Exemple #1
  * Generate a page manifest.
  * @param integer $pageId
  * @return array | false
 protected function _generateManifest($pageId)
     $page = new Object_Page($pageId);
     if (!$page->getId()) {
         return false;
     $pageVersion = $page->getMostLatestApprovedVersionAsActive();
     $version = $pageVersion ? $pageVersion->version : false;
     $cloudFileContainer = $pageVersion ? $pageVersion->cloud_file_container : $page->cloud_file_container;
     if ($cloudFileContainer) {
         $files = $page->getCloudFilePaths($version, $cloudFileContainer);
     } else {
         // Get the files
         $files = $this->_folderFilePaths($page->getStaticContentFolder() . DS . $page->page_id, $page->page_id . '.html');
     // Prepare the pdf templates
     $pdfTemplateRows = Repo_PagePdfTemplate::getInstance()->getPagePdfTemplates($page->getId());
     $pdfTemplates = array();
     if ($pdfTemplateRows && $pdfTemplateRows->count()) {
         foreach ($pdfTemplateRows as $_tRow) {
             $_template = new Object_PdfTemplate($_tRow->id);
             $pdfTemplates[] = array('id' => $_template->getId(), 'name' => $_template->name, 'tokens' => $_template->getTokens(), 'preview' => $_template->getManifestPreviewFilePath());
     return array('version' => $pageVersion ? $pageVersion->version : $page->version, 'id' => $page->page_id, 'uid' => $page->id, 'legalPageUid' => (int) $page->legal_page_id > 0 ? (int) $page->legal_page_id : '', 'linkedPageUids' => $page->getManifestPageGroupPages(), 'title' => $page->name, 'fileType' => 'htmlEdge', 'type' => 'html', 'typename' => $page->type, 'baseHost' => $page->getBaseHost($cloudFileContainer), 'baseUri' => $page->getBaseUrl($version), 'hash' => Manager_Page_StaticContent::getPageFolderName($page->page_id, $version), 'instructions' => $page->description ? $page->description : '', 'description' => $page->internal_desc ? $page->internal_desc : '', 'navigation' => array(), 'language' => $page->page_language, 'defaultPath' => $page->page_id . '.html', 'width' => $page->getWidth(), 'height' => $page->getHeight(), 'transcript' => $page->transcript ? $page->transcript : '', 'audio' => $page->audio_url, 'filePaths' => $files, 'navigation' => $page->navigation ? unserialize($page->navigation) : array(), 'content_type' => $page->content_type ? Repo_Page::$contentTypeLabels[$page->content_type] : Repo_Page::$contentTypeLabels[Repo_Page::PAGE_CONTENT_TYPE_DEFAULT], 'editor_behaviors' => $page->editor_behaviors ? $page->editor_behaviors : '', 'pdf_templates' => $pdfTemplates, 'tags' => $page->getTags());
Exemple #2
  * Generate a page screenshot.
  * @param integer $pageId
  * @return array | false
 protected function _generateScreenshot($pageId)
     $page = new Object_Page($pageId);
     if (!$page->getId()) {
         return false;
     if (!$page->getPreviewLink()) {
         return false;
     $url = $page->getPreviewLink();
     if (!$page->cloud_file_container) {
         $url = Functions_Common::hostUrl() . $url;
     $capturedImage = $this->getAdapter()->setWorkingDir($page->getStaticContentFolder())->capture($url, self::$defaultImageName, array('delay' => self::$defaultDelay));
     return $capturedImage;
  * Get page info by id.
  * Example requeset: /admin/ajax/page-info
 public function pageInfoAction()
     $ids = $this->_request->getParam('id');
     if (!is_array($ids) || empty($ids)) {
         $this->_responseErrorString = 'Invalid ids';
     $infos = array();
     foreach ($ids as $_id) {
         // It is the page id that is passed in
         $_pageId = Repo_Page::getInstance()->getIdByPageId($_id);
         $_object = new Object_Page($_pageId);
         if (!$_object->getId()) {
         $_info = array('id' => $_id, 'name' => $_object->name, 'description' => $_object->internal_desc ? $_object->internal_desc : '');
         $infos[] = $_info;
     $this->_responseArray = array('pages' => $infos);
  * Update a page's static content.
  * @param string $zipFilePath
  * @param integer $pageId
  * @return boolean
 public function updatePage($zipFilePath, $pageId)
     if (!file_exists($zipFilePath)) {
         return false;
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     $res = $zip->open($zipFilePath);
     if ($res !== TRUE) {
         return false;
     $page = new Object_Page($pageId);
     if (!$page->getId()) {
         return false;
     $this->_currentClientId = $page->client_id;
     // Extract to a temp folder
     $this->_currentTempFolder = $this->_tempPath . DS . time();
     mkdir($this->_currentTempFolder, 0777);
     $folderPath = $this->_currentTempFolder . DS . $page->page_language . DS . $page->page_id;
     if (!file_exists($folderPath)) {
         return false;
     // Copy to a path
     $_pageStorageFolder = $this->getClientFolderPath($this->_currentClientId) . DS . self::getPageFolderName($page->page_id);
     if (!file_exists($_pageStorageFolder)) {
         mkdir($_pageStorageFolder, 0777);
     } else {
         // Remove the existing content since we are updating.
         if (file_exists($_pageStorageFolder . DS . $page->page_id)) {
             Functions_File::rrmdir($_pageStorageFolder . DS . $page->page_id);
     Functions_File::recurse_copy($folderPath, $_pageStorageFolder . DS . $page->page_id);
     // Use static thumb if possible.
     return true;
  * Result detail page: view all results for selected survey/question.
 public function resultDetailAction()
     //if export to excel button was selected
     if ($this->_request->getParam('export')) {
         $this->view->exporting = $this->_request->getParam('export');
         if ($this->_request->getParam('export') == "students") {
             if ($this->_request->getParam('studentprintfields')) {
                 $this->view->studentprintfields = $this->_request->getParam('studentprintfields');
     $id = $this->_request->getParam('id');
     $page = new Object_Page($id);
     $pageId = $page->getId();
     $clientId = $this->_request->getParam('client');
     $fromDate = $toDate = "";
     //if range calendar was changed
     if ($this->_request->isPost()) {
         $fromDate = $this->_request->getParam('input-filter-date-from');
         $toDate = $this->_request->getParam('input-filter-date-to');
         $this->view->currentTab = $this->_request->getParam('current-tab');
     } else {
         $this->view->currentTab = "#averages";
     if (empty($pageId)) {
         // if no page id, may be a survey id
         // $this->_request->getParam('survey');
         // code here if a survey id has been passed
         // No page defined, redirect to result page
         return false;
     } else {
         // ** CE Student Quizzes code ****
         if ($fromDate == "" && $toDate == "") {
             //if no dates were posted, create
             $toDate = date('Y-m-d');
             //add 1 day
             $toDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 day', strtotime($toDate)));
             $courseBegin = Repo_UserSurvey::getInstance()->getDateOfFirstQuizCompletion($pageId);
             if ($courseBegin) {
                 if (strtotime($courseBegin) >= strtotime($toDate)) {
                     $courseBegin = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 day', strtotime($courseBegin)));
             //if no quizzes completed yet, default to one week
             $fromDate = is_null($courseBegin) ? date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 week', strtotime($toDate))) : $courseBegin;
         $this->view->quizLayout = true;
         $this->view->dateRange = array($fromDate, $toDate);
         $pageType = Repo_Page::getInstance()->getPageType($pageId);
         $this->view->pageType = $pageType;
         //collect statistics according to page type
         switch ($pageType) {
             case "survey":
                 //Tab 1 data: Totals and averages
                 $quizResultsGeneral = Repo_UserSurvey::getInstance()->getResultsQuizGeneral($pageId, $fromDate, $toDate);
                 $this->view->quizResultsGeneral = $quizResultsGeneral;
                 //Tab 2 data: Question data
                 $quizResultsQuestion = Repo_UserSurvey::getInstance()->getResultsQuizQuestions($pageId, $fromDate, $toDate);
                 $this->view->quizResultsQuestion = $quizResultsQuestion;
                 //Tab 3 data: Student details
                 $quizResultsStudent = Repo_UserSurvey::getInstance()->getStudentQuizProgress($pageId, $fromDate, $toDate);
                 $this->view->quizResultsStudent = $quizResultsStudent;
             case "cefeedback":
                 $this->view->currentTab = "#cefeedback";
                 //Get Question Type:
                 $feedbackData = Repo_UserSurvey::getInstance()->getResultsCEFeedback($pageId, $fromDate, $toDate);
                 //Tab 1 data: feedback results
                 $this->view->CEFeedback = $feedbackData[1];
                 $this->view->CEFeedbackRespondents = $feedbackData[0];
     if ($clientId > 0) {
         $client = new Object_Client($clientId);
         $this->view->clientName = $client->name;
     $this->view->page = $page;
  * Update a page's static content.
  * @param string $zipFilePath
  * @param integer $pageId
  * @return boolean
 public function updatePage($zipFilePath, $pageId)
     if (!file_exists($zipFilePath)) {
         return false;
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     $res = $zip->open($zipFilePath);
     if ($res !== TRUE) {
         return false;
     $page = new Object_Page($pageId);
     if (!$page->getId()) {
         return false;
     $this->_currentClientId = $page->client_id;
     // Extract to a temp folder
     $this->_currentTempFolder = $this->_tempPath . DS . time();
     mkdir($this->_currentTempFolder, 0777);
     $folderPath = $this->_currentTempFolder . DS . $page->page_language . DS . $page->page_id;
     if (!file_exists($folderPath)) {
         return false;
     // Copy to a path
     $_pageStorageFolder = $this->getClientFolderPath($this->_currentClientId) . self::PS . self::getPageFolderName($page->page_id);
     // Set client
     // Cleanup first
     // Store
     Functions_File::recurse_copy_cloud($folderPath, $_pageStorageFolder . self::PS . $page->page_id);
     // Use static thumb if possible.
     return true;