  * Update the Configuration of the Hosting Plan
  * Update the configuration of the service selected
  * with the new parameters of the service.
  * We have to sync the parameters with the Isp Panel selected
 public function updateconfAction()
     $id = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
     if (is_numeric($id)) {
         // Get the service information
         $service = OrdersItems::getAllInfo($id, "product_id");
         if (!empty($service['product_id'])) {
             // Get the system parameters/attributes of the service selected
             $sysattributes = ProductsAttributes::getSysAttributes($service['product_id']);
             // Update the parameters in the service order detail
             OrdersItems::updateSysParameters($id, $sysattributes);
         $this->_helper->redirector('edit', 'ordersitems', 'admin', array('id' => $id, 'mex' => $this->translator->translate('The task requested has been executed successfully.'), 'status' => 'success'));
     } else {
         $this->_helper->redirector('list', 'orders', 'admin', array('mex' => $this->translator->translate('Service item not found.'), 'status' => 'danger'));
Exemple #2
  * Send the email profile to the user
 public function sendMail($task)
     $ISP = ISP::getByCustomerId($task['customer_id']);
     if (!$ISP || !isset($ISP['isp_id']) || !is_numeric($ISP['isp_id'])) {
         // ISP not found, can't send mail
         return false;
     // Get the service details
     $service = OrdersItems::getAllInfo($task['orderitem_id']);
     // If the setup has been written by the task action then ...
     if (!empty($service['setup'])) {
         $setup = json_decode($service['setup'], true);
         // Get the service/product name
         $productname = !empty($service['Products']['ProductsData'][0]['name']) ? $service['Products']['ProductsData'][0]['name'] : "";
         $welcome_mail = !empty($service['Products']['welcome_mail_id']) && intval($service['Products']['welcome_mail_id']) > 0 ? intval($service['Products']['welcome_mail_id']) : 'new_hosting';
         // new_hosting = fallback to old method if no template is set
         // Check if the customer is present in the service and if there is a welcome_mail set for the bought product
         if (!empty($service['Orders']['Customers'])) {
             // Getting the customer
             $customer = $service['Orders']['Customers'];
             $strSetup = "";
             foreach ($setup as $section => $details) {
                 $strSetup .= strtoupper($section) . "<hr/>";
                 foreach ($details as $label => $detail) {
                     $strSetup .= "{$label}: " . $detail . "<br/>";
                 $strSetup .= "<br/>";
             Shineisp_Commons_Utilities::sendEmailTemplate($ISP['email'], $welcome_mail, array('setup' => $strSetup, 'fullname' => $customer['firstname'] . " " . $customer['lastname'], 'hostingplan' => $productname, 'controlpanel' => $ISP['website'] . ":8080", 'signature' => $ISP['company']), null, null, null, $ISP, $customer['language_id']);
Exemple #3
  * Check all the services [domains, products] and create the orders for each customer only if the service has been set as renewable
  * @return void
 public static function checkServices()
     try {
         $i = 0;
         $customers = array();
         /* We have to start to get all the domains that them expiring date is today
         			 then we have to create a custom array sorted by customerID in order to
         			group services and domains of a specific customer.
         // Get all the active domains that expire in 1 day
         $domains = Domains::getExpiringDomainsByDays(1, Statuses::id("active", "domains"));
         if ($domains) {
             Shineisp_Commons_Utilities::log("There are (" . count($domains) . ") new domains to renew");
             // Create the customer group list for the email summary
             foreach ($domains as $domain) {
                 if (is_numeric($domain['reseller'])) {
                     $invoice_dest = Customers::getAllInfo($domain['reseller']);
                     $customers[$domain['customer_id']]['id'] = $invoice_dest['customer_id'];
                     $customers[$domain['customer_id']]['fullname'] = $invoice_dest['firstname'] . " " . $invoice_dest['lastname'] . " " . $invoice_dest['company'];
                     $customers[$domain['customer_id']]['email'] = $invoice_dest['email'];
                     $customers[$domain['customer_id']]['language_id'] = $invoice_dest['language_id'];
                 } else {
                     $customers[$domain['customer_id']]['id'] = $domain['customer_id'];
                     $customers[$domain['customer_id']]['fullname'] = $domain['fullname'];
                     $customers[$domain['customer_id']]['email'] = $domain['email'];
                     $customers[$domain['customer_id']]['language_id'] = $domain['language_id'];
                 $customers[$domain['customer_id']]['products'][$i]['name'] = $domain['domain'];
                 $customers[$domain['customer_id']]['products'][$i]['type'] = "domain";
                 $customers[$domain['customer_id']]['products'][$i]['renew'] = $domain['renew'];
                 $customers[$domain['customer_id']]['products'][$i]['expiring_date'] = $domain['expiringdate'];
                 $customers[$domain['customer_id']]['products'][$i]['days'] = $domain['days'];
                 // Get the last old order item id
                 if (!empty($domain['oldorders'])) {
                     // find the domain
                     foreach ($domain['oldorders'] as $olditemorder) {
                         // Get all the information from the old order
                         $olditem = OrdersItems::getAllInfo($olditemorder['orderitem_id']);
                         // Check if the old order item refers to the domain selected
                         if (!empty($olditem['parameters']) && !empty($olditem['Orders']['OrdersItemsDomains'][0]['Domains']['tld_id'])) {
                             // Get the old configuration parameters
                             $params = json_decode($olditem['parameters'], true);
                             // 								Zend_Debug::dump($olditem);
                             // 								Zend_Debug::dump($params);
                             // 								Zend_Debug::dump($domain['domain']);
                             // Extract the domain name and match it with the domain selected
                             if (!empty($params['domain']) && $params['domain']['name'] == $domain['domain']) {
                                 $customers[$domain['customer_id']]['products'][$i]['oldorderitemid'] = $olditemorder['orderitem_id'];
                 Shineisp_Commons_Utilities::log("- " . $domain['domain']);
          * Now we have to get the services expired and we have to sum the previous $customers array with these
          * new information.
         // Get all the services active that expire the day after
         $services = OrdersItems::getExpiringServicesByDays(1, Statuses::id("complete", "orders"));
         if ($services) {
             Shineisp_Commons_Utilities::log("There are (" . count($services) . ") new services to renew");
             // Create the customer group list for the email summary
             foreach ($services as $service) {
                 if (is_numeric($service['reseller'])) {
                     $invoice_dest = Customers::getAllInfo($service['reseller']);
                     $customers[$service['customer_id']]['id'] = $invoice_dest['customer_id'];
                     $customers[$service['customer_id']]['fullname'] = $invoice_dest['firstname'] . " " . $invoice_dest['lastname'] . " " . $invoice_dest['company'];
                     $customers[$service['customer_id']]['email'] = $invoice_dest['email'];
                     $customers[$service['customer_id']]['password'] = $invoice_dest['password'];
                     $customers[$service['customer_id']]['language_id'] = $invoice_dest['language_id'];
                 } else {
                     $customers[$service['customer_id']]['id'] = $service['id'];
                     $customers[$service['customer_id']]['fullname'] = $service['fullname'];
                     $customers[$service['customer_id']]['email'] = $service['email'];
                     $customers[$service['customer_id']]['password'] = $service['password'];
                     $customers[$service['customer_id']]['language_id'] = $service['language_id'];
                 $customers[$service['customer_id']]['products'][$i]['name'] = $service['product'];
                 $customers[$service['customer_id']]['products'][$i]['type'] = "service";
                 $customers[$service['customer_id']]['products'][$i]['renew'] = $service['renew'];
                 $customers[$service['customer_id']]['products'][$i]['expiring_date'] = $service['expiringdate'];
                 $customers[$service['customer_id']]['products'][$i]['days'] = $service['days'];
                 $customers[$service['customer_id']]['products'][$i]['oldorderitemid'] = $service['detail_id'];
                 Shineisp_Commons_Utilities::log("- " . $service['product']);
         // Create the email messages for the customers
         if (count($customers) > 0) {
             foreach ($customers as $customer) {
                 $items = "";
                 // ============================================================
                 // Renew all the services and domain where the customer has choosen the autorenew of the service.
                 $orderID = Orders::renewOrder($customer['id'], $customer['products']);
                 if (is_numeric($orderID)) {
                     $link = Fastlinks::findlinks($orderID, $customer['id'], 'orders');
                     // Create the fast link to include in the email
                     if (!empty($link[0]['code'])) {
                         $url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/index/link/id/" . $link[0]['code'];
                     } else {
                         $url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
                     Shineisp_Commons_Utilities::sendEmailTemplate($customer['email'], 'order_renew', array('fullname' => $customer['fullname'], ':shineisp:' => $customer, 'url' => $url), null, null, null, null, $customer['language_id'], Settings::findbyParam('cron_notify'));
          * Now we have to set as expired all the domains records that the date is the date of the expiring of the domain
          * // Expired
         $dq = Doctrine_Query::create()->update('Domains d')->set('d.status_id', Statuses::id('expired', 'domains'))->where('DATEDIFF(d.expiring_date, CURRENT_DATE) <= ?', 0)->addWhere('DATEDIFF(d.expiring_date, CURRENT_DATE) >= ?', 0);
         $dq->execute(null, Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
          * Now we have to set as closed all the domains records that the date is older of -2 days
          * // Closed
         $dq = Doctrine_Query::create()->update('Domains d')->set('d.status_id', Statuses::id('suspended', 'domains'))->where('DATEDIFF(d.expiring_date, CURRENT_DATE) <= ?', -2);
         $dq->execute(null, Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
          * Now we have to set as expired all the services records
          * // Expired
         $dq = Doctrine_Query::create()->update('OrdersItems oi')->set('oi.status_id', Statuses::id('expired', 'orders'))->where('DATEDIFF(oi.date_end, CURRENT_DATE) <= ?', 0);
         $dq->execute(null, Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
          * Now we have to set as deleted all the services records
          * // Deleted
         $dq = Doctrine_Query::create()->update('OrdersItems oi')->set('oi.status_id', Statuses::id('deleted', 'orders'))->where('DATEDIFF(oi.date_end, CURRENT_DATE) <= ?', -2);
         $dq->execute(null, Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
         Shineisp_Commons_Utilities::sendEmailTemplate(null, 'cron', array('cronjob' => 'Check Services'), null, null, null, null, null, Settings::findbyParam('cron_notify'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Shineisp_Commons_Utilities::logs($e->getMessage(), "cron.log");
         return false;
     return true;
Exemple #4
  * Create a new email account 
  * Executes the creation of new email account in the IspConfig control panel
  * Note in order to not fail this command, it must meet the following requirements:
  * - The customer must be registered in the db.
  * - The Web domain must be registered in IspConfig 
  * @param      array       $task     Must be a valid task 
  * @return     mixed       True, or throw an Exception if failed.
  * @access     public
 public function create_mail(array $task)
     $emailUserID = false;
     $server = self::getServer($task['orderitem_id'], 'mail');
     // Get the service details
     $service = OrdersItems::getAllInfo($task['orderitem_id']);
     if (!empty($service)) {
         // Get the Json encoded parameters in the task
         $parameters = json_decode($task['parameters'], true);
         if (empty($parameters)) {
             throw new Exception("No parameters found in the service", 3501);
         // Get the server id
         if (!empty($server['server_id']) && is_numeric($server['server_id'])) {
             $clientId = self::get_client_id($task, $server['server_id']);
             // Connection to the SOAP system
             $client = $this->connect($server['server_id']);
             // Get the remote server ID set in the servers profile in ShineISP
             $customAttribute = CustomAttributes::getAttribute($server['server_id'], "remote_server_id");
             // Get the remote server id set in ShineISP
             if (is_numeric($customAttribute['value'])) {
                 $ServerId = $customAttribute['value'];
                 // Get the domain set in the orderitems bought from the customer
                 $domains = OrdersItemsDomains::get_domains($task['orderitem_id']);
                 // For each domain bought in the service ...
                 foreach ($domains as $domain) {
                     $email = 'info@' . $domain['domain'];
                     // Create a random password string
                     $password = Shineisp_Commons_Utilities::GenerateRandomString();
                     $params = array('server_id' => $ServerId, 'domain' => $domain['domain'], 'active' => 'y');
                     try {
                         // Get the domain name ID
                         $record = $client->mail_domain_get_by_domain($this->getSession(), $domain['domain']);
                         // Create the mail domain
                         if (empty($record['domain_id'])) {
                             $domainId = $client->mail_domain_add($this->getSession(), $clientId, $params);
                         } else {
                             $domainId = $record['domain_id'];
                     } catch (SoapFault $e) {
                         throw new Exception("There was a problem with the Mail Domain creation: " . $e->getMessage() . " - " . __METHOD__ . " - Parameters: " . json_encode($params), "3506");
                     $defaultQuota = Shineisp_Commons_Utilities::MB2Bytes(100);
                     // 100MB default value
                     $params = array('server_id' => $ServerId, 'email' => $email, 'login' => $email, 'password' => $password, 'uid' => 5000, 'gid' => 5000, 'maildir' => '/var/vmail/' . $domain['domain'] . "/info", 'quota' => !empty($parameters['mailquota']) && is_numeric($parameters['mailquota']) && $parameters['mailquota'] > 0 ? Shineisp_Commons_Utilities::MB2Bytes($parameters['mailquota']) : $defaultQuota, 'cc' => '', 'homedir' => '', 'autoresponder' => 'n', 'autoresponder_start_date' => '', 'autoresponder_end_date' => '', 'autoresponder_text' => '', 'move_junk' => 'n', 'custom_mailfilter' => '', 'postfix' => 'y', 'access' => 'n', 'disableimap' => 'n', 'disablepop3' => 'n', 'disabledeliver' => 'n', 'disablesmtp' => 'n');
                     try {
                         // Create the mailbox
                         $emailUserID = $client->mail_user_add($this->getSession(), $clientId, $params);
                     } catch (SoapFault $e) {
                         throw new Exception("There was a problem with Email account creation: " . $e->getMessage() . " - " . __METHOD__ . " - Parameters: " . json_encode($params), "3506");
                     // Save the setup in the service setup field
                     OrdersItems::set_setup($task['orderitem_id'], array('username' => $email, 'password' => $password), "emails");
                     // Add relation between order_item and server
                     OrdersItemsServers::addServer($task['orderitem_id'], $server['server_id']);
                     // Create the log message
                     Shineisp_Commons_Utilities::logs("ID: " . $task['action_id'] . " - " . __METHOD__ . " - Parameters: " . json_encode($params), "ispconfig.log");
             } else {
                 throw new Exception("No remote mail server id set in the ShineISP server profile.", "3502");
         } else {
             throw new Exception("Mail Server has not been found in IspConfig server settings.", "3501");
     // Logout from the IspConfig Remote System
     return $emailUserID;