function close_ways($input_osm_ways, $verbose, $tolerance, $debug) { if ($verbose) { error_log("Starting close_ways()"); } $bucket_debug = $debug && false; $bucket_grid = new BucketGrid($tolerance * 2); $input_ways =& $input_osm_ways->ways; $input_nodes =& $input_osm_ways->nodes; $way_index = 0; foreach ($input_ways as $way_id => &$way) { $way_index += 1; if ($verbose && $way_index % 100 === 0) { error_log("Bucketed {$way_index}/" . count($input_ways)); } if ($way['is_closed'] === true) { continue; } $nds = $way['nds']; $nds_count = count($nds); if ($nds_count < 2) { continue; } $start_index = 0; $end_index = $nds_count - 1; $start_nd_ref = $nds[$start_index]; $end_nd_ref = $nds[$end_index]; $start_node = $input_nodes[$start_nd_ref]; $end_node = $input_nodes[$end_nd_ref]; $start_lat = $start_node['lat']; $start_lon = $start_node['lon']; $end_lat = $end_node['lat']; $end_lon = $end_node['lon']; $start_data = array('way_id' => $way_id, 'nd_ref' => $start_nd_ref, 'index' => $start_index, 'lat' => $start_lat, 'lon' => $start_lon); $end_data = array('way_id' => $way_id, 'nd_ref' => $end_nd_ref, 'index' => $end_index, 'lat' => $end_lat, 'lon' => $end_lon); if ($bucket_debug) { error_log("insert_point({$start_lon}, {$start_lat}, " . print_r($start_data, true) . ")"); } $bucket_grid->insert_point($start_lon, $start_lat, $start_data, $bucket_debug); if ($bucket_debug) { error_log("insert_point({$end_lon}, {$end_lat}, " . print_r($end_data, true) . ")"); } $bucket_grid->insert_point($end_lon, $end_lat, $end_data, $bucket_debug); } if ($bucket_debug) { error_log("bucket_grid: " . print_r($bucket_grid->buckets, true)); } $result = new OSMWays(); $way_index = 0; foreach ($input_ways as $way_id => &$way) { $way_index += 1; if ($verbose && $way_index % 100 === 0) { error_log("Closing {$way_index}/" . count($input_ways)); } if ($way['is_closed'] === true) { if ($debug) { error_log("Found pre-closed way"); } $result->copy_way($way, $input_osm_ways); continue; } if (!empty($way['is_used'])) { if ($debug) { error_log("Found already used way"); } continue; } $input_tags = $way['tags']; if (count($way['nds']) < 2) { if ($debug) { error_log("Too few nodes found for {$way_id}"); } continue; } $start_index = 0; $start_way_id = $way_id; $start_nd_ref = $way['nds'][$start_index]; $start_node = $input_nodes[$start_nd_ref]; $follow_way_id = $way_id; $nds = $way['nds']; if ($debug) { error_log("Looking at {$follow_way_id}"); } $output_nds = array(); $loop_count = 0; while (true) { $input_ways[$follow_way_id]['is_used'] = true; $nds_count = count($nds); $end_index = $nds_count - 1; $output_nds = array_merge($output_nds, $nds); $end_nd_ref = $nds[$end_index]; $end_node = $input_nodes[$end_nd_ref]; if ($debug) { error_log("End node is {$end_nd_ref} at (" . $end_node['lat'] . "," . $end_node['lon'] . ")"); } $distance_to_start = get_node_distance($end_node, $start_node); // Have we looped back around to the start? if ($distance_to_start < $tolerance) { if ($debug) { error_log("Closed way starting with {$start_way_id}, ending with {$follow_way_id}"); } $output_nds[] = $start_nd_ref; $result->begin_way(); foreach ($output_nds as $nd_ref) { $node = $input_nodes[$nd_ref]; $result->add_vertex($node['lat'], $node['lon'], $bucket_debug); } foreach ($input_tags as $key => $value) { $result->add_tag($key, $value); } $result->end_way(); break; } // Figure out which lines we can connect to the end of this one $end_lat = $end_node['lat']; $end_lon = $end_node['lon']; $nearby_points = $bucket_grid->find_points_near($end_lon, $end_lat, $tolerance, $bucket_debug); if ($bucket_debug) { error_log("find_points_near({$end_lon}, {$end_lat}, {$tolerance}) returned " . print_r($nearby_points, true)); } $closest_distance = null; foreach ($nearby_points as $bucket_entry) { $point_data = $bucket_entry['data']; $point_lat = $point_data['lat']; $point_lon = $point_data['lon']; $point_way_id = $point_data['way_id']; $point_nd_ref = $point_data['nd_ref']; if ($point_nd_ref === $end_nd_ref && $point_way_id === $follow_way_id) { if ($bucket_debug) { error_log("{$point_nd_ref} was the same as the start"); } continue; } $distance = get_node_distance($point_data, $end_node); if ($bucket_debug) { error_log("{$point_nd_ref} was {$distance} away"); } if ($closest_distance === null || $distance < $closest_distance) { $closest_distance = $distance; } } // Have we reached the end of the line? if (!isset($closest_distance)) { if ($debug) { error_log("No close points found for {$follow_way_id}"); } break; } $found_nodes = array(); foreach ($nearby_points as $bucket_entry) { $point_data = $bucket_entry['data']; $point_lat = $point_data['lat']; $point_lon = $point_data['lon']; $point_way_id = $point_data['way_id']; $point_nd_ref = $point_data['nd_ref']; if ($point_nd_ref === $end_nd_ref && $point_way_id === $follow_way_id) { continue; } $distance = get_node_distance($point_data, $end_node); if ($distance < $closest_distance + EPSILON) { $found_nodes[] = $point_data; } } // Figure out which way edge to follow $found_nodes_count = count($found_nodes); if ($found_nodes_count === 1) { if ($debug) { error_log("A single close point found for {$follow_way_id}"); } $follow_node_index = 0; } else { if ($debug) { error_log("Too many close points found for {$follow_way_id}"); } break; } $follow_node = $found_nodes[$follow_node_index]; $follow_way_id = $follow_node['way_id']; $follow_way = $input_ways[$follow_way_id]; $do_reverse = $follow_node['index'] > 0; $nds = $follow_way['nds']; if ($do_reverse) { $nds = array_reverse($nds); } $loop_count += 1; if ($loop_count > 1000) { die("Looped too many times\n"); } } } if ($verbose) { error_log("Finished close_ways()"); } return $result; }
function extract_ways_matching_keys(&$input_osm_ways, $match_expression, $verbose) { if ($verbose) { error_log("Starting way filtering"); } $input_nodes = $input_osm_ways->nodes; $input_ways = $input_osm_ways->ways; $result = new OSMWays(); $count = 0; foreach ($input_ways as $input_way) { $tags = $input_way['tags']; if (evaluate_match_expression($tags, $match_expression)) { $result->copy_way($input_way, $input_osm_ways); } $count += 1; if ($verbose && $count % 1000 === 0) { error_log("Processed {$count}/" . count($input_ways)); } } if ($verbose) { error_log("Finished way filtering"); } return $result; }
function merge_nodes_on_edges($input_osm_ways, $verbose, $tolerance, $debug) { if ($verbose) { error_log("Starting merge_nodes_on_edges()"); } $bucket_debug = $debug; $input_ways =& $input_osm_ways->ways; $input_nodes =& $input_osm_ways->nodes; $result = new OSMWays(); $way_index = 0; foreach ($input_ways as $way_id => $way) { $way_index += 1; // if ($verbose&&(($way_index%100)===0)) error_log("Merged {$way_index}/" . count($input_ways)); $nds = $way['nds']; $nds_count = count($nds); if ($nds_count < 2) { $result->copy_way($way, $input_osm_ways); if ($debug) { error_log("Skipping {$way_id}"); } continue; } $result->begin_way($way_id); foreach ($way['tags'] as $key => $value) { $result->add_tag($key, $value); } $nds_map = array_count_values($nds); $node_index = 0; foreach ($nds as $nd_ref) { $is_last = $node_index == $nds_count - 1; $node_index += 1; if (!isset($input_nodes[$nd_ref])) { if ($debug) { error_log("Missing node {$nd_ref} in {$way_id}"); } continue; } $node = $input_nodes[$nd_ref]; $start_x = $node['lat']; $start_y = $node['lon']; if ($debug) { error_log("Adding original {$nd_ref} ({$start_x}, {$start_y})"); } $result->add_vertex($start_x, $start_y); if ($is_last) { continue; } $end_nd_ref = $nds[$node_index]; $end_node = $input_nodes[$end_nd_ref]; $end_x = $end_node['lat']; $end_y = $end_node['lon']; $coincident_points = $input_osm_ways->bucket_grid->find_points_near_line($start_x, $start_y, $end_x, $end_y, $tolerance, $bucket_debug); $sortfunction = create_function('$a, $b', 'if ($a["output_s"]>$b["output_s"]) return 1; else return -1;'); usort($coincident_points, $sortfunction); foreach ($coincident_points as $point) { $s = $point['output_s']; if ($s < 0.0 || $s > 1.0) { continue; } $point_nd_ref = $point['data']['id']; if (isset($nds_map[$point_nd_ref])) { continue; } if ($debug) { error_log("Adding {$point_nd_ref}"); } $point_x = $point['x']; $point_y = $point['y']; $result->add_vertex($point_x, $point_y); } } $result->end_way(); } if ($verbose) { error_log("Finished close_ways()"); } return $result; }