Exemple #1
  * 获得经纪人填的有效求购信息
  * @param $p_intBrokerID
  * @param $p_bolStrictFreshCache
 public static function getProNeedList($p_intBrokerID, $LimitNum, $p_bolStrictFreshCache = true)
     $objORM = new ORM_UserORM('ajk_proneed');
     $strWhere = 'BrokerId = ? and Status = 1 limit ' . $LimitNum;
     $arrParams = array($p_intBrokerID);
     return $objORM->getList($strWhere, $arrParams, $p_bolStrictFreshCache);
Exemple #2
 static function getBrokerHonesty($p_intBrokerID, $limits, $search_str = '')
     $objORM = new ORM_UserORM('ajk_honesty_index_log');
     $strWhere = 'broker_id = ? ' . $search_str . ' order by log_time desc ' . $limits;
     $arrParams = array($p_intBrokerID);
     return $objORM->getList($strWhere, $arrParams);
Exemple #3
 public static function getOneDataByBrokerId($brokerId)
     $objORM = new ORM_UserORM('broker_profile_photo');
     $arrGroup = $objORM->getList('BROKERID=?', array($brokerId));
     if (!empty($arrGroup)) {
         return $arrGroup[0];
     } else {
         return NULL;
  * 根据经纪人id获取经纪人最后兑换的数据
  * @param int $p_intBrokerID
  * @param int $Num
 public static function getGradeExchangesByBrokerID($p_intBrokerID, $Num, $p_bolStrictFreshCache = false)
     if (!is_numeric($Num) || $Num < 1) {
         $Num = 1;
     $objORM = new ORM_UserORM('ajk_grade_exchanges');
     $strWhere = 'BrokerID = ? and (ExchangesType = 1 or ExchangesType = 2) order by CreateTime desc limit ' . $Num;
     $arrParams = array($p_intBrokerID);
     return $objORM->getList($strWhere, $arrParams, $p_bolStrictFreshCache);
  * 获取一条帖子的分享记录
  * @param $p_intFuid,$p_intTid
  * @return array
 public static function getOneMySharedThreads($p_intFuid, $p_intTid)
     $tmp1 = array('ID' => "", 'INSHARED' => "", 'POSTTIME' => "", 'FUID' => "", 'TID' => "", 'DSTATUS' => 1);
     $tmp = array();
     $tmp[0] = $tmp1;
     $objORM = new ORM_UserORM('cdb_sharethreads');
     //$objORM = new ORM_ForumORM('cdb_sharethreads');
     $arrMyThr = $objORM->getList("Fuid=? and Tid=? and dstatus=1 order by PostTime desc limit 1 ", array($p_intFuid, $p_intTid), true);
     return empty($arrMyThr) ? $tmp : $arrMyThr;
  * 获得经济人的省市信息
 public static function getBrokerFrom($condition, $params, $refresh = false)
     $orm = new ORM_UserORM('broker_profile');
     $result = $orm->getList($condition, $params, $refresh);
     return $result[0];
  * 获取指定$Id绑定的经济人信息
 public static function getWeiboUserInfoById($condition, $params, $refresh = false)
     $orm = new ORM_UserORM('ajk_property_sns');
     return $orm->getList($condition, $params, $refresh);
  * 根据公共委托房源列表
  * @param int $p_intBrokerID,$p_intActivityID
  * @return array/NULL
  * */
 static function getPublicCommissionList($condition, $params, $refresh = false)
     $objORM = new ORM_UserORM('commission_property');
     $result = $objORM->getList($condition, $params, $refresh);
     return $result;
Exemple #9
  * 查询经纪人受到申请列表
  * @param $p_OpenOrdeBrokerId
  * @param $p_bolStrictFreshCache
  * caoyang 2011.11.8
 public static function getOpenOrderRequestList($p_OpenOrdeBrokerId, $Page, $PageSize, $p_bolStrictFreshCache = false)
     $objORM = new ORM_UserORM('ajk_openorder_request');
     if (!is_numeric($PageSize) || $PageSize < 1) {
         $PageSize = 10;
     if (!is_numeric($Page) || $Page < 1) {
         $Page = 1;
     $start = ($Page - 1) * $PageSize;
     $strWhere = 'OpenOrdeBrokerId=? and Status <> 2 and IsDel = 0 order by Status limit ' . $start . ',' . $PageSize;
     return $objORM->getList($strWhere, array($p_OpenOrdeBrokerId), $p_bolStrictFreshCache);
Exemple #10
  * 获取勋章
 static function getMedalByBrokerid($brokerid)
     $objORM = new ORM_UserORM("broker_medal_relation");
     $result = $objORM->getList("BROKER_ID=? AND STATE=? AND USER_DEFINED=? AND DELETE_FLAG=? ORDER BY ID ASC limit 3", array($brokerid, 1, 1, 0));
     if (!empty($result)) {
         return $result;
     } else {
         return null;