Exemple #1
  * This method adds the !getname-command internally since the code is too long.
 private function addGetNameCommand()
     Nuwani\ModuleManager::getInstance()->offsetGet('Commands')->registerCommand(new Command('getname', function ($pBot, $sDestination, $sChannel, $sNickname, $aParams, $sMessage) {
         if (strtolower($sChannel) == strtolower('#lvp.echo') || strtolower($sChannel) == strtolower('#lvp')) {
             $oLastSeenPerson = new Nuwani\Model('lvp_person_last_seen', 'iId', $aParams[0]);
             if ($aParams[0] == '') {
                 echo '10* Usage: !getname [playerId]';
             } else {
                 if (!is_null($oLastSeenPerson->lvp_person_last_seen_id) && $oLastSeenPerson->sReason == 'online') {
                     echo '6*** The player with ID ' . $oLastSeenPerson->iId . ' is called: ' . $oLastSeenPerson->lvp_person_last_seen_id . '.';
                 } else {
                     echo '04* Error: No player with ID ' . $aParams[0] . ' is connected.';
Exemple #2
require 'config_test.php';
if ($_SERVER['argc'] >= 1 && (isset($_SERVER['argv'][1]) && $_SERVER['argv'][1] == 'restart')) {
    /** Make sure the still running bot has time to disconnect. * */
$g_bRun = true;
while ($g_bRun) {
    try {
        if (count(Nuwani\BotManager::getInstance()) == 0) {
            $g_bRun = false;
    } catch (Exception $pException) {
        if (ob_get_level() >= 1) {
/** Destructors will be called by PHP automatically. **/
Exemple #3
  * This method registers a couple of commands which can be used by the
  * bot owner to control one another from IRC, like adding, removing and
  * renaming, changing properties of commands, (un)loading modules, etc.
  * Just have a skim through this method and you'll figure it out.
 private function registerInternalCommands()
     $this->registerCommand(new Command('cmdadd', function ($pBot, $sDestination, $sChannel, $sNickname, $aParams, $sMessage) {
         if (count($aParams) < 2) {
             echo '!cmdadd CommandName Code';
             return Command::OUTPUT_USAGE;
         } else {
             Nuwani\ModuleManager::getInstance()->offsetGet('Commands')->addCommand(array_shift($aParams), implode(' ', $aParams));
             echo 'The command has been added.';
             return Command::OUTPUT_SUCCESS;
     }, SecurityManager::PERMISSION_BOT_OWNER))->registerCommand(new Command('cmdremove', function ($pBot, $sDestination, $sChannel, $sNickname, $aParams, $sMessage) {
         if (count($aParams) != 1) {
             echo '!cmdremove CommandName';
             return Command::OUTPUT_USAGE;
         } else {
             if (Nuwani\ModuleManager::getInstance()->offsetGet('Commands')->deleteCommand($aParams[0])) {
                 echo 'The command has been deleted successfully.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_SUCCESS;
             } else {
                 echo 'The command has not been found.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_ERROR;
     }, SecurityManager::PERMISSION_BOT_OWNER))->registerCommand(new Command('cmdrename', function ($pBot, $sDestination, $sChannel, $sNickname, $aParams, $sMessage) {
         if (count($aParams) != 2) {
             echo '!cmdrename OldName NewName';
             return Command::OUTPUT_USAGE;
         } else {
             if (Nuwani\ModuleManager::getInstance()->offsetGet('Commands')->renameCommand($aParams[0], $aParams[1])) {
                 echo 'The command has been renamed successfully.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_SUCCESS;
             } else {
                 echo 'The command has not been found.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_ERROR;
     }, SecurityManager::PERMISSION_BOT_OWNER))->registerCommand(new Command('cmdchannel', function ($pBot, $sDestination, $sChannel, $sNickname, $aParams, $sMessage) {
         if (count($aParams) < 2) {
             echo '!cmdchannel CommandName [- / Channel1 14ChannelN]';
             return Command::OUTPUT_USAGE;
         } else {
             $c = Nuwani\ModuleManager::getInstance()->offsetGet('Commands')->offsetGet($aParams[0]);
             if ($c) {
                 $c->setChannels(array_slice($aParams, 1));
                 echo 'The channels have been updated successfully.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_SUCCESS;
             } else {
                 echo 'The command has not been found.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_ERROR;
     }, SecurityManager::PERMISSION_BOT_OWNER))->registerCommand(new Command('cmdnetwork', function ($pBot, $sDestination, $sChannel, $sNickname, $aParams, $sMessage) {
         if (count($aParams) < 2) {
             echo '!cmdnetwork CommandName [- / Network1 14NetworkN]';
             return Command::OUTPUT_USAGE;
         } else {
             $c = Nuwani\ModuleManager::getInstance()->offsetGet('Commands')->offsetGet($aParams[0]);
             if ($c) {
                 $c->setNetworks(array_slice($aParams, 1));
                 echo 'The networks have been updated successfully.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_SUCCESS;
             } else {
                 echo 'The command has not been found.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_ERROR;
     }, SecurityManager::PERMISSION_BOT_OWNER))->registerCommand(new Command('cmdcode', function ($pBot, $sDestination, $sChannel, $sNickname, $aParams, $sMessage) {
         if (count($aParams) != 1) {
             echo '!cmdcode CommandName';
             return Command::OUTPUT_USAGE;
         } else {
             $c = Nuwani\ModuleManager::getInstance()->offsetGet('Commands')->offsetGet($aParams[0]);
             if ($c) {
                 if (is_string($c->getCode())) {
                     echo $c->getCode();
                     return Command::OUTPUT_NORMAL;
                 } else {
                     echo 'The command is a function call, no code can be displayed.';
                     return Command::OUTPUT_ERROR;
             } else {
                 echo 'The command has not been found.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_ERROR;
     }, SecurityManager::PERMISSION_BOT_OWNER))->registerCommand(new Command('cmdlist', function ($pBot, $sDestination, $sChannel, $sNickname, $aParams, $sMessage) {
         $aCmd = array();
         $iAmountOfCommands = 0;
         foreach (Nuwani\ModuleManager::getInstance()->offsetGet('Commands')->getIterator() as $sName => $pCommand) {
             if ($sName[0] == '.') {
             $aCmd[] = $sName;
         echo wordwrap('10* Commands (' . $iAmountOfCommands . '): !' . implode(', !', $aCmd), 400);
     }, SecurityManager::PERMISSION_BOT_OWNER))->registerCommand(new Command('moduleload', function ($pBot, $sDestination, $sChannel, $sNickname, $aParams, $sMessage) {
         if (count($aParams) != 1) {
             echo '!moduleload ModuleName';
             return Command::OUTPUT_USAGE;
         } else {
             if (Nuwani\ModuleManager::getInstance()->loadModule($aParams[0])) {
                 echo 'The module has been loaded.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_SUCCESS;
             } else {
                 echo 'The module could not be loaded.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_ERROR;
     }, SecurityManager::PERMISSION_BOT_OWNER))->registerCommand(new Command('moduleunload', function ($pBot, $sDestination, $sChannel, $sNickname, $aParams, $sMessage) {
         if (count($aParams) != 1) {
             echo '!moduleunload ModuleName';
             return Command::OUTPUT_USAGE;
         } else {
             if (Nuwani\ModuleManager::getInstance()->unloadModule($aParams[0])) {
                 echo 'The module has been unloaded.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_SUCCESS;
             } else {
                 echo 'The module could not be unloaded.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_ERROR;
     }, SecurityManager::PERMISSION_BOT_OWNER))->registerCommand(new Command('modulereload', function ($pBot, $sDestination, $sChannel, $sNickname, $aParams, $sMessage) {
         if (count($aParams) != 1) {
             echo '!modulereload ModuleName';
             return Command::OUTPUT_USAGE;
         } else {
             if (Nuwani\ModuleManager::getInstance()->reloadModule($aParams[0])) {
                 echo 'The module has been reloaded.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_SUCCESS;
             } else {
                 echo 'The module could not be reloaded.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_ERROR;
     }, SecurityManager::PERMISSION_BOT_OWNER))->registerCommand(new Command('modulelist', function ($pBot, $sDestination, $sChannel, $sNickname, $aParams, $sMessage) {
         $c = Nuwani\ModuleManager::getInstance();
         $aModules = array();
         foreach ($c as $sName => $pModule) {
             $aModules[] = $sName;
         echo '10* Modules (' . count($c) . '): ' . implode(', ', $aModules);
     }, SecurityManager::PERMISSION_BOT_OWNER))->registerCommand(new Command('botlist', function ($pBot, $sDestination, $sChannel, $sNickname, $aParams, $sMessage) {
         $c = Nuwani\BotManager::getInstance()->getBotList();
         $aBots = array();
         foreach ($c as $sName => $Bot) {
             $aBots[] = $sName . ' (' . $Bot['Network'] . ')';
         echo '10* Bots (' . count($c) . '): ' . implode(', ', $aBots);
     }, SecurityManager::PERMISSION_BOT_OWNER))->registerCommand(new Command('meminfo', function ($pBot, $sDestination, $sChannel, $sNickname, $aParams, $sMessage) {
         $aGarbage = Nuwani\Memory::getStatistics();
         echo '10* Current usage: ', sprintf('%.2f MB', memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024), ' | 10Top usage: ', sprintf('%.2f MB', memory_get_peak_usage() / 1024 / 1024), ' | 10Garbage: ', sprintf('%.2f kB', $aGarbage['Memory']);
     }, SecurityManager::PERMISSION_BOT_OWNER))->registerCommand(new Command('restart', function ($pBot, $sDestination, $sChannel, $sNickname, $aParams, $sMessage) {
         Nuwani\BotManager::getInstance()->getBotList()->send('QUIT :Restart requested by ' . $sNickname);
         die(exec('php ' . $_SERVER['argv'][0] . ' restart'));
     }, SecurityManager::PERMISSION_BOT_OWNER))->registerCommand(new Command('cmdpermission', function ($pBot, $sDestination, $sChannel, $sNickname, $aParams, $sMessage) {
         if (count($aParams) != 2) {
             echo '!cmdpermission command level';
             return Command::OUTPUT_USAGE;
         } else {
             if (!Nuwani\ModuleManager::getInstance()->offsetGet('Commands')->setCommandPermission($aParams[0], $aParams[1])) {
                 echo 'The command has not been found.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_ERROR;
             } else {
                 echo 'The required permission has been updated successfully.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_SUCCESS;
     }, SecurityManager::PERMISSION_BOT_OWNER))->registerCommand(new Command('useradd', function (Bot $pBot, $sDestination, $sChannel, $sNickname, $aParams, $sMessage) {
         if (count($aParams) != 1) {
             echo '!useradd usermask';
             return Command::OUTPUT_USAGE;
         } else {
             if ($pBot->getSecurityManager()->isUserKnown($aParams[0])) {
                 echo 'Given user mask is already known.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_ERROR;
             echo 'User ' . $aParams[0] . ' has been added.';
             return Command::OUTPUT_SUCCESS;
     }, SecurityManager::PERMISSION_BOT_OWNER))->registerCommand(new Command('permissiongrant', function (Bot $pBot, $sDestination, $sChannel, $sNickname, $aParams, $sMessage) {
         if (count($aParams) != 2) {
             echo '!permissiongrant usermask permission';
             return Command::OUTPUT_USAGE;
         } else {
             if (!$pBot->getSecurityManager()->isUserKnown($aParams[0])) {
                 echo 'Given user mask does not match any known users.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_ERROR;
             $user = new Nuwani\User($pBot['Network'], $aParams[0]);
             if ($pBot->getSecurityManager()->grantPermission($user, $aParams[1])) {
                 echo 'User ' . (string) $user . ' has been granted the "' . $aParams[1] . '" permission.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_SUCCESS;
             } else {
                 echo 'User ' . (string) $user . ' already has the "' . $aParams[1] . '" permission.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_NOTICE;
     }, SecurityManager::PERMISSION_BOT_OWNER))->registerCommand(new Command('permissionrevoke', function (Bot $pBot, $sDestination, $sChannel, $sNickname, $aParams, $sMessage) {
         if (count($aParams) != 2) {
             echo '!permissionrevoke usermask permission';
             return Command::OUTPUT_USAGE;
         } else {
             if (!$pBot->getSecurityManager()->isUserKnown($aParams[0])) {
                 echo 'Given user mask does not match any known users.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_ERROR;
             $user = new Nuwani\User($pBot['Network'], $aParams[0]);
             if ($pBot->getSecurityManager()->revokePermission($user, $aParams[1])) {
                 echo 'The "' . $aParams[1] . '" permission has been revoked from user ' . (string) $user . '.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_SUCCESS;
             } else {
                 echo 'User ' . (string) $user . ' doesn\'t have the "' . $aParams[1] . '" permission.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_NOTICE;
     }, SecurityManager::PERMISSION_BOT_OWNER))->registerCommand(new Command('permissionshow', function (Bot $pBot, $sDestination, $sChannel, $sNickname, $aParams, $sMessage) {
         if (count($aParams) != 1) {
             echo '!permissionshow usermask';
             return Command::OUTPUT_USAGE;
         } else {
             $user = null;
             if ($aParams[0] == 'me' || $aParams[0] == 'self') {
                 $user = $pBot->In->User;
             } else {
                 $user = new Nuwani\User($pBot['Network'], $aParams[0]);
             $permissions = $pBot->getSecurityManager()->getPermissionList($user);
             if (empty($permissions)) {
                 echo 'User ' . (string) $user . ' doesn\'t have any permissions.';
                 return Command::OUTPUT_INFO;
             } else {
                 echo 'User ' . (string) $user . ' has the following permissions: ' . implode(', ', $permissions);
                 return Command::OUTPUT_INFO;
     }, null))->registerCommand(new Command('runningtimers', function ($pBot, $sDestination, $sChannel, $sNickname, $sParams, $sMessage) {
         echo '10* Running timers: ';
         $message = '';
         foreach (Nuwani\Timer::getActiveTimers() as $timerInfo) {
             $message .= $timerInfo['name'];
             $message .= ' 14(ID: ' . $timerInfo['id'];
             $message .= ', in ' . Util::formatTime($timerInfo['next_run'] - microtime(true), true);
             $message .= $timerInfo['type'] == Nuwani\Timer::TIMEOUT ? ', once' : '';
             $message .= '), ';
         echo wordwrap(substr($message, 0, -2), 400);
     }, SecurityManager::PERMISSION_BOT_OWNER));