/** * Provide clean documents and statistics table and remove temporary files. * Create document for counting. * * @return void */ public function setUp() { parent::setUpWithEnv('production'); $this->assertSecurityConfigured(); $path = Zend_Registry::get('temp_dir') . '~localstat.xml'; @unlink($path); $this->_document = $this->createTestDocument(); $this->_document->setType("doctoral_thesis"); $this->_document->store(); //setting server globals $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = ''; $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = 'bla'; $_SERVER['REDIRECT_STATUS'] = 200; // create collection test document $this->_document_col = $this->createTestDocument(); $this->_document_col->addCollection(new Opus_Collection(40)); // invisible collection $this->_document_col->addCollection(new Opus_Collection(16214)); // visible collection with invisible collection role $this->_document_col->addCollection(new Opus_Collection(1031)); // visible collection with visible collection role // collection role ID = 10 (sichbar) $this->_document_col->addCollection(new Opus_Collection(16136)); // versteckte Collection (Role = 10) $this->_document_col->addCollection(new Opus_Collection(15991)); // sichbare Collection (Role = 10); $this->_document_col->setServerState('published'); $this->_document_col->store(); }
$template = '<i><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">alert(\'alert STRING\');</script>'; return str_replace('STRING', $counter, $template); } // error handler function function myErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { echo "WARNING: myErrorHandler({$errno}, '{$errstr}', '{$errfile}', {$errline})\n"; return true; } // set to the user defined error handler $oldErrorHandler = set_error_handler("myErrorHandler"); // // Creating document, filling static fields. // $doc = new Opus_Document(); $doc->setType(randString($counter++)); $doc->setServerState('published'); $doc->setServerDatePublished('01.01.1900'); $doc->setLanguage('deu' . randString($counter++)); $doc->setThesisDateAccepted('01.02.2003'); $doc->setPublishedYear('2010'); $doc->setPublishedDate('28.09.2010'); $doc->setCompletedYear('2010'); $doc->setCompletedDate('27.09.2010'); $doc->setPublisherName(randString($counter++)); $doc->setPublisherPlace(randString($counter++)); $doc->setPageNumber(randString($counter++)); $doc->setPageFirst(randString($counter++)); $doc->setPageLast(randString($counter++)); $doc->setVolume(randString($counter++)); $doc->setIssue(randString($counter++));
private function processRow($row) { $doc = new Opus_Document(); $oldId = $row[self::OLD_ID]; try { $doc->setLanguage(trim($row[self::LANGUAGE])); // Dokumenttyp muss kleingeschrieben werden (bei Fromm aber groß) $doc->setType(lcfirst(trim($row[self::TYPE]))); $doc->setServerState(trim($row[self::SERVER_STATE])); $doc->setVolume(trim($row[self::VOL_ID])); // speichere die oldId als Identifier old ab, so dass später nach dieser gesucht werden kann // und die Verbindung zwischen Ausgangsdatensatz und importiertem Datensatz erhalten bleibt $this->addIdentifier($doc, 'old', $oldId); $this->processTitlesAndAbstract($row, $doc, $oldId); $this->processDate($row, $doc, $oldId); $this->processIdentifier($row, $doc, $oldId); $this->processNote($row, $doc, $oldId); $this->processCollections($row, $doc); $this->processLicence($row, $doc, $oldId); $this->processSeries($row, $doc); $this->processEnrichmentKindofpublication($row, $doc, $oldId); // TODO Fromm verwendet aktuell sieben Enrichments (muss noch generalisiert werden) $enrichementkeys = array(self::ENRICHMENT_AVAILABILITY, self::ENRICHMENT_FORMAT, self::ENRICHMENT_KINDOFPUBLICATION, self::ENRICHMENT_IDNO, self::ENRICHMENT_COPYRIGHTPRINT, self::ENRICHMENT_COPYRIGHTEBOOK, self::ENRICHMENT_RELEVANCE); foreach ($enrichementkeys as $enrichmentkey) { $this->processEnrichment($enrichmentkey, $row, $doc); } $file = $this->processFile($row, $doc, $oldId); $doc->store(); if (!is_null($file) && $file instanceof Opus_File && !is_null($this->_guestRole)) { $this->_guestRole->appendAccessFile($file->getId()); $this->_guestRole->store(); } } catch (Exception $e) { echo "import of document " . $oldId . " was not successful: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } try { $this->processPersons($row, $doc, $oldId); $doc->store(); return true; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "import of person(s) for document " . $oldId . " was not successful: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } return false; }
* Foundation; either version 2 of the Licence, or any later version. * OPUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OPUS; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * @category Application * @author Pascal-Nicolas Becker <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2010, OPUS 4 development team * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html General Public License * @version $Id$ */ $doc = new Opus_Document(); $doc->setType('all'); $doc->setServerState('published'); $doc->setServerDatePublished('1900-01-01'); // damn API. $doc->addPersonSubmiter() doesn't work for link models! // -> we should change this in 4.x $submitter = new Opus_Person(); $submitter->setFirstName('Donald')->setLastName('Duck')->setEmail('*****@*****.**')->setDateOfBirth('1920-03-13')->setPlaceOfBirth('Entenhausen'); $doc->addPersonSubmitter($submitter); $author = new Opus_Person(); $author->setFirstName('Daniel')->setLastName('Düsentrieb')->setAcademicTitle('Dr.-Ing.'); $doc->addPersonAuthor($author); $doc->setLanguage('deu'); $titleMain = $doc->addTitleMain(); $titleMain->setValue('Dokument zur empirischen Unterschung der OAI-Schnittstelle'); $titleMain->setLanguage('deu'); $titleMainEng = $doc->addTitleMain();
* along with OPUS; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * @category Application * @author Thoralf Klein <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2011, OPUS 4 development team * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html General Public License * @version $Id$ */ /** * script to create 10000 documents, e.g., for performance testing */ for ($i = 1; $i < 10000; $i++) { $d = new Opus_Document(); $d->setServerState('published'); $d->setType('preprint'); $d->setLanguage('deu'); $title = $d->addTitleMain(); $title->setLanguage('deu'); $title->setValue('title-' . rand()); $date = new Opus_Date(); $date->setNow(); $date->setYear(1990 + $i % 23); $d->setPublishedDate($date); $p = new Opus_Person(); $p->setFirstName("foo-" . $i % 7); $p->setLastName("bar-" . $i % 5); $p = $d->addPersonAuthor($p); $c = new Opus_Collection(15990 + $i % 103); $d->addCollection($c); $s = $d->addSubject()->setType('ddc');
private function setDocumentType($documenttype) { $doc = new Opus_Document($this->documentId); $doc->setType($documenttype); $doc->store(); }
/** * Aktualisiert ein Dokument mit den Werten im Formular. * @param Opus_Document $document */ public function updateModel($document) { // Language $value = $this->getElementValue(self::ELEMENT_LANGUAGE); $document->setLanguage($value); // Type $value = $this->getElementValue(self::ELEMENT_TYPE); $document->setType($value); $datesHelper = $this->getDatesHelper(); // CompletedDate $value = $this->getElementValue(self::ELEMENT_COMPLETED_DATE); $date = $datesHelper->getOpusDate($value); $document->setCompletedDate($date); // CompletedYear $value = $this->getElementValue(self::ELEMENT_COMPLETED_YEAR); $document->setCompletedYear($value); // PublishedDate $value = $this->getElementValue(self::ELEMENT_PUBLISHED_DATE); $date = $datesHelper->getOpusDate($value); $document->setPublishedDate($date); // PublishedYear $value = $this->getElementValue(self::ELEMENT_PUBLISHED_YEAR); $document->setPublishedYear($value); $value = $this->getElementValue(self::ELEMENT_EMBARGO_DATE); $date = $datesHelper->getOpusDate($value); $document->setEmbargoDate($date); }
/** * @expectedException CitationExport_Model_Exception * @expectedExceptionMessage invalid_format */ public function testGetTemplateForDocumentInvalidFormat() { $document = new Opus_Document($this->_documentId); $document->setType('masterthesis'); $document->store(); $this->assertEquals('bibtex_masterthesis.xslt', $this->_helper->getTemplateForDocument($document, 'plain')); }
echo "script must be executed directy (not via opus-console)\n"; exit; } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../common/bootstrap.php'; $options = getopt('', array('dryrun', 'from:', 'to:')); $dryrun = isset($options['dryrun']); if (!isset($options['from']) || empty($options['from']) || !isset($options['to']) || empty($options['to'])) { echo "Usage: {$argv[0]} --from <current doc type> --to <target doc type> (--dryrun)\n"; echo "--from and --to must be provided.\n"; exit; } $from = $options['from']; $to = $options['to']; if ($dryrun) { _log("TEST RUN: NO DATA WILL BE MODIFIED"); } $docFinder = new Opus_DocumentFinder(); $docIds = $docFinder->setType($from)->ids(); _log(count($docIds) . " documents found"); foreach ($docIds as $docId) { $doc = new Opus_Document($docId); $doc->setType($to); if (!$dryrun) { $doc->store(); } _log("Document #{$docId} changed from '{$from}' to '{$to}'"); } function _log($message) { echo "{$message}\n"; }