public function update_cart_by_junglee_xml($order_id, $data) { $xml = simplexml_load_string($data); $prefix = _DB_PREFIX_; $tablename = $prefix . 'orders'; $total_amount = 0; $total_principal = 0; $shipping_amount = 0; $total_promo = 0; foreach ($xml->ProcessedOrder->ProcessedOrderItems->ProcessedOrderItem as $item) { $product_id = (string) $item->SKU; $product = new Product((int) $product_id); $SKU = $product->reference; $Title = (string) $item->Title; $Amount = (double) $item->Price->Amount; $other_promo = 0; foreach ($item->ItemCharges->Component as $amount_type) { $item_charge_type = (string) $amount_type->Type; if ($item_charge_type == 'Principal') { $principal = (string) $amount_type->Charge->Amount; } if ($item_charge_type == 'Shipping') { $Shipping = (string) $amount_type->Charge->Amount; } if ($item_charge_type == 'PrincipalPromo') { $principal_promo = (string) $amount_type->Charge->Amount; } if ($item_charge_type == 'ShippingPromo') { $shipping_promo = (string) $amount_type->Charge->Amount; } if ($item_charge_type == 'OtherPromo') { $other_promo = (string) $amount_type->Charge->Amount; } } $CurrencyCode = (string) $item->Price->CurrencyCode; $Quantity = (int) $item->Quantity; $total_principal += $principal; $total_amount += $principal - $principal_promo + ($Shipping - $shipping_promo); $shipping_amount += $Shipping; $total_promo += $principal_promo + $shipping_promo + $other_promo; } $ShippingServiceLevel = (string) $xml->ProcessedOrder->ShippingServiceLevel; $sql = 'UPDATE `' . $prefix . 'pwa_orders` set `shipping_service` = "' . $ShippingServiceLevel . '" , `order_type` = "junglee" where `prestashop_order_id` = "' . $order_id . '" '; Db::getInstance()->Execute($sql); $email = (string) $xml->ProcessedOrder->BuyerInfo->BuyerEmailAddress; $sql = 'SELECT * from `' . $prefix . 'customer` where email = "' . $email . '" '; $results = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql); if (empty($results)) { $name = (string) $xml->ProcessedOrder->BuyerInfo->BuyerName; $name_arr = explode(' ', $name); if (count($name_arr) > 1) { $firstname = ''; for ($i = 0; $i <= count($name_arr) - 2; $i++) { $firstname = $firstname . ' ' . $name_arr[$i]; } $lastname = $name_arr[count($name_arr) - 1]; } else { $firstname = $name; $lastname = '.'; } $password = Tools::passwdGen(); $customer = new Customer(); $customer->firstname = trim($firstname); $customer->lastname = $lastname; $customer->email = (string) $xml->ProcessedOrder->BuyerInfo->BuyerEmailAddress; $customer->passwd = md5($password); $customer->active = 1; if (Configuration::get('PS_GUEST_CHECKOUT_ENABLED')) { $customer->is_guest = 1; } else { $customer->is_guest = 0; } $customer->add(); $customer_id = $customer->id; if (Configuration::get('PS_CUSTOMER_CREATION_EMAIL') && !Configuration::get('PS_GUEST_CHECKOUT_ENABLED')) { Mail::Send($this->context->language->id, 'account', Mail::l('Welcome!'), array('{firstname}' => $customer->firstname, '{lastname}' => $customer->lastname, '{email}' => $customer->email, '{passwd}' => $password), $customer->email, $customer->firstname . ' ' . $customer->lastname); } } else { $customer_id = $results[0]['id_customer']; } $id_country = Country::getByIso((string) $xml->ProcessedOrder->ShippingAddress->CountryCode); if ($id_country == 0 || $id_country == '') { $id_country = 110; } $name = (string) $xml->ProcessedOrder->ShippingAddress->Name; $name_arr = explode(' ', $name); if (count($name_arr) > 1) { $firstname = ''; for ($i = 0; $i <= count($name_arr) - 2; $i++) { $firstname = $firstname . ' ' . $name_arr[$i]; } $lastname = $name_arr[count($name_arr) - 1]; } else { $firstname = $name; $lastname = '.'; } $address = new Address(); $address->id_country = $id_country; $address->id_state = 0; $address->id_customer = $customer_id; $address->alias = 'My Address'; $address->firstname = trim($firstname); $address->lastname = $lastname; $address->address1 = (string) $xml->ProcessedOrder->ShippingAddress->AddressFieldOne; $address->address2 = (string) $xml->ProcessedOrder->ShippingAddress->AddressFieldTwo; $address->postcode = (string) $xml->ProcessedOrder->ShippingAddress->PostalCode; $address->city = (string) $xml->ProcessedOrder->ShippingAddress->City . ' ' . (string) $xml->ProcessedOrder->ShippingAddress->State; $address->active = 1; $address->add(); $address_id = $address->id; //$id_order_state = Configuration::get('PS_OS_PREPARATION'); $id_order_state = 99; $reference = Order::generateReference(); $order = new Order(); $order->id = $order_id; $order->id_customer = (int) $customer_id; $order->id_address_invoice = (int) $address_id; $carrier = null; $sql = 'SELECT id_carrier from `' . $prefix . 'carrier` where `active` = 1 and `deleted` = 0 limit 0,1'; $result = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql); $id_carrier = $result[0]['id_carrier']; $sql = 'SELECT id_currency from `' . $prefix . 'currency` where `active` = 1 and `deleted` = 0 and `iso_code` = "INR" limit 0,1'; $result = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql); $currency_id = $result[0]['id_currency']; $sql = 'UPDATE `' . $tablename . '` set `id_customer` = ' . (int) $customer_id . ', `id_carrier` = ' . $id_carrier . ', `id_address_invoice` = ' . (int) $address_id . ', `id_address_delivery` = ' . (int) $address_id . ', `id_currency` = ' . $currency_id . ', `reference` = "' . $reference . '", `secure_key` = "' . md5(uniqid()) . '", `total_paid` = ' . $total_amount . ', `total_paid_tax_incl` = ' . $total_amount . ', `total_paid_tax_excl` = ' . $total_amount . ', `total_paid_real` = 0, `total_shipping` = ' . $shipping_amount . ', `total_shipping_tax_incl` = ' . $shipping_amount . ', `total_shipping_tax_excl` = ' . $shipping_amount . ', `total_discounts` = ' . (double) $total_promo . ', `total_discounts_tax_incl` = ' . (double) $total_promo . ', `total_discounts_tax_excl` = ' . (double) $total_promo . ', `total_products` = ' . $total_principal . ', `total_products_wt` = ' . $total_principal . ', `invoice_date` = "0000-00-00 00:00:00", `delivery_date` = "0000-00-00 00:00:00" where `id_order` = ' . $order_id . ' '; //`round_mode` = '.Configuration::get('PS_PRICE_ROUND_MODE').', /*`total_wrapping_tax_incl` = '.$WrappingAmount.', `total_wrapping_tax_excl` = '.$WrappingAmount.', `total_wrapping` = '.$WrappingAmount.',*/ Db::getInstance()->Execute($sql); $acknowledge_arr = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($xml->ProcessedOrder->ProcessedOrderItems->ProcessedOrderItem as $item) { $product_id = (string) $item->SKU; $product = new Product((int) $product_id); $SKU = $product->reference; $AmazonOrderItemCode = (string) $item->AmazonOrderItemCode; $Title = (string) $item->Title; $Amount = (double) $item->Price->Amount; $acknowledge_arr['items'][$i]['AmazonOrderItemCode'] = $AmazonOrderItemCode; $acknowledge_arr['items'][$i]['product_id'] = $product_id; $CurrencyCode = (string) $item->Price->CurrencyCode; $Quantity = (int) $item->Quantity; $other_promo = 0; foreach ($item->ItemCharges->Component as $amount_type) { $item_charge_type = (string) $amount_type->Type; if ($item_charge_type == 'Principal') { $principal = (string) $amount_type->Charge->Amount; } if ($item_charge_type == 'Shipping') { $Shipping = (string) $amount_type->Charge->Amount; } if ($item_charge_type == 'PrincipalPromo') { $principal_promo = (string) $amount_type->Charge->Amount; } if ($item_charge_type == 'ShippingPromo') { $shipping_promo = (string) $amount_type->Charge->Amount; } if ($item_charge_type == 'OtherPromo') { $other_promo = (string) $amount_type->Charge->Amount; } } $sql = 'INSERT into `' . $prefix . 'order_detail` set `id_order` = ' . $order_id . ', `product_id` = ' . $product_id . ', `product_name` = "' . $Title . '", `product_quantity` = ' . $Quantity . ', `product_quantity_in_stock` = ' . $Quantity . ', `product_price` = ' . $Amount . ', `product_reference` = "' . $SKU . '", `total_price_tax_incl` = ' . $Amount * $Quantity . ', `total_price_tax_excl` = ' . $Amount * $Quantity . ', `unit_price_tax_incl` = ' . $Amount . ', `unit_price_tax_excl` = ' . $Amount . ', `original_product_price` = ' . $Amount . ' '; Db::getInstance()->Execute($sql); $sql = 'UPDATE `' . $prefix . 'stock_available` set `quantity` = `quantity` - ' . $Quantity . ' where `id_product` = ' . $product_id . ' and `id_product_attribute` = 0 '; Db::getInstance()->Execute($sql); $date = date('Y-m-d'); $sql = 'UPDATE `' . $prefix . 'product_sale` set `quantity` = `quantity` + ' . $Quantity . ', `sale_nbr` = `sale_nbr` + ' . $Quantity . ', `date_upd` = ' . $date . ' where `id_product` = ' . $product_id . ' '; Db::getInstance()->Execute($sql); $i++; } // Adding an entry in order_carrier table if (!is_null($carrier)) { $order_carrier = new OrderCarrier(); $order_carrier->id_order = (int) $order->id; $order_carrier->id_carrier = (int) $id_carrier; $order_carrier->weight = '0'; $order_carrier->shipping_cost_tax_excl = (double) $shipping_amount; $order_carrier->shipping_cost_tax_incl = (double) $shipping_amount; $order_carrier->add(); } else { $order_carrier = new OrderCarrier(); $order_carrier->id_order = (int) $order->id; $order_carrier->id_carrier = (int) $id_carrier; $order_carrier->weight = '0'; $order_carrier->shipping_cost_tax_excl = (double) $shipping_amount; $order_carrier->shipping_cost_tax_incl = (double) $shipping_amount; $order_carrier->add(); } // Set the order status $history = new OrderHistory(); $history->id_order = (int) $order->id; $history->changeIdOrderState((int) $id_order_state, $order->id, true); $history->addWithemail(true, array()); $acknowledge_arr['MerchantOrderID'] = (int) $order->id; }
public function setWsShippingNumber($shipping_number) { $id_order_carrier = Db::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT `id_order_carrier` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_carrier` WHERE `id_order` = ' . (int) $this->id); if ($id_order_carrier) { $order_carrier = new OrderCarrier($id_order_carrier); $order_carrier->tracking_number = $shipping_number; $order_carrier->update(); } else { $this->shipping_number = $shipping_number; } return true; }
public function ajaxProcessAddProductOnOrder() { // Load object $order = new Order((int) Tools::getValue('id_order')); if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($order)) { die(Tools::jsonEncode(array('result' => false, 'error' => Tools::displayError('The order object cannot be loaded.')))); } if ($order->hasBeenShipped()) { die(Tools::jsonEncode(array('result' => false, 'error' => Tools::displayError('You cannot add products to delivered orders. ')))); } $product_informations = $_POST['add_product']; if (isset($_POST['add_invoice'])) { $invoice_informations = $_POST['add_invoice']; } else { $invoice_informations = array(); } $product = new Product($product_informations['product_id'], false, $order->id_lang); if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($product)) { die(Tools::jsonEncode(array('result' => false, 'error' => Tools::displayError('The product object cannot be loaded.')))); } if (isset($product_informations['product_attribute_id']) && $product_informations['product_attribute_id']) { $combination = new Combination($product_informations['product_attribute_id']); if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($combination)) { die(Tools::jsonEncode(array('result' => false, 'error' => Tools::displayError('The combination object cannot be loaded.')))); } } // Total method $total_method = Cart::BOTH_WITHOUT_SHIPPING; // Create new cart $cart = new Cart(); $cart->id_shop_group = $order->id_shop_group; $cart->id_shop = $order->id_shop; $cart->id_customer = $order->id_customer; $cart->id_carrier = $order->id_carrier; $cart->id_address_delivery = $order->id_address_delivery; $cart->id_address_invoice = $order->id_address_invoice; $cart->id_currency = $order->id_currency; $cart->id_lang = $order->id_lang; $cart->secure_key = $order->secure_key; // Save new cart $cart->add(); // Save context (in order to apply cart rule) $this->context->cart = $cart; $this->context->customer = new Customer($order->id_customer); // always add taxes even if there are not displayed to the customer $use_taxes = true; $initial_product_price_tax_incl = Product::getPriceStatic($product->id, $use_taxes, isset($combination) ? $combination->id : null, 2, null, false, true, 1, false, $order->id_customer, $cart->id, $order->{Configuration::get('PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE', null, null, $order->id_shop)}); // Creating specific price if needed if ($product_informations['product_price_tax_incl'] != $initial_product_price_tax_incl) { $specific_price = new SpecificPrice(); $specific_price->id_shop = 0; $specific_price->id_shop_group = 0; $specific_price->id_currency = 0; $specific_price->id_country = 0; $specific_price->id_group = 0; $specific_price->id_customer = $order->id_customer; $specific_price->id_product = $product->id; if (isset($combination)) { $specific_price->id_product_attribute = $combination->id; } else { $specific_price->id_product_attribute = 0; } $specific_price->price = $product_informations['product_price_tax_excl']; $specific_price->from_quantity = 1; $specific_price->reduction = 0; $specific_price->reduction_type = 'amount'; $specific_price->from = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; $specific_price->to = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; $specific_price->add(); } // Add product to cart $update_quantity = $cart->updateQty($product_informations['product_quantity'], $product->id, isset($product_informations['product_attribute_id']) ? $product_informations['product_attribute_id'] : null, isset($combination) ? $combination->id : null, 'up', 0, new Shop($cart->id_shop)); if ($update_quantity < 0) { // If product has attribute, minimal quantity is set with minimal quantity of attribute $minimal_quantity = $product_informations['product_attribute_id'] ? Attribute::getAttributeMinimalQty($product_informations['product_attribute_id']) : $product->minimal_quantity; die(Tools::jsonEncode(array('error' => sprintf(Tools::displayError('You must add %d minimum quantity', false), $minimal_quantity)))); } elseif (!$update_quantity) { die(Tools::jsonEncode(array('error' => Tools::displayError('You already have the maximum quantity available for this product.', false)))); } // If order is valid, we can create a new invoice or edit an existing invoice if ($order->hasInvoice()) { $order_invoice = new OrderInvoice($product_informations['invoice']); // Create new invoice if ($order_invoice->id == 0) { // If we create a new invoice, we calculate shipping cost $total_method = Cart::BOTH; // Create Cart rule in order to make free shipping if (isset($invoice_informations['free_shipping']) && $invoice_informations['free_shipping']) { $cart_rule = new CartRule(); $cart_rule->id_customer = $order->id_customer; $cart_rule->name = array(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT') => $this->l('[Generated] CartRule for Free Shipping')); $cart_rule->date_from = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); $cart_rule->date_to = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + 24 * 3600); $cart_rule->quantity = 1; $cart_rule->quantity_per_user = 1; $cart_rule->minimum_amount_currency = $order->id_currency; $cart_rule->reduction_currency = $order->id_currency; $cart_rule->free_shipping = true; $cart_rule->active = 1; $cart_rule->add(); // Add cart rule to cart and in order $cart->addCartRule($cart_rule->id); $values = array('tax_incl' => $cart_rule->getContextualValue(true), 'tax_excl' => $cart_rule->getContextualValue(false)); $order->addCartRule($cart_rule->id, $cart_rule->name[Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')], $values); } $order_invoice->id_order = $order->id; if ($order_invoice->number) { Configuration::updateValue('PS_INVOICE_START_NUMBER', false, false, null, $order->id_shop); } else { $order_invoice->number = Order::getLastInvoiceNumber() + 1; } $invoice_address = new Address((int) $order->{Configuration::get('PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE', null, null, $order->id_shop)}); $carrier = new Carrier((int) $order->id_carrier); $tax_calculator = $carrier->getTaxCalculator($invoice_address); $order_invoice->total_paid_tax_excl = Tools::ps_round((double) $cart->getOrderTotal(false, $total_method), 2); $order_invoice->total_paid_tax_incl = Tools::ps_round((double) $cart->getOrderTotal($use_taxes, $total_method), 2); $order_invoice->total_products = (double) $cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_PRODUCTS); $order_invoice->total_products_wt = (double) $cart->getOrderTotal($use_taxes, Cart::ONLY_PRODUCTS); $order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_excl = (double) $cart->getTotalShippingCost(null, false); $order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_incl = (double) $cart->getTotalShippingCost(); $order_invoice->total_wrapping_tax_excl = abs($cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING)); $order_invoice->total_wrapping_tax_incl = abs($cart->getOrderTotal($use_taxes, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING)); $order_invoice->shipping_tax_computation_method = (int) $tax_calculator->computation_method; // Update current order field, only shipping because other field is updated later $order->total_shipping += $order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_incl; $order->total_shipping_tax_excl += $order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_excl; $order->total_shipping_tax_incl += $use_taxes ? $order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_incl : $order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_excl; $order->total_wrapping += abs($cart->getOrderTotal($use_taxes, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING)); $order->total_wrapping_tax_excl += abs($cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING)); $order->total_wrapping_tax_incl += abs($cart->getOrderTotal($use_taxes, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING)); $order_invoice->add(); $order_invoice->saveCarrierTaxCalculator($tax_calculator->getTaxesAmount($order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_excl)); $order_carrier = new OrderCarrier(); $order_carrier->id_order = (int) $order->id; $order_carrier->id_carrier = (int) $order->id_carrier; $order_carrier->id_order_invoice = (int) $order_invoice->id; $order_carrier->weight = (double) $cart->getTotalWeight(); $order_carrier->shipping_cost_tax_excl = (double) $order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_excl; $order_carrier->shipping_cost_tax_incl = $use_taxes ? (double) $order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_incl : (double) $order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_excl; $order_carrier->add(); } else { $order_invoice->total_paid_tax_excl += Tools::ps_round((double) $cart->getOrderTotal(false, $total_method), 2); $order_invoice->total_paid_tax_incl += Tools::ps_round((double) $cart->getOrderTotal($use_taxes, $total_method), 2); $order_invoice->total_products += (double) $cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_PRODUCTS); $order_invoice->total_products_wt += (double) $cart->getOrderTotal($use_taxes, Cart::ONLY_PRODUCTS); $order_invoice->update(); } } // Create Order detail information $order_detail = new OrderDetail(); $order_detail->createList($order, $cart, $order->getCurrentOrderState(), $cart->getProducts(), isset($order_invoice) ? $order_invoice->id : 0, $use_taxes, (int) Tools::getValue('add_product_warehouse')); // update totals amount of order $order->total_products += (double) $cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_PRODUCTS); $order->total_products_wt += (double) $cart->getOrderTotal($use_taxes, Cart::ONLY_PRODUCTS); $order->total_paid += Tools::ps_round((double) $cart->getOrderTotal(true, $total_method), 2); $order->total_paid_tax_excl += Tools::ps_round((double) $cart->getOrderTotal(false, $total_method), 2); $order->total_paid_tax_incl += Tools::ps_round((double) $cart->getOrderTotal($use_taxes, $total_method), 2); if (isset($order_invoice) && Validate::isLoadedObject($order_invoice)) { $order->total_shipping = $order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_incl; $order->total_shipping_tax_incl = $order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_incl; $order->total_shipping_tax_excl = $order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_excl; } // discount $order->total_discounts += (double) abs($cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_DISCOUNTS)); $order->total_discounts_tax_excl += (double) abs($cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_DISCOUNTS)); $order->total_discounts_tax_incl += (double) abs($cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_DISCOUNTS)); // Save changes of order $order->update(); // Update weight SUM $order_carrier = new OrderCarrier((int) $order->getIdOrderCarrier()); if (Validate::isLoadedObject($order_carrier)) { $order_carrier->weight = (double) $order->getTotalWeight(); if ($order_carrier->update()) { $order->weight = sprintf("%.3f " . Configuration::get('PS_WEIGHT_UNIT'), $order_carrier->weight); } } // Update Tax lines $order_detail->updateTaxAmount($order); // Delete specific price if exists if (isset($specific_price)) { $specific_price->delete(); } $products = $this->getProducts($order); // Get the last product $product = end($products); $resume = OrderSlip::getProductSlipResume((int) $product['id_order_detail']); $product['quantity_refundable'] = $product['product_quantity'] - $resume['product_quantity']; $product['amount_refundable'] = $product['total_price_tax_incl'] - $resume['amount_tax_incl']; $product['amount_refund'] = Tools::displayPrice($resume['amount_tax_incl']); $product['return_history'] = OrderReturn::getProductReturnDetail((int) $product['id_order_detail']); $product['refund_history'] = OrderSlip::getProductSlipDetail((int) $product['id_order_detail']); if ($product['id_warehouse'] != 0) { $warehouse = new Warehouse((int) $product['id_warehouse']); $product['warehouse_name'] = $warehouse->name; } else { $product['warehouse_name'] = '--'; } // Get invoices collection $invoice_collection = $order->getInvoicesCollection(); $invoice_array = array(); foreach ($invoice_collection as $invoice) { $invoice->name = $invoice->getInvoiceNumberFormatted(Context::getContext()->language->id, (int) $order->id_shop); $invoice_array[] = $invoice; } // Assign to smarty informations in order to show the new product line $this->context->smarty->assign(array('product' => $product, 'order' => $order, 'currency' => new Currency($order->id_currency), 'can_edit' => $this->tabAccess['edit'], 'invoices_collection' => $invoice_collection, 'current_id_lang' => Context::getContext()->language->id, 'link' => Context::getContext()->link, 'current_index' => self::$currentIndex, 'display_warehouse' => (int) Configuration::get('PS_ADVANCED_STOCK_MANAGEMENT'))); $this->sendChangedNotification($order); die(Tools::jsonEncode(array('result' => true, 'view' => $this->createTemplate('_product_line.tpl')->fetch(), 'can_edit' => $this->tabAccess['add'], 'order' => $order, 'invoices' => $invoice_array, 'documents_html' => $this->createTemplate('_documents.tpl')->fetch(), 'shipping_html' => $this->createTemplate('_shipping.tpl')->fetch(), 'discount_form_html' => $this->createTemplate('_discount_form.tpl')->fetch()))); }
public function hookNewOrder($params) { $current_email = $this->context->customer->email; // Get value. $send24_consumer_key = Configuration::get('send24_consumer_key'); $send24_consumer_secret = Configuration::get('send24_consumer_secret'); // Get shipping value. $address = new Address($this->context->cart->id_address_delivery); $select_country = $this->express; // get/check Express. $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $send24_consumer_key . ":" . $send24_consumer_secret); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/json")); $send24_countries = Tools::jsonDecode(curl_exec($ch)); curl_close($ch); $n = count($send24_countries); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { if ($send24_countries[$i]->title == $select_country) { $send24_product_id = $send24_countries[$i]->product_id; $i = $n; $is_available = true; } else { $is_available = false; } } if ($is_available == true) { $insurance_price = 0; $discount = "false"; $ship_total = $type = $price_need = ''; if ($select_country == $this->express) { $select_country = 'Danmark'; $where_shop_id = 'ekspres'; } // Create order. $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $send24_consumer_key . ":" . $send24_consumer_secret); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, ' { "TO_company": "' . $address->company . '", "TO_first_name": "' . $address->firstname . '", "TO_last_name": "' . $address->lastname . '", "TO_phone": "' . $address->phone . '", "TO_email": "' . $current_email . '", "TO_country": "' . $select_country . '", "TO_city": "' . $address->city . '", "TO_postcode": "' . $address->postcode . '", "Insurance" : "' . $insurance_price . '", "Weight": "5", "TO_address": "' . $address->address1 . '", "WHAT_product_id": "' . $send24_product_id . '", "WHERE_shop_id": "' . $where_shop_id . '", "discount": "' . $discount . '", "type": "' . $type . '", "need_points": "' . $price_need . '", "total": "' . $ship_total . '", "ship_mail": "' . $current_email . '", "bill_mail": "' . $current_email . '" } '); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/json")); $response = curl_exec($ch); $response_order = Tools::jsonDecode($response, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT); if (!empty($response_order)) { $tracking_number = explode('?', $response_order['track']); $objOrder = $params['order']; $history = new OrderHistory(); $history->id_order = (int) $objOrder->id; $order_carrier = new OrderCarrier($history->id_order); $order_carrier->tracking_number = $tracking_number['1']; Db::getInstance()->insert('send24order_value', array('id_order' => (int) $history->id_order, 'order_number' => $response_order['order_number'], 'link_to_pdf' => $response_order['link_to_pdf'], 'link_to_doc' => $response_order['link_to_doc'], 'link_to_zpl' => $response_order['link_to_zpl'], 'link_to_epl' => $response_order['link_to_epl'], 'track' => $response_order['track'], 'date_add' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); $order_carrier->update(); } // Delete Carriers. // self::deleteCarriers(); foreach ($this->carriers as $value) { $carriers = new Carrier((int) Configuration::get(self::PREFIX . $value)); $carriers->delay = array('1' => '(viser leveringstid i dag)'); $carriers->deleted = 0; $carriers->update(); } curl_close($ch); } return true; }
public function validateOrder($id_cart, $id_order_state, $amount_paid, $payment_method = 'Unknown', $message = null, $extra_vars = array(), $currency_special = null, $dont_touch_amount = false, $secure_key = false, Shop $shop = null) { if (self::DEBUG_MODE) { PrestaShopLogger::addLog('PaymentModule::validateOrder - Function called', 1, null, 'Cart', (int) $id_cart, true); } if (!isset($this->context)) { $this->context = Context::getContext(); } $this->context->cart = new Cart($id_cart); $this->context->customer = new Customer($this->context->cart->id_customer); // The tax cart is loaded before the customer so re-cache the tax calculation method $this->context->cart->setTaxCalculationMethod(); $this->context->language = new Language($this->context->cart->id_lang); $this->context->shop = $shop ? $shop : new Shop($this->context->cart->id_shop); ShopUrl::resetMainDomainCache(); $id_currency = $currency_special ? (int) $currency_special : (int) $this->context->cart->id_currency; $this->context->currency = new Currency($id_currency, null, $this->context->shop->id); if (Configuration::get('PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE') == 'id_address_delivery') { $context_country = $this->context->country; } $order_status = new OrderState((int) $id_order_state, (int) $this->context->language->id); if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($order_status)) { PrestaShopLogger::addLog('PaymentModule::validateOrder - Order Status cannot be loaded', 3, null, 'Cart', (int) $id_cart, true); throw new PrestaShopException('Can\'t load Order status'); } if (!$this->active) { PrestaShopLogger::addLog('PaymentModule::validateOrder - Module is not active', 3, null, 'Cart', (int) $id_cart, true); die(Tools::displayError()); } // Does order already exists ? if (Validate::isLoadedObject($this->context->cart) && $this->context->cart->OrderExists() == false) { if ($secure_key !== false && $secure_key != $this->context->cart->secure_key) { PrestaShopLogger::addLog('PaymentModule::validateOrder - Secure key does not match', 3, null, 'Cart', (int) $id_cart, true); die(Tools::displayError()); } // For each package, generate an order $delivery_option_list = $this->context->cart->getDeliveryOptionList(); $package_list = $this->context->cart->getPackageList(); $cart_delivery_option = $this->context->cart->getDeliveryOption(); // If some delivery options are not defined, or not valid, use the first valid option foreach ($delivery_option_list as $id_address => $package) { if (!isset($cart_delivery_option[$id_address]) || !array_key_exists($cart_delivery_option[$id_address], $package)) { foreach ($package as $key => $val) { $cart_delivery_option[$id_address] = $key; break; } } } $order_list = array(); $order_detail_list = array(); do { $reference = Order::generateReference(); } while (Order::getByReference($reference)->count()); $this->currentOrderReference = $reference; $order_creation_failed = false; $cart_total_paid = (double) Tools::ps_round((double) $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH), 2); foreach ($cart_delivery_option as $id_address => $key_carriers) { foreach ($delivery_option_list[$id_address][$key_carriers]['carrier_list'] as $id_carrier => $data) { foreach ($data['package_list'] as $id_package) { // Rewrite the id_warehouse $package_list[$id_address][$id_package]['id_warehouse'] = (int) $this->context->cart->getPackageIdWarehouse($package_list[$id_address][$id_package], (int) $id_carrier); $package_list[$id_address][$id_package]['id_carrier'] = $id_carrier; } } } // Make sure CartRule caches are empty CartRule::cleanCache(); $cart_rules = $this->context->cart->getCartRules(); foreach ($cart_rules as $cart_rule) { if (($rule = new CartRule((int) $cart_rule['obj']->id)) && Validate::isLoadedObject($rule)) { if ($error = $rule->checkValidity($this->context, true, true)) { $this->context->cart->removeCartRule((int) $rule->id); if (isset($this->context->cookie) && isset($this->context->cookie->id_customer) && $this->context->cookie->id_customer && !empty($rule->code)) { if (Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_PROCESS_TYPE') == 1) { Tools::redirect('index.php?controller=order-opc&submitAddDiscount=1&discount_name=' . urlencode($rule->code)); } Tools::redirect('index.php?controller=order&submitAddDiscount=1&discount_name=' . urlencode($rule->code)); } else { $rule_name = isset($rule->name[(int) $this->context->cart->id_lang]) ? $rule->name[(int) $this->context->cart->id_lang] : $rule->code; $error = Tools::displayError(sprintf('CartRule ID %1s (%2s) used in this cart is not valid and has been withdrawn from cart', (int) $rule->id, $rule_name)); PrestaShopLogger::addLog($error, 3, '0000002', 'Cart', (int) $this->context->cart->id); } } } } foreach ($package_list as $id_address => $packageByAddress) { foreach ($packageByAddress as $id_package => $package) { $order = new Order(); $order->product_list = $package['product_list']; if (Configuration::get('PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE') == 'id_address_delivery') { $address = new Address($id_address); $this->context->country = new Country($address->id_country, $this->context->cart->id_lang); if (!$this->context->country->active) { throw new PrestaShopException('The delivery address country is not active.'); } } $carrier = null; if (!$this->context->cart->isVirtualCart() && isset($package['id_carrier'])) { $carrier = new Carrier($package['id_carrier'], $this->context->cart->id_lang); $order->id_carrier = (int) $carrier->id; $id_carrier = (int) $carrier->id; } else { $order->id_carrier = 0; $id_carrier = 0; } $order->id_customer = (int) $this->context->cart->id_customer; $order->id_address_invoice = (int) $this->context->cart->id_address_invoice; $order->id_address_delivery = (int) $id_address; $order->id_currency = $this->context->currency->id; $order->id_lang = (int) $this->context->cart->id_lang; $order->id_cart = (int) $this->context->cart->id; $order->reference = $reference; $order->id_shop = (int) $this->context->shop->id; $order->id_shop_group = (int) $this->context->shop->id_shop_group; $order->secure_key = $secure_key ? pSQL($secure_key) : pSQL($this->context->customer->secure_key); $order->payment = $payment_method; if (isset($this->name)) { $order->module = $this->name; } $order->recyclable = $this->context->cart->recyclable; $order->gift = (int) $this->context->cart->gift; $order->gift_message = $this->context->cart->gift_message; $order->mobile_theme = $this->context->cart->mobile_theme; $order->conversion_rate = $this->context->currency->conversion_rate; $amount_paid = !$dont_touch_amount ? Tools::ps_round((double) $amount_paid, 2) : $amount_paid; $order->total_paid_real = 0; $order->total_products = (double) $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_PRODUCTS, $order->product_list, $id_carrier); $order->total_products_wt = (double) $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_PRODUCTS, $order->product_list, $id_carrier); $order->total_discounts_tax_excl = (double) abs($this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_DISCOUNTS, $order->product_list, $id_carrier)); $order->total_discounts_tax_incl = (double) abs($this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_DISCOUNTS, $order->product_list, $id_carrier)); $order->total_discounts = $order->total_discounts_tax_incl; $order->total_shipping_tax_excl = (double) $this->context->cart->getPackageShippingCost((int) $id_carrier, false, null, $order->product_list); $order->total_shipping_tax_incl = (double) $this->context->cart->getPackageShippingCost((int) $id_carrier, true, null, $order->product_list); $order->total_shipping = $order->total_shipping_tax_incl; if (!is_null($carrier) && Validate::isLoadedObject($carrier)) { $order->carrier_tax_rate = $carrier->getTaxesRate(new Address($this->context->cart->{Configuration::get('PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE')})); } $order->total_wrapping_tax_excl = (double) abs($this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING, $order->product_list, $id_carrier)); $order->total_wrapping_tax_incl = (double) abs($this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING, $order->product_list, $id_carrier)); $order->total_wrapping = $order->total_wrapping_tax_incl; $order->total_paid_tax_excl = (double) Tools::ps_round((double) $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::BOTH, $order->product_list, $id_carrier), _PS_PRICE_COMPUTE_PRECISION_); $order->total_paid_tax_incl = (double) Tools::ps_round((double) $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH, $order->product_list, $id_carrier), _PS_PRICE_COMPUTE_PRECISION_); $order->total_paid = $order->total_paid_tax_incl; $order->round_mode = Configuration::get('PS_PRICE_ROUND_MODE'); $order->invoice_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; $order->delivery_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; if (self::DEBUG_MODE) { PrestaShopLogger::addLog('PaymentModule::validateOrder - Order is about to be added', 1, null, 'Cart', (int) $id_cart, true); } // Creating order $result = $order->add(); if (!$result) { PrestaShopLogger::addLog('PaymentModule::validateOrder - Order cannot be created', 3, null, 'Cart', (int) $id_cart, true); throw new PrestaShopException('Can\'t save Order'); } // Amount paid by customer is not the right one -> Status = payment error // We don't use the following condition to avoid the float precision issues : // if ($order->total_paid != $order->total_paid_real) // We use number_format in order to compare two string if ($order_status->logable && number_format($cart_total_paid, _PS_PRICE_COMPUTE_PRECISION_) != number_format($amount_paid, _PS_PRICE_COMPUTE_PRECISION_)) { $id_order_state = Configuration::get('PS_OS_ERROR'); } $order_list[] = $order; if (self::DEBUG_MODE) { PrestaShopLogger::addLog('PaymentModule::validateOrder - OrderDetail is about to be added', 1, null, 'Cart', (int) $id_cart, true); } // Insert new Order detail list using cart for the current order $order_detail = new OrderDetail(null, null, $this->context); $order_detail->createList($order, $this->context->cart, $id_order_state, $order->product_list, 0, true, $package_list[$id_address][$id_package]['id_warehouse']); $order_detail_list[] = $order_detail; if (self::DEBUG_MODE) { PrestaShopLogger::addLog('PaymentModule::validateOrder - OrderCarrier is about to be added', 1, null, 'Cart', (int) $id_cart, true); } // Adding an entry in order_carrier table if (!is_null($carrier)) { $order_carrier = new OrderCarrier(); $order_carrier->id_order = (int) $order->id; $order_carrier->id_carrier = (int) $id_carrier; $order_carrier->weight = (double) $order->getTotalWeight(); $order_carrier->shipping_cost_tax_excl = (double) $order->total_shipping_tax_excl; $order_carrier->shipping_cost_tax_incl = (double) $order->total_shipping_tax_incl; $order_carrier->add(); } } } // The country can only change if the address used for the calculation is the delivery address, and if multi-shipping is activated if (Configuration::get('PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE') == 'id_address_delivery') { $this->context->country = $context_country; } if (!$this->context->country->active) { PrestaShopLogger::addLog('PaymentModule::validateOrder - Country is not active', 3, null, 'Cart', (int) $id_cart, true); throw new PrestaShopException('The order address country is not active.'); } if (self::DEBUG_MODE) { PrestaShopLogger::addLog('PaymentModule::validateOrder - Payment is about to be added', 1, null, 'Cart', (int) $id_cart, true); } // Register Payment only if the order status validate the order if ($order_status->logable) { // $order is the last order loop in the foreach // The method addOrderPayment of the class Order make a create a paymentOrder // linked to the order reference and not to the order id if (isset($extra_vars['transaction_id'])) { $transaction_id = $extra_vars['transaction_id']; } else { $transaction_id = null; } if (!$order->addOrderPayment($amount_paid, null, $transaction_id)) { PrestaShopLogger::addLog('PaymentModule::validateOrder - Cannot save Order Payment', 3, null, 'Cart', (int) $id_cart, true); throw new PrestaShopException('Can\'t save Order Payment'); } } // Next ! $only_one_gift = false; $cart_rule_used = array(); $products = $this->context->cart->getProducts(); // Make sure CarRule caches are empty CartRule::cleanCache(); foreach ($order_detail_list as $key => $order_detail) { $order = $order_list[$key]; if (!$order_creation_failed && isset($order->id)) { if (!$secure_key) { $message .= '<br />' . Tools::displayError('Warning: the secure key is empty, check your payment account before validation'); } // Optional message to attach to this order if (isset($message) & !empty($message)) { $msg = new Message(); $message = strip_tags($message, '<br>'); if (Validate::isCleanHtml($message)) { if (self::DEBUG_MODE) { PrestaShopLogger::addLog('PaymentModule::validateOrder - Message is about to be added', 1, null, 'Cart', (int) $id_cart, true); } $msg->message = $message; $msg->id_order = (int) $order->id; $msg->private = 1; $msg->add(); } } // Insert new Order detail list using cart for the current order //$orderDetail = new OrderDetail(null, null, $this->context); //$orderDetail->createList($order, $this->context->cart, $id_order_state); // Construct order detail table for the email $products_list = ''; $virtual_product = true; $ppropertiessmartprice_hook1 = null; $product_var_tpl_list = array(); foreach ($order->product_list as $product) { PP::smartyPPAssign(array('cart' => $product, 'currency' => $this->context->currency)); $price = Product::getPriceStatic((int) $product['id_product'], false, $product['id_product_attribute'] ? (int) $product['id_product_attribute'] : null, 6, null, false, true, array($product['cart_quantity'], $product['cart_quantity_fractional']), false, (int) $order->id_customer, (int) $order->id_cart, (int) $order->{Configuration::get('PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE')}); $price_wt = Product::getPriceStatic((int) $product['id_product'], true, $product['id_product_attribute'] ? (int) $product['id_product_attribute'] : null, 2, null, false, true, array($product['cart_quantity'], $product['cart_quantity_fractional']), false, (int) $order->id_customer, (int) $order->id_cart, (int) $order->{Configuration::get('PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE')}); $ppropertiessmartprice_hook2 = ''; $product_var_tpl = array('reference' => $product['reference'], 'name' => $product['name'] . (isset($product['attributes']) ? ' - ' . $product['attributes'] : '') . PP::smartyDisplayProductName(array('name' => '')) . $ppropertiessmartprice_hook2, 'unit_price' => PP::smartyDisplayPrice(array('price' => Product::getTaxCalculationMethod() == PS_TAX_EXC ? Tools::ps_round($price, 2) : $price_wt)), 'price' => PP::smartyDisplayPrice(array('price' => Product::getTaxCalculationMethod() == PS_TAX_EXC ? $product['total'] : $product['total_wt'], 'quantity' => (int) $product['cart_quantity'], 'm' => 'total')), 'quantity' => PP::smartyDisplayQty(array('quantity' => (int) $product['cart_quantity'])), 'customization' => array()); $customized_datas = Product::getAllCustomizedDatas((int) $order->id_cart); $productHasCustomizedDatas = Product::hasCustomizedDatas($product, $customized_datas); if ($productHasCustomizedDatas && isset($customized_datas[$product['id_product']][$product['id_product_attribute']])) { $product_var_tpl['customization'] = array(); foreach ($customized_datas[$product['id_product']][$product['id_product_attribute']][$order->id_address_delivery] as $customization) { if ($product['id_cart_product'] == $customization['id_cart_product']) { $customization_text = ''; if (isset($customization['datas'][Product::CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD])) { foreach ($customization['datas'][Product::CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD] as $text) { $customization_text .= $text['name'] . ': ' . $text['value'] . '<br />'; } } if (isset($customization['datas'][Product::CUSTOMIZE_FILE])) { $customization_text .= sprintf(Tools::displayError('%d image(s)'), count($customization['datas'][Product::CUSTOMIZE_FILE])) . '<br />'; } $customization_quantity = (int) $product['customization_quantity']; $product_var_tpl['customization'][] = array('customization_text' => $customization_text, 'customization_quantity' => PP::smartyDisplayQty(array('quantity' => $customization_quantity)), 'quantity' => PP::smartyDisplayPrice(array('price' => Product::getTaxCalculationMethod() == PS_TAX_EXC ? $product['total_customization'] : $product['total_customization_wt'], 'm' => 'total'))); } } } $product_var_tpl_list[] = $product_var_tpl; // Check if is not a virutal product for the displaying of shipping if (!$product['is_virtual']) { $virtual_product &= false; } } // end foreach ($products) PP::smartyPPAssign(); $product_list_txt = ''; $product_list_html = ''; if (count($product_var_tpl_list) > 0) { $product_list_txt = $this->getEmailTemplateContent('order_conf_product_list.txt', Mail::TYPE_TEXT, $product_var_tpl_list); $product_list_html = $this->getEmailTemplateContent('order_conf_product_list.tpl', Mail::TYPE_HTML, $product_var_tpl_list); } $cart_rules_list = array(); $total_reduction_value_ti = 0; $total_reduction_value_tex = 0; foreach ($cart_rules as $cart_rule) { $package = array('id_carrier' => $order->id_carrier, 'id_address' => $order->id_address_delivery, 'products' => $order->product_list); $values = array('tax_incl' => $cart_rule['obj']->getContextualValue(true, $this->context, CartRule::FILTER_ACTION_ALL_NOCAP, $package), 'tax_excl' => $cart_rule['obj']->getContextualValue(false, $this->context, CartRule::FILTER_ACTION_ALL_NOCAP, $package)); // If the reduction is not applicable to this order, then continue with the next one if (!$values['tax_excl']) { continue; } // IF // This is not multi-shipping // The value of the voucher is greater than the total of the order // Partial use is allowed // This is an "amount" reduction, not a reduction in % or a gift // THEN // The voucher is cloned with a new value corresponding to the remainder if (count($order_list) == 1 && $values['tax_incl'] > $order->total_products_wt - $total_reduction_value_ti && $cart_rule['obj']->partial_use == 1 && $cart_rule['obj']->reduction_amount > 0) { // Create a new voucher from the original $voucher = new CartRule($cart_rule['obj']->id); // We need to instantiate the CartRule without lang parameter to allow saving it unset($voucher->id); // Set a new voucher code $voucher->code = empty($voucher->code) ? Tools::substr(md5($order->id . '-' . $order->id_customer . '-' . $cart_rule['obj']->id), 0, 16) : $voucher->code . '-2'; if (preg_match('/\\-([0-9]{1,2})\\-([0-9]{1,2})$/', $voucher->code, $matches) && $matches[1] == $matches[2]) { $voucher->code = preg_replace('/' . $matches[0] . '$/', '-' . (int) ($matches[1] + 1), $voucher->code); } // Set the new voucher value if ($voucher->reduction_tax) { $voucher->reduction_amount = $total_reduction_value_ti + $values['tax_incl'] - $order->total_products_wt; // Add total shipping amout only if reduction amount > total shipping if ($voucher->free_shipping == 1 && $voucher->reduction_amount >= $order->total_shipping_tax_incl) { $voucher->reduction_amount -= $order->total_shipping_tax_incl; } } else { $voucher->reduction_amount = $total_reduction_value_tex + $values['tax_excl'] - $order->total_products; // Add total shipping amout only if reduction amount > total shipping if ($voucher->free_shipping == 1 && $voucher->reduction_amount >= $order->total_shipping_tax_excl) { $voucher->reduction_amount -= $order->total_shipping_tax_excl; } } if ($voucher->reduction_amount <= 0) { continue; } $voucher->id_customer = $order->id_customer; $voucher->quantity = 1; $voucher->quantity_per_user = 1; $voucher->free_shipping = 0; if ($voucher->add()) { // If the voucher has conditions, they are now copied to the new voucher CartRule::copyConditions($cart_rule['obj']->id, $voucher->id); $params = array('{voucher_amount}' => Tools::displayPrice($voucher->reduction_amount, $this->context->currency, false), '{voucher_num}' => $voucher->code, '{firstname}' => $this->context->customer->firstname, '{lastname}' => $this->context->customer->lastname, '{id_order}' => $order->reference, '{order_name}' => $order->getUniqReference()); Mail::Send((int) $order->id_lang, 'voucher', sprintf(Mail::l('New voucher for your order %s', (int) $order->id_lang), $order->reference), $params, $this->context->customer->email, $this->context->customer->firstname . ' ' . $this->context->customer->lastname, null, null, null, null, _PS_MAIL_DIR_, false, (int) $order->id_shop); } $values['tax_incl'] = $order->total_products_wt - $total_reduction_value_ti; $values['tax_excl'] = $order->total_products - $total_reduction_value_tex; } $total_reduction_value_ti += $values['tax_incl']; $total_reduction_value_tex += $values['tax_excl']; $order->addCartRule($cart_rule['obj']->id, $cart_rule['obj']->name, $values, 0, $cart_rule['obj']->free_shipping); if ($id_order_state != Configuration::get('PS_OS_ERROR') && $id_order_state != Configuration::get('PS_OS_CANCELED') && !in_array($cart_rule['obj']->id, $cart_rule_used)) { $cart_rule_used[] = $cart_rule['obj']->id; // Create a new instance of Cart Rule without id_lang, in order to update its quantity $cart_rule_to_update = new CartRule($cart_rule['obj']->id); $cart_rule_to_update->quantity = max(0, $cart_rule_to_update->quantity - 1); $cart_rule_to_update->update(); } $cart_rules_list[] = array('voucher_name' => $cart_rule['obj']->name, 'voucher_reduction' => ($values['tax_incl'] != 0.0 ? '-' : '') . Tools::displayPrice($values['tax_incl'], $this->context->currency, false)); } $cart_rules_list_txt = ''; $cart_rules_list_html = ''; if (count($cart_rules_list) > 0) { $cart_rules_list_txt = $this->getEmailTemplateContent('order_conf_cart_rules.txt', Mail::TYPE_TEXT, $cart_rules_list); $cart_rules_list_html = $this->getEmailTemplateContent('order_conf_cart_rules.tpl', Mail::TYPE_HTML, $cart_rules_list); } // Specify order id for message $old_message = Message::getMessageByCartId((int) $this->context->cart->id); if ($old_message) { $update_message = new Message((int) $old_message['id_message']); $update_message->id_order = (int) $order->id; $update_message->update(); // Add this message in the customer thread $customer_thread = new CustomerThread(); $customer_thread->id_contact = 0; $customer_thread->id_customer = (int) $order->id_customer; $customer_thread->id_shop = (int) $this->context->shop->id; $customer_thread->id_order = (int) $order->id; $customer_thread->id_lang = (int) $this->context->language->id; $customer_thread->email = $this->context->customer->email; $customer_thread->status = 'open'; $customer_thread->token = Tools::passwdGen(12); $customer_thread->add(); $customer_message = new CustomerMessage(); $customer_message->id_customer_thread = $customer_thread->id; $customer_message->id_employee = 0; $customer_message->message = $update_message->message; $customer_message->private = 0; if (!$customer_message->add()) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while saving message'); } } if (self::DEBUG_MODE) { PrestaShopLogger::addLog('PaymentModule::validateOrder - Hook validateOrder is about to be called', 1, null, 'Cart', (int) $id_cart, true); } // Hook validate order Hook::exec('actionValidateOrder', array('cart' => $this->context->cart, 'order' => $order, 'customer' => $this->context->customer, 'currency' => $this->context->currency, 'orderStatus' => $order_status)); foreach ($this->context->cart->getProducts() as $product) { if ($order_status->logable) { ProductSale::addProductSale((int) $product['id_product'], (int) $product['cart_quantity']); } } if (self::DEBUG_MODE) { PrestaShopLogger::addLog('PaymentModule::validateOrder - Order Status is about to be added', 1, null, 'Cart', (int) $id_cart, true); } // Set the order status $new_history = new OrderHistory(); $new_history->id_order = (int) $order->id; $new_history->changeIdOrderState((int) $id_order_state, $order, true); $new_history->addWithemail(true, $extra_vars); // Switch to back order if needed if (Configuration::get('PS_STOCK_MANAGEMENT') && $order_detail->getStockState()) { $history = new OrderHistory(); $history->id_order = (int) $order->id; $history->changeIdOrderState(Configuration::get($order->valid ? 'PS_OS_OUTOFSTOCK_PAID' : 'PS_OS_OUTOFSTOCK_UNPAID'), $order, true); $history->addWithemail(); } unset($order_detail); // Order is reloaded because the status just changed $order = new Order($order->id); // Send an e-mail to customer (one order = one email) if ($id_order_state != Configuration::get('PS_OS_ERROR') && $id_order_state != Configuration::get('PS_OS_CANCELED') && $this->context->customer->id) { $invoice = new Address($order->id_address_invoice); $delivery = new Address($order->id_address_delivery); $delivery_state = $delivery->id_state ? new State($delivery->id_state) : false; $invoice_state = $invoice->id_state ? new State($invoice->id_state) : false; $data = array('{firstname}' => $this->context->customer->firstname, '{lastname}' => $this->context->customer->lastname, '{email}' => $this->context->customer->email, '{delivery_block_txt}' => $this->_getFormatedAddress($delivery, "\n"), '{invoice_block_txt}' => $this->_getFormatedAddress($invoice, "\n"), '{delivery_block_html}' => $this->_getFormatedAddress($delivery, '<br />', array('firstname' => '<span style="font-weight:bold;">%s</span>', 'lastname' => '<span style="font-weight:bold;">%s</span>')), '{invoice_block_html}' => $this->_getFormatedAddress($invoice, '<br />', array('firstname' => '<span style="font-weight:bold;">%s</span>', 'lastname' => '<span style="font-weight:bold;">%s</span>')), '{delivery_company}' => $delivery->company, '{delivery_firstname}' => $delivery->firstname, '{delivery_lastname}' => $delivery->lastname, '{delivery_address1}' => $delivery->address1, '{delivery_address2}' => $delivery->address2, '{delivery_city}' => $delivery->city, '{delivery_postal_code}' => $delivery->postcode, '{delivery_country}' => $delivery->country, '{delivery_state}' => $delivery->id_state ? $delivery_state->name : '', '{delivery_phone}' => $delivery->phone ? $delivery->phone : $delivery->phone_mobile, '{delivery_other}' => $delivery->other, '{invoice_company}' => $invoice->company, '{invoice_vat_number}' => $invoice->vat_number, '{invoice_firstname}' => $invoice->firstname, '{invoice_lastname}' => $invoice->lastname, '{invoice_address2}' => $invoice->address2, '{invoice_address1}' => $invoice->address1, '{invoice_city}' => $invoice->city, '{invoice_postal_code}' => $invoice->postcode, '{invoice_country}' => $invoice->country, '{invoice_state}' => $invoice->id_state ? $invoice_state->name : '', '{invoice_phone}' => $invoice->phone ? $invoice->phone : $invoice->phone_mobile, '{invoice_other}' => $invoice->other, '{order_name}' => $order->getUniqReference(), '{date}' => Tools::displayDate(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), null, 1), '{carrier}' => $virtual_product || !isset($carrier->name) ? Tools::displayError('No carrier') : $carrier->name, '{payment}' => Tools::substr($order->payment, 0, 32), '{products}' => $product_list_html, '{products_txt}' => $product_list_txt, '{discounts}' => $cart_rules_list_html, '{discounts_txt}' => $cart_rules_list_txt, '{total_paid}' => Tools::displayPrice($order->total_paid, $this->context->currency, false), '{total_products}' => Tools::displayPrice($order->total_paid - $order->total_shipping - $order->total_wrapping + $order->total_discounts, $this->context->currency, false), '{total_discounts}' => Tools::displayPrice($order->total_discounts, $this->context->currency, false), '{total_shipping}' => Tools::displayPrice($order->total_shipping, $this->context->currency, false), '{total_wrapping}' => Tools::displayPrice($order->total_wrapping, $this->context->currency, false), '{total_tax_paid}' => Tools::displayPrice($order->total_products_wt - $order->total_products + ($order->total_shipping_tax_incl - $order->total_shipping_tax_excl), $this->context->currency, false)); if (is_array($extra_vars)) { $data = array_merge($data, $extra_vars); } // Join PDF invoice if ((int) Configuration::get('PS_INVOICE') && $order_status->invoice && $order->invoice_number) { $pdf = new PDF($order->getInvoicesCollection(), PDF::TEMPLATE_INVOICE, $this->context->smarty); $file_attachement = array(); $file_attachement['content'] = $pdf->render(false); $file_attachement['name'] = Configuration::get('PS_INVOICE_PREFIX', (int) $order->id_lang, null, $order->id_shop) . sprintf('%06d', $order->invoice_number) . '.pdf'; $file_attachement['mime'] = 'application/pdf'; } else { $file_attachement = null; } if (self::DEBUG_MODE) { PrestaShopLogger::addLog('PaymentModule::validateOrder - Mail is about to be sent', 1, null, 'Cart', (int) $id_cart, true); } if (Validate::isEmail($this->context->customer->email)) { Mail::Send((int) $order->id_lang, 'order_conf', Mail::l('Order confirmation', (int) $order->id_lang), $data, $this->context->customer->email, $this->context->customer->firstname . ' ' . $this->context->customer->lastname, null, null, $file_attachement, null, _PS_MAIL_DIR_, false, (int) $order->id_shop); } } // updates stock in shops if (Configuration::get('PS_ADVANCED_STOCK_MANAGEMENT')) { $product_list = $order->getProducts(); foreach ($product_list as $product) { // if the available quantities depends on the physical stock if (StockAvailable::dependsOnStock($product['product_id'])) { // synchronizes StockAvailable::synchronize($product['product_id'], $order->id_shop); } } } } else { $error = Tools::displayError('Order creation failed'); PrestaShopLogger::addLog($error, 4, '0000002', 'Cart', (int) $order->id_cart); die($error); } } // End foreach $order_detail_list // Update Order Details Tax in case cart rules have free shipping foreach ($order->getOrderDetailList() as $detail) { $order_detail = new OrderDetail($detail['id_order_detail']); $order_detail->updateTaxAmount($order); } // Use the last order as currentOrder if (isset($order) && $order->id) { $this->currentOrder = (int) $order->id; } if (self::DEBUG_MODE) { PrestaShopLogger::addLog('PaymentModule::validateOrder - End of validateOrder', 1, null, 'Cart', (int) $id_cart, true); } return true; } else { $error = Tools::displayError('Cart cannot be loaded or an order has already been placed using this cart'); PrestaShopLogger::addLog($error, 4, '0000001', 'Cart', (int) $this->context->cart->id); die($error); } }
public function renderList() { $this->toolbar_title = $this->l('Order Management'); $statuses_array = array(); $statuses = ErpOrderState::getOrderStates((int) $this->context->language->id); foreach ($statuses as $status) { $statuses_array[$status['id_order_state']] = $status['name']; } require_once _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'erpillicopresta/models/ErpFeature.php'; $this->context->smarty->assign(array('token_mr' => ModuleCore::isEnabled('mondialrelay') ? MondialRelay::getToken('back') : 'false', 'token_expeditor' => ModuleCore::isEnabled('expeditor') ? Tools::getAdminToken('AdminExpeditor' . (int) Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminExpeditor') . (int) $this->context->employee->id) : 'false', 'id_employee' => (int) $this->context->employee->id, 'order_statuses' => $statuses_array, 'controller_status' => $this->controller_status, 'erp_feature' => ErpFeature::getFeaturesWithToken($this->context->language->iso_code), 'template_path' => $this->template_path, 'expeditor_status' => Configuration::get('EXPEDITOR_STATE_EXP'), '_module_dir_' => _MODULE_DIR_)); $this->tpl_list_vars['has_bulk_actions'] = 'true'; // handle may contain error messages $handle = Tools::getValue('handle'); switch (trim($handle)) { case '': break; case 'false': $this->confirmations[] = $this->l('All orders have been updated') . '<br/>'; break; default: if (!empty($handle)) { // $handle = str_replace('u00e9', 'é', $handle); // $handle = str_replace('u00ea', 'ê', $handle); $handle = Tools::replaceAccentedChars($handle); // We take note about orders with error: no valid carrier (split on order number #) $orderWithoutShipping = strstr($handle, '#') != false ? true : false; $errors = explode('<br/>', str_replace('#', '<br/>', $handle)); foreach ($errors as $key => $error) { if (!empty($error)) { if (!$orderWithoutShipping) { $message = $error; } else { $message = $error; } $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError($message); } } } break; } if (Tools::getValue('linkPDF') != '' && Tools::getValue('newState') != '') { // if state need invoice generation if (ErpOrderState::invoiceAvailable(Tools::getValue('newState'))) { $pdf_link = new Link(); $pdf_link = $pdf_link->getAdminLink("AdminAdvancedOrder", true) . '&submitAction=generateInvoicesPDF3&id_orders=' . Tools::getValue('linkPDF'); $this->confirmations[] = ' <a target="_blank" href="' . $pdf_link . '" alt="invoices">' . $this->l('Download all invoices') . '<br/></a>'; } // if state need delivery slip generation if (ErpOrderState::deliverySlipAvailable(Tools::getValue('newState'))) { $pdf_link = new Link(); $pdf_link = $pdf_link->getAdminLink("AdminAdvancedOrder", true) . '&submitAction=generateDeliverySlipsPDF2&id_orders=' . Tools::getValue('linkPDF'); $this->confirmations[] = ' <a target="_blank" href="' . $pdf_link . '" alt="delivery">' . $this->l('Download all delivery slip') . '<br/></a>'; } } if (Tools::getValue('linkPDFPrint') != '') { if ($this->controller_status == STATUS1 && count(explode(',', Tools::getValue('linkPDFPrint'))) > ERP_ORDERFR) { $this->informations[] = sprintf($this->l('You are using the free version of 1-Click ERP which limits the possible number of documents to print to %d orders'), ERP_ORDERFR); } else { $invoices = ''; $delivery = ''; foreach (explode(',', Tools::getValue('linkPDFPrint')) as $id_order) { if (ErpOrderState::invoiceAvailable(ErpOrder::getIdStateByIdOrder($id_order))) { $invoices .= $id_order . ','; } if (ErpOrderState::deliverySlipAvailable(ErpOrder::getIdStateByIdOrder($id_order))) { $delivery .= $id_order . ','; } } if ($invoices != '') { $pdf_link = new Link(); $pdf_link = $pdf_link->getAdminLink("AdminAdvancedOrder", true) . '&submitAction=generateInvoicesPDF3&id_orders=' . Tools::substr($invoices, 0, -1); $this->confirmations[] = ' <a target="_blank" href="' . $pdf_link . '" alt="invoices">' . $this->l('Download all invoices') . '</br></a>'; } if ($delivery != '') { $pdf_link = new Link(); $pdf_link = $pdf_link->getAdminLink("AdminAdvancedOrder", true) . '&submitAction=generateDeliverySlipsPDF2&id_orders=' . Tools::substr($delivery, 0, -1); $this->confirmations[] = ' <a target="_blank" href="' . $pdf_link . '" alt="delivery">' . $this->l('Download all delivery slip') . '</br></a>'; } if ($invoices == '' && $delivery == '') { $this->errors[] = $this->l('The selected orders have no invoice or delivery !') . '<br/>'; } } } if (Tools::getValue('etiquettesMR') != '') { // Downlad all pdf and zip then delete and display link to zip file $etiquettesMR = explode(' ', Tools::getValue('etiquettesMR')); unset($etiquettesMR[count($etiquettesMR) - 1]); $zipPath = '../modules/erpillicopresta/export/'; $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open($zipPath, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE | ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE) !== true) { throw new Exception($this->l('Impossible to create the zip archive containing the shipping labels to Mondial Relay carrier !') . '<br/>'); } foreach ($etiquettesMR as $key => $i) { $zip->addFromString('mondialrelay_' . $key . '.pdf', Tools::file_get_contents($i)); } $zip->close(); //Display link to dl zip file $this->confirmations[] = ' <a target="_blank" href="' . $zipPath . '" alt="zip_file">' . $this->l('Download zip archive which contents all labels for Mondial Relay shipment') . '<br/></a>'; if (Tools::getValue('deliveryNumbersMR') != '') { // Get all tracking numbers $numbers = explode(" ", Tools::getValue('deliveryNumbersMR')); unset($numbers[count($numbers) - 1]); foreach ($numbers as $number) { $tabNumber = explode("-", $number); $order_carrier = new OrderCarrier(ErpOrder::getIdCarrierbyIdOrder((int) $tabNumber[1])); $order = new ErpOrder((int) $tabNumber[1]); // Update carrier $order->shipping_number = $tabNumber[0]; $order->update(); // Update order_carrier $order_carrier->tracking_number = pSQL($tabNumber[0]); $order_carrier->update(); } } } if (Tools::getValue('expeditorCSV') != '') { // CSV file creation $csvPath = '../modules/erpillicopresta/export/expeditor_inet.csv'; $fileCSV = fopen($csvPath, 'w'); // Fill in file fwrite($fileCSV, str_replace(',', '', Tools::getValue('expeditorCSV'))); //Close fclose($fileCSV); // link creation $this->confirmations[] = ' <a target="_blank" href="' . $csvPath . '" alt="csv_file">' . $this->l('Download export file (CSV) for ExpeditorInet') . '</br></a>'; } if (Tools::getValue('idOthers') != '') { //BEGIN Initialisations for TNT if (Module::isEnabled('tntcarrier')) { $TNTCheck = false; require_once _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/tntcarrier/classes/PackageTnt.php'; if (class_exists('ZipArchive', false) && ($tnt_zip = new ZipArchive())) { // Protection du ZIP $dateday = new DateTime(); $uniqid_file = uniqid('file_'); $token = md5($dateday->getTimestamp() . $uniqid_file); // Put all tnt pdf into a zip $tnt_zip_path = 'erpillicopresta/export/tnt_' . date('Y-m-d_His') . '_' . $uniqid_file . $token . '.zip'; if ($tnt_zip->open(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $tnt_zip_path, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE | ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE) !== true) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError($this->l('Failed to create a ZIP archive containing the shipping labels to TNT carrier !') . '<br/>'); } else { // one or several id orders $id_others_order_array = strpos(Tools::getValue('idOthers'), ',') !== false ? explode(',', Tools::getValue('idOthers')) : (int) Tools::getValue('idOthers'); // Browse all orders not in ExpeditorInet nor MondialRelay foreach ((array) $id_others_order_array as $i => $id_order) { // BEGIN Commande TNT $id_order = (int) $id_order; if (ErpOrder::isTntOrder($id_order)) { // status change $currOrder = new ErpOrder($id_order); $currOrder->setCurrentState(4, $this->context->employee->id); // Start to check that weight order is valid if not tnt crash ! //echo($data['poid'] * 1000);die; // Get tracking number : dedicated class created for this action // Execution of the hook generating the tracking number at an order opening ... So ctrl c / ctrl v to execute here /*$erp_tntCarrier = new ErpTntCarrier(); $generate = $erp_tntCarrier->generateShipping($id_order);*/ $generateShipping = Hook::exec('adminOrder', array('id_order' => $id_order)); $tnt = new PackageTnt($id_order); $tntNumber = $tnt->getShippingNumber(); if (count($tntNumber) == 0) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError($this->l('Failed to get shipping number from TNT services : you have to fit the weight of the order.')); continue; } $tntNumber = $tntNumber[0]['shipping_number']; // Update order $order_carrier = new OrderCarrier(ErpOrder::getIdCarrierbyIdOrder((int) $id_order)); $order = new ErpOrder((int) $id_order); $order->shipping_number = $tntNumber; $order->update(); $order_carrier->tracking_number = pSQL($tntNumber); $order_carrier->update(); // Add pdf to zip $tnt_zip->addFile(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/tntcarrier/pdf/' . $tntNumber . '.pdf', $tntNumber . '.pdf'); $TNTCheck = true; } // END Order TNT // SPLICE idOther if (is_array($id_others_order_array)) { unset($id_others_order_array[$i]); } else { unset($id_others_order_array); } } //Display dl zip link $tnt_zip->close(); if ($TNTCheck) { $this->confirmations[] = ' <a target="_blank" href="' . _MODULE_DIR_ . $tnt_zip_path . '" alt="zip_file">' . $this->l('Download zip archive which contents all labels for TNT shipment') . '<br/></a>'; } } } else { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError($this->l('Class ZipArchive does not exist !') . '<br/>'); } //END Initialisations for TNT } // Display for order not processed : idothers if (isset($id_others_order_array)) { if (count($id_others_order_array) == 1) { //var_dump($id_others_order_array);die(); if (is_array($id_others_order_array)) { $id_others_order_array = $id_others_order_array[1]; } $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError($this->l('The following order has not been processed : order #') . $id_others_order_array . '. ' . $this->l('Please make sure that the carrier is either TNT, ExpeditorInet, or MondialRelay and that the order fits the carrier requirements.')); } elseif (count($id_others_order_array) > 1) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError($this->l('The following orders have not been processed : orders #') . implode(", ", $id_others_order_array) . '. ' . $this->l('Please make sure that the carrier is either TNT, ExpeditorInet, or MondialRelay and that the orders fit the carrier requirements.')); } } } return parent::renderList(); }
/** * This method allows to generate first invoice of the current order */ public function setInvoice($use_existing_payment = false) { if (Configuration::get('PS_INVOICE') && !$this->hasInvoice()) { if ($id = (int) $this->hasDelivery()) { $order_invoice = new OrderInvoice($id); } else { $order_invoice = new OrderInvoice(); } $order_invoice->id_order = $this->id; if (!$id) { $order_invoice->number = 0; } $address = new Address((int) $this->{Configuration::get('PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE')}); $carrier = new Carrier((int) $this->id_carrier); $tax_calculator = $carrier->getTaxCalculator($address); $order_invoice->total_discount_tax_excl = $this->total_discounts_tax_excl; $order_invoice->total_discount_tax_incl = $this->total_discounts_tax_incl; $order_invoice->total_paid_tax_excl = $this->total_paid_tax_excl; $order_invoice->total_paid_tax_incl = $this->total_paid_tax_incl; $order_invoice->total_products = $this->total_products; $order_invoice->total_products_wt = $this->total_products_wt; $order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_excl = $this->total_shipping_tax_excl; $order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_incl = $this->total_shipping_tax_incl; $order_invoice->shipping_tax_computation_method = $tax_calculator->computation_method; $order_invoice->total_wrapping_tax_excl = $this->total_wrapping_tax_excl; $order_invoice->total_wrapping_tax_incl = $this->total_wrapping_tax_incl; // Save Order invoice $order_invoice->save(); $this->setLastInvoiceNumber($order_invoice->id, $this->id_shop); $order_invoice->saveCarrierTaxCalculator($tax_calculator->getTaxesAmount($order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_excl)); // Update order_carrier $id_order_carrier = Db::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT `id_order_carrier` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_carrier` WHERE `id_order` = ' . (int) $order_invoice->id_order . ' AND (`id_order_invoice` IS NULL OR `id_order_invoice` = 0)'); if ($id_order_carrier) { $order_carrier = new OrderCarrier($id_order_carrier); $order_carrier->id_order_invoice = (int) $order_invoice->id; $order_carrier->update(); } // Update order detail Db::getInstance()->execute(' UPDATE `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_detail` SET `id_order_invoice` = ' . (int) $order_invoice->id . ' WHERE `id_order` = ' . (int) $order_invoice->id_order); // Update order payment if ($use_existing_payment) { $id_order_payments = Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT DISTINCT op.id_order_payment FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_payment` op INNER JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders` o ON (o.reference = op.order_reference) LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_invoice_payment` oip ON (oip.id_order_payment = op.id_order_payment) WHERE (oip.id_order != ' . (int) $order_invoice->id_order . ' OR oip.id_order IS NULL) AND o.id_order = ' . (int) $order_invoice->id_order); if (count($id_order_payments)) { foreach ($id_order_payments as $order_payment) { Db::getInstance()->execute(' INSERT INTO `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_invoice_payment` SET `id_order_invoice` = ' . (int) $order_invoice->id . ', `id_order_payment` = ' . (int) $order_payment['id_order_payment'] . ', `id_order` = ' . (int) $order_invoice->id_order); } // Clear cache Cache::clean('order_invoice_paid_*'); } } // Update order cart rule Db::getInstance()->execute(' UPDATE `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_cart_rule` SET `id_order_invoice` = ' . (int) $order_invoice->id . ' WHERE `id_order` = ' . (int) $order_invoice->id_order); // Keep it for backward compatibility, to remove on 1.6 version $this->invoice_date = $order_invoice->date_add; $this->invoice_number = $this->getInvoiceNumber($order_invoice->id); $this->update(); } }
public function processChangeCarrier() { $id_order = (int) Tools::getValue('id_o'); $id_new_carrier = (int) Tools::getValue('new_carrier'); $price_incl = (double) Tools::getValue('pr_incl'); $price_excl = (double) Tools::getValue('pr_excl'); $order = new Order($id_order); $result = array(); $result['error'] = ''; if ($id_new_carrier == 0) { $result['error'] = $this->l('Error: cannot select carrier'); } else { if ($order->id < 1) { $result['error'] = $this->l('Error: cannot find order'); } else { $total_carrierwt = (double) $order->total_products_wt + (double) $price_incl; $total_carrier = (double) $order->total_products + (double) $price_excl; $order->total_paid = (double) $total_carrierwt; $order->total_paid_tax_incl = (double) $total_carrierwt; $order->total_paid_tax_excl = (double) $total_carrier; $order->total_paid_real = (double) $total_carrierwt; $order->total_shipping = (double) $price_incl; $order->total_shipping_tax_excl = (double) $price_excl; $order->total_shipping_tax_incl = (double) $price_incl; $order->carrier_tax_rate = (double) $order->carrier_tax_rate; $order->id_carrier = (int) $id_new_carrier; if (!$order->update()) { $result['error'] = $this->l('Error: cannot update order'); $result['status'] = false; } else { if ($order->invoice_number > 0) { $order_invoice = new OrderInvoice($order->invoice_number); $order_invoice->total_paid_tax_incl = (double) $total_carrierwt; $order_invoice->total_paid_tax_excl = (double) $total_carrier; $order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_excl = (double) $price_excl; $order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_incl = (double) $price_incl; if (!$order_invoice->update()) { $result['error'] = $this->l('Error: cannot update order invoice'); $result['status'] = false; } } $id_order_carrier = Db::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT `id_order_carrier` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_carrier` WHERE `id_order` = ' . (int) $order->id); if ($id_order_carrier) { $order_carrier = new OrderCarrier($id_order_carrier); $order_carrier->id_carrier = $order->id_carrier; $order_carrier->shipping_cost_tax_excl = (double) $price_excl; $order_carrier->shipping_cost_tax_incl = (double) $price_incl; if (!$order_carrier->update()) { $result['error'] = $this->l('Error: cannot update order carrier'); $result['status'] = false; } } $result['status'] = true; } } } if ($result['status']) { $this->sendCarrierToYandex($order); } return $result; }
private function updateOrder($id_address, $id_method, Order &$order) { $id_carrier = $this->getIdcarrierFromIdMethod($id_method); if ($id_carrier && Validate::isLoadedObject(new Carrier($id_carrier))) { if ($order->id_address_delivery != $id_address || $order->id_carrier != $id_carrier || $order->shipping_number != $this->id_shipment) { $order->id_address_delivery = (int) $id_address; $order->id_carrier = (int) $id_carrier; if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.5', '>=') && ($id_order_carrier = (int) $order->getIdOrderCarrier())) { $order_carrier = new OrderCarrier((int) $id_order_carrier); $order_carrier->id_carrier = $order->id_carrier; $order_carrier->update(); } if (!$order->update()) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Order could not be updated'); return false; } } return true; } else { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Carrier does not exists. Order could not be updated.'); return false; } }
public function getShippingLabel($id_order) { if (is_array($this->_response['errors']) && !count($this->_response['errors'])) { $this->_request = $this->buildLabelRequest(); $error_code = null; do { $this->_post_response = $this->curl_post($this->_dhl_post_url, $this->_request); $this->_xml = @simplexml_load_string($this->_post_response); if ($this->_xml === false) { $this->_xml = @simplexml_load_string(utf8_encode($this->_post_response)); } $error_code = @$this->_xml->GetCapabilityResponse->Note->Condition->ConditionCode; $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 day', strtotime(date('Y-m-d')))); } while ($error_code == '1003'); //do while error will be non "Pick-up service is not provided on this day." /** IF TIME OUT ERROR */ if ($this->_post_response == 28) { $this->_error = $this->l('[Error #28] Time out error. The request took more than the time limit of execution'); $this->_error = array(0, $this->_error); } elseif ($this->_xml->Response->Status->Condition) { $this->_error = strlen($this->_xml->Response->Status->Condition->ConditionData) ? $this->_xml->Response->Status->Condition->ConditionData : $this->_xml->Response->Status->Condition->ConditionCode; $this->_error = array(0, $this->_error); } else { $this->_response[] = $this->_xml; $this->_trackingIdType = $this->_dhl_label_infos['ShippingType']; //the same for all packages, shipping method $this->_tracking_numbers[] = (string) $this->_xml->Pieces->Piece->LicensePlate; } } else { $this->_response[0] = 0; return $this->_response; } //if some request failed but before it were successful requests, we need to cancel all successful requests if ($this->_error) { return $this->_error; } //if success if ((int) $this->_dhl_label_order_status > 0) { $history = new OrderHistory(); $history->id_order = (int) $id_order; $history->changeIdOrderState($this->_dhl_label_order_status, $id_order); $history->addWithemail(); } //saving tracking number $order = new Order($id_order); $order->shipping_number = implode(', ', $this->_tracking_numbers); $order->update(); $id_order_carrier = Db::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT `id_order_carrier` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_carrier` WHERE `id_order` = ' . (int) $order->id); if ($id_order_carrier) { $order_carrier = new OrderCarrier($id_order_carrier); $order_carrier->tracking_number = implode(', ', $this->_tracking_numbers); $order_carrier->update(); } //sending email to customer if ($order->shipping_number) { global $_LANGMAIL; $customer = new Customer((int) $order->id_customer); $carrier = new Carrier((int) $order->id_carrier); if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($customer) or !Validate::isLoadedObject($carrier)) { die(Tools::displayError()); } $templateVars = array('{followup}' => str_replace('@', $order->shipping_number, $carrier->url), '{firstname}' => $customer->firstname, '{lastname}' => $customer->lastname, '{id_order}' => (int) $order->id); if ($this->getPSV() == 1.6) { $templateVars['{order_name}'] = $order->getUniqReference(); } @Mail::Send((int) $order->id_lang, 'in_transit', Mail::l('Package in transit', (int) $order->id_lang), $templateVars, $customer->email, $customer->firstname . ' ' . $customer->lastname, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, _PS_MAIL_DIR_, true); } $this->_tracking_numbers = serialize($this->_tracking_numbers); Db::getInstance()->execute(' UPDATE `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'fe_dhl_labels_info` SET `tracking_id_type` = \'' . pSQL($this->_trackingIdType) . '\', `tracking_numbers` = \'' . $this->_tracking_numbers . '\' WHERE `id_order` = ' . (int) $id_order . ' '); return array(1, $this->_response); }
/** * Validate an order in database * Function called from a payment module * * @param integer $id_cart Value * @param integer $id_order_state Value * @param float $amount_paid Amount really paid by customer (in the default currency) * @param string $payment_method Payment method (eg. 'Credit card') * @param string $message Message to attach to order */ public function validateOrder($id_cart, $id_order_state, $amount_paid, $payment_method = 'Unknown', $message = null, $extra_vars = array(), $currency_special = null, $dont_touch_amount = false, $secure_key = false, Shop $shop = null) { $this->context->cart = new Cart($id_cart); $this->context->customer = new Customer($this->context->cart->id_customer); $this->context->language = new Language($this->context->cart->id_lang); $this->context->shop = $shop ? $shop : new Shop($this->context->cart->id_shop); $id_currency = $currency_special ? (int) $currency_special : (int) $this->context->cart->id_currency; $this->context->currency = new Currency($id_currency, null, $this->context->shop->id); if (Configuration::get('PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE') == 'id_address_delivery') { $context_country = $this->context->country; } $order_status = new OrderState((int) $id_order_state, (int) $this->context->language->id); if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($order_status)) { throw new PrestaShopException('Can\'t load Order state status'); } if (!$this->active) { die(Tools::displayError()); } // Does order already exists ? if (Validate::isLoadedObject($this->context->cart) && $this->context->cart->OrderExists() == false) { if ($secure_key !== false && $secure_key != $this->context->cart->secure_key) { die(Tools::displayError()); } // For each package, generate an order $delivery_option_list = $this->context->cart->getDeliveryOptionList(); $package_list = $this->context->cart->getPackageList(); $cart_delivery_option = $this->context->cart->getDeliveryOption(); // If some delivery options are not defined, or not valid, use the first valid option foreach ($delivery_option_list as $id_address => $package) { if (!isset($cart_delivery_option[$id_address]) || !array_key_exists($cart_delivery_option[$id_address], $package)) { foreach ($package as $key => $val) { $cart_delivery_option[$id_address] = $key; break; } } } $order_list = array(); $order_detail_list = array(); $reference = Order::generateReference(); $this->currentOrderReference = $reference; $order_creation_failed = false; $cart_total_paid = (double) Tools::ps_round((double) $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH), 2); foreach ($cart_delivery_option as $id_address => $key_carriers) { foreach ($delivery_option_list[$id_address][$key_carriers]['carrier_list'] as $id_carrier => $data) { foreach ($data['package_list'] as $id_package) { // Rewrite the id_warehouse $package_list[$id_address][$id_package]['id_warehouse'] = (int) $this->context->cart->getPackageIdWarehouse($package_list[$id_address][$id_package], (int) $id_carrier); $package_list[$id_address][$id_package]['id_carrier'] = $id_carrier; } } } // Make sure CarRule caches are empty CartRule::cleanCache(); foreach ($package_list as $id_address => $packageByAddress) { foreach ($packageByAddress as $id_package => $package) { $order = new Order(); $order->product_list = $package['product_list']; if (Configuration::get('PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE') == 'id_address_delivery') { $address = new Address($id_address); $this->context->country = new Country($address->id_country, $this->context->cart->id_lang); } $carrier = null; if (!$this->context->cart->isVirtualCart() && isset($package['id_carrier'])) { $carrier = new Carrier($package['id_carrier'], $this->context->cart->id_lang); $order->id_carrier = (int) $carrier->id; $id_carrier = (int) $carrier->id; } else { $order->id_carrier = 0; $id_carrier = 0; } $order->id_customer = (int) $this->context->cart->id_customer; $order->id_address_invoice = (int) $this->context->cart->id_address_invoice; $order->id_address_delivery = (int) $id_address; $order->id_currency = $this->context->currency->id; $order->id_lang = (int) $this->context->cart->id_lang; $order->id_cart = (int) $this->context->cart->id; $order->reference = $reference; $order->id_shop = (int) $this->context->shop->id; $order->id_shop_group = (int) $this->context->shop->id_shop_group; $order->secure_key = $secure_key ? pSQL($secure_key) : pSQL($this->context->customer->secure_key); $order->payment = $payment_method; if (isset($this->name)) { $order->module = $this->name; } $order->recyclable = $this->context->cart->recyclable; $order->gift = (int) $this->context->cart->gift; $order->gift_message = $this->context->cart->gift_message; $order->mobile_theme = $this->context->cart->mobile_theme; $order->conversion_rate = $this->context->currency->conversion_rate; $amount_paid = !$dont_touch_amount ? Tools::ps_round((double) $amount_paid, 2) : $amount_paid; $order->total_paid_real = 0; $order->total_products = (double) $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_PRODUCTS, $order->product_list, $id_carrier); $order->total_products_wt = (double) $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_PRODUCTS, $order->product_list, $id_carrier); $order->total_discounts_tax_excl = (double) abs($this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_DISCOUNTS, $order->product_list, $id_carrier)); $order->total_discounts_tax_incl = (double) abs($this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_DISCOUNTS, $order->product_list, $id_carrier)); $order->total_discounts = $order->total_discounts_tax_incl; $order->total_shipping_tax_excl = (double) $this->context->cart->getPackageShippingCost((int) $id_carrier, false, null, $order->product_list); $order->total_shipping_tax_incl = (double) $this->context->cart->getPackageShippingCost((int) $id_carrier, true, null, $order->product_list); $order->total_shipping = $order->total_shipping_tax_incl; if (!is_null($carrier) && Validate::isLoadedObject($carrier)) { $order->carrier_tax_rate = $carrier->getTaxesRate(new Address($this->context->cart->{Configuration::get('PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE')})); } $order->total_wrapping_tax_excl = (double) abs($this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING, $order->product_list, $id_carrier)); $order->total_wrapping_tax_incl = (double) abs($this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING, $order->product_list, $id_carrier)); $order->total_wrapping = $order->total_wrapping_tax_incl; $order->total_paid_tax_excl = (double) Tools::ps_round((double) $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::BOTH, $order->product_list, $id_carrier), 2); $order->total_paid_tax_incl = (double) Tools::ps_round((double) $this->context->cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH, $order->product_list, $id_carrier), 2); $order->total_paid = $order->total_paid_tax_incl; $order->invoice_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; $order->delivery_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; // Creating order $result = $order->add(); if (!$result) { throw new PrestaShopException('Can\'t save Order'); } // Amount paid by customer is not the right one -> Status = payment error // We don't use the following condition to avoid the float precision issues : // if ($order->total_paid != $order->total_paid_real) // We use number_format in order to compare two string if ($order_status->logable && number_format($cart_total_paid, 2) != number_format($amount_paid, 2)) { $id_order_state = Configuration::get('PS_OS_ERROR'); } $order_list[] = $order; // Insert new Order detail list using cart for the current order $order_detail = new OrderDetail(null, null, $this->context); $order_detail->createList($order, $this->context->cart, $id_order_state, $order->product_list, 0, true, $package_list[$id_address][$id_package]['id_warehouse']); $order_detail_list[] = $order_detail; // Adding an entry in order_carrier table if (!is_null($carrier)) { $order_carrier = new OrderCarrier(); $order_carrier->id_order = (int) $order->id; $order_carrier->id_carrier = (int) $id_carrier; $order_carrier->weight = (double) $order->getTotalWeight(); $order_carrier->shipping_cost_tax_excl = (double) $order->total_shipping_tax_excl; $order_carrier->shipping_cost_tax_incl = (double) $order->total_shipping_tax_incl; $order_carrier->add(); } } } // The country can only change if the address used for the calculation is the delivery address, and if multi-shipping is activated if (Configuration::get('PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE') == 'id_address_delivery') { $this->context->country = $context_country; } // Register Payment only if the order status validate the order if ($order_status->logable) { // $order is the last order loop in the foreach // The method addOrderPayment of the class Order make a create a paymentOrder // linked to the order reference and not to the order id if (isset($extra_vars['transaction_id'])) { $transaction_id = $extra_vars['transaction_id']; } else { $transaction_id = null; } if (!$order->addOrderPayment($amount_paid, null, $transaction_id)) { throw new PrestaShopException('Can\'t save Order Payment'); } } // Next ! $only_one_gift = false; $cart_rule_used = array(); $products = $this->context->cart->getProducts(); $cart_rules = $this->context->cart->getCartRules(); // Make sure CarRule caches are empty CartRule::cleanCache(); foreach ($order_detail_list as $key => $order_detail) { $order = $order_list[$key]; if (!$order_creation_failed && isset($order->id)) { if (!$secure_key) { $message .= '<br />' . Tools::displayError('Warning: the secure key is empty, check your payment account before validation'); } // Optional message to attach to this order if (isset($message) & !empty($message)) { $msg = new Message(); $message = strip_tags($message, '<br>'); if (Validate::isCleanHtml($message)) { $msg->message = $message; $msg->id_order = intval($order->id); $msg->private = 1; $msg->add(); } } // Insert new Order detail list using cart for the current order //$orderDetail = new OrderDetail(null, null, $this->context); //$orderDetail->createList($order, $this->context->cart, $id_order_state); // Construct order detail table for the email $products_list = ''; $virtual_product = true; foreach ($products as $key => $product) { $price = Product::getPriceStatic((int) $product['id_product'], false, $product['id_product_attribute'] ? (int) $product['id_product_attribute'] : null, 6, null, false, true, $product['cart_quantity'], false, (int) $order->id_customer, (int) $order->id_cart, (int) $order->{Configuration::get('PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE')}); $price_wt = Product::getPriceStatic((int) $product['id_product'], true, $product['id_product_attribute'] ? (int) $product['id_product_attribute'] : null, 2, null, false, true, $product['cart_quantity'], false, (int) $order->id_customer, (int) $order->id_cart, (int) $order->{Configuration::get('PS_TAX_ADDRESS_TYPE')}); $customization_quantity = 0; $customized_datas = Product::getAllCustomizedDatas((int) $order->id_cart); if (isset($customized_datas[$product['id_product']][$product['id_product_attribute']])) { $customization_text = ''; foreach ($customized_datas[$product['id_product']][$product['id_product_attribute']][$order->id_address_delivery] as $customization) { if (isset($customization['datas'][Product::CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD])) { foreach ($customization['datas'][Product::CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD] as $text) { $customization_text .= $text['name'] . ': ' . $text['value'] . '<br />'; } } if (isset($customization['datas'][Product::CUSTOMIZE_FILE])) { $customization_text .= sprintf(Tools::displayError('%d image(s)'), count($customization['datas'][Product::CUSTOMIZE_FILE])) . '<br />'; } $customization_text .= '---<br />'; } $customization_text = rtrim($customization_text, '---<br />'); $customization_quantity = (int) $product['customization_quantity']; $products_list .= '<tr style="background-color: ' . ($key % 2 ? '#DDE2E6' : '#EBECEE') . ';"> <td style="padding: 0.6em 0.4em;width: 15%;">' . $product['reference'] . '</td> <td style="padding: 0.6em 0.4em;width: 30%;"><strong>' . $product['name'] . (isset($product['attributes']) ? ' - ' . $product['attributes'] : '') . ' - ' . Tools::displayError('Customized') . (!empty($customization_text) ? ' - ' . $customization_text : '') . '</strong></td> <td style="padding: 0.6em 0.4em; width: 20%;">' . Tools::displayPrice(Product::getTaxCalculationMethod() == PS_TAX_EXC ? Tools::ps_round($price, 2) : $price_wt, $this->context->currency, false) . '</td> <td style="padding: 0.6em 0.4em; width: 15%;">' . $customization_quantity . '</td> <td style="padding: 0.6em 0.4em; width: 20%;">' . Tools::displayPrice($customization_quantity * (Product::getTaxCalculationMethod() == PS_TAX_EXC ? Tools::ps_round($price, 2) : $price_wt), $this->context->currency, false) . '</td> </tr>'; } if (!$customization_quantity || (int) $product['cart_quantity'] > $customization_quantity) { $products_list .= '<tr style="background-color: ' . ($key % 2 ? '#DDE2E6' : '#EBECEE') . ';"> <td style="padding: 0.6em 0.4em;width: 15%;">' . $product['reference'] . '</td> <td style="padding: 0.6em 0.4em;width: 30%;"><strong>' . $product['name'] . (isset($product['attributes']) ? ' - ' . $product['attributes'] : '') . '</strong></td> <td style="padding: 0.6em 0.4em; width: 20%;">' . Tools::displayPrice(Product::getTaxCalculationMethod() == PS_TAX_EXC ? Tools::ps_round($price, 2) : $price_wt, $this->context->currency, false) . '</td> <td style="padding: 0.6em 0.4em; width: 15%;">' . ((int) $product['cart_quantity'] - $customization_quantity) . '</td> <td style="padding: 0.6em 0.4em; width: 20%;">' . Tools::displayPrice(((int) $product['cart_quantity'] - $customization_quantity) * (Product::getTaxCalculationMethod() == PS_TAX_EXC ? Tools::ps_round($price, 2) : $price_wt), $this->context->currency, false) . '</td> </tr>'; } // Check if is not a virutal product for the displaying of shipping if (!$product['is_virtual']) { $virtual_product &= false; } } // end foreach ($products) $cart_rules_list = ''; foreach ($cart_rules as $cart_rule) { $package = array('id_carrier' => $order->id_carrier, 'id_address' => $order->id_address_delivery, 'products' => $order->product_list); $values = array('tax_incl' => $cart_rule['obj']->getContextualValue(true, $this->context, CartRule::FILTER_ACTION_ALL_NOCAP, $package), 'tax_excl' => $cart_rule['obj']->getContextualValue(false, $this->context, CartRule::FILTER_ACTION_ALL_NOCAP, $package)); // If the reduction is not applicable to this order, then continue with the next one if (!$values['tax_excl']) { continue; } /* IF ** - This is not multi-shipping ** - The value of the voucher is greater than the total of the order ** - Partial use is allowed ** - This is an "amount" reduction, not a reduction in % or a gift ** THEN ** The voucher is cloned with a new value corresponding to the remainder */ if (count($order_list) == 1 && $values['tax_incl'] > $order->total_products_wt && $cart_rule['obj']->partial_use == 1 && $cart_rule['obj']->reduction_amount > 0) { // Create a new voucher from the original $voucher = new CartRule($cart_rule['obj']->id); // We need to instantiate the CartRule without lang parameter to allow saving it unset($voucher->id); // Set a new voucher code $voucher->code = empty($voucher->code) ? substr(md5($order->id . '-' . $order->id_customer . '-' . $cart_rule['obj']->id), 0, 16) : $voucher->code . '-2'; if (preg_match('/\\-([0-9]{1,2})\\-([0-9]{1,2})$/', $voucher->code, $matches) && $matches[1] == $matches[2]) { $voucher->code = preg_replace('/' . $matches[0] . '$/', '-' . (intval($matches[1]) + 1), $voucher->code); } // Set the new voucher value if ($voucher->reduction_tax) { $voucher->reduction_amount = $values['tax_incl'] - $order->total_products_wt; } else { $voucher->reduction_amount = $values['tax_excl'] - $order->total_products; } $voucher->id_customer = $order->id_customer; $voucher->quantity = 1; if ($voucher->add()) { // If the voucher has conditions, they are now copied to the new voucher CartRule::copyConditions($cart_rule['obj']->id, $voucher->id); $params = array('{voucher_amount}' => Tools::displayPrice($voucher->reduction_amount, $this->context->currency, false), '{voucher_num}' => $voucher->code, '{firstname}' => $this->context->customer->firstname, '{lastname}' => $this->context->customer->lastname, '{id_order}' => $order->reference, '{order_name}' => $order->getUniqReference()); Mail::Send((int) $order->id_lang, 'voucher', sprintf(Mail::l('New voucher regarding your order %s', (int) $order->id_lang), $order->reference), $params, $this->context->customer->email, $this->context->customer->firstname . ' ' . $this->context->customer->lastname, null, null, null, null, _PS_MAIL_DIR_, false, (int) $order->id_shop); } $values['tax_incl'] -= $values['tax_incl'] - $order->total_products_wt; $values['tax_excl'] -= $values['tax_excl'] - $order->total_products; } $order->addCartRule($cart_rule['obj']->id, $cart_rule['obj']->name, $values, 0, $cart_rule['obj']->free_shipping); if ($id_order_state != Configuration::get('PS_OS_ERROR') && $id_order_state != Configuration::get('PS_OS_CANCELED') && !in_array($cart_rule['obj']->id, $cart_rule_used)) { $cart_rule_used[] = $cart_rule['obj']->id; // Create a new instance of Cart Rule without id_lang, in order to update its quantity $cart_rule_to_update = new CartRule($cart_rule['obj']->id); $cart_rule_to_update->quantity = max(0, $cart_rule_to_update->quantity - 1); $cart_rule_to_update->update(); } $cart_rules_list .= ' <tr> <td colspan="4" style="padding:0.6em 0.4em;text-align:right">' . Tools::displayError('Voucher name:') . ' ' . $cart_rule['obj']->name . '</td> <td style="padding:0.6em 0.4em;text-align:right">' . ($values['tax_incl'] != 0.0 ? '-' : '') . Tools::displayPrice($values['tax_incl'], $this->context->currency, false) . '</td> </tr>'; } // Specify order id for message $old_message = Message::getMessageByCartId((int) $this->context->cart->id); if ($old_message) { $update_message = new Message((int) $old_message['id_message']); $update_message->id_order = (int) $order->id; $update_message->update(); // Add this message in the customer thread $customer_thread = new CustomerThread(); $customer_thread->id_contact = 0; $customer_thread->id_customer = (int) $order->id_customer; $customer_thread->id_shop = (int) $this->context->shop->id; $customer_thread->id_order = (int) $order->id; $customer_thread->id_lang = (int) $this->context->language->id; $customer_thread->email = $this->context->customer->email; $customer_thread->status = 'open'; $customer_thread->token = Tools::passwdGen(12); $customer_thread->add(); $customer_message = new CustomerMessage(); $customer_message->id_customer_thread = $customer_thread->id; $customer_message->id_employee = 0; $customer_message->message = $update_message->message; $customer_message->private = 0; if (!$customer_message->add()) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while saving message'); } } // Hook validate order Hook::exec('actionValidateOrder', array('cart' => $this->context->cart, 'order' => $order, 'customer' => $this->context->customer, 'currency' => $this->context->currency, 'orderStatus' => $order_status)); foreach ($this->context->cart->getProducts() as $product) { if ($order_status->logable) { ProductSale::addProductSale((int) $product['id_product'], (int) $product['cart_quantity']); } } if (Configuration::get('PS_STOCK_MANAGEMENT') && $order_detail->getStockState()) { $history = new OrderHistory(); $history->id_order = (int) $order->id; $history->changeIdOrderState(Configuration::get('PS_OS_OUTOFSTOCK'), $order, true); $history->addWithemail(); } // Set order state in order history ONLY even if the "out of stock" status has not been yet reached // So you migth have two order states $new_history = new OrderHistory(); $new_history->id_order = (int) $order->id; $new_history->changeIdOrderState((int) $id_order_state, $order, true); $new_history->addWithemail(true, $extra_vars); unset($order_detail); // Order is reloaded because the status just changed $order = new Order($order->id); // Send an e-mail to customer (one order = one email) if ($id_order_state != Configuration::get('PS_OS_ERROR') && $id_order_state != Configuration::get('PS_OS_CANCELED') && $this->context->customer->id) { $invoice = new Address($order->id_address_invoice); $delivery = new Address($order->id_address_delivery); $delivery_state = $delivery->id_state ? new State($delivery->id_state) : false; $invoice_state = $invoice->id_state ? new State($invoice->id_state) : false; $data = array('{firstname}' => $this->context->customer->firstname, '{lastname}' => $this->context->customer->lastname, '{email}' => $this->context->customer->email, '{delivery_block_txt}' => $this->_getFormatedAddress($delivery, "\n"), '{invoice_block_txt}' => $this->_getFormatedAddress($invoice, "\n"), '{delivery_block_html}' => $this->_getFormatedAddress($delivery, '<br />', array('firstname' => '<span style="font-weight:bold;">%s</span>', 'lastname' => '<span style="font-weight:bold;">%s</span>')), '{invoice_block_html}' => $this->_getFormatedAddress($invoice, '<br />', array('firstname' => '<span style="font-weight:bold;">%s</span>', 'lastname' => '<span style="font-weight:bold;">%s</span>')), '{delivery_company}' => $delivery->company, '{delivery_firstname}' => $delivery->firstname, '{delivery_lastname}' => $delivery->lastname, '{delivery_address1}' => $delivery->address1, '{delivery_address2}' => $delivery->address2, '{delivery_city}' => $delivery->city, '{delivery_postal_code}' => $delivery->postcode, '{delivery_country}' => $delivery->country, '{delivery_state}' => $delivery->id_state ? $delivery_state->name : '', '{delivery_phone}' => $delivery->phone ? $delivery->phone : $delivery->phone_mobile, '{delivery_other}' => $delivery->other, '{invoice_company}' => $invoice->company, '{invoice_vat_number}' => $invoice->vat_number, '{invoice_firstname}' => $invoice->firstname, '{invoice_lastname}' => $invoice->lastname, '{invoice_address2}' => $invoice->address2, '{invoice_address1}' => $invoice->address1, '{invoice_city}' => $invoice->city, '{invoice_postal_code}' => $invoice->postcode, '{invoice_country}' => $invoice->country, '{invoice_state}' => $invoice->id_state ? $invoice_state->name : '', '{invoice_phone}' => $invoice->phone ? $invoice->phone : $invoice->phone_mobile, '{invoice_other}' => $invoice->other, '{order_name}' => $order->getUniqReference(), '{date}' => Tools::displayDate(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), (int) $order->id_lang, 1), '{carrier}' => $virtual_product ? Tools::displayError('No carrier') : $carrier->name, '{payment}' => Tools::substr($order->payment, 0, 32), '{products}' => $this->formatProductAndVoucherForEmail($products_list), '{discounts}' => $this->formatProductAndVoucherForEmail($cart_rules_list), '{total_paid}' => Tools::displayPrice($order->total_paid, $this->context->currency, false), '{total_products}' => Tools::displayPrice($order->total_paid - $order->total_shipping - $order->total_wrapping + $order->total_discounts, $this->context->currency, false), '{total_discounts}' => Tools::displayPrice($order->total_discounts, $this->context->currency, false), '{total_shipping}' => Tools::displayPrice($order->total_shipping, $this->context->currency, false), '{total_wrapping}' => Tools::displayPrice($order->total_wrapping, $this->context->currency, false)); if (is_array($extra_vars)) { $data = array_merge($data, $extra_vars); } // Join PDF invoice if ((int) Configuration::get('PS_INVOICE') && $order_status->invoice && $order->invoice_number) { $pdf = new PDF($order->getInvoicesCollection(), PDF::TEMPLATE_INVOICE, $this->context->smarty); $file_attachement['content'] = $pdf->render(false); $file_attachement['name'] = Configuration::get('PS_INVOICE_PREFIX', (int) $order->id_lang, null, $order->id_shop) . sprintf('%06d', $order->invoice_number) . '.pdf'; $file_attachement['mime'] = 'application/pdf'; } else { $file_attachement = null; } if (Validate::isEmail($this->context->customer->email)) { Mail::Send((int) $order->id_lang, 'order_conf', Mail::l('Order confirmation', (int) $order->id_lang), $data, $this->context->customer->email, $this->context->customer->firstname . ' ' . $this->context->customer->lastname, null, null, $file_attachement, null, _PS_MAIL_DIR_, false, (int) $order->id_shop); } } // updates stock in shops if (Configuration::get('PS_ADVANCED_STOCK_MANAGEMENT')) { $product_list = $order->getProducts(); foreach ($product_list as $product) { // if the available quantities depends on the physical stock if (StockAvailable::dependsOnStock($product['product_id'])) { // synchronizes StockAvailable::synchronize($product['product_id'], $order->id_shop); } } } } else { $error = Tools::displayError('Order creation failed'); Logger::addLog($error, 4, '0000002', 'Cart', intval($order->id_cart)); die($error); } } // End foreach $order_detail_list // Use the last order as currentOrder $this->currentOrder = (int) $order->id; return true; } else { $error = Tools::displayError('Cart cannot be loaded or an order has already been placed using this cart'); Logger::addLog($error, 4, '0000001', 'Cart', intval($this->context->cart->id)); die($error); } }
/** * This method allows to generate first invoice of the current order */ public function setInvoice($use_existing_payment = false) { if (!$this->hasInvoice()) { $order_invoice = new OrderInvoice(); $order_invoice->id_order = $this->id; $order_invoice->number = Configuration::get('PS_INVOICE_START_NUMBER'); // If invoice start number has been set, you clean the value of this configuration if ($order_invoice->number) { Configuration::updateValue('PS_INVOICE_START_NUMBER', false); } else { $order_invoice->number = Order::getLastInvoiceNumber() + 1; } $invoice_address = new Address((int) $this->id_address_invoice); $carrier = new Carrier((int) $this->id_carrier); $tax_calculator = $carrier->getTaxCalculator($invoice_address); $order_invoice->total_discount_tax_excl = $this->total_discounts_tax_excl; $order_invoice->total_discount_tax_incl = $this->total_discounts_tax_incl; $order_invoice->total_paid_tax_excl = $this->total_paid_tax_excl; $order_invoice->total_paid_tax_incl = $this->total_paid_tax_incl; $order_invoice->total_products = $this->total_products; $order_invoice->total_products_wt = $this->total_products_wt; $order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_excl = $this->total_shipping_tax_excl; $order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_incl = $this->total_shipping_tax_incl; $order_invoice->shipping_tax_computation_method = $tax_calculator->computation_method; $order_invoice->total_wrapping_tax_excl = $this->total_wrapping_tax_excl; $order_invoice->total_wrapping_tax_incl = $this->total_wrapping_tax_incl; // Save Order invoice $order_invoice->add(); $order_invoice->saveCarrierTaxCalculator($tax_calculator->getTaxesAmount($order_invoice->total_shipping_tax_excl)); // Update order_carrier $id_order_carrier = Db::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT `id_order_carrier` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_carrier` WHERE `id_order` = ' . (int) $order_invoice->id_order . ' AND (`id_order_invoice` IS NULL OR `id_order_invoice` = 0)'); if ($id_order_carrier) { $order_carrier = new OrderCarrier($id_order_carrier); $order_carrier->id_order_invoice = (int) $order_invoice->id; $order_carrier->update(); } // Update order detail Db::getInstance()->execute(' UPDATE `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_detail` SET `id_order_invoice` = ' . (int) $order_invoice->id . ' WHERE `id_order` = ' . (int) $order_invoice->id_order); // Update order payment if ($use_existing_payment) { $id_order_payments = Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT op.id_order_payment FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_payment` op INNER JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders` o ON (o.reference = op.order_reference) LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_invoice_payment` oip ON (oip.id_order_payment = op.id_order_payment) WHERE oip.id_order_payment IS NULL AND o.id_order = ' . (int) $order_invoice->id_order); if (count($id_order_payments)) { foreach ($id_order_payments as $order_payment) { Db::getInstance()->execute(' INSERT INTO `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_invoice_payment` SET `id_order_invoice` = ' . (int) $order_invoice->id . ', `id_order_payment` = ' . (int) $order_payment['id_order_payment'] . ', `id_order` = ' . (int) $order_invoice->id_order); } } } // Update order cart rule Db::getInstance()->execute(' UPDATE `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_cart_rule` SET `id_order_invoice` = ' . (int) $order_invoice->id . ' WHERE `id_order` = ' . (int) $order_invoice->id_order); // Keep it for backward compatibility, to remove on 1.6 version $this->invoice_date = $order_invoice->date_add; $this->invoice_number = $order_invoice->number; $this->update(); } }
function cronOrdersSync() { $orders = $this->client->getOrders(array(7)); foreach ($orders as $order) { $channelOrderId = $order->getId(); $billingAddress = $order->getBillingAddress(); $shippingAddress = $order->getShippingAddress(); if (empty($billingAddress)) { continue; } $id_customer = $this->createPrestashopCustomer($billingAddress, $order->getEmail()); $lines = $order->getLines(); $AddressObject = new Address(); $AddressObject->id_customer = $id_customer; $AddressObject->firstname = $billingAddress->getfirstName(); $AddressObject->lastname = $billingAddress->getlastName(); $AddressObject->address1 = " " . $billingAddress->getHouseNr(); $AddressObject->address1 .= " " . $billingAddress->getHouseNrAddition(); $AddressObject->address1 .= " " . $billingAddress->getStreetName(); $AddressObject->address1 .= " " . $billingAddress->getZipCode(); $AddressObject->address1 .= " " . $billingAddress->getCity(); $AddressObject->city = $billingAddress->getCity(); $AddressObject->id_customer = $id_customer; $AddressObject->id_country = Country::getByIso($billingAddress->getCountryIso()); $AddressObject->alias = $billingAddress->getcompanyName() != "" ? "Company" : "Home"; $AddressObject->add(); $CarrierObject = new Carrier(); $CarrierObject->delay[1] = "2-4"; $CarrierObject->active = 1; $CarrierObject->name = "ChannelEngine Order"; $CarrierObject->add(); $id_carrier = $CarrierObject->id; $currency_object = new Currency(); $default_currency_object = $currency_object->getDefaultCurrency(); $id_currency = $default_currency_object->id; $id_address = $AddressObject->id; // Create Cart Object $cart = new Cart(); $cart->id_customer = (int) $id_customer; $cart->id_address_delivery = $id_address; $cart->id_address_invoice = $id_address; $cart->id_lang = 1; $cart->id_currency = (int) $id_address; $cart->id_carrier = $id_carrier; $cart->recyclable = 0; $cart->id_shop_group = 1; $cart->gift = 0; $cart->add(); if (!empty($lines)) { foreach ($lines as $item) { $quantity = $item->getQuantity(); if (strpos($item->getmerchantProductNo(), '-') !== false) { $getMerchantProductNo = explode("-", $item->getMerchantProductNo()); $cart->updateQty($quantity, $getMerchantProductNo[0], $getMerchantProductNo[1]); } else { $cart->updateQty($quantity, $item->getmerchantProductNo()); } } } $cart->update(); $order_object = new Order(); $order_object->id_address_delivery = $id_address; $order_object->id_address_invoice = $id_address; $order_object->id_cart = $cart->id; $order_object->id_currency = $id_currency; $order_object->id_customer = $id_customer; $order_object->id_carrier = $id_carrier; $order_object->payment = "ChannelEngine Order"; $order_object->module = "1"; $order_object->valid = 1; $order_object->total_paid_tax_excl = $order->getTotalInclVat(); $order_object->total_discounts_tax_incl = 0; $order_object->total_paid = $order->getTotalInclVat(); $order_object->total_paid_real = $order->getTotalInclVat(); $order_object->total_products = $order->getSubTotalInclVat() - $order->getSubTotalVat(); $order_object->total_products_wt = $order->getSubTotalInclVat(); $order_object->total_paid_tax_incl = $order->getSubTotalInclVat(); $order_object->conversion_rate = 1; $order_object->id_shop = 1; $order_object->id_lang = 1; $order_object->id_shop_group = 1; $order_object->secure_key = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); $order_id = $order_object->add(); // Insert new Order detail list using cart for the current order $order_detail = new OrderDetail(); $orderClass = new Order(); $order_detail->createList($order_object, $cart, 1, $cart->getProducts(), 1); $order_detail_list[] = $order_detail; // Adding an entry in order_carrier table if (!is_null($CarrierObject)) { $order_carrier = new OrderCarrier(); $order_carrier->id_order = (int) $order_object->id; $order_carrier->id_carrier = (int) $id_carrier; $order_carrier->weight = (double) $order_object->getTotalWeight(); $order_carrier->shipping_cost_tax_excl = (double) $order_object->total_shipping_tax_excl; $order_carrier->shipping_cost_tax_incl = (double) $order_object->total_shipping_tax_incl; $order_carrier->add(); } foreach ($lines as $item) { $getMerchantProductNo = explode("-", $item->getMerchantProductNo()); $query = "UPDATE `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "order_detail` SET id_channelengine_product='" . $item->getId() . "'" . "WHERE product_id ='" . $getMerchantProductNo[0] . "' AND product_attribute_id = '" . $getMerchantProductNo[1] . "' AND id_order = ' " . $order_object->id . "' "; Db::getInstance()->Execute($query); } Db::getInstance()->update('orders', array('id_channelengine_order' => $channelOrderId), 'id_order = ' . $order_object->id); } }
public static function trackingStatus($id_order, $shipping_number) { // MAIL::SEND is bugged in 1.5 ! // (Unresolved as of 2013-04-15) // Context fix (it's that easy) Context::getContext()->link = new Link(); // Fix context by adding employee $cookie = new Cookie('psAdmin'); Context::getContext()->employee = new Employee($cookie->id_employee); $o = new Order($id_order); $o->shipping_number = $shipping_number; $o->save(); // New in 1.5 $id_order_carrier = Db::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT `id_order_carrier` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_carrier` WHERE `id_order` = ' . (int) $id_order); $order_carrier = new OrderCarrier($id_order_carrier); $order_carrier->tracking_number = $shipping_number; $order_carrier->id_order = $id_order; $order_carrier->id_carrier = $o->id_carrier; $order_carrier->update(); // No, there is no method in Order to retrieve the orderCarrier object(s) $history = new OrderHistory(); $history->id_order = (int) $o->id; $history->id_order_state = _PS_OS_SHIPPING_; $history->changeIdOrderState(_PS_OS_SHIPPING_); $history->save(); $customer = new Customer($o->id_customer); $carrier = new Carrier($o->id_carrier); $tracking_url = str_replace('@', $o->shipping_number, $carrier->url); $templateVars = array('{tracking_link}' => '<a href = "' . $tracking_url . '">' . $o->shipping_number . '</a>', '{tracking_code}' => $o->shipping_number, '{firstname}' => $customer->firstname, '{lastname}' => $customer->lastname, '{id_order}' => (int) $o->id); Mail::Send($o->id_lang, 'tracking', 'Tracking number for your order', $templateVars, $customer->email, $customer->firstname . ' ' . $customer->lastname, null, null, null, null, _MYDIR_ . '/mails/', true); }
public function update_cart_by_junglee_xml($order_id, $orderdetail) { $prefix = _DB_PREFIX_; $tablename = $prefix . 'orders'; $total_amount = 0; $total_principal = 0; $shipping_amount = 0; $total_promo = 0; $ClientRequestId = 0; $AmazonOrderID = (string) $orderdetail->OrderReport->AmazonOrderID; foreach ($orderdetail->OrderReport->Item as $item) { $SKU = (string) $item->SKU; $Title = (string) $item->Title; $Quantity = (int) $item->Quantity; $Principal_Promotions = 0; $Shipping_Promotions = 0; foreach ($item->ItemPrice->Component as $amount_type) { $item_charge_type = (string) $amount_type->Type; if ($item_charge_type == 'Principal') { $Principal = abs((double) $amount_type->Amount); } if ($item_charge_type == 'Shipping') { $Shipping = abs((double) $amount_type->Amount); } if ($item_charge_type == 'Tax') { $Tax = abs((double) $amount_type->Amount); } if ($item_charge_type == 'ShippingTax') { $ShippingTax = abs((double) $amount_type->Amount); } } if (!empty($item->Promotion)) { foreach ($item->Promotion as $promotions) { foreach ($promotions->Component as $promotion_amount_type) { $promotion_type = (string) $promotion_amount_type->Type; if ($promotion_type == 'Shipping') { $Shipping_Promotions += abs((double) $promotion_amount_type->Amount); } if ($promotion_type == 'Principal') { $Principal_Promotions += abs((double) $promotion_amount_type->Amount); } } } } $total_principal += $Principal; $total_amount += $Principal - $Principal_Promotions + ($Shipping - $Shipping_Promotions); $shipping_amount += $Shipping + $Shipping_Promotions; $total_promo += $Principal_Promotions + $Shipping_Promotions; foreach ($item->CustomizationInfo as $info) { $info_type = (string) $info->Type; if ($info_type == 'url') { $info_array = explode(',', $info->Data); $customerId_array = explode('=', $info_array[0]); $ClientRequestId = $customerId_array[1]; } } } $ShippingServiceLevel = (string) $orderdetail->OrderReport->FulfillmentData->FulfillmentServiceLevel; $sql = 'UPDATE `' . $prefix . 'pwa_orders` set `shipping_service` = "' . $ShippingServiceLevel . '" , `order_type` = "junglee" where `prestashop_order_id` = "' . $order_id . '" '; Db::getInstance()->Execute($sql); $cust_name = (string) $orderdetail->OrderReport->BillingData->BuyerName; $name_arr = explode(' ', $cust_name); if (count($name_arr) > 1) { $firstname = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($name_arr) - 2; $i++) { $firstname = $firstname . ' ' . $name_arr[$i]; } $lastname = $name_arr[count($name_arr) - 1]; } else { $firstname = $cust_name; $lastname = ' '; } $email = (string) $orderdetail->OrderReport->BillingData->BuyerEmailAddress; $sql = 'SELECT * from `' . $prefix . 'customer` where email = "' . $email . '" '; $results = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql); if (empty($results)) { $password = Tools::passwdGen(); $customer = new Customer(); $customer->firstname = trim($firstname); $customer->lastname = $lastname; $customer->email = (string) $xml->ProcessedOrder->BuyerInfo->BuyerEmailAddress; $customer->passwd = md5($password); $customer->active = 1; if (Configuration::get('PS_GUEST_CHECKOUT_ENABLED')) { $customer->is_guest = 1; } else { $customer->is_guest = 0; } $customer->add(); $customer_id = $customer->id; if (Configuration::get('PS_CUSTOMER_CREATION_EMAIL') && !Configuration::get('PS_GUEST_CHECKOUT_ENABLED')) { Mail::Send($this->context->language->id, 'account', Mail::l('Welcome!'), array('{firstname}' => $customer->firstname, '{lastname}' => $customer->lastname, '{email}' => $customer->email, '{passwd}' => $password), $customer->email, $customer->firstname . ' ' . $customer->lastname); } } else { $customer_id = $results[0]['id_customer']; } $id_country = Country::getByIso((string) $orderdetail->OrderReport->FulfillmentData->Address->CountryCode); if ($id_country == 0 || $id_country == '') { $id_country = 110; } $address = new Address(); $address->id_country = $id_country; $address->id_state = 0; $address->id_customer = $customer_id; $address->alias = 'My Address'; $address->firstname = trim($firstname); $address->lastname = $lastname; $address->address1 = (string) $orderdetail->OrderReport->FulfillmentData->Address->AddressFieldOne; $address->address2 = (string) $orderdetail->OrderReport->FulfillmentData->Address->AddressFieldTwo; $address->postcode = (string) $orderdetail->OrderReport->FulfillmentData->Address->PostalCode; $address->phone_mobile = (string) $orderdetail->OrderReport->FulfillmentData->Address->PhoneNumber; $address->city = (string) $orderdetail->OrderReport->FulfillmentData->Address->City . ' ' . (string) $orderdetail->OrderReport->FulfillmentData->Address->StateOrRegion; $address->active = 1; $address->add(); $address_id = $address->id; $id_order_state = 2; $reference = Order::generateReference(); $order = new Order(); $order->id = $order_id; $order->id_customer = (int) $customer_id; $order->id_address_invoice = (int) $address_id; $carrier = null; $sql = 'SELECT id_carrier from `' . $prefix . 'carrier` where `active` = 1 and `deleted` = 0 limit 0,1'; $result = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql); $id_carrier = $result[0]['id_carrier']; $sql = 'SELECT id_currency from `' . $prefix . 'currency` where `active` = 1 and `deleted` = 0 and `iso_code` = "INR" limit 0,1'; $result = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql); $currency_id = $result[0]['id_currency']; $sql = 'UPDATE `' . $tablename . '` set `id_customer` = ' . (int) $customer_id . ', `id_carrier` = ' . $id_carrier . ', `id_address_invoice` = ' . (int) $address_id . ', `id_address_delivery` = ' . (int) $address_id . ', `id_currency` = ' . $currency_id . ', `reference` = "' . $reference . '", `secure_key` = "' . md5(uniqid()) . '", `total_paid` = ' . $total_amount . ', `total_paid_tax_incl` = ' . $total_amount . ', `total_paid_tax_excl` = ' . $total_amount . ', `total_paid_real` = 0, `total_shipping` = ' . $shipping_amount . ', `total_shipping_tax_incl` = ' . $shipping_amount . ', `total_shipping_tax_excl` = ' . $shipping_amount . ', `total_discounts` = ' . (double) $total_promo . ', `total_discounts_tax_incl` = ' . (double) $total_promo . ', `total_discounts_tax_excl` = ' . (double) $total_promo . ', `total_products` = ' . $total_principal . ', `total_products_wt` = ' . $total_principal . ', `invoice_date` = "0000-00-00 00:00:00", `delivery_date` = "0000-00-00 00:00:00" where `id_order` = ' . $order_id . ''; // `round_mode` = '.Configuration::get('PS_PRICE_ROUND_MODE').', Db::getInstance()->Execute($sql); $i = 0; foreach ($orderdetail->OrderReport->Item as $item) { $id_product = (string) $item->SKU; $product = new Product((int) $product_id); $SKU = $product->reference; $AmazonOrderItemCode = (string) $item->AmazonOrderItemCode; $Title = (string) $item->Title; $Quantity = (int) $item->Quantity; foreach ($item->ItemPrice->Component as $amount_type) { $item_charge_type = (string) $amount_type->Type; if ($item_charge_type == 'Principal') { $Amount = (double) $amount_type->Amount; } } $Amount = $Amount / $Quantity; $Amount = round($Amount, 3); $acknowledge_arr['items'][$i]['AmazonOrderItemCode'] = $AmazonOrderItemCode; $acknowledge_arr['items'][$i]['product_id'] = $id_product; $i++; $sql = 'INSERT into `' . $prefix . 'order_detail` set `id_order` = ' . $order_id . ', `product_id` = ' . $id_product . ', `product_name` = "' . $Title . '", `product_quantity` = ' . $Quantity . ', `product_quantity_in_stock` = ' . $Quantity . ', `product_price` = ' . $Amount . ', `product_reference` = "' . $SKU . '", `total_price_tax_incl` = ' . $Amount * $Quantity . ', `total_price_tax_excl` = ' . $Amount * $Quantity . ', `unit_price_tax_incl` = ' . $Amount . ', `unit_price_tax_excl` = ' . $Amount . ', `original_product_price` = ' . $Amount . ' '; Db::getInstance()->Execute($sql); $sql = 'UPDATE `' . $prefix . 'stock_available` set `quantity` = `quantity` - ' . $Quantity . ' where `id_product` = ' . $id_product . ' and `id_product_attribute` = 0 '; Db::getInstance()->Execute($sql); /*$sql = 'UPDATE `'.$prefix.'stock_available` set `quantity` = `quantity` - '.$Quantity.' where `id_product` = '.$product_id.' and `id_product_attribute` = '.$product_attribute_id.' '; Db::getInstance()->Execute($sql);*/ $date = date('Y-m-d'); $sql = 'UPDATE `' . $prefix . 'product_sale` set `quantity` = `quantity` + ' . $Quantity . ', `sale_nbr` = `sale_nbr` + ' . $Quantity . ', `date_upd` = ' . $date . ' where `id_product` = ' . $id_product . ' '; Db::getInstance()->Execute($sql); } // Adding an entry in order_carrier table if (!is_null($carrier)) { $order_carrier = new OrderCarrier(); $order_carrier->id_order = (int) $order->id; $order_carrier->id_carrier = (int) $id_carrier; $order_carrier->weight = '0'; $order_carrier->shipping_cost_tax_excl = (double) $shipping_amount; $order_carrier->shipping_cost_tax_incl = (double) $shipping_amount; $order_carrier->add(); } else { $order_carrier = new OrderCarrier(); $order_carrier->id_order = (int) $order->id; $order_carrier->id_carrier = (int) $id_carrier; $order_carrier->weight = '0'; $order_carrier->shipping_cost_tax_excl = (double) $shipping_amount; $order_carrier->shipping_cost_tax_incl = (double) $shipping_amount; $order_carrier->add(); } // Acknowledge the order in seller central using MWS FEED API $acknowledge_arr['MerchantOrderID'] = (int) $order->id; $obj = new Pwapresta(); $obj->pwa_acknowledge_feed($acknowledge_arr); $history = new OrderHistory(); $history->id_order = $order->id; $history->changeIdOrderState((int) $id_order_state, $order->id, true); $history->addWithemail(true, array()); }
/** * Re calculate shipping cost * @return object $order */ public function refreshShippingCost() { if (empty($this->id)) { return false; } if (!Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_RECALCULATE_SHIPPING')) { return $this; } $fake_cart = new Cart((int) $this->id_cart); $new_cart = $fake_cart->duplicate(); $new_cart = $new_cart['cart']; // assign order id_address_delivery to cart $new_cart->id_address_delivery = (int) $this->id_address_delivery; // assign id_carrier $new_cart->id_carrier = (int) $this->id_carrier; //remove all products : cart (maybe change in the meantime) foreach ($new_cart->getProducts() as $product) { $new_cart->deleteProduct((int) $product['id_product'], (int) $product['id_product_attribute']); } // add real order products foreach ($this->getProducts() as $product) { $new_cart->updateQty($product['product_quantity'], (int) $product['product_id']); } // get new shipping cost $base_total_shipping_tax_incl = (double) $new_cart->getPackageShippingCost((int) $new_cart->id_carrier, true, null); $base_total_shipping_tax_excl = (double) $new_cart->getPackageShippingCost((int) $new_cart->id_carrier, false, null); // calculate diff price, then apply new order totals $diff_shipping_tax_incl = $this->total_shipping_tax_incl - $base_total_shipping_tax_incl; $diff_shipping_tax_excl = $this->total_shipping_tax_excl - $base_total_shipping_tax_excl; $this->total_shipping_tax_excl = $this->total_shipping_tax_excl - $diff_shipping_tax_excl; $this->total_shipping_tax_incl = $this->total_shipping_tax_incl - $diff_shipping_tax_incl; $this->total_shipping = $this->total_shipping_tax_incl; $this->total_paid_tax_excl = $this->total_paid_tax_excl - $diff_shipping_tax_excl; $this->total_paid_tax_incl = $this->total_paid_tax_incl - $diff_shipping_tax_incl; $this->total_paid = $this->total_paid_tax_incl; $this->update(); // save order_carrier prices, we'll save order right after this in update() method $order_carrier = new OrderCarrier((int) $this->getIdOrderCarrier()); $order_carrier->shipping_cost_tax_excl = $this->total_shipping_tax_excl; $order_carrier->shipping_cost_tax_incl = $this->total_shipping_tax_incl; $order_carrier->update(); // remove fake cart $new_cart->delete(); return $this; }