public function createNodePartialsFromExistsClauses(NodeQuery $nodeQuery)
     $nodePartials = new NodePartials();
     foreach ($nodeQuery->getParameters() as $key => $value) {
         switch ($key) {
             case 'Meta.exist':
             case 'OutTags.exist':
             case 'InTags.exist':
                 //                    case 'Sections.exist':
                 //                        $nodePartials->increaseSectionPartials($value);
                 //                        break;
     $metaParams = $this->getMetaFilters($nodeQuery);
     foreach ($metaParams as $mArgs) {
     return $nodePartials;
 protected function findTags($direction, $db, NodeRef $originNodeRef, $ids, $partials = 'fields', $forceReadWrite = false, $checkJumpPermissions = false, $restrictedPartials, $resolveLinkedRecords = true, $existingRows = null)
     if (!is_null($db) && !$db instanceof DatabaseInterface) {
         throw new NodeException('Argument 2 passed to NodeTagsDAO::findTags() must implement interface DatabaseInterface');
     $results = array();
     if (empty($partials)) {
         return $results;
     $returnOne = false;
     if (!is_array($ids)) {
         $returnOne = $ids;
         $ids = array($originNodeRef->getRefURL() => $ids);
     $fixedId = false;
     if (!is_null($existingRows)) {
         $fixedId = 1;
         $returnOne = 1;
     $tagFields = $this->tagFields;
     $this->Logger->debug('findTags [' . $direction . '] with partials [' . $partials . '] restrict [' . $restrictedPartials . ']');
     if ($direction == 'out') {
         $table = $this->NodeDBMeta->getOutTagsTable($originNodeRef);
         $partials = PartialUtils::unserializeOutPartials($partials);
         $restrictedPartials = PartialUtils::unserializeOutPartials($restrictedPartials);
     } else {
         $table = $this->NodeDBMeta->getInTagsTable($originNodeRef);
         $partials = PartialUtils::unserializeInPartials($partials);
         $restrictedPartials = PartialUtils::unserializeInPartials($restrictedPartials);
         //            $tagFields[] = 'TagOutID';
     //        $this->Logger->debug($partials);
     $tableid = $this->NodeDBMeta->getPrimaryKey($originNodeRef);
     $now = $this->DateFactory->newLocalDate();
     $rows = array();
     $fieldlikePartials = array();
     $childexprPartials = array();
     $addlParams = array();
     $jumpParams = array();
     $fieldlikeRoles = array();
     $nonfieldlikeRoles = array();
     $outRoles = array();
     $all = false;
     $allfieldlike = false;
     $tagDefs = array();
     if ($partials == 'all' || ($x = array_search('all', $partials)) !== false) {
         $all = true;
         $partials = array();
     } else {
         if (($x = array_search('fields', $partials)) !== false) {
             $allfieldlike = true;
     if ($restrictedPartials == 'all' || ($x = array_search('all', $restrictedPartials)) !== false) {
         return array();
     $tagDefs = $originNodeRef->getElement()->getSchema()->getTagDefs();
     foreach ($originNodeRef->getElement()->getSchema()->getTagDefs() as $role => $tagDef) {
         if ($tagDef->isFieldlike() && strtolower($tagDef->Direction) == $direction) {
             $fieldlikeRoles[] = $role;
         if ($tagDef->Direction == 'out') {
             $outRoles[] = $role;
     foreach ($partials as $x => $outPartial) {
         if ($outPartial['TagRole'] == false) {
             throw new TagException('Tag partials must specify a role when retrieving tags');
         if (in_array($outPartial['TagRole'], $fieldlikeRoles)) {
             $fieldlikePartials[] = $outPartial;
         if ($resolveLinkedRecords && $outPartial->hasChildPartials()) {
             $childexprPartials[$outPartial['TagRole']][] = $outPartial;
     // tags passed to us, no need to query database
     if (is_null($existingRows)) {
         if ($allfieldlike == true || !empty($fieldlikePartials)) {
             $cachedIds = array();
             // read from cache
             list($cachedIds, $rows) = $this->NodeCache->getTags($direction, $ids, $forceReadWrite);
             $remainingIds = array_diff($ids, $cachedIds);
             if (!empty($remainingIds)) {
                 $dbToCacheRows = array();
                 if (!empty($fieldlikeRoles)) {
                     $q = new Query();
                     $q->SELECT($tableid . ' as ID');
                     // Commented out on 2/1/2010 by Craig .. Mysql seems to be using the right indexes without this.
                     // $q->FROM($db->quoteIdentifier($table).' FORCE INDEX(RoleOnly)');
                     $q->WHERE("{$tableid} IN ({$db->joinQuote((array) $remainingIds)})");
                     $q->WHERE("Role IN ({$db->joinQuote((array) $fieldlikeRoles)})");
                     $dbRows = $this->getConnectionForWrite($originNodeRef)->readAll($q);
                     foreach ($dbRows as $row) {
                         $dbToCacheRows[$row['ID']][] = $row;
                         $rows[] = $row;
                 $this->NodeCache->putTags($direction, $remainingIds, $dbToCacheRows, $forceReadWrite);
         if ($all) {
             $q = new Query();
             //                if($forceReadWrite)
             //                    $q->forUpdate();
             $q->SELECT($tableid . ' as ID');
             $q->WHERE("{$tableid} IN ({$db->joinQuote((array) $ids)})");
             //                $q->WHERE("SectionID = 0");
             $rows = $db->readAll($q);
         } else {
             $runPartials = array();
             // perform a SQL statement per partial
             foreach ($partials as $outPartial) {
                 if (in_array($outPartial->toString(), $runPartials)) {
                 if ($outPartial['TagRole'] == false) {
                     throw new TagException('Tag partials must specify a role when retrieving tags');
                 if ($direction == 'out' && !in_array($outPartial['TagRole'], $outRoles)) {
                 $unions = array();
                 foreach ((array) $ids as $id) {
                     $q = new Query();
                     $q->SELECT($tableid . ' as ID');
                     //                        $q->WHERE("$tableid IN ({$db->joinQuote((array)$ids)})");
                     $q->WHERE("{$tableid} = {$db->quote($id)}");
                     //                    $q->WHERE("SectionID = 0");
                     if ($direction == 'out') {
                         $q->WHERE($this->getOutTagPartialClause($outPartial, $db, $db->quoteIdentifier($table)));
                     } else {
                         $q->WHERE($this->getInTagPartialClause($outPartial, $originNodeRef->getElement(), $db, $db->quoteIdentifier($table)));
                     if (!$forceReadWrite && $this->nodeDatabaseTagMergeLimit > 0) {
                     $unions[] = '(' . (string) $q . ')';
                 $sql = implode('
                      UNION ALL
                     ', $unions);
                 $rows = array_merge($rows, $db->readAll($sql));
                 $nonfieldlikeRoles[] = $outPartial['TagRole'];
                 $runPartials[] = $outPartial->toString();
     } else {
         $rows = $existingRows;
     // if no rows, return empty array
     if (empty($rows)) {
         return $rows;
     $sortKeys = array();
     foreach ($rows as $k => $row) {
         $sortKeys[$k] = $row['TagSortOrder'];
     array_multisort($sortKeys, SORT_ASC, $rows);
     // gather linked NodeRefs
     $tagNodeRefs = array();
     //        $strTagNodeRefs = array();
     //        $this->Logger->debug('FIELD LIKE PARTIALS');
     //        $this->Logger->debug($fieldlikePartials);
     //        $this->Logger->debug('NON FIELD LIKE PARTIALS');
     //        $this->Logger->debug($partials);
     $existingTagsPerNode = array();
     $newrows = array();
     $deletedTags = array();
     // filter out bogus rows
     foreach ($rows as $k => $row) {
         //            $rowElement = $this->ElementService->getByID($row['TagElementID']);
         if (!empty($row['TagElement'])) {
             $rowElement = $this->ElementService->getBySlug($row['TagElement']);
         } else {
             $rowElement = $this->ElementService->getByID($row['TagElementID']);
         // element doesn't exist anymore
         if (empty($rowElement)) {
         //            error_log($nodeRef);
         if (!array_key_exists($row['TagRole'], $tagDefs)) {
             if ($direction == 'in' && $rowElement->getSchema()->hasTagDef($row['TagRole'])) {
                 $row['TagDef'] = $rowElement->getSchema()->getTagDef($row['TagRole']);
             } else {
             // tag definition does not exist
         } else {
             $row['TagDef'] = $tagDefs[$row['TagRole']];
         $row['TagElement'] = $rowElement->getSlug();
         $row['TagRoleDisplay'] = $row['TagDef']['Title'];
         $row['TagDirection'] = $direction;
         //$row['TagLinkRefURL'] = $nodeRef->getRefURL();
         //            $row['TagSite'] = $nodeRef->getSite()->getSlug();
         if (!empty($restrictedPartials)) {
             foreach ($restrictedPartials as $partial) {
                 if ($this->TagsHelper->matchPartial($partial, $row)) {
                     continue 2;
         if ($all == false && $allfieldlike == false && !empty($fieldlikePartials) && in_array($row['TagRole'], $fieldlikeRoles)) {
             //                error_log('matching fieldlike');
             //                error_log(print_r($fieldlikePartials, true));
             $found = false;
             foreach ($fieldlikePartials as $partial) {
                 //                    error_log('test '.$partial->toString());
                 if ($this->TagsHelper->matchPartial($partial, $row)) {
                     //                        error_log('match');
                     $found = true;
             if (!$found) {
         if ($all == false && !empty($partials) && in_array($row['TagRole'], $nonfieldlikeRoles)) {
             //                error_log('matching fieldlike');
             $found = false;
             foreach ($partials as $partial) {
                 //                    error_log('test '.$partial->toString());
                 if ($this->TagsHelper->matchPartial($partial, $row)) {
                     //                        error_log('match');
                     $found = true;
             if (!$found) {
         $nodeRef = new NodeRef($rowElement, $row['TagSlug']);
         $row['TagLinkNodeRef'] = $nodeRef;
         $row['NoValidation'] = true;
         $tag = new Tag($row);
         if (isset($existingTagsPerNode[$row['ID']]) && array_key_exists($tag->toString(), $existingTagsPerNode[$row['ID']])) {
             $tagIDToDelete = $existingTagsPerNode[$row['ID']][$tag->toString()];
             if ($tagIDToDelete != $tag->TagID) {
                 if ($tag->TagID > $tagIDToDelete) {
                     $tagIDToDelete = $tag->TagID;
                     // If the current tag is being deleted, mark it as deleted so that we can skip the rest of
                     // the processing once it's deleted from the db.
                     $tag->Deleted = true;
                 } else {
                     // We're deleting a tag that was already added to the results array. Therefore just keep track of
                     // it so that we can remove it from the results array later.
                     if ($fixedId) {
                         $deletedTags[$fixedId][] = $tagIDToDelete;
                     } else {
                         $deletedTags[$row['ID']][] = $tagIDToDelete;
                 // read repair
                 $this->Logger->debug("Delete {$tag->getTagDirection()} tag: {$tag->toString()}");
                 $affectedRows = $this->getConnectionForWrite($originNodeRef)->write("DELETE FROM {$db->quoteIdentifier($table)} WHERE TagID = {$db->quote($tagIDToDelete)}");
                 if ($affectedRows > 0) {
                     $this->NodeEvents->fireTagEvents($direction . 'tags', 'remove', $originNodeRef, $nodeRef, $tag);
                 // If the current tag is the one that got deleted, we're done processing this tag and can move to
                 // the next. This tag will not get added to the results.
                 if ($tag->Deleted) {
         $existingTagsPerNode[$row['ID']][$tag->toString()] = $tag->TagID;
         if ($resolveLinkedRecords) {
             $tagNodeRefs[] = $nodeRef;
             //                $strTagNodeRefs[$k] = (string)$nodeRef;
             // if need to merge more tags in
             if (array_key_exists($row['TagRole'], $childexprPartials)) {
                 // TODO: check partial matches
                 $rowRefKey = $rowElement->getSlug();
                 $outPartials = $childexprPartials[$row['TagRole']];
                 foreach ($outPartials as $outPartial) {
                     $expressions = StringUtils::smartSplit($outPartial->getChildPartials(), ".", '"', '\\"', 2);
                     $firstExpression = array_shift($expressions);
                     if (strtolower($firstExpression) == 'meta') {
                         $addlParams[$rowRefKey][''][] = 'all';
                     } elseif (strtolower($firstExpression) == 'fields') {
                         $addlParams[$rowRefKey][''][] = 'all';
                         $addlParams[$rowRefKey][''][] = 'fields';
                         $addlParams[$rowRefKey][''][] = 'fields';
                     } else {
                         $isTag = true;
                         try {
                             $jPartial = new TagPartial($firstExpression);
                             $role = $jPartial->getTagRole();
                             if ($nodeRef->getElement()->getSchema()->hasTagDef($role)) {
                                 $schemaDef = $nodeRef->getElement()->getSchema()->getTagDef($role);
                             } else {
                                 if ($nodeRef->getElement()->getSchema()->hasMetaDef($role)) {
                                     $jPartial = new MetaPartial($firstExpression);
                                     $schemaDef = $nodeRef->getElement()->getSchema()->getMetaDef($role);
                                     $isTag = false;
                         } catch (Exception $e) {
                             $jPartial = new MetaPartial($firstExpression);
                             $role = $jPartial->getMetaName();
                             if ($nodeRef->getElement()->getSchema()->hasMetaDef($role)) {
                                 $schemaDef = $nodeRef->getElement()->getSchema()->getMetaDef($role);
                             $isTag = false;
                         if (empty($schemaDef)) {
                         //throw new NodeException('Cannot retrieve additional nodes for role ['.$role.'], no schema def found on element ['.$rowElement->getSlug().']');
                         if ($isTag) {
                             $newPartials = $schemaDef->getDirection() == 'out' ? '' : '';
                             $jPartial = $jPartial->getTagRole();
                         } else {
                             $newPartials = '';
                             $jPartial = $jPartial->getMetaName();
                         $new = $firstExpression;
                         if (!empty($expressions[0])) {
                             $new .= '.' . $expressions[0];
                         $addlParams[$rowRefKey][$newPartials][] = $new;
                         $jumpParams[$row['TagRole']][$newPartials][] = $jPartial;
             $newrows[] = $tag;
         } else {
             if ($fixedId) {
                 $results[$fixedId][] = $row;
             } else {
                 $results[$row['ID']][] = $tag;
     if ($resolveLinkedRecords) {
         //            error_log('PRE NODE RETRIEVE');
         // find the corresponding records
         $nodeRows = array();
         $connectionCouplets = $this->getResolvedConnectionCouplets($tagNodeRefs, $forceReadWrite);
         foreach ($connectionCouplets as $connectionCouplet) {
             $db = $connectionCouplet->getConnection();
             $tableToSlugs = $connectionCouplet->getAttribute('tablesToSlugs');
             foreach ($tableToSlugs as $table => $tableInfo) {
                 $rowRefKey = $element->getSlug();
                 $partialJump = false;
                 $newNodePartials = null;
                 if (array_key_exists($rowRefKey, $addlParams)) {
                     $partialJump = true;
                     $addl = $addlParams[$rowRefKey];
                     $newNodePartials = new NodePartials();
                     if (array_key_exists('', $addl)) {
                         $newNodePartials->setOutPartials(implode(',', array_unique($addl[''])));
                     if (array_key_exists('', $addl)) {
                         $newNodePartials->setInPartials(implode(',', array_unique($addl[''])));
                     if (array_key_exists('', $addl)) {
                         $newNodePartials->setMetaPartials(implode(',', array_unique($addl[''])));
                 if ($checkJumpPermissions && !$this->NodePermissions->check('get', $tableNodeRef, $newNodePartials, true)) {
                 $foundRows = $this->multiGetFromDB($db, $tableid, $table, $tableNodeRef, $slugs, false, $forceReadWrite, false);
                 if ($partialJump && !empty($foundRows)) {
                     $this->Logger->debug('Partials jump on ' . $tableNodeRef->getElement()->getName());
                     $aoutTags = array();
                     $ainTags = array();
                     $ameta = array();
                     $idField = 'ID';
                     $pids = ArrayUtils::arrayMultiColumn($foundRows, $idField);
                     if ($newNodePartials->hasOutPartials()) {
                         $aoutTags = $this->findOutTags($db, $tableNodeRef, $pids, $newNodePartials->getOutPartials(), false, false, $checkJumpPermissions);
                     if ($newNodePartials->hasInPartials()) {
                         $ainTags = $this->findInTags($db, $tableNodeRef, $pids, $newNodePartials->getInPartials(), false, false, $checkJumpPermissions);
                     if ($newNodePartials->hasMetaPartials()) {
                         $ameta = $this->NodeMetaDAO->findMeta($db, $tableNodeRef, $pids, $newNodePartials->getMetaPartials(), false);
                     foreach ($foundRows as $nodeRefString => &$nrow) {
                         $nrow->setMetas(isset($ameta[$nrow[$idField]]) ? $ameta[$nrow[$idField]] : array());
                         $nrow->setOutTags(isset($aoutTags[$nrow[$idField]]) ? $aoutTags[$nrow[$idField]] : array());
                         $nrow->setInTags(isset($ainTags[$nrow[$idField]]) ? $ainTags[$nrow[$idField]] : array());
                 $nodeRows = array_merge($nodeRows, $foundRows);
         foreach ($newrows as $row) {
             //                $id = $row['ID'];
             //                unset($row['ID']);
             //                error_log(print_r($row, true));
             if ($resolveLinkedRecords) {
                 $nodeRef = $row['TagLinkNodeRef'];
                 if (!array_key_exists((string) $nodeRef, $nodeRows)) {
                 $tagNode = $nodeRows[(string) $nodeRef];
                 // if need to filter out jump partials
                 if (array_key_exists($row['TagRole'], $jumpParams)) {
                     $outPartials = $jumpParams[$row['TagRole']];
                     foreach ($outPartials as $key => $kPartials) {
                         if ($key == '') {
                             foreach ($tagNode->getMetas() as $meta) {
                                 if (!in_array($meta->MetaName, $kPartials)) {
                         } else {
                             if ($key == '') {
                                 foreach ($tagNode->getInTags() as $tag) {
                                     if (!in_array($tag->TagRole, $kPartials)) {
                             } else {
                                 if ($key == '') {
                                     foreach ($tagNode->getOutTags() as $tag) {
                                         if (!in_array($tag->TagRole, $kPartials)) {
                 // ignore deleted records
                 //if($tagNode['Status'] == 'deleted')
                 //    continue;
                 $row['TagLinkNode'] = $tagNode;
                 $row['TagLinkTitle'] = $tagNode['Title'];
                 $row['TagLinkID'] = $tagNode['ID'];
                 $row['TagLinkStatus'] = $tagNode['Status'];
                 $row['TagLinkActiveDate'] = $tagNode['ActiveDate'];
                 $row['TagLinkSortOrder'] = $tagNode['SortOrder'];
                 // only populate TagLinkURL if the record is active
                 if ($tagNode['Status'] == 'published' && $tagNode['ActiveDateUnix'] < $now->toUnix()) {
                     $row['TagLinkIsActive'] = true;
                     $row['TagLinkURL'] = $nodeRef->getRecordLink();
                     $row['TagLinkURI'] = $nodeRef->getRecordLinkURI();
                 } else {
                     $row['TagLinkURL'] = '';
                 $row['TagLinkURI'] = '';
             if ($fixedId) {
                 $results[$fixedId][] = $row;
             } else {
                 $results[$row['ID']][] = $row;
     // If tags were deleted during the 'read repair' they need to be removed from the results array
     // Go through the nodes that have had tags deleted. If those nodes exist in the results array, go
     // through the tags being returned. If the tag exists in the 'deleted' array for the node, remove it from
     // the result set.
     if (!empty($deletedTags)) {
         foreach ($deletedTags as $rowId => $rowDeletedTags) {
             if (isset($results[$rowId]) && !empty($results[$rowId])) {
                 foreach ($results[$rowId] as $resultKey => $rowResults) {
                     if (in_array($rowResults->TagID, $rowDeletedTags)) {
     if ($returnOne) {
         return isset($results[$returnOne]) ? $results[$returnOne] : array();
     return $results;
 public static function isTagRoleInInTagsScope(NodeSchema $schema, NodePartials $nodePartials, $role)
     $partials_string = $nodePartials->getInPartials();
     return self::isTagRoleInScope($schema, $partials_string, $role);
 public function delete(NodeRef $nodeRef, $mergeSlug = null)
     // validate for delete
     $this->NodeValidator->validateFor('delete', $nodeRef)->throwOnError();
     $this->NodeEvents->fireNodeEvents(__FUNCTION__, 'pre', $nodeRef);
     // if merging, rename tag links to new record
     if (!empty($mergeSlug)) {
         $mergeRef = new NodeRef($nodeRef->getElement(), $mergeSlug);
         $oldNode = $this->NodeLookupDAO->getByNodeRef($nodeRef, new NodePartials('', '', 'all'), true);
         if (empty($oldNode)) {
             throw new NodeException('Unable to merge deleted node to non-existent slug [' . $mergeSlug . ']');
         $inTags = $oldNode->getInTags();
         $newPartials = new NodePartials();
         foreach ($inTags as $inTag) {
         $mergeNode = $this->NodeLookupDAO->getByNodeRef($mergeRef, $newPartials);
         // add all node's in tags to the merged node as in tags (aka copy in tags)
     $existingNode = $this->NodeLookupDAO->getByNodeRef($nodeRef);
     if ($existingNode->Status == 'published') {
         $this->NodeEvents->fireNodeEvents('unpublish', 'pre', $nodeRef, $existingNode);
     // fire events
     $this->NodeEvents->fireNodeEvents(__FUNCTION__, 'post', $nodeRef);
     if ($existingNode->Status == 'published') {
         $this->NodeEvents->fireNodeEvents('unpublish', 'post', $nodeRef, $existingNode);
  * Fetches a specific media node.
  * @param ElementSlug  _required_  e.g. image
  * @param NodeSlug  _required_  the Slug of the node to retrieve
  * @param Thumbnails _optional_  comma delimited list of thumbnail sizes to return e.g. "150,100x100" or "all"
  * @param  _optional_  list of Meta fields to return as per NodeApiController
  * @param  _optional_  list of OutTags to retrieve as per NodeApiController
  * @param Depth _optional_ whether to include original/thumbnail tags (TBD)
 public function get()
     $noderef = $this->getNodeRef();
     $hasJsonThumbnails = $noderef->getElement()->hasAspect('mixin-json-thumbnails');
     $nodePartials = new NodePartials($this->Request->getParameter('Meta_select'), $this->Request->getParameter('OutTags_select'), $this->Request->getParameter('InTags_select'));
     if ($hasJsonThumbnails && StringUtils::strToBool($this->Request->getParameter('retrieveThumbnails'))) {
     $node = $this->RegulatedNodeService->getByNodeRef($noderef, $nodePartials);
     $c = $this->_buildNodeJSON($node, true, StringUtils::strToBool($this->Request->getParameter('retrieveThumbnails')));
     //todo: include metas
     //todo: include tags
  * Updates a node with fields specified in params.
  * @param array $params The user-supplied parameters/fields
  * @throws MediaServiceException
  * @throws ValidationException
 public function edit($params)
     $node = $this->getNode($params);
     // will spit error if not found
     // set any persistent fields
     $this->NodeBinder->bindPersistentFields($node, $this->getErrors(), $params, $params);
     $this->NodeBinder->fireEditBindEvents($node, $this->getErrors(), $params, $params);
     // throw any validation errors
     $nodePartials = new NodePartials();
     // add any meta fields
     foreach ($params as $name => $value) {
         if (substr($name, 0, 1) == '#') {
             $node->setMeta($name, $value);
     // add any out tags
     $outTagParam = !empty($params['AddOutTags']) ? $params['AddOutTags'] : null;
     if ($outTagParam) {
         $outTags = $this->buildTags($outTagParam);
         foreach ($outTags as $tag) {
             $role = $tag->getTagRole();
             $val = $tag->getTagValue();
             $nodePartials->increaseOutPartials($role . '=' . $val);
     // add any in tags
     $inTagParam = !empty($params['AddInTags']) ? $params['AddInTags'] : null;
     if ($inTagParam) {
         $inTags = $this->buildTags($inTagParam);
         foreach ($inTags as $tag) {
             $role = $tag->getTagRole();
             $val = $tag->getTagValue();
             $nodePartials->increaseInPartials($role . '=' . $val);
     // set node partials to specify exactly what's added/updated
     // do the update
 public function resolveLinkedNodes(Node $node, NodePartials $nodePartials = null, $forceReadWrite = true, $checkJumpPermissions = false)
     $node->OutTags = $this->NodeTagsDAO->findOutTags(null, $node->getNodeRef(), null, $nodePartials->getOutPartials(), $forceReadWrite, $checkJumpPermissions, $nodePartials->getRestrictedOutPartials(), true, $node->OutTags);
     $node->InTags = $this->NodeTagsDAO->findInTags(null, $node->getNodeRef(), null, $nodePartials->getInPartials(), $forceReadWrite, $checkJumpPermissions, $nodePartials->getRestrictedInPartials(), true, $node->InTags);
     return $node;