Exemple #1
 * Return day count orders
 * @param $post_data : sent parameters
 * @return array with info data
function getCountOrder(&$post_data)
    $reponse = array();
    $post_message = Tools::jsonDecode(NetReviewsModel::acDecodeBase64($post_data['message']), true);
    $sql_id_shop = '';
    $sql_iso_lang = '';
    $ids_lang = array();
    if (!empty($post_message['id_shop'])) {
        if (Configuration::get('AV_MULTILINGUE', null, null, $post_message['id_shop']) == 'checked') {
            $sql_id_shop .= ' and id_shop = ' . (int) $post_message['id_shop'];
            $sql = 'SELECT name
                    FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . "configuration\n                    where value = '" . pSQL($post_message['idWebsite']) . "'\n                    and name like 'AV_IDWEBSITE_%'\n                    and id_shop = " . (int) $post_message['id_shop'];
            if ($row = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql)) {
                $group_name = '_' . Tools::substr($row['name'], 13);
            $av_group_conf = unserialize(Configuration::get('AV_GROUP_CONF' . $group_name, null, null, $post_message['id_shop']));
            $o_lang = new Language();
            foreach ($av_group_conf as $isolang) {
                $ids_lang[] = $o_lang->getIdByIso(Tools::strtolower($isolang));
            $sql_iso_lang .= ' and id_lang in ("' . implode('","', $ids_lang) . '")';
        } else {
            $sql_id_shop .= ' and id_shop = ' . (int) $post_message['id_shop'];
    } else {
        if (Configuration::get('AV_MULTILINGUE') == 'checked') {
            $sql = 'SELECT name
                    FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . "configuration\n                    where value = '" . pSQL($post_message['idWebsite']) . "'\n                    and name like 'AV_IDWEBSITE_%'\n                    and id_shop is null ";
            if ($row = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql)) {
                $group_name = '_' . Tools::substr($row['name'], 13);
            $av_group_conf = unserialize(Configuration::get('AV_GROUP_CONF' . $group_name));
            $o_lang = new Language();
            foreach ($av_group_conf as $isolang) {
                $ids_lang[] = $o_lang->getIdByIso(Tools::strtolower($isolang));
            $sql_iso_lang .= ' and id_lang in ("' . implode('","', $ids_lang) . '")';
    $sql = 'SELECT COUNT( * )
            FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders
            WHERE (
            AND NOW( )
            )' . $sql_iso_lang . $sql_id_shop;
    $reponse['message']['count_orders_day'] = Db::getInstance()->getValue($sql);
    $reponse['return'] = 1;
    if (!empty($post_message['id_shop'])) {
        if (Configuration::get('AV_MULTILINGUE', null, null, $post_message['id_shop']) == 'checked') {
            $sql = 'SELECT name
                    FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . "configuration\n                    where value = '" . pSQL($post_message['idWebsite']) . "'\n                    and name like 'AV_IDWEBSITE_%'\n                    and id_shop = " . (int) $post_message['id_shop'];
            if ($row = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql)) {
                $group_name = '_' . Tools::substr($row['name'], 13);
            $reponse['sign'] = SHA1($post_message['query'] . Configuration::get('AV_IDWEBSITE' . $group_name, null, null, $post_message['id_shop']) . Configuration::get('AV_CLESECRETE' . $group_name, null, null, $post_message['id_shop']));
        } else {
            $reponse['sign'] = SHA1($post_data['query'] . Configuration::get('AV_IDWEBSITE', null, null, $post_message['id_shop']) . Configuration::get('AV_CLESECRETE', null, null, $post_message['id_shop']));
    } else {
        if (Configuration::get('AV_MULTILINGUE') == 'checked') {
            $sql = 'SELECT name
                    FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . "configuration\n                    where value = '" . pSQL($post_message['idWebsite']) . "'\n                    and name like 'AV_IDWEBSITE_%'\n                    and id_shop is null ";
            if ($row = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql)) {
                $group_name = '_' . Tools::substr($row['name'], 13);
            $reponse['sign'] = SHA1($post_data['query'] . Configuration::get('AV_IDWEBSITE' . $group_name) . Configuration::get('AV_CLESECRETE' . $group_name));
        } else {
            $reponse['sign'] = SHA1($post_data['query'] . Configuration::get('AV_IDWEBSITE') . Configuration::get('AV_CLESECRETE'));
    return $reponse;
 public function hookProductTabContent()
     if (Configuration::get('AV_MULTILINGUE') == 'checked') {
         $this->id_lang = $this->context->language->id;
         $this->iso_lang = pSQL(Language::getIsoById($this->id_lang));
         $this->this->group_name = $this->getIdConfigurationGroup($this->iso_lang);
     if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.5', '<')) {
         $display_prod_reviews = Configuration::get('AV_DISPLAYPRODREVIEWS' . $this->group_name);
         $url_certificat = Configuration::get('AV_URLCERTIFICAT' . $this->group_name);
     } else {
         $display_prod_reviews = configuration::get('AV_DISPLAYPRODREVIEWS' . $this->group_name, null, null, $this->context->shop->getContextShopID());
         $url_certificat = Configuration::get('AV_URLCERTIFICAT' . $this->group_name, null, null, $this->context->shop->getContextShopID());
     $shop_name = Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME');
     $id_product = (int) Tools::getValue('id_product');
     $o_av = new NetReviewsModel();
     $stats_product = !isset($this->stats_product) || empty($this->stats_product) ? $o_av->getStatsProduct($id_product, $this->group_name, $this->context->shop->getContextShopID()) : $this->stats_product;
     if ($stats_product['nb_reviews'] < 1 || $display_prod_reviews != 'yes') {
         return '';
     /* if no reviews, return empty */
     $reviews = $o_av->getProductReviews($id_product, $this->group_name, $this->context->shop->getContextShopID(), false, 0);
     $reviews_list = array();
     //Create array with all reviews data
     $my_review = array();
     //Create array with each reviews data
     foreach ($reviews as $review) {
         //Create variable for template engine
         $my_review['ref_produit'] = $review['ref_product'];
         $my_review['id_product_av'] = $review['id_product_av'];
         $my_review['rate'] = $review['rate'];
         $my_review['avis'] = urldecode($review['review']);
         $my_review['horodate'] = date('d/m/Y', $review['horodate']);
         $my_review['customer_name'] = urldecode($review['customer_name']);
         $my_review['discussion'] = '';
         $unserialized_discussion = Tools::jsonDecode(NetReviewsModel::acDecodeBase64($review['discussion']), true);
         if ($unserialized_discussion) {
             foreach ($unserialized_discussion as $k_discussion => $each_discussion) {
                 $my_review['discussion'][$k_discussion]['commentaire'] = $each_discussion['commentaire'];
                 $my_review['discussion'][$k_discussion]['horodate'] = date('d/m/Y', time($each_discussion['horodate']));
                 if ($each_discussion['origine'] == 'ecommercant') {
                     $my_review['discussion'][$k_discussion]['origine'] = $shop_name;
                 } elseif ($each_discussion['origine'] == 'internaute') {
                     $my_review['discussion'][$k_discussion]['origine'] = $my_review['customer_name'];
                 } else {
                     $my_review['discussion'][$k_discussion]['origine'] = $this->l('Moderator');
         array_push($reviews_list, $my_review);
     if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.5', '<')) {
         $controller = new FrontController();
         $this->context->controller = $controller;
     $this->context->controller->pagination((int) $stats_product['nb_reviews']);
     $this->context->smarty->assign(array('current_url' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'id_shop' => $this->context->shop->getContextShopID(), 'nom_group' => !empty($this->group_name) ? "'" . $this->group_name . "'" : null, 'reviews' => $reviews_list, 'count_reviews' => $stats_product['nb_reviews'], 'average_rate' => round($stats_product['rate'], 1), 'average_rate_percent' => $stats_product['rate'] * 20, 'is_https' => array_key_exists('HTTPS', $_SERVER) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 1 : 0, 'url_certificat' => $url_certificat));
     if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.5', '<')) {
         return $this->display(__FILE__, '/views/templates/hook/avisverifies-tab-content.tpl');
     } else {
         return $this->display(__FILE__, 'avisverifies-tab-content.tpl');