protected function sendContactEmail($values) { $mail = new Mail; $mailConfig = Nette\Environment::getConfig('mail'); $mail->setFrom($values['email']); $mail->addTo($mailConfig->to); //load from config.ini // $mail->setSubject($mailConfig->subject); $mail->setBody($values['message']); $template = $this->createTemplate(); $template->setFile(APP_DIR . '/templates/emails/contact.latte'); $template->title = $mailConfig->subject; $template->values = $values; $mail->setHtmlBody($template); $mail->send(); $this->flashMessage('Správa bola odoslaná'); $this->redirect('this'); }
public function createComponentForm($name) { $form = new Form($this, $name); $form->addTextArea("html", "Upravte data", 80, 50)->controlPrototype->class[] = "tinymce"; $form->addSubmit("doPDFka", "Do PDFka!"); $appDir = Nette\Environment::getVariable('appDir'); $form->setDefaults(array("html" => $this->createTemplate()->setFile($appDir . "/templates/Homepage/pdf-source.latte")->__toString())); $form->onSuccess[] = array($this, "onSubmit"); }
/** * Translates the given string with plural and vsprintf. * * @deprecated * @param string * @param string * @param int plural form (positive number) * @param array for vsprintf * @return string */ function _nx($single, $plural, $number, array $args) { trigger_error(__FUNCTION__ . '() is deprecated; use __(array(\$single, \$plural), array(\$number, $args[0], $args[1], ...) instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); return Nette\Environment::getService('translator') ->translate(array($single, $plural), array_merge(array($number), $args)); }
/** * My Application bootstrap file. * * @copyright Copyright (c) 2009 John Doe * @package MyApplication */ // Step 1: Load Nette Framework // this allows load Nette Framework classes automatically so that // you don't have to litter your code with 'require' statements require __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php'; // Step 2: Configure environment // 2a) enable Nette\Debug for better exception and error visualisation \Nette\Diagnostics\Debugger::enable(\Nette\Diagnostics\Debugger::DEVELOPMENT, APP_DIR . "/log"); // 2b) load configuration from config.ini file //Nette\Environment::loadConfig(); // Step 3: Configure application // 3a) get and setup a front controller $application = Nette\Environment::getApplication(); $application->errorPresenter = 'Error'; //$application->catchExceptions = TRUE; $loader = new \Nette\Loaders\RobotLoader(); $loader->setCacheStorage(Nette\Environment::getContext()->cacheStorage); $loader->addDirectory(APP_DIR); $loader->register(); use Nette\Application\Routers\Route; // Step 4: Setup application router $router = $application->getRouter(); $router[] = new Route('index.php', array('presenter' => 'Download', 'action' => 'default'), Route::ONE_WAY); $router[] = new Route('<presenter>/<action>/<id>', array('presenter' => 'Download', 'action' => 'default', 'id' => NULL)); // Step 5: Run the application! $application->run();
// Nette Framework Microblog example use Nette\Diagnostics\Debugger; // load libraries require __DIR__ . '/../../../Nette/loader.php'; require __DIR__ . '/data/TemplateRouter.php'; // enable Debugger Debugger::$logDirectory = __DIR__ . '/data/log'; Debugger::$strictMode = TRUE; Debugger::enable(); // enable template router $context = Nette\Environment::getContext(); $context->params['tempDir'] = __DIR__ . '/data/temp'; $context->application->router[] = new TemplateRouter('data/templates'); // add access to database $context->addService('database', function() { return new Nette\Database\Connection('sqlite2:data/blog.sdb'); }); // run the application! $context->application->run();
Nette\Utils\Json; // load framework require __DIR__ . '/../../../Nette/loader.php'; // enable Debugger Debugger::$logDirectory = __DIR__ . '/data/log'; Debugger::$strictMode = TRUE; Debugger::enable(); // create application $application = Nette\Environment::getApplication(); Nette\Environment::setVariable('tempDir', __DIR__ . '/data/temp'); $application->router[] = new Route('[index.php]', function() { return 'Hello! Would you like to search <a href="search/nettefw">#nettefw</a> on Twitter?'; }); $application->router[] = new Route('search/<hashtag \w+>', function($hashtag, $presenter) { $params['response'] = Json::decode(file_get_contents('' . urlencode("#$hashtag"))); return array(' <h1>Results for #{$hashtag}</h1> {foreach $response->results as $item} <p><img src="{$item->profile_image_url}" width="48"><em>{$item->from_user}</em>: {$item->text} <small>at {$item->created_at|date:"j.n.Y H:i"}</small></p> {/foreach}
), 'database' => array( 'driver' => "pdo_mysql", 'memory' => TRUE, ), ); $container->addService('cacheStorage', 'Nette\Caching\Storages\DevNullStorage'); $container->addService('templateCacheStorage', function(Nette\DI\Container $container) { return $container->cacheStorage; }); $container->addService('user', 'NellaTests\Mocks\User'); $container->addService('httpRequest', function() { $factory = new Nette\Http\RequestFactory; $factory->setEncoding('UTF-8'); return $factory->createHttpRequest(); }); $container->addService('httpResponse', 'Nette\Http\Response'); $container->addService('components', 'Nella\Application\UI\ComponentContainer'); $container->addService('macros', 'Nella\Latte\Macros'); $container->addService('model', function() { $context = new \Nella\Doctrine\Container; $context->addService('entityManager', \Doctrine\Tests\Mocks\EntityManagerMock::create( new \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection(array(), new \Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOSqlite\Driver) )); return $context; }); $container->addService('latteEngine', 'Nella\Latte\Engine'); // Set DI Container Nette\Environment::setContext($container);
* from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @author Jan Kuchař * @copyright Copyright (c) 2009 Jan Kuchař ( * @license New BSD License * @link * @version $Id$ */ require_once __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php"; define("TEMP_DIR", APP_DIR . "/cache"); date_default_timezone_set("Europe/Prague"); //$loader = new Nette\Loaders\RobotLoader(); //$loader->addDirectory(APP_DIR); //$loader->addDirectory(dirname(__FILE__)."/../FileDownloader"); //$loader->addDirectory(dirname(__FILE__)."/../libs/BigFileTools"); //$loader->register(); \Nette\Diagnostics\Debugger::enable(\Nette\Diagnostics\Debugger::DEVELOPMENT, APP_DIR . "/log"); Nette\Environment::getHttpResponse()->setContentType("text/html", "UTF-8");
/** * Gets nicer date format * @param mixed date (MySQL DateTime or timestamp) * @param bool withoutTime (returns only date without time) * @return string */ public static function formatDate($date, $withoutTime = false) { if (!is_int($date)) { $date = strtotime($date); } switch (Nette\Environment::getVariable('lang')) { case 'cs': if ($withoutTime) { return date('j.n.Y', $date); } return date('j.n.Y G:i', $date); case 'en': if ($withoutTime) { return date('j.n.Y', $date); } return date('j.n.Y G:i', $date); default: if ($withoutTime) { return date('j.n.Y', $date); } return date('Y/m/d H:i', $date); } }