public function importUsers() { try { $raw = fRequest::get('content'); $this->db = fORMDatabase::retrieve(); $this->db->query('BEGIN'); foreach (explode("\n", $raw) as $i) { $j = preg_split('/\\s+/', $i); if (count($j) < 2) { continue; } $x = $j[0]; $y = $j[1]; $user = new Name(); $user->setRealname($x); $user->setStudentNumber($y); $user->store(); } $this->db->query('COMMIT'); $this->ajaxReturn(array('result' => 'success')); } catch (fException $e) { if (isset($this->db)) { $this->db->query('ROLLBACK'); } $this->ajaxReturn(array('result' => 'failure', 'message' => $e->getMessage())); } }
public function getPeople($ids, $profileDetails) { $ret = array(); $query = "select * from user_profile where user_id in (" . implode(',', $ids) . ")"; $res = mysql_query($query); if ($res) { while ($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $person_id = $row['user_id']; $name = new Name($row['first_name'] . ' ' . $row['last_name']); $name->setGivenName($row['first_name']); $name->setFamilyName($row['last_name']); $person = new Person($row['user_id'], $name); $person->setProfileUrl($row['profile_url']); $date = date($row['date_of_birth']); $person->setDateOfBirth($date); $address = new Address($row['city']); $address->setLocality($row['city']); $person->setAddresses($address); $interests = $row['interests']; $interests = explode(',', $interests); $person->setInterests($interests); $person->setThumbnailUrl(!empty($row['user_image']) ? $this->url_prefix . $row['user_image'] : ''); if (!empty($row['Gender'])) { if ($row['Gender'] == 'f') { $person->setGender('FEMALE'); } else { $person->setGender('MALE'); } } $ret[$person_id] = $person; } } return $ret; }
public function addVote($id) { // INSTANCIATE NAMES CLASS $name = new Name(); // GET THE DATA $result = $name->addVote(); // RETURN RESULT return $result; }
/** * Callback function to validate data * @return bool must return true or other hooks don't get called */ function validateName($editPage, $textBox1, $section, &$hookError) { $ns = $editPage->mTitle->getNamespace(); if ($ns == NS_GIVEN_NAME || $ns == NS_SURNAME) { $name = new Name($ns, $editPage->mTitle->getText()); $name->validate($textBox1, $section, $hookError); } return true; }
public function delete($id) { try { $users = new Name($id); if (!UserHelper::isEditor()) { throw new fValidationException('not allowed'); } $users->delete(); $this->ajaxReturn(array('result' => 'success')); } catch (fException $e) { $this->ajaxReturn(array('result' => 'failure', 'message' => $e->getMessage())); } }
public function post(NameRequest $request) { $name = new Name(); $name->name = input::get('name'); $name->email = input::get('email'); $name->image = input::file('image')->getClientOriginalName(); $name->created_at = date("y-m-d h:i:s"); $name->save(); return Redirect::to('name'); if (Input::hasFile('image')) { $file = Input::file('image'); $file->move(storage_path() . '/uploads', $file->getClientOriginalName()); } else { return Redirect::to('name'); } }
function lookup_names($start, $limit, &$taxon_concept_ids = array()) { debug("querying names"); $query = "SELECT, n.string FROM names n WHERE "; if ($taxon_concept_ids) { $query .= "IN (" . implode(",", $taxon_concept_ids) . ")"; } else { $query .= "BETWEEN {$start} AND " . ($start + $limit); } static $i = 0; foreach ($this->mysqli_slave->iterate_file($query) as $row_num => $row) { if ($i % 100000 == 0) { echo " ===> {$i} :: " . time_elapsed() . " :: " . memory_get_usage() . "\n"; } $i++; $name_id = $row[0]; $name_string = $row[1]; if (preg_match("/[0-9]\\/[0-9]/", $name_string, $arr)) { if (Name::is_surrogate($name_string)) { continue; } $canonical_form = trim($this->name_parser->lookup_string($name_string)); echo "{$name_id}\t{$name_string}\t{$canonical_form}\n"; } } }
public function filter($value) { $value = parent::filter($value); $value = str_replace('&', 'and', $value); $value = \App\Translit\Translit::url($value); return trim(preg_replace('#[\\-\\_\\s]+#u', '-', $value), ' -'); }
private function lookup_block($start, $limit) { $query = "SELECT, n.string, cf.string, he_parent.taxon_concept_id, tr.label FROM taxon_concepts tc JOIN taxon_concept_preferred_entries tcpe ON ( JOIN hierarchy_entries he ON ( JOIN names n ON ( LEFT JOIN canonical_forms cf ON ( LEFT JOIN hierarchy_entries he_parent ON ( LEFT JOIN (ranks r JOIN translated_ranks tr ON ( = tr.rank_id AND tr.language_id=152)) ON ( WHERE BETWEEN {$start} AND " . ($start + $limit) . " AND he.published=1 AND he.visibility_id=1"; static $j = 0; foreach ($this->mysqli->iterate_file($query) as $row_num => $row) { if ($j % 50000 == 0) { echo "{$start} : {$j} : " . time_elapsed() . " : " . memory_get_usage() . "\n"; } $j++; $taxon_concept_id = $row[0]; $string = trim($row[1]); $ranked_canonical_form = trim($row[2]); $parent_page_id = $row[3]; $rank_label = $row[4]; if (!$parent_page_id || $parent_page_id == "NULL") { $parent_page_id = 0; } if (!$rank_label || $rank_label == "NULL") { $rank_label = ''; } $name = null; if ($ranked_canonical_form != 'NULL' && !Name::is_surrogate($ranked_canonical_form)) { $name = $ranked_canonical_form; } elseif ($string != 'NULL') { $name = $string; } if (!$name) { continue; } // echo "$taxon_concept_id : $name : $parent_page_id : $rank_label\n"; fwrite($this->NAMES_OUT, "{$taxon_concept_id}\t{$name}\t{$parent_page_id}\t{$rank_label}\n"); } }
public function DuplicatedName($newName) { $Name = new Name(); if (!empty($newName)) { $names = $Name->select("id")->where("Name", "like", $newName)->get(); if (empty($names[0])) { // NEWNAME DOESNT EXIST return 0; } else { //NEWNAME ALREADY EXISTS echo $Names[0]; return 1; } } else { //NEWNAME IS EMPTY return 0; } }
/** * Formats a name. * * @param \Libreworks\Microformats\Name $name The name to format * @return string The HTML markup */ public function format(Name $name) { $names = ['p-honorific-prefix' => $name->getPrefix(), 'p-nickname' => $name->getNick(), 'p-given-name' => $name->getGiven(), 'p-additional-name' => $name->getMiddle(), 'p-family-name' => $name->getSurname(), 'p-honorific-suffix' => $name->getSuffix(), 'p-maiden-name' => $name->getMaiden()]; $tags = []; foreach ($names as $k => $v) { if (strlen($v) > 0) { $tags[] = '<span class="' . $k . '">' . htmlspecialchars($v) . '</span>'; } } $maiden = $name->getMaiden(); if (strlen($maiden) > 0) { $tags[] = '(née <span class="p-maiden-name">' . htmlspecialchars($names['p-maiden-name']) . '</span>)'; } return '<span class="p-name">' . implode(' ', $tags) . '</span>'; }
public function filter($value) { $value = parent::filter($value); $value = preg_replace('~&#x*([0-9a-f]+);~ei', ' ', $value); $value = preg_replace('~&#*([0-9]+);~e', ' ', $value); $value = preg_replace('#\\(.*?\\)#usi', '', $value); $value = str_replace(array('\\', '\\/'), '', $value); $value = preg_replace('#[^\\-\\/0-9a-zA-ZА-Яа-яЕЁеёЫы\\&\'\\"]+#usi', ' ', $value); $value = preg_replace('#\\s+#usi', ' ', $value); return trim(mb_strtolower($value, 'UTF-8')); }
public function testInNamespace() { $name = new Name('name\\SPACE\\ClassName'); $this->assertTrue($name->inNamespace(new Name('name'))); $this->assertTrue($name->inNamespace(new Name('\\name'))); $this->assertTrue($name->inNamespace(new Name('NAME'))); $this->assertTrue($name->inNamespace(new Name('NAME\\sPace'))); $this->assertFalse($name->inNamespace(new Name('space'))); $this->assertFalse($name->inNamespace(new Name('NAME\\space\\class'))); }
function add_taxon($t) { $hierarchy_entry = HierarchyEntry::create_entries_for_taxon($t, $this->resource->hierarchy_id); if (@(!$hierarchy_entry->id)) { return false; } $this->resource->harvest_event->add_hierarchy_entry($hierarchy_entry, 'inserted'); $hierarchy_entry->delete_common_names(); if (@$t['common_names']) { foreach ($t['common_names'] as &$c) { $name = Name::find_or_create_by_string($c['name']); $hierarchy_entry->add_synonym($name->id, SynonymRelation::find_or_create_by_translated_label('common name')->id, @$c['language']->id ?: 0, 0); } } $hierarchy_entry->delete_synonyms(); if (@$t['synonyms']) { foreach ($t['synonyms'] as &$s) { $hierarchy_entry->add_synonym($s['name']->id, @$s['synonym_relation']->id ?: 0, 0, 0); } } $hierarchy_entry->delete_agents(); if (@$t['agents']) { $i = 0; foreach ($t['agents'] as &$a) { $agent = Agent::find_or_create($a); if ($agent->logo_url && !$agent->logo_cache_url) { if ($logo_cache_url = $this->content_manager->grab_file($agent->logo_url, "partner")) { $agent->logo_cache_url = $logo_cache_url; $agent->save(); } } $hierarchy_entry->add_agent($agent->id, @$a['agent_role']->id ?: 0, $i); unset($a); $i++; } } $hierarchy_entry->delete_refs(); if (@$t['refs']) { foreach ($t['refs'] as &$r) { if (@$r->id) { $hierarchy_entry->add_reference($r->id); $r->publish(); } unset($r); } } foreach ($t['data_objects'] as &$d) { $this->add_data_object($hierarchy_entry, $d); unset($d); } return $hierarchy_entry; }
protected function takeChildFromDOM($child) { $absoluteNodeName = $child->namespaceURI . ':' . $child->localName; switch ($absoluteNodeName) { case $this->lookupNamespace('atom') . ':' . 'name': $name = new Name(); $name->transferFromDOM($child); $this->_name = $name; break; case $this->lookupNamespace('atom') . ':' . 'email': $email = new Email(); $email->transferFromDOM($child); $this->_email = $email; break; case $this->lookupNamespace('atom') . ':' . 'uri': $uri = new Uri(); $uri->transferFromDOM($child); $this->_uri = $uri; break; default: parent::takeChildFromDOM($child); break; } }
/** * Return a fake username. * * @param string $name * @return string */ public static function userName($name = null) { if ($name === null) { if (rand(1, 10) > 5) { $name = Name::firstName() . ' ' . Name::lastName(); } else { $name = Name::firstName(); } } $glue = array('.', '_'); shuffle($glue); $nameParts = explode(' ', $name); shuffle($nameParts); $userName = implode($glue[0], $nameParts); return strtolower($userName); }
public function update() { $pseudos = Name::all(); $name = Input::get('pseudo'); $db_name = Name::where('screen_name', '=', $name)->first(); if (isset($db_name->screen_name) && strtolower($name) == strtolower($db_name->screen_name)) { // Le pseudo existe déjà dans la BDD, on affiche directement $twitter = Tweet::where('name_id', '=', $db_name->id)->paginate(20); return View::make('twitter', compact('twitter', 'pseudos'))->with(['name' => $name]); } else { $author = Twitter::getUserTimeline(array('screen_name' => $name, 'count' => 1)); if (isset($author->errors)) { $erreur = 'Il n\'existe pas d\'utilisateur au nom de ' . $name; return View::make('twitter')->with(['name' => $name, 'erreur' => $erreur]); } else { // Le pseudo n'existe pas dans la base de donnée, on créé une entrée et on récupère ses tweets favoris TwitterFav::createUser($author); $name_id = Name::where('screen_name', '=', $author[0]->user->screen_name)->first(); $req_twitter = Twitter::getFavorites(array('screen_name' => $name, 'count' => 200, 'format' => 'object')); if (isset($req_twitter->errors)) { echo 'Trop de requetes, veuillez patienter.'; exit; } while ($req_twitter != 0) { // On ajoute les tweets favoris en BDD $max_id = TwitterFav::addFavoris($req_twitter, $name_id); $req_twitter = Twitter::getFavorites(array('max_id' => $max_id, 'screen_name' => $name, 'count' => 200, 'format' => 'object')); if (isset($req_twitter->errors)) { echo 'Trop de requetes, veuillez patienter.'; exit; } sleep(10); } $twitter = Tweet::where('name_id', '=', $name_id->id)->paginate(25); $pseudos = Name::all(); return View::make('twitter', compact('twitter', 'pseudos'))->with(['name' => $name]); } } }
/** * Extracts attribute contents FROM a parent tree object * * @param array $tree an array containing an array FROM which the * object data should be extracted * @param string $ver represents the version of the GEDCOM standard * data is being extracted from * * @return void * * @access public * @since Method available since Release 0.0.1 */ public function parse_tree($tree, $ver) { $this->ver = $ver; $this->rp_name->parse_tree($tree, $ver); if (isset($tree[0][1])) { $sub2 = $tree[0][1]; $off = 0; while (($i1 = parent::find_tag($sub2, Rp_Tags::PHONETIC, $off)) !== false) { $name = new RP_Name(); $name->parse_tree(array($sub2[$i1]), $ver); $this->phonetic_names[] = $name; $off = $i1 + 1; } $off = 0; while (($i1 = parent::find_tag($sub2, Rp_Tags::ROMANIZED, $off)) !== false) { $name = new RP_Name(); $name->parse_tree(array($sub2[$i1]), $ver); $this->romanized_names[] = $name; $off = $i1 + 1; } } }
public static function createUser($author) { $retour = Name::create(array('id_str' => $author[0]->user->id_str, 'screen_name' => $author[0]->user->screen_name, 'name' => $author[0]->user->name, 'profile_image_url' => $author[0]->user->profile_image_url)); return $retour; }
$targetUrl = "projects.php"; header("Location: " . $targetUrl); } Data::$queries[1] = array("request" => "getProperty", "constantArgs" => array("propertyName", "/projects/{$projectName}/ec_versioning_artifact"), "result" => "property"); $response = QueryManager::handleQueryNow(1); $artifactKey = $response->get('value'); Data::$queries["getPickerVersions"] = array("request" => "findObjects", 'searchName' => 'getArtifactVersions', "numObjects" => 10000, "constantArgs" => array("sort", array("propertyName", "version", "order", "descending")), 'constantFilters' => array(array("operator", "and", "filter", array(array('propertyName' => 'groupId', 'operator' => 'equals', "operand1" => 'VersionedProjects'), array('propertyName' => 'artifactKey', 'operator' => 'equals', 'operand1' => $artifactKey)))), "queryClass" => "searchQuery", "result" => 'artifactVersion', "dataIn" => 'searchDataIn'); $response = QueryManager::handleQueryNow('getPickerVersions'); $options = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($response->getSiblings() as $object) { if ($i > 0) { $version = $object->get("version"); $comment = $object->get("description"); $createTime = DateTimeRenderer::formatText($object->get("createTime")); if ($comment == "") { $comment = "No commit comment"; } $options[] = $version; $options[] = "v{$version} [{$createTime}] - {$comment}"; } $i++; } $versionPicker = new Selector($options); $name = new Name(null, true); $name->setInitialValue($projectName); $formElements = array(ecgettext("Name:"), "projectName", $name, ecgettext("Version:"), "version", $versionPicker, ecgettext("Comment:"), "comment", new Entry()); $formArgs = array("id" => "rollbackVersionedProject", "modifyName" => "projectName", "postArgs" => array(), "elements" => $formElements); $navigation = new NavInfo(array("section" => ecgettext("Projects"), "subsection" => ecgettext("Versioning"))); $page = new Page(ecgettext("Rollback Versioned Project"), new StdFrame($navigation), new Header(array("id" => "pageHeader", "class" => "pageHeader", "title" => ecgettext("Rollback Versioned Project"), "actions" => array(new ShortcutLink()), "actionStyle" => 3)), new SubSection(new Form($formArgs)), new SetFocus("version"), new StdFrameEnd()); $page->show();
/** * Generate a fake company name. * * @access public * @static * @return string Company name */ public static function name() { return sprintf(self::pickOne(array('%1$s %4$s', '%1$s-%2$s', '%1$s, %2$s and %3$s')), Name::lastName(), Name::lastName(), Name::lastName(), self::suffix()); }
public function isEqual(Name $name) { return $this->name == $name->__toString(); }
public static function fromName(Name $name) { return preg_replace('~\\P{Xan}++~u', '', sprintf($name->toShortFormat())); }
/** * Tests Name->setUnstructured() */ public function testSetUnstructured() { $this->Name->setUnstructured($this->unstructured); $this->assertEquals($this->Name->unstructured, $this->unstructured); }
/** * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException * @expectedExceptionMessage When changing a name you need to pass either a string, an array or a Name node */ public function testInvalidArg() { $name = new Name('foo'); $name->set(new \stdClass()); }
public static function isRealStu($realname, $stuid) { return Name::existid($realname, $stuid); }
public function getPeople($ids, $fields, $options, $token) { $first = $options->getStartIndex(); $max = $options->getCount(); $this->checkDb(); $ret = array(); $filterQuery = ''; $options->setFilterBy(null); //DateOfBirth $query = "\n\t\tSELECT * FROM `Profiles` WHERE `ID` IN (" . implode(',', $ids) . ") {$filterQuery} ORDER BY `ID`\n\t"; /* `ID` AS 'id', `NickName` AS 'first_name', `NickName` AS 'last_name', `DescriptionMe` AS 'about_me', 20 AS 'age', `DateOfBirth` AS 'date_of_birth', 1 AS 'children', '' AS 'ethnicity', '' AS 'fashion', '' AS 'happiest_when', '' AS 'humor', '' AS 'job_interests' */ $res = mysqli_query($this->db, $query); if ($res) { while ($row = @mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $person_id = $row['ID']; $sFirstName = isset($row['FirstName']) ? $row['FirstName'] : $row['NickName']; $sLastName = isset($row['LastName']) ? $row['LastName'] : ''; $name = new Name($sFirstName . ' ' . $sLastName); $name->setGivenName($sFirstName); $name->setFamilyName($sLastName); $person = new Person($person_id, $name); $person->setDisplayName($name->getFormatted()); $sAboutMe = isset($row['DescriptionMe']) ? $row['DescriptionMe'] : ''; $person->setAboutMe($sAboutMe); $sDateOfBirth = isset($row['DateOfBirth']) ? date('Y-m-d', $row['DateOfBirth']) : ''; $sAge = $sDateOfBirth != '' ? $this->bx_getAge($sDateOfBirth) : ''; $person->setAge($sAge); $sChildren = isset($row['Children']) ? $row['Children'] : ''; $person->setChildren($sChildren); $person->setBirthday($sDateOfBirth); $sEthnicity = isset($row['Ethnicity']) ? $row['Ethnicity'] : ''; $person->setEthnicity($sEthnicity); $sFashion = isset($row['Fashion']) ? $row['Fashion'] : ''; $person->setFashion($sFashion); $sHappiestWhen = isset($row['HappiestWhen']) ? $row['HappiestWhen'] : ''; $person->setHappiestWhen($sHappiestWhen); $sHumor = isset($row['Humor']) ? $row['Humor'] : ''; $person->setHumor($sHumor); $sJobInterests = isset($row['JobInterests']) ? $row['JobInterests'] : ''; $person->setJobInterests($sJobInterests); $sLivingArrangement = isset($row['LivingArrangement']) ? $row['LivingArrangement'] : ''; $person->setLivingArrangement($sLivingArrangement); $sLookingFor = isset($row['LookingFor']) ? $row['LookingFor'] : ''; $person->setLookingFor($sLookingFor); $sNickName = isset($row['NickName']) ? $row['NickName'] : ''; $person->setNickname($sNickName); $sPets = isset($row['Pets']) ? $row['Pets'] : ''; $person->setPets($sPets); $sPoliticalViews = isset($row['PoliticalViews']) ? $row['PoliticalViews'] : ''; $person->setPoliticalViews($sPoliticalViews); $sProfileSong = isset($row['ProfileSong']) ? $row['ProfileSong'] : ''; $person->setProfileSong($sProfileSong); $person->setProfileUrl($this->url_prefix . '/profile/' . $person_id); //'A' TODO $sProfileVideo = isset($row['ProfileVideo']) ? $row['ProfileVideo'] : ''; $person->setProfileVideo($sProfileVideo); $sRelationshipStatus = isset($row['RelationshipStatus']) ? $row['RelationshipStatus'] : ''; $person->setRelationshipStatus($sRelationshipStatus); $sReligion = isset($row['Religion']) ? $row['Religion'] : ''; $person->setReligion($sReligion); $sRomance = isset($row['Romance']) ? $row['Romance'] : ''; $person->setRomance($sRomance); $sScaredOf = isset($row['ScaredOf']) ? $row['ScaredOf'] : ''; $person->setScaredOf($sScaredOf); $sSexualOrientation = isset($row['SexualOrientation']) ? $row['SexualOrientation'] : ''; $person->setSexualOrientation($sSexualOrientation); $person->setStatus($row['UserStatus']); $person->setThumbnailUrl(!empty($row['thumbnail_url']) ? $this->url_prefix . $row['thumbnail_url'] : ''); //'A' TODO if (!empty($row['thumbnail_url'])) { // also report thumbnail_url in standard photos field (this is the only photo supported by partuza) $person->setPhotos(array(new Photo($this->url_prefix . $row['thumbnail_url'], 'thumbnail', true))); } $sUtcOffset = isset($row['TimeZone']) ? $row['TimeZone'] : "-00:00"; $person->setUtcOffset(sprintf('%+03d:00', $sUtcOffset)); // force "-00:00" utc-offset format if (!empty($row['Drinker'])) { $person->setDrinker($row['Drinker']); } if (!empty($row['Sex'])) { $person->setGender(strtolower($row['Sex'])); } if (!empty($row['Smoker'])) { $person->setSmoker($row['Smoker']); } /* the following fields require additional queries so are only executed if requested */ if (isset($fields['activities']) || in_array('@all', $fields)) { $activities = array(); //'A' we haven`t activities yet /*$res2 = mysqli_query($this->db, "select activity from person_activities where person_id = " . $person_id); while (list($activity) = @mysqli_fetch_row($res2)) { $activities[] = $activity; }*/ $person->setActivities($activities); } if (isset($fields['addresses']) || in_array('@all', $fields)) { $addresses = array(); $sCountry = isset($row['Country']) ? $row['Country'] : ''; $sRegion = isset($row['City']) ? $row['City'] : ''; //'A' region -> city $sZip = isset($row['zip']) ? $row['zip'] : ''; if (empty($row['unstructured_address'])) { $row['unstructured_address'] = trim($row['street_address'] . " " . $sRegion . " " . $sCountry); } $addres = new Address($row['unstructured_address']); $addres->setCountry($sCountry); if (!empty($row['latitude'])) { $addres->setLatitude($row['latitude']); } if (!empty($row['longitude'])) { $addres->setLongitude($row['longitude']); } if (!empty($row['locality'])) { $addres->setLocality($row['locality']); } $addres->setPostalCode($sZip); $addres->setRegion($sRegion); if (!empty($row['street_address'])) { $addres->setStreetAddress($row['street_address']); } if (!empty($row['street_address'])) { $addres->setType($row['street_address']); } //FIXME quick and dirty hack to demo PC $addres->setPrimary(true); $addresses[] = $addres; $person->setAddresses($addresses); } if (isset($fields['bodyType']) || in_array('@all', $fields)) { //'A' we haven`t bodyType at all /*$res2 = mysqli_query($this->db, "select * from person_body_type where person_id = " . $person_id); if (@mysqli_num_rows($res2)) { $row = @mysql_fetch_array($res2, MYSQLI_ASSOC); $bodyType = new BodyType(); $bodyType->setBuild($row['build']); $bodyType->setEyeColor($row['eye_color']); $bodyType->setHairColor($row['hair_color']); $bodyType->setHeight($row['height']); $bodyType->setWeight($row['weight']); $person->setBodyType($bodyType); }*/ } if (isset($fields['books']) || in_array('@all', $fields)) { //'A' we haven`t books at all /*$books = array(); $res2 = mysqli_query($this->db, "select book from person_books where person_id = " . $person_id); while (list($book) = @mysqli_fetch_row($res2)) { $books[] = $book; } $person->setBooks($books);*/ } if (isset($fields['cars']) || in_array('@all', $fields)) { //'A' we haven`t cars at all /*$cars = array(); $res2 = mysqli_query($this->db, "select car from person_cars where person_id = " . $person_id); while (list($car) = @mysqli_fetch_row($res2)) { $cars[] = $car; } $person->setCars($cars);*/ } if (isset($fields['currentLocation']) || in_array('@all', $fields)) { //'A' we haven`t currentLocation at all /*$addresses = array(); $res2 = mysqli_query($this->db, "select addresses.* from person_current_location, person_addresses, addresses where = person_current_location.address_id and person_addresses.person_id = " . $person_id); if (@mysqli_num_rows($res2)) { $row = mysqli_fetch_array($res2, MYSQLI_ASSOC); if (empty($row['unstructured_address'])) { $row['unstructured_address'] = trim($row['street_address'] . " " . $row['region'] . " " . $row['country']); } $addres = new Address($row['unstructured_address']); $addres->setCountry($row['country']); $addres->setLatitude($row['latitude']); $addres->setLongitude($row['longitude']); $addres->setLocality($row['locality']); $addres->setPostalCode($row['postal_code']); $addres->setRegion($row['region']); $addres->setStreetAddress($row['street_address']); $addres->setType($row['address_type']); $person->setCurrentLocation($addres); }*/ } if (isset($fields['emails']) || in_array('@all', $fields)) { $emails = array(); //'A' we haven`t multi emails, only single /*$res2 = mysqli_query($this->db, "select address, email_type from person_emails where person_id = " . $person_id); while (list($address, $type) = @mysqli_fetch_row($res2)) { $emails[] = new Email(strtolower($address), $type); // TODO: better email canonicalization; remove dups } $person->setEmails($emails);*/ $sEmail = isset($row['Email']) ? $row['Email'] : ''; $emails[] = new Email(strtolower($sEmail), 'main'); $person->setEmails($emails); } if (isset($fields['food']) || in_array('@all', $fields)) { //'A' we haven`t food at all /*$foods = array(); $res2 = mysqli_query($this->db, "select food from person_foods where person_id = " . $person_id); while (list($food) = @mysqli_fetch_row($res2)) { $foods[] = $food; } $person->setFood($foods);*/ } if (isset($fields['heroes']) || in_array('@all', $fields)) { //'A' we haven`t heroes at all /*$strings = array(); $res2 = mysqli_query($this->db, "select hero from person_heroes where person_id = " . $person_id); while (list($data) = @mysqli_fetch_row($res2)) { $strings[] = $data; } $person->setHeroes($strings);*/ } if (isset($fields['interests']) || in_array('@all', $fields)) { //'A' we haven`t interests at all /* $strings = array(); $res2 = mysqli_query($this->db, "select interest from person_interests where person_id = " . $person_id); while (list($data) = @mysqli_fetch_row($res2)) { $strings[] = $data; } $person->setInterests($strings);*/ } $organizations = array(); $fetchedOrg = false; if (isset($fields['jobs']) || in_array('@all', $fields)) { //'A' we haven`t jobs at all /*$res2 = mysqli_query($this->db, "select organizations.* from person_jobs, organizations where = person_jobs.organization_id and person_jobs.person_id = " . $person_id); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($res2, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $organization = new Organization(); $organization->setDescription($row['description']); $organization->setEndDate($row['end_date']); $organization->setField($row['field']); $organization->setName($row['name']); $organization->setSalary($row['salary']); $organization->setStartDate($row['start_date']); $organization->setSubField($row['sub_field']); $organization->setTitle($row['title']); $organization->setWebpage($row['webpage']); $organization->setType('job'); if ($row['address_id']) { $res3 = mysqli_query($this->db, "select * from addresses where id = " . $row['address_id']); if (mysqli_num_rows($res3)) { $row = mysqli_fetch_array($res3, MYSQLI_ASSOC); if (empty($row['unstructured_address'])) { $row['unstructured_address'] = trim($row['street_address'] . " " . $row['region'] . " " . $row['country']); } $addres = new Address($row['unstructured_address']); $addres->setCountry($row['country']); $addres->setLatitude($row['latitude']); $addres->setLongitude($row['longitude']); $addres->setLocality($row['locality']); $addres->setPostalCode($row['postal_code']); $addres->setRegion($row['region']); $addres->setStreetAddress($row['street_address']); $addres->setType($row['address_type']); $organization->setAddress($address); } } $organizations[] = $organization; } $fetchedOrg = true;*/ } if (isset($fields['schools']) || in_array('@all', $fields)) { //'A' we haven`t schools at all /*$res2 = mysqli_query($this->db, "select organizations.* from person_schools, organizations where = person_schools.organization_id and person_schools.person_id = " . $person_id); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($res2, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $organization = new Organization(); $organization->setDescription($row['description']); $organization->setEndDate($row['end_date']); $organization->setField($row['field']); $organization->setName($row['name']); $organization->setSalary($row['salary']); $organization->setStartDate($row['start_date']); $organization->setSubField($row['sub_field']); $organization->setTitle($row['title']); $organization->setWebpage($row['webpage']); $organization->setType($row['school']); if ($row['address_id']) { $res3 = mysqli_query($this->db, "select * from addresses where id = " . $row['address_id']); if (mysqli_num_rows($res3)) { $row = mysqli_fetch_array($res3, MYSQLI_ASSOC); if (empty($row['unstructured_address'])) { $row['unstructured_address'] = trim($row['street_address'] . " " . $row['region'] . " " . $row['country']); } $addres = new Address($row['unstructured_address']); $addres->setCountry($row['country']); $addres->setLatitude($row['latitude']); $addres->setLongitude($row['longitude']); $addres->setLocality($row['locality']); $addres->setPostalCode($row['postal_code']); $addres->setRegion($row['region']); $addres->setStreetAddress($row['street_address']); $addres->setType($row['address_type']); $organization->setAddress($address); } } $organizations[] = $organization; } $fetchedOrg = true;*/ } if ($fetchedOrg) { $person->setOrganizations($organizations); } //TODO languagesSpoken, currently missing the languages / countries tables so can't do this yet if (isset($fields['movies']) || in_array('@all', $fields)) { //'A' possible after /*$strings = array(); $res2 = mysqli_query($this->db, "select movie from person_movies where person_id = " . $person_id); while (list($data) = @mysqli_fetch_row($res2)) { $strings[] = $data; } $person->setMovies($strings);*/ } if (isset($fields['music']) || in_array('@all', $fields)) { //'A' possible after /*$strings = array(); $res2 = mysqli_query($this->db, "select music from person_music where person_id = " . $person_id); while (list($data) = @mysqli_fetch_row($res2)) { $strings[] = $data; } $person->setMusic($strings);*/ } if (isset($fields['phoneNumbers']) || in_array('@all', $fields)) { //'A' we haven`t phoneNumbers at all /*$numbers = array(); $res2 = mysqli_query($this->db, "select number, number_type from person_phone_numbers where person_id = " . $person_id); while (list($number, $type) = @mysqli_fetch_row($res2)) { $numbers[] = new Phone($number, $type); } $person->setPhoneNumbers($numbers);*/ } if (isset($fields['ims']) || in_array('@all', $fields)) { //'A' we haven`t ims at all /*$ims = array(); $res2 = mysqli_query($this->db, "select value, value_type from person_ims where person_id = " . $person_id); while (list($value, $type) = @mysqli_fetch_row($res2)) { $ims[] = new Im($value, $type); } $person->setIms($ims);*/ } if (isset($fields['accounts']) || in_array('@all', $fields)) { //'A' we haven`t accounts at all /*$accounts = array(); $res2 = mysqli_query($this->db, "select domain, userid, username from person_accounts where person_id = " . $person_id); while (list($domain, $userid, $username) = @mysqli_fetch_row($res2)) { $accounts[] = new Account($domain, $userid, $username); } $person->setAccounts($accounts);*/ } if (isset($fields['quotes']) || in_array('@all', $fields)) { //'A' we haven`t quotes at all /*$strings = array(); $res2 = mysqli_query($this->db, "select quote from person_quotes where person_id = " . $person_id); while (list($data) = @mysqli_fetch_row($res2)) { $strings[] = $data; } $person->setQuotes($strings);*/ } if (isset($fields['sports']) || in_array('@all', $fields)) { //'A' we haven`t sports at all /*$strings = array(); $res2 = mysqli_query($this->db, "select sport from person_sports where person_id = " . $person_id); while (list($data) = @mysqli_fetch_row($res2)) { $strings[] = $data; } $person->setSports($strings);*/ } if (isset($fields['tags']) || in_array('@all', $fields)) { $strings = array(); if (!empty($row['latitude'])) { $aProfileTags = preg_split("/[;,\\s]/", $_REQUEST['tags']); foreach ($aProfileTags as $sTag) { $strings[] = $sTag; } /*$res2 = mysqli_query($this->db, "select tag from person_tags where person_id = " . $person_id); while (list($data) = @mysqli_fetch_row($res2)) { $strings[] = $data; }*/ $person->setTags($strings); } } if (isset($fields['turnOns']) || in_array('@all', $fields)) { //'A' we haven`t turnOns at all /*$strings = array(); $res2 = mysqli_query($this->db, "select turn_on from person_turn_ons where person_id = " . $person_id); while (list($data) = @mysqli_fetch_row($res2)) { $strings[] = $data; } $person->setTurnOns($strings);*/ } if (isset($fields['turnOffs']) || in_array('@all', $fields)) { //'A' we haven`t turnOffs at all /*$strings = array(); $res2 = mysqli_query($this->db, "select turn_off from person_turn_offs where person_id = " . $person_id); while (list($data) = @mysqli_fetch_row($res2)) { $strings[] = $data; } $person->setTurnOffs($strings);*/ } if (isset($fields['urls']) || in_array('@all', $fields)) { //'A' we haven`t urls at all /*$strings = array(); $res2 = mysqli_query($this->db, "select url from person_urls where person_id = " . $person_id); while (list($data) = @mysqli_fetch_row($res2)) { $strings[] = new Url($data, null, null); } $strings[] = new Url($this->url_prefix . '/profile/' . $person_id, null, 'profile'); // always include profile URL $person->setUrls($strings);*/ } $ret[$person_id] = $person; } } try { $ret = $this->filterResults($ret, $options); $ret['totalSize'] = count($ret); } catch (Exception $e) { $ret['totalSize'] = count($ret) - 1; $ret['filtered'] = 'false'; } if ($first !== false && $max !== false && is_numeric($first) && is_numeric($max) && $first >= 0 && $max > 0) { $count = 0; $result = array(); foreach ($ret as $id => $person) { if ($id == 'totalSize' || $id == 'filtered') { $result[$id] = $person; continue; } if ($count >= $first && $count < $first + $max) { $result[$id] = $person; } ++$count; } return $result; } else { return $ret; } }
/** * Generate a random city name. * * @access public * @static * @return string City name */ public static function city() { return sprintf(self::pickOne(array('%1$s %2$s%4$s', '%1$s %2$s', '%2$s%4$s', '%3$s%4$s')), self::cityPrefix(), Name::firstName(), Name::lastName(), self::citySuffix()); }
<html> <head> <title>Costume</title> </head> <body> <?php require_once 'CostumeModel.php'; require_once 'CostumeView.php'; if (isset($_POST['costume']) && $_POST['costume'] != '') { $myCostume = new Costume(); $myCostume->setCostume($_POST['costume']); } if (isset($_POST['name']) && $_POST['name'] != '') { $myName = new Name(); $myName->setName($_POST['name']); } echo $_POST["costume"]; echo " is an awesome costume, "; echo $_POST["name"]; ?> </body> </html>
public function insert_vernacular_names($row, $parameters) { self::debug_iterations("Inserting VernacularName"); $this->commit_iterations("VernacularName", 500); if ($this->archive_validator->has_error_by_line('', $parameters['archive_table_definition']->location, $parameters['archive_line_number'])) { write_to_resource_harvesting_log("ERROR: insert_vernacular_names: has_error_by_line" . ",file_location:" . $parameters['archive_table_definition']->location . ",line_number:" . $parameters['archive_line_number']); return false; } $taxon_ids = self::get_foreign_keys_from_row($row, ''); $taxon_info = array(); if ($taxon_ids) { foreach ($taxon_ids as $taxon_id) { if ($taxon_info = @$this->taxon_ids_inserted[$taxon_id]) { self::uncompress_array($taxon_info); $taxon_info[] = $taxon_info; } } } if (!$taxon_info) { return false; } $vernacularName = @self::field_decode($row['']); $source = @self::field_decode($row['']); $languageString = @self::field_decode($row['']); $locality = @self::field_decode($row['']); $countryCode = @self::field_decode($row['']); $isPreferredName = @self::field_decode($row['']); $taxonRemarks = @self::field_decode($row['']); $name = Name::find_or_create_by_string($vernacularName); $language = Language::find_or_create_for_parser($languageString); if (!$name) { return false; } foreach ($taxon_info as $info) { $he_id = $taxon_info['hierarchy_entry_id']; $tc_id = $taxon_info['taxon_concept_id']; $common_name_relation = SynonymRelation::find_or_create_by_translated_label('common name'); $result = $this->mysqli->query("SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE id FROM synonyms" . " WHERE name_id = " . $name->id . " AND synonym_relation_id = " . $common_name_relation->id . " AND hierarchy_entry_id = " . $he_id . " AND hierarchy_id = " . $this->harvest_event->resource->hierarchy_id . " AND identifier = " . $taxon_ids[0]); if ($result && $result->fetch_assoc()) { $l_id = @$language->id ?: 0; $GLOBALS['db_connection']->update("UPDATE synonyms SET" . " language_id = " . $l_id . ", published = 0" . ", taxon_remarks = '" . $taxonRemarks . "' WHERE name_id = " . $name->id . " AND synonym_relation_id = " . $common_name_relation->id . " AND hierarchy_entry_id = " . $he_id . " AND hierarchy_id = " . $this->harvest_event->resource->hierarchy_id . "AND identifier = " . $taxon_ids[0]); break; } else { Synonym::find_or_create(array('name_id' => $name->id, 'synonym_relation_id' => $common_name_relation->id, 'language_id' => @$language->id ?: 0, 'hierarchy_entry_id' => $he_id, 'preferred' => $isPreferredName != '', 'hierarchy_id' => $this->harvest_event->resource->hierarchy_id, 'vetted_id' => 0, 'published' => 0, 'taxonRemarks' => $taxonRemarks, 'identifier' => $taxon_ids[0])); break; } } }