Exemple #1
 static function getStream($tag, $offset = 0, $limit = 20)
     $ids = Notice::stream(array('Notice_tag', '_streamDirect'), array($tag), 'notice_tag:notice_ids:' . common_keyize($tag), $offset, $limit);
     return Notice::getStreamByIds($ids);
Exemple #2
 function getNotices($offset, $limit, $since_id = null, $max_id = null)
     $ids = Notice::stream(array($this, '_streamDirect'), array(), 'user_group:notice_ids:' . $this->id, $offset, $limit, $since_id, $max_id);
     return Notice::getStreamByIds($ids);
  * Wrapper for Inbox::stream() and Notice::getStreamByIds() returning
  * additional items up to the limit if we were short due to deleted
  * notices still being listed in the inbox.
  * The fast path (when no items are deleted) should be just as fast; the
  * offset parameter is applied *before* lookups for maximum efficiency.
  * This means offset-based paging may show duplicates, but similar behavior
  * already exists when new notices are posted between page views, so we
  * think people will be ok with this until id-based paging is introduced
  * to the user interface.
  * @param int $user_id
  * @param int $offset skip past the most recent N notices (after since_id checks)
  * @param int $limit
  * @param mixed $since_id return only notices after but not including this id
  * @param mixed $max_id return only notices up to and including this id
  * @param mixed $own ignored?
  * @return array of Notice objects
  * @todo consider repacking the inbox when this happens?
  * @fixme reimplement $own if we need it?
 function streamNotices($user_id, $offset, $limit, $since_id, $max_id, $own = false)
     $ids = self::stream($user_id, $offset, self::MAX_NOTICES, $since_id, $max_id, $own);
     // Do a bulk lookup for the first $limit items
     // Fast path when nothing's deleted.
     $firstChunk = array_slice($ids, 0, $limit);
     $notices = Notice::getStreamByIds($firstChunk);
     $wanted = count($firstChunk);
     // raw entry count in the inbox up to our $limit
     if ($notices->N >= $wanted) {
         return $notices;
     // There were deleted notices, we'll need to look for more.
     assert($notices instanceof ArrayWrapper);
     $items = $notices->_items;
     $remainder = array_slice($ids, $limit);
     while (count($items) < $wanted && count($remainder) > 0) {
         $notice = Notice::staticGet(array_shift($remainder));
         if ($notice) {
             $items[] = $notice;
         } else {
     return new ArrayWrapper($items);
Exemple #4
 function repeatsOfMe($offset = 0, $limit = 20, $since_id = null, $max_id = null)
     $ids = Notice::stream(array($this, '_repeatsOfMeDirect'), array(), 'user:repeats_of_me:' . $this->id, $offset, $limit, $since_id, $max_id);
     return Notice::getStreamByIds($ids);
Exemple #5
 function getNotices($offset = 0, $limit = NOTICES_PER_PAGE, $since_id = 0, $max_id = 0)
     // XXX: I'm not sure this is going to be any faster. It probably isn't.
     $ids = Notice::stream(array($this, '_streamDirect'), array(), 'profile:notice_ids:' . $this->id, $offset, $limit, $since_id, $max_id);
     return Notice::getStreamByIds($ids);
Exemple #6
 function repeatStream($limit = 100)
     $cache = common_memcache();
     if (empty($cache)) {
         $ids = $this->_repeatStreamDirect($limit);
     } else {
         $idstr = $cache->get(common_cache_key('notice:repeats:' . $this->id));
         if ($idstr !== false) {
             $ids = explode(',', $idstr);
         } else {
             $ids = $this->_repeatStreamDirect(100);
             $cache->set(common_cache_key('notice:repeats:' . $this->id), implode(',', $ids));
         if ($limit < 100) {
             // We do a max of 100, so slice down to limit
             $ids = array_slice($ids, 0, $limit);
     return Notice::getStreamByIds($ids);
Exemple #7
  * Stream of notices linking to this URL
  * @param integer $offset   Offset to show; default is 0
  * @param integer $limit    Limit of notices to show
  * @param integer $since_id Since this notice
  * @param integer $max_id   Before this notice
  * @return array ids of notices that link to this file
 function stream($offset = 0, $limit = NOTICES_PER_PAGE, $since_id = 0, $max_id = 0)
     $ids = Notice::stream(array($this, '_streamDirect'), array(), 'file:notice-ids:' . $this->url, $offset, $limit, $since_id, $max_id);
     return Notice::getStreamByIds($ids);