public function processCheckout(Payment $payment, CHttpRequest $request) { $payler = new Payler($payment); $order = Order::model()->findByUrl($payler->getOrderIdFromHash($request)); if ($order === null) { Yii::log(Yii::t('PaylerModule.payler', 'The order doesn\'t exist.'), CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR); return false; } if ($order->isPaid()) { Yii::log(Yii::t('PaylerModule.payler', 'The order #{n} is already payed.', $order->getPrimaryKey()), CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR); return false; } if ($payler->getPaymentStatus($request) === 'Charged' && $order->pay($payment)) { Yii::log(Yii::t('PaylerModule.payler', 'The order #{n} has been payed successfully.', $order->getPrimaryKey()), CLogger::LEVEL_INFO); //Yii::app()->controller->redirect(['/order/order/view', 'url' => $order->url]); // return true; return $order; } else { Yii::log(Yii::t('PaylerModule.payler', 'An error occurred when you pay the order #{n}.', $order->getPrimaryKey()), CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR); //Customer was made 5 (6?) mistakes, we tell him about it... Yii::app()->getUser()->setFlash(yupe\widgets\YFlashMessages::ERROR_MESSAGE, Yii::t('PaylerModule.payler', 'Payment Fail')); //...and give another chance to pay //Yii::app()->controller->redirect(['/order/order/view', 'url' => $order->url]); //return false; return $order; } }
public function actionTest() { $start = time(); Yii::app()->cache->flush(); Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->truncateTable(Buy::model()->tableName()); Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->truncateTable(Sell::model()->tableName()); Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->truncateTable(Order::model()->tableName()); Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->truncateTable(Balance::model()->tableName()); // Тест на 10 000 руб. Status::setParam('balance', 10000); Status::setParam('balance_btc', 0); $exs = Exchange::getAllByDt('btc_rur', '2013-12-16', '2014-01-06'); $cnt = 0; foreach ($exs as $exchange) { $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->dtm = $exchange['dt']; $obj->buy = $exchange['buy']; $obj->sell = $exchange['sell']; $cnt++; $bot = new Bot($obj); $bot->run(); } $end = time(); echo '<b>Elapsed time: ' . ($end - $start) / 60 . ' min.<br/>'; echo '<b>Steps count: ' . $cnt . '<br/>'; }
public function update($id) { $transaction = Yii::app()->db->beginTransaction(); try { $order = Order::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $id)); $order->status = 1; $ordercompanyproduct = OrderCompany::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('orderId' => $id)); if ($ordercompanyproduct) { foreach ($ordercompanyproduct as &$value) { $code = Code::model()->findByAttributes(array('ordercompanyproductId' => $value->id)); $code->status = 1; $value->status = 1; if (!$value->save() || !$code->save()) { throw new Exception("Error Processing Request", 1); } } } $order->save(); $transaction->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $transaction->rollback(); Yii::log('update fail', CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR, 'updatedb'); return array('code' => 500, 'mes' => 'update fail'); } return array('code' => 200, 'mes' => 'success'); }
public function createReservation($data) { $result = new Reservations(); $result->createTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $result->{$k} = $v; } $type = User::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $data['userId'])); if ($data['type'] == 1 && $type == 1) { $orderid = Order::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('status' => 1, 'userId' => Yii::app()->user->id, 'type' => 1)); if ($orderid) { $now = date('Ymd', strtotime(substr($data['startTime'], 0, 10))); foreach ($orderid as $list) { $dp = OrderProduct::model()->find('endDate>=' . $now . ' and orderId=' . $list['id'] . ' and startDate<=' . $now); if ($dp) { break; } } $dp->usedTimes++; $dp->save(); $result->orderId = $dp['orderId']; $result->save(); } } if ($result->save()) { $data = array('code' => 200, 'message' => 'SUCCESS'); } return $data; }
public function process() { $model = \Order::model(); foreach ($this->orders as $order) { $model->saveItem($order); } }
/** * Displays a particular model. * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be displayed */ public function actionAdditem($item_id) { $user_id = Yii::app()->user->id; // find the users cart $user = User::model()->find(array('condition' => 'id=:user_id', 'params' => array(':user_id' => $user_id))); // find the users cart $cart = Cart::model()->find(array('condition' => 'cart_owner=:cart_owner', 'params' => array(':cart_owner' => $user_id))); // find the item being reffered to by item_id $item = Item::model()->find(array('condition' => 'id=:item_id', 'params' => array(':item_id' => $item_id))); if (is_null($cart)) { // if the cart is not found. create a cart for the user. $cart = new Cart(); $cart->cart_owner = $user->id; $cart->save(); } // check if the same order was already made & increment else, create new $order = Order::model()->find(array('condition' => 'item_id=:item_id AND cart_id=:cart_id AND order_by=:order_by', 'params' => array(':item_id' => $item_id, ':cart_id' => $cart->id, ':order_by' => $user->id))); if (is_null($order)) { $order = new Order(); $order->create_time = time(); $order->quantity = 1; $order->item_id = $item->id; $order->cart_id = $cart->id; $order->order_by = $user->id; } else { $order->quantity = 1 + $order->quantity; $order->update_time = time(); } $order->save(); // find all orders by this user. $orders = Order::model()->findAll('cart_id=:cart_id AND order_by=:order_by', array(':cart_id' => $cart->id, ':order_by' => $user->id)); $return = array('success' => true, 'data' => $orders); echo CJavaScript::jsonEncode($return); Yii::app()->end(); }
/** * Check creating new orders */ public function testCreateOrder() { $microTime = microtime(); $comment = 'test comment ' . $microTime; // Find any active product $product = StoreProduct::model()->active()->findByAttributes(array('use_configurations' => 0)); $this->assertTrue($product instanceof StoreProduct); // Open product page and add to cart $this->open(Yii::app()->createUrl('/store/frontProduct/view', array('url' => $product->url))); $this->click("//input[@id='buyButton']"); $this->open('cart'); $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent($product->name)); $this->click(' > span'); $this->type('id=OrderCreateForm_name', 'Tester Name'); $this->type('id=OrderCreateForm_email', '*****@*****.**'); $this->type('id=OrderCreateForm_phone', '0990000000'); $this->type('id=OrderCreateForm_address', 'test address'); $this->type('id=OrderCreateForm_comment', $comment); $this->clickAtAndWait('name=create'); // Check if order successfully saved $order = Order::model()->findByAttributes(array('user_comment' => $comment)); $this->assertTrue($order instanceof Order); // Check of ordered products $this->assertTrue($order->getOrderedProducts() instanceof CActiveDataProvider); $this->assertTrue($order->getOrderedProducts()->getTotalItemCount() > 0); }
/** * @param Payment $payment * @param CHttpRequest $request */ public function processCheckout(Payment $payment, CHttpRequest $request) { $settings = $payment->getPaymentSystemSettings(); $params = ['action' => $request->getParam('action'), 'orderSumAmount' => $request->getParam('orderSumAmount'), 'orderSumCurrencyPaycash' => $request->getParam('orderSumCurrencyPaycash'), 'orderSumBankPaycash' => $request->getParam('orderSumBankPaycash'), 'shopId' => $settings['shopid'], 'invoiceId' => $request->getParam('invoiceId'), 'customerNumber' => $request->getParam('customerNumber'), 'password' => $settings['password']]; /* @var $order Order */ $order = Order::model()->findByPk($request->getParam('orderNumber')); if ($order === null) { $message = Yii::t('YandexMoneyModule.ymoney', 'The order doesn\'t exist.'); Yii::log($message, CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR); $this->showResponse($params, $message, 200); } if ($order->isPaid()) { $message = Yii::t('YandexMoneyModule.ymoney', 'The order #{n} is already payed.', $order->getPrimaryKey()); Yii::log($message, CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR); $this->showResponse($params, $message, 200); } if ($this->getOrderCheckSum($params) !== $request->getParam('md5')) { $message = Yii::t('YandexMoneyModule.ymoney', 'Wrong checksum'); Yii::log($message, CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR); $this->showResponse($params, $message, 200); } if ((double) $order->getTotalPriceWithDelivery() !== (double) $params['orderSumAmount']) { $message = Yii::t('YandexMoneyModule.ymoney', 'Wrong payment amount'); Yii::log($message, CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR); $this->showResponse($params, $message, 200); } if ($params['action'] === 'checkOrder') { $this->showResponse($params); } if ($params['action'] === 'paymentAviso' && $order->pay($payment)) { Yii::log(Yii::t('YandexMoneyModule.ymoney', 'The order #{n} has been payed successfully.', $order->getPrimaryKey()), CLogger::LEVEL_INFO); $this->showResponse($params); } }
public function run($nurser_id, $order_id) { //throw new RuntimeException($nurser_id); $order_model = Order::model()->findByPk($order_id); if (!empty($order_model->nurser_id)) { $id = $order_model->nurser_id; $nurser_model = NurseUser::model()->findByPk($id); $nurser_model->status = 0; if (!$nurser_model->update()) { throw new RuntimeException("数据保存失败"); } } //确认护士,并改成护士值班状态 $order_model->nurser_id = $nurser_id; $nurse_model = NurseUser::model()->findBypk($nurser_id); //选择后护士状态呈现已安排 $nurse_model->status = 1; //throw new RuntimeException($phone); $order_model->order_status = 1; if ($order_model->update() && $nurse_model->update()) { $flag = 0; //$phone = $nurse_model->phone; //$message = "橙妈妈用户已下单,请您在30分钟内确认订单..."; //SmsCode::SendMsgs($phone,$message); } else { $flag = 1; } $vars = array('nurser_id' => $nurser_id, 'order_id' => $order_id, 'flag' => $flag); $this->controller->success('', $vars); }
/** * Creates a new model. * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. */ public function actionCreate($id) { $modelOrder = Order::model()->findByPk($id); $model = new SparePartsOrder(); // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed // $this->performAjaxValidation($model); if (isset($_POST['SparePartsOrder'])) { $model->spare_parts_id = $_POST['SparePartsOrder']['spareParts']; // $model->attributes = $_POST['SparePartsOrder']; var_dump($model->attributes); if ($model->validate()) { if (isset($_POST['SparePartsOrder']['spareParts'])) { $arraySpareParts = $_POST['SparePartsOrder']['spareParts']; foreach ($arraySpareParts as $spareParts) { $model = new SparePartsOrder(); $model->order_id = $modelOrder->id; $model->spare_parts_id = $spareParts; $model->save(false); } } $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id)); } } $this->render('create', array('model' => $model, 'modelOrder' => $modelOrder)); }
/** * @param Payment $payment * @param CHttpRequest $request * @return bool */ public function processCheckout(Payment $payment, CHttpRequest $request) { $amount = $request->getParam('OutSum'); $orderId = (int) $request->getParam('InvId'); $crc = strtoupper($request->getParam('SignatureValue')); $order = Order::model()->findByPk($orderId); if (null === $order) { Yii::log(Yii::t('RobokassaModule.robokassa', 'Order with id = {id} not found!', ['{id}' => $orderId]), CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR, self::LOG_CATEGORY); return false; } if ($order->isPaid()) { Yii::log(Yii::t('RobokassaModule.robokassa', 'Order with id = {id} already payed!', ['{id}' => $orderId]), CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR, self::LOG_CATEGORY); return false; } $settings = $payment->getPaymentSystemSettings(); $myCrc = strtoupper(md5("{$amount}:{$orderId}:" . $settings['password2'])); if ($myCrc !== $crc) { Yii::log(Yii::t('RobokassaModule.robokassa', 'Error pay order with id = {id}! Bad crc!', ['{id}' => $orderId]), CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR, self::LOG_CATEGORY); return false; } if ($amount != Yii::app()->money->convert($order->total_price, $payment->currency_id)) { Yii::log(Yii::t('RobokassaModule.robokassa', 'Error pay order with id = {id}! Incorrect price!', ['{id}' => $orderId]), CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR, self::LOG_CATEGORY); return false; } if ($order->pay($payment)) { Yii::log(Yii::t('RobokassaModule.robokassa', 'Success pay order with id = {id}!', ['{id}' => $orderId]), CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, self::LOG_CATEGORY); return true; } else { Yii::log(Yii::t('RobokassaModule.robokassa', 'Error pay order with id = {id}! Error change status!', ['{id}' => $orderId]), CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR, self::LOG_CATEGORY); return false; } }
/** * This method will be triggered after redirection from payment system site. * If payment accepted method must return Order model to make redirection to order view. * @param StorePaymentMethod $method * @return boolean|Order */ public function processPaymentRequest(StorePaymentMethod $method) { $settings = $this->getSettings($method->id); $cr = new CDbCriteria(); $cr->order = 'created DESC'; $orders = Order::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('paid' => 0)); $orders = $this->prepareOrders($orders); $xmlResponse = $this->requestStatuses($orders, $settings); foreach ($xmlResponse->{'bills-list'}->{'bill'} as $bill) { if ((int) $bill->attributes()->{'status'} === 60) { $orderId = (string) $bill->attributes()->{'status'}; if (isset($orders[$orderId])) { $order = Order::model()->findByPk($orderId); if ($order) { $order->paid = true; $order->save(false); } } } } if (Yii::app()->request->getQuery('redirect')) { Yii::app()->request->redirect(Yii::app()->request->getQuery('redirect')); } Yii::app()->request->redirect('/'); }
/** * This method will be triggered after redirection from payment system site. * If payment accepted method must return Order model to make redirection to order view. * @param StorePaymentMethod $method * @return boolean|Order */ public function processPaymentRequest(StorePaymentMethod $method) { $request = Yii::app()->request; $settings = $this->getSettings($method->id); $order = Order::model()->findByAttributes(array('secret_key' => $request->getParam('Shp_orderKey'))); if ($order->paid) { return false; } $mrh_pass2 = $settings['password2']; $shp_order_key = $order->secret_key; $shp_payment_id = $method->id; $out_sum = $request->getParam("OutSum"); $inv_id = $request->getParam("InvId"); $crc = strtoupper($request->getParam("SignatureValue")); $my_crc = strtoupper(md5("{$out_sum}:{$inv_id}:{$mrh_pass2}:Shp_orderKey={$shp_order_key}:Shp_pmId={$shp_payment_id}")); // Check sum if ($out_sum != Yii::app()->currency->convert($order->full_price, $method->currency_id)) { return ERROR_SUM; } // Check sign if ($my_crc != $crc) { return "bad sign {$out_sum}:{$inv_id}:Shp_orderKey={$shp_order_key}:Shp_pmId={$shp_payment_id}"; } // Set order paid $order->paid = 1; $order->save(); // Show answer for Robokassa API service if (isset($_REQUEST['getResult']) && $_REQUEST['getResult'] == 'true') { exit("OK" . $order->id); } return $order; }
/** * Check for orders without carrier chosen * * @return int */ public function actionCheckPostponedOrders() { echo "Finding postponed orders..." . PHP_EOL; /** @var Order[] $orders */ $orders = Order::model()->getPostponedOrders(); $ordersCount = count($orders); Yii::log(sprintf("Found %s delayed %s" . PHP_EOL, $ordersCount, $this->pluralize('order', $ordersCount)), CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR, 'email_notification'); foreach ($orders as $order) { Yii::log(sprintf("Sending notification email about postponed Order #%s to User #%s %s <%s>", $order->id, $order->creator_id, $order->creator->fullname, $order->creator->email), CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, 'email_notification'); /** @var SwiftMailer $mailer */ $mailer = Yii::app()->mailer; /** @var EmailTemplate $emailTemplateModel */ $emailTemplateModel = EmailTemplate::model(); $template = $emailTemplateModel->getEmailTemplateBySlug(EmailTemplate::TEMPLATE_ORDER_DELAYED); $replacements = [$order->creator->email => ['{{order}}' => CHtml::link('#' . $order->id, Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('order/view', ['id' => $order->id]))]]; if ($template) { $mailer->setSubject($template->subject)->setBody($template->body)->setTo($order->creator->email)->setDecoratorReplacements($replacements)->send(); } else { Yii::log("Email template not found!", CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR, 'email_notification'); return 1; } } echo "Done!" . PHP_EOL; return 0; }
public function actionIndex() { // total semua pemasukan $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->addBetweenCondition('TANGGAL_ORDER', date('Y-m-01', strtotime('this month')), date('Y-m-t', strtotime('this month'))); $kredit = Order::model()->findAll($criteria); $total = 0; foreach ($kredit as $k) { $total += $k->TOTAL; } // menghitung total order $order_c = Order::model()->count(); // menghitung total pasien $pelanggan_c = Pasien::model()->count(); // get data order hari ini $criteria2 = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria2->condition = 'date(TANGGAL_ORDER) = date(NOW())'; $hariini = Order::model()->count($criteria2); // get barang yang tanggal expired $expired = Item::getExpired(); // data obat habis $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->order = 'TANGGAL_ORDER DESC'; $criteria->limit = '5'; $dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('Pasien', array('pagination' => false, 'criteria' => $criteria)); $this->render('index', array('total' => $total, 'order' => $order_c, 'pelanggan' => $pelanggan_c, 'hariini' => $hariini, 'expired' => $expired)); }
public function run($id) { $order_info = Order::model()->findByPk($id); if ($order_info->delete()) { $this->controller->success(''); } }
/** * @param $id * @return Order * @throws CHttpException */ public function loadModel($id) { $model = Order::model()->findByPk($id); if ($model === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, Yii::t('OrderModule.order', 'Page not found!')); } return $model; }
/** * Lazy loading of order. * Order ID should be passed from a parameter. * * @return type */ public function getOrder() { if ($this->_order === null) { $orderId = Yii::App()->request->getParam('order_id'); $this->_order = Order::model()->findByPk($orderId); } return $this->_order; }
/** * Get orders created today * * @return CActiveDataProvider */ public function getTodayOrders() { $cr = new CDbCriteria(); $cr->addCondition('created >= "' . date('Y-m-d 00:00:00') . '"'); $dataProvider = Order::model()->search(); $dataProvider->setCriteria($cr); return $dataProvider; }
/** * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable. * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised. * @param integer the ID of the model to be loaded */ public function loadModel($id) { $model = Order::model()->findByPk((int) $id); if ($model === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'Запрашиваемая страница не существует.'); } return $model; }
public function loadModel($id) { $model = Order::model()->findByPk($id); if ($model === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } return $model; }
public static function callInterswitch($ref, &$json) { //$ref = $_POST['txnref']; $order = Order::model()->findByAttributes(array('payment_code' => $ref)); $pay = PaymentTransaction::model()->findByAttributes(array('reference_number' => $ref)); $url = UtilityHelper::yiiparam('interswitchGet') . '?productid=' . UtilityHelper::yiiparam('interswitchProductID') . '&transactionreference=' . $ref . '&amount=' . $order->total * 100; //self::sendToLog($url); try { $cURL = curl_init(); curl_setopt($cURL, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($cURL, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, true); curl_setopt($cURL, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($cURL, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($cURL, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json', 'Accept: application/json', 'Hash: ' . hash('sha512', UtilityHelper::yiiparam('interswitchProductID') . $ref . UtilityHelper::yiiparam('MAC_key')))); $result = curl_exec($cURL); if (FALSE === $result) { throw new Exception(curl_error($cURL), curl_errno($cURL)); } //self::sendToLog($result,"Json things!!!"); curl_close($cURL); } catch (Exception $e) { self::sendToLog(sprintf('Curl failed with error #%d: %s', $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()), "CURL Interswitch Error"); return false; } $json = json_decode($result, true); //$pay->transaction_date = $json['TransactionDate']; //$pay->reference_number = $ref; $pay->payment_reference = $json['PaymentReference']; $pay->response_description = $json['ResponseDescription']; $pay->response_code = $json['ResponseCode']; $pay->approved_amount = $json['Amount'] / 100; //$pay->customer_name = ; $pay->save(); $json['CustomerName'] = $pay->customer_name; $total = UtilityHelper::formatPrice($order->total); $siteurl = UtilityHelper::yiiparam('siteUrl'); if (empty($order->check)) { $messg = "Dear {$order->firstname} {$order->lastname},<br/><br/>You have just attempted making payment for order #{$order->id} on {$order->store_url}. Find the details below.<br/><br/>Amount: {$total}<br/><br/>Response Description: {$json['ResponseDescription']}<br/><br/>Response Code: {$json['ResponseCode']}<br/><br/>Transaction Ref No: {$ref}<br/><br/>Payment Reference: {$json['PaymentReference']}<br/><br/>Transaction Date: {$json['TransactionDate']}<br/>"; if ($json['ResponseCode'] == '09') { } else { if ($json['ResponseCode'] == '00') { UtilityHelper::sendMail(UtilityHelper::yiiparam('salesEmail'), $order->email, 'Successful Payment Notification', $messg); //UtilityHelper::changeOrderStatus($order->id); $order->order_status_id = 2; $order->check = 1; $order->save(); UtilityHelper::subtractOrder($order->id); } else { UtilityHelper::sendMail(UtilityHelper::yiiparam('salesEmail'), $order->email, 'Failed Payment Notification', $messg); //UtilityHelper::changeOrderStatus($order->id,10); $order->order_status_id = 10; $order->check = 1; $order->save(); } } } //return $order; }
public function run() { $this->controller->pageTitle = 'Book a Workspace'; $now = date('Y-m-d', time()); $date = Yii::app()->request->getParam('date'); $date = $date == '' ? $now : $date; $proxy = new CHub(); $result = $proxy->getHubList(); if (Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest) { $id = Yii::app()->request->getParam('id'); $hub = Yii::app()->request->getParam('hub'); $date = Yii::app()->request->getParam('date'); if ($id) { $date = date('Ymd', strtotime($date)); $record = Reservations::model()->findAll('startTime =' . date('Ymd', strtotime($date)) . '100000' . ' and userId=' . Yii::app()->user->id . ' and type=1 and status=1'); $orderid = Order::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('status' => 1, 'userId' => Yii::app()->user->id, 'type' => 1)); if ($orderid) { foreach ($orderid as $list) { $order = OrderProduct::model()->find('endDate>=' . $date . ' and orderId=' . $list['id'] . ' and startDate<=' . $date); if ($order) { break; } } if ($order) { echo CJSON::encode(array('code' => 200, 'data' => array('num' => $order['totalTimes'] - $order['usedTimes'], 'count' => count($record)))); } else { echo CJSON::encode(array('code' => 200, 'data' => array('num' => 0))); } } else { $code = CodeUsed::model()->findAll('userId=' . Yii::app()->user->id); if ($code) { foreach ($code as $list) { $value = Code::model()->find('endDate>=' . $date . ' and id=' . $list['codeId'] . ' and startDate<=' . $date); if ($value) { break; } } if ($value) { echo CJSON::encode(array('code' => 200, 'data' => array('num' => 1, 'count' => count($record)))); } else { echo CJSON::encode(array('code' => 200, 'data' => array('num' => 0))); } } else { echo CJSON::encode(array('code' => 200, 'data' => array('num' => 0))); } } } else { $proxy = new CReservation(); $result = $proxy->getNumber($date); if ($result['code'] == 200) { $data = array('code' => 200, 'data' => $result); echo CJSON::encode($data); } } } else { $this->controller->render('workspacelist', array('data' => $result['data'], 'date' => $date)); } }
/** * Get orders date_create today * * @return ActiveDataProvider */ public function getTodayOrders() { Yii::import('mod.cart.models.Order'); $cr = new CDbCriteria(); $cr->addCondition('date_create >= "' . date('Y-m-d 00:00:00') . '"'); $dataProvider = Order::model()->search(); $dataProvider->setCriteria($cr); return $dataProvider; }
/** * Find order by secret_key and display. * @throws CHttpException */ public function actionView() { $secret_key = Yii::app()->request->getParam('secret_key'); $model = Order::model()->find('secret_key=:secret_key', array(':secret_key' => $secret_key)); if (!$model) { throw new CHttpException(404, Yii::t('OrdersModule.core', 'Ошибка. Заказ не найден.')); } $this->render('view', array('model' => $model)); }
public function run() { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('Order', ['criteria' => $criteria, 'sort' => ['defaultOrder' => 'id DESC'], 'pagination' => ['pageSize' => (int) $this->limit]]); $cacheTime = Yii::app()->controller->yupe->coreCacheTime; $model = Order::model(); $dependency = new CDbCacheDependency('select max(modified) from ' . $model->tableName()); $this->render('panel-stat', ['ordersCount' => $model->cache($cacheTime, $dependency)->count(), 'newOrdersCount' => $model->cache($cacheTime, $dependency)->new()->count(), 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider]); }
public static function firePixelPb($model) { $db = SafeMySQL::getInstance(); if (!$model instanceof Order) { $model = Order::model()->findByPk($model); } if (!$model->order_id) { return false; } // NOTE: temp. If a payment bank in array - we don't need to fire pixel if ($model->payment && is_object($model->payment) && $model->payment->num2 && in_array($model->payment->num2, self::$_bannedBins) && in_array($model->campaign_id, self::$_bannedCampaigns)) { return false; } $fire = false; if ($model->aff_id) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `pixel_rates` WHERE `campaign_id` = ?i AND `method_id` = ?i AND `aff_id` = ?i'; $result = $db->query($sql, $model->campaign_id, $model->payment->method_id, $model->aff_id); $count_rows = $result->num_rows; } else { $count_rows = 0; } if (!$model->aff_id || !$count_rows) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `pixel_rates` WHERE `campaign_id` = ?i AND `method_id` = ?i AND `aff_id` IS NULL'; $result = $db->query($sql, $model->campaign_id, $model->payment->method_id); if (!$result->num_rows) { $fire = true; } else { $fire_result = $db->fetch($result); if ($fire_result['rate']) { $fire = true; } if ($model->aff_id) { $r = $fire_result['rate'] == 0 ? 0 : 1; $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `pixel_rates` (`campaign_id`, `method_id`, `aff_id`, `rate`, `total_fired`, `total_orders`) SELECT `campaign_id`, `method_id`, ?i, `rate`, ' . $r . ', 1 FROM `pixel_rates` WHERE `campaign_id` = ?i AND `method_id` = ?i AND `aff_id` IS NULL'; $db->query($sql, $model->aff_id, $model->campaign_id, $model->payment->method_id); } } } else { $fire_result = $db->fetch($result); if ($fire_result['rate'] != 0 && ($fire_result['total_orders'] == 0 || 100 * $fire_result['total_fired'] / ($fire_result['total_orders'] + 1) < $fire_result['rate'])) { $sql = 'UPDATE `pixel_rates` SET `total_fired` = `total_fired` + 1, `total_orders` = `total_orders` + 1 WHERE `campaign_id` = ?i AND `method_id` = ?s AND `aff_id` = ?i'; $db->query($sql, $model->campaign_id, $model->payment->method_id, $model->aff_id); $fire = true; } else { $sql = 'UPDATE `pixel_rates` SET `total_orders` = `total_orders` + 1 WHERE `campaign_id` = ?i AND `method_id` = ?s AND `aff_id` = ?i'; $db->query($sql, $model->campaign_id, $model->payment->method_id, $model->aff_id); } } if ($fire) { $sql = 'UPDATE `orders` SET `pixel_fired` = 1 WHERE `order_id` = ?i'; $db->query($sql, $model->order_id); exec('/usr/bin/php-cli /home/pinnacle/public_html/lj3/nws/pixels_pb.php ' . $model->order_id . ' > /dev/null 2>&1 &'); } }
public function actionIndex() { if (Yii::app()->user->isGuest) { $this->redirect(array('/admin/login')); } else { // latest 10 orders $orders = Order::model()->findAll(new CDbCriteria(array('limit' => 10))); $this->render('index', array('orders' => $orders)); } }
/** * @param $year * @param $month * @return array */ public function loadOrders($year, $month) { $month = (int) $month; if ($month < 10) { $month = '0' . $month; } $date_match = (int) $year . '-' . $month; $query = new CDbCriteria(array('condition' => "date_create LIKE '{$date_match}%'")); return Order::model()->findAll($query); }
public function NotifyProcess($data, &$msg) { // Array( <- $data // [appid] => wx043b7e57e5b34701 // [attach] => tst // [bank_type] => CFT // [cash_fee] => 1 // [fee_type] => CNY // [is_subscribe] => Y // [mch_id] => 1255284001 // [nonce_str] => m5kw5jw21ymyy97an9zzu4tn9pzr8ut2 // [openid] => oRqCWt8RWZA9-JoDs2TbhvKBl-kA // [out_trade_no] => 125528400120150727185109 // [result_code] => SUCCESS // [return_code] => SUCCESS // [sign] => AB42A3E63459944637BF05771D86669E // [time_end] => 20150727185147 // [total_fee] => 1 // [trade_type] => JSAPI // [transaction_id] => 1005280712201507270489874922 // ) // Yii::log(print_r($data, true), CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR, 'payment.notify'); $notfiyOutput = array(); if (!array_key_exists("transaction_id", $data)) { $msg = "输入参数不正确"; return false; } //查询订单,判断订单真实性 if (!$this->Queryorder($data["transaction_id"], $data['trade_type'])) { $msg = "订单查询失败"; return false; } //更新订单状态 $order = new COrder(); $result = $order->update($data['out_trade_no']); if ($result['code'] !== 200) { Yii::log('update fail', CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR, 'payment.notify'); } else { $orderitem = Order::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $data['out_trade_no'])); $userId = $orderitem->userId; $user = User::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $userId)); Yii::log($data['attach'], CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR, 'payment.notify'); if ($user->status == 0) { $user->status = 1; } if ($data['attach']) { $user->deadDate = $data['attach']; } if ($user->save()) { return true; } else { throw new Exception("dead Date fail", 1); } } }