if ($network->getAuthenticator()->isRegistrationPermitted()) {
        $sources[$network->getId()] = $network->getName();
if (isset($sources)) {
    $smarty->assign('auth_sources', $sources);
// Pass the account_origin along, if it's set
if (isset($_REQUEST["auth_source"])) {
    $smarty->assign('selected_auth_source', $_REQUEST["auth_source"]);
if (Server::getServer()->getUseGlobalUserAccounts()) {
    $default_network_param = Network::getDefaultNetwork()->getId();
    $smarty->assign('SelectNetworkUI', "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"auth_source\" value='{$default_network_param}' />");
} else {
    $smarty->assign('SelectNetworkUI', Network::getSelectUI('auth_source'));
// Compile HTML code
$html_body = $smarty->fetch("templates/sites/lost_password.tpl");
 * Render output
$ui = MainUI::getObject();
$ui->addContent('left_area_middle', $html);
$ui->addContent('main_area_middle', $html_body);
 * Local variables:
 * tab-width: 4
 * c-basic-offset: 4
 * c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil
Exemple #2
 public function getAdminUI()
     $db = AbstractDb::getObject();
     $html = '';
     $html .= "<fieldset class='admin_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<legend>" . _("Report configuration") . "</legend>\n";
     $html .= "<ul class='admin_element_list'>\n";
     // Network
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
     $networks = Security::getObjectsWithPermission(Permission::P('NETWORK_PERM_VIEW_STATISTICS'));
     $additionalWhere = " AND (FALSE\n";
     foreach ($networks as $network) {
         $idStr = $db->escapeString($network->getId());
         $additionalWhere .= " OR network_id='{$idStr}'\n";
     $additionalWhere .= ")\n";
     $networkUserData['preSelectedObject'] = reset($this->report_selected_networks);
     $networkUserData['allowEmpty'] = true;
     $networkUserData['additionalWhere'] = $additionalWhere;
     $html .= Network::getSelectUI('Statistics', $networkUserData);
     $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     // Date range
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<fieldset class='admin_element_group'>\n";
     $html .= "<legend>" . _("Restrict the time range for which statistics will be computed") . " : </legend>\n";
     $html .= $this->getDateRangeUI();
     $html .= "</fieldset>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     // Selected nodes
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<fieldset class='admin_element_group'>\n";
     $html .= "<legend>" . _("Restrict stats to the following nodes") . " : </legend>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
     $html .= $this->getSelectedNodesUI();
     $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</fieldset>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     // Unique user criteria
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<fieldset class='admin_element_group'>\n";
     $html .= "<legend>" . _("Distinguish users by") . " : </legend>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
     $html .= $this->getDistinguishUsersByUI();
     $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</fieldset>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     // Selected users
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<fieldset class='admin_element_group'>\n";
     $html .= "<legend>" . _("Restrict stats to the selected users") . " : </legend>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
     $html .= $this->getSelectedUsersUI();
     $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</fieldset class='admin_element_group'>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     // Reports
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<fieldset>\n";
     $html .= "<legend>" . _("Selected reports") . " : </legend>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
     $html .= $this->getSelectedReportsUI();
     $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</fieldset>\n";
     $html .= "</ul>\n";
     $html .= "</fieldset>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     return $html;
Exemple #3
  * Get an interface to add a user to a list
  * @param string $user_prefix      A identifier provided by the programmer
  *                                 to recognise it's generated HTML form
  * @param string $add_button_name  Name of optional "add" button
  * @param string $add_button_value Value of optional "add" button
  * @return string HTML markup
 public static function getSelectUserUI($user_prefix, $add_button_name = null, $add_button_value = null)
     $db = AbstractDb::getObject();
     $networkSelector = Network::getSelectUI($user_prefix);
     // Check if we need to add an "add" button
     if ($add_button_name && $add_button_value) {
         $userSelector = _("Username") . ": " . InterfaceElements::generateInputText("select_user_" . $user_prefix . "_username", "", "", "input_text", array("onkeypress" => "if ((event.which ? event.which : event.keyCode) == 13) {form.{$add_button_name}.click() }"));
         $userSelector .= InterfaceElements::generateInputSubmit($add_button_name, $add_button_value);
     } else {
         $userSelector = _("Search for Username or Email Address") . ": " . InterfaceElements::generateInputText("select_user_" . $user_prefix . "_username");
     $html = "<div class='user_select_user_ui_container'>" . $networkSelector . "<br>" . $userSelector . "</div>\n";
     return $html;
Exemple #4
// Compile HTML code
$htmlToolContent = $smarty->fetch("templates/sites/signup.tpl");
 * Main content
// Use the account_origin along, if it was set (it may be set in case there was an error processing the form).
if (isset($_REQUEST["auth_source"])) {
    $selectedNetwork = Network::getObject($_REQUEST['auth_source']);
} else {
    $selectedNetwork = Network::getDefaultNetwork();
if (Server::getServer()->getUseGlobalUserAccounts()) {
    $smarty->assign('SelectNetworkUI', "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"auth_source\" value='" . $selectedNetwork->getId() . "' />");
} else {
    //Make sure to only list networks whose authenticator allows user self-signup
    $smarty->assign('SelectNetworkUI', Network::getSelectUI('auth_source', array('preSelectedObject' => $selectedNetwork, 'onlyNetwoksAllowingSignup' => true)));
// Set section of Smarty template
$smarty->assign('sectionTOOLCONTENT', false);
$smarty->assign('sectionMAINCONTENT', true);
// Compile HTML code
$htmlMainContent = $smarty->fetch("templates/sites/signup.tpl");
 * Render final output
$ui = MainUI::getObject();
$ui->addContent('left_area_middle', $htmlToolContent);
$ui->addContent('main_area_middle', $htmlMainContent);
 * Local variables:
Exemple #5
  * Retrieves the admin interface of this object
  * @return string The HTML fragment for this interface
  * @access public
  * @todo Most of this code will be moved to Hotspot class when the
  *       abtraction will be completed
 public function getAdminUI()
     $permArray = null;
     $permArray[] = array(Permission::P('NETWORK_PERM_EDIT_ANY_NODE_CONFIG'), $this->getNetwork());
     $permArray[] = array(Permission::P('NODE_PERM_EDIT_CONFIG'), $this);
     $permArray[] = array(Permission::P('NODE_PERM_EDIT_GATEWAY_ID'), $this);
     $permArray[] = array(Permission::P('NODE_PERM_EDIT_DEPLOYMENT_DATE'), $this);
     require_once 'classes/InterfaceElements.php';
     require_once 'classes/Stakeholder.php';
     // Init values
     $html = '';
     // Get information about the network
     $network = $this->getNetwork();
     $node_id = $this->getId();
      * Check for a warning message
     if ($this->_warningMessage != "") {
         $html .= "<div class='errormsg'>" . $this->_warningMessage . "</div>\n";
      * Begin with admin interface
     $html .= "<fieldset class='admin_container " . get_class($this) . "'>\n";
     $html .= "<legend>" . _("Edit a node") . "</legend>\n";
     $html .= "<ul class='admin_element_list'>\n";
      * Display stats
     $permArray = null;
     $permArray[] = array(Permission::P('NETWORK_PERM_EDIT_ANY_NODE_CONFIG'), $network);
     $permArray[] = array(Permission::P('NODE_PERM_ALLOW_GENERATING_PUBLIC_STATS'), $this);
     if (Security::hasAnyPermission($permArray)) {
         $_title = _("Statistics");
         $_data = InterfaceElements::generateInputCheckbox("allows_public_stats", "", _("Allow public access to some node statistics."), $this->getAllowsPublicStats(), "allows_public_stats");
         $_data .= InterfaceElements::generateInputSubmit("node_" . $this->id . "_get_stats", _("Get access statistics"), "node_get_stats_submit");
         $html .= InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_get_stats", $_title, $_data);
      * Information about the node
     $_html_node_information = array();
     // Gateway ID
     $_title = _("Gateway ID");
     $permArray = null;
     $permArray[] = array(Permission::P('NETWORK_PERM_EDIT_ANY_NODE_CONFIG'), $network);
     $permArray[] = array(Permission::P('NODE_PERM_EDIT_GATEWAY_ID'), $this);
     if (Security::hasAnyPermission($permArray)) {
         $_data = InterfaceElements::generateInputText("node_" . $node_id . "_gw_id", $this->getGatewayId(), "gw_id_input");
     } else {
         $_data = htmlspecialchars($this->getGatewayId(), ENT_QUOTES);
         $_data .= InterfaceElements::generateInputHidden("node_" . $node_id . "_gw_id", $this->getGatewayId());
     $_html_node_information[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("gateway_id", $_title, $_data);
     //Node content
     $html .= parent::getContentAdminUI();
     // Name
     $permArray = null;
     $permArray[] = array(Permission::P('NETWORK_PERM_EDIT_ANY_NODE_CONFIG'), $network);
     $permArray[] = array(Permission::P('NODE_PERM_EDIT_NAME'), $this);
     if (Security::hasAnyPermission($permArray)) {
         $_title = _("Name");
         $_data = InterfaceElements::generateInputText("node_" . $node_id . "_name", $this->getName(), "node_name_input");
         $_html_node_information[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_name", $_title, $_data);
     } else {
         $_title = _("Name");
         $_data = $this->getName();
         $_html_node_information[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_name", $_title, $_data);
     // Creation date
     $_title = _("Creation date");
     $permArray = null;
     $permArray[] = array(Permission::P('NETWORK_PERM_EDIT_ANY_NODE_CONFIG'), $network);
     $permArray[] = array(Permission::P('NODE_PERM_EDIT_DEPLOYMENT_DATE'), $this);
     if (Security::hasAnyPermission($permArray)) {
         $_data = DateTimeWD::getSelectDateTimeUI(new DateTimeWD($this->getCreationDate()), "node_" . $node_id . "_creation_date", DateTimeWD::INTERFACE_DATETIME_FIELD, "node_creation_date_input");
     } else {
         $_data = htmlspecialchars($this->getCreationDate(), ENT_QUOTES);
         $_data .= InterfaceElements::generateInputHidden("node_" . $node_id . "_creation_date", $this->getCreationDate());
     $_html_node_information[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_creation_date", $_title, $_data);
     // Description
     $_title = _("Description");
     $name = "node_" . $node_id . "_description";
     $_data = "<textarea name='{$name}' cols=80 rows=5 id='node_description_textarea'>\n" . $this->getDescription() . "\n</textarea>\n";
     $_html_node_information[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_description", $_title, $_data);
     // Civic number
     $_title = _("Civic number");
     $_data = InterfaceElements::generateInputText("node_" . $node_id . "_civic_number", $this->getCivicNumber(), "node_civic_number_input");
     $_html_node_information[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_civic_number", $_title, $_data);
     // Street name
     $_title = _("Street name");
     $_data = InterfaceElements::generateInputText("node_" . $node_id . "_street_name", $this->getStreetName(), "node_street_name_input");
     $_html_node_information[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_street_name", $_title, $_data);
     // City
     $_title = _("City");
     $_data = InterfaceElements::generateInputText("node_" . $node_id . "_city", $this->getCity(), "node_city_input");
     $_html_node_information[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_city", $_title, $_data);
     // Province
     $_title = _("Province / State");
     $_data = InterfaceElements::generateInputText("node_" . $node_id . "_province", $this->getProvince(), "node_province_input");
     $_html_node_information[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_province", $_title, $_data);
     // Postal Code
     $_title = _("Postal code");
     $_data = InterfaceElements::generateInputText("node_" . $node_id . "_postal_code", $this->getPostalCode(), "node_postal_code_input");
     $_html_node_information[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_postal_code", $_title, $_data);
     // Country
     $_title = _("Country");
     $_data = InterfaceElements::generateInputText("node_" . $node_id . "_country", $this->getCountry(), "node_country_input");
     $_html_node_information[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_country", $_title, $_data);
     // Public phone #
     $_title = _("Public phone number");
     $_data = InterfaceElements::generateInputText("node_" . $node_id . "_public_phone", $this->getTelephone(), "node_public_phone_input");
     $_html_node_information[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_public_phone", $_title, $_data);
     // Public mail
     $_title = _("Public email");
     $_data = InterfaceElements::generateInputText("node_" . $node_id . "_public_email", $this->getEmail(), "node_public_email_input");
     $_html_node_information[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_public_email", $_title, $_data);
     // Homepage URL
     $_title = _("Homepage URL");
     $_data = InterfaceElements::generateInputText("node_" . $node_id . "_homepage_url", $this->getWebSiteURL(), "node_homepage_url_input");
     $_html_node_information[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_homepage_url", $_title, $_data);
     // Mass transit info
     $_title = _("Mass transit info");
     $_data = InterfaceElements::generateInputText("node_" . $node_id . "_mass_transit_info", $this->getTransitInfo(), "node_mass_transit_info_input");
     $_html_node_information[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_mass_transit_info", $_title, $_data);
     // Build section
     $html .= InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_information", _("Information about the node"), implode(null, $_html_node_information));
      * Node GIS data
     $_html_node_gis_data = array();
     $gis_point = $this->getGisLocation();
     // Latitude
     $_title = _("Latitude");
     $_data = InterfaceElements::generateInputText("node_" . $node_id . "_gis_latitude", $gis_point->getLatitude(), "node_" . $node_id . "_gis_latitude");
     $_html_node_gis_data[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_gis_latitude", $_title, $_data);
     // Latitude
     $_title = _("Longitude");
     $_data = InterfaceElements::generateInputText("node_" . $node_id . "_gis_longitude", $gis_point->getLongitude(), "node_" . $node_id . "_gis_longitude");
     $_html_node_gis_data[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_gis_longitude", $_title, $_data);
     // Call the geocoding service, if Google Maps is enabled then use Google Maps to let the user choose a more precise location
         $_data = InterfaceElements::generateInputSubmit("geocode_only", _("Geocode the address or postal code above"), "geocode_only_submit");
         $_data .= InterfaceElements::generateInputButton("google_maps_geocode", _("Check using Google Maps"), "google_maps_geocode_button", "submit", array("onclick" => "window.open('hotspot_location_map.php?node_id={$this->getId()}', 'hotspot_location', 'toolbar = 0, scrollbars = 1, resizable = 1, location = 0, statusbar = 0, menubar = 0, width = 600, height = 600');"));
         $_data .= "<div class='admin_section_hint' id='node_gis_geocode_hint'>" . "(" . _("Use a geocoding service, then use Google Maps to pinpoint the exact location.") . ")" . "</div>\n";
     } else {
         $_data = InterfaceElements::generateInputSubmit("geocode_only", _("Geocode the address or postal code above"), "geocode_only_submit");
         $_data .= "<div class='admin_section_hint' id='node_gis_geocode_hint'>" . "(" . _("Use a geocoding service") . ")" . "</div>\n";
     $_html_node_gis_data[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_gis_geocode", "", $_data);
     // Map URL
     $_title = _("Map URL");
     $_data = InterfaceElements::generateInputText("node_" . $node_id . "_map_url", $this->getMapURL(), "node_map_url_input");
     $_html_node_gis_data[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_map_url", $_title, $_data);
     $_title = _("Show node on map");
     $help = _("Should this node be visible on the map when deployed?");
     $_data = InterfaceElements::generateInputCheckbox("node_" . $node_id . "_show_on_map", "", _("Yes"), $this->showOnMap(), "node_show_on_map_input");
     $_html_node_gis_data[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_show_on_map", $_title, $_data, $help);
     // Build section
     $html .= InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_gis_data", _("GIS data"), implode(null, $_html_node_gis_data));
      * Node configuration section
     $_html_node_config = array();
     // Deployment status
     $_title = _("Node deployment status");
     $_data = $this->getSelectDeploymentStatus("node_" . $node_id . "_deployment_status");
     $_html_node_config[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_deployment_status", $_title, $_data);
     // Network selection
     $_title = _("Node Network");
     $_data = Network::getSelectUI("node_" . $node_id . "_network_id", array('preSelectedObject' => $this->getNetwork()));
     $_html_node_config[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_network", $_title, $_data);
     //  is_splash_only_node
     if ($network->getSplashOnlyNodesAllowed()) {
         $_title = _("Is this node splash-only (no login)?");
         $_data = InterfaceElements::generateInputCheckbox("node_" . $node_id . "_is_splash_only_node", "", _("Yes"), $this->isConfiguredSplashOnly(), "node_is_splash_only_node_radio");
         $_html_node_config[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_is_splash_only_node", $_title, $_data);
     // custom_portal_redirect_url
     if ($network->getCustomPortalRedirectAllowed()) {
         $_title = _("URL to show instead of the portal");
         $_data = InterfaceElements::generateInputText("node_" . $node_id . "_custom_portal_redirect_url", $this->getCustomPortalRedirectUrl(), "node_custom_portal_redirect_url_input");
         $_data .= _("If this is not empty, the portal will be disabled and this URL will be shown instead");
         $_html_node_config[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_custom_portal_redirect_url", $_title, $_data);
     //  allow_original_URL_redirect
     $title = _("Original URL redirection");
     $help = _("Are nodes allowed to redirect users to the web page they originally requested instead of the portal? this will overide the custom portal URL");
     $data = InterfaceElements::generateInputCheckbox("node_" . $node_id . "_allow_original_URL_redirect", "", _("Yes"), $this->getPortalOriginalUrlAllowed(), "node_allow_original_URL_redirect_radio");
     $_html_node_config[] = InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_allow_original_URL_redirect", $title, $data, $help);
     // Build section
     $html .= InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("node_config", _("Node configuration"), implode(null, $_html_node_config));
      * Access rights
     if (User::getCurrentUser()->DEPRECATEDisSuperAdmin()) {
         require_once 'classes/Stakeholder.php';
         $html_access_rights = Stakeholder::getAssignStakeholdersUI($this);
         $html .= InterfaceElements::generateAdminSectionContainer("access_rights", _("Access rights"), $html_access_rights);
     //Node hierarchy
     $html .= parent::getGraphAdminUI($network);
     $html .= "</ul>\n";
     $html .= "</fieldset>";
     return $html;
Exemple #6
    $nodes_list[] = $node_row;
// Sort using PHP
if ($sort_by_using_sql === false) {
    // Using natural-sort algorithm .
    switch ($sort_by_param) {
        case "node_id":
            Utils::natsort2d($nodes_list, "node_id");
        case "num_online_users":
            Utils::natsort2d($nodes_list, "num_online_users");
// Pass values to Smarty
$smarty->assign('selectNetworkUI', Network::getSelectUI('network_id', array('preSelectedObject' => $network, 'allowEmpty' => true, 'nullCaptionString' => _("All"), 'onChange' => "submit.click();")) . (count(Network::getAllNetworks()) > 1 ? '<input class="submit" type="submit" name="submit" value="' . _("Change network") . '">' : ""));
if ($network !== null) {
    $smarty->assign('selectedNetwork', $network->getName());
} else {
    $smarty->assign('allNetworks', _("All networks"));
$smarty->assign("nodes", $nodes_list);
$smarty->assign("sort_by_param", $sort_by_param);
require_once 'classes/MainUI.php';
$ui = MainUI::getObject();
$ui->addContent('main_area_middle', $smarty->fetch("templates/node_list.html"));
 * Local variables:
 * tab-width: 4
 * c-basic-offset: 4
// Add Google Maps JavaScript (must set config values)
if (!($vhost = VirtualHost::getCurrentVirtualHost())) {
    throw new Exception(_("Unable to get the google API key, because I couldn't find a vhost matching the current hostname"));
$html_headers = "<script src='http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&amp;v=2&amp;&key=" . $vhost->getGoogleAPIKey() . "' type='text/javascript'></script>";
$html_headers .= "<script src='js/hotspots_status_map.js' type='text/javascript'></script>";
$html = null;
 * Main content
// Set section of Smarty template
$smarty->assign('sectionMAINCONTENT', true);
// Set network selector
$preSelectedObject = !empty($_REQUEST['network_map']) ? Network::getObject($_REQUEST['network_map']) : Network::getCurrentNetwork();
//$selectNetworkUI = Network::getSelectUI('network_map', array('preSelectedObject' => $preSelectedObject, 'onChange' => "javascript: document.lang_form.submit();"));
$selectNetworkUI = Network::getSelectUI('network_map', array('preSelectedObject' => $preSelectedObject, 'onChange' => "submit.click();"));
$smarty->assign('selectNetworkUI', $selectNetworkUI . (count(Network::getAllNetworks()) > 1 ? '<input class="submit" type="submit" name="submit" value="' . _("Change network") . '">' : ""));
// Compile HTML code
$html_body = $smarty->fetch("templates/sites/hotspots_map.tpl");
 * Footer JavaScripts
// Get GIS data to set
if (!empty($_REQUEST['network_map'])) {
    $network = Network::getObject($_REQUEST['network_map']);
} else {
    $network = Network::getCurrentNetwork();
$gis_data = $network->getGisLocation();
// The onLoad code should only be called once all DIV are created.
$script = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">//<![CDATA[\n";
  * Get the login interface
  *  @param string $userData=null Array of contextual data optionally sent to the method.
  *  The function must still function if none of it is present.
  *      * This method understands:
  *  $userData['preSelectedUser'] An optional User object.
  * @return HTML markup
 public static function getLoginUI($userData = null)
     require_once 'classes/SmartyWifidog.php';
     $networkUserData = null;
     if (!empty($userData['preSelectedUser'])) {
         $selectedUser = $userData['preSelectedUser'];
         $networkUserData['preSelectedObject'] = $selectedUser;
     } else {
         $selectedUser = null;
     $smarty = SmartyWiFiDog::getObject();
     // Set network selector
     $network_array = Network::getAllNetworks();
     $default_network = Network::getDefaultNetwork();
     foreach ($network_array as $network) {
         if ($network->getName() == $default_network->getName()) {
             $default_network_param = $network->getId();
     if (Server::getServer()->getUseGlobalUserAccounts()) {
         $smarty->assign('selectNetworkUI', "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"auth_source\" value='{$default_network_param}' />");
     } else {
         $smarty->assign('selectNetworkUI', Network::getSelectUI('auth_source', $networkUserData));
     // Set user details
     $smarty->assign('user_id', $selectedUser ? $selectedUser->getId() : "");
     $smarty->assign('username', $selectedUser ? $selectedUser->getUsername() : "");
     // Set error message
     $smarty->assign('error', self::$_loginLastError);
     // Check if one of the network allow signup
     $network_array = Network::getAllNetworks();
     $networksAllowingSignup = null;
     foreach ($network_array as $network) {
         if ($network->getAuthenticator()->isRegistrationPermitted()) {
             $networksAllowingSignup[] = $network;
     if (count($networksAllowingSignup) > 0) {
         //FIXME:  This is far from ideal, it assumes that all networks use the same signup URL, or that only one network allows signup.
         $smarty->assign('signupUrl', $networksAllowingSignup[0]->getAuthenticator()->getSignupUrl());
     // Compile HTML code
     $html = self::ArrayToHiddenInput($_POST);
     //This must remain BEFORE the actual form. It allws repeating the request if the login attempt is causes by a session timeout or insufficient permissions.
     $html .= $smarty->fetch("templates/classes/Authenticator_getLoginForm.tpl");
     return $html;
Exemple #9
 /** Get an interface to create a new node group.
  * @param $network Optional:  The network to which the new node will belong,
  * if absent, the user will be prompted.
  * @return html markup
 public static function getCreateNewObjectUI($network = null)
     $html = '';
     $html .= _("Add a new node group with name ") . " \n";
     $name = "new_node_group_name";
     $html .= "<input type='text' size='40' name='{$name}'>\n";
     if ($network) {
         $name = "new_node_group_network_id";
         $html .= "<input type='hidden' name='{$name}' value='{$network->getId()}'>\n";
     } else {
         $html .= " " . _("in ") . " \n";
         $html .= Network::getSelectUI('new_node_group');
     return $html;
Exemple #10
  * Retreives the admin interface of this object
  * @return string The HTML fragment for this interface
 public function getAdminUI()
     Security::requirePermission(Permission::P('SERVER_PERM_EDIT_ANY_VIRTUAL_HOST'), Server::getServer());
     // Init values
     $html = '';
     $html .= "<fieldset class='admin_container " . get_class($this) . "'>\n";
     $html .= "<legend>" . _("Virtual hosts management") . "</legend>\n";
     $html .= "<ul class='admin_element_list'>\n";
     // creation_date
     $name = "server_" . $this->getId() . "_creation_date";
     $_value = htmlspecialchars($this->getCreationDate(), ENT_QUOTES);
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . _("Creation date") . ":</div>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
     $html .= "{$_value}\n";
     $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     // hostname
     $name = "server_" . $this->getId() . "_hostname";
     $_value = htmlspecialchars($this->getHostname(), ENT_QUOTES);
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . _("Hostname") . ":</div>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
     $html .= "<input type='text' size='50' value='{$_value}' name='{$name}'>\n";
     $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     //  default_network
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . _("Default network for this vhost") . ":</div>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
     $name = "vhost_" . $this->getId() . "_default_network";
     $html .= Network::getSelectUI($name, array('preSelectedObject' => $this->getDefaultNetwork()));
     $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     //  is_default_server
     $name = "vhost_" . $this->getId() . "_is_default_vhost";
     if ($this->isDefaultVirtualHost()) {
         $_checked = "checked='checked'";
     } else {
         $_checked = "";
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . _("Make this Virtual Host the server's default?") . ":</div>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
     $html .= "<input type='radio' name='{$name}' {$_checked}>\n";
     $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     //  ssl_available
     $name = "server_" . $this->getId() . "_ssl_available";
     if ($this->isSSLAvailable()) {
         $_checked = "checked='checked'";
     } else {
         $_checked = "";
     $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . _("Use SSL on this server?") . ":</div>\n";
     $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
     $html .= "<input type='checkbox' name='{$name}' {$_checked}>\n";
     $html .= "</div>\n";
     $html .= "</li>\n";
     // gmaps_api_key
         $name = "server_" . $this->getId() . "_gmaps_api_key";
         $_value = htmlspecialchars($this->getGoogleAPIKey(), ENT_QUOTES);
         $html .= "<li class='admin_element_item_container'>\n";
         $html .= "<div class='admin_element_label'>" . _("Google public API key") . ":</div>\n";
         $html .= "<div class='admin_element_data'>\n";
         $html .= "<input type='text' size='50' value='{$_value}' name='{$name}'>\n";
         $html .= "</div>\n";
         $html .= "</li>\n";
     $html .= "</ul>\n";
     $html .= "</fieldset>\n";
     return $html;
  * Displays the output of this node list.
  * @return void
  * @author     Benoit Grégoire <*****@*****.**>
  * @author     Francois Proulx <*****@*****.**>
  * @author     Max Horváth <*****@*****.**>
  * @copyright  2004-2006 Benoit Grégoire, Technologies Coeus inc.
  * @copyright  2004-2006 Francois Proulx, Technologies Coeus inc.
  * @copyright  2006 Max Horváth, Horvath Web Consulting
 public function getOutput()
     // Init ALL smarty values
     $this->_smarty->assign('DEPRECATEDisSuperAdmin', false);
     $this->_smarty->assign('GMapsEnabled', false);
     $this->_smarty->assign('nodes', array());
     $this->_smarty->assign('num_deployed_nodes', 0);
     $this->_smarty->assign('PdfSupported', false);
     $userData['preSelectedObject'] = $this->_network;
     $userData['allowEmpty'] = true;
     $userData['nullCaptionString'] = _("All");
     $userData['onChange'] = "submit.click();";
     $this->_smarty->assign('selectNetworkUI', Network::getSelectUI('network_id', $userData) . (count(Network::getAllNetworks()) > 1 ? '<input class="submit" type="submit" name="submit" value="' . _("Change network") . '">' : ""));
     $this->_smarty->assign('selectedNetworkName', $this->_network === null ? _("All networks") : $this->_network->getName());
      * Define user security levels for the template
      * These values are used in the default template of WiFoDog but could be used
      * in a customized template to restrict certain links to specific user
      * access levels.
     $this->_smarty->assign('DEPRECATEDisSuperAdmin', $this->_currentUser && $this->_currentUser->DEPRECATEDisSuperAdmin());
         $this->_smarty->assign('GMapsEnabled', true);
     $_html = null;
      * Main content
     // Reset ALL smarty SWITCH values
     $this->_smarty->assign('sectionMAINCONTENT', false);
     // Set section of Smarty template
     $this->_smarty->assign('sectionMAINCONTENT', true);
     // Node details
     if ($this->_nodes) {
         foreach ($this->_nodes as $_nodeData) {
             $_node = Node::getObject($_nodeData['node_id']);
             $_nodeData['num_online_users'] = $_node->getNumOnlineUsers();
             $this->_smarty->append("nodes", $_nodeData);
     $this->_smarty->assign("num_deployed_nodes", count($this->_nodes));
     // Compile HTML code
     $_html_body = $this->_smarty->fetch("templates/sites/hotspot_status.tpl");
      * Compile HTML output
     $this->_mainUI->setTitle(_("Hotspot list"));
     $this->_mainUI->appendHtmlHeadContent('<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="' . ($this->_network === null ? _("All networks") : $this->_network->getName()) . ": " . _("Newest Hotspots") . '" href="' . BASE_SSL_PATH . 'hotspot_status.php?format=RSS">');
     $this->_mainUI->addContent('left_area_middle', $_html);
     $this->_mainUI->addContent('main_area_middle', $_html_body);