Exemple #1
  * Writes a DN to the filehandle
  * @param string $dn DN to write
  * @access private
  * @return void
 function _writeDN($dn)
     // prepare DN
     if ($this->_options['encode'] == 'base64') {
         $dn = $this->_convertDN($dn) . PHP_EOL;
     } elseif ($this->_options['encode'] == 'canonical') {
         $dn = Net_LDAP_Util::canonical_dn($dn, array('casefold' => 'none')) . PHP_EOL;
     } else {
         $dn = $dn . PHP_EOL;
     $this->_writeLine($dn, 'Net_LDAP_LDIF error: unable to write DN of entry ' . $this->_entrynum);
Exemple #2
  * Undoes the conversion done by {@link escape_filter_value()}.
  * Converts any sequences of a backslash followed by two hex digits into the corresponding character.
  * @static
  * @param array $values    Array of values to escape
  * @return array           Array $values, but unescaped
 function unescape_filter_value($values = array())
     // Parameter validation
     if (!is_array($values)) {
         $values = array($values);
     foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
         // Translate hex code into ascii
         $values[$key] = Net_LDAP_Util::hex2asc($value);
     return $values;
Exemple #3
  * This can be used to escape a string to provide a valid LDAP-Filter.
  * LDAP will only recognise certain characters as the
  * character istself if they are properly escaped. This is
  * what this method does.
  * The method can be called statically, so you can use it outside
  * for your own purposes (eg for escaping only parts of strings)
  * In fact, this is just a shorthand to {@link Net_LDAP_Util::escape_filter_value()}.
  * For upward compatibiliy reasons you are strongly encouraged to use the escape
  * methods provided by the Net_LDAP_Util class.
  * @param string $value Any string who should be escaped
  * @static
  * @return string         The string $string, but escaped
  * @deprecated  Do not use this method anymore, instead use Net_LDAP_Util::escape_filter_value() directly
 function escape($value)
     $return = Net_LDAP_Util::escape_filter_value(array($value));
     return $return[0];
Exemple #4
  * Execute a LDAP query stement and fetch all results.
  * @param mixed  $query      The SQL query as a string or an array.
  * @param string $configPath The config path; used for exception messages.
  * @return array An array of records.
  * @throws XML_Query2XML_LDAPException If Net_LDAP::search() returns an error.
  * @see XML_Query2XML_Driver::getAllRecords()
 public function getAllRecords($query, $configPath)
     $base = null;
     $filter = null;
     $options = array();
     if (isset($query['base'])) {
         $base = $query['base'];
     if (isset($query['filter'])) {
         $filter = $query['filter'];
     if (isset($query['options'])) {
         $options = $query['options'];
     if (isset($options['query2xml_placeholder'])) {
         $placeholder = $options['query2xml_placeholder'];
     } else {
         $placeholder = '?';
     if (isset($query['data']) && is_array($query['data'])) {
         $data = Net_LDAP_Util::escape_filter_value($query['data']);
         $base = self::_replacePlaceholders($base, $data, $placeholder);
         if (is_string($filter)) {
             $filter = self::_replacePlaceholders($filter, $data, $placeholder);
     $search = $this->_ldap->search($base, $filter, $options);
     if (PEAR::isError($search)) {
          * unit test: getXML/throwLDAPException_queryError.phpt
         throw new XML_Query2XML_LDAPException($configPath . ': Could not run LDAP search query: ' . $search->toString());
     $records = array();
     $entries = $search->entries();
     foreach ($entries as $key => $entry) {
         $records[] = $entry->getValues();
     $records = self::_processMultiValueAttributes($records);
     // set missing attriubtes to null
     if (isset($options['attributes']) && is_array($options['attributes'])) {
         foreach ($options['attributes'] as $attribute) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($records); $i++) {
                 if (!array_key_exists($attribute, $records[$i])) {
                     $records[$i][$attribute] = null;
     return $records;
Exemple #5
  * Update the entry on the directory server
  * @access public
  * @param Net_LDAP $ldap (optional) If you provide a Net_LDAP object, be sure to PASS IT VIA REFERENCE!
  * @return true|Net_LDAP_Error
  * @todo Entry rename with a DN containing special characters needs testing!
 function update($ldap = false)
     if (!$ldap) {
         // If object is not provided, then use this entrys ldap object
         $ldap =& $this->_ldap;
     } else {
         if (!is_a($ldap, 'Net_LDAP')) {
             $ldap = false;
             // throw error
         } else {
             // store the provided ldap object internally, if we haven't got one already
             if (!$this->_ldap) {
                 $this->_ldap =& $ldap;
     // ensure we have a valid LDAP object
     if (!is_a($ldap, 'Net_LDAP')) {
         return PEAR::raiseError("Need a Net_LDAP object as parameter");
     $link = $ldap->getLink();
      * Delete the entry
     if (true === $this->_delete) {
         return $ldap->delete($this);
      * New entry
     if (true === $this->_new) {
         $msg = $ldap->add($this);
         if (Net_LDAP::isError($msg)) {
             return $msg;
         $this->_new = false;
         $this->_changes['add'] = array();
         $this->_changes['delete'] = array();
         $this->_changes['replace'] = array();
         $this->_original = $this->_attributes;
         $return = true;
         return $return;
      * Rename/move entry
     if (false == is_null($this->_newdn)) {
         if ($ldap->getLDAPVersion() !== 3) {
             return PEAR::raiseError("Renaming/Moving an entry is only supported in LDAPv3");
         // make dn relative to parent (needed for ldap rename)
         $parent = Net_LDAP_Util::ldap_explode_dn($this->_newdn, array('casefolding' => 'none', 'reverse' => false, 'onlyvalues' => false));
         if (Net_LDAP::isError($parent)) {
             return $parent;
         $child = array_shift($parent);
         // maybe the dn consist of a multivalued RDN, we must build the dn in this case
         // because the $child-RDN is an array!
         if (is_array($child)) {
             $child = Net_LDAP_Util::canonical_dn($child);
         $parent = Net_LDAP_Util::canonical_dn($parent);
         // rename
         if (false == @ldap_rename($link, $this->_dn, $child, $parent, true)) {
             return PEAR::raiseError("Entry not renamed: " . @ldap_error($link), @ldap_errno($link));
         // reflect changes to local copy
         $this->_dn = $this->_newdn;
         $this->_newdn = null;
      * Carry out modifications to the entry
     // ADD
     foreach ($this->_changes["add"] as $attr => $value) {
         // if attribute exists, add new values
         if ($this->exists($attr)) {
             if (false === @ldap_mod_add($link, $this->dn(), array($attr => $value))) {
                 return PEAR::raiseError("Could not add new values to attribute {$attr}: " . @ldap_error($link), @ldap_errno($link));
         } else {
             // new attribute
             if (false === @ldap_modify($link, $this->dn(), array($attr => $value))) {
                 return PEAR::raiseError("Could not add new attribute {$attr}: " . @ldap_error($link), @ldap_errno($link));
         // all went well here, I guess
     // DELETE
     foreach ($this->_changes["delete"] as $attr => $value) {
         // In LDAPv3 you need to specify the old values for deleting
         if (is_null($value) && $ldap->getLDAPVersion() === 3) {
             $value = $this->_original[$attr];
         if (false === @ldap_mod_del($link, $this->dn(), array($attr => $value))) {
             return PEAR::raiseError("Could not delete attribute {$attr}: " . @ldap_error($link), @ldap_errno($link));
     // REPLACE
     foreach ($this->_changes["replace"] as $attr => $value) {
         if (false === @ldap_modify($link, $this->dn(), array($attr => $value))) {
             return PEAR::raiseError("Could not replace attribute {$attr} values: " . @ldap_error($link), @ldap_errno($link));
     // all went well, so _original (server) becomes _attributes (local copy)
     $this->_original = $this->_attributes;
     $return = true;
     return $return;
Exemple #6
  * Tell if a DN does exist in the directory
  * @param string $dn The DN of the object to test
  * @return boolean|Net_LDAP_Error
 function dnExists($dn)
     if (!is_string($dn)) {
         return PEAR::raiseError('$dn is expected to be a string but is ' . gettype($dn) . ' ' . get_class($dn));
     // make dn relative to parent
     $base = Net_LDAP_Util::ldap_explode_dn($dn, array('casefold' => 'none', 'reverse' => false, 'onlyvalues' => false));
     if (Net_LDAP::isError($base)) {
         return $base;
     $entry_rdn = array_shift($base);
     if (is_array($entry_rdn)) {
         // maybe the dn consist of a multivalued RDN, we must build the dn in this case
         // because the $entry_rdn is an array!
         $filter_dn = Net_LDAP_Util::canonical_dn($entry_rdn);
     $base = Net_LDAP_Util::canonical_dn($base);
     $result = @ldap_list($this->_link, $base, $entry_rdn, array(), 1, 1);
     if (@ldap_count_entries($this->_link, $result)) {
         return true;
     if (ldap_errno($this->_link) == 32) {
         return false;
     if (ldap_errno($this->_link) != 0) {
         return PEAR::raiseError(ldap_error($this->_link), ldap_errno($this->_link));
     return false;
Exemple #7
  * Split an multivalued RDN value into an Array
  * A RDN can contain multiple values, spearated by a plus sign.
  * This function returns each separate ocl=value pair of the RDN part.
  * If no multivalued RDN is detected, a array containing only
  * the original rdn part is returned.
  * For example, the multivalued RDN 'OU=Sales+CN=J. Smith' is exploded to:
  * <kbd>array([0] => 'OU=Sales', [1] => 'CN=J. Smith')</kbd>
  * The method trys to be smart if it encounters unescaped "+" characters, but may fail,
  * so ensure escaped "+"es in attr names and attr values.
  * [BUG] If you use string mode and have a multivalued RDN with unescaped plus characters
  *       and there is a unescaped plus sign at the end of an value followed by an
  *       attribute name containing an unescaped plus, then you will get wrong splitting:
  *         $rdn = 'OU=Sales+C+N=J. Smith';
  *       returns:
  *         array('OU=Sales+C', 'N=J. Smith');
  *       The "C+" is treaten as value of the first pair instead as attr name of the second pair.
  *       To prevent this, escape correctly.
  * @param string $rdn Part of an (multivalued) escaped RDN (eg. ou=foo OR ou=foo+cn=bar)
  * @static
  * @return array Array with the components of the multivalued RDN or Error
 function split_rdn_multival($rdn)
     $rdns = preg_split('/(?<!\\\\)\\+/', $rdn);
     $rdns = Net_LDAP_Util::_correct_dn_splitting($rdns, '+');
     return array_values($rdns);
Exemple #8
  * Tell if a dn already exists
  * @param string $dn  The DN of the object to test
  * @return boolean
 function dnExists($dn)
     // make dn relative to parent
     $base = Net_LDAP_Util::ldap_explode_dn($this->_newdn, array('casefolding' => 'none', 'reverse' => false, 'onlyvalues' => false));
     if (Net_LDAP::isError($base)) {
         return $base;
     $filter = array_shift($base);
     // maybe the dn consist of a multivalued RDN, we must build the dn in this case
     // because the $child-RDN is an array!
     if (is_array($filter)) {
         $filter = Net_LDAP_Util::canonical_dn($filter);
     $base = Net_LDAP_Util::canonical_dn($base);
     $result = @ldap_list($this->_link, $base, $filter, array(), 1, 1);
     if (ldap_errno($this->_link) == 32) {
         $return = false;
         return $return;
     if (ldap_errno($this->_link) != 0) {
         PEAR::raiseError(ldap_error($this->_link), ldap_errno($this->_link));
     if (@ldap_count_entries($this->_link, $result)) {
         $return = true;
         return $return;
     $return = false;
     return $return;