function _findFilePath($file_path)
     if (false == ($test_path = realpath($file_path))) {
         $file_path = realpath(NServer::env('DOCUMENT_ROOT') . $file_path);
     return $file_path;
  * insert_audit_trail - This is only for timed_remove so that we don't 
  * 	lose the audit_trail.
  * Refactor: Duplication of audit_trail_controller->insert();
  * @param	array 	Required params - asset, asset_id, action_taken
  * @return 	void
 function insert_audit_trail($params = array())
     if (empty($params)) {
         return false;
     $required_params = array('asset', 'asset_id', 'action_taken');
     foreach ($required_params as $param) {
         if (!isset($params[$param])) {
             return false;
     $model =& NModel::factory($this->name);
     // apply fields in the model
     $fields = $model->fields();
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $model->{$field} = isset($params[$field]) ? $params[$field] : null;
     $model->user_id = $this->website_user_id;
     $model->ip = NServer::env('REMOTE_ADDR');
     if (in_array('cms_created', $fields)) {
         $model->cms_created = $model->now();
     if (in_array('cms_modified', $fields)) {
         $model->cms_modified = $model->now();
     // set the user id if it's applicable and available
     if (in_array('cms_modified_by_user', $fields)) {
         $model->cms_modified_by_user = $this->website_user_id;
Exemple #3
 static function env($key)
     if (isset($_SERVER[$key])) {
         return $_SERVER[$key];
     } else {
         if (isset($_ENV[$key])) {
             return $_ENV[$key];
         } else {
             if (getenv($key) !== false) {
                 return getenv($key);
     if ($key == 'DOCUMENT_ROOT') {
         $offset = 0;
         if (!strpos(NServer::env('SCRIPT_NAME'), '.php')) {
             $offset = 4;
         return substr(NServer::env('SCRIPT_FILENAME'), 0, strlen(NServer::env('SCRIPT_FILENAME')) - (strlen(NServer::env('SCRIPT_NAME')) + $offset));
     if ($key == 'PHP_SELF') {
         return r(NServer::env('DOCUMENT_ROOT'), '', NServer::env('SCRIPT_FILENAME'));
     return null;
 function search404($params)
     if ($this->getParam('q')) {
         return $this->searchForm($params);
     $uri = NServer::env('PHP_SELF');
     $words = explode('/', $uri);
     // remove any empty elements
     foreach ($words as $i => $val) {
         if (empty($val)) {
     $this->setParam('q', urldecode(implode(' ', $words)));
     return $this->searchForm($params);
 function test_dispatcher_setup()
     $uri = NServer::setUri();
     $dispatcher =& new NDispatcher($uri);
     $this->assertEquals($dispatcher->controller, "page", "Controller set from URI");
     $this->assertEquals($dispatcher->action, "edit", "Action set from URI");
     $this->assertEquals($dispatcher->parameter, "1", "Parameter set from URI");
     $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/bogus/action/999999';
     $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] = '/bogus/action/999999';
     $uri = NServer::setUri();
     $dispatcher =& new NDispatcher($uri);
     $this->assertEquals($dispatcher->controller, "bogus", "Bogus Controller allowed by dispatcher");
     $this->assertEquals($dispatcher->action, "action", "Bogus Action allowed by dispatcher");
     $this->assertEquals($dispatcher->parameter, "999999", "Bogus Parameter allowed by dispatcher");
 function __construct()
     if (defined('ADMIN_URL') && constant('ADMIN_URL') != false && is_string(ADMIN_URL) && preg_match('|^/' . APP_DIR . '/|', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
         if (!preg_match('|http[s]?://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '|', ADMIN_URL)) {
             $loc = preg_replace('|/$|', '', ADMIN_URL) . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
             // if you don't want a 404 and want to redirect instead, comment out this line
             header('Location:' . $loc);
     if (is_null($this->name)) {
         $this->name = 'nterchange';
     if (is_null($this->base_view_dir)) {
         $this->base_view_dir = BASE_DIR;
     if (!defined('IN_NTERCHANGE')) {
         define('IN_NTERCHANGE', preg_match('|^/' . APP_DIR . '|', NServer::env('REQUEST_URI')) ? true : false);
 function viewlist()
     $this->auto_render = false;
     include_once 'n_quickform.php';
     $model =& $this->getDefaultModel();
     $pk = $model->primaryKey();
     $setting_forms = array();
     $user_settings = $GLOBALS['USER_SETTINGS'];
     foreach ($user_settings as $setting => $default) {
         $model->user_id = (int) $this->_auth->currentUserId();
         $model->setting = $setting;
         $form = new NQuickForm('setting_' . $setting);
         $form->addElement('header', null, $model->settingToText($setting));
         $description = $this->getSettingDescription($setting);
         if (!$description) {
             $description = 'Setting';
         $form->addElement('hidden', 'setting', $setting);
         $checkbox =& $form->addElement('checkbox', 'value', $description, null, array('id' => 'qf_' . $model->setting));
         if ($model->find(null, true)) {
             // set the form action to edit
             $form->updateAttributes(array('action' => '/' . APP_DIR . '/' . $this->name . '/edit/' . $model->{$pk}));
             $form->addElement('hidden', $pk, $model->{$pk});
             // check the box according to the value
             $checkbox->setChecked((bool) $model->value);
         } else {
             $form->updateAttributes(array('action' => '/' . APP_DIR . '/' . $this->name . '/create'));
             $checkbox->setChecked((bool) $default);
         $form->addElement('hidden', '_referer', urlencode(NServer::env('REQUEST_URI')));
         $form->addElement('submit', '__submit__', 'Submit');
         $form->addRule('setting', null, 'required');
         $setting_forms[] =& $form;
     $this->set('settings', $setting_forms);
     $this->render(array('layout' => 'default'));
  * checkRedirect - Look in the database to see if there's a redirect to follow.
  *		If there is - hit renderRedirect.
  * @return void
 function checkRedirect()
     include_once 'n_server.php';
     $current_url = NServer::env('REQUEST_URI');
     // Check DB for direct match.
     $model =& $this->getDefaultModel();
     $model->url = $current_url;
     $model->regex = 0;
     while ($model->fetch()) {
     // Let's look at the regex matches.
     $model->regex = 1;
     $urls =& $model->fetchAll();
     foreach ($urls as $url) {
         if ($url->regex != 0 && eregi($url->url, $current_url)) {
  * insert - Actually insert a cms_audit_trail record. Must be logged in to nterchange
  * 		for this to succeed.
  * NOTE: If you need to log an audit trail record without being logged in (eg. timed content removal)
  * there is an alternate method in the cms_audit_trail model.
  * @param	array 	Required params - asset, asset_id, action_taken
  * @return 	void
 function insert($params = array())
     $this->_auth = new NAuth();
     if (empty($params)) {
         return false;
     $required_params = array('asset', 'asset_id', 'action_taken');
     foreach ($required_params as $param) {
         if (!isset($params[$param])) {
             return false;
     $model =& $this->getDefaultModel();
     // apply fields in the model
     $fields = $model->fields();
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $model->{$field} = isset($params[$field]) ? $params[$field] : null;
     $model->user_id = $this->_auth->currentUserID();
     $model->ip = NServer::env('REMOTE_ADDR');
     if (in_array('cms_created', $fields)) {
         $model->cms_created = $model->now();
     if (in_array('cms_modified', $fields)) {
         $model->cms_modified = $model->now();
     // set the user id if it's applicable and available
     if (in_array('cms_modified_by_user', $fields)) {
         $model->cms_modified_by_user = $this->_auth->currentUserID();
 function page($parameter)
     if (!defined('IN_SURFTOEDIT')) {
         define('IN_SURFTOEDIT', $this->nterchange && $this->edit);
     $this->base_view_dir = ROOT_DIR;
     if (!$parameter) {
     $this->auto_render = false;
     // load the model
     $model =& $this->getDefaultModel();
     $pk = $model->primaryKey();
     if (!$model->get($parameter)) {
         // get the page info
         // if the page doesn't exist, then 404
     if (!$this->nterchange && $model->external_url && preg_match('/^(http[s]?)|(\\/)/', $model->external_url)) {
         header('Location:' . $model->external_url);
     // check if a disclaimer is required
     if (defined('SITE_DISCLAIMER') && constant('SITE_DISCLAIMER') && !$this->nterchange && ($disclaimer =& NController::factory('disclaimer'))) {
     // find the action
     $action = $this->getTemplate($model->page_template_id);
     $action = $action ? $action : 'default';
     // set up caching
     if (!$this->nterchange && defined('PAGE_CACHING') && PAGE_CACHING == true && $model->cache_lifetime != 0) {
         // set the view cache values
         $this->view_cache_name = 'page' . $parameter . (NServer::env('QUERY_STRING') ? ':' . md5(NServer::env('QUERY_STRING')) : '');
         $this->view_caching = true;
         $this->view_cache_lifetime = $model->cache_lifetime;
         $this->view_cache_lifetimes[] = $model->cache_lifetime;
         $this->view_client_cache_lifetime = isset($model->client_cache_lifetime) ? $model->client_cache_lifetime : '3600';
         header('Expires:' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T', time() + $this->view_client_cache_lifetime));
         header('Cache-Control:max-age=' . $this->view_client_cache_lifetime . ', must-revalidate');
     } else {
         header('Cache-Control:max-age=0, must-revalidate');
     // set the page fields
     // load the page, checking if it's cached if we're not in nterchange
     if ($this->nterchange || $this->getParam('mode') == 'print' || !$this->isCached(array('action' => $action))) {
         if (defined('PAGE_CACHING') && PAGE_CACHING == false) {
             $this->debug('Cache not created for page for Page ID ' . $model->{$pk} . ' because PAGE_CACHING is set to false.', N_DEBUGTYPE_CACHE);
         } else {
             if ($model->cache_lifetime == 0) {
                 $this->debug('Cache not created for page for Page ID ' . $model->{$pk} . ' because caching is turned off for that page.', N_DEBUGTYPE_CACHE);
             } else {
                 if (!$this->nterchange) {
                     $this->debug('Created cached page for Page ID ' . $model->{$pk} . '.', N_DEBUGTYPE_CACHE);
         $this->page_last_modified = strtotime($model->cms_modified);
         // load up the manual content (site name, breadcrumbs, children, nav, etc.)
         $contents['_SITE_NAME_'] = htmlentities(SITE_NAME);
         $contents['_EXTERNAL_CACHE_'] = defined('EXTERNAL_CACHE') && constant('EXTERNAL_CACHE') ? EXTERNAL_CACHE : false;
         $contents['_PAGE_EDIT_'] = '';
         if ($this->checkUserLevel()) {
             $this->page_edit_allowed = true;
             $this->content_edit_allowed = true;
         if ($this->nterchange && $this->edit && SITE_WORKFLOW) {
             // set up the user's rights on the page
             $workflow =& NController::factory('workflow');
             if (($workflow_group_model =& $workflow->getWorkflowGroup($model)) && ($users = $workflow->getWorkflowUsers($workflow_group_model->{$workflow_group_model->primaryKey()}))) {
                 $contents['_PAGE_EDIT_'] = '<div id="workflow">This page is owned by the &quot;' . $workflow_group_model->workflow_title . '&quot; Workflow Group</div>' . "\n";
                 $current_user = $this->_auth->currentUserID();
                 $edit = false;
                 foreach ($users as $user) {
                     if ($current_user == $user->user_id) {
                         $edit = true;
                 $this->content_edit_allowed = $edit;
                 $assigns['workflow'] = $workflow_group_model->workflow_title;
                 $user_rights = $workflow->getWorkflowUserRights($model);
                 $this->content_edit_allowed = $user_rights & WORKFLOW_RIGHT_EDIT ? true : false;
             } else {
                 switch ($this->_auth->getAuthData('user_level')) {
                     case N_USER_NORIGHTS:
                         $this->page_edit_allowed = false;
                         $this->content_edit_allowed = false;
                     case N_USER_EDITOR:
                         $this->page_edit_allowed = false;
                         $this->content_edit_allowed = true;
         if ($this->edit && $this->page_edit_allowed) {
             // $contents['_PAGE_EDIT_'] .= '<div><a href="/nterchange/page/edit/' . $parameter . '?_referer=' . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '" title="Edit Page - &quot;' . $model->title . '&quot;"><img src="/nterchange/images/edit.gif" alt="Edit Page" width="18" height="9" border="0" /></a></div>' . "\n\n";
             $contents['_PAGE_EDIT_'] .= $this->render(array('action' => 'surftoedit', 'return' => true));
         $contents['HOME_LINK'] = $this->getHref($model->getInfo($model->getRootNode()));
         $contents['HOME_CHILDREN'] = $this->getHomeChildren();
         $contents['BREADCRUMBS'] = $this->getBreadcrumbs();
         $contents['CHILDREN'] = $this->getChildren();
         // get ancestor
         $ancestor = $this->getAncestor();
         if ($ancestor && count($ancestor)) {
             $contents['ancestor'] = $ancestor['filename'];
             $contents['ancestor_id'] = $ancestor[$pk];
         if ($this->nterchange) {
             $contents['header'] = '';
             $contents['header'] .= "\n  <!-- Surf-to-Edit -->\n  ";
             $contents['header'] .= '<link href="/nterchange/stylesheets/surftoedit.css" rel="stylesheet">';
             $contents['header'] .= "\n  ";
             $contents['header'] .= '<script src="/nterchange/javascripts/surftoedit.js"></script>';
         if ($this->nterchange) {
             $contents['admin_dir'] = 1;
         if ($this->nterchange && $this->edit) {
             $contents['page_edit'] = 1;
         // set the variables so far
         // load the content into those vars using custom views
         // last-modified
         $this->set('last_modified', $this->page_last_modified);
     if (!$this->nterchange && defined('PAGE_CACHING') && PAGE_CACHING == true && $model->cache_lifetime != 0) {
         $this->view_caching = true;
     if (!$this->nterchange && defined('PAGE_CACHING') && PAGE_CACHING == true) {
         foreach ($this->view_cache_lifetimes as $cache_lifetime) {
             if ($this->view_cache_lifetime == -1 || $this->view_cache_lifetime > $cache_lifetime) {
                 $this->view_cache_lifetime = $cache_lifetime;
     if (SITE_PRINTABLE && isset($model->printable) && $model->printable && $this->getParam('mode') == 'print') {
         $this->view_caching = false;
         $this->render(array('action' => 'print'));
     } else {
         $this->render(array('action' => $action));
 function siteAdminList($id = null)
     // set view caching to false so as to not cache every item
     $this->view_caching = false;
     $page_ctrl =& NController::singleton('page');
     $model =& $page_ctrl->getDefaultModel();
     $pk = $model->primaryKey();
     $html = '';
     $model->parent_id = $id ? (int) $id : 'null';
     if ($model->find()) {
         $this->set('reorder', $id == 0 ? false : true);
         $this->set('parent_id', $id);
         $html .= $this->render(array('action' => 'site_admin_list_start', 'return' => true));
         $i = 0;
         $assigns['_referer'] = urlencode(NServer::env('REQUEST_URI'));
         $pages =& $model->fetchAll();
         foreach ($pages as $page) {
             $page_edit = false;
             $surfedit = false;
             switch ($this->_auth->getAuthData('user_level')) {
                 case N_USER_EDITOR:
                     $surfedit = true;
                 case N_USER_ADMIN:
                 case N_USER_ROOT:
                     $page_edit = true;
                     $surfedit = true;
             if (SITE_WORKFLOW) {
                 $assigns['workflow'] = '';
                 $workflow =& NController::singleton('workflow');
                 if ($workflow_group_model =& $workflow->getWorkflowGroup($page)) {
                     $user_rights = $workflow->getWorkflowUserRights($page);
                     if ($user_rights & WORKFLOW_RIGHT_EDIT) {
                         $surfedit = true;
                     $assigns['workflow'] = $workflow_group_model->workflow_title;
             $assigns['id'] = $page->{$pk};
             $assigns['title'] = $page->title;
             $assigns['active'] = $page->active;
             $assigns['visible'] = $page->visible;
             $assigns['page_edit'] = $page_edit;
             $assigns['surfedit'] = $surfedit;
             $assigns['odd_or_even'] = $i % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd';
             $html .= $this->render(array('action' => 'sitemap_list_item', 'return' => true));
             $html .= $this->siteAdminList($page->{$pk});
         $html .= $this->render(array('action' => 'site_admin_list_end', 'return' => true));
     unset($model, $page_ctrl);
     return $html;
Exemple #12

// if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) return false;
if (preg_match('/\\.(?:png|jpg|jpeg|gif|css|js)$/', $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) {
    return false;
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$dispatcher = new NDispatcher(NServer::setUri());