Exemple #1
  * Constructor
  * @access public
  * @param integer $time_1st A timestamp
  * @param integer $time_2nd A timestamp
 function OLE_PPS_Root($time_1st, $time_2nd, $raChild)
     $_ole = new OLE();
     $_sys = new System();
     $this->_tmp_dir = $_sys->tmpdir();
     $this->OLE_PPS(null, $_ole->Asc2Ucs('Root Entry'), OLE_PPS_TYPE_ROOT, null, null, null, $time_1st, $time_2nd, null, $raChild);
  * Implements support for fopen().
  * For creating streams using this wrapper, use OLE_PPS_File::getStream().
  * @param    string    $path            resource name including scheme, e.g.
  *                                    ole-chainedblockstream://oleInstanceId=1
  * @param    string    $mode            only "r" is supported
  * @param    int        $options        mask of STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS and STREAM_USE_PATH
  * @param    string  &$openedPath    absolute path of the opened stream (out parameter)
  * @return    bool    true on success
 public function stream_open($path, $mode, $options, &$openedPath)
     if ($mode != 'r') {
         if ($options & STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS) {
             trigger_error('Only reading is supported', E_USER_WARNING);
         return false;
     // 25 is length of "ole-chainedblockstream://"
     parse_str(substr($path, 25), $this->params);
     if (!isset($this->params['oleInstanceId'], $this->params['blockId'], $GLOBALS['_OLE_INSTANCES'][$this->params['oleInstanceId']])) {
         if ($options & STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS) {
             trigger_error('OLE stream not found', E_USER_WARNING);
         return false;
     $this->ole = $GLOBALS['_OLE_INSTANCES'][$this->params['oleInstanceId']];
     $blockId = $this->params['blockId'];
     $this->data = '';
     if (isset($this->params['size']) && $this->params['size'] < $this->ole->bigBlockThreshold && $blockId != $this->ole->root->_StartBlock) {
         // Block id refers to small blocks
         $rootPos = $this->ole->_getBlockOffset($this->ole->root->_StartBlock);
         while ($blockId != -2) {
             $pos = $rootPos + $blockId * $this->ole->bigBlockSize;
             $blockId = $this->ole->sbat[$blockId];
             fseek($this->ole->_file_handle, $pos);
             $this->data .= fread($this->ole->_file_handle, $this->ole->bigBlockSize);
     } else {
         // Block id refers to big blocks
         while ($blockId != -2) {
             $pos = $this->ole->_getBlockOffset($blockId);
             fseek($this->ole->_file_handle, $pos);
             $this->data .= fread($this->ole->_file_handle, $this->ole->bigBlockSize);
             $blockId = $this->ole->bbat[$blockId];
     if (isset($this->params['size'])) {
         $this->data = substr($this->data, 0, $this->params['size']);
     if ($options & STREAM_USE_PATH) {
         $openedPath = $path;
     return true;
Exemple #3
 * Constructor
 * @access public
 * @param integer $time_1st A timestamp
 * @param integer $time_2nd A timestamp
 function OLE_PPS_Root($time_1st, $time_2nd, $raChild)
     $this->_tmp_dir = '';
        OLE::Asc2Ucs('Root Entry'),
 * Constructor
 * @access public
 * @param integer $time_1st A timestamp
 * @param integer $time_2nd A timestamp
 function __construct($time_1st, $time_2nd, $raChild)
     $this->_tmp_dir = System::tmpdir();
        OLE::Asc2Ucs('Root Entry'),
Exemple #5
  * Store the workbook in an OLE container
  * @access private
  * @return mixed true on success. PEAR_Error on failure
 function _storeOLEFile()
     if ($this->_BIFF_version == 0x600) {
         $OLE = new OLE_PPS_File(OLE::Asc2Ucs('Workbook'));
     } else {
         $OLE = new OLE_PPS_File(OLE::Asc2Ucs('Book'));
     if ($this->_tmp_dir != '') {
     $res = $OLE->init();
     if ($this->isError($res)) {
         return $this->raiseError("OLE Error: " . $res->getMessage());
     $total_worksheets = count($this->_worksheets);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $total_worksheets; $i++) {
         while ($tmp = $this->_worksheets[$i]->getData()) {
     $root = new OLE_PPS_Root(time(), time(), array($OLE));
     if ($this->_tmp_dir != '') {
     $res = $root->save($this->_filename);
     if ($this->isError($res)) {
         return $this->raiseError("OLE Error: " . $res->getMessage());
     return true;
Exemple #6
 * Returns a string with the PPS's WK (What is a WK?)
 * @access private
 * @return string The binary string
 function _getPpsWk()
     $ret = $this->Name;
     for ($i = 0; $i < (64 - strlen($this->Name)); $i++) {
         $ret .= "\x00";
     $ret .= pack("v", strlen($this->Name) + 2)  // 66
           . pack("c", $this->Type)              // 67
           . pack("c", 0x00) //UK                // 68
           . pack("V", $this->PrevPps) //Prev    // 72
           . pack("V", $this->NextPps) //Next    // 76
           . pack("V", $this->DirPps)  //Dir     // 80
           . "\x00\x09\x02\x00"                  // 84
           . "\x00\x00\x00\x00"                  // 88
           . "\xc0\x00\x00\x00"                  // 92
           . "\x00\x00\x00\x46"                  // 96 // Seems to be ok only for Root
           . "\x00\x00\x00\x00"                  // 100
           . OLE::LocalDate2OLE($this->Time1st)       // 108
           . OLE::LocalDate2OLE($this->Time2nd)       // 116
           . pack("V", isset($this->_StartBlock)? 
                     $this->_StartBlock:0)        // 120
           . pack("V", $this->Size)               // 124
           . pack("V", 0);                        // 128
     return $ret;
Exemple #7
 * Gets information about all PPS's on the OLE container from the PPS WK's
 * creates an OLE_PPS object for each one.
 * @access private
 * @param integer $pps_wk_start   Position inside the OLE file where PPS WK's start
 * @param integer $big_block_size Size of big blobks in the OLE file
 * @return mixed true on success, PEAR_Error on failure
 function _readPpsWks($pps_wk_start, $big_block_size)
     $pointer = ($pps_wk_start + 1) * $big_block_size;
     while (1)
         fseek($this->_file_handle, $pointer);
         $pps_wk = fread($this->_file_handle, OLE_PPS_SIZE);
         if (strlen($pps_wk) != OLE_PPS_SIZE) {
             break; // Excel likes to add a trailing byte sometimes 
             //return $this->raiseError("PPS at $pointer seems too short: ".strlen($pps_wk));
         $name_length = unpack("c", substr($pps_wk, 64, 2)); // FIXME (2 bytes??)
         $name_length = $name_length[''] - 2;
         $name = substr($pps_wk, 0, $name_length);
         $type = unpack("c", substr($pps_wk, 66, 1));
         if (($type[''] != OLE_PPS_TYPE_ROOT) and
             ($type[''] != OLE_PPS_TYPE_DIR) and
             ($type[''] != OLE_PPS_TYPE_FILE))
             return $this->raiseError("PPS at $pointer has unknown type: {$type['']}");
         $prev = unpack("V", substr($pps_wk, 68, 4));
         $next = unpack("V", substr($pps_wk, 72, 4));
         $dir  = unpack("V", substr($pps_wk, 76, 4));
         // there is no magic number, it can take different values.
         //$magic = unpack("V", strrev(substr($pps_wk, 92, 4)));
         $time_1st = substr($pps_wk, 100, 8);
         $time_2nd = substr($pps_wk, 108, 8);
         $start_block = unpack("V", substr($pps_wk, 116, 4));
         $size = unpack("V", substr($pps_wk, 120, 4));
         // _data member will point to position in file!!
         // OLE_PPS object is created with an empty children array!!
         $this->_list[] = new OLE_PPS(null, '', $type[''], $prev[''], $next[''],
                                      $dir[''], OLE::OLE2LocalDate($time_1st),
                                      ($start_block[''] + 1) * $big_block_size, array());
         // give it a size
         $this->_list[count($this->_list) - 1]->Size = $size[''];
         // check if the PPS tree (starting from root) is complete
         if ($this->_ppsTreeComplete(0)) {
         $pointer += OLE_PPS_SIZE;
Exemple #8
  * Returns a string with the PPS's WK (What is a WK?)
  * @access private
  * @return string The binary string
 function _getPpsWk()
     $ret = $this->Name;
     for ($i = 0; $i < 64 - strlen($this->Name); $i++) {
         $ret .= "";
     $ret .= pack("v", strlen($this->Name) + 2) . pack("c", $this->Type) . pack("c", 0x0) . pack("V", $this->PrevPps) . pack("V", $this->NextPps) . pack("V", $this->DirPps) . "\t" . "" . "À" . "F" . "" . OLE::LocalDate2OLE($this->Time1st) . OLE::LocalDate2OLE($this->Time2nd) . pack("V", isset($this->_StartBlock) ? $this->_StartBlock : 0) . pack("V", $this->Size) . pack("V", 0);
     // 128
     return $ret;
Exemple #9
  * Gets information about all PPS's on the OLE container from the PPS WK's
  * creates an OLE_PPS object for each one.
  * @access private
  * @param integer $blockId the block id of the first block
  * @return mixed true on success, PEAR_Error on failure
 function _readPpsWks($blockId)
     global $FANNIE_ROOT;
     $fh = $this->getStream($blockId);
     for ($pos = 0;; $pos += 128) {
         fseek($fh, $pos, SEEK_SET);
         $nameUtf16 = fread($fh, 64);
         $nameLength = $this->_readInt2($fh);
         $nameUtf16 = substr($nameUtf16, 0, $nameLength - 2);
         // Simple conversion from UTF-16LE to ISO-8859-1
         $name = str_replace("", "", $nameUtf16);
         $type = $this->_readInt1($fh);
         switch ($type) {
             case OLE_PPS_TYPE_ROOT:
                 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/PPS/Root.php';
                 $pps = new OLE_PPS_Root(null, null, array());
                 $this->root = $pps;
             case OLE_PPS_TYPE_DIR:
                 $pps = new OLE_PPS(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, array());
             case OLE_PPS_TYPE_FILE:
                 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/PPS/File.php';
                 $pps = new OLE_PPS_File($name);
         fseek($fh, 1, SEEK_CUR);
         $pps->Type = $type;
         $pps->Name = $name;
         $pps->PrevPps = $this->_readInt4($fh);
         $pps->NextPps = $this->_readInt4($fh);
         $pps->DirPps = $this->_readInt4($fh);
         fseek($fh, 20, SEEK_CUR);
         $pps->Time1st = OLE::OLE2LocalDate(fread($fh, 8));
         $pps->Time2nd = OLE::OLE2LocalDate(fread($fh, 8));
         $pps->_StartBlock = $this->_readInt4($fh);
         $pps->Size = $this->_readInt4($fh);
         $pps->No = count($this->_list);
         $this->_list[] = $pps;
         // check if the PPS tree (starting from root) is complete
         if (isset($this->root) && $this->_ppsTreeComplete($this->root->No)) {
     // Initialize $pps->children on directories
     foreach ($this->_list as $pps) {
         if ($pps->Type == OLE_PPS_TYPE_DIR || $pps->Type == OLE_PPS_TYPE_ROOT) {
             $nos = array($pps->DirPps);
             $pps->children = array();
             while ($nos) {
                 $no = array_pop($nos);
                 if ($no != -1) {
                     $childPps = $this->_list[$no];
                     $nos[] = $childPps->PrevPps;
                     $nos[] = $childPps->NextPps;
                     $pps->children[] = $childPps;
     return true;
  * Store the workbook in an OLE container
  * @access private
  * @return mixed true on success. PEAR_Error on failure
 protected function storeOLEFile()
     if ($this->BIFF_version == 0x600) {
         $OLE = new OLE_PPS_File(OLE::Asc2Ucs('Workbook'));
     } else {
         $OLE = new OLE_PPS_File(OLE::Asc2Ucs('Book'));
     if ($this->temporaryDirectory != '') {
     $res = $OLE->init();
     if ($this->isError($res)) {
         return $this->raiseError('OLE Error: ' . $res->getMessage());
     $total_worksheets = count($this->workSheet);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $total_worksheets; ++$i) {
         while ($tmp = $this->workSheet[$i]->getData()) {
     $root = new OLE_PPS_Root(time(), time(), array($OLE));
     if ($this->temporaryDirectory != '') {
     $res = $root->save($this->fileName);
     if ($this->isError($res)) {
         return $this->raiseError('OLE Error: ' . $res->getMessage());
     return true;
Exemple #11
  * The constructor
  * @param string $name The name of the file (in Unicode)
 public function __construct($name)
     parent::__construct(null, OLE::asc2Ucs($name), self::PPS_TYPE_FILE);