Exemple #1
  * @covers Object_Filter::filter
 public function testFilter()
     $this->object_default = new Object_Filter('value1');
     $a_default = array('group' => 'value1');
     $a_default = array('group' => 'value2');
     $a = array('key1' => 'value1');
     $a = array('key1' => 'value2');
     $a = array('key2' => 'value1');
 public function build($slug, $search_value)
     // This is to check if the slug being given matches one in the index_information table, if not then we'll check later if it's even a table
     $index_info = new Index_Information();
     if ($index_info->select(array('slug' => strtolower($slug)))) {
         $this->data['page_title'] = $index_info->title;
         $this->data['table'] = $index_info->table;
         // If no custom sql is in the table then just use the default select * statement
         if (is_null($index_info->sql) || empty($index_info->sql)) {
             $index_info->sql = '%select%';
         // Check if we should do a search...
         if (isset($search_value)) {
             // If there's already a where statement we need an AND
             if (preg_match('/where/i', $index_info->sql)) {
                 $index_info->sql .= 'AND ';
             $index_info->sql .= '';
         // Next, get the total number of items in the database
         // I know this isn't the most efficient count rows but because this can be a custom query, i don't know how else...
         $num_entries = Database::get_instance()->num_rows(str_replace('%select%', 'SELECT * FROM ' . $index_info->table, $index_info->sql));
         if ($num_entries == false) {
             $num_entries = 0;
         // Initialize the Pager object
         $pager = new Pagination($current_page, $per_page, $num_entries);
         // Converting string in url to what should match a db object
         $db_object_name = String::uc_slug($index_info->table, '_', '_');
         // If $db_object doesn't match a current class then something's wrong...
         if (!class_exists($db_object_name)) {
             die('<h2>Sorry, ' . $db_object_name . ' does not exist.</h2>');
         $db_object = new $db_object_name();
         $this->data['fields'] = $db_object->get_fields();
         // TODO: Parameter for added columns should be included, must add field to table and model
         $this->data['objects'] = $db_object->select_many($index_info->sql . ' LIMIT ' . $pager->first_record . ', ' . $pager->per_page);
         	<table>header html...
         	<tr>loop info</tr> %fieldname% %fieldname%
         	</table>footer html
         $this->data['template']['header'] = preg_match('/(.*?)%startloop%/im', $index_info->template, $matches);
         $this->data['template']['header'] = $matches[1];
         $this->data['template']['loop'] = preg_match('/%startloop%(.*?)%endloop%/im', $index_info->template, $matches);
         $this->data['template']['loop'] = $matches[1];
         $this->data['template']['footer'] = preg_match('/%endloop%(.*?)/im', $index_info->template, $matches);
         $this->data['template']['footer'] = $matches[1];
     } else {
         $this->data['table'] = String::clean($slug, '_');
         // Converting string in url to what should match a db object
         $db_object_name = String::uc_slug($slug, '_', '-');
         $db_object = new $db_object_name();
         $this->data['fields'] = $db_object->get_fields();
         // If $db_object doesn't match a current class then something's wrong...
         if (!class_exists($db_object_name)) {
             die('<h2>Sorry, ' . $db_object_name . ' does not exist.</h2>');
         // This is where we'll store the WHERE info the sql statement
         $where = '';
         // Check if we should do a search...
         if (isset($search_value)) {
             $where .= ' WHERE ';
             foreach ($this->data['fields'] as $field) {
                 $where .= '(`' . $field . '` LIKE \'%' . Database::get_instance()->escape($search_value) . '%\') OR ';
             $where = ' ' . trim($where, 'OR ');
         // Next, get the total number of items in the database
         $this->data['num_entries'] = $num_entries = Database::get_instance()->get_value('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `' . $this->data['table'] . '`' . $where);
         // Initialize the Pager object
         $pager = new Pagination($current_page, $per_page, $num_entries);
         $this->data['objects'] = $db_object->select_many('%select%' . $where . ' ORDER BY ' . $db_object->id_column_name . ' DESC LIMIT ' . $pager->first_record . ', ' . $pager->per_page);
         $this->data['page_title'] = String::uc_slug($slug, ' ', '_');
         $this->data['template']['header'] = '<table class="default_table"><tr><th class="entry_actions_wrapper"></th>';
         $this->data['template']['footer'] = '</table>';
         $this->data['template']['loop'] = '<tr class="entry_row" id="entry_%id%"><td class="entry_actions_wrapper"><div class="entry_actions"><a href="' . WEB_ROOT . Router::uri(0) . '/delete/' . $slug . '/%id%/" class="delete" rel="facebox.default_modal">Delete</a><a href="' . WEB_ROOT . Router::uri(0) . '/edit/' . $slug . '/%id%/" class="edit">Edit</a></div></td>';
         // We only want to return the first 4 fields, more than that and it might be too long
         if (count($this->data['fields']) > 4) {
             $this->data['fields'] = array_slice($this->data['fields'], 0, 4);
         foreach ($this->data['fields'] as $field) {
             $this->data['template']['header'] .= '<th>' . String::uc_slug($field, ' ', '_') . '</th>';
             $this->data['template']['loop'] .= '<td>%' . $field . '%</td>';
         $object_filter = new Object_Filter();
         $this->data['objects'] = $object_filter->for_display($this->data['table'], $this->data['fields'], $this->data['objects']);
         // Final column for edit and delete buttons
         $this->data['template']['header'] .= '</tr>';
         $this->data['template']['loop'] .= '</tr>';
         $this->data['template']['header'] .= '</tr>';