public function show() { $upyun = $this->upyun->get_upyun_access_token(); $data = $dat = array(); $oauth = new OAuth2Client(OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET, OAUTH_BASE_URI, OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URI, OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URI); $oauth->setAccessToken($upyun['access_token']); $info = $oauth->request('/accounts/profile/', 'GET', $data); if ($info['error']) { $info = array(); } else { $sql = 'SELECT * from ' . DB_PREFIX . 'cdn_account WHERE 1 '; $account = $this->db->query_first($sql); if (defined('UpYun_Username') && UpYun_Username && defined('UpYun_Password') && UpYun_Password) { $info['username'] = UpYun_Username; $info['password'] = UpYun_Password; } else { $info['username'] = $account['username']; $info['password'] = $account['password']; } if (!$account) { $dat = array('username' => $info['username'], 'real_name' => $info['realname'], 'password' => $info['password'], 'account_type' => $info['account_type'], 'company_name' => $info['company_name'], 'email' => $info['email'], 'mobile' => $info['mobile'], 'im' => $info['im'], 'website' => $info['website']); $account_id = $this->obj->create('cdn_account', $dat); } } $this->addItem($info); $this->output(); }
function delete() { $upyun = $this->upyun->get_upyun_access_token(); $data = array('bucket_name' => $this->input['bucket_name'], 'domain' => $this->input['id']); $oauth = new OAuth2Client(OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET, OAUTH_BASE_URI, OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URI, OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URI); $oauth->setAccessToken($upyun['access_token']); $info = $oauth->request('/buckets/domains/', 'DELETE', $data); if ($info['error']) { $this->errorOutput($info['error']); } $this->addItem('ture'); $this->output(); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ function refreshToken() { // have an access token? if ($this->api->access_token) { // have to refresh? if ($this->api->refresh_token && $this->api->access_token_expires_at) { // expired? if ($this->api->access_token_expires_at <= time()) { $response = $this->api->refreshToken(array("refresh_token" => $this->api->refresh_token)); if (!isset($response->access_token) || !$response->access_token) { // set the user as disconnected at this point and throw an exception $this->setUserUnconnected(); throw new Exception("The Authorization Service has return an invalid response while requesting a new access token. " . (string) $response->error); } // set new access_token $this->api->access_token = $response->access_token; if (isset($response->refresh_token)) { $this->api->refresh_token = $response->refresh_token; } if (isset($response->expires_in)) { $this->api->access_token_expires_in = $response->expires_in; // even given by some idp, we should calculate this $this->api->access_token_expires_at = time() + $response->expires_in; } } } // re store tokens $this->token("access_token", $this->api->access_token); $this->token("refresh_token", $this->api->refresh_token); $this->token("expires_in", $this->api->access_token_expires_in); $this->token("expires_at", $this->api->access_token_expires_at); } }
public function show() { $data = array(); if ($this->input['type'] && $this->input['type'] != '-1') { $data['type'] = $this->input['type']; } $upyun = $this->upyun->get_upyun_access_token(); $oauth = new OAuth2Client(OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET, OAUTH_BASE_URI, OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URI, OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URI); $oauth->setAccessToken($upyun['access_token']); $info = $oauth->request('/logs/', 'GET', $data); $return = $info['result']['data']; if ($return && is_array($return)) { foreach ($return as $k => $v) { if ($v['type']) { switch ($v['type']) { case 'auth': $type = '登陆'; break; case 'account': $type = '帐号'; break; case 'bucket': $type = '空间'; break; case 'operator': $type = '操作员'; break; case 'file': $type = '文件'; break; default: break; } } $row['name'] = $v['log']; $row['type'] = $type; $row['ip'] = $v['ip']; $row['create_time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $v['created_at']); $re[] = $row; } } $this->addItem($re); $this->output(); }
public function detail() { $data = array('bucket_name' => $this->input['id']); $upyun = $this->upyun->get_upyun_access_token(); $oauth = new OAuth2Client(OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET, OAUTH_BASE_URI, OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URI, OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URI); $oauth->setAccessToken($upyun['access_token']); $info = $oauth->request('/buckets/info/', 'GET', $data); $re = array(); $re = array('bucket_name' => $info['bucket_name'], 'type' => $info['type']); $typeinfo = $info[$info['type']]; $re['domain'] = $typeinfo['domain']; $re['ip_tel'] = $typeinfo['ip_tel']; $re['ip_cnc'] = $typeinfo['ip_cnc']; if ($info['error']) { $this->errorOutput($info['message']); } $this->addItem($re); $this->output(); }
public function api($path, $method = 'GET', $params = array()) { try { return parent::api($path, $method, $params); } catch (OAuth2Exception $e) { //once and only once, try to get use the refresh token to get a fresh token if ($e->getMessage() == 'INVALID_SESSION_ID') { $this->refreshToken(); return parent::api($path, $method, $params); } else { throw $e; } } }
public function __construct($config = array()) { $configured_scopes = array('offline'); if (isset($config['scope'])) { $config_scopes = array_map('trim', explode(',', $config['scope'])); foreach ($config_scopes as $scope) { if (in_array($scope, $this->_allowed_scopes)) { $configured_scopes[] = $scope; } } unset($config['scope']); } $this->setVariable('scope', implode(',', $configured_scopes)); parent::__construct($config); }
public function update_upyun_email($data) { $upyun = $this->upyun->get_upyun_access_token(); $data_ = array('password' => $data['password'], 'email' => $data['email']); $oauth = new OAuth2Client(OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET, OAUTH_BASE_URI, OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URI, OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URI); $oauth->setAccessToken($data['access_token']); $info = $oauth->request('/accounts/email/', 'POST', $data_); return $info; }
public function get_domains($domain) { $domains = array(); $upyun = $this->get_upyun_access_token(); $oauth = new OAuth2Client(OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET, OAUTH_BASE_URI, OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URI, OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URI); $oauth->setAccessToken($upyun['access_token']); $info = $oauth->request('/buckets/', 'GET'); if ($info['buckets'] && is_array($info['buckets'])) { foreach ($info['buckets'] as $k => $v) { $data = array('bucket_name' => $v['bucket_name']); $info2 = $oauth->request('/buckets/info/', 'GET', $data); if ($info2['approval_domains'] && is_array($info2['approval_domains'])) { foreach ($info2['approval_domains'] as $ke => $va) { $domains[] = $va; } } } } preg_match('@^(?:http://)?([^/]+)@i', $domain, $matches); $host = $matches[1]; if (in_array($host, $domains)) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }
public function show() { $data = $return = $buckets_name = $domain = $name = array(); $upyun = $this->upyun->get_upyun_access_token(); $oauth = new OAuth2Client(OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET, OAUTH_BASE_URI, OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URI, OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URI); $oauth->setAccessToken($upyun['access_token']); $buckets = $oauth->request('/buckets/', 'GET'); if ($buckets && is_array($buckets)) { foreach ($buckets['buckets'] as $k => $v) { $buckets_name[$v['bucket_name']] = $v['bucket_name']; } } if ($this->input['bucket'] && $this->input['bucket'] != '-1') { $data_['bucket_name'] = $data['bucket_name'] = $this->input['bucket']; } else { $bkeys = array_keys($buckets_name); $data_['bucket_name'] = $data['bucket_name'] = $bkeys[0]; } if ($data_['bucket_name']) { $doms = $oauth->request('/buckets/info/', 'GET', $data_); } if ($doms['approval_domains'] && is_array($doms['approval_domains'])) { foreach ($doms['approval_domains'] as $k => $v) { $domain[$v] = $v; } } if ($doms['approvaling_domains'] && is_array($doms['approvaling_domains'])) { foreach ($doms['approvaling_domains'] as $k => $v) { $domain[$v] = $v; } } if ($this->input['domain'] && $domain[$this->input['domain']]) { $data['domain'] = $this->input['domain']; } else { $dokeys = array_keys($domain); $data['domain'] = $dokeys[0]; } if ($this->input['start_time']) { $data['date'] = $this->input['start_time']; } else { $data['date'] = date('Y-m-d', TIMENOW - 24 * 3600); } $data['type'] = $this->input['type'] ? $this->input['type'] : 'url'; $info = $oauth->request('/analysis/', 'GET', $data); if ($info['data'] && is_array($info['data'])) { foreach ($info['data'] as $k => $v) { $re = array('content' => $v['content']); $flow = $this->get_bytes($v['flow']); if ($this->input['type'] == 'size') { $re['reqs'] = $this->get_bytes($v['reqs']); } else { $re['reqs'] = $v['reqs']; } $re['flow'] = $flow; $return[] = $re; } } if ($this->input['type']) { switch ($this->input['type']) { case 'url': $name = 'URL'; break; case 'ip': $name = 'IP'; break; case 'referer': $name = '引用页面'; break; case 'user_agent': $name = '客户端'; break; case 'http_status': $name = 'HTTP 状态'; break; case 'size': $name = 'URL'; break; default: break; } } $cdn_flow[] = $return; $cdn_flow['buckets'] = $buckets_name; $cdn_flow['domain'] = $domain; $cdn_flow['name'] = $name; $cdn_flow['type'] = $this->input['type']; $this->addItem($cdn_flow); $this->output(); }
public function delete() { $sql = 'SELECT * from ' . DB_PREFIX . 'cdn_account WHERE 1 '; $account = $this->db->query_first($sql); $data = array('bucket_name' => $this->input['id'], 'password' => $account['password']); $upyun = $this->upyun->get_upyun_access_token(); $oauth = new OAuth2Client(OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET, OAUTH_BASE_URI, OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URI, OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URI); $oauth->setAccessToken($upyun['access_token']); $info = $oauth->request('/buckets/', 'DELETE', $data); if ($info['error_code']) { $this->errorOutput($info['message']); } $this->addItem('ture'); $this->output(); }
public function show() { //file_put_contents('0',var_export($this->input,1)); $data = array(); $upyun = $this->upyun->get_upyun_access_token(); $oauth = new OAuth2Client(OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET, OAUTH_BASE_URI, OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URI, OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URI); $oauth->setAccessToken($upyun['access_token']); $buckets = $oauth->request('/buckets/', 'GET'); if ($buckets && is_array($buckets)) { foreach ($buckets['buckets'] as $k => $v) { $buckets_name[$v['bucket_name']] = $v['bucket_name']; } } if ($this->input['bucket'] && $this->input['bucket'] != '-1') { $data_['bucket_name'] = $data['bucket_name'] = $this->input['bucket']; } $doms = $oauth->request('/buckets/info/', 'GET', $data_); if ($doms['approval_domains'] && is_array($doms['approval_domains'])) { foreach ($doms['approval_domains'] as $k => $v) { $domain[$v] = $v; } } if ($doms['approvaling_domains'] && is_array($doms['approvaling_domains'])) { foreach ($doms['approvaling_domains'] as $k => $v) { $domain[$v] = $v; } } if ($this->input['domain'] && $domain[$this->input['domain']]) { $data['domain'] = $this->input['domain']; } if ($this->input['start_time'] && !$this->input['end_time']) { $start_date = date("Y-m-d"); $end_date = $this->input['start_time']; $ds = strtotime($start_date); $de = strtotime($end_date); $data['period'] = round(($ds - $de) / 3600 / 24) + 1; } if ($this->input['start_time'] && $this->input['end_time']) { $start_date = $this->input['start_time']; $end_date = $this->input['end_time']; $ds = strtotime($start_date); $de = strtotime($end_date); $data['period'] = round(($de - $ds) / 3600 / 24) + 1; $data['start_day'] = $this->input['end_time']; } if ($this->input['date_search']) { switch (intval($this->input['date_search'])) { case 1: //今天 break; case 2: //最近3天 $data['period'] = 3; break; case 3: //最近7天 $data['period'] = 7; break; case 4: //最近15天 $data['period'] = 15; break; case 5: //最近30天 $data['period'] = 30; break; default: //所有时间段 break; } } $info = $oauth->request('/stats/', 'GET', $data); if ($info['maxs'] && is_array($info['maxs'])) { if ($data['period']) { //$this->count($data['period']); } foreach ($info['maxs'] as $k => $v) { $re = array('data' => $k, 'pubtime' => $v['pubtime'], 'reqs' => $v['reqs']); $bytes = $this->get_bytes($v['bytes']); $sbytes = $this->get_bytes($v['sbytes']); $re['bytes'] = $bytes; $re['sbytes'] = $sbytes; $return[] = $re; } } $cdn_flow[] = $return; $cdn_flow['buckets'] = $buckets_name; $cdn_flow['domain'] = $domain; $cdn_flow['bandwidth'] = $info['bandwidth']; $cdn_flow['reqs'] = $info['reqs']; $cdn_flow['discharge'] = $info['discharge']; $cdn_flow['day_count'] = $info['day_count']; if ($info['bandwidth'] && is_array($info['bandwidth'])) { foreach ($info['bandwidth'] as $k => $v) { $cdn_flow['start_time'] = strtotime($k); if (!$cdn_flow['start_time']) { $time = explode(' ', $k); $cdn_flow['start_time'] = strtotime($time[0]); } break; } } $this->addItem($cdn_flow); $this->output(); }
public function get_upyun_access_token() { include CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/OAuth2Client.class.php'; $data = array('username' => UpYun_Username, 'password' => UpYun_Password, 'grant_type' => 'password', 'client_id' => OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, 'client_secret' => OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET); $oauth = new OAuth2Client(OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET, OAUTH_BASE_URI, OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URI, OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URI); $info = $oauth->request('/oauth/access_token/', 'POST', $data); if ($info['access_token']) { $upyun_str = serialize($info); $returnstr = "<?php\r\n"; $returnstr .= "\$upyun_info = array("; $returnstr .= "'upyun' => " . "'" . $upyun_str . "',"; $returnstr .= ");\r\n?>"; $filename = 'upyun.php'; $name = '../cache/' . $filename; file_put_contents($name, $returnstr); } else { $this->errorOutput($info['message']); } }
public function get_domains($domain) { $cache_file = CACHE_DIR . ''; $domains = array(); if (!is_file($cache_file) || filemtime($cache_file) >= time() - 300) { $upyun = $this->get_upyun_access_token(); $oauth = new OAuth2Client(OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET, OAUTH_BASE_URI, OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URI, OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URI); $oauth->setAccessToken($upyun['access_token']); $info = $oauth->request('/buckets/?limit=100', 'GET'); if ($info['buckets'] && is_array($info['buckets'])) { foreach ($info['buckets'] as $k => $v) { $data = array('bucket_name' => $v['bucket_name']); $info2 = $oauth->request('/buckets/info/', 'GET', $data); if ($info2['approval_domains'] && is_array($info2['approval_domains'])) { $tmp = array(); foreach ($info2['approval_domains'] as $ke => $va) { $domains[] = $va; $tmp[] = $va; } if ($domains) { $info['buckets'][$k]['domain'] = implode(',', $tmp); } $info['buckets'][$k]['cname'] = $val['bucket_name'] . $this->btype[$val['type']]['domain']; $info['buckets'][$k]['type'] = $this->btype[$val['type']]['name']; } } file_put_contents($cache_file, json_encode($info['buckets'])); } } else { $info['buckets'] = json_decode(file_get_contents($cache_file), 1); foreach ($info['buckets'] as $k => $v) { $d = explode(',', $v['domain']); $domains = array_merge($domains, $d); } } preg_match('@^(?:http://)?([^/]+)@i', $domain, $matches); $host = $matches[1]; if (in_array($host, $domains)) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }