  * forgot - I forgot my password and need to reset it. Takes an email address and
  * 		sends a confirmation email with a random token to that address.
  * @return void
 function forgot()
     $form = new NQuickForm('reset_password', 'post');
     $form->addElement('text', 'email', 'Email Address', array('maxlength' => 32, 'style' => 'width:300px;'));
     $form->addElement('submit', 'reset_password', 'Reset Password');
     $form->addRule('email', 'You need to enter an email address.', 'required', null, 'client');
     $form->addRule('email', 'The email does not appear to be the correct format', 'email', null, 'client');
     if ($form->validate()) {
         $vals = $form->exportValues();
         if (isset($vals['email'])) {
             $cms_auth = NModel::factory('cms_auth');
             // Set the token - then send the email.
             if ($result = $cms_auth->setConfirmationToken($vals['email'])) {
                 // Send the confirmation email.
                 $user = NController::factory('users');
         // TODO: Put this into the template and out of here.
         if ($result == true) {
             $content = '<p><b>We have sent you a confirmation - please check your email and follow the instructions.</b></p>';
         } else {
             $content = '<p><b>There was a problem - please <a href="javascript:history.go(-1);">click back and enter your email address again.</a></b></p>';
         $this->set(array('MAIN_CONTENT' => $content, 'forgot' => 'true'));
     } else {
         $content = $form->toHTML();
         $this->set(array('MAIN_CONTENT' => $content, 'forgot' => 'true'));
     $this->auto_render = false;
     $this->render(array('layout' => 'login'));
  * viewlist - Shows a list of audit trail records from the current date (by default).
  * 		Can browse around records from different dates using the form
  *		at the top of the page.
  * @return void
 function viewlist($parameter)
     include_once 'n_date.php';
     include_once 'n_quickform.php';
     require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/Renderer/Array.php';
     $this->_auth = new NAuth();
     $this->auto_render = false;
     // set up the search form
     $form = new NQuickForm('audit_search', 'get');
     if ($date_params = $this->getParam('date')) {
         $date = $this->dateStartEnd($date_params);
     } else {
         $date = $this->dateStartEnd();
     $el =& $form->addElement('date', 'date', 'Date', array('addEmptyOption' => true, 'format' => 'F d Y', 'maxYear' => 2015));
     $form->addElement('submit', null, 'Search');
     $renderer = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Array(true, true);
     $this->set('audit_search', $renderer->toArray());
     $model =& $this->getDefaultModel();
     if ($model->find(array('conditions' => 'cms_created BETWEEN ' . $model->quote($date['start']) . ' AND ' . $model->quote($date['end']), 'order_by' => 'cms_created DESC'))) {
         $html = '';
         if ($date['month']) {
             $html .= "<p>Showing Monthly Results for: " . date("F, Y", strtotime($date['used']));
         while ($model->fetch()) {
             // Actually turn the id's into something readable.
             $info = $this->humanizeAuditTrailRecord($model);
             $html .= $this->render(array('action' => 'audit_trail_record', 'return' => true));
         $this->set('audit_trail', $html);
         $this->set('result_count', $model->numRows());
     } else {
         $this->set('result_count', 'no');
         $this->set('audit_trail', '<p>There were no results found for the specified date.</p>');
     // Exposes an RSS feed link to Admin or higher users.
     if (defined('RSS_AUDIT_TRAIL') && RSS_AUDIT_TRAIL) {
         NDebug::debug('We are checking to see if we can display the RSS feed.', N_DEBUGTYPE_INFO);
     $this->set('date', $date['used']);
     $this->render(array('layout' => 'default'));
 function viewlist()
     $this->auto_render = false;
     include_once 'n_quickform.php';
     $model =& $this->getDefaultModel();
     $pk = $model->primaryKey();
     $setting_forms = array();
     $user_settings = $GLOBALS['USER_SETTINGS'];
     foreach ($user_settings as $setting => $default) {
         $model->user_id = (int) $this->_auth->currentUserId();
         $model->setting = $setting;
         $form = new NQuickForm('setting_' . $setting);
         $form->addElement('header', null, $model->settingToText($setting));
         $description = $this->getSettingDescription($setting);
         if (!$description) {
             $description = 'Setting';
         $form->addElement('hidden', 'setting', $setting);
         $checkbox =& $form->addElement('checkbox', 'value', $description, null, array('id' => 'qf_' . $model->setting));
         if ($model->find(null, true)) {
             // set the form action to edit
             $form->updateAttributes(array('action' => '/' . APP_DIR . '/' . $this->name . '/edit/' . $model->{$pk}));
             $form->addElement('hidden', $pk, $model->{$pk});
             // check the box according to the value
             $checkbox->setChecked((bool) $model->value);
         } else {
             $form->updateAttributes(array('action' => '/' . APP_DIR . '/' . $this->name . '/create'));
             $checkbox->setChecked((bool) $default);
         $form->addElement('hidden', '_referer', urlencode(NServer::env('REQUEST_URI')));
         $form->addElement('submit', '__submit__', 'Submit');
         $form->addRule('setting', null, 'required');
         $setting_forms[] =& $form;
     $this->set('settings', $setting_forms);
     $this->render(array('layout' => 'default'));
 function addExistingContent($parameter)
     $page_model =& $this->loadModel('page');
     $template_container_id = isset($this->params['template_container_id']) ? $this->params['template_container_id'] : false;
     $asset = isset($this->params['asset']) ? $this->params['asset'] : false;
     // instantiate form
     include_once 'n_quickform.php';
     $form = new NQuickForm();
     $values = $form->getSubmitValues();
     $form->addElement('header', null, 'Add &quot;' . Inflector::humanize($asset) . '&quot; content to the &quot;' . $page_model->title . '&quot; page');
     $asset_controller =& NController::factory($asset);
     $asset_model =& NModel::factory($asset);
     $pk = $asset_model->primaryKey();
     $records = array();
     if ($asset_model->find()) {
         while ($asset_model->fetch()) {
             $records[$asset_model->{$pk}] = $asset_model->cms_headline;
     // add asset select
     $options = defined('SITE_WORKFLOW') && SITE_WORKFLOW ? array() : array('size' => 10, 'multiple' => 'multiple');
     $form->addElement('select', 'asset_id', Inflector::humanize($asset), $records, $options);
     // hidden fields
     $form->addElement('hidden', 'asset', $asset);
     $form->addElement('hidden', 'template_container_id', $template_container_id);
     if (isset($this->params['_referer'])) {
         $form->addElement('hidden', '_referer', urlencode($this->params['_referer']));
     // finish up
     $form->addElement('submit', '__submit__', 'Add Content');
     // rules
     defined('SITE_WORKFLOW') && SITE_WORKFLOW ? $form->addRule('asset_id', 'You must select a record.', 'required') : $form->addGroupRule('asset_id', 'You must select a record.', 'required');
     $form->addRule('asset', '', 'required');
     $form->addRule('template_container_id', '', 'required');
     // check for workflow
     $user_rights = 0;
     if (SITE_WORKFLOW) {
         // get the users rights and bit compare them below
         $workflow =& NController::factory('workflow');
         $user_rights = $workflow->getWorkflowUserRights($page_model);
         if ($workflow_group_model =& $workflow->getWorkflowGroup($page_model)) {
             if (!($user_rights & WORKFLOW_RIGHT_EDIT)) {
                 // they don't belong here - go to the dashboard
                 header('Location:/' . APP_DIR . '/dashboard');
             } else {
                 if ($user_rights & WORKFLOW_RIGHT_EDIT) {
                     $form->insertElementBefore(NQuickForm::createElement('submit', '__submit_workflow__', 'Start Workflow'), '__submit__');
     $form->addElement('header', null, 'Make it timed content?');
     $timed_options = array('format' => 'Y-m-d H:i', 'minYear' => date('Y'), 'maxYear' => date('Y') + 4, 'addEmptyOption' => true);
     $form->addElement('date', 'timed_start', 'Timed Start', $timed_options);
     $form->addElement('date', 'timed_end', 'Timed End', $timed_options);
     if (!$user_rights) {
         $form->addElement('submit', '__submit_timed__', 'Add Scheduled Content');
     } else {
         $form->addElement('submit', '__submit_workflow__', 'Start Workflow with Scheduled Content');
     if ($form->validate()) {
         $values = $form->exportValues();
         $model =& $this->loadModel($this->name);
         $workflow_active = false;
         if (SITE_WORKFLOW) {
             $workflow =& NController::factory('workflow');
             // check if this content is on any other page.
             // if it is, if either pages are part of a workflow group, we need to copy the content (go to addnewcontent with notice)
             // if neither do, then go ahead
             $asset_model =& $asset_controller->loadModel($asset_controller->name);
             $other_page =& $this->getContentPage($asset_controller);
             if ($other_page) {
                 $owned_content = false;
                 if ($workflow_group_model =& $workflow->getWorkflowGroup($page_model)) {
                     $owned_content = true;
                 } else {
                     if ($workflow_group_model =& $workflow->getWorkflowGroup($other_page)) {
                         $owned_content = true;
                 // if the content is already connected somewhere and one of the pages belongs to a workflow_group, then addNewContent with preloaded content
                 if ($owned_content) {
                     if (isset($values['__submit__'])) {
                     if (isset($values['__submit_workflow__'])) {
                     $this->redirectTo('copy_existing_content', $parameter, $values);
             if (isset($values['__submit_workflow__']) && $values['__submit_workflow__']) {
                 $workflow =& NController::factory('workflow');
                 if ($workflow_group_model = $workflow->getWorkflowGroup($page_model)) {
                     $workflow_active = true;
         $model->page_id = $parameter;
         if (SITE_WORKFLOW && isset($values['__submit_workflow__']) && $values['__submit_workflow__']) {
             $model->cms_workflow = 1;
         $model->page_template_container_id = $values['template_container_id'];
         $model->content_asset = $values['asset'];
         // set the timed values
         $timed_start = null;
         $timed_end = null;
         include_once 'n_date.php';
         if (isset($values['timed_start'])) {
             $timed_start = NDate::arrayToDate($values['timed_start']);
             $timed_start = NDate::convertTimeToUTC($timed_start);
         if (isset($values['timed_end'])) {
             $timed_end = NDate::arrayToDate($values['timed_end']);
             $timed_end = NDate::convertTimeToUTC($timed_end);
         if (!$workflow_active) {
             $table = $model->table();
             $def = $table['timed_start'];
             if (NDate::validDateTime($timed_start, $def)) {
                 $model->timed_start = $timed_start;
             } else {
                 $model->timed_start = N_DAO_NOTNULL & $def ? $timed_start : 'null';
             $def = $table['timed_end'];
             if (NDate::validDateTime($timed_end, $def)) {
                 $model->timed_end = $timed_end;
             } else {
                 $model->timed_end = N_DAO_NOTNULL & $def ? $timed_end : 'null';
         $model->cms_created = $model->now();
         $model->cms_modified = $model->now();
         $model->cms_modified_by_user = $this->_auth->currentUserID();
         if (!is_array($values['asset_id'])) {
             $values['asset_id'] = array($values['asset_id']);
         foreach ($values['asset_id'] as $asset_id) {
             $model->content_asset_id = $asset_id;
             if (defined('SITE_AUDIT_TRAIL') && SITE_AUDIT_TRAIL) {
                 // audit trail
                 $audit_trail =& NController::factory('audit_trail');
                 $audit_trail->insert(array('asset' => $asset_controller->name, 'asset_id' => $asset_id, 'action_taken' => AUDIT_ACTION_CONTENT_ADDEXISTING, 'page_content_id' => $model->{$model->primaryKey()}, 'page_id' => $model->page_id));
         if ($workflow_active) {
             $asset_controller =& NController::factory($values['asset']);
             $asset_controller->_auth = new NAuth();
             $asset_model =& $asset_controller->getDefaultModel();
             $workflow_values = array();
             $workflow_values['page_content_id'] = $model->{$model->primaryKey()};
             $workflow_values['workflow_group_id'] = $workflow_group_model->{$workflow_group_model->primaryKey()};
             // add timed content
             $workflow_values['timed_start'] = $timed_start;
             $workflow_values['timed_end'] = $timed_end;
             $workflow->saveWorkflow($workflow_values, WORKFLOW_ACTION_ADDEXISTING, $asset_controller);
         // delete the page cache
         $page =& NController::singleton('page');
         // set up the referer
         if (isset($this->params['_referer']) && $this->params['_referer']) {
             $referer = urldecode($this->params['_referer']);
         } else {
             include_once 'view/helpers/url_helper.php';
             $referer = urlHelper::urlFor($this, array('controller' => 'page', 'action' => 'surftoedit', 'id' => $parameter));
         header('Location:' . $referer);
     $this->auto_render = false;
     $this->page_title = 'Add Existing Content to &quot;' . $page_model->title . '&quot;';
     $this->set(array('title' => 'Select Content', 'form' => $form->toHTML()));
     $this->render(array('action' => 'form', 'layout' => 'plain'));
 function postGenerateForm(&$form)
     $model =& $this->getDefaultModel();
     $current_user_level = $this->_auth->getAuthData('user_level');
     // empty the password field manually
     $password =& $form->getElement('password');
     // turn status on by default
     // $status = &$form->getElement('status');
     // $status->setChecked(true);
     // put in confirmation password field
     $form->insertElementBefore(NQuickForm::createElement('password', 'confirm_password', 'Confirm Password'), 'user_level');
     if ($model->{$model->primaryKey()}) {
         $password->setLabel('Current Password');
         $form->insertElementBefore(NQuickForm::createElement('password', 'new_password', 'New Password'), 'confirm_password');
         $form->addRule(array('new_password', 'confirm_password'), 'The passwords do not match', 'compare');
         $form->addRule('new_password', 'The new password must be at least 8 characters long and contain upper and lower case characters and a number.', 'minlength', 8, 'client');
         $form->addRule('new_password', 'The new password must be at least 8 characters long and contain upper and lower case characters and a number.', 'regex', '/[A-Z]/', 'client');
         $form->addRule('new_password', 'The new password must be at least 8 characters long and contain upper and lower case characters and a number.', 'regex', '/[a-z]/', 'client');
         $form->addRule('new_password', 'The new password must be at least 8 characters long and contain upper and lower case characters and a number.', 'regex', '/[0-9]/', 'client');
         $password =& $form->removeElement('password');
         if ($current_user_level < N_USER_ADMIN) {
             $form->insertElementBefore($password, 'new_password');
             $form->addFormRule(array(&$this, 'validateEdit'));
     } else {
         $form->addRule('password', 'That is not the correct password', 'callback', array(&$this, 'checkPassword'));
         $form->addRule(array('password', 'confirm_password'), 'The passwords do not match', 'compare');
        if (!HTML_QuickForm_file::_ruleIsUploadedFile($elementValue)) {
            return true;
        return preg_match($regex, $elementValue['name']);
    // end func _ruleCheckFileName
    // }}}
    // {{{ _ruleCheckRemove()
     * Checks if the removed element should be uploaded
     * @param     values    All values
     * @access    private
     * @return    bool      true if remove, array of errors otherwise
    function _ruleCheckRemove($values)
        $errors = array();
        if (isset($values['media_file__remove'])) {
            $errors['media_file'] = 'Media File is a required field';
        return empty($errors) ? true : $errors;
NQuickForm::registerElementType('cmserror', 'n_quickform.php', 'HTML_QuickForm_cmserror');
NQuickForm::registerElementType('cmsalert', 'n_quickform.php', 'HTML_QuickForm_cmsalert');
NQuickForm::registerElementType('cms_file', 'controller/form.php', 'HTML_QuickForm_CMS_file');
NQuickForm::registerElementType('foreignkey', 'controller/form.php', 'HTML_QuickForm_foreignkey');
NQuickForm::registerElementType('fckeditor', 'controller/form.php', 'HTML_QuickForm_fckeditor');
//NQuickForm::registerElementType('CAPTCHA_Image', 'n_quickform.php', 'HTML_QuickForm_captcha');
// NQuickForm::registerElementType('nterchange_date', 'HTML/QuickForm/nterchange_date.php', 'HTML_QuickForm_nterchange_date');
 function &getTreeAsSelect($name, $label)
     include_once 'n_cache.php';
     include_once 'n_quickform.php';
     if (!($options = NCache::getTreeAsSelect())) {
         $options = $this->getOptions(false);
         if ($options) {
     return NQuickForm::createElement('select', $name, $label, $options);
Exemple #8
 function &addElement($field, &$form, &$model)
     if (!$model || !$form) {
         $ret = null;
         return $ret;
     if (in_array($field, $model->form_ignore_fields)) {
         $ret = null;
         return $ret;
     if (is_array($model->form_display_fields) && count($model->form_display_fields) > 0 && !in_array($field, $model->form_display_fields)) {
         $ret = null;
         return $ret;
     if (is_array($model->bitmask_fields) && count($model->bitmask_fields)) {
         $bitmask_keys = array_keys($model->bitmask_fields);
         if (in_array($field, $bitmask_keys)) {
             $checkbox = array();
             foreach ($model->bitmask_fields[$field] as $bit => $label) {
                 $checkbox[] =& NQuickForm::createElement('checkbox', $bit, null, $label);
             return $form->addElement('group', $field, ControllerForm::getFieldLabel($field, $model), $checkbox, '<br />');
     $table = $model->table();
     $def = isset($table[$field]) ? $table[$field] : false;
     if (!$def) {
         $ret = null;
         return $ret;
     if (isset($model->form_elements[$field])) {
         $field_def =& $model->form_elements[$field];
         if (is_object($field_def) && is_a($field_def, 'HTML_QuickForm_Element')) {
             return $form->addElement($field_def);
         } else {
             if (is_string($field_def)) {
                 $field_def = array($field_def);
         if (is_array($field_def) && count($field_def) && count($field_def) < 3) {
             // minimum length to have field type, name and label
             for ($i = 1; $i < 3; $i++) {
                 if (!isset($field_def[$i])) {
                     if ($i == 1) {
                         // set the field name
                         $field_def[$i] = $field;
                     } else {
                         if ($field_def[0] != 'hidden' && $i == 2) {
                             // set the field label
                             $field_def[$i] = ControllerForm::getFieldLabel($field, $model);
         $el =& call_user_func_array(array($form, 'createElement'), $field_def);
         if (is_object($el) && is_a($el, 'HTML_QuickForm_Element')) {
             return $form->addElement($el);
         $ret = null;
         return $ret;
     if (preg_match('|^cms_|', $field) && $field != 'cms_headline') {
         $ret = null;
         return $ret;
     if ($field == 'id') {
         return $form->addElement('hidden', 'id');
     $element_label = ControllerForm::getFieldLabel($field, $model);
     if ($field == 'cms_headline') {
         $element_label = 'Headline';
     $attributes = array();
     switch (true) {
         case $def & N_DAO_DATE && $def & N_DAO_TIME:
             // $elementName = null, $elementLabel = null, $options = array(), $attributes = null
             $options = array('language' => 'en', 'format' => 'Y-m-d H:i', 'minYear' => 2000, 'maxYear' => date('Y') + 5);
             $options = ControllerForm::getFieldOptions($field, $options, $model);
             $attributes = ControllerForm::getFieldAttributes($field, $attributes, $model);
             $el =& $form->addElement('date', $field, $element_label, $options, $attributes);
             $el->setLabel(array($el->_label, "{$field} date"));
         case $def & N_DAO_DATE:
             $options = array('language' => 'en', 'format' => 'Y-m-d', 'minYear' => 2000, 'maxYear' => date('Y') + 5);
             $options = ControllerForm::getFieldOptions($field, $options, $model);
             $attributes = array();
             $attributes = ControllerForm::getFieldAttributes($field, $attributes, $model);
             $el =& $form->addElement('date', $field, $element_label, $options, $attributes);
             $el->setLabel(array($el->_label, "{$field} date"));
         case $def & N_DAO_TIME:
             $options = array('language' => 'en', 'format' => 'H:i:s');
             $options = ControllerForm::getFieldOptions($field, $options, $model);
             $attributes = array();
             $attributes = ControllerForm::getFieldAttributes($field, $attributes, $model);
             $el =& $form->addElement('date', $field, $element_label, $options, $attributes);
             $el->setLabel(array($el->_label, "{$field} date"));
         case $def & N_DAO_BOOL:
             $attributes = ControllerForm::getFieldAttributes($field, $attributes, $model);
             $el =& $form->addElement('checkbox', $field, $element_label, null, $attributes);
             $el->setLabel(array($el->_label, "{$field} checkbox"));
         case $def & N_DAO_INT:
             $attributes = ControllerForm::getFieldAttributes($field, $attributes, $model);
             $el =& $form->addElement('text', $field, $element_label, $attributes);
             $el->setLabel(array($el->_label, "{$field} text"));
         case $def & N_DAO_FLOAT:
             $attributes = ControllerForm::getFieldAttributes($field, $attributes, $model);
             $el =& $form->addElement('text', $field, $element_label, $attributes);
             $el->setLabel(array($el->_label, "{$field} text"));
         case $def & N_DAO_TXT:
             $attributes = array('rows' => 15, 'cols' => 50);
             $attributes = ControllerForm::getFieldAttributes($field, $attributes, $model);
             $el =& $form->addElement('textarea', $field, $element_label, $attributes);
             $el->setLabel(array($el->_label, "{$field} textarea"));
         case $def & N_DAO_BLOB:
             // do nothing here since binary fields shouldn't be displayed
         case $def & N_DAO_STR:
             $attributes = ControllerForm::getFieldAttributes($field, $attributes, $model);
             $el =& $form->addElement('text', $field, $element_label, $attributes);
             $el->setLabel(array($el->_label, "{$field} text"));
     return $el;
  * Displays an Edit form for the controller's default model
  * Instantiates the model, fetches the form and displays it.
  * Also takes care of validation prior to passing the values to update()
  * @see AppController::insert();
  * @param $parameter int The id of the record to be edited
  * @param $layout Default true. Whether to render in a layout.
  * @access public
  * @return null
 function edit($parameter, $layout = true)
     $this->auto_render = false;
     // Track the edit - this way we can keep track of the last edits of each person.
     $current_user_id = isset($this->_auth) && is_object($this->_auth) ? $this->_auth->currentUserID() : 0;
     /*$action_track = NModel::factory('action_track');
     		$status = $action_track->checkAssetEditStatus($this->name, $parameter);
     		if ($status == false) $track = $action_track->trackCurrentEdit($current_user_id, $this->name, $parameter);
     // load the model layer with info
     $model =& $this->getDefaultModel();
     if ($model && $model->get($parameter)) {
         $pk = $model->primaryKey();
         if (SITE_DRAFTS) {
             $draft_model =& $this->loadModel('cms_drafts');
             $draft_model->asset = $this->name;
             $draft_model->asset_id = $parameter;
             if ($draft_model->find()) {
                 // fill the local model with the draft info
                 $current_user_id = isset($this->_auth) && is_object($this->_auth) ? $this->_auth->currentUserID() : 0;
                 if ($current_user_id == $draft_model->cms_modified_by_user) {
                     $content = unserialize($draft_model->draft);
                     foreach ($content as $field => $val) {
                         $model->{$field} = $val;
                     $this->flash->set('notice', 'You are currently editing your draft of this record.');
                 } else {
                     $user_model =& $this->loadModel('cms_auth');
                     $this->flash->set('notice', 'This record has been saved as a draft by &quot;' . $user_model->real_name . '&quot;.');
         // create the form
         $cform = new ControllerForm($this, $model);
         $form =& $cform->getForm();
         // is a page_content_id passed?
         $page_content_id = $this->getParam('page_content_id') ? (int) $this->getParam('page_content_id') : false;
         if ($page_content_id) {
             $page_content =& NController::factory('page_content');
             $page_content_model =& $page_content->getDefaultModel();
             $page_model = $page_content_model->getLink('page_id', 'page');
         // check if this content belongs to a different workflow group or is currently in process
         $owned_content = false;
         if (SITE_WORKFLOW) {
             $workflow =& NController::factory('workflow');
             $workflow_group_model = false;
             $workflow_model = false;
             $user_rights = 0;
             if ($page_content_id) {
                 $workflow_model =& $workflow->getDefaultModel();
                 $workflow_model->page_content_id = $page_content_id;
                 $workflow_model->asset = $this->name;
                 $workflow_model->asset_id = $model->{$pk};
                 $workflow_model->completed = 0;
                 if ($workflow_model->find(null, true)) {
                     $owned_content = true;
                 $workflow_group_model =& $workflow->getWorkflowGroup($page_model);
                 $user_rights = $workflow->getWorkflowUserRights($page_model);
             } else {
                 if ($workflow_group_model =& $workflow->findContentWorkflowGroup($this)) {
                     if ($workflow_model =& $workflow->findContentWorkflow($workflow_group_model->{$workflow_group_model->primaryKey()}, $this)) {
                         $page_model =& $this->loadModel('page');
                         if ($page_model->get($workflow_model->page_id)) {
                             $owned_content = true;
                         $user_rights = $workflow->getWorkflowUserRights($page_model);
                     } else {
                         $page_content =& NController::factory('page_content');
                         $page_model = $page_content->getContentPage($this);
                         if ($page_model) {
                             $owned_content = true;
                         $user_rights = $workflow->getWorkflowUserRights($page_model);
             if (!$owned_content || $owned_content && $user_rights & WORKFLOW_RIGHT_EDIT) {
                 if ($workflow_model && $workflow_model->{$workflow_model->primaryKey()}) {
                     $form->insertElementBefore(NQuickForm::createElement('submit', '__submit_workflow__', 'Start Workflow'), '__submit__');
                     $workflow_draft = unserialize($workflow_model->draft);
                 } else {
                     if ($user_rights & WORKFLOW_RIGHT_EDIT) {
                         $form->insertElementBefore(NQuickForm::createElement('submit', '__submit_workflow__', 'Start Workflow'), '__submit__');
             } else {
                 if ($owned_content) {
                     $this->flash->set('notice', 'The record you are attempting to edit belongs to the &quot;' . $workflow_group_model->workflow_title . '&quot; Workflow Group');
                     $this->set('MAIN_CONTENT', '<p>Please go to the dashboard to continue.</p>');
                     $this->render(array('layout' => 'default'));
         // if page_content_id or (it's workflow owned and this user has editing rights)
         if ($page_content_id || $owned_content && $user_rights & WORKFLOW_RIGHT_EDIT) {
             // add timed content
             if ($owned_content && $user_rights & WORKFLOW_RIGHT_EDIT && $workflow_model) {
                 $form->setDefaults(array('timed_start' => $workflow_model->timed_start, 'timed_end' => $workflow_model->timed_end));
             } else {
                 if ($page_content_id) {
                     $form->setDefaults(array('timed_start' => $page_content_model->timed_start, 'timed_end' => $page_content_model->timed_end));
             $page_content_model =& NModel::factory('page_content');
             $timed_start_el =& ControllerForm::addElement('timed_start', $form, $page_content_model);
             $timed_end_el =& ControllerForm::addElement('timed_end', $form, $page_content_model);
             if ($timed_start_el) {
                 $form->insertElementBefore($form->removeElement('timed_start'), $form->elementExists('__submit_workflow__') ? '__submit_workflow__' : '__submit__');
             if ($timed_end_el) {
                 $form->insertElementBefore($form->removeElement('timed_end'), $form->elementExists('__submit_workflow__') ? '__submit_workflow__' : '__submit__');
         // assign the info and render
         $this->base_dir = APP_DIR;
         $assigns = array();
         $fields = $model->fields();
         if ($form->validate() && $this->update(true)) {
             // If it validates and updates, then clear out the action track.
             /*$action_track = NModel::factory('action_track');
             		$action_track->completeCurrentEdit($current_user_id, $this->name, $parameter);
             $this->flash->set('notice', 'Your record has been saved.');
             $this->redirectTo('show', $parameter);
         } else {
             if ($model) {
                 $this->set(array('form' => $form->toHTML(), 'asset' => $this->name, 'asset_name' => $this->page_title ? $this->page_title : Inflector::humanize($this->name)));
     } else {
         $this->flash->set('notice', 'The specified record could not be found.');
     if ($this->getParam('layout') == 'false') {
         $layout = false;
     $this->render($layout ? array('layout' => 'default') : null);