function ip_range_to_subnet_array_temp($ip1, $ip2)
    if (is_ipaddrv4($ip1) && is_ipaddrv4($ip2)) {
        $proto = 'ipv4';
        // for clarity
        $bits = 32;
        $ip1bin = decbin(ip2long32($ip1));
        $ip2bin = decbin(ip2long32($ip2));
    } elseif (is_ipaddrv6($ip1) && is_ipaddrv6($ip2)) {
        $proto = 'ipv6';
        $bits = 128;
        $ip1bin = Net_IPv6::_ip2Bin($ip1);
        $ip2bin = Net_IPv6::_ip2Bin($ip2);
    } else {
        return array();
    // it's *crucial* that binary strings are guaranteed the expected length;  do this for certainty even though for IPv6 it's redundant
    $ip1bin = str_pad($ip1bin, $bits, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
    $ip2bin = str_pad($ip2bin, $bits, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
    if ($ip1bin === $ip2bin) {
        return array($ip1 . '/' . $bits);
    if (strcmp($ip1bin, $ip2bin) > 0) {
        list($ip1bin, $ip2bin) = array($ip2bin, $ip1bin);
    // swap contents of ip1 <= ip2
    $rangesubnets = array();
    $netsize = 0;
    do {
        // at loop start, $ip1 is guaranteed strictly less than $ip2 (important for edge case trapping and preventing accidental binary wrapround)
        // which means the assignments $ip1 += 1 and $ip2 -= 1 will always be "binary-wrapround-safe"
        // step #1 if start ip (as shifted) ends in any '1's, then it must have a single cidr to itself (any cidr would include the '0' below it)
        if (substr($ip1bin, -1, 1) == '1') {
            // the start ip must be in a separate one-IP cidr range
            $new_subnet_ip = substr($ip1bin, $netsize, $bits - $netsize) . str_repeat('0', $netsize);
            $rangesubnets[$new_subnet_ip] = $bits - $netsize;
            $n = strrpos($ip1bin, '0');
            //can't be all 1's
            $ip1bin = ($n == 0 ? '' : substr($ip1bin, 0, $n)) . '1' . str_repeat('0', $bits - $n - 1);
            // BINARY VERSION OF $ip1 += 1
        // step #2, if end ip (as shifted) ends in any zeros then that must have a cidr to itself (as cidr cant span the 1->0 gap)
        if (substr($ip2bin, -1, 1) == '0') {
            // the end ip must be in a separate one-IP cidr range
            $new_subnet_ip = substr($ip2bin, $netsize, $bits - $netsize) . str_repeat('0', $netsize);
            $rangesubnets[$new_subnet_ip] = $bits - $netsize;
            $n = strrpos($ip2bin, '1');
            //can't be all 0's
            $ip2bin = ($n == 0 ? '' : substr($ip2bin, 0, $n)) . '0' . str_repeat('1', $bits - $n - 1);
            // BINARY VERSION OF $ip2 -= 1
            // already checked for the edge case where end = start+1 and start ends in 0x1, above, so it's safe
        // this is the only edge case arising from increment/decrement.
        // it happens if the range at start of loop is exactly 2 adjacent ips, that spanned the 1->0 gap. (we will have enumerated both by now)
        if (strcmp($ip2bin, $ip1bin) < 0) {
        // step #3 the start and end ip MUST now end in '0's and '1's respectively
        // so we have a non-trivial range AND the last N bits are no longer important for CIDR purposes.
        $shift = $bits - max(strrpos($ip1bin, '0'), strrpos($ip2bin, '1'));
        // num of low bits which are '0' in ip1 and '1' in ip2
        $ip1bin = str_repeat('0', $shift) . substr($ip1bin, 0, $bits - $shift);
        $ip2bin = str_repeat('0', $shift) . substr($ip2bin, 0, $bits - $shift);
        $netsize += $shift;
        if ($ip1bin === $ip2bin) {
            // we're done.
            $new_subnet_ip = substr($ip1bin, $netsize, $bits - $netsize) . str_repeat('0', $netsize);
            $rangesubnets[$new_subnet_ip] = $bits - $netsize;
        // at this point there's still a remaining range, and either startip ends with '1', or endip ends with '0'. So repeat cycle.
    } while (strcmp($ip1bin, $ip2bin) < 0);
    // subnets are ordered by bit size. Re sort by IP ("naturally") and convert back to IPv4/IPv6
    ksort($rangesubnets, SORT_STRING);
    $out = array();
    foreach ($rangesubnets as $ip => $netmask) {
        if ($proto == 'ipv4') {
            $i = str_split($ip, 8);
            $out[] = implode('.', array(bindec($i[0]), bindec($i[1]), bindec($i[2]), bindec($i[3]))) . '/' . $netmask;
        } else {
            $out[] = Net_IPv6::compress(Net_IPv6::_bin2Ip($ip)) . '/' . $netmask;
    return $out;
Exemple #2
  * Returns the lowest and highest IPv6 address
  * for a given IP and netmask specification
  * The netmask may be a part of the $ip or
  * the number of netwask bits is provided via $bits
  * The result is an indexed array. The key 'start'
  * contains the lowest possible IP adress. The key
  * 'end' the highest address.
  * @param String $ipToParse the IPv6 address
  * @param String $bits      the optional count of netmask bits
  * @return Array ['start', 'end'] the lowest and highest IPv6 address
  * @access public
  * @static
  * @author Nicholas Williams
 public static function parseAddress($ipToParse, $bits = null)
     $ip = null;
     $bitmask = null;
     if (null == $bits) {
         $elements = explode('/', $ipToParse);
         if (2 == count($elements)) {
             $ip = Net_IPv6::uncompress($elements[0]);
             $bitmask = $elements[1];
         } else {
             include_once 'PEAR.php';
             return PEAR::raiseError(NET_IPV6_NO_NETMASK_MSG, NET_IPV6_NO_NETMASK);
     } else {
         $ip = Net_IPv6::uncompress($ipToParse);
         $bitmask = $bits;
     $binNetmask = str_repeat('1', $bitmask) . str_repeat('0', 128 - $bitmask);
     $maxNetmask = str_repeat('1', 128);
     $netmask = Net_IPv6::_bin2Ip($binNetmask);
     $startAddress = Net_IPv6::_bin2Ip(Net_IPv6::_ip2Bin($ip) & $binNetmask);
     $endAddress = Net_IPv6::_bin2Ip(Net_IPv6::_ip2Bin($ip) | $binNetmask ^ $maxNetmask);
     return array('start' => $startAddress, 'end' => $endAddress);
    $masks["IPv6"][$i] = str_repeat('1', $i) . str_repeat('0', 128 - $i);
# IPv6 masks, bin str
# Read IPs for the sections we need to order
foreach ($rlist as $sect_id => $sect_check) {
    $section_subnets = $Subnets->fetch_section_subnets($sect_id);
    # skip empty sections
    if (sizeof($section_subnets) == 0) {
    foreach ($section_subnets as &$subnet) {
        $subnet = (array) $subnet;
        $subnet['ip'] = $Subnets->transform_to_dotted($subnet['subnet']);
        $subnet['type'] = $Subnets->identify_address($subnet['ip']);
        # Precompute subnet in AND format (long for IPv4 and bin str for IPv6)
        $subnet['andip'] = $subnet['type'] == "IPv4" ? $subnet['subnet'] : $pi6->_ip2Bin($subnet['ip']);
        # Add to array
        $edata[$sect_id][] = $subnet;
$rows = "";
$counters = array();
# Recompute master/nested relations for the selected sections and address families
foreach ($rlist as $sect_id => $sect_check) {
    # Skip empty sections
    if (!$edata[$sect_id]) {
    # Grab a subnet and find its closest master
    foreach ($edata[$sect_id] as &$c_subnet) {
        if (!$sect_check[$c_subnet['type']]) {