8_decode(strtoupper($lineas[$i]->descripcion)) . $observa, '2' => utf8_decode($lineas[$i]->cantidad), '3' => $this->ckeckEuro($lineas[$i]->pvpunitario), '4' => utf8_decode($this->show_numero($lineas[$i]->iva, 0) . " %"), '5' => $this->ckeckEuro($lineas[$i]->total_iva()));
             $pdf_doc->Row($lafila, '1');
             // Row(array, Descripcion del Articulo -- ultimo valor a imprimir)
         $pdf_doc->piepagina = true;
     // Damos salida al archivo PDF
     if ($archivo) {
         if (!file_exists('tmp/' . FS_TMP_NAME . 'enviar')) {
             mkdir('tmp/' . FS_TMP_NAME . 'enviar');
         $pdf_doc->Output('tmp/' . FS_TMP_NAME . 'enviar/' . $archivo, 'F');
     } else {
 function search_pdf($VAR, $construct, $type)
     # include fpdf class:
     include_once PATH_CORE . 'fpdf.inc.php';
     # set the field list for this method:
     $arr = $construct->method["{$type}"];
     # loop through the field list to create the sql queries
     $field_list = '';
     $heading_list = '';
     $width_list = '';
     $i = 0;
     while (list($key, $value) = each($arr)) {
         if ($i == 0) {
             $field_var = $construct->table . '_' . $value;
             $field_list .= $value;
             $heading_list .= strtoupper($value);
             // <- translate
             $width_list .= $construct->field[$value]['pdf_width'];
         } else {
             $field_var = $construct->table . '_' . $value;
             $field_list .= "," . $value;
             $heading_list .= "," . strtoupper($value);
             // <- translate
             $width_list .= "," . $construct->field[$value]['pdf_width'];
     # start the new PDF class...
     $pdf = new PDF_MC_Table();
     # Determine the number of columns and width for each one...
     $SetWidths = explode(",", $width_list);
     # Define the table heading
     $TableHeading = explode(",", $heading_list);
     # Define the Properties for the table heading cells:
     # set the font:
     $pdf->HeadFontFamily = "Arial";
     $pdf->HeadFontStyle = "BI";
     $pdf->HeadFontSize = 8;
     # set the font color:
     $pdf->HeadTextColor1 = 255;
     $pdf->HeadTextColor2 = 255;
     $pdf->HeadTextColor3 = 255;
     # set the bg color:
     $pdf->HeadFillColor1 = 90;
     $pdf->HeadFillColor2 = 90;
     $pdf->HeadFillColor3 = 90;
     # set the hieght
     $pdf->HeadHeight = 6;
     # Print the Heading:
     # Define the row settings for the rest of the cells...
     # define the font settings
     $pdf->SetFontFamily = "Arial";
     $pdf->SetFontStyle = "";
     $pdf->SetFontSize = "7";
     # set the hieght
     $pdf->RowHeight = 4;
     /************** BEGIN STANDARD EXPORT SEARCH CODE *********************/
     # set the field list for this method:
     $arr = $construct->method["{$type}"];
     # loop through the field list to create the sql queries
     $arr = $construct->method[$type];
     $field_list = '';
     $i = 0;
     while (list($key, $value) = each($arr)) {
         if ($i == 0) {
             $field_var = $construct->table . '_' . $value;
             $field_list .= AGILE_DB_PREFIX . $construct->table . '.' . $value;
             // determine if this record is linked to another table/field
             if ($construct->field[$value]["asso_table"] != "") {
                 $this->linked[] = array('field' => $value, 'link_table' => $construct->field[$value]["asso_table"], 'link_field' => $construct->field[$value]["asso_field"]);
         } else {
             $field_var = $construct->table . '_' . $value;
             $field_list .= "," . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . $construct->table . "." . $value;
             // determine if this record is linked to another table/field
             if ($construct->field[$value]["asso_table"] != "") {
                 $this->linked[] = array('field' => $value, 'link_table' => $construct->field[$value]["asso_table"], 'link_field' => $construct->field[$value]["asso_field"]);
     # get the search details:
     if (isset($VAR['search_id'])) {
         include_once PATH_CORE . 'search.inc.php';
         $search = new CORE_search();
     } else {
         echo '<BR> The search terms submitted were invalid!';
     # get the sort order details:
     if (isset($VAR['order_by']) && $VAR['order_by'] != "") {
         $order_by = ' ORDER BY ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . $construct->table . '.' . $VAR['order_by'];
         $smarty_order = $VAR['order_by'];
     } else {
         $order_by = ' ORDER BY ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . $construct->table . '.' . $construct->order_by;
         $smarty_order = $search->order_by;
     # format saved search string
     $sql = explode(" WHERE ", $search->sql);
     # generate the full query
     $q = preg_replace("/%%fieldList%%/i", $field_list, $search->sql);
     $q = preg_replace("/%%tableList%%/i", AGILE_DB_PREFIX . $construct->table, $q);
     $q = preg_replace("/%%whereList%%/i", "", $q);
     $q .= " " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . $construct->table . ".site_id = '" . DEFAULT_SITE . "'";
     $q .= $order_by;
     $db =& DB();
     $result = $db->Execute($q);
     # error reporting
     if ($result === false) {
         global $C_debug;
         $C_debug->error('core:export.inc.php', 'search_xml', $db->ErrorMsg() . '<br><br>' . $q);
         echo "An SQL error has occured!";
     # put the results into an array
     $i = 0;
     $class_name = TRUE;
     $results = '';
     while (!$result->EOF) {
         $results[$i] = $result->fields;
     # get any linked fields
     if ($i > 0) {
         $this->result = $results;
         $db_join = new CORE_database();
         $this->result = $db_join->join_fields($results, $this->linked);
     } else {
         $this->result = $results;
     /************** END STANDARD EXPORT SEARCH CODE *********************/
     $results = $result->RecordCount();
     $BackAlt = TRUE;
     while (!$result->EOF) {
         # get the data for each cell:
         $CurrRow = '';
         $i = 0;
         while (list($key, $value) = each($arr)) {
             if ($i == 0) {
                 $CurrRow .= $result->fields["{$key}"];
             } else {
                 $CurrRow .= "::" . $result->fields["{$key}"];
         $ThisRow = explode("::", $CurrRow);
         # set the colors & fonts
         if ($BackAlt) {
             # alternating row 1:
             $pdf->SetTextColorVar1 = "50";
             $pdf->SetTextColorVar2 = "50";
             $pdf->SetTextColorVar3 = "50";
             $pdf->SetFillColorVar1 = 255;
             $pdf->SetFillColorVar2 = 255;
             $pdf->SetFillColorVar3 = 255;
             $BackAlt = FALSE;
         } else {
             # alternating row 2:
             $pdf->SetTextColorVar1 = "0";
             $pdf->SetTextColorVar2 = "0";
             $pdf->SetTextColorVar3 = "0";
             $pdf->SetFillColorVar1 = 240;
             $pdf->SetFillColorVar2 = 240;
             $pdf->SetFillColorVar3 = 240;
             $BackAlt = TRUE;
         # check for needed page break
         $nb = 0;
         for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($dataarr); $ii++) {
             $nb = max($nb, $pdf->NbLines($pdf->widths[$ii], $dataarr[$ii]));
         $h = 5 * $nb;
         # Issue a page break first if needed
         if ($pdf->CheckPageBreak($h)) {
             # print the Table Heading again
         # Next record
     # Dispay the output
Exemple #4
  * Init function
 function __construct($json)
     require 'mc_table.php';
     // Get Config
     $conf = isset($_SESSION['pluginsConfig']) && isset($_SESSION['pluginsConfig']['export']) && isset($_SESSION['pluginsConfig']['export']['PDF']) ? $_SESSION['pluginsConfig']['export'] : array('PDF' => array());
     $defaultFont = isset($conf['PDF']['defaultFont']) ? $conf['PDF']['defaultFont'] : 'FreeSans';
     $defaultFontSize = isset($conf['PDF']['defaultFontSize']) ? $conf['PDF']['defaultFontSize'] : 9;
     $headerFont = isset($conf['PDF']['headerFont']) ? $conf['PDF']['headerFont'] : $defaultFont;
     $headerFontSize = isset($conf['PDF']['headerFontSize']) ? $conf['PDF']['headerFontSize'] : $defaultFontSize;
     $headerFontStyle = isset($conf['PDF']['headerFontStyle']) ? $conf['PDF']['headerFontStyle'] : '';
     $layerFont = isset($conf['PDF']['layerFont']) ? $conf['PDF']['layerFont'] : $defaultFont;
     $layerFontSize = isset($conf['PDF']['layerFontSize']) ? $conf['PDF']['layerFontSize'] : $defaultFontSize;
     $layerFontStyle = isset($conf['PDF']['layerFontStyle']) ? $conf['PDF']['layerFontStyle'] : '';
     // Write to table
     $pdf = new PDF_MC_Table();
     // only for tcpdf version >= 3
     // - font not well defined --> errors
     // - header and footer printed = lines on top and bottom
     $groups = (array) $this->jsonList[0];
     foreach ($groups as $grp) {
         $ret = $this->prepareData4PDF($grp);
         $colsPerc = $ret[0];
         $data = $ret[1];
         $header = $data['header'];
         $records = $data['records'];
         $pdfW = 180;
         // orientation detection
         $orientation = 'P';
         $colsum = $ret[2];
         $maxSize = max($headerFontSize, $defaultFontSize);
         $widthTmp = $colsum * $maxSize / 4;
         if ($widthTmp > 1.5 * $pdfW) {
             $pdfW = 270;
             $orientation = 'L';
         $cols = array();
         foreach ($colsPerc as $cp) {
             $cols[] = $cp * $pdfW;
         // add group name:
         $pdf->SetFont($layerFont, $layerFontStyle, $layerFontSize);
         $x = $pdf->GetX();
         $y = $pdf->GetY();
         $pdf->Cell(0, 0, $grp->description);
         $pdf->SetXY($x, $y + 9);
         // Calculate column widths
         // Add header
         $pdf->SetFont($headerFont, $headerFontStyle, $headerFontSize);
         // Add records
         $pdf->SetFont($defaultFont, '', $defaultFontSize);
         foreach ($records as $row) {
     $pdfFilePath = $this->tempFilePath . '.pdf';
     $this->tempFileLocation .= '.pdf';
     $pdf->Output($pdfFilePath, 'F');