public function test_pass()
     $ms_key = CONSUMER_KEY;
     $ms_secret = CONSUMER_SECRET;
     $token = OAUTH_TOKEN;
     $secret = OAUTH_SECRET;
     $ms = new MySpace($ms_key, $ms_secret, $token, $secret);
     $status = $ms->getStatus("@me");
     $this->assertTrue($status != NULL, "Status Failed");
     $statusHistory = $ms->getStatusHistory("@me");
     $this->assertTrue(count($statusHistory) >= 0, "History Failed");
     $friendstatusHistory = $ms->getFriendsStatusHistory("@me");
     $this->assertTrue(count($friendstatusHistory) >= 0, "History Failed");
     $friendstatusHistory = $ms->getFriendsStatusHistory("@me");
     $this->assertTrue(count($friendstatusHistory) >= 0, "Friends History Failed");
     if (count($friends) > 0) {
         $friendId = FRIEND_ID;
         $friendStatus = $ms->getFriendsStatus("@me", $friendId);
         $this->assertTrue(count($friendStatus) >= 0, "Status By Friend ID Failed");
         $fhistory = $ms->getFriendStatusHistory("@me", $friendId);
         $this->assertTrue(count($fhistory) >= 0, "Status History By Friend ID Failed");
     $moods = $ms->getSupportedStatus("@me");
     $this->assertTrue(count($moods) >= 0, "Supported Status Failed");
     if (count($moods) > 0) {
         $mood = $ms->getSupportedStatusById("@me", $moods->array[0]->moodId);
         $this->assertTrue($mood != NULL, "Supported Status Mood By Id Failed");
     $uStatus = $ms->updateStatus("@me", "excited", "Hi Mood", array('latitude' => 47.604832, 'longitude' => -122.337549));
     $this->assertTrue($uStatus != NULL, "Update Status Failed");
function run()
    $consumer = getConsumer();
    // Complete the authentication process using the server's
    // response.
    $return_to = getReturnTo();
    $response = $consumer->complete($return_to);
    // Check the response status.
    if ($response->status == Auth_OpenID_CANCEL) {
        // This means the authentication was cancelled.
        $msg = 'Verification cancelled.';
    } else {
        if ($response->status == Auth_OpenID_FAILURE) {
            // Authentication failed; display the error message.d
            $msg = "OpenID authentication failed: " . $response->message;
        } else {
            if ($response->status == Auth_OpenID_SUCCESS) {
                // This means the authentication succeeded; extract the
                // identity URL and Simple Registration data (if it was
                // returned).
                $openid = $response->getDisplayIdentifier();
                $esc_identity = escape($openid);
                $success = sprintf('You have successfully verified ' . '<a href="%s">%s</a> as your identity.<br><br>Here\'s your MySpace profile data fetched using the MySpace REST APIs', $esc_identity, $esc_identity);
                if ($response->endpoint->canonicalID) {
                    $escaped_canonicalID = escape($response->endpoint->canonicalID);
                    $success .= '  (XRI CanonicalID: ' . $escaped_canonicalID . ') ';
                $oauth_resp = Auth_OpenID_OAuthResponse::fromSuccessResponse($response);
                $authorized_request_token = $oauth_resp->authorized_request_token;
                //1.0A OAuth Spec, we will need this to get an access token
                $authorized_verifier = $oauth_resp->authorized_verifier;
                if ($authorized_request_token) {
                    $ms = new MySpace(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, $authorized_request_token->key, $authorized_request_token->secret, $authorized_verifier);
                    $access_token = $ms->getAccessToken();
                    $ms = new MySpace(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, $access_token->key, $access_token->secret);
                    $userid = $ms->getCurrentUserId();
                    // Use the userID (fetched in the previous step) to get user's profile, friends and other info
                    $profile_data = $ms->getProfile($userid);
                    $friends_data = $ms->getFriends($userid);
                    $ms->updateStatus($userid, 'testing sdk');
                    // Access $profile_data and $friend_data inside of index.php (via the include below)
                    // to display the profile/friends data
    include 'index.php';
 function updateStatus()
     if ($this->data) {
         if (!empty($this->data['Dashboard']['mss'])) {
             $mmm_id = $this->Session->read('id');
             $band_id = $this->data['Dashboard']['bandid'];
             $result = $this->Msslogin->find(array('mmm_id' => $mmm_id, 'band_id' => $band_id, 'status' => 1, 'link' => '1', array('not' => array('access_token' => null)), array('not' => array('access_secret' => null))));
             if ($result) {
                 $ms_key = CONSUMER_KEY;
                 //we get this from config.MySpace.php
                 $ms_secret = CONSUMER_SECRET;
                 $token = $result['Msslogin']['access_token'];
                 $secret = $result['Msslogin']['access_secret'];
                 //$oauth_verifier = $result['Msslogin']['oauth_verifier'];
                 $ms = new MySpace($ms_key, $ms_secret, $token, $secret, true, $oauth_verifier);
                 $tok = $ms->getAccessToken();
                 if (!is_string($tok->key) || !is_string($tok->secret))
                 	error_log("Bad token from MySpace::getAccessToken(): ".var_export($tok, TRUE));
                 	echo "Invalid response.";
                 $text = $this->data['Dashboard']['status'];
                 $ms = new MySpace($ms_key, $ms_secret, $token, $secret);
                 $userid = $ms->getCurrentUserIds();
                 $ms->updateStatus($userid, $text);
                 echo "MySpace status updated succesfully";
             } else {
                 echo "We need your permission to publish a status update to your MySpace profile. Go to the settings page and click Add new MySpace profile link.";