Exemple #1
function pollpage($url)
    $XMLdata = getTidy($url);
    $obj = new OutlineFromXOXO($XMLdata, array('classes' => array('xoxo', 'posts')));
    $struct = $obj->toArray();
    if (!count($struct)) {
        $obj = new OutlineFromHATOM($XMLdata);
        $struct = $obj->toArray();
    if (!count($struct)) {
        $obj = new OutlineFromXOXO($XMLdata, array('classes' => array()));
        $struct = $obj->toArray();
    //header('Content-Type: text/plain');
    foreach ($struct as $structid => $node) {
        if (!is_numeric($structid)) {
        $postTitle = $node['text'];
        $postURL = $node['href'];
        foreach ($node as $id => $comment) {
            if (!is_numeric($id)) {
            $comment = array_change_key_case($comment);
            $url = $comment['href'];
            if ($url[0] == '#') {
                $url = $postURL . $url;
            $query = XN_Query::create('Content')->filter('owner', '=')->filter('type', 'eic', 'Comment')->filter('my.url', '=', $url);
            $items = $query->execute();
            if (count($items) > 0) {
            if ($comment['author']) {
                $theParser = xml_parser_create();
                xml_parse_into_struct($theParser, $comment['author'], $tmp);
                $authorname = $tmp[0]['value'];
                $authorurl = $tmp[0]['attributes']['HREF'];
            } else {
                $authorname = $comment['text#1'];
                $authorurl = $comment['href#1'];
            //end if-else comment[author]
            $time = (int) ($comment['title'] / 1000000000) < 100 ? (int) $comment['title'] : (int) ($comment['title'] / 1000000000);
            $obj = XN_Content::create('Comment')->my->add('content', $comment['body'])->my->add('url', $url)->my->add('authorname', $authorname)->my->add('authorurl', $authorurl)->my->add('time', $time)->my->add('posturl', $postURL)->my->add('posturl2', str_replace('-', '', str_replace('/', ' ', $postURL)))->my->add('posttitle', $postTitle);
        //end foreach node
    //end foreach struct
require_once 'xn-app://xoxotools/OutlineClasses/OutlineFromHATOM.php';
header('Content-Type: text/javascript;charset=utf-8');
$pagedata = file_get_contents($_REQUEST['url']);
preg_match('/<!-- START ARCHIVE XOXO -->[^\\f]*?<!-- END ARCHIVE XOXO -->/', $pagedata, $xoxodata);
$xoxodata = $xoxodata[0];
$xoxodata = preg_replace('/<(img|meta|link|hr|br)([^<>]*?)([\\/]?)>/i', '<$1$2 />', $xoxodata);
$xoxodata = preg_replace('/&([^;]{10})/i', '&amp;$1', $xoxodata);
$xoxo = new OutlineFromXOXO($xoxodata, array('classes' => array('xoxo', 'posts')));
if (!$xoxo->getNumNodes()) {
    $xoxo = new OutlineFromXOXO($pagedata, array('classes' => array('xoxo', 'posts')));
if (!$xoxo->getNumNodes()) {
    $xoxo = new OutlineFromHATOM($pagedata);
if (!$xoxo->getNumNodes()) {
    $xoxo = new OutlineFromXOXO($pagedata, array('classes' => array()));
if (!$xoxo->getNumNodes()) {
    die('No valid XOXO data found!');
$tmp = $xoxo->getNode(0);
if ($tmp->getField('rel') == 'home') {
for ($i = 0; $i < $xoxo->getNumNodes(); $i++) {
    $node =& $xoxo->getNode($i);
//end for xoxo
if (!isset($_REQUEST['raw']) && !$_REQUEST['callback']) {
    foreach ($obj->getNodes() as $node) {
        if ($node->getField('href')) {
            echo '   <li><a href="' . $node->getField('href') . '" title="' . $node->getField('title') . '">' . $node->getField('text') . '</a>' . ($node->getField('href#1') ? ' <a href="' . $node->getField('href#1') . '" rel="alternate">[feed]</a>' : '') . '</li>' . "\n";
        if ($node->getNumNodes()) {
    //end foreach nodes
//end function
$readinglistdata = file_get_contents('http://www.awriterz.org/etcetc/boxtheweb/exportboxes.php?user=hash%3Afc6e6f4412f270b70b869cf7757122d4&format=xoxo&feedsonly=on');
if (stristr('<opml', $readinglistdata)) {
    $obj = new OutlineFromOPML($readinglistdata);
} else {
    $obj = new OutlineFromXOXO($readinglistdata);
echo '<h2>Reading List</h2>' . "\n";
echo '<ul>' . "\n";
echo '</ul>' . "\n";
require_once 'getBloggerProfile.php';
$bloggerdata = getBloggerProfile('http://www.blogger.com/profile/10992009');
echo '<h2>Blogger</h2>';
echo '<h1>' . $bloggerdata['name'] . '</h1>' . "\n";
echo '<img style="float:right;" src="' . $bloggerdata['photo'] . '" alt="" />';
echo '<h3>About Me</h3>' . "\n";
echo $bloggerdata['aboutme'];
    //if passed a URL, fetch the URL and make it's contents == data
    $_REQUEST['data'] = file_get_contents($_REQUEST['url']);
if ($_REQUEST['classes']) {
    $classes = explode(' ', $_REQUEST['classes']);
} else {
    $classes = array();
//if we were passed classes, explode via space into array, otherwise classes is an empty array
switch (TRUE) {
    //determine input format
    case stristr($_REQUEST['data'], '<opml'):
        $struct = new OutlineFromOPML($_REQUEST['data']);
    case stristr($_REQUEST['data'], '<ul') || stristr($_REQUEST['data'], '<ol'):
        $struct = new OutlineFromXOXO($_REQUEST['data'], array('classes' => $classes));
        $tmp = $struct->getNode(0);
        if (!$tmp->getField('href') && !$tmp->getField('contents') && count($tmp->getFields()) > 1) {
    case stristr($_REQUEST['data'], '<rss'):
        $struct = new OutlineFromXML($_REQUEST['data'], array('rootel' => 'rss', 'itemel' => 'channel>item', 'collapsels' => array('title', 'description')));
    case stristr($_REQUEST['data'], '<rdf'):
        $struct = new OutlineFromXML($_REQUEST['data'], array('rootel' => 'rdf:RDF', 'itemel' => 'item', 'collapsels' => array('title', 'description')));
    case stristr($_REQUEST['data'], '<feed'):
        $struct = new OutlineFromXML($_REQUEST['data'], array('rootel' => 'feed', 'itemel' => 'entry', 'collapsels' => array('title', 'content', 'summary')));
    case !checkXML($_REQUEST['data']):
$archivelist = preg_replace('/&([^;]{10})/i', '&amp;$1', $archivelist);
$xoxo = new OutlineFromXOXO($archivelist, array('classes' => array()));
for ($i = 0; $i < $xoxo->getNumNodes(); $i++) {
    $node =& $xoxo->getNode($i);
    $archivepage = file_get_contents($node->getField('href'));
    preg_match('/<!-- START ARCHIVE XOXO -->[^\\f]*?<!-- END ARCHIVE XOXO -->/', $archivepage, $xoxodata);
    $xoxodata = $xoxodata[0];
    if ($xoxodata) {
        $archivepage = $xoxodata;
    $archivestruct = new OutlineFromXOXO($archivepage, array('classes' => array('xoxo', 'posts')));
    if (!$archivestruct->getNumNodes()) {
        $archivestruct = new OutlineFromHATOM($archivepage);
    if (!$archivestruct->getNumNodes()) {
        $archivestruct = new OutlineFromXOXO($archivepage, array('classes' => array()));
    $tmp = $archivestruct->getNode(0);
    if ($tmp && is_a($tmp, 'Outline') && $tmp->getField('rel') == 'home') {
    $node->setField('count', $archivestruct->getNumNodes());
//end for getNumNodes
if (!isset($_REQUEST['raw']) && !$_REQUEST['callback']) {
    echo 'if(typeof(BloggerArchive) != "object") BloggerArchive = {};' . "\n";
    echo 'BloggerArchive.list = ';
//end if ! raw && ! callback
if ($_REQUEST['callback']) {
    echo $_REQUEST['callback'] . '(';

//need filter (if we ever do count)
if (!$_REQUEST['mainpage']) {
    die('<h2>Please specify a main page!</h2>');
require_once 'getTidy.php';
require_once 'xn-app://xoxotools/OutlineClasses/OutlineFromXOXO.php';
$page = getTidy(str_replace('Main_Page', 'Special:Categories?limit=9999', $_REQUEST['mainpage']));
$xoxo = new OutlineFromXOXO($page, array('classes' => array('special')));
header('Content-type: text/javascript;charset=utf-8');
if ($_REQUEST['callback']) {
    echo $_REQUEST['callback'] . '(';
echo '{';
//Count is zero because we don't know
foreach ($xoxo->getNodes() as $id => $item) {
    if ($id != 0) {
        echo ', ';
    echo '"' . addslashes(str_replace("\n", ' ', str_replace("\r", '', $item->getField('text')))) . '":0';
//end foreach
echo '}';
if ($_REQUEST['callback']) {
    echo ')';
//get data
preg_match('/<!-- START ARCHIVE XOXO -->[^\\f]*?<!-- END ARCHIVE XOXO -->/', $pagedata, $xoxodata);
$xoxodata = $xoxodata[0];
//fix basic XML problems (hardly necessary if comments were used)
$xoxodata = preg_replace('/<(img|meta|link|hr|br)([^<>]*?)([\\/]?)>/i', '<$1$2 />', $xoxodata);
$xoxodata = preg_replace('/&([^;]{10})/i', '&amp;$1', $xoxodata);
$xoxo = new OutlineFromXOXO($xoxodata, array('classes' => array('xoxo', 'posts')));
//pull in XOXO/hAtom
if (!$xoxo->getNumNodes()) {
    $xoxo = new OutlineFromXOXO($pagedata, array('classes' => array('xoxo', 'posts')));
if (!$xoxo->getNumNodes()) {
    $xoxo = new OutlineFromHATOM($pagedata);
if (!$xoxo->getNumNodes()) {
    $xoxo = new OutlineFromXOXO($pagedata, array('classes' => array()));
if (!$xoxo->getNumNodes()) {
    //error if no data
    die('No valid XOXO data found!');
$tmp = $xoxo->getNode(0);
//strip rel=home, not needed for this dataset
if ($tmp->getField('rel') == 'home') {
$final = new Outline();
//the outline we're pushing to
for ($i = 0; $i < $xoxo->getNumNodes(); $i++) {
    //loop through nodes and get data
Exemple #8
//end if ! url
require_once 'OutlineClasses/OutlineFromXOXO.php';
require_once 'OutlineClasses/OutlineFromHATOM.php';
require_once 'xn-app://singpolymaplay/getTidy.php';
$data = getTidy($_GET['url']);
preg_match('/<body>[^\\f]*?<\\/body>/', $data, $body);
if ($body[0]) {
    $data = $body[0];
//$data = preg_replace('/<(img|meta|link|hr|br)([^<>]*?)([\/]?)>/i','<$1$2 />', $data);
//$data = preg_replace('/&([^;]{10})/i','&amp;$1', $data);
//$data = str_replace('<HEAD>','<head>',$data);
//$data = str_replace('</HEAD>','</head>',$data);
$xoxo = new OutlineFromXOXO($data, array('classes' => array('xoxo', 'posts')));
$hatom = new OutlineFromHATOM($data, array('resolve' => $_GET['url']));
$raw = new OutlineFromXOXO($data, array('classes' => array()));
$site = false;
if ($xoxo->getNumNodes() && in_array('home', explode(' ', $xoxo->getNode(0)->getField('rel')))) {
    $site = $xoxo->getNode(0)->toArray();
if ($hatom->getNumNodes() && in_array('home', explode(' ', $hatom->getNode(0)->getField('rel')))) {
    $site = $hatom->getNode(0)->toArray();
if ($raw->getNumNodes() && in_array('home', explode(' ', $raw->getNode(0)->getField('rel')))) {
    $site = $raw->getNode(0)->toArray();
 function hatom2array($data, $resolve)
     $pageurl = $resolve;
     $tmp = explode('/', $resolve);
     if (strstr(array_pop($tmp), '.')) {
         $resolve = implode('/', $tmp);
     if (substr($resolve, -1, 1) != '/') {
         $resolve .= '/';
     $theParser = xml_parser_create();
     if (!xml_parse_into_struct($theParser, $data, $vals)) {
         $errorcode = xml_get_error_code($theParser);
         if ($errorcode != XML_ERROR_NONE && $errorcode != 27) {
             $this->_errorcode = $errorcode;
     //end if ! parse
     $rtrn = array();
     $inhatom = true;
     $rootel = '';
     $subroots = 0;
     $entryel = false;
     $subentry = 0;
     $flattento = false;
     $flattentag = '';
     $subflatten = 0;
     $entry = array();
     $tmptitle = '';
     $toabbr = false;
     $enteringentry = false;
     foreach ($vals as $el) {
         if ($el['attributes']['HREF']) {
             $el['attributes']['HREF'] = trim($el['attributes']['HREF']);
             if ($el['attributes']['HREF'][0] == '/') {
                 $el['attributes']['HREF'] = substr($el['attributes']['HREF'], 1, strlen($el['attributes']['HREF']) - 1);
             if (substr($el['attributes']['HREF'], 0, 4) != 'http' && $resolve) {
                 $el['attributes']['HREF'] = $resolve . $el['attributes']['HREF'];
         //end if href
         if ($el['tag'] == 'TITLE') {
             $this->setField('text', trim($el['value']));
             $this->setField('rel', 'home');
         $isopen = $el['type'] == 'open' || $el['type'] == 'complete';
         //for readability
         $isclose = $el['type'] == 'close' || $el['type'] == 'complete';
         if (!$inhatom && in_array('hfeed', explode(' ', $el['attributes']['CLASS'])) && $isopen) {
             //are we starting an hatom section?
             $inhatom = true;
             $rootel = $el['tag'];
         //end if !inhatom and class~=hfeed
         if ($inhatom) {
             //if processing an hatom section
             if ($el['attributes']['REL'] && in_array('tag', explode(' ', $el['attributes']['REL']))) {
                 $atag = array_reverse(explode('/', $el['attributes']['HREF']));
                 $atag = explode('#', $atag[0]);
                 $atag = explode('?', $atag[0]);
                 $entry['tags'][] = $atag[0];
             //end if rel=tag
             if ($el['tag'] == $rootel && $isopen) {
             if ($el['tag'] == $rootel && $isclose) {
                 if ($subroots) {
                 } else {
                     $inhatom = false;
             //end if tag == rootel && type == close
             if (!$entryel && in_array('hentry', explode(' ', $el['attributes']['CLASS'])) && $isopen) {
                 $entryel = $el['tag'];
                 $entry = array();
                 $entry['class'] = 'entry-title';
                 $entry['rel'] = 'bookmark';
                 if ($el['attributes']['ID']) {
                     $entry['id'] = $el['attributes']['ID'];
                 $tmptitle = '';
                 $subentry = 0;
                 $enteringentry = true;
             //end if !entryel and class~=hentry
             if ($entryel) {
                 //if in an entry
                 if ($flattento !== false) {
                     //if flattening tags
                     if ($isopen && $flattentag == $el['tag']) {
                     if ($isclose && $flattentag == $el['tag']) {
                         if ($subflatten > 0) {
                         } else {
                             $flattentag = '';
                             $subflatten = 0;
                             $flattento = false;
                         //end if-else subflatten
                     //end if isclose &&
                     if ($flattento !== false) {
                         //flattento may have changed in previous section
                         $emptytag = false;
                         //assume not an empty tag
                         if ($isopen) {
                             //if opening tag
                             $flattento .= ' <' . strtolower($el['tag']);
                             //add open tag
                             if ($el['attributes']) {
                                 //if attributes
                                 foreach ($el['attributes'] as $id => $val) {
                                     //loop through and add
                                     $flattento .= ' ' . strtolower($id) . '="' . htmlspecialchars($val) . '"';
                                 //end foreach
                             //end if attributes
                             $emptytag = $el['type'] == 'complete' && !$el['value'];
                             //is emptytag?
                             $flattento .= $emptytag ? ' />' : '>';
                             //end tag
                             if ($el['value']) {
                                 $flattento .= htmlspecialchars($el['value']);
                             //add contents, if any
                         //end if isopen
                         if ($el['type'] == 'cdata') {
                             //if cdata
                             $flattento .= htmlspecialchars($el['value']);
                             //add data
                         //end if cdata
                         if ($isclose) {
                             //if closing tag
                             if (!$emptytag) {
                                 $flattento .= '</' . strtolower($el['tag']) . '>';
                             //if not emptytag, write out end tag
                         //end if isclose
                     //end if flattento
                 //end if flattento
                 if ($toabbr !== false && $el['tag'] == 'ABBR') {
                     $toabbr = strtotime(trim($el['attributes']['TITLE']));
                     $toabbr = false;
                 //end if toabbr
                 //close entry?
                 if (!$enteringentry && $el['tag'] == $entryel && $isopen) {
                 if ($el['tag'] == $entryel && $isclose) {
                     if ($subentry) {
                     } else {
                         if (stristr($entry['text#1'], '<')) {
                             //process author
                             $theParser = xml_parser_create();
                             xml_parse_into_struct($theParser, '<cnt>' . $entry['text#1'] . '</cnt>', $tmp);
                             foreach ($tmp as $tmpel) {
                                 if (in_array('fn', explode(' ', $tmpel['attributes']['CLASS']))) {
                                     $entry['text#1'] = trim($tmpel['value']);
                                 if (in_array('url', explode(' ', $tmpel['attributes']['CLASS']))) {
                                     $entry['href#1'] = $tmpel['attributes']['HREF'] ? trim($tmpel['attributes']['HREF']) : trim($tmpel['value']);
                             //end foreach
                         //end if (process author)
                         if ($entry['comments']) {
                             //process comments
                             $tmp = new OutlineFromXOXO('<ul class="xoxo comments">' . $entry['comments'] . '</ul>', array('xoxo', 'comments'));
                             $entry = array_merge($entry, $tmp->toArray());
                         //end if comments
                         $entry['title'] = $entry['title'] ? $entry['title'] : $entry['updated'];
                         $entry['updated'] = $entry['updated'] ? $entry['updated'] : $entry['title'];
                         $entry['text'] = $entry['text'] ? strip_tags($entry['text']) : $tmptitle;
                         if (!$entry['href'] && $entry['id']) {
                             $entry['href'] = $pageurl . '#' . $entry['id'];
                         $rtrn[] = $entry;
                         $entryel = false;
                         $flattentag = '';
                         $subflatten = 0;
                         $flattento = false;
                         $toabbr = false;
                         $subentry = 0;
                     //end if subentry
                 //end if tag == rootel && type == close
                 //get title
                 if (!$entry['text'] && in_array('entry-title', explode(' ', $el['attributes']['CLASS'])) && $isopen) {
                     if ($el['tag'] == 'ABBR') {
                         $entry['text'] = trim($el['attributes']['TITLE']);
                     } else {
                         $entry['text'] .= $el['value'];
                         if (!$isclose) {
                             //if there are tags in this tag
                             $flattento =& $entry['text'];
                             $flattentag = $el['tag'];
                         //end if ! isclose
                     //end if-else ABBR
                 //end if entry-title isopen
                 if (!$entry['text'] && strlen($el['tag']) == 2 && $el['tag'][0] == 'h' && is_numeric($el['tag'][1]) && $isopen) {
                     //if starting h# tag
                     $tmptitle .= trim($el['value']);
                 //end if h#
                 //get content
                 if (in_array('entry-content', explode(' ', $el['attributes']['CLASS'])) && $isopen) {
                     $entry['body'] .= $el['value'];
                     if (!$isclose) {
                         //if there are tags in this tag
                         $flattento =& $entry['body'];
                         $flattentag = $el['tag'];
                     //end if ! isclose
                 //end if content
                 //get summary
                 if (in_array('entry-summary', explode(' ', $el['attributes']['CLASS'])) && $isopen) {
                     $entry['summary'] .= $el['value'];
                     if (!$isclose) {
                         //if there are tags in this tag
                         $flattento =& $entry['summary'];
                         $flattentag = $el['tag'];
                     //end if ! isclose
                 //end if excerpt isopen
                 //get permalink
                 if (!$entry['href'] && in_array('bookmark', explode(' ', $el['attributes']['REL'])) && $isopen) {
                     $entry['href'] = $el['attributes']['HREF'];
                 //end if bookmark isopen
                 //get timestamp
                 if (!$entry['title'] && in_array('published', explode(' ', $el['attributes']['CLASS'])) && $isopen) {
                     if (trim($el['value']) && strtotime(trim($el['value'])) > 0) {
                         $entry['title'] = strtotime(trim($el['value']));
                     if (trim($el['attributes']['TITLE']) && strtotime(trim($el['attributes']['TITLE'])) > 0) {
                         $entry['title'] = strtotime(trim($el['attributes']['TITLE']));
                 //end if published isopen
                 //get updated
                 if (!$entry['updated'] && in_array('updated', explode(' ', $el['attributes']['CLASS'])) && $isopen) {
                     if (trim($el['value']) && strtotime(trim($el['value'])) > 0) {
                         $entry['updated'] = strtotime(trim($el['value']));
                     if (trim($el['attributes']['TITLE']) && strtotime(trim($el['attributes']['TITLE'])) > 0) {
                         $entry['updated'] = strtotime(trim($el['attributes']['TITLE']));
                 //end if updated isopen
                 //get author
                 if (!$entry['text#1'] && (in_array('author', explode(' ', $el['attributes']['CLASS'])) || $el['tag'] == 'ADDRESS') && $isopen) {
                     $entry['rel#1'] = 'author';
                     if (trim($el['value'])) {
                         $entry['text#1'] = trim($el['value']);
                         if ($el['attributes']['HREF']) {
                             $entry['href#1'] = trim($el['attributes']['HREF']);
                     //end if
                     if (in_array('fn', explode(' ', $el['attributes']['CLASS']))) {
                         $entry['text#1'] = trim(strip_tags($el['value']));
                     if (in_array('url', explode(' ', $el['attributes']['CLASS']))) {
                         $entry['href#1'] = $el['attributes']['HREF'] ? trim($el['attributes']['HREF']) : trim($el['value']);
                     if (!$isclose) {
                         //if there are tags in this tag
                         $flattento =& $entry['text#1'];
                         $flattentag = $el['tag'];
                     //end if ! isclose
                 //end if author isopen
                 //get comments URL and count
                 if (!$entry['text#2'] && in_array('comments', explode(' ', $el['attributes']['REL'])) && !in_array('alternate', explode(' ', $el['attributes']['REL'])) && $isopen) {
                     $entry['rel#2'] = 'comments';
                     $entry['text#2'] = trim($el['value']);
                     $entry['href#2'] = trim($el['attributes']['HREF']);
                 //end if comments isopen
                 //get comments feed URL
                 if (!$entry['href#3'] && in_array('comments', explode(' ', $el['attributes']['REL'])) && in_array('alternate', explode(' ', $el['attributes']['REL'])) && $isopen) {
                     $entry['rel#3'] = 'comments alternate';
                     $entry['text#3'] = trim($el['value']);
                     $entry['href#3'] = trim($el['attributes']['HREF']);
                 //end if comments && alternate isopen
                 //get comments
                 if (in_array('xoxo', explode(' ', $el['attributes']['CLASS'])) && in_array('comments', explode(' ', $el['attributes']['CLASS'])) && $isopen) {
                     $entry['comments'] = '';
                     if (!$isclose) {
                         //if there are tags in this tag
                         $flattento =& $entry['comments'];
                         $flattentag = $el['tag'];
                     //end if ! isclose
                 //end if content isopen
                 $enteringentry = false;
             //end if entryel
         //end if $inhatom
     //end foreach
     return $rtrn;
Exemple #10
} elseif ($_GET['data']) {
    $data = $_GET['data'];
} else {
      <form method="get" action="<?php 
    echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
         Enter a<br />
         URL: <input type="text" name="url" /><br />
         or<br />
         Data: <textarea name="data"></textarea><br />
         <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Validate!" />
//end if-elseif-else
$struct = new OutlineFromXOXO($data);
if ($struct->getError()) {
    echo '<h2 style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.hcrc.ed.ac.uk/~richard/xml-check.cgi?url=' . urlencode($_GET['url']) . '">Not Valid XML!</a> -- ' . xml_error_string($struct->getError()) . ' -- Error #' . $struct->getError() . '</h2>';
    $data = getTidy($_GET['url']);
    $struct = new OutlineFromXOXO($data);
//end if error
if ($struct->getNumNodes() || count($struct->getFields())) {
    echo '<h2 style="text-align:center;">Valid <a href="http://microformats.org/wiki/xoxo">XOXO</a> data found!</h2>';
} else {
    echo '<h2 style="text-align:center;">No valid <a href="http://microformats.org/wiki/xoxo">XOXO</a> data found</h2>';
//end if count || count