public function actions()
     $data['pending_orders'] = Ordertbl::get_pending_o_count($this->session->userdata('district'));
     $data['content_view'] = "district/district_home_v";
     $data['quick_link'] = "actions";
     $data['banner_text'] = "Actions";
     $data['title'] = "Actions";
     $this->load->view("template", $data);
 public function o_list($pop_out_msg = NULL)
     $facility_c = $this->session->userdata('news');
     $data['popout'] = $pop_out_msg;
     $data['myClass'] = $this;
     $data['pending'] = Ordertbl::getPending($facility_c);
     $data['dispatched'] = Ordertbl::getDispatched($facility_c);
     $data['received'] = Ordertbl::get_received($facility_c);
     $data['title'] = "All Orders";
     $data['quick_link'] = "order_listing";
     $data['content_view'] = "order_list_v";
     $data['banner_text'] = "All Orders";
     $data['link'] = "order_management";
     $this->load->view("template", $data);
 public function county_view_orders($id)
     $data['title'] = "County Orders";
     $data['content_view'] = "county/county_orders_v";
     $data['banner_text'] = "District Orders";
     $id = $this->session->userdata('district');
     $data['order_list'] = Ordertbl::get_county_view_orders($id);
     $this->load->view("template", $data);
    public function update_order()
        $new_value = @$_POST['quantity'];
        $price = @$_POST['price'];
        $order_id = @$_POST['order_id'];
        $value = count($new_value);
        $code = @$_POST['f_order_id'];
        $s_quantity = @$_POST['actual_quantity'];
        $order_total = 0;
        $reject_order = @$_POST['reject_order_status'];
        $value == 0 ? redirect("order_approval/district_orders") : $blank_data;
        $user_id = $facility_c = $this->session->userdata('user_id');
        if ($reject_order == 1) {
            // do not update the order
        } else {
            for ($i = 0; $i < $value; $i++) {
                $myobj = Doctrine::getTable('Orderdetails')->find($order_id[$i]);
                $myobj->quantityOrdered = $new_value[$i];
                $myobj->s_quantity = $s_quantity[$i];
                //echo $new_value[$i];
        $from_ordertbl = Ordertbl::get_order($code, $user_id);
        $from_order_details = Orderdetails::get_order($code);
        $total = 0;
        //update the order based on how the district pham has rationalized it
        $checker = 1;
        $in = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection()->fetchAll("SELECT a.category_name, b.drug_name,b.total_units, b.kemsa_code, b.unit_size, b.unit_cost, \n\t\tc.quantityOrdered, c.price, c.orderNumber, c.quantityRecieved,\n\t\tc.o_balance, c.t_receipts, c.t_issues, c.adjust, c.losses, c.days, c.comment, c.c_stock,c.s_quantity\nFROM drug_category a, drug b, orderdetails c\nWHERE c.orderNumber ={$code}\nAND = c.kemsa_code\nAND = b.drug_category\nORDER BY ASC , b.drug_name ASC ");
        $jay = count($in);
        //create the report title
        $html_title = "<div ALIGN=CENTER><img src='Images/coat_of_arms.png' height='70' width='70'style='vertical-align: top;' > </img></div>\n      <div style='text-align:center; font-size: 14px;display: block;font-weight: bold;'>Order Report</div>\n       <div style='text-align:center; font-family: arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif;display: block; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px;'>\n       Ministry of Health</div>\n        <div style='text-align:center; font-family: arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif;display: block; font-weight: bold;display: block; font-size: 13px;'>Health Commodities Management Platform</div><hr />   ";
        //get the facility name and MFL code
        foreach ($from_ordertbl as $order) {
            $o_date = $order->orderDate;
            $a_date = $order->approvalDate;
            $o_total = $order->orderTotal;
            $d_rights = $order->drawing_rights;
            $bal = $d_rights - $o_total;
            $creator = $order->orderby;
            $approver = $order->approveby;
            foreach ($order->Code as $f_name) {
                $fac_name = $f_name->facility_name;
            $mfl = $order->facilityCode;
            $myobj = Doctrine::getTable('Facilities')->findOneByfacility_code($mfl);
            $diasto = $myobj->district;
            $myobj1 = Doctrine::getTable('Districts')->find($diasto);
            $disto_name = $myobj1->district;
            $county = $myobj1->county;
            $myobj2 = Doctrine::getTable('Counties')->find($county);
            $county_name = $myobj2->county;
            $myobj_order = Doctrine::getTable('User')->find($creator);
            $creator_name = $myobj_order->email;
            $creator_name1 = $myobj_order->fname;
            $creator_name2 = $myobj_order->lname;
            $creator_telephone = $myobj_order->telephone;
        //create the table for displaying the order details
        $html_body = "<table class='data-table' width=100%>\n<tr>\n<td>MFL No: {$mfl}</td> \n<td >Health Facility Name:<br/> {$fac_name}</td>\n<td >Total OPD Visits & Revisits: </td>\n<td >Level:</td>\n<td>Dispensary</td>\n<td >Health Centre</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>County: {$county_name}</td> \n<td > District: {$disto_name}</td>\n<td >In-patient Bed Days : </td>\n<td >Order Date:<br/> " . date('d M, Y', strtotime($o_date)) . " </td>\n<td>Order no.</td>\n<td >Reporting Period <br/>\nStart Date:  <br/>  End Date: " . date('d M, Y', strtotime($o_date)) . "\n</td>\n</tr>\n</table>";
        $html_body .= "<style> {border: 1px solid #DDD;margin: 10px auto;border-spacing: 0px;}\ th {border: none;color: #036;text-align: center;background-color: \t#FFF380;border: 1px solid #DDD;border-top: none;max-width: 450px;}\ td, table th {padding: 4px;}\ td {border: none;border-left: 1px solid #DDD;border-right: 1px solid #DDD;height: 30px;margin: 0px;border-bottom: 1px solid #DDD;}\n</style>\n<table class='data-table'>\n\n\n<thead><tr><th><b>KEMSA Code</b></th><th><b>Description</b></th><th><b>Order Unit Size</b></th><th><b>Order Unit Cost</b></th><th ><b>Opening Balance</b></th>\n<th ><b>Total Receipts</b></th><th><b>Total issues</b></th><th><b>Adjustments</b></th><th><b>Losses</b></th><th><b>Closing Stock</b></th><th><b>No days out of stock</b></th>\n<th><b>Order Quantity (Packs)</b></th><th><b>Order Quantity (Actual Units)</b></th><th><b>Order cost(Ksh)</b></th><th><b>Comment</b></th></tr> </thead><tbody>";
        $html_body .= '<ol type="a">';
        for ($i = 0; $i < $jay; $i++) {
            if ($i == 0) {
                $html_body .= '<tr style="background-color:#C6DEFF;"> <td colspan="15" >
				 <li> ' . $in[$i]['category_name'] . ' </li> </td></tr>';
            } else {
                if ($in[$i]['category_name'] != $in[$i - 1]['category_name']) {
                    $html_body .= '<tr style="background-color:#C6DEFF;"> <td  colspan="15"> 
       	 	<li> ' . $in[$i]['category_name'] . ' </li> </td></tr>';
            $adj = $in[$i]['adjust'];
            $c_stock = $in[$i]['c_stock'];
            $o_t = $in[$i]['quantityOrdered'];
            $o_q = $in[$i]['price'];
            $o_bal = $in[$i]['o_balance'];
            $t_re = $in[$i]['t_receipts'];
            $t_issues = $in[$i]['t_issues'];
            $losses = $in[$i]['losses'];
            $total = $o_t * $in[$i]['total_units'];
            if ($o_bal == 0 && $t_re == 0 && $t_issues > 0) {
                $adj = $t_issues;
            $c_stock = $o_bal + $t_re + $adj - $losses - $t_issues;
            if ($c_stock < 0) {
                $adj = $c_stock * -1;
            $c_stock = $o_bal + $t_re + $adj - $losses - $t_issues;
            $html_body .= "<tr>";
            $html_body .= "<td>" . $in[$i]['kemsa_code'] . "</td>";
            $html_body .= "<td>" . $in[$i]['drug_name'] . "</td>";
            $html_body .= "<td>" . $in[$i]['unit_size'] . "</td>";
            $ot = number_format($o_t * $o_q, 2, '.', ',');
            $order_total = $order_total + $o_t * $o_q;
            $html_body .= "<td>{$o_q}</td>";
            $html_body .= "<td>" . $o_bal . "</td>";
            $html_body .= "<td>" . $t_re . "</td>";
            $html_body .= "<td>" . $t_issues . "</td>";
            $html_body .= "<td>" . $adj . "</td>";
            $html_body .= "<td>" . $losses . "</td>";
            $html_body .= "<td>" . $c_stock . "</td>";
            $html_body .= "<td>" . $in[$i]['days'] . "</td>";
            $html_body .= "<td>{$o_t}</td>";
            $html_body .= "<td>{$total}</td>";
            $html_body .= "<td>{$ot}</td>";
            $html_body .= "<td>" . $in[$i]['comment'] . "</td></tr>";
        $myobj_approve = Doctrine::getTable('User')->find($approver);
        $approve_name = $myobj_approve->email;
        $approve_name1 = $myobj_approve->fname;
        $approve_name2 = $myobj_approve->lname;
        $approve_telephone = $myobj_approve->telephone;
        $bal = $d_rights - $order_total;
        $html_body .= '</tbody></table></ol>';
        $html_body1 = '<table class="data-table" width="100%" style="background-color: 	#FFF380;">
		  <tr style="background-color: 	#FFFFFF;" > <td colspan="4" ><div style="float: left" > Total Order Value:</div><div style="float: right" >KSH ' . number_format($order_total, 2, '.', ',') . '</div> </td></tr>
		   <tr style="background-color: 	#FFFFFF;"  > <td colspan="4" ><div style="float: left" > Drawing Rights Available Balance:</div><div style="float: right" >KSH		' . number_format($bal, 2, '.', ',') . '</div> </td></tr>
		   <tr><td>FACILITY TEL NO:</td><td colspan="3">FACILITY EMAIL:</td>
		   <tr><td >Prepared by (Name/Designation) ' . $creator_name1 . ' ' . $creator_name2 . '
		   <br/>Email: ' . $creator_name . '</td><td>Tel: ' . $creator_telephone . '</td><td>Date: ' . date('d M, Y', strtotime($o_date)) . '</td><td>Signature</td>
		   <tr><td>Checked by (Name/DPF/DPHN)
		   <tr><td>Authorised by (Name/DMoH) ' . $approve_name1 . ' ' . $approve_name2 . '
		   <br/>Email: ' . $approve_name . '</td><td>Tel: ' . $approve_telephone . '</td><td>Date: ' . date('d M, Y', strtotime($a_date)) . '</td><td>Signature</td>
        $myobj = Doctrine::getTable('Ordertbl')->find($code);
        $myobj->orderTotal = $order_total;
        //now ganerate an order pdf from the generated report
        $this->mpdf = new mPDF('', 'A4-L', 0, '', 15, 15, 16, 16, 9, 9, '');
        $this->mpdf->defaultheaderline = 1;
        $this->mpdf->simpleTables = true;
        if ($reject_order == 1) {
            $status = 'rejected';
        } else {
            $status = 'approved';
        $report_name = $status . '_facility_order_no_' . $code . '_date_' . date('d-m-y');
        if (!write_file('./pdf/' . $report_name . '.pdf', $this->mpdf->Output('$report_name', 'S'))) {
            $this->session->set_flashdata('system_error_message', 'An error occured');
        } else {
            $subject = $reject_order == 1 ? 'Rejected Order Report For ' . $fac_name : 'Approved Order Report For ' . $fac_name;
            $attach_file = './pdf/' . $report_name . '.pdf';
            $message = $html_title . $html_body . $html_body1;
            $message_1 = $reject_order == 0 ? '<br>Please find the approved Order for  ' . $fac_name . '
		<br>' : '<br>Please note the order for  ' . $fac_name . ' Has been rejected by ' . $approve_name1 . ' ' . $approve_name2 . '.
		Find the attached order, correct it
            $response = $this->send_order_approval_email($message_1 . $message, $subject, $attach_file, $mfl, $reject_order);
            if ($response) {
                delete_files('./pdf/' . $report_name . '.pdf');
        if ($reject_order == 1) {
            $myobj = Doctrine::getTable('Ordertbl')->find($code);
            $myobj->orderStatus = "rejected";
            $this->send_order_approval_sms($mfl, $reject_order);
            $this->session->set_flashdata('system_success_message', "Order No {$code} has been rejected and the facility personel have been notified");
        } else {
            $this->send_order_approval_sms($mfl, $reject_order);
            $this->session->set_flashdata('system_success_message', "Order No {$code} has been approved");
 public function new_update()
     $id = $this->uri->segment(3);
     $data['title'] = "Update Deliveries";
     $data['content_view'] = "new_update";
     $data['banner_text'] = "Update Order Delivery";
     $data['quick_link'] = "new_update";
     $data['ord'] = Ordertbl::get_details($id);
     $data['order_details'] = Orderdetails::get_order_details($id);
     $data['drugs'] = Drug::getAll();
     $this->load->view("template", $data);